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Re-Release Info and Changes

Started by 3lric, July 03, 2015, 08:16:32 pm


While I know Xifanie and I would love to include Segata Sanshiro, we're probably the only ones on the team who are aware he ever existed, so it's sadly not likely. :( (Seriously, our other team members really need some culture :v)

Ramza's beard is actually a party member, complete with a backstory. Please look forward to it!

The idea is to keep cameos in the world of video games, though if it's a licensed property that appears in a game, it's at least up for consideration. Sorry Lemmy!

In order to address the difficulty, a separate Easy Mode patch is planned, so you shouldn't have to worry too much about losing the challenge. A lot of adjustments are being made in the meantime, but Elric has always been pretty comfortable with the original challenge level, and he's the boss, so...
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


To further touch on what Toshiko said..

Quote from: Toshiko on August 16, 2015, 04:04:44 pm
While I know Xifanie and I would love to include Segata Sanshiro, we're probably the only ones on the team who are aware he ever existed, so it's sadly not likely. :( (Seriously, our other team members really need some culture :v)

Plenty of culture, just don't see how he would even come close to fitting into anything we are doing, even in the slightest bit XD

QuoteRamza's beard is actually a party member, complete with a backstory. Please look forward to it!

The entire reason for Ramza's beard has already been explained long ago.

QuoteThe idea is to keep cameos in the world of video games, though if it's a licensed property that appears in a game, it's at least up for consideration. Sorry Lemmy!


In order to address the difficulty, a separate Easy Mode patch is planned, so you shouldn't have to worry too much about losing the challenge. A lot of adjustments are being made in the meantime, but Elric has always been pretty comfortable with the original challenge level, and he's the boss, so...

This right here is the entire reason for this response. Not sure why she didn't mention this, but everyone knows there are many things in the re-release designed to reduce that original difficulty, since I wasn't quite happy with everything about it O_o

Thank you for your kind words RJ Cid. Keep looking forward
  • Modding version: PSX


Sorry, I thought the goal was still last release level of difficulty, with balancing to take into account changes via synth shop. Miscommunication.

And hey, Segata Sanshiro had his own game, aside from cameos in other games. :p
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?



I still have to say the overall game difficulty as a whole isn't bad by itself. I think there was just a few factors that put certain parts over the top.

Which is why I made this thread:

My main received complaints were about JP and Random Battles. The JP formula and EXP has since been rewritten to help out with this a lot, and several of these near impossible random's are being adjusted as well. The actually pricing has changed a bit, not too much though, it only changed because we redid parts of the item list. Ironically enough though, if you were to look at the Jot5 item list, most items are actually much cheaper than in Vanilla :P especially later tier.

Another thing is the Gil formula has also changed, which should be another huge thing consider how much people were hurting for money at some points
  • Modding version: PSX

RJ Cid

Lemmy was technically Kill Master from the game Brütal Legend, but it's ya'lls call.

I only have one other suggestion, but please bare in mind that it may not be necessary until the chapters of the game. Could you add more rare items and skills learned, found, or stolen from really any other aspect of gameplay? What I mean is, I enjoyed that parts of vanilla when where you had to Move-Find rare items at Nelvaska Temple, steal Genji Gear from Elmdor, learn Zodiac from Elidibus, etc. They were like tiny, in-battle sidequests apart from the main goal of winning the battle.

You guys seem incredibly talented and intelligent with your work on this project, so I have no doubt that you have some interesting and amazing plans for this that you won't spoil. I simply wanted to cast my vote for more of this to be present, as it not only increases the challenge, but the reward(s).

Keep up the good work. Thanks


Later and ultimate weapons are acquired only by synthing in jot5 which will be further explained in the rerelease. We can only have as many items as vanilla as equipment and weapons and such. There is no extra item space
  • Modding version: PSX


I'll say that I never found a random battle to be unbeatable after I finally pushed the 5 out of their initial Job/Chemist skillsets and picked up the generic that I should have at the first opportunity.
There was a battle with a blue Bomb, several chocobos, and a few Lamias at Mandalia recently that I found frustrating (they outnumbered and outleveled the party) but guarding my generic and Cloud as they laid down Faith and Death casts worked fairly well. Frankly, if I hadn't been training Ramza and Agrias in new Jobs it probably would have gone a lot easier - they both only had one skillset to work from.
There've been some fights with the tortoises that utterly destroyed me, but Float makes them an utter joke.

And on the other end of that scale, there's a fight in Araguay(?) Woods with nothing but a single Beastmaster enemy. He comes up to the group to fire a shot or two with his cute little crossbow and then gets curbstomped by the Five.

QuoteRamza's beard is actually a party member, complete with a backstory. Please look forward to it!

And it's so manly it comes with level 5 Monk unlocked by default.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Elric on August 16, 2015, 05:00:45 pm
The entire reason for Ramza's beard has already been explained long ago.

I seem to recall reading a post saying that Ramza having a beard despite not much time passing between the original FFT would be explained later. I assumed later in-game.

Anyway, I don't recall reading an explanation here on the forums.


  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


LOL, just looked up Segata Sanshiro. Why they never ported those commercials to America I will never know, they wouldn't even have to change any of it and Saturn would have done much better. You guys need to put him in this game, I am totally "cereal" about this. JK  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.

RJ Cid

The only way to beat him is to buy a Sega Saturn in the game and show him that your party already owns one! YEESSS!

I have spoken all my peace for now... I shall wait patiently for the re-release...


August 18, 2015, 01:36:24 am #52 Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 01:44:42 am by Pandemoniu
Quote from: Elric on August 17, 2015, 10:30:54 am
Yeah, it was definitely on the forums.

Ah! That makes sense. I've never read that thread. I'll go do that now. Thanks! :D

Quote from: nyzer on August 17, 2015, 12:38:30 pm
QuoteRamza's meant to look older and different.  He's incognito.


That explanation makes perfect sense! Why did I not consider that?


Possibly because Jot5 only lightly touches upon the fact that Ramza has been cooperating with Delita's wishes with little fuss before otherworlders started arriving on his doorstep. Yeah, he's chafing under the lack of freedom, but he knows that his cooperation means a generally comfortable lifestyle for him and his sister, as opposed to needing to flee the country in case someone recognizes him and informs the Church.

Ramza's smart enough to see the sense in the plan and go along with it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

RJ Cid

I must point out that my initial suggestion of swapping it out with a badass, muttonchop/handlebar mustache combo would've had the exact same desired effect for the story. Perhaps it will come in the later chapters when his costume changes...


  • Modding version: PSX


So just noticed at the top of the page it says not to use epsxe. I downloaded chapter one and played it through to the end with no noticeable problems on that emulator. Will playing on epsxe really stop me from enjoying this game upon re-release or chapter 2?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


If you are not a modder or experiencing any bugs then no. However if you start experiences bugs that others aren't, people will probably point at your emulator
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: nyzer on August 18, 2015, 12:38:24 pm
Possibly because Jot5 only lightly touches upon the fact that Ramza has been cooperating with Delita's wishes with little fuss before otherworlders started arriving on his doorstep. Yeah, he's chafing under the lack of freedom, but he knows that his cooperation means a generally comfortable lifestyle for him and his sister, as opposed to needing to flee the country in case someone recognizes him and informs the Church.

Ramza's smart enough to see the sense in the plan and go along with it.

True. Admitedly, it's been a while and I had forgotten that little detail.

One thing about having to go through the chapter again is that, by this point, I could do with a refresher.


I hope the penultimate battle of chap 1 is still frustratingly difficult.

it was fun going through 25 different setups trying to figure out how to trick the skeletons into
night and dark swording ramza
while still surviving the battle