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Topics - Gaignun

FFT Arena / FFT Arena 1.42 Statistics
October 05, 2017, 02:55:49 am
Hello all,

Good work with the release of patch 1.42, everybody!

I thought I would contribute to the patch in my own way: by dumping boatloads of stats on everybody.  Below I have aggregated data from both teams submitted on the forums and teams loaded in the memory card generator that is bundled with patch 1.42.  Only data available up to 1 October 2017 are considered.  Data from patches before 1.42 are not considered unless specified otherwise.

At first, I thought I would write a bunch of unsubstantiated nonsense about how I thought patch 1.42 will change the meta-game.  Now with these stats I can write a bunch of substantiated nonsense.  You can find this nonsense under the "Commentary" spoiler.


Patch version: 1.42
Population size, N = 272 units
The population consists of publically available data submitted up to 1 October 2017.

#: Number of instances
%: Percentage of the population (= #/N)
AR: Adoption Rate (= #/p, where p is the number of units that have the option of learning the given ability, equipping the given shield, etc. The AR is a rough estimate of how popular the given skill/equipment is among others in its skillset/class.)

Std. dev. (max): The standard deviation were every unit to choose either 40 or 70 Brave/Faith to achieve the same average.

PA-based skill: A skill with the formula PA*X, where X is an integer, or something similar

MA-based skill: A skill with the formula MA*X, where X is an integer

Offense = o/N
Defense = (a+c+0.5*h)/N

o: Number of units with at least one weapon or skill with the specified element
a: Number of units that absorb the specified element
c: Number of units that cancel the specified element
h: Number of units that halve the specified element
N: population (=272)

S5: AI Tournament Season 5 (Autumn 2016)
S2: AI Tournament Season 2 (Summer 2013)

  • Year of the Fighter
    The six most popular jobs are PA-based ones (Paladin, Lancer, Archer, Mystic Knight, Monk, Thief). This trend is reflected in the distribution of Brave & Faith, where the average Brave (55.2) leads the average Faith (52.5) by nearly three whole points.

    At 37 units, the Paladin is by far the most popular job.  There are 60% more Paladins than the next most popular job, Lancer.  I suspect that the skyrocketing popularity of Paladins, together with the drop in average Faith with respect to Brave, is due to the introduction of Lay on Hands, which is a Faith-independent resurrection spell on the Paladin skill set, as well as the falling viability of other options (e.g., speed stacking, magic). (I will talk more about this second point later.)

  • The Rise of Punch Art
    Perhaps due to its compatibility with high-PA, low-Faith teams, Punch Art has become the most popular skill set. 60 units (22% of the population) have Punch Art equipped as a primary or secondary skill set.  Chakra, Stigma Magic, and Revive are especially popular, with a minimum of 80% of Punch Art users capable of using at least one of these three skills.

  • The Fall of the Mage
    Due to a variety of nerfs implemented over the last few patches (... I could go into detail), the mage is currently riding the pine pony. The three skill sets that are the purview of high-MA, high-Faith units are also the least popular: Black Magic (11 units), Summon Magic (17 units), and Lore (19 units).  Wizards have taken the biggest hit in popularity.  They are less popular now (4.0% of the population) than in the Season 2 tournament (5.7% of the population) back in 2013, and that was when Wizards didn't have Water, Dark Holy, or Nether skills, and were countered by a single piece of equipment (White Robe or Reflect Ring).

    The declining popularity of mages is reflected by not only the above drop of average Faith, but also the declining prevalence of MA-based damage skills.  There are more units using the damage skills of Punch Art alone (35) than those using all MA-based, Faith-based skills put together (30).

    Mages have not altogether disappeared.  In addition to the above 30 remaining mages still casting damage spells, there are a few dozen mages fulfilling support roles, using helpful skills like Raise, Esuna, Haste, and Regen, and status spells like Slow, Sleep, and Paralyze.

  • Is this the time to write Death Sentences in our Death Notes?
    With only 30 units protecting against it and 18 units able to cure it, Death Sentence is one of the easiest status ailments to spread around.  This is of little surprise to me: Following the loss of Chameleon Robe, the only means for the shieldless to protect themselves from this calamity is with the perennially unpopular Angel Ring, whose other immunity -- Darkness -- is irrelevant to those who do not use PA skills (e.g., mages, which is why you'll almost never find a mage with Death Sentence protection.)  Of course, turning yourself undead with your choice of Cursed Ring or Reaper's Robe can also keep you from having your name written in a Death Note, but the permanently undead have their own set of problems to worry about.

    Death Sentence is also becoming a more popular ailment to inflict.  I have hardly seen anyone use Secret Fist before; now there are 12 units who use it!  Perhaps the overall drop in maximum damage due to the reduction of elemental boosting and the nerf to Attack UP are encouraging people to find less conventional ways of bringing down their opponents.

  • Donny, you're out of your element!
    Although our elemental shields (e.g., Flame Shield, Dewdrop Shield), clothes (e.g., Flash Hat, Golden Hairpin), and accessories (e.g., Aqua Treks, N-Kai Armlet) have been lovingly redesigned this patch, they are hardly being used.  Only 13 of 107 shield users have equipped a shield that absorbs an element.  Meanwhile, only 19 units are wearing clothes and 15 are wearing hats that protect from elements.  The biggest representation of elemental protection is in the category of accessories, where 44 units are sporting an accessory that absorbs an element. (The Magic Ring is the most popular with 13 units, followed by the Tough Ring with 9 units.)

    It seems that players are eschewing elemental defense in favor of maxing out their base stats.  There are more people using stat-boosting body armor (e.g. Power Sleeve, Wizard Robe) alone than there are people protecting themselves from elements with any piece of equipment.  This is sensible: Stat-boosting armor works 100% of the time.  In contrast, elemental protection works only when facing opponents who use that element, which is around 10% of the time at best.  And even then, units typically carry more than one element and/or non-elemental attacks, so it is likely that the elemental protection will be effective for an even smaller fraction of the time.  Spending up to 50 points of your maximum HP (e.g., 130 HP Brigandine versus 80 HP Santa Outfit) at those odds tends not to be worth it.  Up until last patch, one could add some reliability to elemental protection by using it to heal one's own units. However, this technique has become unattractive now that absorption clothes have disappeared and evasion has been added to absorption accessories. Hence, in comparison to past tournaments, we are seeing from a 4% to a whopping 22% reduction in elemental defense across the entire population.

    Elemental offense has gone up and down. Elemental offense has always been sparsely represented among populations, but several elements are sinking to a new low.  Fire, Ice, and Lightning are particularly rare, with only around 6% of the population representing one (a drop of 2~5% compared to Season 5 one year ago).  The only element that became more represented by any significant amount is Wind; its representation increased from 4% to 10%.  This is most definitely due to the change to Wave Fist, whose element was changed from Holy to Wind.  Holy itself plummeted from 20% to 10% partly as a consequence of this change.

FFT Arena / 【PROPOSAL】Evasion-piercing Summon Magic
February 06, 2017, 07:36:12 am
I would like to propose a new design concept for Summon Magic: Evasion-piercing.  That's right. I'm going old school on your derriere and taking you back to vanilla FFT.

What's wrong with my current Summon Magicks?
Nothing, really. It has a job. It does its job. It works 9-to-5 with a co-worker called Black Magic. They do the same stuff.  Occasionally, Summon Magic steps in to take care of that touchy feely healing stuff, and other times it leaves the heavy lifting to Black Magic. There's nothing wrong with a bit of cooperation. But here's the problem: Nobody is working the night shift.

Night shift? What are you talking about?
A competitive game needs to spin like the Earth needs to spin.  Lock your planet in geosynchronous orbit and people on one half of the planet will freeze. Right now the world of magicks is in geosynchronous orbit. It is always sunny in the land of magic evasion.  Are the skies looking stormy with black magicks, summoned beasts, and feudal warriors walking around in funny armor that looks like it is made of papier-mâché? Put a shield in your hand and a mantle on your back to keep yourself dry.  Is the pollen of status magic blowing in the wind? Hold that shield in front of you and wrap your face in that mantle to filter the air.  Magic evasion is living in the sun, growing its hair long, and walking around barefoot while whistling John Lennon songs. Meanwhile, magic defense is freezing its pants off on the far side of the globe, burning coal in its log cabin, and nobody visits even for Christmas.

Nobody likes magic defense? You're being silly. I was playing Smash Bros at its log cabin just last week.
Yes I am silly. Magic defense is good. I would not hesitate to introduce magic defense to my parents if we were dating.  But magic evasion is even better. There's a reason why there were 28 pieces of evasion-boosting accessories used last tournament, but only 6 Setiemsons. Magic defense protects you from the odd Holy and Chirijiraden. Magic evasion does that and even more. When Time and Yin Yang Magic come to town, magic defense leaves you for a better mate.  But magic evasion? That girl (guy) stays with you to the end.

What does any of this have to do with my Summon Magicks?
Basically, it's time we rain on magic evasion's parade. One can listen to only so much John Lennon. Right now, the sister planet of physicks is spinning freely. The rotation of this planet has been initiated by a support skill called Concentrate. On this planet is a country of people who spread evasion on everything like mustard.  But then day falls to night and those from a neighbouring country with better Concentration come and steal all their mustard.  Back on our first planet of magicks, there is no equivalent "Concentrate" support skill. This means that its world of cuisine is inundated with the smell and taste of mustard.  The only ways of washing out the sour taste of this condiment is with the fashionably constricted Geomancy and the fashionably unfashionable Lore spells.  I say that we add Summon Magic to this list.  Think of it as the easily-boostable Geomancy you always wanted but couldn't have, or the Lore you always had but never wanted.

So what exactly are you proposing here?
In a sentence: Weak-to-mid damage magic AoE spells that ignore evasion, but have high MP and/or CT costs.  Summon Magic will essentially become Black Magic that trades offensive potential for reliability, or Geomancy that trades consistency for offensive potential. Auxiliary healing functionalities with Moogle, Carbuncle, and Fairy will be retained.  Rough categories would look something like the following (note that no number is final):

Low-tier summons:
Ifrit: MA*7, 2 AoE, 28 MP, 3 CT, Fire element
Shiva: MA*7, 2 AoE, 28 MP, 3 CT, Ice element
Ramuh: MA*7, 2 AoE, 28 MP, 3 CT, Lightning element
Silf: MA*7, 2 AoE, 32 MP, 3 CT, +DA/DM, Wind element
Leviathan: MA*7, 3 AoE, 32 MP, 5 CT, +Debuff, Water element
Salamander: MA*8, 2 AoE, 32 MP, 5 CT, +Poison

Mid-tier summons:
Titan: MA*9, 2 AoE, 48 MP, 5 CT, Earth element
Cyclops: MA*9, 2 AoE, 54 MP, 5 CT, +Blind, Holy element

High-tier summons:
Odin: MA*7, 2 AoE, 48 MP, 6 CT, +Death, Dark element
Bahamut: MA*12, 2 AoE, 60 MP, 6 CT
Zodiac: MA*11, 3 AoE, 60 MP, 6 CT, +Sap

Unlisted spells (Moogle, Fairy, Carbuncle, and Lich) are unchanged.

All summons pierce evasion and are smart-targeting, but cost around twice as much MP as competitive Black Magic. In this way, Summon and Black Magic work different jobs. Specifically, Summon Magic interacts with the crotchety high-evasion customers, and Black Magic interacts with the freewheeling low-evasion customers.

Any thoughts and suggestions about the foregoing are much appreciated.
FFT Arena / Official names for MP poison and regen
August 02, 2016, 11:59:33 am
I would like to confirm the official names of MP poison and regen before releasing an updated team design tool.

Currently, we are referring to MP regen and poison as exactly that.  Aesthetically, I and perhaps others would prefer to give these two new statuses unique names.  "MP regen" and "MP poison" are a mouthful, yet are difficult to abbreviate without inviting confusion with either the MP stat or regular old (HP) regen and poison.

Unfortunately, MP forms of regen and poison are uncommon in RPGs, so we do not have established nomenclature to fall back on.  Thus, we need to get creative.

I will start by proposing my own names:

MP regen: Refresh.  Easy to say alongside Regen, and alludes to the lucidity of one's state of mind, which which one is capable of reciting a tireless number of spells.

MP poison: To pair with the naming philosophy of Refresh, I want a name that reflects how one's mental aptitude degrades over time.  Unfortunately, using real world language here for inspiration gives names that are too technical or downright terrible: Dementia, Depression, Migraine, et cetera.  Thus, I am going for the nondescript yet delightfully concise name of Hex.  In the style of Breath of Fire IV, a Hex is some kind of poisonous miasma created from negative emotions such as hatred and sorrow, two emotions among many which perturb the clarity of thought and mind.

As a bonus, both names can easily be uttered as verbs in commentary (i.e., refreshed and hexed).
FFT Arena / 1.39 Patch - Proposal Summary
May 31, 2013, 07:55:31 am
The following is a (mostly) complete list of changes proposed for FFT Arena 1.39.  This list is for the purpose of display only.  Nothing on this list is final.

Please keep discussion of these and any additional changes confined to the discussion thread.

I will attempt to transfer ideas from the discussion thread to this thread once per week.

Buffs are highlighted in green.
Nerfs are highlighted in maroon.
Neutral changes are highlighted in blue.
Disputed/new changes are highlighted in red.

2-Hand and 2-Sword properties are not changed unless otherwise stated.

Dual Cutters: 8 WP, 15 W-EV, +1 Move, 50% Extra Attack
Orichalcum: 11 WP, 15 W-EV, +1 MA, +1 Move
Katar: 11 WP, 15 W-EV, +1 PA, +1 Move
Air Knife: 13 WP, 15 W-EV, +1 Move, Wind Elemental, No 2H

Hidden Knife: 8 WP, 0 W-EV, Always: Transparent, (+1 SP removed)
Short Edge: 9 WP, 5 W-EV, 50% Add: Oil
Ninja Edge: 10 WP, 10 W-EV, 50% Add: Don't Move
Spell Edge: 11 WP, 5 W-EV, +1 MA, 100% Cast: Spell Absorb
Iga Knife: 11 WP, 10 W-EV, Fire Elemental, Strengthen Earth, 2-Swordable
Naruto Koga Knife: 11 WP, 10 W-EV, Earth Elemental, Strengthen Fire, 2-Swordable
Sasuke Knife Orochimaru Fang: 10 WP, 0 W-EV, 50% Add: Blind, 2-Swordable

Phoenix Blade Kazekiri or Balmung (decision pending)
Coral Sword: 8 WP, 10 W-EV, Water elemental, Strengthen: Water, 25% Cast: Suiton
Parry Edge: 9 WP, 25 W-EV
Lionheart: 10 WP, 10 W-EV, +2 PA

Knight Swords
Defender: 16 WP, 40 W-EV, Immune: Don't Act
Save the Queen: 15 WP, 10 W-EV, Always: Protect
Excalibur: 14 WP, 20 W-EV, Holy elemental, Strengthen: Holy
Ragnarok: 15 WP, 10 W-EV, Always: Shell

Masamune: 8 WP, 15 W-EV, 50% Cast: Dispel, Initial: Haste, Regen

Battle Axe: 9 WP, 30 W-EV, 33% Decapitate (Damage: 50% of max HP)
Slasher: 12 WP, 20 W-EV, Two-Swordable

Thunder Rod: 6 WP, 10 W-EV, Lightning elemental, Strengthen: Lightning, 50% Cast: Bolt 2
Ice Rod: 7 WP, 10 W-EV, Ice elemental, Strengthen: Ice, 50% Cast: Ice 2

White Staff: 8 WP, 10 W-EV, Holy Elemental, 50% Cast: Dia
Healing Eldritch Staff: 12 WP, 10 W-EV, +1 SP, Heals on hit, Strengthen: Holy, Dark
Rainbow Staff: 11 WP, 10 W-EV, Immune: Oil
Wizard Staff: 9 WP, +2 MA, 10 W-EV
Gold Staff: 8 WP, 20 W-EV, 100% Cancel: Positive Statii

Aspergillum Desert Rose: 10 WP, 5 W-EV, Earth elemental, Strengthen: Earth

Blaze Gun: 14 WP, 0 W-EV, 6 Range, Cast: Nether Fire
Glacier Gun: 12 WP, 0 W-EV, 6 Range, Cast: Nether Ice
Blast Gun: 11 WP, 0 W-EV, 6 Range, Cast: Nether Bolt
Stone Gun: 12 WP, 0 W-EV, 6 Range, Init: Petrify, Force Two-Hands

Silencer: 12 WP, 0 W-EV, 4 Range, 50% Add: Silence
Gastrafitis: 14 WP, 0 W-EV, 4 Range, Force Two-Hands, 100% Random Add: Poison, Blind, Silence, Don't Move

Long Bow: 14 WP, 10 W-EV, 6 Range, +1 Move
Silver Bow: 13 WP, 10 W-EV, 6 Range, 40% Cast: Holy
Mythril Bow: 14 WP, +1 SP, 10 W-EV, 5 Range
Ultimus Bow: 15 WP, +1 PA, 10 W-EV, 5 Range

Spear: 12 WP, 5 W-EV, +1 SP, 50% Cast: Ice Bracelet (Damage: MA*8, Ice Element)
Mythril Spear: 12 WP, 5 W-EV, +1 SP, 50% Cast: Fire Bracelet (Damage: MA*8, Fire Element)
Spear: 12 WP, 5 W-EV, +1 SP, 50% Cast: Thunder Bracelet (Damage: MA*8, Lightning Element)
Holy Lance: 10 WP, 15 W-EV, +1 SP, 50% Cast: Holy Bracelet (Damage: MA*8, Holy Element)

Iron Fan: 14 WP, 15 W-EV, Dark Elemental

Bloody Strings: 10 WP, 5 W-EV, 3 Range, Absorbs HP

P Bag: 5 WP, 0 W-EV, Always: Regen, Heals on hit

Cross Helmet: 120 HP, 50 MP
Genji Helmet: 120 HP, Strengthen: Wind, Strengthen: Earth (Initial: Berserk removed)
Grand Helmet: 150 HP

Maximilian: 160 HP

Twist Headband: 70 HP, +2 PA
Holy Miter: 70 HP, +2 MA
Black Hood: 110 HP, 30 MP
Golden Hairpin: 70 HP, 50 MP, Strengthen: Holy, Dark (+1 MA removed)
Thief Hat: 60 HP, +1 SP, Half: Wind, Earth (Half: Water removed)
Green Beret: 80 HP, 20 MP, +1 Move, +1 Jump, Half: Water

Focus Band: 80 HP, 60 MP, Immune: Undead, Charm, Innocent, Faith
Choice Band: 70 HP, 40 MP, Immune: Dead, Frog, Petrify, Berserk, Sleep, Death Sentence
Chakra Band: 60 HP, 20 MP, Immune: Poison, Silence, Blind, Slow, Stop, Don't Act, Don't Move, Oil

Brigandine: 120 HP, 20 MP
Santa Outfit: 100 HP, 10 MP, Absorb: Ice, Wind
Black Costume: 100 HP, 10 MP, Absorb: Fire, Dark
Rubber Costume: 100 HP, 10 MP Absorb: Lightning, Water
Earth Clothes: 90 HP, 20 MP, Absorb: Earth, Strengthen: Earth
Secret Clothes: 70 HP, +1 SP

Silk Robe: 110 HP, 50 MP

Crystal Shield: 20 P-EV, 20 M-EV, Immune: Oil

Power Wrist: 30 P-EV, +1 PA
Genji Gauntlet: 30 M-EV, +1 MA
Sprint Shoes: +1 SP, Immune: Slow
Jade Armlet: Absorb: Water, Immune: Slow, Stop, Petrify
Defense Ring: Null: Ice, Immune: Dead, Death Sentence, Silence, Berserk, Sleep
Defense Armlet: Null: Fire, Immune: Poison, Blind, Don't Move, Don't Act
Cursed Ring: +1 PA, +1 MA, Weak: Fire, Absorb: Dark, Immune: Crystal, Always: Undead (Null: Holy and +1 SP removed)
Salty Rage: Always: Berserk

Skills not listed are not changed.

Heal: 1 Range, 0 AoE, 2 Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Cancel: Stop, Blind, Silence, Poison, Charm, Oil, 150 JP
Yell: 3 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vert, 0 CT, 8 MP, 100% Add: Haste, 100 JP
Wish: 3 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Heal_(5%), Hit_(PA+70)%, Cancel: Dead, 200 JP
Defend: Given to Chemist
Equip Clothes: Given to Monk

Auto Potion: Decrease HP healed from 80 to 70
Maintenance: Change to a movement ability, 150 JP
Defend: Received from Squire

Consecration: 1 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Hit_(SP+70), Undead targets only, Add: Dead, 250 JP
Reraise: 3 Range, 0 AoE, 1 CT, 16 MP, 100% Add: Reraise, 100 JP
Equip Armor: 350 JP
Move -1: Given to Mediator

Leg Aim: Wpn Range, 0 AoE, Wpn Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Hit_(SP+55), Add: Don't Move, 100 JP
Seal Evil: Wpn Range, 0 AoE, Wpn Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Hit_(SP+60), Undead targets only, Add: Petrify, 150 JP
Hawk's Eye: Wpn Range, 0 AoE, Wpn Vert, 3 CT, 12 MP, Dmg_(SP*WP), 100% Add: Poison, Oil, 200 JP
Execute: Wpn Range, 0 AoE, Wpn Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Dmg_(40)%, Hit_F(MA+255), Critical targets only, 150 JP

Spin Fist: 0 Range, 2 AoE, 0 Vert, 0 CT, 6 MP, Dmg_B(PA*9), 150 JP
Repeating Fist Clay Fist: 1 Range, 0 AoE, 0 Vert, 0 CT, 8 MP, Dmg_B(PA*10), Earth Element, Unevadable, Uncounterable, CounterFloodable, 250 JP
Wave Fist Gale Fist: 3 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vert, 0 CT, 10 MP, Dmg_B(PA*9), Wind Element, 250 JP
Earth Slash Wave Palm: 6 Range, Linear, 2 Vert, 0 CT, 12 MP, Dmg_B(PA*8), Water Element, 350 JP
Equip Clothes: Received from Squire
Stigma Magic: 1 Range, 1 AoE, 0 Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Hit_(PA+120), Cancel: Petrify, Charm, Silence, Blind, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, 150 JP
Revive: 1 Range, 0 AoE, 0 Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Heal_(20)%, Hit_(PA+70), Cancel: Dead, 250 JP

Cure: 5 Range, 1 AoE, 1 Vert, 0 CT, 10 MP, Heal_F(MA*7), 100 JP
Cure 3: 5 Range, 1 AoE, 1 Vert, 5 CT, 16 MP, Heal_F(MA*15), 150 JP
Cure 4: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vert, 3 CT, 16 MP, Heal_F(MA*16), Ignores reflect, 200 JP
Regen: 4 Range, 2 AoE, 3 Vert, 1 CT, 8 MP, Hit_F(MA+100), Add: Regen, 50 JP
Protect: 4 Range, 1 AoE, 1 Vert, 1 CT, 6 MP, Hit_F(MA+80), Add: Protect, 50 JP
Shell: 4 Range, 1 AoE, 1 Vert, 1 CT, 6 MP, Hit_F(MA+80), Add: Shell, 50 JP
Wall: 4 Range, 0 AoE, 0 CT, 25 MP, 100% Add: Protect, Shell, 200 JP

Frog: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 4 CT, 18 MP, Hit_F(MA+60), Add: Frog, 150 JP
Death: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 6 CT, 24 MP, Dmg_(100)%, Hit_UB(MA+50), Add: Dead, 150 JP
Flare: 6 Range, 0 AoE, 7 CT, 40 MP, Dmg_F(MA*18), Unevadable

Time Mage
Haste: 4 Range, 1 AoE, 1 Vert, 2 CT, 12 MP, Hit_F(MA+70), Add: Haste, 100 JP
Haste 2: Hit_F(MA+100), 250 JP
Slow: 4 Range, 1 AoE, 1 Vert, 2 CT, 12 MP, Hit_F(MA+70), Add: Slow, 100 JP
Slow 2: 4 Range, 2 AoE, 3 Vert, 4 CT, 22 MP, Hit_F(MA+90), Add: Slow, 300 JP
Sinkhole: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 2 CT, 12 MP, Dmg_(25)%, Hit_F(MA+75), Cancel: Charging, Performing, 200 JP
Comet: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 1 CT, 8 MP, Dmg_(100),100 JP
Balance: Given to Oracle
Demi: 5 Range, 2 AoE, 1 Vert, 2 CT, 12 MP, Dmg_(33)%, Hit_F(MA+85), Dark element, 200 JP
Critical Quick: 200 JP
Half of MP: Received from Summoner

Half of MP: Given to Time Mage
Titan: 4 Range, 2 AoE, 3 Vert, 5 CT, 35 MP, Dmg_F(MA*10), Earth element, Ignores M-EV, 300 JP
Bahamut: 4 Range, 2 AoE, 3 Vert, 6 CT, 40 MP, Dmg_F(MA*12), 300 JP

Bad Tough Luck: 1 Range, 0 AoE, 2 Vert, 3 CT, 6 MP, 33% Add: Death Sentence, Blind, Silence, Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act
Heretic: Remove from the game
Quickening: Remove from the game

Persuade Stall: 3 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Hit_(MA+45), Add: Stop, 300 JP
Solution: 3 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Hit_(MA+60), Add: Innocent
Refute: 3 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vert, 0 CT, 0 MP, Hit_(MA+55), Cancel: All Statii except Charging and Performing
Move -1: Received from Paladin

Beguile: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 4 CT, 16 MP, Hit_F(MA+45), Add: Charm, 100 JP
Dispel Magic: 5 Range, 1 AoE, 2 CT, 20 MP, Hit_F(MA+80), Cancel: Float, Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell, Haste, Faith, Innocent, Reflect, 200 JP
Paralyze: 5 Range, 1 AoE, 0 Vert, 3 CT, 20 MP, Hit_F(MA+60), Add: Don't Act, 150 JP
Balance: Received from Time Mage

Counter Flood: 300 JP

Ignore Height: 150 JP

Asura: No longer ignores allies
Bizen Boat: M-EV now applies

Tsumazuku: Remove from the game
Kagesougi: Wpn Range, 0 AoE, Wpn Vert, 0 CT, 8 MP, Dmg_B(PA*WP), 100% Random Add: Blind, Silence, Poison, Don't Move (Add: Don't Act removed)
Meiton: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 0 CT, 11 MP, Dmg_UF(PA*9), Dark Element, M-EVable, Reflectable, Not counterable
Fuuton: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 0 CT, 16 MP Dmg_UF(PA*10), Wind Element, M-EVable, Reflectable, Counterable
Suiton: 5 Range, 0 AoE, 0 CT, 10 MP, Dmg_UF(PA*8), Water Element, Unevadable, Unreflectable, Counterable
Kibaku Fuda: 4 Range, 1 AoE, 1 Vert, 0 CT, 12 MP, Dmg_B(SP*((PA+6))/2), 100% Cancel: Haste, Regen, M-EVable, Unreflectable, Counterable, 300 JP
Mushin: Self-targeting, 0 CT, 5 MP, Add: Innocent, 50 JP
Misogi: Self-targeting, 0 CT, 0 MP, Cancel: Poison, Blind, Silence, Slow, Don't Move, Oil, Faith, 100 JP
Speed +1: Movement ability, +1 SP, 500 JP

FFMaster's changes are pending.
Tornado: 5 Range, 2 AoE, 2 Vert, 2 CT, 30 MP, Dmg_F(MA*9), Wind Element, 250 JP
Quake: 5 Range, 2 AoE, 2 Vert, 2 CT, 30 MP, Dmg_F(MA*9), Earth Element, 250 JP

Last Song: 0 Range, 255 AoE, 255 Vert, 10 CT, 5 MP, Hit_(40)%, Add: Quick, 200 JP
Brave UP: 100 JP

Last Dance: 0 Range, 255 AoE, 255 Vert, 10 CT, 5 MP, Hit_(40)%, 00 CT, 200 JP
Brave UP: 100 JP

Time Mage
(M) 113 HP, 77 MP, 10 SP, 4 PA, 7 MA, 3 Move, 3 Jump, 5 C-EV
(F) 106 HP, 82 MP, 10 SP, 3 PA, 9 MA, 3 Move, 3 Jump, 5 C-EV

(M) 103 HP, ~130 MP, 8 SP, 3 PA, 9 MA, 3 Move, 3 Jump, 5 C-EV
(F) 96 HP, ~140 MP, 8 SP, 2 PA, 11 MA, 3 Move, 3 Jump, 5 C-EV

(M) 144 HP, 24 MP, 10 SP, 9 PA, 3 MA, 4 Move, 4 Jump, 20 C-EV
(F) 135 HP, 25 MP, 10 SP, 7 PA, 4 MA, 4 Move, 4 Jump, 20 C-EV

Can now equip robes

Blind: Increase CT from 0 to 48
Silence: Increase CT from 0 to 48
Oil: Change to only set the "weak" flag
Berserk: Increase CT from 0 to 48
Poison: Decrease CT from 96 to 64
Regen: Decrease CT from 96 to 64

♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ S 1 ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ T O U R N A M E N T ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓

Hosted by Avalanche, Barren, CT5Holy, Dol, Fanatic, Gaignun, and Wiz


Red = Winner's/Regular Bracket Commentators

Blue = Loser's Bracket Commentators

Yellow = Helpers who structured S1 and put the pieces together

Extra Notes

Wiz = Made this page via copy/paste and S1 Intro clip. Also made slight alterations to the patch such as disabling of weather effects and changing unit placement on a few of the maps.
CT5Holy = Checked/Registered, and put the data of the individual teams in spoilers, and made S1 registration page via copy/paste
Gaignun = Randomized maps for all matches (includes Winner's + Loser's Bracket and Final Match; X videos in total, Y-Z rounds in total) and generated Winner's/Loser's brackets.

And of course everyone else for giving input and those who put their foot forward making the transition from pussified silly boy/girl to a merciless warrior ready to shed blood :mrgreen:

FFH Season 1 Youtube Account (You can also click on the 137b image to get there too)


Videos & Maps

Match 1 - Leif1991 vs Taichii
S: (012) At the Gate of Lionel Castle
L: (076) Zeklaus Desert
M: (080) Araguay Woods

Match 2 - st4rw4k3r vs mucus
S: (103) Windmill Shed
L: (085) Mandalia Plains
M: (095) Church

Match 3 - Eternal248 vs dacheat
S: (092) Igros, Beoulve Residence
L: (055) Graveyard of Airships
M: (001) At Main Gate of Igros Castle

Match 4 - LightningHax vs Kihaku_FTW
S: (051) St. Murond Temple
L: (102) Tutorial (2)
M: (017) Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle

Match 5 - FFMaster vs Dome
S: (013) Inside of Lionel Castle
L: (100) Public Cemetery
M: (077) Lenalia Plateau

Match 6 - fattyzila vs Fantactic1316
S: (058) Underground Book Storage Second Floor
L: (125) Checkerboard Stairs
M: (034) Cellar of Sand Mouse

Match 7 - dinosaur vs Shadowstrike
S: (021) Zeltennia Castle
L: (061) Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor
M: (118) Checkerboard Land 2

Match 8 - The Damned vs Reks
S: (053) Entrance to Death City
L: (071) Dolbodar Swamp
M: (056) Orbonne Monastery

Match 9 - Havermayer vs iamBQB
S: (086) Doguola Pass
M: (098) Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia

Match 10 - Vigilanti vs Avalanche
S: (025) Yardow Fort City
L: (106) DELTA
M: (002) Back Gate of Lesalia Castle

Match 11 - Kagebunji vs the frisky dingo
S: (018) Office of Limberry Castle
L: (046) Cemetery of Heavenly Knight Balbanes
M: (035) Zaland Fort City

Match 12 - LordBobBree vs Vireblaze
S: (041) Besrodio's House
L: (045) Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's Church
M: (027) Goland Coal City

Match 13 - Ryason55 vs Xeno
S: (068) Bethla Garrison
L: (044) Bervenia Free City
M: (091) Thieves Fort

Match 14 - Celdia vs Dynablade
S: (096) Pub
L: (088) Finath River
M: (016) Inside of Limberry Castle
Match 15 - Gaignun vs Leif1991
S: (024) Military Academy's Auditorium
L: (037) Ruins Outside Zaland
M: (040) Slums in Goug

Match 16 - Shade vs TrueLight
S: (011) Office of Igros Castle
L: (087) Bariaus Valley
M: (079) Yuguo Woods

Match 17 - jansported vs mucus
S: (073) Inside of Windmill Shed
L: (030) Colliery Underground Third Floor
M: (060) Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor

Match 18 - Otabo vs dacheat
S: (065) Granary of Bethla Garrison
M: (069) Murond Death City

Match 19 - Squidgy vs LightningHax
S: (020) Inside of Zeltennia Castle
L: (054) Lost Sacred Precincts
M: (005) Roof of Riovanes Castle

Match 20 - Angelus vs FFMaster
S: (094) Broke Down Shed-Stone Building
L: (084) Bariaus Hill
M: (072) Fovoham Plains

Match 21 - Wiz vs Fantactic1316
S: (008) Riovanes Castle
L: (074) Sweegy Woods
M: (010) Inside of Igros Castle

Match 22 - DomieV vs Shadowstrike
S: (004) Office of Lesalia Castle
L: (006) At the Gate of Riovanes Castle
M: (049) Fort Zeakden

Match 23 - AeroGP vs Reks
S: (094) Broke Down Shed-Stone Building
L: (029) Colliery Underground Second Floor
M: (063) Golgorland Execution Site

Match 24 - Fanatic vs Pride
S: (073) Inside of Windmill Shed
L: (089) Poeskas Lake
M: (090) Germinas Peak

Match 25 - Dol vs iamBQB
S: (096) Pub
L: (109) BRIDGE
M: (022) Magic City Gariland

Match 26 - Barren vs Avalanche
S: (025) Yardow Fort City
L: (071) Dolbodar Swamp
M: (031) Dorter Trade City

Match 27 - FDC vs Frisky Dingo
S: (068) Bethla Garrison
L: (106) DELTA
M: (003) Hall of St. Murond Temple

Match 28 - CT5Holy vs VireBlaze
S: (051) St. Murond Temple
L: (029) Colliery Underground Second Floor
M: (028) Colliery Underground First Floor

Match 29 - Pierce vs Xeno
S: (013) Inside of Lionel Castle
L: (054) Lost Sacred Precincts
M: (032) Slums in Dorter

Match 30 - Skiploom188 vs Celdia
S: (053) Entrance to Death City
L: (102) Tutorial (2)
M: (075) Bervenia Volcano
Match 31 - Gaignun vs Shade
S: (103) Windmill Shed
L: (100) Public Cemetery
M: (048) Slums in Zarghidas

Match 32 - mucus vs dacheat
S: (086) Doguola Pass
L: (109) BRIDGE
M: (060) Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor

Match 33 - Squidgy vs Angelus
S: (018) Office of Limberry Castle
M: (072) Fovoham Plains

Match 34 - Wiz vs Shadowstrike
S: (012) At the Gate of Lionel Castle
L: (074) Sweegy Woods
M: (035) Zaland Fort City

Match 35 - AeroGP vs Fanatic
S: (021) Zeltennia Castle
L: (045) Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's Church
M: (005) Roof of Riovanes Castle

Match 36 - iamBQB vs Avalanche
S: (065) Granary of Bethla Garrison
L: (006) At the Gate of Riovanes Castle
M: (080) Araguay Woods

Match 37 - formerdeathcorps vs CT5Holy
S: (008) Riovanes Castle
L: (084) Bariaus Hill
M: (091) Thieves Fort

Match 38 - Xeno vs Celdia
S: (020) Inside of Zeltennia Castle
L: (085) Mandalia Plains
M: (118) Checkerboard Land 2
Match 39 - Gaignun vs dacheat
S: (092) Igros, Beoulve Residence
L: (044) Bervenia Free City
M: (063) Golgorland Execution Site

Match 40 - Squidgy vs Wiz
S: (058) Underground Book Storage Second Floor
L: (089) Poeskas Lake
M: (028) Colliery Underground First Floor

Match 41 - Fanatic vs Avalanche
S: (011) Office of Igros Castle
L: (088) Finath River
M: (034) Cellar of Sand Mouse

Match 42 - formerdeathcorps vs Celdia
S: (004) Office of Lesalia Castle
L: (037) Ruins Outside Zaland
M: (098) Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia
Match 43 - Gaignun vs Wiz
S: (024) Military Academy's Auditorium
L: (125) Checkerboard Stairs
M: (048) Slums in Zarghidas

Match 44 - Avalanche vs formerdeathcorps
S: (041) Besrodio's House
M: (017) Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle
Match 45 - Gaignun vs Avalanche
S: (053) Entrance to Death City
L: (061) Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor
M: (010) Inside of Igros Castle

Match 46 - LightningHax vs Kagebunji
S: (024) Military Academy's Auditorium
L: (055) Graveyard of Airships
M: (027) Goland Coal City

Match 47 - FFMaster vs LordBobBree
S: (021) Zeltennia Castle
L: (030) Colliery Underground Third Floor
M: (016) Inside of Limberry Castle

Match 48 - Fantactic1316 vs Ryason55
S: (041) Besrodio's House
L: (076) Zeklaus Desert
M: (077) Lenalia Plateau

Match 49 - DomieV vs Dynablade
S: (094) Broke Down Shed-Stone Building
L: (046) Cemetery of Heavenly Knight Balbanes
M: (049) Fort Zeakden

Match 50 - Leif1991 vs The Damned
S: (096) Pub
L: (087) Bariaus Valley
M: (032) Slums in Dorter

Match 51 - Jansported vs Havermayer
S: (092) Igros, Beoulve Residence
L: (084) Bariaus Hill
M: (095) Church

Match 52 - Otabo vs Vigilanti
S: (086) Doguola Pass
L: (006) At the Gate of Riovanes Castle
M: (002) Back Gate of Lesalia Castle

Match 53 - The Frisky Dingo vs Kihaku_FTW
S: (073) Inside of Windmill Shed
L: (055) Graveyard of Airships
M: (075) Bervenia Volcano

Match 54 - VireBlaze vs Dome
S: (058) Underground Book Storage Second Floor
L: (071) Dolbodar Swamp
M: (003) Hall of St. Murond Temple

Match 55 - Pierce vs Fattyzilla
S: (011) Office of Igros Castle
L: (089) Poeskas Lake
M: (001) At Main Gate of Igros Castle

Match 56 - Skiploom188 vs Dinosaur
S: (013) Inside of Lionel Castle
L: (085) Mandalia Plains
M: (090) Germinas Peak

Match 57 - Reks vs Taichi
S: (004) Office of Lesalia Castle
L: (076) Zeklaus Desert
M: (040) Slums in Goug

Match 58 - Dol vs St4rw4k3r
S: (008) Riovanes Castle
L: (087) Bariaus Valley
M: (056) Orbonne Monastery

Match 59 - Barren vs Eternal248
S: (065) Granary of Bethla Garrison
L: (046) Cemetery of Heavenly Knight Balbanes
M: (079) Yuguo Woods
Match 60 - LightningHax vs LordBobBree
S: (068) Bethla Garrison
L: (088) Finath River
M: (022) Magic City Gariland

Match 61 - Ryason55 vs DomieV
S: (020) Inside of Zeltennia Castle
L: (045) Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's Church
M: (069) Murond Death City

Match 62 - TrueLight vs Leif1991
S: (103) Windmill Shed
L: (102) Tutorial (2)
M: (031) Dorter Trade City

Match 63 - jansported vs Vigilanti
S: (018) Office of Limberry Castle
M: (001) At Main Gate of Igros Castle

Match 64 -The Frisky Dingo vs VireBlaze
S: (025) Yardow Fort City
L: (044) Bervenia Free City
M: (040) Slums in Goug

Match 65 - Pierce vs Dinosaur
S: (051) St. Murond Temple
L: (054) Lost Sacred Precincts
M: (028) Colliery Underground First Floor

Match 66 - Pride vs Taichii
S: (012) At the Gate of Lionel Castle
M: (079) Yuguo Woods

Match 67 - Dol vs Barren
S: (012) At the Gate of Lionel Castle
L: (074) Sweegy Woods
M: (075) Bervenia Volcano
Match 68 - iamBQB vs LordBobBree
S: (094) Broke Down Shed-Stone Building
L: (030) Colliery Underground Third Floor
M: (031) Dorter Trade City

Match 69 - AeroGP vs DomieV
S: (073) Inside of Windmill Shed
L: (061) Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor
M: (118) Checkerboard Land 2

Match 70 - Xeno vs Leif1991
S: (068) Bethla Garrison
L: (029) Colliery Underground Second Floor
M: (027) Goland Coal City

Match 71 - CT5Holy vs Vigilanti
S: (020) Inside of Zeltennia Castle
L: (037) Ruins Outside Zaland
M: (069) Murond Death City

Match 72 - mucus vs the frisky dingo
S: (018) Office of Limberry Castle
L: (100) Public Cemetery
M: (090) Germinas Peak

Match 73 - Shade vs Pierce
S: (103) Windmill Shed
L: (106) DELTA
M: (077) Lenalia Plateau

Match 74 - Shadowstrike vs Taichii
S: (021) Zeltennia Castle
L: (109) BRIDGE
M: (049) Fort Zeakden

Match 75 - Angelus vs Barren
S: (004) Office of Lesalia Castle
L: (125) Checkerboard Stairs
M: (005) Roof of Riovanes Castle
Match 76 - iamBQB vs AeroGP
S: (092) Igros, Beoulve Residence
L: (046) Cemetery of Heavenly Knight Balbanes
M: (048) Slums in Zarghidas

Match 77 - Leif1991 vs CT5Holy
S: (025) Yardow Fort City
L: (088) Finath River
M: (091) Thieves Fort

Match 78 - the frisky dingo vs Shade
S: (013) Inside of Lionel Castle
L: (044) Bervenia Free City
M: (080) Araguay Woods

Match 79 - Shadowstrike vs Barren
S: (024) Military Academy's Auditorium
L: (085) Mandalia Plains
M: (032) Slums in Dorter
Match 80 - dacheat vs iamBQB
Match 80
S: (011) Office of Igros Castle
L: (084) Bariaus Hill
M: (010) Inside of Igros Castle

Match 81 - Squidgy vs CT5Holy
S: (096) Pub
L: (087) Bariaus Valley
M: (016) Inside of Limberry Castle

Match 82 - Fanatic v Shade
S: (058) Underground Book Storage Second Floor
L: (125) Checkerboard Stairs
M: (002) Back Gate of Lesalia Castle

Match 83 - Celdia vs Barren
S: (065) Granary of Bethla Garrison
L: (071) Dolbodar Swamp
M: (034) Cellar of Sand Mouse
Match 84 - iamBQB vs CT5Holy
S: (051) St. Murond Temple
M: (056) Orbonne Monastery

Match 85 - Shade vs Barren
S: (086) Doguola Pass
L: (109) BRIDGE
M: (003) Hall of St. Murond Temple
Match 86 - formerdeathcorps vs CT5Holy
S: (008) Riovanes Castle
L: (054) Lost Sacred Precincts
M: (022) Magic City Gariland

Match 87 - Wiz vs Barren
S: (053) Entrance to Death City
L: (074) Sweegy Woods
M: (060) Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor
Match 88 - CT5Holy vs Barren
S: (041) Besrodio's House
L: (102) Tutorial (2)
M: (017) Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle
Match 89 - Avalanche vs Barren
S: (086) Doguola Pass
L: (030) Colliery Underground Third Floor
M: (063) Golgorland Execution Site

Match 90 - Gaignun vs Avalanche
S: (096) Pub
L: (089) Poeskas Lake
M: (098) Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia
M: (035) Zaland Fort City
M: (072) Fovoham Plains

Match 91 - Gaignun vs Avalanche
S: (068) Bethla Garrison
L: (055) Graveyard of Airships
M: (095) Church
M: (075) Bervenia Volcano
M: (028) Colliery Underground First Floor
FFT Arena / Season 6 Map Selection
March 18, 2012, 05:33:42 am
I would like to arrange the map selection for season 6 here.

I believe that a team's design, and not the map on which it does battle, should determine the outcome of a match.   One of the largest conflicting factors to this criterion is a map's size.  Some designs naturally synchronise with large maps, others small.  In attempt to excuse this factor, we change the map's size between rounds.  Other conflicting factors, such as bottlenecks, poor placement, and so on, are less excusable.  As the majority of FFT's maps contain at least one of these other factors, the majority are ill-suited for an assessment of sound team design.  While I am comfortable with throwing out all of these maps, I would suspect the resultant lack of map variety will not sit well with most others.  So, it is our task to separate the bad from the irredeemable.

I'll kick things off with my own arrangement.  I've sorted them in terms of size.  Here are my size qualifiers.


  • Teams placed closely enough to make contact within the first turn

  • The majority of the opposing team's units are within striking distance at all times during battle


  • Teams cannot make contact within their first turn

  • The map is large enough for units to attempt to stay outside of striking distance

  • Teams are subjected to the risk of spreading out and fighting on several fronts

Naturally, most maps will not fit all of a size's qualifiers in practise.  For example, Colliery Underground First Floor (028) is large enough to be labeled large, but fighting tends to be clustered on its high ground, so teams stick together.  This is where medium maps - which meet the small and large qualifiers halfway - come in.

I deem maps guilty of

  • bottlenecks (ex. Gates of Limberry Castle)

  • wide unit placement (ex. Inside of Riovanes Castle)

  • Unfair unit placement (ex. Weapon Storage of Yardow - team 1 is split across different heights, while team 2 is not)

to be the irredeemable kind.  Of course, classification of such maps is subjective.

Anyway, here is my arrangement.  I regard maps in bold to be of high quality.   Maps I regard to be nearly irredeemable but are present for the sake of variety are italicised.  If I believe that a map has undesirable features, I will indicate so in parentheses. 

004 - Office of Lesalia Castle
008 - Riovanes Castle
012 - Office of Igros Castle
013 - Inside of Lionel Castle
014 - Office of Igros Castle (extremely small - teams are susceptible to fatal first round AoE)
018 - Office of Limberry Castle
020 - Inside of Zeltennia Castle
021 - Zeltennia Castle
024 - Military Academy's Auditorium (units with fly/teleport can escape to the elevated platform)
025 - Yardow Fort City
051 - St. Murond Temple
053 - Entrance to Death City (units can escape melee damage by fleeing the centre platform)
058 - Underground Book Storage Second Floor  (medium size, but fighting is clustered above the stairs)
065 - Granary of Bethla Garrison
068 - Bethla Garrison
073 - Inside of Windmill Shed (units might attempt to throw items through the elevated platform and fail)
086 - Doguola Pass (medium size, but clustered fighting in low region)
092 - Igros, Beoulve Residence
094 - Broke Down Shed-Stone Building
096 - Pub
103 - Windmill Shed (distant unit placement for a small map)
112 - HORROR (large map, but fighting is clustered on one side)

006 - At the Gate of Riovanes Castle
029 - Colliery Underground Second Floor
030 - Colliery Underground Third Floor
037 - Ruins Outside Zaland
044 - Bervenia Free City
045 - Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's Church
046 - Cemetary of Heavenly Knight Balbanes (medium size, but placement is separated)
054 - Lost Sacred Precincts (bottlenecks exist, but there is plenty of room to run around)
055 - Graveyard of Airships
061 - Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor
071 - Dolbodar Swamp
074 - Sweegy Woods
076 - Zeklaus Desert
084 - Bariaus Hill (close placement)
085 - Mandalia Plains (fighting tends to cluster in one corner)
087 - Bariaus Valley
088 - Finath River
089 - Poeskas Lake
100 - Public Cemetary
102 - Tutorial (2)
106 - DELTA
109 - BRIDGE
110 - VALKYRIES (extremely distant placement and clustered fighting upon contact)
112 - TIGER (units with fly/teleport outpace their team)
125 - Checkerboard Stairs

001 - At Main Gate of Igros Castle
002 - Back Gate of Lesalia Castle
003 - Hall of St. Murond Temple
005 - Roof of Riovanes Castle
010 - Inside of Igros Castle (movement restricted for units without fly/teleport/ignore height)
016 - Inside of Limberry Castle
017 - Underground Cemetary of Limberry Castle
019 - At the Gate of Limberry Castle (2)
022 - Magic City Gariland
027 - Goland Coal City
028 - Colliery Underground First Floor (large size, but fighting is clustered in the high region)
031 - Dorter Trade City
032 - Slums in Dorter (large size, but fighting is clustered on the ground)
034 - Cellar of Sand Mouse
035 - Zaland Fort City
048 - Slums in Zarghidas (large size, but fighting is clustered on one half of the map
049 - Fort Zeakden
056 - Orbonne Monastery
060 - Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (large size, but fighting is clustered in the lower region)
063 - Golgorland Execution Site
069 - Murond Death City
072 - Fovoham Plains (large size, but fighting is clustered by the water)
075 - Bervenia Volcano
077 - Lenalia Plateau
079 - Yuguo Woods
080 - Araguay Woods
090 - Germinas Peak
091 - Thieves Fort
098 - Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia
101 - Tutorial (1)
108 - VOYAGE (map is large, but narrow)
118 - Checkerboard Land 2

Here are the maps that didn't make the cut with my reasons for cutting them.

007 - Inside of Riovanes Castle  (unit placement is too spread out)
009 - Citadel of Igros Castle  (bottlenecks)
015 - At the Gate of Limberry Castle (1)  (bottleneck)
023 - Beoulve Residence  (placement clustered around the building; units with fly/teleport can escape to the roof)
026 - Weapon Storage of Yardow  (team 1's unit placement is split across different heights)
033 - Hospital in Slums  (horrible camera)
036 - Church Outside of Town  (bottleneck for team 1)
038 - Goug Machine City  (bottlenecks)
039 - Underground Passage in Goland (team 1's side of the map lacks stairs near the middle area)
042 - Warjilis Trade City  (bottleneck for team 2)
047 - Zarghidas Trade City (fighting is split between either the rooftops or the ground; could be relabeled as large)
050 - St. Murond Temple  (bottleneck)
052 - Chapel of St. Murond Temple  (units are placed in pairs; unfavourable to support strategies)
057 - Underground Book Storage First Floor  (bottlenecks)
059 - Underground Book Storage Third Floor (movement severely restricted for 3 jump units)
062 - Chapel of Orbonne Monastery  (units with fly/teleport can escape to the lower region)
064 - In Front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice  (bottleneck)
066 - South Wall of Bethla Garrison  (unit placement is too spread out)
067 - North Wall of Bethla Garrison  (team 1's unit placement is spread across different heights)
070 - Nelveska Temple  (team 2 is pinned within the temple)
077 - Zigolis Swamp  (AI is not mindful of the poisonous water)
081 - Grog Hill  (horrible layout)
082 - Bed Desert  (bottleneck for team 2)
083 - Zirekile Falls  (bottleneck)
093 - Broke Down Shed-Wooden Building  (ridiculously small)
097 - Inside Castle Gate in Lesalia  (ugly; fighting breaks into two sets of 2v2 at the start)
104 - Beoulve Residence  (ridiculously small)
107 - NOGIAS  (split placement)
111 - MLAPAN  (water inhibits movement)
114 - END  (horrible layout)
115 - Banished Fort  (bottlenecks; units with >3 jump on team 1 easily separate themselves from their team)
117 - Checkerboard Land 1  (same map as 118, but with worse placement)
119 - Checkerboard Land 3  (same map as 118, but with worse placement)

And finally, here are maps whose fate is undecided

041 - Besrodio's House  (small if that golden contraption is removed, else cut)
095 - Church (medium if teams 1 and 2 are grouped together on opposing corners of the map, else cut.  Didn't Wiz fix this?)
116 - Arena  (medium if teams 1 and 2 are grouped together on opposing corners of the map, else cut)

FFT Arena / Team Design Tool
December 20, 2011, 11:42:12 pm

I would like to share a spreadsheet I wrote to assist the team design process.  The spreadsheet streamlines calculations I make when putting a team together, such as damage output, success rate of support skills between party members, and so on.

Information is taken directly from the FFT Arena master's guide, so any errors in that guide will be reproduced in this spreadsheet. 

Let me know of the errors you spot (that are not consistent with the master's guide) or any changes you'd like to see.  The spreadsheet uses some formatting rules that are not compatible with versions of Microsoft Excel earlier than 2007.

Current version: 1.09
Compatible with FFT Arena v1.42a
Required software: Microsoft Excel 2007 or later

  • Damage formula for Houkouton is not implemented.

  • The Weapon spreadsheet might display incorrect maximum achievable PA/MA when accounting for elemental strengthening.

  • Meteor Rod's spell proc is not displayed in the Weapon spreadsheet.

  • Two Hands and Two Swords XA modifiers might not be properly implemented.

Released 28 November 2017
  • Brought spreadsheet up to date with FFT Arena 1.42a

  • Redesigned attack information on the Unit worksheets

Released 25 September 2017
  • Brought spreadsheet up to date with FFT Arena 1.42

  • Fixed calculations involving the Overwhelm modifier in the Affinity and Simulation spreadsheets

Released 30 June 2017
  • Fixed a few whoopsies.

Released 29 June 2017

  • Brought spreadsheet up to date with FFT Arena 1.41a

  • Fixed a few careless errors that slipped through the last revision (e.g., Zorlin Shape not providing +1 Move and Male Samurai not having 4 base Move).

Released 20 March 2017

  • Brought spreadsheet up to date with FFT Arena 1.41

Released 19 August 2016

  • Brought spreadsheet up to date with FFT Arena 1.40a

  • Improved the Weapon worksheet

  • Removed skill descriptions from the Unit worksheets

Released 3 August 2015

  • Brought spreadsheet up to date with FFT Arena 1.39c

  • Added "Weapon" sheet.  This sheet simulates weapon damage over the range of achievable PA or MA.

Released 3 October 2012

  • Brought spreadsheet up to date with FFT Arena 1.38d

Released 6 September 2012

  • Brought spreadsheet up to date with FFT Arena 1.38

  • Added skill descriptions in the "Unit" worksheets

  • Made a few minor cosmetic changes

Released 13 April 2012

  • Corrected female Geomancer's move stat

  • Made Punch Art, Kagesougi, and Grand Cross dependent on Brave

Released 28 December 2011
  • Implemented "Simulation" worksheet

  • "Skills" worksheet renamed as "Affinity"

  • Implemented Two Hands support skill

  • Implemented calculation of magic gun damage

  • Diamond Helmet's effect is now properly written as "Init: Float, Reraise"

  • Fixed a few minor bugs