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Original Jot5 Thread

Started by 3lric, October 24, 2011, 04:53:34 am

Joseph Strife

Yeah, maybe you are right, maybe i need only to get used with it. I think we could add 1 or 2 more jobs and it would be perfect.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


December 09, 2011, 08:54:57 pm #201 Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 09:15:20 pm by MountainDew~
Rogue - Innate: Speed Save

12 Action Abilities, 0R/0S/1M Abilities

Action Abilities

"Make your opponent lose momentum"
Causes 0 CT.

"Give a firm push to keep things moving"
Causes Knockback 100%, Berserk

"Stab at a gil pouch"
Light damage, steals Gil

Shadow - 8 MP
"Meld with the shadows, disguising your body"

"Attack an opponent's shield-arm in hopes to disarm"
Steal: Shield, Light Damage

Buckle Slash
"Slice the leather that tethers the armor to a foe"
Steal: Armor, Light Damage

"Utilising a special tool, Rogues trap and steal weapons"
Steal: Weapon, (Attack animation if you can, no damage)

"Rogues flip onto the opponent using skills learned for acting"
Steal: Helmet, Blind

Street Thug
"Practicing "bumping" into people really does help!"
Steal: Accessory

"A good thief can take anything; however, a master thief is never caught"
Haste, Disable, Move +1(?).

"A good plan never hurts"
100% Accuracy Next hit

Throwing Knife - 5 MP
"Hurl a concealable dagger at an opponent"
Normal Weapon Damage, 3 Range.




Ignore Height
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 09, 2011, 08:54:57 pm
Rogue - Innate: Speed Save

12 Action Abilities, 0R/0S/1M Abilities

Action Abilities

"Make your opponent lose momentum"
Causes 0 CT.

"Give a firm push to keep things moving"
Causes Knockback 100%, Berserk

"Stab at a gil pouch"
Light damage, steals Gil

Shadow - 8 MP
"Meld with the shadows, disguising your body"

"Attack an opponent's shield-arm in hopes to disarm"
Steal: Shield, Light Damage

Buckle Slash
"Slice the leather that tethers the armor to a foe"
Steal: Armor, Light Damage

"Utilising a special tool, Rogues trap and steal weapons"
Steal: Weapon, (Attack animation if you can, no damage)

"Rogues flip onto the opponent using skills learned for acting"
Steal: Helmet, Blind

Street Thug
"Practicing "bumping" into people really does help!"
Steal: Accessory

"A good thief can take anything; however, a master thief is never caught"
Haste, Disable, Move +1(?).

"A good plan never hurts"
100% Accuracy Next hit

Throwing Knife - 5 MP
"Hurl a concealable dagger at an opponent"
Normal Weapon Damage, 3 Range.




Ignore Height

Awesome job MD! Only 2 more Generic classes left to go!  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX



Vanilla Description - Devoted knight baptized by the church.  Draws 'Holy Sword' skill from the weapon under divine
protection of God.

Vanilla Skillset

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 25%
Holy Sword (Sword or Knight Sword required)
Name            Description                               Speed    JP  Rating

Stasis Sword    Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now    --    3
               Range: 2
               Effect: 2, Vertical 0
               Holy elemental
               Add: Stop

Split Punch     Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now   400    4
               Range: 3, Vertical 2
               Effect: 1
               Holy elemental
               Add: Death Sentence

Crush Punch     Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now   500    4
               Range: 3, Vertical 1
               Effect: 1                
               Holy elemental                
               Add: Dead

Lightning Stab  Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now   700    5
               Range: 3
               Effect: 2, Vertical 1  
               Lightning elemental    
               Add: Silence

Holy Explosion  Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now   800    4
               Range: 4 directions
               Effect: 5, Vertical 2                
               Holy elemental
               Add: Confusion

(ripped off GFAQS)

I'll be making her focus on offense more than defense. She'll also be an EMERGENCY support unit, far inferior
to White Mages. Will she have generic classes availiable?

11 Action Abilities, 1R/2S/2M

Action Abilities

Chillsword - 8 MP
"Wielding a mystical brand of ice, descend upon the enemy"
Ice Element, Slow, Single target

Field Kit - 6 MP
"Deploy an emergency kit to heal minor wounds and cure minor disabilities"
Aoe1 2 range, Minor Cure, heal low status effects (Blind, Poison, Sleep)

Holy Slash - 16 MP
"Using skills developed during her service to the crown, she strikes with a force unmatched"
1AoE 3 Range Heavy Holy Damage, no vert tolerance, Add: Immobilize

Judgement Blade - 8 MP
"Travelling with a 'heretic' allows for a different perspective on pillars of faith"
Lower enemy faith, deal damage.

Scorch - 12 MP
"Emitting a wave of flame from her sword, she wounds many"
6 Range Line damage, fire elemental

Tynar Rouge - MP Required?
"Being powerful doesn't have to stop you from looking good"
Add:Charm on one adjacent enemy Not sure how I feel about a free charm, change it a bit maybe?

Blitz - 10 MP
"A Debilitating suprise attack"
Single Target, Add:Disable

Command - 12 MP
"Leaders help move the battle forward and raise morale"
Haste, Berserk on one ally

Distract - 8 MP
"Taunting her opponents lowers their focus on the battle"
Add: Confuse, Blind

World Crush - 16 MP
"Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Get rid of it"
2AoE Damage

Sanctify - 8 MP
"Holy Ice blasts forth from the sword upon the blasphemous and dis-righteous"
Line Target 3 range Ice Damage Add:Poison

Support abilities


Wield:Swords, Attack UP

MP-Walk, Move 1

This was by far the hardest skillset to make >_> I couldn't decide on anything that really fit her at all.. Sorry.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 09, 2011, 09:58:43 pm

Vanilla Description - Devoted knight baptized by the church.  Draws 'Holy Sword' skill from the weapon under divine
protection of God.

Vanilla Skillset

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 25%
Holy Sword (Sword or Knight Sword required)
Name            Description                               Speed    JP  Rating

Stasis Sword    Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now    --    3
               Range: 2
               Effect: 2, Vertical 0
               Holy elemental
               Add: Stop

Split Punch     Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now   400    4
               Range: 3, Vertical 2
               Effect: 1
               Holy elemental
               Add: Death Sentence

Crush Punch     Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now   500    4
               Range: 3, Vertical 1
               Effect: 1                
               Holy elemental                
               Add: Dead

Lightning Stab  Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now   700    5
               Range: 3
               Effect: 2, Vertical 1  
               Lightning elemental    
               Add: Silence

Holy Explosion  Damages with holy sword spirit.             Now   800    4
               Range: 4 directions
               Effect: 5, Vertical 2                
               Holy elemental
               Add: Confusion

(ripped off GFAQS)

I'll be making her focus on offense more than defense. She'll also be an EMERGENCY support unit, far inferior
to White Mages. Will she have generic classes availiable?

11 Action Abilities, 1R/2S/2M

Action Abilities

Chillsword - 8 MP
"Wielding a mystical brand of ice, descend upon the enemy"
Ice Element, Slow, Single target

Field Kit - 6 MP
"Deploy an emergency kit to heal minor wounds and cure minor disabilities"
Aoe1 2 range, Minor Cure, heal low status effects (Blind, Poison, Sleep)

Holy Slash - 16 MP
"Using skills developed during her service to the crown, she strikes with a force unmatched"
1AoE 3 Range Heavy Holy Damage, no vert tolerance, Add: Immobilize

Judgement Blade - 8 MP
"Travelling with a 'heretic' allows for a different perspective on pillars of faith"
Lower enemy faith, deal damage.

Scorch - 12 MP
"Emitting a wave of flame from her sword, she wounds many"
6 Range Line damage, fire elemental

Tynar Rouge - MP Required?
"Being powerful doesn't have to stop you from looking good"
Add:Charm on one adjacent enemy Not sure how I feel about a free charm, change it a bit maybe?

Blitz - 10 MP
"A Debilitating suprise attack"
Single Target, Add:Disable

Command - 12 MP
"Leaders help move the battle forward and raise morale"
Haste, Berserk on one ally

Distract - 8 MP
"Taunting her opponents lowers their focus on the battle"
Add: Confuse, Blind

World Crush - 16 MP
"Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Get rid of it"
2AoE Damage

Sanctify - 8 MP
"Holy Ice blasts forth from the sword upon the blasphemous and dis-righteous"
Line Target 3 range Ice Damage Add:Poison

Support abilities


Wield:Swords, Attack UP

MP-Walk, Move 1

This was by far the hardest skillset to make >_> I couldn't decide on anything that really fit her at all.. Sorry.

MD!! Your amazing spitting these wonderful ideas out like they are nuthing  :mrgreen: Once again awesome Job! One thing to keep in mind about Agrias is that her Job has changed to Holy Sabre but otherwise i think it looks great (Not sure about the charm tho, only since i don't know if anyone but Cloud or enemies will actually be getting this just yet)

And to answer your Question Yes, all uniques and characters that are FROM Ivalice (NOT Link, Cloud, Dante or Snake) Will have all generic classes avaliable from the get-go barring Red Mage since there base job overwrites it, So Red Mage will almost be a unique class for the generics, (Also Mid-class Allies, such as Bandits won't have the Red Mage class either as it will be (in the Bandit's case) Rebellion)
  • Modding version: PSX


I like your swordskills for Agrias, though I think Sanctify should be holy elemental. Not sure how I feel about the 'field kit'; maybe a comparable magic move would be better, as Agrias is a knight of the church, not a knight of medicine. Distract I can already tell would be really broken, and that would need to get changed. I like the Rouge idea, but it doesn't really fit the set; maybe it could be a swordskill-esque type move that can inflict charm? I do like this set quite a bit otherwise; it's fairly balanced with a plethora of fun effects.
  • Modding version: PSX


I definitely agree about the Rouge skillset, especially the Trip, Shove, Knick, Smash. Lol awesome
  • Modding version: PSX


Tynar Rogue was more me trying to put in something from the past (Her Birthday Event) I just wanted to put it in there lol

Anyway... On to Brawler:


11 Action Abilities and 1R/2S/1M

Action Abilities

Crescent Kick
"Jump in the air and perform a spinning kick"
Double normal attack vertical height tolerance (so if you can only attack 2 high, it can hit 4)

High Knee - 8 MP
"Hit your enemy in the stomach with your knee"
Normal attack damage, Inflict Slow

Foot Sweep
"Sweep the enemy off their feet, causing them to stumble or fall"
Causes Immobilize or Slow

"Pick up a foe and drive them to the floor"
Damage, Knockback

Palm Strike
"Strike a foe with an open fist"
Low Damage, High Accuracy

Dirty Fighting
"Strike a foe in a wounded appendage"
Deal extra damage if target is Disabled or Immobilized.

Last Stand
"Hit a foe with all your might"
Heavy Damage, Status:Critical required

Feral Dash
"Tap into the animal inside and lash out in front of you"
Hit foes in a straight line, 2 spaces

Left Hook
"Hit an enemy across the face with a fist of steel"
Normal damage, destroy helmet

"Use inner bravery and finish the fight"
Restore Moderate HP, Low MP, Status: Critical Required
If you've ever played Breath of Fire 2, think the MC's ability(other than changing to a dragon lol)

Body Slam
"Tackle an unsuspecting enemy with all your might"
Random Damage, Knockback.

999 Damage to all enemies



Swan Style
"Gracefully annihilate your opponents"
Increase Speed

Tiger Style
"Brutalize your foes with vicious attacks"
Increase Attack

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 10, 2011, 03:25:29 pm
Tynar Rogue was more me trying to put in something from the past (Her Birthday Event) I just wanted to put it in there lol

Anyway... On to Brawler:


11 Action Abilities and 1R/2S/1M

Action Abilities

Crescent Kick
"Jump in the air and perform a spinning kick"
Double normal attack vertical height tolerance (so if you can only attack 2 high, it can hit 4)

High Knee - 8 MP
"Hit your enemy in the stomach with your knee"
Normal attack damage, Inflict Slow

Foot Sweep
"Sweep the enemy off their feet, causing them to stumble or fall"
Causes Immobilize or Slow

"Pick up a foe and drive them to the floor"
Damage, Knockback

Palm Strike
"Strike a foe with an open fist"
Low Damage, High Accuracy

Dirty Fighting
"Strike a foe in a wounded appendage"
Deal extra damage if target is Disabled or Immobilized.

Last Stand
"Hit a foe with all your might"
Heavy Damage, Status:Critical required

Feral Dash
"Tap into the animal inside and lash out in front of you"
Hit foes in a straight line, 2 spaces

Left Hook
"Hit an enemy across the face with a fist of steel"
Normal damage, destroy helmet

"Use inner bravery and finish the fight"
Restore Moderate HP, Low MP, Status: Critical Required
If you've ever played Breath of Fire 2, think the MC's ability(other than changing to a dragon lol)

Body Slam
"Tackle an unsuspecting enemy with all your might"
Random Damage, Knockback.

999 Damage to all enemies



Swan Style
"Gracefully annihilate your opponents"
Increase Speed

Tiger Style
"Brutalize your foes with vicious attacks"
Increase Attack


I love BoF series and actually the rest of the Brawler moveset kinda reminds me of some moves from SaGa Froniter :P This weekend is unexpectedly busy for me so i will update all these to the main post hopefully tomorrow or monday  :mrgreen: (Once they've been checked by Durbs anyway lol)
  • Modding version: PSX


Never played SaGa Frontier, but I got some from Regal's skills in Tales of Symphonia, some are from my actual martial arts experience, some are from Sabin in FF6, and the rest are just random ideas. But as long as the Brawler skillset from Saga Frontier is good, then awesome :)

I'm working on something for Guardian right now, give me a bit.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 10, 2011, 03:47:37 pm
Never played SaGa Frontier, but I got some from Regal's skills in Tales of Symphonia, some are from my actual martial arts experience, some are from Sabin in FF6, and the rest are just random ideas. But as long as the Brawler skillset from Saga Frontier is good, then awesome :)

I'm working on something for Guardian right now, give me a bit.

Ah lol Tales of Symphonia was one of the only Tales games i haven't played, Tho i have it lol
But yes anything SaGa Frontier is awesome  :mrgreen:
Your a very big help with these abilities MD. Both you and Lucifer_zero have helped us out very very much with these and we thank you very much for the assistance  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric42 on December 10, 2011, 03:58:16 pm

Your a very big help with these abilities MD. Both you and Lucifer_zero have helped us out very very much with these and we thank you very much for the assistance

Absolutely. The more I can help, the faster it gets done, the happier everyone is :) (I'm sure lucifer feels the same)


So much temptation to steal all of Eternal's skill-set for his guardian. bleeehh mediguard is so nice.

10 Action Abilities, 1R/1S/0M Abilities

Aura - 8 MP
"Radiate a pure sense of calm and duty"
Add:Defend, cure light wounds 1AoE around caster.

"Help your ally out of the good of your heart"
Vanilla's Wish from Ramza's Skill-set (heal ally for 2x whatever health removed from yourself)

"Dissuade an enemy from attacking or moving
0 CT

Power Ruin
"Strike at the foe's arm, wounding his ability to harm"
PA -1

"Pause for a moment to catch your breath"
Causes Disable/Immobilize, Remove all Status ailments and heal moderate HP (Self)

"Brutally smash your opponent with your shield, causing muscles to spasm"
Break: Weapon, Shield, Requires: Shield

"One man's life can save hundreds of lives"
Blow yourself up, dealing Massive Fire damage and KO Self.

Vigor - 8 MP
"Pull from your inner reserves of perseverance"
Restore Minor MP, heal Poison/Blind.

Shield Wall - 20 MP
"Form a wall around your ally using your own massive body as the shield"
Casts Protect, Shell Single Target. (If you can make the defender take the damage, do that instead of Prot/Shell)

"Impose your own large constitution upon an enemy, cowering him in this task"
-10 Brave, enemy target only.

Auto Regen

Tank - 15% HP boost

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


I like the brawler, but I don't care much for the guardian skillset. For instance, why does he have Mediate and Power Ruin? I like the Martyr, but instead it should be heavy holy damage with a KO.

Keep in mind that the concept behind the guardian is to be a supporting unit who is almost comparable to a Paladin-type class. He should be able to buff minorly, heal units slightly, and be a protector to your forces, less so than he would be to downgrade enemy units. Yes, it overlaps with some classes, but that is the basis. Also, Shield Wall (in the second scenario) is Cover. :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX


I do have to agree but for a different reason, the main reason i see is that each unit has its own kind of small healing abilities since we will not have the ITEM ability in the game. This gives a really good oportunity for the Guardian to be the Paladin-type that Durbs mentioned, while at the same time not being as focused as purely healing.. If that makes any sense at all i don't know.. lol.. better to just go with Durbs reasoning
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm sorry. It just kills me inside to only have like 7 classes (on my phone at work, can't switch pages mid reply to check) and STILL have an overlapping class. Okay, I will come up with something more support oriented.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 10, 2011, 05:18:23 pm
I'm sorry. It just kills me inside to only have like 7 classes (on my phone at work, can't switch pages mid reply to check) and STILL have an overlapping class. Okay, I will come up with something more support oriented.

8 Classes, but yes i understand what you mean, I do question Durbs sometimes as well, but then once everything all plays out how he intends then i totally understand and more times then not i retract whatever i disagreed on  :mrgreen: So hopefully you two can come up with some ideas that will make it still unique enough without overlapping to much
  • Modding version: PSX


December 10, 2011, 06:28:12 pm #216 Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 06:34:50 pm by MountainDew~
I'm never going to disagree with you guys on pretty much anything here, or at least vocally (so to say). This is your patch, and it's supposed to be how you want it. All I do is what I'm told.

Because I really do agree with Durbs when he said that he likes circles and symmetry. It definitely makes things easier to follow,  and often makes it look a lot more organized. l'll work on some class skillsets when I get a little freetime here at work (probably not for a few more hours). 

I guess the whole seperation factor for the Guardian will be the fact he's a melee support, unlike the white mage or red mages.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 10, 2011, 06:28:12 pm
I'm never going to disagree with you guys on pretty much anything here, or at least vocally (so to say). This is your patch, and it's supposed to be how you want it. All I do is what I'm told.

But you're not told to do anything; you volunteer work, which is great. :D I'm just here to think critically about that work. I'm not trying to shoot down your effort, I'm just trying to envison how it's going to work in-game / in the long run / balance-wise rather than just on paper. And you've had some great ideas; remember, we're using your elementalist and brawler skillsets.

Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 10, 2011, 06:28:12 pm
Because I really do agree with Durbs when he said that he likes circles and symmetry. It definitely makes things easier to follow,  and often makes it look a lot more organized.

Yeah, that's basically my logic. Organization adds the ability to ease strategy planning, and saves players the trouble of 'What does that move do again..?'. This method allows for the most effective troop cohesion. Know what I mean?

Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 10, 2011, 06:28:12 pm
I guess the whole seperation factor for the Guardian will be the fact he's a melee support, unlike the white mage or red mages.

To respond, I turn back to my circles. Keep in mind that there are more characteristics to each of these; I just selected traits to prove my point.

Lancer (Offensive): Physical Offences, Fast
Brawler (Well-rounded): Physical Offences, High Phys Defense
Guardian (Support / Defensive): High Phys Defense, High Mag Defense
WMage (Support / Defensive): High Mag Defense, (Defensive / Support) Magic
RMage (Well-rounded): (Support / Defensive) Magic, (Offensive) Magic
BMage (Offensive): (Offensive) Magic, Low Defenses
Elementist (Well-Rounded): Low Defenses, Fast

...now go back to the top.

See the patterns?
  • Modding version: PSX


December 10, 2011, 07:58:00 pm #218 Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 08:11:11 pm by Elric42
^^And there is all the sense making i was talking bout earlier lol, that's why Durbs is the "Journey" in Journey of the Five, hahaha.

Anyway one thing to keep in mind that i haven't mentioned to anyone but Durbs yet (maybe i did, i dunno insomnia is clouding my brain) is the fact that Unique units such as Agrias that actually will have more then 3 classes, will NOT have Red Mage, as there own class will take over that slot and we (atleast to my knowledge) will not be giving them Red Mage skills (such as how Agrias doesn't have squire attacks in Vanilla, but does have the same R/S/M abilities)

ALSO Thanks to an accident (yea, i know right) Ramza will not have Red Mage (for the reason stated above) BUT he also will NOT have Guardian (It ended up being archer because of a mistake i made in my very first ENTD). He will have the rest of the generic classes but this allows us to make a whole new second class for Ramza (since we won't have Archers as a generic tho they may still be in Random Battles, and the same goes for other generics that we arent using and haven't decided to change, as well as some new enemy only generics) which is good since having a Guardian class for him i don't feel would be different enough from his base class.. But this way we don't have to worry about that.

So anyone with some ideas for a second skillset that will only be for Ramza, i would love to hear them (I'm looking at you Durbs, MountianDew~ and Lucifer_zero lol.. Tho as always anyone else is welcome to pitch ideas  :mrgreen:) Remember to look at the Main post to see Ramza's current Base skillset, and to take into consideration the rest of the 6 Generic Classes he will have and try to keep a good Balance. This gives a good opportunity to give Ramza some more Unique abilities or perhaps some kind of homage to Vanilla FFT
  • Modding version: PSX


December 11, 2011, 01:27:11 am #219 Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 01:19:33 pm by MountainDew~
Quote from: Durbs on December 10, 2011, 07:46:18 pm
But you're not told to do anything; you volunteer work, which is great. :D I'm just here to think critically about that work. I'm not trying to shoot down your effort, I'm just trying to envison how it's going to work in-game / in the long run / balance-wise rather than just on paper. And you've had some great ideas; remember, we're using your elementalist and brawler skillsets

I'm... sorry if I came off negative there, it wasn't intended to be. I'm not upset in any way that you're not using the Guardian skillset lol. While it is volunteer work, I enjoy doing it especially if it helps you guys out a little more. When you "shoot down" my efforts, there is always a reason, and I try my best to incorporate that reason to come up with something better. It's the only way to improve ;)

10Action Abilities, 1R/1S/0M

"Remind an ally of legends, myths, and ancestral glory"
Add:Defend, Brave +5

Fortify - 8 MP
"Shore up your ally's defenses"
Add:Defend, Protect

Helping Hand - 5 MP
"Help an ally back on their feet"
Add:Defend, Regen

Imbue - 12 MP
"Aid your teammate with magical enhancements"
Restore Ally's MP

Pulsating Aura - 8 MP
"Radiate a pure sense of calm and duty"
Add:Defend, Shell

"One man's life can save hundreds of lives"
Blow yourself up, dealing Massive Holy damage and KO Self.

"Throw yourself in front of your friends and bite the bullet"
Take damage for an ally

Toss Weight
"Throw your weight around and use it to your advantage"
100% enemy knockback, light damage

Shield Wall
"Utilize your shield to its maximum potential"
Massively reduce incoming physical ranged damage (excluding spears) Requires: Shield

Heal - 4 MP
"Sparks of life flow from your fingertips towards an ally"
Minor cure, single target.

Auto Regen

Tank - 15% HP boost


11 Action Abilities, 0R/1S/1M

"Quickly fire two arrows at an enemy"
2 hits at 0.8x Damage/shot.

Arrow Rain
"Fire multiple arrows into the air"
5 Hits on a RANDOM spot from 1AoE on target zone.(Rafa/Malak-like skills)

Scatter - 8 MP
"Magically split a flying arrow into multiple arrows"
1 AoE ranged damage, set 4 range, regardless of weapon range.

Fly - 6 MP
"Harness the wind that allows your arrows to take flight"
Status: Float on self.

Poisoned Arrow - 6 MP
"Let loose a wooden-tipped arrow infused with lethal poison"
Status: Poison on target, Light Damage

Barbed Arrow
"Fire a razor sharp arrow at a woodland beast"
Extra Damage vs. Monsters

Blessed Arrow - 12 MP
"Pierce your foe with pure divine light"
Magic Attack, Holy element

Arrow Strike
"Stab an adjacent enemy with an arrow"
Adjacent only, Normal weapon damage

Power Shot - 12 MP
"Fire an arrow straight and true"
4 Line piercing damage

Woodland Herblore
"Pick up an herb to help yourself or an ally through dark times"
Required to be standing on a natural non-rock/water space. Cures all status ailments, Heal light wounds.

Put Down - 8 MP
"Lay an animal to rest...permanently"
Instantly Crystalize a Status:Critical monster. LOW LOW hit chance. Like 8%.


Survivalist - Equip:Bows on any class (NOT X-Bows.)

Tree Climb - Jump +3

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363