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ff4(2us) hack lol patch

Started by Zozma, February 02, 2011, 09:51:27 pm


June 20, 2011, 01:18:29 am #60 Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 07:03:03 pm by Zozma
I agree about Edge, Dwib.

also I just finished changing the looks and statistics of a few spells, heres a preview of Palom and Porom's "Little Flare"

little my @$$ :)

+ the remodeled look of Dark Swords to differentiate between that and Katanas
+ remodeled Light swords/Swords
+ casting Globe199 with the gravity hammer hehehe
and Harley Npc
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Wow nice update! It's spectacular how natural everything looks even though so much of it is custom made.

It's good to see such great progress being made. Hopefully you can release it before summer is over so I have time to enjoy it :P


June 22, 2011, 04:08:25 pm #62 Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 04:59:29 pm by Zozma
"Natrual" im glad to hear that as my main goal with any gfx changes here are to make things look as if they always belonged there. As you can see, Dark Knight cecil also has his own palette now, it actually ties him in to his battle sprite a lot more. This palette is compatable with Golbez sprite as well however I am using the same palette for him that you see with the screenshot of Harley above. the blue and gold is perfect for matching his battle sprite.

These changes have helped make all of the overworld main characters look a lot more unique:

Having kain, cecil, golbez, rydia and edward in your party at once, for example, and none of them have the same overworld palette

In addition to that, the overworld/town npc's will look a little better. I've added Harley to the game as an NPC and plan to add a few other TAY characters.

My future plans for those npcs are:
Update Luca to look
Add Leonora as a child npc for Misidia
Add the custom Sheila
Sandy, Cindy and Mindy will have their own looks instead of seeing 3 copies of the same pigtail looking girl lol.

IF i remove the Twin command from the game, I will make palom and porom look more like their TAY versions. but i doubt it.

There will probably be only 2 light swords in the game, the Legend sword and the Excalibur because, well the only character that can use them is Baigan lol....

I turned the "Light" sword into a thunderblade using a currently unused thunder slash.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Oh the TAY shows anyhow that they did indeed look as they did in FFIV as children, it's only as they grew up that they seemed to take divergent paths, in my opinion Palom is a lot more similar to his original look than Porom stayed to hers by far.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


I do recall mention somewhere about how Luca supposedly alludes to not likeing the traditional dwarf fashion?

As far as Leonora, she only looks like a generic redheaded girl in the ending of original ff4.
Im going to turn one of the random townspersons into her so you can see her walking around during the game.

Porom changed quite a bit, I do not know how she ends up with pink hair but perhaps it was a "i want to look more like an idividual" thing lol. at any rate, there would be a lot of developements for those 2 over the time frame as they go through adolescent and adulthood during the gap whereas everyone else is already adult.

But I might just leave them as they are since they are only like 5 years old here? lol

Sheila is the only one that I will really stray from the original look for. in both games she just looks like a common npc woman.

It will either be Sheila, Harley, or Naminguay but one of them will be given an extra role in this version where they stow away and follow you to the lunar core and act like a store, selling some useful items.

My first choice on this, personally would be Harley, since she has no other role in this version but replacing the old lady npc that stands by the pot of life in Damcyan.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Harley is pretty important because of your changed role for her. And since your version is pretty Edward-centric her being the final shop keeper makes the greatest amount of sense.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


June 22, 2011, 08:39:51 pm #66 Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 08:40:52 pm by Zozma
that, and she was supposedly supposed to be a blue mage type as well which would make sense for her to travel a little bit.

since the Pig status was dummied, I was able to give her an overworld sprite that has all of the player character animations as well. so it would be perfect for use as making her pop up in different places during the game.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


June 23, 2011, 11:27:59 am #67 Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 11:29:16 am by Zozma
So I've furthered that now... wow text changes are a pain in the butt here. they use a combo of regular and double characters to save space.

this was formerly the old lady npc in Damcyan that used to say "The road that leads to Fabul from Mt. Hobbs is blocked by thick ice."
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


A throne in Damcyan? Very nice! Also I love Harley's sprite! That looks fantastic with what you had to work with.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


June 23, 2011, 03:35:00 pm #69 Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 03:47:54 pm by Zozma
oh yes, I actually remodeled Damcyan. the only time it actually looks damaged is when there are bodies and flame npcs. once you return, it simply looks like a nearly abandoned castle, (like doma in ff6)

I hope to add the fire crystal chamber too, but at any rate, this is the only region i remodeled.

as you walk in there is a nice cozy "shopping" area/bar (there are just no vendors because the castle was attacked)

as you can see too, i positioned the only 2 remaining npc's on either side of the throne and changed the old man's palette to purple. (I did this to match the 2 characters standing beside the throne off of a screenshot i saw of the pre tay events of the complete collection) I am assuming they had the same idea and replaced that old woman npc with Harley.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


June 24, 2011, 08:35:54 pm #70 Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 08:40:20 pm by Fenrir90
Very nice looking Zozma, this will feel like a whole new different game compare to the original, but will still have the FFIV feel to it. I'm loving the new Dark Knight sword's design and Harley's sprite.

By the way, when you said Doom Arrows. Do you mean it inflicts instant death/KO or inflict Doom/Death Sentence/Condemned status?

About Porom's Cry ability, will it stay the same as the original FFIV where it makes it easier for the party to flee from battle. Or the DS version where it instead lowers all enemies defense by half. Or will it attempts to inflict Confusion on all foes (Complete Collection version).

Off topic, it kind of sucks that Harley wasn't that useful in TAY compare to all the other characters available. If she had the Blue Magic command, she would of been more useful. There also was an command in TAY called "Omni" which attack all enemies, but it was dummied out. I wonder which character they had in mind for that ability. If I recall correctly, Luca says she's not a fan of dwarven clothes/custom or something along those lines.


June 24, 2011, 09:09:50 pm #71 Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 09:53:19 pm by Zozma
Yes the doom arrows would inflict instant KO like the deathbringer sword, however they are going to be either extremely expensive or non common drops etc.

Side note about "Doom" status in ff4. I cannot allow "Doom" status to be inflicted on enemies as it appears to have been scripted to only be able to be inflicted on up to only 2 enemies. (this is lazy coding but doom was only inflicted by those evil eye things late in the game which at the most appeared in 2's so only 2 can be hit with it at once and then the game gets glitchy after this. I know this because Edward's "Sad Song" once inflicted this and the remaining enemies after 2 died,just wouldnt die at all IIRC.

I do not have any information on how to alter the Cry command so it currently does what the default ff4 snes always did, just make it easier to run. lame i know but I do not know how to alter it.

Another thing to note if i didnt mention aleady?
All the dummied items that cast magic spells... Im going to make them cast more interesting spells. It's kind of lame to find a "bomb fragment" and all it does is cast fire 1 for example. lets go a different rout and make it cast explode or something?

and what about Antarctic Wind? how about i make it cast "Black Ice" like ice2 but dark element etc

change it all up a bit

These are moderate to common drops depending on how good they are and stealable items. probably not found in shops or chests.
Technically you could consider these items "Blue Magic" instead of just consumable black/white magic
(Im open to ideas about custom ones like this, they have to be made out of gfx that already exist in the game and such)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


June 24, 2011, 11:36:32 pm #72 Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 12:09:32 am by Fenrir90
Okay, so the doom arrows are basically "death arrows", but could you actually make the name(s) reflect this. Because its kind of confusing and misleading, so that is why I asked. One thing I did not like was some of the names in older games such as White instead of Holy, etc. Well, its just my personal preference.

While I am on the subject, the names of spells/equipments/weapons/items/etc. Are you reverting them back to the original FFIV counterpart? Example; Nuke to Flare, White to Holy, Fatal to Death, etc, just to name a few. I know there is limitation in characters...

Hey, you are on to something there with the items. :) But before I proceed, and I'm asking you since you know alot more than I do when it comes to hacking FFIV. Is there a way to give an item two elemental properties? If you don't understand what I mean, think about Merton/Meltdown from FFVI. The spell dealt Fire and Wind elemental damage. Now, lets take your "Black Ice" for example, can you make it deal Ice and Dark elemental damage? You know, a dual elemental damaging item.


June 25, 2011, 12:32:55 am #73 Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 05:38:43 am by Zozma
this game is pretty limited as far as elements go, i think i am only able to make spells use one element. on the other hand, no spells in the original game actually deal Dark OR Wind damage at all.

now then on to names,  yes, in fact i have already renamed several spells, tho very limited because of the small amount of available characters per spell. Nuke becomes flare, and "Flare" becomes "Nuke" so palom and porom cast "Nuke" for mini flare.

the spell Armor and such have been changed to Safe and Shell like in ff6 "Fatal" is "Death" etc.
Wall had to remain wall due to even an abbreviated reflect being too long.

now then for these items, well they will have different damage properties in order to make them different from normal spells. some of them, like "stardust" will benefit characters with high hp more than spell caster types and so on instead of relying only on magic attack powers.

Update on the attempt to alter the human Baigan fight:
So I've managed to make the appearance of him being equipped with the Deathbringer match even more by making his physical attack dark based as well as causing instant KO. Unfortunately the program that allows me to edit monsters is really buggy and saving the changes screws up other enemies.... Ill come back to the monsters another time
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


June 25, 2011, 04:35:27 pm #74 Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 01:58:15 am by Zozma
and an Update. Cecil's deathbringer, since (i cannot make the baigan battle work properly.) When Cecil is bestowed the Legend sword, he is going to lose his deathbringer, you can unequip it, but the game will take it out of the inventory as well. perhaps instead Ill make it get replaced with a version that doesn't inflict death, but higher attack power. that is up in the air.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


June 26, 2011, 12:50:32 pm #75 Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 03:08:31 pm by Fenrir90
Quote from: Zozma on June 25, 2011, 04:35:27 pm
and an Update. Cecil's deathbringer, since (i cannot make the baigan battle work properly.) When Cecil is bestowed the Legend sword, he is going to lose his deathbringer, you can unequip it, but the game will take it out of the inventory as well. perhaps instead Ill make it get replaced with a version that doesn't inflict death, but higher attack power. that is up in the air.

Hmm... How about you keep Baigan having a Light elemental sword that causes instant death instead. Except for Swoon (change Swoon to Death or KO lol its much better), and make it say Purified/Repose for the light version of the sword if possible.

As for the sword's name, call it Purifier/Cleanse/Harbinger/God's Wrath or something.


June 26, 2011, 03:52:23 pm #76 Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 09:09:11 pm by Zozma
Status infliction names have not been changed yet, "Swoon" always annoyed me, it will say "Death" when its finished.
I don't even like KO as much, doesn't 'death' seem a little more serious to you?

I think it would be odd for a light sword to inflict instant KO, the thing about light swords in this game is there are a decent amount of enemies weak to light. My intention in this demonstration screenshot was this tho: character boss battles any unit looks like it is equipped with the deathbringer by default when it does a physical attack and there is no way to change that. So to work this into the story, I show a brainwashed Baigan weilding this sword, and he drops it at the end of the battle making cecil able to get his deathbringer at that time.

But I have to leave that out right now because my method of editing monsters is very bugged. Ill have to leave that for last.

Then I also have an incomplete list of items in the game. Ive altered the first 6 for starters.
and have made the "Remedy" item something you cannot find in normal shops as it heals all status ailments. so for most of the game you will rely on the single status cure items or the Esuna spell

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Hmm, Zozma. Isn't that only because of certain editors? I know that Deathlike2 over at slickproductions would probably have the method to make it work right, if you'd like to ask him about it. I'm not giving up on a Baigan character battle that easily, hehe.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


I like character battles, and unlike ff6 you can have a full party vs them. i could probably more easily make character battle versions of the magus sisters as opposed to their normal ones.

and yes he and others seem to have a better editor than the one i have which is just named "smchack"
but i asked him once and he didnt respond... ill try again
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


June 27, 2011, 11:28:53 pm #79 Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 11:34:20 pm by Fenrir90
Quote from: Zozma on June 26, 2011, 03:52:23 pm
I think it would be odd for a light sword to inflict instant KO.

Nope, I don't find anything odd about it personally.

Anyways, to your list of items.

BD - Virus         [Casts "Virus" on enemy, Purple Bio visual effect] -> Plague
C7 - Quake         [Damage based on fraction of enemy hp, non elemental] -> Earth Drum
D4 - Life         [Life1 on one ally] -> Phoenix Down (Not fond of Life)
C5 - Barrier         [Wall +Blink?] -> Wall (Reflect) + Protect + Shell + maybe Blink. (make rare drop)
CB - Scan          [Scan enemies] -> Library (Not fond of Scan)
8A - Hastega         [Cast Haste on all ally] -> Tailwind
B8 - Drain          [A more potent version of Drain] -> Leech
C0 - FireBomb         [Damage based on caster hp +Fire element bonus] -> Fire Grenade/Napalm (Bomb is too vague of a word)
C1 - IceBomb         [Damage based on caster hp +Ice element bonus] -> Ice  Grenade/Napalm (Bomb is too vague of a word)
C2 - BoltBomb         [Damage based on caster hp +Thunder element bonus] -> Bolt Grenade/Napalm (Bomb is too vague of a word)
B7 - Osmose          [A more potent version of Aspil] -> Absorption (Not fond of Osmose)
C4 - Explode         [Explode, one enemy] -> Combust
D3 - Elixer         [Recover all HP/MP to one] -> Spelled wrong (Elixir)
D5 - Soft         [Cures Petrify] -> Golden Needle (Not fond of Soft)
D7 - X-Ether         [Restore all MP to one] -> Dry Ether (X-Ether is an uncreative name)
E6 - Sight         [Zoom out to view more of the map] -> Vision/Eagle Eyes/Bird's View (bird's-eye view)
E5 - Warp Stone         [Warp out of dungeons or away from a battle] -> Teleport (Never care for the name Warp Stone, even in FFVI)
DE - Alert         [Trigger a random battle] -> Great Hunt (Taken from Mythology/Folklore)
B3 - AirBomb         [Casts valvalis' "Storm" on all enemies] -> Maelstrom (Behemoth and Valvalis tech - Bomb is too vague of a word)
B4 - Nightshade         [Cast "Doom" on single target] -> Condemn (Waste of a good name, Nightshade sounds more like a dark spell)
B5 - WhiteFlame         [Damage based on caster hp +Holy element bonus] -> Divine Flame/Holy Flame
C9 - Belladonna         [Instant death on single target, Demolish visual effect] -> Demise/Annihilation/Eradication/Oblivion
CA - Summon         [Cast a random summon] -> Evoke Tome
D0 - X-Potion         [Recover a large amount of HP] -> Water of Life/Life Water/Aqua Vitae (X-Potion is an uncreative name)
B0 - FairyDust          [Allure on all enemies, lamia hearts visual effect] -> Entice/Enchantment
E3 - Cabin         [Recover all party HP/MP, map only] -> Cottage (Not fond of Cabin)

Is this all the items available, are there any more items that can be transformed? Or is this the final list?