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Messages - Seushiro

Quote from: Twinees on May 06, 2014, 10:35:01 am
(Oh by the way, the Edea sprite concept I made uses the female squire legs)

Lol I would have never guessed that thanks that will make things easier :)

EDIT: Updated to v2 with Kages points and yes the portrait is updated it has little colors thus you thought it was not changed. Other WIPs posted
Chill man it is a WIP... I fixed the helmets I did not notice the minor edits you made ahaha. For the shoulder pads I'm shifting it to Agrias' since I will do 3 Judges for a patch.

For the portrait it has Zero pixel colors and uses the current 16 pixels. I am not done editing so I want only 16 colors to edit this properly in MS paint with no problems in pasting stuff.

EDIT: Finished it to Version 1
Quote from: Kagebunji on May 03, 2014, 01:47:42 pm
Here's bigger armor for the Judge, and something you might be interested in too.

NICE!!!!!! With these I could complete the sprite.

Quote from: jimmyjw88 on May 03, 2014, 04:22:48 pm
Why isn't the cape moving on Garland?

Because it is a new concept and I have much to learn in monster sprites :)

EDIT: Thanks to Kages edits. WIP Judge Sprite Sheet
Quote from: Kagebunji on May 03, 2014, 05:45:15 am
Only thing is that his chest is smaller than head once again, perhaps try fixing that.

But but but I drew that over a Ramza head and took out the hair T__T. I will see what I can do but the Ramza Paladin does have a really small chest to begin with.

Quote from: Kagebunji on May 03, 2014, 05:45:15 am
1. Tiz is great, just remember to add some grey on his shoes on the back frames, just like it is on forward frames.

2. For Noctis, move hjis head one pixel to the right on back frames. Other than that he's good.

3. His chest and back also don't quite sit with me, but let's leave that for later

Noted and thanks for pointing the Pixel move on Noctis... Finally took a look at Alfonse after what you said and the metallic boobs are what I see like you said :'(

EDIT: Fixed Hero of light water animations since I forgot. Also a Concept stage for Garland... Below the belt and Cape needs lots of work
Nice go ahead :) As mentioned by Kage before.... you might want to make the inner collar black. I did it and it looks way better.

Finished up the Hero/ Warrior of Light and am currently working on Tiz right now and getting the Noctis Concept finalized (Damn shorts).

Also need more shadings done to on a new Judge concept.
Quote from: Choto on April 27, 2014, 08:38:37 pm
Check the movement of his left shoulder and how it disconnects from the cape part, I think it should all move together. The right arm disappears quite abruptly, you could add just a tiny bit of it before it hits the turn around frame to make it more smooth.

Thanks Choto I'm glad you spotted those. Will do your suggestions

Quote from: Kagebunji on April 28, 2014, 04:46:01 am
Who's the guy next to Firion? With the crown on his head. And also the Samurai guy, don't think I recall him from anywhere.

That is a Delita King concept I need him to be in his highest as Orinas will grow up and kill him as the Bastard/Fugitive turned Hero of the people. While for the Samurai he is Chiba from Rhapsody gave him FFT colors and will make him a Yojimbo that will slay a party for Gil.

Quote from: Kagebunji on April 28, 2014, 04:46:01 am
The Chocbo's new helmet looks nice. I am not a fan of his wing armor, and the chest plate though, kinda looks like a big plate, nothing more. Some shaping might help. Are you using some Armored Chocobos reference?

I pretty much followed what Twin said to look up medieval armor. All the Armored chocobos in google search are heavily covered and all of em lost their wings for a place to put the saddle... Poor Creatures :'(
Wew been awhile since I posted but I have some good news.

Let us start with the good news. First of I would like to thank Twinees for not giving up on helping me with my goal of having Bravely Default Heroes possible in FFH. Below you would see the comparison (and big difference in skill) with the attached photo. The one above is his rendition of the 4 (obviously) while the 4 mutations below are mine since I made em from scratch and was a bad idea to begin with.

Unfortunately I do not have his skill to craft out of thin air and i still stick to minor edits and a lot of copy pasting. SO PLEASE I NEED SUGGESTIONS FOR THE BASE BODY TO BE USED. Meanwhile I just made animations of some as I was excited for them :)

Second bit of news: As you have all heard in E3 FFXV is just FFXIII: Versus getting a rename and a few fashion changes.... I swear the only reason they really did no release it because Noctis had Emo Hair (Sasuke Hair), Red Eyes (Sharingan Like), and a SHort sleeved Jacked with a Zipper up to the neck (Yes Sasuke in the Avenger/ Hawk era).. That aside now I based the sprite of the new look and was just glad it can fit into FFT well the long shorts part not quite...

The rest are just updates of the things I have decided to work on.

Thanks Kage his has even less colors for the armor. I think I could get some palette suggestions from it and fix mine. About disproportion I would probably uncover areas i shaded with black and go for delita ch 2 arm swaps

O another note I did'nt know you modded that paladin Ramza I have been looking for it for days after I saw a semi finishes post! Finally got my hands on it

Hi all! I need a little help in two of the sprites I'm working on... I made a Judge Magister Class (yes I know there a lot of Gabranths concepts floating there  but I want my own to replace a job class) and Garland's first draft Concept.

To be a little Straight forward the main problem I have with the Judge Magister is his right hand (left hand in our view) The large shoulder pauldrons are just hard to transfer to the other arm. I need help in shaping that up.

for Garland if you can help me give it a better look then I would appreciate the inputs.
Spriting / Re: Choto's maybe sprites
April 23, 2014, 04:27:35 am
From the outline into that hot dang! It is awesome now I wanna see where that will go when Choto adds more details/shadings with the remaining color slots.

*bows and worship Twinees*

Quote from: Twinees on April 23, 2014, 04:10:48 am
Don't doubt yourself Jimmy, you're a great pixel artist.

Also this
Spriting / Re: Choto's maybe sprites
April 23, 2014, 01:40:02 am
Jimmy please do a rough sketch. I consider you a pro cause of your experience and It is good practice too. It might give that WIP portrait a great shift in direction. I agree with Choto on the creative juices.

Edit: oh you already did... keep it up

Congrats on the sprite completion Choto. Monsters are harder to make than the normal piece by piece sprite. Kudos.
Spriting / Re: Kagebunji's sprites- Moving on...
April 21, 2014, 11:19:36 am
@ Twinees: I meant only the lighter Blue pixel. Still you made me go back and look at all my sprites starting from Marche lol. Luckyly Marche, Reno, and some others are not two toned in the eyes. I will edit my posts then

@ Jimmy: Seeing Garnet that you have is quite nice pixel art. I'm not sure if I saw one here before of Garnet, but if I remember it right... I think Kage did a nice one back then and with a sprite too.
Spriting / Re: Kagebunji's sprites- Moving on...
April 21, 2014, 10:46:33 am
I see that but it looks like it is floating in the middle of greens and just breaks the continuity from the bottom white line. unless you take out the bottom white line below the belt it would make more sense as the lines in your reference pic.
Spriting / Re: Kagebunji's sprites- Moving on...
April 21, 2014, 10:33:43 am
Copy the eye colors  you made on the left one and move it over. Please fix the white shirt line above the belt. You can just make it go all the way up like zipped up clothing and have the darker shade of gray under the chin.
Actually I took it from here ahaha just to try...


The heroes below are all FFT size and with a little recoloring and proper shading it will be good. I like how they executed characters with bangs in the middle. the purple haired looks like Misato Katsuragi O__O

But yeah I also like the older one you fixed and kept a version of it :)
"Leave it to the pros" I love you guys for your skills. Now I'm excited for the Hero of light!

edit: Jimmy would you mind sharing to me the small size version so I could update Squall?

I would like to give a big thanks to Twinees as he made the revised look and an awesome portrait. Also cause of that I noticed I did not update the Attack Water animations front/back so here it is.
Thanks for the feedback Jimmy I will work from scratch with the Chocobo and would appreciate your crits again when it happens. I want to try something more of leather straps first and no metal plating for it.

For the Reno portrait I just followed the brows on the advent children references and got to that. His eyes reach out more than the brows so I did the same, but yeah I could shape it more. I will give the hair recolor a try thou since that is quick and easy and edit the posted sheet.

For the Squall Portrait can you fix it up please? It is originally your's Jimmy so you know its needs and fixes more than I do. Looking at it much closer I saw the forehead blur you mentioned and I admit I am lazy to fix that one ahaha.

I don't think I will be touching it up again for now. I must keep focused and finish FFI-FFVI main guys sheets before my inspiration to finish em dies :) Thus I'm leaving that to the Pros too!
I decided to rework the Armored Chocobo from scratch the best is to make it look like Delita's Plated Chocobo but I will need more references for that.

2nd update:
I was able to complete my Reno sprite but instead of doing the head swaps for Olan (Tseng) and the Warjilis sailor (Rude) I figured I would have tons to fix so I'll do it in the coming week.

3rd Update: Using Zalbaag and Cavalier (Smash) I made my own rendition of the Warrior of Light and impressed myself with the Walking animations. I am 1/4 done with the attack animations so this will take time. Only when I finish this will I further dive in to doing Firion... So right now one Final Fantasy at a Time

4th Update: Snooping with in game palettes I decided to fix Squall again and not just recolor but update the portrait done by Jimmy to have less bushy brows, normal level of scar depth and length, a hair cut, and his Smug face.

EDIT: Thanks for finishing the Squall Port Jimmy now updated

Spriting / Re: Kagebunji's sprites- Moving on...
April 19, 2014, 02:14:08 pm
I love the portrait very nice. I'm not liking the white highlight in the hair it is too bright. I also don't get the collar part unlike the one you have on the left it is clearly a shirt line
Spriting / Re: Luiakyn's(Omnir's) Sprites
April 19, 2014, 04:41:00 am
I agree I tested placing the pixel one point up and it is better for Duma. It has a better back now on your sample on the lower left it now looks like muscles/bone coming out there good good.... As for Zebbeb.... I think it is better without the cloth.