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[Old] FFT: Plus battle logs

Started by Dome, August 09, 2011, 07:32:30 pm


I'm finally in the deep dungeon... but Dome, it's me or all the monsters (zalera, velius, ghost) in the Deep Dungeon are from fft+ 1.0, the touch were always 100%, Queklain Zalera had counter flood, etc.

1 floor: "Dark" Ramza and the eyes are controllabe by the user.
2 floor: Those workers... they scared me the first time i saw one of them flying, but at least they don't have an AoE atk and Balk was easy.
3 floor: I reset my game in the moment i saw Olan, but the floor was easy (god bless planar magic + faith rod + short charge)
4 floor: Sleeping dragons made this floor almost laugthable.
5 floor: I hate the 100% touch skills, but Froga and Areis (The special ghost died in 1 hit) made this soportable.
6 floor: Queklain is a chicken, the battle was basically trying to catch that bastard.
7 floor: Velius was easy (3 arrows from mustadio to destroy is mp) but those demons..... I was lucky i could sleep those b*tches.
8 floor: Zalera keeps nuking my units (Flarega + Instant cast = OMFG)


October 16, 2011, 06:01:18 pm #41 Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 06:16:12 pm by Dome
Ops...seems that the DD needs some fixing xD
Thanks for posting feedbacks, I'll work on those battles (But remember, DD is meant to be HARD )

Btw...you are playing the last version, right? (1.01)

P.s: To counter Flare2, use shell, MD.Up and low faith units

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Yeah, Zalera had counter magic (i think) in the mausoleum, but in the DD he had counter flood)

Btw, i killed zalera in the dd (easier than i thought), mustadio is the natural enemy of any lucavi (3 magic shots destroyed queklain, velius and zalera), and the fell knights, 1 sleepga and areiz was enought (funny, zombies with inmortal flag cannot revive)


October 21, 2011, 06:50:13 pm #43 Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 06:52:58 pm by Avatar_State
I've been playing FFT+  and so far it's really fun and all.  But now I'm having trouble beating Queklain at Lionel Castle.  Here's the thing: making everyone undead isn't so bad because they have a chance of resurrecting after the 3 count, BUT, Queklain casts Decay and 5 Rezs before anybody's 3 count can rez them.
This is such a deal breaker because I have a 4 Knight + 1 Holyknight setup and it seems I'll never beat Queklain.  Oh yea, AND he has Defense Up.  I mean, wtf!?
If I were to make a suggestion, I'd say Queklain shouldn't have a Resurrection spell.  I mean, he's hardly the White Magic type.  It would still make things challenging because nobody can heal or use phoenix downs.


Well...4 knights and 1 holy knight isn't a balanced team...you are making your life harder
Anyway, the best way to counter decay is to remove the undead status with holy water/esuna
I'll consider removing Resurrection spells from his skillset if many others complain about the difficult

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I was about to disagree with you before the whole "just use Holy Water" idea struck me.  Thanks for the tip.


O.K, so I just spent the last hour or so grinding everyone to use Holy Water.  I buy 10 Holy Waters just to be safe.  I get to Queklain, he uses decay, I use HW on everybody AND THEN Queklain casts Decay AGAIN.  WTF, so I Holy Water everyone again, and then he casts Decay AGAIN.  I can't win this fight.  Deal Breaker.  Your patch was fun while it lasted. 


No, no. Please don't remove the Resurrection spells. That was such an awesome fight in that I would never think of the AI employing such a devious strategy in FFT before. The battle isn't a cakewalk like it was in vanilla, but it's by no means impossible. I found it easier to zerg Queklain instead of taking the time to use holy water on everyone. Honestly, I didn't even have it learned on anybody and nor did I care.

If you have Boco still, Choco Meteor adds a decent amount of damage. And use units that can move more than 3 spaces at a time AND aren't slow about getting their turns. It definitely took me a couple of attempts, but you shouldn't need to have the patch nerfed for this fight. Queklain was TOO easy before. :)


October 21, 2011, 11:51:34 pm #48 Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 01:02:42 am by Avatar_State
W/e.  I can't stop losing so ill just hang it up instead of grinding a new set of jobs.
Edit: I'm still trying...
Edit2:  I have one compliant.  No, the Raise2 can stay.  So can the Decay.  Why, may I ask, does Queklain have Defense Up?  This reminds me of 1.3.  Why, I ask, is this so necessary?  


October 22, 2011, 03:17:59 am #49 Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 03:26:28 am by Dome
Well...he fights ALONE against a 5-man team
Zerging him is easy as pie, and Choco Esuna/Esuna both cancel Undead to more than 1 unit at time (Hint: Boco, and monsters in general, are strong, VERY strong; Why not using them?)
It's not that hard, you just have to think a bit
Bosses are supposed to make you think a bit before beating them
Also, the whole point of the patch is that it's harder than vanilla, (Not as hard as 1.3) but unlike 1.3 if you find something too hard you can just go back and grind, like in every other GDR, without getting punished
P.s: Reflect also works to bounce back the Resurrect spell
P.p.s: For the next fight, Decay will be random flagged...Vagina dentata spamming only that skill makes the fight too easy once you counter the strategy

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


For queklain, you should use mustadio, an oracle or a thief, and steal/destroy it's mp so it can't use reiz


Quote from: S_Hawkeye on October 22, 2011, 03:56:57 am
For queklain, you should use mustadio, an oracle or a thief, and steal/destroy it's mp so it can't use reiz

That also works

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I never really thought of using Magic Ruin until you mentioned it.  I kept seeing like 200mp drain when I tried (but didn't) to use it.  I'll try it when I"m done my homework.

P.S.  Sorry for bitching.  It's entirely my fault for not thinking hard enough.  Thanks again


October 22, 2011, 04:17:47 pm #53 Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 04:30:15 pm by Avatar_State
Battle Log#2
My Magic Ruin strategy doesn't work.  Without Raise 2, Queklain likes to use Loss, preferably on 2 of my characters at a time.  Queklain's speed plus these damn confusions is ruining me (no pun intended).  Still hate Queklain's innate protect.  I'm going to try another strategy which involves buying lots and lots of Holy Water so that Queklain wastes all his time casting Decay.
Hope this works =/


Can you post your team/levels?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


October 22, 2011, 09:53:17 pm #55 Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 10:42:25 pm by Avatar_State
Ramza Knight lvl 19.82 HP292 MP33 Speed 6
Chang Knight lvl 19.22 HP294 MP30 Speed 6
Hogan Knight lvl 20.14 HP297 MP31 Speed 6
Blake Knight lvl 18.87  HP287 MP29 Speed 6
Agrias Holy Knight lvl 20.00 HP290 MP50 Speed 7

Another complaint: I can't remedy the poison from Decay.  So irritating.
Edit: Here's my take on this battle:
By casting Decay, Queklain puts a time limit on the fight.  The poison is incurable and will take your life in about 7 or 8 turns.  This fight happens to go well for people who kill things quickly.  My team has done very well up to this point because our pace is methodical and works in the long term.  My team is very slow, but works very well.  I don't know what to tell you.  It's not my place to tell you how your patch should or shouldn't be.  I'm just disappointed because I can't change my play style on the spot.  I'd have to start all over again... which I don't want to do.


Quote from: Avatar_State on October 22, 2011, 09:53:17 pm
Ramza Knight lvl 19.82 HP292 MP33 Speed 6
Chang Knight lvl 19.22 HP294 MP30 Speed 6
Hogan Knight lvl 20.14 HP297 MP31 Speed 6
Blake Knight lvl 18.87  HP287 MP29 Speed 6
Agrias Holy Knight lvl 20.00 HP290 MP50 Speed 7

Another complaint: I can't remedy the poison from Decay.  So irritating.
Edit: Here's my take on this battle:
By casting Decay, Queklain puts a time limit on the fight.  The poison is incurable and will take your life in about 7 or 8 turns.  This fight happens to go well for people who kill things quickly.  My team has done very well up to this point because our pace is methodical and works in the long term.  My team is very slow, but works very well.  I don't know what to tell you.  It's not my place to tell you how your patch should or shouldn't be.  I'm just disappointed because I can't change my play style on the spot.  I'd have to start all over again... which I don't want to do.

I really don't want to sound mean, but when you have a team full of knights, there's your problem right there. You need faster units, I'm telling you. :) MAYBE if you were having a war of attrition where time was not so much an issue, you could justify going with those units. But you need to be able to move and attack fast. There is a reason trying to beat Vanilla with all knights is a daunting task, trust me from personal experience. It's doable, but other classes have better speed and movement.

It doesn't take much work to get a unit with Train and snag one of the monsters from Bariaus Valley. You can get a powerful ally that starts at your level, so there's no need to grind EXP. Bottom line is, your way is giving you too much trouble; it wouldn't hurt to try a different approach.


October 23, 2011, 12:14:53 am #57 Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 12:17:29 am by Avatar_State
I'd rather not.  Oh well


October 23, 2011, 04:22:05 am #58 Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 04:23:13 am by Dome
This is a strategy game
It isn't VERY hard, but using a team of 5 knights instead of a balanced team/specials will make the game much harder
The more you progress in the game, the battles will get harder
A team of 5 knights probably won't allow you to win the game (Expecially against the zodiac monsters) so it's better to change them if the battle proves very hard for your set-up
After all, your characters are not -locked- into the knight class, right?

Use them, they are powerful for a reason!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


You keep wanting people to use monsters, Dome, but it's very tricky since Train is the only way. I have a suggestion: make all non-monsters immune to Invite, and give Invite back but with a higher accuracy, rename it Beastmaster or something and give it to Squires. This way you can get monsters more reliably early on.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
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