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Topics - Ronin1984

New Project Ideas / Troubleshooting
June 11, 2016, 01:12:42 pm
Hello! I'm back! :D  I've been bouncing a few ideas around with Elric and he just suggested that I post this. After extensive patching I have come across an error where the soldier office won't sell a soldier no matter how much money you have- thing is, the bug happens if I apply ONLY patcher without even opening up OrgASM yet. There are plenty of other bugs (yes the words 'hot mess' come to mind but I'm working on it) in there but the soldier office thing has been a rather enduring and rather viciously barbed thorn in my side. Thanks in advance to anyone that'd like to put on their Scooby Doo hats for this.

Help! / Random Haste Buff
October 16, 2014, 01:53:20 am
I keep having this Haste buff crop up at the beginning of battle on all special characters, knights, and (apparently) random squires but never on chemists or archers. I have only looked at the early battles in the game.
1)   Running my patch with all ASM hacks off did not get rid of the problem.
2)   Running a separate patch that included only the changes I made to jobs did not create the problem.
3)   Running a patch with only the job changes and all the ASM hacks I normally put in (Generic Skill Fix, Disable Music, Weapon Guard Innate All) did not create the problem.
4)   I have altered nearly every item in the game but after reviewing the item lists several times I did not accidentally put in any Haste effects anywhere. All items function as intended so far.
5)   When applying everything (job changes, item lists, ASM hacks) the Haste effect appears for no apparent reason. It is not just a label, either- the characters are actually hasted.
6)   Other than the permanent Haste effect the game functions as intended as far as I can tell.

I really like my item list so I'm hoping I don't have to go without that. Please help! :(
The Lounge / Guys of FFH
October 08, 2014, 01:52:39 pm
After the fun of the female version of this topic I thought I'd be fair about it. :) That pic is a little under a year old so I'm a little fitter and my hair is buzzed off now but there I am! Nerd power!
The Lounge / Hello!
October 08, 2014, 01:31:19 pm
Hello everyone! I'm ronin1984 but I answer just fine to Nick (I'm not the private, secretive type). I probably should have introduced myself before posting so much but hey- better late than never! Lets see..... I'm a divorced dad of two young sons living in Ohio and I enjoy profound talks, hugs, long walks on the beach.... oh wait, wrong site.  :oops:  :lol:
On a slightly more serious note I've been working on a sequel project every day and I'd like to express gratitude for the support I've received thus far in these threads. Thanks! Hopefully I'll be able to pay it forward someday.
And backing away from the seriousness once again..... I just got done reading some of the 'Roll to Dodge' thread and its been seriously cracking me up!

Anyway, greetings! :)
Help! / Stacking Reaction And Movement Abilities
October 06, 2014, 03:16:49 pm
Hello, everyone! I've been working hard on a mod that changes quite a bit of the game (as in nearly every job, item, and monster) in the hopes of creating a sequel. Some of my plans are in the 'project ideas' section of the forums. Part of the design of the mod requires multiple reaction abilities functioning on the same creature/character such as Scoundrels [thief] having both Vanish and Reflexes innately so that if a scoundrel is hit there is a seperate brave% chance of both of them triggering on top of whatever the player set as that character's reaction ability. Also, I have the White Mage [priest] designed with both Move-HP and Move-MP innate but they don't seem to stack. I'd really like to be able to do this in order to accomblish my vision for the game. Is there something out there already made to tackle this or some way I could overcome this challenge? Please and thank you. :)
October 06, 2014, 01:44:32 pm
I've come to the conclusion that Toshiko fixes everything. Get on that world peace already! :D
New Project Ideas / Idea: Writing a Sequel
September 20, 2014, 12:58:39 am
I've been thinking hard about writing a script for a 'Volume 2' or 'Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8' that's true to canon and is specific to Ivalice. I have a few ideas but I'm just getting started. Any thoughts?


Ramza Beoulve:
Job: Paladin: "A demon-slaying knight that rejects all noble titles and any form of injustice. An expert with shields and defenses, this warrior fights purely out of love and a sense of duty to protect the innocent."

Alma Beoulve:
Job: Spiritist: "A person born with a special connection to otherworldly beings and trained in the performing of holy rites. This mage has a special affinity for communing with espers and expertise on the topic of possession."

Mustadio Bunanza:
Job: Magitek Knight: "An expert machinist who has infused his body with alchemically altered magicite. This knight often combines gun strikes with magical forces and is an expert in combating constructs."

Agrias Bunanza [Oaks]:
Job: Holy Ronin: "A blessed blade master that now swears fealty to no one but God. This warrior is an expert at utilizing and combining the mystical abilities of both knight swords and katanas."

Rafa Galthana:
Job: Holy Psion: "A telepath and prophet born with mysterious powers. This blessed mage combines mystical abilities with the art of subterfuge."

The initial scenario of the sequel:

- Two years have passed since the end of Final Fantasy Tactics.

-  Orran, heir to Count Orlandu, used his newly-inherited wealth and station to keep the siblings in hiding the past 2 years. During this time he and Alma became an item. Ramza has been scouring the land for any traces of further demonic incursion while using Orran's castle as a base of operations. In the first scene of the sequel Ramza is comforting Alma after she just received the news about Orran's execution through burning at the stake for trying to reveal the truth. Ardis Durai, Orran's younger brother and now the Count, does not betray the siblings after this but asks them to leave his castle since Orran brought the Church's suspicion to them all.

- Mustadio and Agrias are married. The newlyweds have spent the last year traveling from ruin to ruin trying to learn the secrets of the past civilization that disappeared and to discover the true nature of magicite and the zodiac stones. They have been partially successful- Mustadio has already begun rebuilding primitive magitek items. Agrias, severely traumatized by the death of Ovelia by the hand of King Delita (Rafa had a vision and told her), she watches her husband like a hawk and when the two discover in some ruins that Alma may still be in danger because she is still a spiritual conduit Agrias becomes passionate about protecting Alma from any harm that may befall her.

- Rafa's powers grow in ways that create more questions than answers. She sometimes foretells the future, watches events from afar, and manipulates minds- abilities she uses to keep her dear friend Ramza one step ahead of anyone who may still be wondering about him or tracking him down. Over the last 2 years she has developed a romantic affection for Ramza but the demon hunter still keeps himself emotionally distant for his own reasons. She and Alma became confidantes quickly.

Other Characters:

-Malek, unable to get along with Ramza and the others for long, left to find his own way in the world a few months after the end of Final Fantasy Tactics. He comes in contact with Judge-13 (an ancient construct) and becomes enamored with its goal of becoming immortal ruler of Ivalice and establishing an atheist totalitarian government.

-Meliadoul disappears within a week of the final events of Final Fantasy Tactics.  While some within the Church still whisper her name and claim that she covertly aids those with legitimate and selfless faith, her continued existence in Ivalice can never be confirmed.

- Judge-13 is a recently reawakened construct originally designed to replace the living (and thus fallible) judges of ancient Ivalice. This model is unique in that it possesses a form of emotions and true sapience. It arrogantly views itself as the perfect authority on justice, order, and the nature of the universe. After it's reawaking it quickly becomes disgusted with modern Ivalice's primitive technology and offended by the existence and power of the Church.  It decides that humanity is not worthy of ruling itself and begins secretly questing after any and all the magicite it can gather (including zodiac stones) to build and awaken other constructs for the sole purpose of establishing a new civilization.

- In addition to the threat of Judge-13, the Lucavi are not completely defeated........