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I am L33t Programmer! <My Newbie Game Programming ITT>

Started by Alaris, January 26, 2012, 12:12:36 am


So... I began to learn the Python language about 3 weeks ago, and am liking it.  Debating moving just up to C++, to get straight to the ridiculously-difficult-to-learn crap, but much more powerful language.  Meh, don't know if I will end up doing so.

Regardless, after much l33t programming.... and by that I mean about 3 days (not even full days), I have come up with a 'game' as it were. It certaintly fits the criteria of what one would call a "game;" it has something the player can control, enemies, victory and defeat conditions.  I suppose this topic is more me showing off my newbie l33t skillz, and asking questions from the more experienced folks here, if there are any such (which I believe there were, over in the Tethical forum... they were using teh pythonz). 

Either way, enjoy video of my FIRST attempt at a video game... of sorts.

  • Modding version: PSX

Episode 42 is out! Click above to watch!


Hahah pretty cool! After 3 days of l33t you got this? ... I have been meaning to do that myself. Good work!


Looks like a good first start, Alaris. You should upload it for people to play. :P

Also, since it hasn't been said yet and it just BEGS to be: IT'S RAINING MEN! HALLELUJAH IT'S RAINING MEN! AMEN!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: dinosaur on January 26, 2012, 12:21:20 am
Hahah pretty cool! After 3 days of l33t you got this? ... I have been meaning to do that myself. Good work!

Well, about 2-3 weeks of learning Python, and then about 3 days of programming got me this.  And thanks.

Quote from: Celdia on January 26, 2012, 01:00:00 am
Looks like a good first start, Alaris. You should upload it for people to play. :P

Also, since it hasn't been said yet and it just BEGS to be: IT'S RAINING MEN! HALLELUJAH IT'S RAINING MEN! AMEN!

*Nod* I could, but it's all programmed in Python, so if you don't have Python, you can't play... unless I froze the code into an EXE... but I'm not quite there yet.  You'll have to suffice with simple video for now, and perhaps a polished version of this in the future.
  • Modding version: PSX

Episode 42 is out! Click above to watch!


Yeah that's a pretty good start. Simple 'n all that, but for learning purposes you did well.

Re: Moving up to C++.

If you decide to do so, here's some resources I found invaluable.
A quite good c++ tutorial for beginners. Also has good documentation on the standard libraries so you can look up how stuff like stringstreams work.
Lazy Foo's SDL tutorials. (for graphics)

With those I was able to make a very rudimentary fighting game. It was back in ~2007.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Kaijyuu on January 26, 2012, 07:53:21 am
Yeah that's a pretty good start. Simple 'n all that, but for learning purposes you did well.

Re: Moving up to C++.

If you decide to do so, here's some resources I found invaluable.
A quite good c++ tutorial for beginners. Also has good documentation on the standard libraries so you can look up how stuff like stringstreams work.
Lazy Foo's SDL tutorials. (for graphics)

With those I was able to make a very rudimentary fighting game. It was back in ~2007.

Thanks very much for the tutorial, I'd been looking for a good one for a while now, and it's good to have one recommended.

Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on January 26, 2012, 12:13:27 pm
Stick with Python for a few months.

I do agree.  I took a look at C++ coding, and it gave me a headache.  I'll stick to Python for a bit, to learn more about just basic coding, and then move on.  Eventually... I mean, Python isn't all that bad a coding language anyway.
  • Modding version: PSX

Episode 42 is out! Click above to watch!


For a few months? Are you crazy? >.>
A month and a half at most. Learning how to code and learning syntax are two completely different things. Coding will follow you no matter what language you're using, and syntax is the language itself. I suggest you move onto C++ After a month of coding in Python.

Pickle Girl Fanboy

I'm sure he'll make the best decision for himself, because, honestly, the only person who knows what is best for you is yourself.


I've found that to be rather untrue for almost everybody, but I've said what needs saying, so whatever. XD

Pickle Girl Fanboy

You can say the same thing in fewer words:
"I find that is false for most people, but I shared my opinion, so whatever!"

Sorry, I read The Elements Of Style in my free time; I can't resist improving other people's prose.


I prefer my own prose, it uses correct connotation. Thank you, though. >.>


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817