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FFH Community Picture Gallery

Started by Eternal248, February 08, 2011, 08:35:36 am


If you look sulky when you're married, you're doing it wrong. But I married a Xiffy, so I may be biased.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?

Lorden Cain

No, you're not. You've just married a goddess. :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: WotL
<Exdeath> : So, you offer your life in exchange for theirs?
<Kain Highwind> : Of course not, I offer yours!


When I was growing up, I kinda dreaded getting married since I thought it'd be like on TV sitcom. Thankfully, real life is not like that.

Being married should make you happy far more often than it makes you sad. If this is not the case, there is a problem.
  • Modding version: PSX

Lorden Cain

Quote from: Kaijyuu on March 21, 2016, 12:59:20 am
When I was growing up, I kinda dreaded getting married since I thought it'd be like on TV sitcom.

...or like my parents :D But, yeah, I'm thinking the same thing.
  • Modding version: WotL
<Exdeath> : So, you offer your life in exchange for theirs?
<Kain Highwind> : Of course not, I offer yours!


Elric's told me before that I'm basically "invisible" since I don't have a forum avatar or anything, so maybe this'll help!

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Lorden Cain

Maybe you should really put an avatar. It's like what distinguishes us from the rest. Like, when you see a portrait that looks like a Shinigami, you'll know it's Elric. Or if you see a dog with a toasted sausage, you'll know it's Angel. And also I noticed that the Personal Text below the avatar also helps. Like, they always call Angel as Toshiko (or maybe there is some history behind that) (or are they different person?) (or are they gonna call me Disaresta now?) (No one knows!)

PS: Oh, and don't mind the parentheses! (I'm just talking to myself inside it)
  • Modding version: WotL
<Exdeath> : So, you offer your life in exchange for theirs?
<Kain Highwind> : Of course not, I offer yours!


I went by Toshiko here for a long time, despite always using Angel on IRC. So a short while ago, I swapped my username and usertext on the forum around for cohesion. It makes the older posts I'm quoted on a little strange, but I have no problem leaving my usertext as it is for the sake of clarity.

I tend not to use the same avatar for a lengthy period of time, though. I've had Etna, Morrigan Aensland, Mitsuru Kirijou, FFXII Fran, Moomba, Amaterasu, probably others I don't immediately remember.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Surprisingly, that's pretty much what I expected nyzer to look like XD
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm bad at guessing what people look like. There's a guy I knew online who I assumed was SoCal asian... turned out to be the blackest black dude in NYC. That was the exact moment I stopped imagining what people were like IRL and just started using Futurama Neutrals as the visual in my head.

  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?

Lorden Cain

I've guessed it! There really IS a history behind it.

"Etna" and "Mitsuru", never thought I'd hear them here. Well, I guess since we're here for the FFT, most of us here have similar game preferences. (But really, Mitsuru-that name, wow! I think that's the last thing I'll forget in everything you've said)

I am also bad at imagining how people look like. Most often I found myself thinking they're beautiful and handsome creatures, resulting in disappointment. After four times of disappointment is where I stopped. (I just loved number four :D Weird!)
  • Modding version: WotL
<Exdeath> : So, you offer your life in exchange for theirs?
<Kain Highwind> : Of course not, I offer yours!


I'm trying to recall my old picture, lol.  Link's dead but in circa 2010 I was uglier!

Now down like 50-something pounds and I grew a beard.  Here's a recent photo

Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Phil Sovrowski? One of the Seven Legendary Warriors who fought during the great LP famine of years ago, and prevailed with the Playthrough of Destiny?  Is it really you?  Truly, fate has brought you here, for your powers are once again needed in our benighted land.
  • Modding version: PSX


Hi, I was in doubt if I should create a new topic for introducing myself, so I've decided to post here on this FFH community topic.

My name is Diego, I'm brazilian, I absolute love Final Fantasy Tactics, and now by extension, your community.

I'm reading the forum to catch up to date, but I've read enough to desire to be part of your community, I've already started experimenting with FFTpacher and other tools, and have a good idea of what they're capable of.

I can't stress enough how much I Love this game: the story, the gameplay, the artwork, It's almost perfect, and thanks to you guys, its few issues (issues with balance, translation, and others) can be fixed.

I've alredy played Journey of The Five, Call of Power, Celdia's Patch and watched full AI Tournaments on youtube, so thanks you guys for those.

I hope one day I'll make a patch for you guys to play, I have a lot of ideas, some of which I'm glad to see you had too and implemented in your hacks and asm codes.

So thank you all, and apologies in advance for any grammar mistakes, since english isn't my mother tongue.

I'll leave you with a photo of myself. Again, thank you for all the work you have already done, and I have already enjoyed it.

  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX


Whoa, why is Batman about to punch that little girl? That doesn't seem very herolike to me
  • Modding version: PSX


Proud to be part of this community
Love final fantasy in general
Tactics is definitely in top 3
My heart belongs to Vll
Cant wait to learn more about hacktics
  • Modding version: PSX


October 13, 2018, 12:54:51 am #217 Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 03:24:36 pm by Valkirst
I can't believe I never posted any pictures here. Oh well, here's before and after the accident.  I'm a little sloppy in the after picture. 😅
  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


I guess ill upload a newer one, been a while
  • Modding version: PSX


You didn't tell us which one you are this time, man!

QuoteMy old man and I at the Renn Fest a few weekends ago. (I'm on the right obviously)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown