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EasyVent Editor 4 (In the making)

Started by ffta707, June 24, 2010, 12:58:42 am


QuoteI already PM'd him a 100% working set of this Phil

Awesome!  Upload that....

QuoteI'd post it here but the order is different than vanilla for... reasons


Megaedit: Well, once the proper offsets have been put in place for this program it'll be uploaded in another fashion, which is eeeeepic.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "RavenOfRazgriz"
Quote from: "ffta707"Regarding your first question: They are contained in the program itself.

If this means they're not editable, that's a bit depressing.  Oh well.  Getting them IN is a huge step in itself, so fancy shit can wait until a potential EasyVent 5.

Quote from: "ffta707"Update with poll.

The fact this poll exists almost makes me lose faith in you entirely bro.  Of course whole events should be contained.  Templates are how people learn, especially since most Patches DO NOT LOOK TO REMAKE THE ENTIRE GAME FROM SCRATCH AS MERCENARIES / ETC DOES.  Your average user is going to just want to make small / moderate plot edits using the standard Vanilla plotline, and templates makes this very easy to do. Your above average user may want a few new Events, or to do something like what Newtype does, etc. but templates still help them because they can go "oh, I want to do this and don't know how, but it occurs in Event X, so I can go look and get a functioning example to make sure I do it right."

This poll upsets me because it forgets two key things.  

One, it makes me feel you don't know what the majority of your audience is going to be - the more vocal ones are more elaborate maybe, but your common user is not, and the template functionality does nothing to inhibit the rarer, more vocal, more elaborate user.  One of the main reasons this site doesn't see patches coming out is because even the editing level required for these simpler patches is a lot for the common user, so as "Easy"Vent, this should be as easy as possible to do so that finished products can actually be released more readily.  Your average user will benefit greatly from this function, so "the point" shouldn't stop you from making a program that makes their code monkey job as easy as possible, especially since it doesn't make things harder for other users.

Two, quite bluntly, templates are how things get done.  The "point" of spriting, for example, is to make new sprites - but the vast majority of "custom" sprites are just different limbs and heads juggling around and then edited.  Obviously some exceed this mold, but your average one doesn't, or does so in a manner that has it starting directly in this mold and slowly evolving beyond it as edits are made.  Your average patch in general does this with Jobs as well - using existing FF / Vagrant Story jobs for the most part instead of making things that are 100% original.  Similar to what I said in Kagebunji's thread about his monster sprites - should all the sprites that required templates at any point ever be taken down?  Should the patches that aren't 100% original Job content be taken down?  If not, why is the Event Editor held to a higher standard to make all their events 100% original?   Because, the truth is, they shouldn't be, and templates are how things get done.  Someone being 100% original will outside of very rare cases end up with maybe 2 cutscenes and a handful of battles unless they're already skilled or dedicated enough to not need EasyVent to begin with.  Someone using templates combined with all of EasyVent's other features will have a very high chance of actually make a fully functioning product that they couldn't have made otherwise.  "The point" should never get in the way of enabling people to create finished products, especially on this site where nothing ever seems to get completed.  This also ties back to my first point of target audience - if the people who want 100% original are worth talking to on this matter of templates vs none, they probably don't need EasyVent in much of any capacity to begin with and are not even in the target audience.

Sorry for the rant, but I saw "the point", remembered the people who bitched over Kagebunji's monster sprites, and honestly just had to.  The people who bitch about "the point" are either those who have no idea what they're talking about and have never tried doing what they're complaining over or are so skilled they really aren't relevant to the conversation or community standard, such as here.  I'll go as far as to say those that cry for all 100% original content and no template use should just be cut away, because even if they're 10x as skilled as the most skilled person here, their standards are so high that the community without them will still have a far higher chance of actually making a respectable product.  Being able to make a quality, respectable, and completable product should always be the ultimate goal.  The methods are irrelevant, because honestly - just using the bare bones FFT engine is "copying" and illegal anyway, so doing anything more than that shouldn't even BEGIN to be a moral dilemma if it leads to a product that's just as good as one that's 100% original but is also 100% more completable.  Period.

So yeah, full templates, fuck the haters because they're either clueless or probably don't even need this program anyway, and your target audience should always obviously be the users that aren't clueless but DO need this program.

Don't loose faith in me, bud. Why would you loose faith in me? I've been working my ass of just to get this released, please don't loose faith! You sent me the events, so I'll put it in. it was just a simple question. xD


Quote from: "philsov"
QuoteI already PM'd him a 100% working set of this Phil

Awesome!  Upload that....

QuoteI'd post it here but the order is different than vanilla for... reasons


Megaedit: Well, once the proper offsets have been put in place for this program it'll be uploaded in another fashion, which is eeeeepic.

Well, I'll pass them here anyway.  Outside of a few victory and initializer events I had to proxy in and the setup events, all the vanilla offsets are still in the Event Headers if you only want to use a few of them, so you can still toss whatever you want around with simple number switching.

Once you open it... you'll see why the offsets are changed, and also see why I honestly don't know if ffta707 will be using these offsets or the vanilla ones.  Either way, like I said, these are highly compatible with offset flipping then plug 'n chug so as long as you're not dumb you can still use them easily.


Quote from: "ffta707"Don't loose faith in me, bud. Why would you loose faith in me? I've been working my ass of just to get this released, please don't loose faith! You sent me the events, so I'll put it in. it was just a simple question. xD


It's more that I thought you were going to go "ARRHH GRRRH ORIGINUL 100% U COPEH U SUCK DO ALL SELF LOLOL" on me like some people on this site are known to be like, and I was going to weep many heavy man-tears because that would've hugely held EasyVent and in turn a lot of the Event Editing potential of this site back as long as EasyVent was the primary event editor.  It wouldn't bother me that you didn't use them because they weren't made for EasyVent, so no effort would be wasted, I was more worried on a broad scale there.

I'm just glad you're not one of those people, and was trying to beat it out of you if you were.  >.>

Faith is restored.


Haha, thanks RoR. I'm sure you guys are waiting for an update of some kind. I've got my mindset on the animation generator, so I guess I could share that in a little bit. Midterm exams are the last three days of next week, and I'm a big studier, but I suppose I could fit a little update in.


Update "December 12, 2010"

Here is another screen-shot of the program. The Images at the top will give FFH credit, and I added my new logo, because it looks cool. Any questions? XD

Anyways, this shows the UnitAnim control, and the "Add" button for it. It should be very helpful.


Looks good.  Do you intend to replace the x??, x?? with notation that better describes what the numbers mean when you hit that point on the Unit Animations?

Also, do you intend to make a self-contained "Help" section over the browser window for people who want to use EasyVent while offline or are you backburnering that one for now?

It's looking pretty good for now though... butohmygodthesecondlinkinyoursigmademecringe.


When can we look forward to a new release, FFTA?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Quote from: "Eternal248"When can we look forward to a new release, FFTA?

I'm going to try to get it done over Christmas break. So look for it in the next 4 weeks.

Also, RoR: There will be a help section, no worries. And what is wrong with the links in my sig?


Where there is love, there are babies.



Quote from: "ffta707"comdlg32.ocx

Sorry for the wait. I sort of forgot.

Should be able to place it in the folder, and your all set.

Oh, and also: Since Zodiacs estimated release date is 2012, there is the possibility of a beta, or a 4. I just need some input on how to make it better. So please leave some suggestions.


SO! i tried using this program, and to no avail did it work :S. I tried to do what you said up top, and yet I am still getting the ---------------------------
Easyvent Editor
Component 'comdlg32.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

Error.  Any other idea's about getting it to work :S?    Im using windows 7 if that matters at all.


Try Troubleshooting it (right click) and running it at recommended settings. That's what I did and it seemed to work.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


O wow thanks Eternal :P   +1 xD also stupid question. all the text for the events are in the world.bin etc right?


All the text for events is in Test.evt, World.bin doesn't contain any event relevant texts, I believe.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Posting for anyone who downloaded my Events.

The Deep Dungeon portion contains a small error and the sorting is sub-optimal.  I'm going to have this fixed before I go to bed so if you had replaced your event sources with mine, hold tight, you'll get proper ones soon.

I sent you a PM about this ffta707, but with the forum craziness I don't know if it went through so posting here.  Wait a bit on compiling anything after x192 Random Battle (Victory) into EasyVent until I've sorted this out, but it shouldn't be long like I already said.


December 24, 2010, 04:41:58 pm #55 Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 05:01:54 pm by RavenOfRazgriz

For anyone who was using my events as source, here you go.  Fixed a huge error in regards to Deep Dungeon, reorganized the Sidequest/Tutorial Folder in a way that's still only relevant to basically me, and expanded it out to x1F3 so that TEST.EVT's entire space was covered.  Use this to compile all the stuff from the Subquest folder if you used my order, ffta707, otherwise, just make sure you use the Deep Dungeon Events contained here and not in the old rar file.

For anyone whose wondering where all those Empty Events came from, I've updated the Wiki so you can see the "correct" events in Vanilla's order.  No more having the equivalent of "????" for like 30 events, yay!



January 18, 2011, 02:04:16 am #56 Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 02:27:11 am by Atma
before i start, let me say i didn't 'read' everything here, so if it has been answered, i apologize in advance.
now, my question... is this going to be compatible with WotL version of FFT?  
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.


Where there is love, there are babies.


He's still working on it, though. Busy with school and such.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817