Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => RP Forum => Topic started by: Celdia on November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Celdia on November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am

Scene Index                    Battle Pane Index      Adventure Pane Index
Scene 1 ( 1 Opening ( 1 Opening (
Scene 2 ( 1-1 ( 1-2 ( 1-1 ( 1-2 ( 1-3 ( 1-4 ( 1-5 (
Scene 3 ( 2 Opening ( 1-6 ( 1-7 ( 1-8 ( 1-9 ( 1-10 (
Scene 4-1 ( 4-2 ( 4-3 ( 2-1 ( 2-2 ( 1-11 ( 1-12 ( 1-13 ( 1-14 (
Scene 5 (http://Scene 5)Battle 3 Opening ( 1-15 ( 1-16 ( 1-17 ( 1-18 (
Battle 3-1 ( 3-2 ( 3-3 ( 3-4 (

~~Welcome to the Circus~~

I'll be honest here, I work better running something by the seat of my pants than I do planning out a bunch of details ahead of time. Also, since it seems like the displayed interest in this game is less serious-minded and more humorous in nature, a deeply-detailed epic story would probably drown in the sea of silliness. I currently have no starting plot in mind as I thought I'd see what kinds of characters people intend to bring to the game first and then work from there. This method has worked in the past and I hope it will continue to work for this.

The basics of the game are probably all that is important. It will be a high fantasy medieval setting. This means magic is common and technology is low. Monarchies and magocracies are the rule as opposed to modern forms of government. Monsters roam the world, both above and below ground. There are multiple planes of existence to be traveled across and through, even those that are the homes to the gods themselves. Welcome to the world of Sephyr. If you want to know more, click the spoiler. If you think that's all you really need to know about the setting, feel free to move on.

Sephyr is the name of the homebrew campaign setting I will be running the game in. It is the title of the world much as we call our world Earth (or Terra depending on your preferred genre). The major continents of note for the purpose of this game are Telodin (home to the human, elven and dwarven kingdoms; not to say that those are the only inhabitants) which is roughly the size of North, Central and South America, Corithon - an island kingdom the size of Australia or thereabouts - and Yasser, a ruinous wasteland of a continent that fits somewhere between the size of the first two. The games in Sephyr tend to take place mainly on Telodin and thus this is the most developed part of the game world. If your party ventures beyond its borders, expect a certain lack of continuity (and bear with me thru it, please.)

First and Northernmost of the major Kingdoms in Telodin is Alynthia - a snowy tundra in the north where the Alynthian (or more commonly called, "snow") elves lay claim to the land. They are nomadic warriors (not terribly unlike the native Americans before the landing of the british colonists in North America, with a bit of eskimo tossed in). The snow elves do not welcome interlopers to their lands but will trade with peaceful travelers. Like the environment they inhabit, the elves do not suffer fools gladly. They will trail unwelcome travelers in their lands, waiting until the harsh climate does them in and then loot the corpses without hesitation.

South of Alynthia are the Six Human Kingdoms; Fandaria, Highland, Arcandum, Sensland, Verun and Kellem. To say these are the Human Kingdoms is a bit of a misnomer. While humans are the rulers of the kingdoms, their inhabitants encompass nearly every civilized race on the face of the planet, but the highest concentration of humans are in this part of the world. More elves and halflings are seen in the northern lands while dwarves, goliaths and gnomes have a greater tendancy to occupy the southern kingdoms. In the far northwest is a dense forest, known to the inhabitants there as Derrymor, where barbarian tribes have held lands despite numerous attempts at civilized people trying to claim their eastern borders. In the low plains and hills south and west of Arcandum are an area called the Giant Hills by commonfolk. There, various small groups of giant races make their homes and answer to no kingdom or laws but their own. Some trade with the neighboring human lands but most keep to themselves, fighting their own little clan wars.

The southern half of the continent of Telodin dominated by a vast desert, but between that desert and the human kingdoms lies the dwarven kingdom of Soreth and most prominently the dwarven mountain city of Mithralforge, a tiered city of stone tunnels that lead deep underground. Most of the dwarves that remain in their homeland are fairly insular creatures, content with their mining and crafting. Those more suited to trade or war usually find themselves in the upper world, traveling or adventuring as they will. No outsider truly knows the size or claim of Soreth's borders, but the common assumption is anything south of the mountains and north of the desert belongs to the dwarves, and most of that is below ground. So long as creatures aren't invading their mines and tunnel cities the dwarves tend to ignore most everything that goes on above ground.

Beyond the shores of Telodin is the continent of Corithon. Far East and a bit South from Telodin, Corithon is vastly different from the kingdoms of Telodin. Where places, ideas and objects from Telodin would fit into european medieval history and myth, the contents of Corithon are more akin to feudal Japan, before the revolution of the firearm. Pretty much anything you'd attribute to being in an Oriental Adventures campaign setting originates in Corithon.

Far to the east of both Telodin and Corithon is the continent of Yasser, named for the elven war-leader that brought his people to this desolate isle after fleeing the great magics cast in eons past. Due to Karla's balancing nature, Yasser is as toxic and barren as Telodin is lush and bountiful. Poisonous swamps, scorching salt flats and lakes of lava. Portals to the Nine Hells and, Limbo, The Abyss and other foul planes of existance open regularly here, spilling out infernal creatures and abberations that ravage the countryside for short periods before being ejected back to their home planes. Despite all this, the elven lord led his people to a strange sort of prosperity. Forged in blood and bodies of the slain Yasser created a kingdom of death and slaughter. The Yasseri elves became tainted by the poison land, evil permeating their very souls from birth. Very rarely one of the Yasseri will escape the deadly borders of their home on a ship, landing usually in Corithon and even rarer still in Telodin. Yasseri are met negatively by most peoples of the world and are even used in place of a kind of boogeyman to children in the human kingdoms of Telodin ("If you don't behave the Yasseri will kidnap you in the night".) Due to this emnity Yasseri will often travel with the aid of some kind of disguise, either trying to appear like a fey-blooded humanoid or even painting their skins and dying their hair to look more like other elven races. (A note: The Yasseri were never designed to be played by players but rather exist solely as a villainous race to pit the players against, which is why they aren't listed later with the other elves.)

Beneath the crust of the earth lies the deep and twisted passages of the Underdark. All manner of foul creature and aberration call these endlessly connected caves their home. The self-chosen defenders of the above-world, the Telluri elves, also call the Underdark their home, having many widespread communities at the entrances to this below-world all across the known world. For many centuries their people have fought to hold back the horrors below from reaching the world above. No few of the Telluri also leave their subterranean homes to find a life living under the sun instead of beneath stone.
Here's a piss-poor map of the Human Kingdoms and surrounding lands. (

~~Getting Started~~

So you're ready to join up for a rousing adventure of merriment and mayhem? That's great, but first you'll need a character. (To those of you who I've already discussed characters with outside of the forum, just post your stuff according to the guidelines below.) Now there isn't too much to worry about here - I'm not going to direct you towards a pile of rulebooks and say build a character. I just need some very basic information from you and with that I'll write up the mechanics for your character based on that info. In that same simplified way of thinking though, I don't want anyone coming to me with some fully-detailed character sheet for the game system I'll be basing my mechanics off of and expecting they'll get to play some min-maxed monstrosity. So, here is what I'll be asking for along with a note on each.

-Name: You must have one of these. If you want to have more than one, that's fine too.
-Gender/Sex: If you feel so inclined, these don't have to match up. Some races have the natural option of Neuter as well.
-Race: More information listed below.
-Age (Human Equivalent): Not all races live for the same length of time. You give me a human age and if you're not human I'll work out the numbers.
-Birth Place: Pick a region from those listed above. If you would like more information on those regions before choosing, let me know.
-Appearance/Clothing: This is hopefully self-explanatory. Try to keep it appropriate for a fantasy setting.
-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: The more you have to say here, the more I'll have to work with for a plot.
-Combat Style: Again, the more details you can give me on this, the better. Unless you want to go with Pacifist, which is also a perfectly valid choice. If you have specific types of weapons or armor you want your character to be in, make a note of that here.
-Religious Affiliation (if any): While it is not required to follow any specific faith, the gods are very active forces in Sephyr and being unaffiliated can prove potentially hazardous in some situations. Remember, even if you don't actually believe you can always fake it.

The next part Raven had easy with Curse of the Viper. There was only one race to choose from: human. In my game that just isn't so. There are many choices and for the most part if you can think it, I can probably make it playable. That said, here is a quick list of the more common races in the parts of the world I would expect the game to take place in.

Humans: Good at everything, specialized in nothing. Gets small bonuses to most actions. Most other races will listed in comparison to humans.

Elves come in two flavors:
 Telluri Elves - These elves are magically inclined and graceful, but physically frail. Can see in total darkness but has minor penalties when in very bright light. Mildly magic resistant. Starts off with a general disadvantage in stats to other races. (1 Level penalty)
 Alynthi Elves - The second flavor of elves are more hardy but less magical in nature. Can see normally even in very low light but not in total darkness. Gets bonuses to tracking and surviving in the wild as well as training in one advanced weapon of choice (regardless of class).
 Both are resistant to Enchantments and only need half as much sleep as most humanoids.

Dwarves: Short and slow but harder to kill than most races. They're not terribly good at using any kind of magic but they can if they need to. They get bonuses to resist poison, disease and being knocked down (Garland would hate these guys.) Bonuses to crafting items, working with stone and when fighting with dwarven weapons. Can see a short distance in total darkness. They also don't suffer any penalties for carrying too much weight.

Halflings: Small and hard to hit. They get small bonuses to resist all manner of bad effects as well as small bonuses to attacks with thrown weapons. The biggest drawbacks are they have short legs so they don't move quite as quickly as humans, nor are they as strong physically.

Gnomes: Not too dissimilar from the Halfling, Gnomes are smaller than humans but made of more solid stuff. They're harder to kill but physically weaker and travel slower due to their size. Like Alynthian Elves they can see in very low light, but not total darkness. They are magically and mechanically inclined and get bonuses to both magic and crafting.

Goliaths: Bigger than a Human and smaller than a Giant. Very strong, hardy and slow. They can make use of larger weapons which will deal more damage than something human-sized. The trade-off here is you start at an overall disadvantage to other races.

Lirai: Tiny, pixie-like fey that are elementally attuned. They fly rather than walk and move about as quickly through the air as a human on the ground. Completely useless at any physical task but very skilled with magic. They are extremely fragile though and will suffer penalties to their hit points more than any other race. (If chosen, pick one of the four elements to be attuned to: Fire, Water, Air or Earth)

Warforged: A kind of magical construct, these creatures are part-living, part-machine and designed for battle. They can work endlessly at physical tasks without rest and do not require food, drink or even air, but cannot be healed as easily by the common magics used to heal other humanoids. The flipside to that is if someone else has the skill for it they can attempt to repair you which is the equivalent of a small amount of healing. They are fairly strong and well-suited to combat in various forms but don't handle magic very well. They are also immune to many things that would affect other humanoids, such as poison, paralysis and disease.

As I said before, if there is a race you know of that you want to be and its not listed here, PM me about it (either on the forum or on IRC). I tend to be able to make just about anything work.

Just a quick piece on the gods - I don't want to write up a pile of information on what are still only partially fleshed-out deities. If you list something like your character worships the God of Magic or the God of War then I'll find a nice match for you from my notes. If you put in something completely out of left field, I will attempt to find some kind of match. For those of you familiar with the base D&D gods here is a chart for names to their equivalents in Sephyr.

Boccob - Astinus
Corellon Larethian - Sarine
Obad-Hai / Ehlonna - Aerlyn
Fharlanghn - Wyrd
Garl Glittergold - Norrick
Grummsh - Melkar
Heironeous - Fengar
Hextor - Vendrid
Kord - Gharr
Moradin - Daedalean
Nerull - Caine
Olidamarra - Whisper
Pelor - Odinn
St. Cuthbert - Kraegore
Vecna - Serente
Wee Jas - Mort
Yondalla - Epim

~~How It Works~~

Once I've collected everyone's character data I'll be posting your character sheets in a post below which will be updated as the game moves along. After that, I'll be starting off with a general assessment of everyone's situation and we'll begin with some kind of direction (I hope.) It seems like this is going to be a sandbox-world sort of game. You'll have pretty free reign of where to go and what to do. I'll likely go with popular vote among the players if there is some kind of dissent about what do to or where to go.

I will be running the game in 'Scenes' and 'Battle Panes'. Scenes will be the time for roleplaying, deciding on where to go and what to do and generally interacting with the world outside of battle. Battle Panes will be used for combat and they will follow much of the same format as was used in Curse of the Viper.

The game will progress when one of two things has been achieved: Either there is a party consensus or the time limit has been reached. With each Scene I will be posting a cut-off time for votes on where the game will go next. If you do not make yourself heard by that time, the game will continue without your input and you will be carried along with the flow of things. This will also hold true for Battle Panes - if you don't post before the time limit, you will forfeit your turn.

Battle Panes will have a specific format, again based directly on how things were done in CotV. It worked well there and I hope I can make it work as well here. First though I want to take a moment to shamelessly steal Raven's own words to explain again how Battle Panes will work. Those of you familiar with the system should read through it for some small changes that will be applied.
Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz said something like this
----------Combat and Battle Pane Explanations----------

All combat will be explained in "Battle Panes", a sort of freeze frame or ongoing novelization of each turn as it happens.  The description of each Battle Pane will be the full summary of all the actions taken, the reactions from the enemy, and a situation to work out of for the current Battle Pane.  The map will be presented to the players in the form of an image showing the locations of the player units, all known enemy units, and giving the players a good idea of what the terrain looks like.  This overview will be updated with each Battle Pane, and should be easy to follow.

During each Battle Pane, a character is allowed a default of four (4) Actions that he or she can perform, and also allowed to do things such as talk which doesn't require using up an Action. Examples of Actions are:

1. Moving
2. Drawing a weapon or item from your pack.
3. Casting a spell or using a power/skill.
4. Safely storing a held item in your back/sheathing a weapon properly.

There will also be Advanced Actions available to you as the game moves on which require more than one Action to perform. At the start of the game all players have access to one Advanced Action: Charge. If there is at least two tiles between you and a target, you can perform a Charge which will give you a bonus to your attack but will inflict a temporary penalty to your defense. Charging moves you at Running speed (see below),  but without such severe penalties to defense. A Charge must end with an Attack. You can't use a Charge to flee from battle.

When moving there is no distance cap per action. However, moving farther in a single action will delay how long it takes for your next action to trigger (as should be logical, since moving farther takes longer).  Note that there are also 2 types of movement: Normal and Running. Normal movement is just that, normal. You move at a steady pace and react to your surrounding appropriately. By contrast, Running lets you move a whole lot faster but at the expense of not being able to make attacks or put up more than a passive defense against incoming attacks. Running is good for getting the hell out of a mess, but not very useful if you intend to fight.

Try and be creative with your Actions. Remember, you can attempt to do just about anything. Success or failure will depend on your character's abilities and you can never succeed if you don't try. (However, if you try to do something completely impossible I will let you know so you don't waste actions on it.)

I will try to remember to make notes on terrain as I post each Battle Pane. If there are questions about any terrain seen on a map, just ask then. I will keep open the possibility of both airborne and underwater combat but for now all that really needs to be noted for that is to make a note of how many tiles vertically you are from 'zero'. When flying, zero is the ground and when underwater zero is the surface.

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz said something only vaguely like this
----------Range Explanations----------

There are several different combat ranges. These include Melee, Reach, Short, Medium, and Long. Ranged attacks are usually only affected by terrain when it interferes with line of sight. When counting squares for range, remember that diagonal movement counts as 1.5 squares.

Melee: A melee attack against an adjacent enemy.  In game terms, this Range is 1 Square anywhere around the unit, including diagonally.

Reach: A melee attack with a long weapon such as a polearm. This can hit enemies 2 sqaures away but not immediately adjacent enemies.

Close: Close range, but far enough away that a melee attack won't be effective. In game terms, this Range is anywhere from 2 to 4 Squares in a diamond around the unit. This is primarily used for thrown weapons and some skills.

Medium: An average combat distance that some ranged weapons function at. In game terms, this Range is 4-12 Squares in a diamond around the unit. Some weaker short range weapons such a slings fall into this category, as do some skills.

Long: A far range that most ranged weapons function at. In game terms, this Range is best used from 8-20 Squares in a diamond around the unit. It can be used for closer range attacks, but at a penalty.

As for the posting format, I do want to keep the same format that was settled on in CotV. That is normal text for narrative actions, "Bold print and quotes for when your character is speaking," and notation numbers in parentheses (1) when designating an action.

Celdia cursed herself for not noticing the signs of the bandits' ambush before it was too late. She sized up her foes as she drew her sword from its scabbard. (1) "Something tells me you guys aren't going to let me just pass quietly. Well that's alright. I never was one for being quiet." Charging forward, she swung wildly at the closest bandit, waiting to see if he would fall before pressing the attack further on his ally beside him.(2-4)

1. Draw my sword.
2&3. Charge Attack on Bandit 2 at E4, ending my move at D4.
4. If Bandit 2 dies from the Charge Attack, then Attack Bandit 3, otherwise attack Bandit 2 again.

If four actions seem to let the game go too slow per turn, then I may increase the number to six later on. I'd rather start with less and add more than start with too many and take them away afterwards.

As for Scenes, I was hoping to at least keep them to the same narrative plain-text and speaking bold-text. Anything that needs to be said Out of Character should be in ((double parentheses)) or noted in some other obvious fashion.

~~Equipping Your Character~~

For the time being, this part is going to be left empty since I will determine your initial load out of weapons and armor based on how much information you give me in your character's Combat Style entry. After everyone has fleshed out their characters here in the thread and I've posted your character sheets, then you'll be able to visit the shop to purchase the gear you'll need to make your way in the world with whatever Gold you have. I'm going to reserve the post after this one for whatever shops will be available to you as the game progresses. Most of the basic adventuring gear will be available in almost any decent sized part of civilization. During Scenes I will try to remember to note that the Shop Is Open or the Shop Is Closed for general restocking of gear. If you want to find something special/specific when you're in a town or city, say so and we'll see how things go from there. You can be vague in your requests to find special gear with things like "Something to help improve my defense" or "A charm to make my magic stronger." Its not like I expect anyone to come to me with a detailed list of equipment they would like to go and find.

~~Character Death~~

Being in a world of high magic, even death itself can be held at bay or denied entirely. Its just not always easy. If you die, there will expectedly be some length of time you won't be able to play for. There is also the possibility that the only people likely to go through the trouble to bring you back from the dead are your fellow players. It will be up to them to choose whether or not to pursue methods of resurrection or to let you rest in peace. Should the latter option be chosen, you can withdraw from the game entirely or go onto the Waiting List, should such a thing be necessary. The Waiting List will be for anyone that wants to play in the game but is either coming in late or I didn't have room for in the initial party. If you do end up dead and there is no wait to rejoin the game with a new character, please make a new character. I don't want to see a long-lost brother that is a clone of your original dead character showing up to join the party out of nowhere, nor will I tolerate a new character joining the scene who for some reason has the insane agenda of resurrecting your old character. That kind of thing will not be tolerated. I'm not saying you can't play a relative however. Just make sure that if you intend to that they have been previously established in your background AND that they are the kind of character to take on adventuring as a lifestyle. I hope I don't have to spell that out any further than I already did.

I think that's just about everything for getting this started. I already have some players that are definitely signed on for the game and they just need to post their characters here using the format listed above (Character portrait images are encouraged.) Anyone else that is interested in playing, feel free to just throw your hat into the ring. If I get more entries than I have slots left open for the game, I'll leave it to an RNG to see who makes the cut and who goes on the Waiting List.

~The Current Victims~
Kalas - IN
NinjaWeazel - IN
RavenOfRazgriz - IN
Ryqoshay - IN
SilentB - IN
randomname - IN by DM Fiat: Party needs a proper healer

~The Waiting List~
Eternal248 - 1st
Dunkelritter Luna - 2nd
Joseph Strife - 3rd
Lydyn - 4th
st4rw4k3r - 5th

Something that came to mind after the first player death that I'm going to institute on the Waiting List - If the party is lacking a key role for balance reasons due to player death, I will upset the order of the Waiting List to favor party balance/survivability.

Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 01, 2011, 06:21:53 am

Potions: You drink this to use it. Pulling it from a pouch or pack requires 1 Action. Drinking it can be done fast enough that it doesn't require an action.
Oils: These are applied directly to an object to make it function, usually a weapon. Pulling it from a pouch or pack requires 1 Action. Applying it also requires 1 Action.
Scrolls: You must be able to learn the spell on the scroll to cast it at all. You must have a high enough Magic Skill to do so safely. You can attempt to cast a spell off a scroll without the necessary skill but it may backfire. Scrolls usually require 1 Action to activate.
Wands: Like Scrolls, you must be able to learn the spell in a wand to activate it. Magic Skill doesn't affect your ability to activate a wand unless your Magic Skill is flagged with (Items Only). Wands cannot backfire - if you fail to activate them properly they just fizzle and waste a charge.
Wondrous Items: These usually require a command-word and/or being worn to gain the benefits from them. Anyone can use these unless they empower a specific skill (like Rage.)

Rhyhorn - 102 Gold Pieces, 47 Silver Pieces, 3 Copper Pieces
Hogarth - 336 Platinum Pieces, 199 Gold Pieces, 1 Copper Pieces
Xun - 397 Platinum Pieces, 231 Gold Pieces, 7 Silver Pieces
Yvonne - 77 Platinum Pieces, 7 Gold Pieces, 10 Silver Pieces
Nathalie - 33 Platinum Pieces, 103 Gold Pieces, 7 Silver Pieces, 6 Copper Pieces
N'zla - 0.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 01, 2011, 06:22:04 am

HP: 60/60
Defense: 20
Movement: 4
Endurance: 9
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 20
Ranged Skill: 12
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 59/59
Defense: 17
Movement: 8
Endurance: 7
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: -130

HP: 28/28
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 7
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 14/14
Defense: 20
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 7
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 8

HP: 22/22
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 22
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 24/24
Defense: 25
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

Quote from: Rhyhorn
Name: Rhyhorn
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Birthplace: Mountains of Soreth
Appearance: This (, covered in many leather sacks like a carrier beast.  His body is made almost purely of stone, leaving him in many ways akin to a Golem.  His stone-exterior is covered in the faded blue markings of elf's blood when not covered by the leather sacks, draconic runes of unknown use inscribed on his hide from a previous adventure. Their purpose is, and may forever be left, unknown.

Background & Personality: A stone-rhinoceros of unknown origin and sometimes questionable intellect, Rhyhorn lives as Rhyhorn lives - eating rocks, carrying goods for others in trade for money, and performing other simple tasks while roaming from place to place.  His previous adventures haven't been remarkable enough to warrant being told, and aside from the markings on his hide and some half-healed scars, he bears no mementos of them.  Rhyhorn is instinctual and quick to anger, charging perceived adversaries without warning, using the massive weight of his body to crush threats that aren't impaled upon his horn.  When not threatened, Rhyhorn has a habit of being silly or inattentive to the situation at hand, if not being directly addressed and having his attention maintained through some means.  While Rhyhorn can speak when required, the act of speech seems to come terribly difficult to him, causing him to often result to other forms of communication when possible.  He can easily understand speech spoken to him, however... again, as long as his attention can be held.

Combat Style: At his core, Rhyhorn is a simplistic fighter.  Offensively, he uses his rock-hard face and body as weapons, often charging his opponents resulting in body slams or horn impalements.  While Rhyhorn himself is not the kind to back down from a fight, he places the lives of companions and innocents above his own, often drawing and maintaining the enemy's aggression as he fights so others can heal, escape, or themselves fight without being harmed.  Despite his seemingly low intellect and "need" to eat, Rhyhorn understands enough of his physiology to know he can take plenty of abuse, something that pairs well with his primitive defensive instincts.  His selfless nature has resulted in him having several half-healed scars across his stone body, reminders of adventures with companions that parted ways with him long ago.  In desperate situations, Rhyhorn exhibits an intellect and ingenuity that seems far beyond him... though that could just be the result of a Golem-like equivalent of an adrenaline rush, because it never seems to last.

Religious Affiliation: Animals have no God.

HP: 60
Defense: 20
Movement: 4
Endurance: 9
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 20
Ranged Skill: 12
Magic Skill: 0
Athletics: 5
Stealth: 0
Stamina: 12
Knowledge: 1
Perception:  5
Social:  -2

Horn Attack: Your most basic attack form. Range: Melee. Power: 11. Requires 1 Action to use.
Focus: Makes you Focused. Being Focused allows you to use other abilities. Requires 1 Action to use.
Up The Walls: You may move up to 6 squares along a wall or ceiling during any movement. If you do not end your movement on the ground, at the end of the 6 squares of movement, you fall. You must be Focused to use this ability.
Roar: Lose being Focused and gain a +14 bonus to Power on your next attack. If you miss you still lose being Focused. You must be Focused before using again. No Action to use, just declare you will be using it in your attack Action.

Level 1 Powers (4/day): Stomp, Harden, Expansion.
-Stomp: You stomp the ground and create a shockwave that can knock down anyone in range. Range: 4 squares, cone shaped. Power: 6 (non-lethal) Requires 1 Action to use.
-Harden: Gain a +4 bonus to your Defense for a short time.  Requires 1 Action to use.
-Expansion: Grow one size category for a short time. Increases Attack Power and Range of Horn Attack but lowers Defense. Requires 1 Action to use.

Level 2 Powers (1/day): Rest.
-Rest: Regenerate your body with a short rest. Heals 1-12 HP. Range: Self. Requires 1 Action to use. Augment: You can consume 2 Level 1 Power uses per day to increase the total amount healed to 2-24 HP. This still only requires 1 Action to use when Augmented.

~Racial Traits~
Stone Body: Having a body made of stone grants more than a little bit of protection. You are considered to be wearing heavy armor and get a +8 bonus to your Defense. You gain a 25% chance to ignore critical hits against you. You also ignore the first 2 points of damage from any weapon that is not made of Adamantine. You can also subsist on nothing but rocks for nourishment. You are immune to most natural poisons and diseases, but cannot be easily healed by magic, nor do you recover HP from resting. You also reduce all Fire damage you take by 2 points.



{Tied to Neck by String}
1 Waterskin (full of water) - 4lb.
1 Chalkboard + Rag - 1lb.

{Worn on Front Hooves}
1 Brute Gauntlets - 1lb.

{Worn on Front Legs}
1 Bracers of Armor - 0lb.

{On Back}
1 Exotic Pack Saddle - 20lb. (Counts as "Clothes", so 0lb.)

{Exotic Pack Saddle Contents}
1 Bedroll - 5lb.
2 Caltrop Sacks - 5lb.
5 Chalk - 0lb.
1 Flint and Steel - 0lb.
1 Grappling Hook - 4lb.
1 Rations - 1lb.
1 Rope, Silk - 5lb.
1 Rope of Stone - 5lb.
2 Acid - 2lb.
2 Everburning Torches - 2lb.
2 Smokestick - 1lb.
2 Sun Rod - 2lb.
1 Artisan's Tools, Masterwork - 5lb.
1 Greatsword - 8lb. (
3 Oil of Light Repair - .3lb.
4 Unidentified Potions - .4lb.
## Rhyhorn's Money - 2.96lbs
## Xun's Money - 12.7lbs

//Total Carry Weight: 56.98lb.//

[Pull, Weight/5]

1 Cart - 200lb.

{Cart Contents}
1 Chest, Rhyhorn's - 25lb.
1 Chest, Nathalie's - 25lb.
5 Firewood - 100lb.
1 Lock (Amazing) - 1lb.
# Unsorted Rocks - 15lb.
4 Chalkboard + Rag - 4lb.
1 Crossbow, Heavy - 8lb.
2 Crossbow, Light - 8lb.
60 Bolts, Crossbow - 6lb.
2 Javelin - 2lb.
2 Glaive - 20lb.
1 Greatsword - 8lb.
2 Halberd - 24lb.
2 Scythe - 20lb. (
3 Masterwork Battleaxe - 18lb.
1 Longspear +1 - 9lb.

{Nathalie's Chest (No Lock) Contents}
1 Backpack (Empty) - 2lb.
1 Bedroll - 5lb.
1 Ink (Gold) - 0lb.
1 Ink (Purple) - 0lb.
1 Ink (Black) - 0lb.
1 Inkpen - 0lb.
1 Parchment (sheet) - 0lb.
3 Rations, trail - 3lb.
2 Soap - 2lb.
1 Waterskin - 4lb.
1 Disguise Kit - 8lb.
1 Scale, Merchant - 1lb.
1 Thieves' Tools, Masterwork - 2lb.
1 Cold Weather Outfit - 7lb.
1 Courtier Outfit with Jewelry - 6lb.
104 Bolts, Crossbow - 10.4lb.
## Nathalie's Money - 2.98lb.

Rhyhorn's Chest (Sealed with 1 Amazing Lock)
[Unsorted Goods and Supplies]

Total Pull Weight: 627.78lb. (125.556lb.)

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 87 lbs. Medium Load: 174 lbs. Heavy Load: 262 lbs.

Languages: Common, Dwarven

Quote from: Hogarth
Name: Hogarth
Sex: Female
Race: Alynthian Elf
Age: 134
Birthplace: Alynthia
Background/History/Motivation/Goals: Raised by a nomadic tribe of stoats (and people) in the frozen north, she has learned to hunt and kill for herself. Prone to berserker rages common of her tribe, she uses a large battle axe and smaller, other axes for throwing. She refuses all other weapons. She thinks wizards are cowards, due to her low intelligence and lack of social skills. She left Alynthia for having "killed at least one of everything that lives there", looking for other, more exciting things to attack and then possibly eat. Ale, violence, and adventure are what she lives for, as she drifts from day to day.

Combat style: Pig-headed, focused, rushed attacks are her specialty. She will often Charge in to swing her axe, and really only uses her throwing axes when it would either look cool or win a contest for gold.
Religious alignment: She screams the name of her heathen gods to empower her for fight, and to frighten her enemies. She sometimes makes up new, different gods to scream to in case they might exist or the name sounds scarier.

HP: 59
Defense: 17
Movement: 8
Endurance: 7
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: -130 because wizards are cowards.
Athletics: 10
Stealth: 3
Stamina: 3
Knowledge: -1
Perception: 2
Social: -1

- Greataxe: Power 27. Melee Skill Bonus:+4. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Throwing Axe: Power 15. Range: 2-10 squares (loses accuracy every for 2 squares.) Requires 1 Action to use (includes drawing the weapon to throw.)

Illiterate: This counts as an ability. You can't read. You're lucky you know how to speak. Future note: Not all abilities are good ones.
Rage (4/day): You can go berserk for a short time, temporarily increasing your Power, Combat Skills, HP and Magic Resistance while also lowering your Defense. At the end of your Rage, you become fatigued and must rest before using your Rage again. Duration: 14 Actions. Requires 1 Action to use. (Power +6, Melee Skill +8, HP +8, Magic Defense +2)
Uncanny Dodge: You are always ready to fight and never take penalties to Defense for being surprised.
Trap Sense: You gain a small bonus to avoid the effects of traps you trigger.
Low-Light Vision: Can see in dim light as easily as if it were daylight.
Throw Anything: If you can lift it you can use it as a weapon. Only accurate to a range of 2 squares. Melee weapons hurled this way do normal damage for that weapon. Anything else is up to the discretion of the DM.

- Greataxe (Magic +1) (12 lbs.)
- Throwing Axes (Quantity: 3) (2 lbs. each)
- Mithral Shirt (10 lbs.)
- Custom Animal Hides (Decorative) (The height of Alynthian fashion) (10 lbs.)
- Belt of One Mighty Blow (1/day get +21 Power on a Melee Attack)

1 Backpack 2lbs
1 Bedroll 5lbs
1 Crowbar 5lbs
1 Grappling hook 4lbs
1 Hammer 2lbs
3 Mug/Tankards, clay 3lbs
3 Oil pints 3lbs
1 pot, iron  10lbs
3 pouch, belt 1.5lbs
1 Rope, hempen (50ft) 10lbs
1 Sledge  10lbs
1 Waterskin 4lbs
5 rations, trail  5lbs

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 100 lbs. Medium Load: 200 lbs. Heavy Load: 300 lbs.

Languages: Alynthi (spoken only), Common (spoken only)

Quote from: Xun Huan
Name: Xun Huan
Gender/Sex: Male
Race: Human
Age: 24
Birth Place: Corinthon

Appearance/Clothing: A slender young man dressed in a simple robe of undyed cotton, bearing a yin-yang stitched on the back and held closed with a brilliant red sash.  His eyes are a brilliant green, standing out sharply in his tanned face.  His head is shaved bald,   His only weapon is a simple straight sword bearing an ornate red tassle, slung across his back in a worn leather sheath.  Around his neck hangs a necklace of large beads, an aid in focusing his mind and helping to direct the energy of his prayers.

History/Background/Motivation/Goals: Raised from infancy within the confines of Wudang Temple, Xun lived a life of simplicity and devotion.  He has studied the basics of Taoist alchemy, astrology, cuisine, martial arts, medicine, and the workings of both internal and external applications of personal energy in addition to studying the ways of the gods and their places within the Tao.  A humble student of The Way, Xun has recently finished his novitiate in a temple, and is wandering the world to expand his knowledge and understanding of the principles of his teachings.

Combat Style: Xun eschews heavy armor, trusting in his martial arts training to anticipate and deflect or avoid physical attacks while his intense spiritual training helps ward him from mystical assault.  His movements are swift and precise, his strikes suprisingly powerful thanks to his martial arts practice.

Religious Affiliation (if any): As a devoted Taoist, Xun reveres all the good gods equally, seeing them as personifications of the virtues of The Way.

HP: 28
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 7
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: 0
Athletics: 6
Stealth: 2
Stamina: 0
Knowledge: 5
Perception: 6
Social: 0

Attacks: (See Also Maneuvers)
- Bastard Sword: Power: 21. (2Handed: +4 Power). Melee Skill Bonus: +4. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
        -> Crystal of Return, Lesser: Draw weapon as free action, returns to hand from up to 30' away if unattended (requires 1 action.)

Disciple of the Sword: You have access to martial Stances and Maneuvers. You may only have one Stance active at any time. You can only have 4 Maneuvers ready at any given time. You can meditate for 5 minutes to change what Maneuvers you have ready. Once you use a Maneuver during an encounter, you cannot use it again until you Recover your Maneuvers. You can spend 2 Actions to Recover your Maneuvers. If you did not use a Maneuver before this, you cannot use it twice but rather it is reset with the others.
Exotic Training: You can wield a Bastard Sword in either one hand or two hands as needed. You get a bonus to Power when using it two-handed.
Vital Recovery: Heal 6 HP the first time you Recover your Maneuvers each battle.
Aid Another(Defense Boost): When using an Action to Aid Another for raising their Defense, the bonus is +3 instead of +2.
Rune of Endless Fire (1/day): Damages one enemy with equipped weapon. Damage counts as Fire damage and target is blinded. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +4 bonus to Power on all your attacks, your attacks deal Fire damage instead of their normal type, and the number of hit points and temporary hit points granted by your abilties increases by 4. Power: As Weapon x2. Range: Melee. Requires 2 Actions to use.
Stances: Requires 1 Action to use, effect persists until you spend 1 Action to either end it or switch to another Stance.
- Punishing Stance [Destruction Stance]: Your Melee attacks gain a +7 bonus to Power and you take a -2 penalty to Defense.
- Bolstering Voice [Protection Stance]: You and your allies within Medium Range of you gain a +2 bonus to Magic Resistance and a +4 bonus to resist any Fear effects. (These bonuses do not stack with each other.)
Maneuvers: These are usually used in place of a normal attack. Some have an additional effect based on your Stance being either [Destruction] or [Protection].
-Word of Mending: You or one ally within Close Range of you heals 6-13 HP. [Destruction] - You and each ally within Close Range of you gain a +4 bonus to Power on weapon attacks until the end of the next turn. [Protection] - You and each ally within Close Range of you gain a +1 Bonus to Defense, Endurance, Reflex Speed and Magic Resistance until the end of the next turn.
-Word of Binding: Damages the target and they cannot move until the end of the next turn. [Destruction] - Allies get a +6 bonus to Power when attacking the target next turn. [Protection] - One ally in Close Range of you (at time of use) gains a +3 bonus to Defense until the end of the next turn. Power: 14. Requires 1 Action to Use. Range: Melee.
-Word of Exchange: Damages one enemy with equipped weapon. [Destruction] - The next ally that attacks the target before the end of the next turn gains a +6 bonus to their Power and also gains 3 temporary hit points. [Protection] - The target takes a -2 penalty to Defense until the end of the next turn and the first ally to attack the target before then gets a +3 bonus to Defense until the end of the next turn. Power: As Weapon. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
-Word of Shielding: Damages one enemy with equipped weapon. [Destruction] - The first time your target attacks you or an ally within Close Range of you before the end of the next turn, that target takes 1 point of damage. [Protection] - The first time your target attacks you or an ally within Close Range of you before the end of the next turn, the target of that attack gains 1 temporary hit point. Power: As Weapon. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
-Divine Rune of Thunder: Damages one enemy with equipped weapon. [Destruction] - Gain a +6 bonus to Power for this attack. The target takes a -2 penalty to Defense until the end of the next turn. [Protection] - The target is pushes back 3 squares from you and loses 2 Actions next turn.
-Icon of Victory: You and your adjacent allies gain +4 to Combat Skill until the next Turn. You can choose to expend the first Action of your next Turn to repeat the effect. Requires 1 Action to use.

- Bastard Sword (Magic) (6 lbs.)
- Crystal of Return, Lesser ( - )
- Chain Shirt (Masterwork) (25 lbs.)

  rations (14 days)
  winter blanket
  candle x5
  fishhook x5
  Flint & Steel
  common lamp
  oil (5 pints)
  soap (2 lbs)
Pot, iron
pouch, belt (x3)
  Ink (3 oz)
  small steel mirror (x3)
  Candle x5
  paper (20 sheets)
  scroll case x2
  cash   31 gold, 7 silver
belt of healing

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 100 lbs. Medium Load: 200 lbs. Heavy Load: 300 lbs.

Languages: Corithonian, Common (broken, spoken only)

Quote from: Yvonne Scintillae Incendam
Name: Yvonne Scintillae Incendam
Gender: Female
Race: Lirai (fire)
Age: Forgotten (appears to be human equivalent of mid-twenties)
Birthplace: Plane of Fire

Background: Born of the eternal inferno of the Plane of Fire, Yvonne spent her early days flitting around the flames and basking in the warmth. While the plane is most certainly not devoid of life, after a century or so, it gets old. Upon coming of age, she left the safety of her home and began seeking methods of extra-planar travel. She quickly found she was unable to open her own portals, so whenever she was bored with a plane, she had to inquire about to find one who could send her on her way. She has spent decades exploring any place she can find adventure and has recently stumbled across a strange realm known as Sephyr. At least that what she claims.

Personality: Prideful, boastful, arrogant, though sometimes ignorant, Yvonne lives day to day with a robust lust for life and the adventures it can hold.

Appearance: About eight inches tall and something like this...

Combat Style: Yvonne is practically useless in melee combat, and she knows it, therefore she abhors physical fighting. She prefers to stay at a safe distance and flits around the battlefield, flinging her spells at her foes and laughing.

HP: 14
Defense: 19
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 7
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 8
Athletics: -1
Stealth: 5
Stamina: 6
Knowledge: 3
Perception: 0
Social: 5

Natural Flight: You can fly under your own power and in all directions at equal speeds. You can fly straight down at double your normal speed.
Low-Light Vision: Can see in dim light as easily as if it were daylight.
Elemental Affinity: You ignore the first 10 points of Fire damage dealt to you from any source.
Hide in Plain Sight: You can attempt to hide with your Stealth Skill even while being observed if you are within 1 square of a naturally occuring source of fire (which can be no smaller than a campfire in size.)
Elemental Strike (3/day): You can conjure up a small ball of fire to attack someone with. Power: 22, Fire damage. Range: Close. Ranged Skill Bonus: +8. Requires 1 Action to use.
Dormant Power: A power yet inaccessible at this time.
Cantrips (6/day): Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Electric Jolt
- Acid splash: Throw a tiny ball of conjured acid at a target. Power: 3, Acid damage. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights. Range: Long. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Flare: Dazzles one creature (-4 on Combat Skills for 1 turn.) Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Light: Make a held object glow like a torch. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Electric Jolt: Arc a tiny lightning bolt at a target. Power: 4, Lightning damage. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.

Level 1 Spells (7/day): Magic Missile, Kelgore's Fire Bolt, Lesser Orb of Electricity.
- Magic Missile. Launch bolts of magical force unerringly at a target. Power: 14. Range: Long. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Kelgore's Fire Bolt: Conjures a small stone and wraps it in magical fire. Power: 27, Fire damage. Range: Long. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Lesser Orb of Electricity: Create a tiny ball of energy and hurl it at a target. Power 18, Electricity damage. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.

- Bracers of Armor (+1 Defense) (.5 lb.)
- Cloak of Resistance (+1 E/RS/MD) (.5 lb)
- Ring of Protection (+1 Defense)
- Spell Component Pouch
- Handy Haversack (5 lbs.)
- Everlasting Ration Kit (.5 lb.)

Mirror (I feel pretty) (.5 lb.)
Vial (to keep soap in) (.01 lb.)
1/5 lb. of Soap (a lady has to keep clean) (.2 lb.)
Cold weather outfit (1.75 lb.)
Blanket, winter (.75 lb)
Case, Scroll (.125 lb.)
Scroll of Shield x4
Scroll of Endure Elements x2
Scroll of Orb of Fire, lesser x4
Jewelry consisting of gold choker, brass earrings with red quartz, pyrite druzy bracelets, and a flame signet ring
Wand of Repair Light Damage x2
Wand of Magic Missile
Wand of Detect Secret Doors
Wand of Detect Magic
Needle and Thread
Various Flowers
Antitoxin x2: 100gp
Pole, 10 ft. (8 lb.)
Tent, lirai-sized (5 lb.)
Bedroll, lirai-sized (1.25 lb.)
Rope, silk 50 ft. (5 lb.)
Chain 10 ft. (2 lb.)
Block and Tackle (5 lb.)
Piton x10 (5 lb.)
Hammer (2 lb.)
Sealing Wax (1 lb.)
Other Miscellaneous Items

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 13 lbs. Medium Load: 26 lbs. Heavy Load: 40 lbs.

Languages: Common, Sylvan

Quote from: Nathalie Marchand
Name: Nathalie Marchand
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: Twenty-one
Birth Place: Kingdom of Highland

Appearance: Nathalie's face is fairly oval-like, but her features are a mix of contradictions. Her eyes are pointed, and stern, but they carry themselves with a lazy, tired beauty. Her eyes are a cold, pale blue, but they evoke an inviting warmth to them. Her face is haughty, and statuesque, with defined cheekbones and a nose that points slightly upward, though when she smiles her whole face lights up, and stretches and contorts to every emotion she feels. Her hair is medium length and a deep, maroon-like red, though she is normally cool and carries a "quiet" confidence. Her skin is a porcelain white and her features are striking, though quite vanilla.

However, her knack for fashion offsets the lack of any sort of exoticism. She messily parts her hair from the end of her forehead to the left, having her hair fall wildly down, across and back. It's waviness adds to the quality of being "untamed." She wears a very muted gold, almost pale, silk dress with slits down the sides that start at her thighs, leaving her legs exposed. She covers up her "bare" parts with a silk, sinewy, sienna scarf, and the same colored leggings (cotton) that also keep her warm in the temperate weather. She dons black boots with laces that tie up to her shins, and they have a small heel to give her a bit of height.

History: Nathalie is, for the most part, something of a celebrity in Highland, well, at least Weinrist that is. Blooming ever delightfully at the ripe age of seventeen, she's been the object of many a man's affection. Having worked in the gruff and tough environment of a bar, she can at least handle herself with the more rowdy men, and the more shy customers flock like sheep to her beauty, leaving her to be a model employee and barmaid. She has quite excellent oratorical skill as well, and used it to her advantage to entice men into thinning their wallets to fatten her purse. She is not exactly the most moral of people, but she does nothing that is blatantly immoral. Recently, however, she has fascinated the wrong crowd of people. Since Nathalie is not very careful of the men she allures and for all intents and purposes "steals" from, she has gained her small share of detractors. In this case, she has gained the un-approving eye of loyal men (with domineering wives) that find her behavior deplorable and sinful. While at first she shrugged off their holier-than-thou sermons and attempts at "rescuing her soul," the relentless and perilous persistence of these men forced her to pick up and leave Weinrist and flee elsewhere.
With only small bits of knowledge and tricks she's gained over the past five years of tending to perverted, lonely or respectable men that wandered into her place of employment, she escapes from the zealous men who, and as a shock to her, still chase her, even in her dreams..

Combat Style: Having only a few parlor tricks if in case of emergency, she doesn't fare well in battle at all. Her strength is in her words and fights only with the power of speech. While not exactly a pacifist, she is so out of necessity (self-preservation). She survives by making deals, a bit of a devil in that regard, she'll always exchange some sort of commodity to ensure her own safety, at, and to her dismay, any

Religious Affiliation: Since she flies by the seat of her pants, she relies heavily on luck to ensure everything goes smoothly. With that, she is a very devout follower of Armist, but only in secret. Making a spectacle of faith, she feels, defeats the purpose.

HP: 22
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 22
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Athletics: -1
Stealth: 7
Stamina:  1
Knowledge: 6
Perception: 6
Social: 8

- Light Crossbow, Magic: Power: 11, Ranged Skill Bonus: +4, Range: Medium. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Dagger: Power: 3, Combat Skill Bonus: +4, Range: Melee/Close. Requires 1 Action to use.

Trapfinding: You can attempt to find and disable complex traps that would otherwise be undetectable. Also gives you a bonus to Defense and Reflex Speed for avoiding damage from traps.
Evasion: Take no damage when successfully resisting the effects of some spells, instead of half damage like normal.
Sneak Attack: When attacking an enemy under certain circumstances you get a +7 Power bonus on your attack. Ranged attacks can only get this bonus within 6 squares of the target.
Use Magic Device: You can attempt to activate wands or magic scrolls despite not being a spellcaster. Be careful of backfires!
Rapid Reload: When reloading a Light Crossbow you do not require spending an Action. When reloading a Heavy Crossbow you require spending only 1 Action.
Point Blank Shot: When firing on a target within 6 squares of you, you gain +1 Power and +4 Melee Skill on your attack.
Uncanny Dodge: You are always ready to fight and never take penalties to Defense for being surprised.

1 Crossbow, Light, Enchanted +1 - 4lb. (Primary Weapon)
10 Bolts, Crossbow - 1lb.
1 Dagger, Masterwork - 1lb.
1 Mithral Shirt, +1  Magic - 10lb.
1 Buckler, +1 Magic - 5 lbs.
1 Healing Belt - 2 lbs.
1 Wand of Bless (10 charges) - .1 lb.

On Cart: See Rhyhorn
Current Load: 23.1/80lb. (Light Load)

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 26  lbs. Medium Load: 53 lbs. Heavy Load: 80 lbs.
Languages: Common, Giant, Goblin, Alynthi, Draconic, Orcish.

Quote from: N'zla of Ro'K
Name:  N'zla of Ro'K (UN-zzzl-ah | roh-Kuh)
Gender/Sex: Lesser Male
Race: Ek, highly intelligent bug people. Picture
Age: 79
Birth Place:  Hive Ro'K, Underdark
Appearance/Clothing: Sketch (
Predominantly lime green.  N'zla's shell is embossed in the Ek tradition with swirls and dots, the embossed sections are painted red and pink.  N'zla wears the traditional Ak Priest headdress made of scaled blackened chitin.  The headdress is topped with a carved statuette on the front between his antenna of an Ek in a meditation position.  The headdress leads into a thick collar with hundreds of bright feathers (a sign of wealth as feathers are a rare and treasured commodity in the Ek Hives).  He wears more blackened chitin scales as armor over his torso and abdomen.

N'zla was raised as a priest of Holy Ak in the Ek Hives of Underdark.  His people are strict pacifists, and like them he has a tendency to be naive.  But also as most Ek have, N'zla bears a great curiosity for the Above.  He wishes to understand the Above and its peoples, to know what they know and to bring secrets back to Ro'K.  
As most priests of Ak, N'zla is also well-versed in Mok-T'raat, or "War Games", a ritual that honors the time long ago when Ek still fought like beasts until they were saved by their patron, Ak.  Mok-T'raat is merely a strategy game, a mimicry of ancient feuds, and N'zla has no idea how to actually fight.
He's far better with the Tongues of the humanoid races than many of his peers.  He has spent years practicing to mimic the sounds humanoid mouths make.  Even so, his speech is broken and awkward at best.

Combat Style: Pacifist.

Religious Affiliation:  Ak, God of the Forgotten, Secrets, and Knowledge.

HP: 24
Defense: 25
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8
Athletics: 0
Stealth: 4
Stamina: 4
Knowledge: 6
Perception: 6
Social: -3

Turn Undead: Focus your spirit through your holy symbol and make weak undead flee in terror. Range: Medium
Darkvision: Can see up to 12 squares in complete darkness. Everything appears in monochrome using Darkvision.
Chitin Hide: Your body is naturally armored. Gives a +3 bonus to Defense that can't be removed.
Restless: Immune to Sleep magic and effects. Does still need to sleep normally.
Multiple Limbs: You have four arms and they all function equally.

Cantrips (5/day): Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance, Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic.
- Create Water: Conjure up 2 gallons of fresh water. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Cure Minor Wounds: Heal one ally for 3 HP.  Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Detect Poison: Detect poison within a creature or object. Range: 12 squares, cone shaped. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Purify Food and Drink: Makes food and/or drinks safe to consume. Range: Special. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Resistance: +1 to Endurance, Reflex Speed and Magic Resistance. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Detect Magic: Detect magical auras. Range: 12 squares, cone shaped.
- Guidance: Divine guidance grants a +4 on an ally's next Attack, or a +1 on their next E/RS/MR or Skill check. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Read Magic: Read magical scrolls and writing.

1st Level Spells (5/day): Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Omen of Peril, Blessed Aim, Deathwatch.
- Cure Light Wounds: Heal one allly for 6-13 HP. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Bless: All allies within 10 squares of you get +4 bonus on all Attacks. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Omen of Peril: Divine inspiration lets you know if danger lies ahead. Requires 1 Actions to use.
- Blessed Aim: All allies within 10 squares of you gets a +8 bonus on Ranged Attacks. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Deathwatch: Know how much life remains in creatures within 6 squares of you. Requires 1 Action to use.

2nd Level Spells (3/day): Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Dark Way
- Cure Moderate Wounds: Heal one allly for 9-23 HP. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Lesser Restoration: Heal one ally for 1-4 points of stat damage. Range: Melee. Requires 3 Actions to use.
- Dark Way: Create a bridge of force 1 square wide and up to 12 squares long. Can hold up to 600 lbs. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.

Totem of Ak
Ek Chitin Armor
Healer's Kit
Buckler +1
Artificer's Monocle
Healing Belt
Wand of Repair Light Damage (10 charges)

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 33 lbs. Medium Load: 66 lbs. Heavy Load: 100 lbs.

Languages: Ek'r, Common, Telluri, Undercommon, Gnomish

Because some people were asking about stats I thought I'd put this chart up for them. It doesn't directly reflect the number values (for instance 'Average' does not mean '10') but rather the characters' stats in relation to the rest of the party.

Quote from: Seap
Name: Seap
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 22
Birthplace: Kingdom of Highland

Background: Seap was, until recently, an actor and bard for Baron Emal, a major patron of the arts in Highland.  The yearly festivals hosted by the Baron's musicians at his summer villa in Depstan drew crowds from all of Telodin.  That was until last year, when an unusual omen prompted Depstan's chief astrologer to predict disaster during the week of the festival.  The Baron, never one to believe superstitions, proceeded without heed of the warning.  Despite the reduced turnout that year, the festivities seemed undisturbed by the omen.  On the penultimate night, however, right as the bards were rehearsing one last time for their finale the next day, light covered the sky as if the already set sun had reemerged to swallow everything else.  Following his instincts, Seap bolted across the gate of the villa; his eyes too steeped in terror to even glance back.  As his eyes regained vision, he scanned at the marketplace around him.  It seemed normal enough, and yet, the festive atmosphere he had seen that very morning was gone.  Rushing back along the seaside road to the villa, Seap could only see the unimaginable.  Where the road once led up to the villa, the road now curved away, leading to a fisherman's hut.  Waves crashed against the sand where the gates of his master's summer mansion once stood.  There was no trace of wood, stone, or food anywhere near the site, only wet sand and a few scuttling crabs.  The fisherman, like all the other inhabitants of the town, told Seap that no villa had ever existed where he had spent 10 summers of his life.
Over the next year, the disheartened Seap tried to relate his story to anyone who would listen, to no avail.  The clergy considered him cursed; the nobles found him unemployable, and the peasants simply called him crazy.  Forced to pawn most of his possessions, Seap finally decided to meet the very astrologer who predicted the disaster, even though Seap himself didn't believe in such matters.  The astrologer, despite his sympathy, seemed to offer no solution, only suggesting that Seap wander until he found the truth.  With no other real option, Seap departed from Depstan, if only to escape his reputation.

Appearance/Clothing: Seap wears a worn linen tunic, with worn leather shoes and pants.  His undershirt is made of wool, as is his socks.

Combat Style: Seap was never trained in combat and disdains it.  He believes his song can win over even the worst of people, though he isn't above running if his life demands it.  (Seap is mostly pacifistic.)

Religious Affiliation: As part of his repertoire, Seap sings the songs of many religions, and thus, doesn't feel strongly drawn to any.  Furthermore, he doesn't see the priests as any more holy than himself, since they both draw money off of the emotions inspired from the audience.

Finale: Seap met his end when passing through the border checkpoint between Highland and Verun. He said the wrong thing to an official there and gained the attention of Patrol Captain Lagrand who too Seap into a small interrogation chamber intent on wringing information out of the bard, by force if necessary. Seap, sensing the danger of the scenario even when he was being truthful made an attempt to put the Captain under his influence with a Charm Person spell so that he might escape, but the spell failed to take hold. Realizing what had happened, Captain Lagrand drew his sword and ran Seap through with the blade before viciously decapitating the bard.

HP: 14
Defense: 13
Movement: 6
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Defense: 7
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 7
Athletics: -1
Stealth: 4
Stamina:  0
Knowledge: 6
Perception: 4
Social: 10

Sprint: Retain full defense bonus when moving at Running speed and gain a 25% bonus to Movement while Running.
Bardic Music (7/day): Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence -  Requires 1 Action to start, must use first Action of each turn to continue. Effects last for as long as the effect is continued.
- Countersong: Attempt to use music to counter sound-based effects. Range: Long.
- Fascinate: Attempt to enthrall non-hostile targets with music. Range: Long.
- Inspire Courage: Use music to boost all allies' Combat Skills by 8 and Power by 2 while performing. Range: Long.
- Inspire Competence: Use music to boost one ally's non-combat Skills by 2 while performing. Range: Long.

Cantrips (3/day): Light, Read Magic, Know Direction, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Lullaby
- Light: Make a held object glow like a torch. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Read Magic: Read magical scrolls and writing.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Know Direction: Instantly learn what direction is North.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Detect Magic: Detect magical auras. Range: 12 squares, cone shaped.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis. Range: Close.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Lullaby: Make subjects drowsy, penalizing their skills and making them weak to the Sleep spell. Range: Medium.  Requires 1 Action to use.

Level 1 Spells (2/day): Expedious Retreat, Sleep, Charm Person
- Expedious Retreat: Increase Movement by 6. Range: Self. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Sleep: Put weak enemies to sleep. Range: Long. AoE: 3.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Charm Person: Makes one person believe they are your friend for a few hours. Range: Close.  Requires 1 Action to use.

- Silver Fife
- Bracers of Armor (+1 Defense) (1 lb.)
- Cloak of Resistance (+1 E/RS/MD) (1 lb.)
- Spell Component Pouch
- 603 Gold Pieces

Backpack (2 lb)
8x Ink
Iron Pot (10 lb)
14x Rations (@ 1 lb ea.)
10x Parchment
10x Tindertwig
Entertainer's Outfit (Not Worn, but used for shows;4 lb)
Soap (.8 lb)
Waterskin (4 lb)
Pouch with Belt (0.5 lb, stores ink vials and soap)

Total Weight: 47.36 lb

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 26  lbs. Medium Load: 53 lbs. Heavy Load: 80 lbs.

Languages: Common, Corithonian, Alynthi, Telluri

Quote from: Elia Cyronae
Name: Elia Cyronae
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Age: 23
Birth Place: Derrymor
Appearance/Clothing: She is dressed in a long red robe, with a pink trim. Medium blonde-white hair, green eyes. She has a spear on her back.

History/Background/Motivation/Goals: She was born in Derrymor. Her mother was a devoted religious woman, and here father was a warrior. Einar Cryonae, her father, saw that Derrymor was a land of barbarians, and he believes that that land is for the taking for the purpose of a more civilized group. So he started his own little village on the out skirts of Derrymor. There he slowly grew his land over the years, conquering small piece by piece, losing some of his own land at times too. After a few years, he got married to a lovely Priestess, named; Helene Else. Together they had a child, Elia Cyronae-Else.

Elia grew up, learning the ways of Odin from her mom, and how to use the spear from her dad. By the age of 15, her dad was killed, poisoned by barbarians (actually by his wife, she doesn't know though). Everything Elia's father worked for, everything crumbled apart. The Barbarians came over and took their land back, erasing everything that her father worked for. Elia was taken by her mom to Fradaria, Fradris. Where for 5 years she lived as a priest in a Church of Odin.
For the past 3 years she has been wondering slowly following where ever Odin leads her, so she my grow strong, and one day take Derrymor from the barbarians that took her fathers life!

Her main goal is to go where Odin leads her (She prays to him to guide her spear so it may lead her to where he wishes) so she may grow stronger, and one day take Derrymor.

Combat Style: When she must, she uses her spear, but does not un-sheath the spear's blade, unless needed. Usually she hangs out, healing and helping others.

Religious Affiliation: Odin

Finale: Elia's tale was brought to a close when attempting to recover magical objects as part of a mercenary hiring. After successfully locating and infiltrating a goblin stronghold in some caves located in Northern Verun, the priestess found herself surrounded by enemies and at the edge of a pit trap. Injured, out of magic and with her allies otherwise engaged, one powerful axe swipe from a hobgoblin knocked her unconscious and into the deep pit. The fall broke her neck and ended her life with little more than a dull thud.

HP: 21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6
Athletics: 1
Stealth: 2
Stamina: 0
Knowledge: 1
Perception: 7
Social: 5

- Blessed Longspear (capped): Power: 13.  Melee Skill Bonus: +6. Range: Reach. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Barefisted: Power: 9. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.

Flurry: Use 2 Actions to make 3 attacks with your spear or bare-fists but at a penalty to your accuracy.
Unarmed Strike: You are as proficient at dealing blows without a weapon as you are with one.
Evasion: Take no damage when successfully resisting the effects of some spells, instead of half damage like normal.
Mercy: You can choose whether to deal lethal or non-lethal damage with any attack.

Cantrips (5/day): Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance.
- Create Water: Conjure up 2 gallons of fresh water. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Cure Minor Wounds: Heal one ally for 3 HP.  Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Detect Poison: Detect poison within a creature or object. Range: 12 squares, cone shaped. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Purify Food and Drink: Makes food and/or drinks safe to consume. Range: Special. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Resistance: +1 to Endurance, Reflex Speed and Magic Resistance. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.

1st Level Spells (5/day): Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil, Remove Paralysis, Shield of Faith.
- Cure Light Wounds: Heal one allly for 6-13 HP. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Protection from Evil: One ally gains +2 to Defense against Evil enemies. Also offers some protection against Evil spirits. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Remove Paralysis: Restores allies from being paralyzed. Range: Close. AoE: 2. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Shield of Faith: One ally gains a +2 bonus to Defense for a short time. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.

- Silver Holy Symbol of Odinn
- Blessed Longspear [Magic] (9 lbs.)
- Bracers of Armor +1
- Pearl of Speech (Sylvan)

Pouch, belt - 1/2 lb
   7 Rations - 7 lb

Pouch, belt - 1/2 lb
   Flint and Steel
   4 Candles
   Whetstone - 1 lb
   Soap - 1 lb
Pouch, belt - 1/2 lb
   2 Red 1 yard long by 2 inch wide silk ribbon - 1 lb
   4 Bells

Pouch - 1/2 lb
   all my cash

Waterskin - 4 lb

Weight - 16 lbs.

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 43 lbs. Medium Load: 86 lbs. Heavy Load: 130 lbs.

Languages: Common

Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 01, 2011, 06:30:47 am
One thing I may have neglected to mention in the OP is that this is a beginning level game. No making yourself up to be world-sundering mages or unparalleled fighters. You're newbs. Cadets right out of training for whatever field you're in. Take that into consideration during your character design.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 01, 2011, 06:33:39 am
It lets the Berry Mama in
Or else the dice roll 1's again
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 01, 2011, 10:20:50 am
-> Prepares his character sheet.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: formerdeathcorps on November 01, 2011, 03:51:22 pm
I will edit the following post since I will need more information from Celdia.

Castrated Male

Birthplace: Highland

Background: Seap was, until recently, an actor and bard for Baron Emal, a major patron of the arts in Highland.  The yearly festivals hosted by the Baron's musicians at his summer villa in Depstan drew crowds from all of Telodin.  That was until last year, when an unusual omen prompted Depstan's chief astrologer to predict disaster during the week of the festival.  The Baron, never one to believe superstitions, proceeded without heed of the warning.  Despite the reduced turnout that year, the festivities seemed undisturbed by the omen.  On the penultimate night, however, right as the bards were rehearsing one last time for their finale the next day, light covered the sky as if the already set sun had reemerged to swallow everything else.  Following his instincts, Seap bolted across the gate of the villa; his eyes too steeped in terror to even glance back.  As his eyes regained vision, he scanned at the marketplace around him.  It seemed normal enough, and yet, the festive atmosphere he had seen that very morning was gone.  Rushing back along the seaside road to the villa, Seap could only see the unimaginable.  Where the road once led up to the villa, the road now curved away, leading to a fisherman's hut.  Waves crashed against the sand where the gates of his master's summer mansion once stood.  There was no trace of wood, stone, or food anywhere near the site, only wet sand and a few scuttling crabs.  The fisherman, like all the other inhabitants of the town, told Seap that no villa had ever existed where he had spent 10 summers of his life.
Over the next year, the disheartened Seap tried to relate his story to anyone who would listen, to no avail.  The clergy considered him cursed; the nobles found him unemployable, and the peasants simply called him crazy.  Forced to pawn most of his possessions, Seap finally decided to meet the very astrologer who predicted the disaster, even though Seap himself didn't believe in such matters.  The astrologer, despite his sympathy, seemed to offer no solution, only suggesting that Seap wander until he found the truth.  With no other real option, Seap departed from Depstan, if only to escape his reputation.

Clothing: Seap wears a worn linen tunic, with worn leather shoes and pants.  His undershirt is made of wool, as is his socks.

Combat Style: Seap was never trained in combat and disdains it.  He believes his song can win over even the worst of people, though he isn't above running if his life demands it.  (Seap is mostly pacifistic.)

Religious Affiliation: As part of his repertoire, Seap sings the songs of many religions, and thus, doesn't feel strongly drawn to any.  Furthermore, he doesn't see the priests as any more holy than himself, since they both draw money off of the emotions inspired from the audience.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 01, 2011, 08:43:44 pm
Out of curiosity, what rolls in the party are the interested individuals looking to fill? Doorkicker? Caster? Traps? Heals? Support? Jack-of-all-trades?
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 01, 2011, 08:53:18 pm
formerdeathcorps is looking to do buffy bardy things, I assume.  I'm looking to do... erm... this, which I guess technically counts as a Doorkicker:

-Name: Rhyhorn
-Gender: Male
-Race: Monster
-Age: 5 Years
-Birthplace: Mountains of Soreth

-Appearance: This (, covered in many leather sacks like a carrier beast.  His body is made almost purely of stone, leaving him in many ways akin to a Golem.  His stone-exterior is covered in the faded blue markings of elf's blood when not covered by the leather sacks, draconic runes of unknown use inscribed on his hide from a previous adventure. Their purpose is, and may forever be left, unknown.

-Background & Personality: A stone-rhinoceros of unknown origin and sometimes questionable intellect, Rhyhorn lives as Rhyhorn lives - eating rocks, carrying goods for others in trade for money, and performing other simple tasks while roaming from place to place.  His previous adventures haven't been remarkable enough to warrant being told, and aside from the markings on his hide and some half-healed scars, he bears no mementos of them.  Rhyhorn is instinctual and quick to anger, charging perceived adversaries without warning, using the massive weight of his body to crush threats that aren't impaled upon his horn.  When not threatened, Rhyhorn has a habit of being silly or inattentive to the situation at hand, if not being directly addressed and having his attention maintained through some means.  While Rhyhorn can speak when required, the act of speech seems to come terribly difficult to him, causing him to often result to other forms of communication when possible.  He can easily understand speech spoken to him, however... again, as long as his attention can be held.

-Combat Style: At his core, Rhyhorn is a simplistic fighter.  Offensively, he uses his rock-hard face and body as weapons, often charging his opponents resulting in body slams or horn impalements.  While Rhyhorn himself is not the kind to back down from a fight, he places the lives of companions and innocents above his own, often drawing and maintaining the enemy's aggression as he fights so others can heal, escape, or themselves fight without being harmed.  Despite his seemingly low intellect and "need" to eat, Rhyhorn understands enough of his physiology to know he can take plenty of abuse, something that pairs well with his primitive defensive instincts.  His selfless nature has resulted in him having several half-healed scars across his stone body, reminders of adventures with companions that parted ways with him long ago.  In desperate situations, Rhyhorn exhibits an intellect and ingenuity that seems far beyond him... though that could just be the result of a Golem-like equivalent of an adrenaline rush, because it never seems to last.

-Religious Affiliation: Animals have no God.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 02, 2011, 12:41:46 am
-Name: Elia Cyronae (Seer-oh-nay)
-Sex: Female
-Race: Human
-Age: 23
-Birth Place: Derrymor
-Appearance/Clothing: She is dressed in a long red robe, with a pink trim. Medium blonde-white hair, green eyes. She has a spear on her back.

The girl not the guy

-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: She was born in Derrymor. Her mother was a devoted religious woman, and here father was a warrior. Einar Cryonae, her father, saw that Derrymor was a land of barbarians, and he believes that that land is for the taking for the purpose of a more civilized group. So he started his own little village on the out skirts of Derrymor. There he slowly grew his land over the years, conquering small piece by piece, losing some of his own land at times too. After a few years, he got married to a lovely Priestess, named; Helene Else. Together they had a child, Elia Cyronae-Else.

Elia grew up, learning the ways of Odin from her mom, and how to use the spear from her dad. By the age of 15, her dad was killed, poisoned by barbarians (actually by his wife, she doesn't know though). Everything Elia's father worked for, everything crumbled apart. The Barbarians came over and took their land back, erasing everything that her father worked for. Elia was taken by her mom to Fradaria, Fradris. Where for 5 years she lived as a priest in a Church of Odin.
For the past 3 years she has been wondering slowly following where ever Odin leads her, so she my grow strong, and one day take Derrymor from the barbarians that took her fathers life!

Her main goal is to go where Odin leads her (She prays to him to guide her spear so it may lead her to where he wishes) so she may grow stronger, and one day take Derrymor.

-Combat Style: When she must, she uses her spear, but does not un-sheath the spear's bldea, unless needed. Usually she hangs out, healing and helping others.
-Religious Affiliation: Odin
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 02, 2011, 01:10:19 am
So we have a brick-like door-kicker, a heal-bot and a... scaredy cat? ... heh... I'm not sure it's a good idea to leave the stealthy trapper to me...
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 02, 2011, 01:12:54 am
Hey, word of advise, don't make a character that is a filler for the party. Yes that is smart mechanically, but in doing so, you aren't playing what you like.
Go ahead play what you wish. I highly doubt Celdia will kill us off from not planing a better party. Play who you like, and don't play stupidly in game, and we should have some fun and hard times.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 02, 2011, 01:20:54 am
I have a full cast of characters I can pull from, and would be happy playing any of them. The ability to play them gives me the ability to flesh them out.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 02, 2011, 01:22:31 am
Well do as you wish, just know you have no reason to help fill in the teams missing spots.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: MysticKnightFF5 on November 02, 2011, 01:26:52 am
-Name: Thanatos Exeros
-Gender/Sex: Male
-Race: Alynthi Elf
-Age (Human Equivalent): 22
-Birth Place: Alynthia
-Appearance/Clothing: A light chainmail shimmers black under his heavy black shawl, draping down to the small of his powerful back. His legs coated in the same shimmering chainmail, strong and sturdy as tree trucks. This behemoth of an elf has undergone significantly tougher training than the average warrior, and has additionally learned to strengthen himself using magic.
-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: A son of a powerful warrior, he aspired to become like his dad. However, his father went to war, and is still in the military, fighting to keep Alynthia safe. So, his father was not there when he graduated top of his fighting class. Nor was he there for when Thanatos left home, searching for a greater good.
He was never there, and it burns in Thanatos' mind everytime he's reminded.
-Combat Style: He relies purely on his dual scythes, twirling in an endless dance to wreak havoc, known as Death by some, and Living Hurricane by others, he has earned much infamy for his unique style of fighting. His wears a chainmail threaded into nodes on his chest in order to keep it from flailing about. Prefers complete domination over stealthy tactics.
-Religious Affiliation (if any): Atheist, however he will gladly worship to avoid insulting anybody. He enjoys studying religion for its philosophical points.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 02, 2011, 01:28:30 am
-Name: Hogarth
-Sex: Female
-Race: Alynthian Elf
-Age: 25 human equivalent
-Birthplace: Alynthia
-Appearance: Tall, with scraggly black hair and blue eyes. Muscular, but lean, and wears animal hides for clothes, including a wolf skin with the head of a wolf for her hat, connected to the rest of the skin for her coat.
-Background/History/Motivation/Goals: Raised by a nomadic tribe of stoats (and people) in the frozen north, she has learned to hunt and kill for herself. Prone to berserker rages common of her tribe, she uses a large battle axe and smaller, other axes for throwing. She refuses all other weapons. She thinks wizards are cowards, due to her low intelligence and lack of social skills. She left Alynthia for having "killed at least one of everything that lives there", looking for other, more exciting things to attack and then possibly eat. Ale, violence, and adventure are what she lives for, as she drifts from day to day.

Combat style: Pig-headed, focused, rushed attacks are her specialty. She will often Charge in to swing her axe, and really only uses her throwing axes when it would either look cool or win a contest for gold.
Religious alignment: She screams the name of her heathen gods to empower her for fight, and to frighten her enemies. She sometimes makes up new, different gods to scream to in case they might exist or the name sounds scarier.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 02, 2011, 01:42:55 am
No reason? I beg to differ. "Because it's fun" is always a good enough reason for me. ^_^
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: MysticKnightFF5 on November 02, 2011, 01:44:18 am
do we have an offensive mage yet? That might be a good thing to have, if not.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 02, 2011, 01:49:22 am

Just Saying
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 02, 2011, 01:49:59 am
-Name: Xun Huan

-Gender/Sex: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 24

-Birth Place: Corinthon

-Appearance/Clothing: A slender young man dressed in a simple robe of undyed cotton, bearing a yin-yang stitched on the back and held closed with a brilliant red sash.  His eyes are a brilliant green, standing out sharply in his tanned face.  His head is shaved bald,   His only weapon is a simple straight sword bearing an ornate red tassle, slung across his back in a worn leather sheath.  Around his neck hangs a necklace of large beads, an aid in focusing his mind and helping to direct the energy of his prayers.

-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: Raised from infancy within the confines of Wudang Temple, Xun lived a life of simplicity and devotion.  He has studied the basics of Taoist alchemy, astrology, cuisine, martial arts, medicine, and the workings of both internal and external applications of personal energy in addition to studying the ways of the gods and their places within the Tao.  A humble student of The Way, Xun has recently finished his novitiate in a temple, and is wandering the world to expand his knowledge and understanding of the principles of his teachings.

-Combat Style: Xun eschews heavy armor, trusting in his martial arts training to anticipate and deflect or avoid physical attacks while his intense spiritual training helps ward him from mystical assault.  His movements are swift and precise, his strikes suprisingly powerful thanks to his martial arts practice.

-Religious Affiliation (if any): As a devoted Taoist, Xun reveres all the good gods equally, seeing them as personifications of the virtues of The Way.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 02, 2011, 01:50:31 am
Quote from: st4rw4k3r on November 02, 2011, 01:49:22 am

Just Saying

Yes, this would be rad. The PCs were most definitely here.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 02, 2011, 07:35:21 am
Oh god, Golden Axe.

Lookie, Celdia posted profiles for FDC and myself.  Things gone get leet.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Eternal on November 02, 2011, 07:45:08 pm
-Name:       Maximilian Haynes

-Gender/Sex:    Male

-Race:       Human

-Age:       28

-Birth Place:    Fandaria

-Appearance:   Bearing shoulder-length kept blonde hair and wearing the most exquisite of clothing, Maximilian takes great
      pride in his appearance, often wearing Fandaria's noble colors of red and gold. Bearing light blue eyes,
      they are known to turn a deep black when his blood pressure rises.

-History:    A highborn born and raised in south Fandaria, Maximilian serves as a mediator between the ever-growing tensions
      between Highland and Fandaria to prevent a possible war. Despite this, he holds no love for either nation,
      desiring Fandaria to take Highland as its own. To this end, he schemes on a way to manipulate the war
      so that Fandaria may absorb the weakened nations as its own. Trained in both the ways of the crossbow and the
      spoken word, Maximilian does not hesitate to manipulate and threaten those who stand in his way.

-Combat Style:   Maximilian's skill with words extends to combat, where he can initiate parley, threaten foes, and arise a variety
      of emotions in those who listen to his words. When the enemy lets their guard down, he puts an end to his foe's
      suffering with a bolt to the head.

-Religion:   Astinus
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Joseph Strife on November 02, 2011, 09:37:27 pm
I'll try to hop onto this, i'll take some time to think on my char.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Kalas on November 03, 2011, 01:00:14 am
Name: Nathalie Marchand
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: Twenty-one
Birth Place: Kingdom of Highland

Nathalie's face is fairly oval-like, but her features are a mix of contradictions. Her eyes are pointed, and stern, but they carry themselves with a lazy, tired beauty. Her eyes are a cold, pale blue, but they evoke an inviting warmth to them. Her face is haughty, and statuesque, with defined cheekbones and a nose that points slightly upward, though when she smiles her whole face lights up, and stretches and contorts to every emotion she feels. Her hair is medium length and a deep, maroon-like red, though she is normally cool and carries a "quiet" confidence. Her skin is a porcelain white and her features are striking, though quite vanilla.

However, her knack for fashion offsets the lack of any sort of exoticism. She messily parts her hair from the end of her forehead to the left, having her hair fall wildly down, across and back. It's waviness adds to the quality of being "untamed." She wears a very muted gold, almost pale, silk dress with slits down the sides that start at her thighs, leaving her legs exposed. She covers up her "bare" parts with a silk, sinewy, sienna scarf, and the same colored leggings (cotton) that also keep her warm in the temperate weather. She dons black boots with laces that tie up to her shins, and they have a small heel to give her a bit of height.

Nathalie is, for the most part, something of a celebrity in Highland, well, at least Weinrist that is. Blooming ever delightfully at the ripe age of seventeen, she's been the object of many a man's affection. Having worked in the gruff and tough environment of a bar, she can at least handle herself with the more rowdy men, and the more shy customers flock like sheep to her beauty, leaving her to be a model employee and barmaid. She has quite excellent oratorical skill as well, and used it to her advantage to entice men into thinning their wallets to fatten her purse. She is not exactly the most moral of people, but she does nothing that is blatantly immoral. Recently, however, she has fascinated the wrong crowd of people. Since Nathalie is not very careful of the men she allures and for all intents and purposes "steals" from, she has gained her small share of detractors. In this case, she has gained the un-approving eye of loyal men (with domineering wives) that find her behavior deplorable and sinful. While at first she shrugged off their holier-than-thou sermons and attempts at "rescuing her soul," the relentless and perilous persistence of these men forced her to pick up and leave Weinrist and flee elsewhere.
With only small bits of knowledge and tricks she's gained over the past five years of tending to perverted, lonely or respectable men that wandered into her place of employment, she escapes from the zealous men who, and as a shock to her, still chase her, even in her dreams..

Combat Style:
Having only a few parlor tricks if in case of emergency, she doesn't fare well in battle at all. Her strength is in her words and fights only with the power of speech. While not exactly a pacifist, she is so out of necessity (self-preservation). She survives by making deals, a bit of a devil in that regard, she'll always exchange some sort of commodity to ensure her own safety, at, and to her dismay, any cost.

Religious Affiliation:
Since she flies by the seat of her pants, she relies heavily on luck to ensure everything goes smoothly. With that, she is a very devout follower of Armist, but only in secret. Making a spectacle of faith, she feels, defeats the purpose.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 03, 2011, 04:20:45 am
Name: Yvonne Scintillae Incendam
Gender: Female
Race: Lirai (fire)
Age: Forgotten (appears to be human equivalent of mid-twenties)
Birthplace: Plane of Fire

There once was a sprite of the flame
Whose moxie no plane could contain
She went off a flying
So desperately trying
To procure her fortune and fame

Adventures await she is sure
But nothing that is too demure
Her candle is burning
With both ends a churning
Of Sephyr she'll make her grand tour

Personality: Prideful, boastful, arrogant, and sometimes ignorant, Yvonne lives day to day with a robust lust for life and the adventures it can hold.

Appearance: About eight inches tall and something like this...

Combat Style: Yvonne is practically useless in melee combat, and she know it, therefore she abhors physical fighting. She prefers to stay at a safe distance and flits around the battlefield, flinging her spells at her foes and laughing.

Religious Affiliations: Yvonne does not worship any deity, per se, but she does feel a certain affinity towards Hiran, the fire deity.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 04, 2011, 12:09:12 am
Since people have been starting to make plans with their characters before I've gotten around to building everyone and rolling to see who makes the starting party, I'm going to close Registration now. Anyone that joins up after this will automatically start on the Waiting List.

Keep an eye on this post for the starting players. Edit coming soon.

Here's your starting line-up (in alphabetical order):
formerdeathcorps - IN
NinjaWeazel - IN
RavenOfRazgriz - IN
Ryqoshay - IN
SilentB - IN
st4rw4k3r - IN

~Waiting List~
Kalas - 1st
Eternal248 - 2nd
Dunkelritter Luna - 3rd
Joseph Strife - 4th, pending character

Anyone else that wants in will join at the end of this list. Players with characters that die will join the end of this list assuming the players don't make it their quest to revive the fallen ally. Since I didn't think to note it before, if Joseph doesn't have a character ready and he should reach the top of the list he will be passed over until he does have one prepared.

New characters joining the game later on will join at an equivalent power to the party. I don't believe in 1st level characters joining a 10th level party. That shit is fucking ridiculous.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 04, 2011, 12:44:59 am
Quote from: Celdia on November 04, 2011, 12:09:12 am

Here's your starting line-up (in alphabetical order):
formerdeathcorps - IN
NinjaWeazel - IN
RavenOfRazgriz - IN
Ryqoshay - IN
SilentB - IN
st4rw4k3r - IN

~Waiting List~
Kalas - 1st
Eternal248 - 2nd
Dunkelritter Luna - 3rd
Joseph Strife - 4th, pending character

I object! This is clearly racist against nicks that are in the first half of the alphabet, due to late-alphabet privilege. fdc being on there is just a token pre-N letter hand out.

On a serious note, I can't wait to start the game :D
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Joseph Strife on November 04, 2011, 08:08:50 pm
There go my char, let the game begin.

- Name: Awduin Lariat

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human

- Age: 24

- Birth Place: Verun

- Appearance: With short, spiked, black hair, Awduin likes to take care of his style, he wears an over-all too. Pants and boots complete his appearance. On the chest he wears a commom shirt and under it a light Dragon Scale armor, that is realy strong against physical attacks, that is a legacy from his father along with the emerald necklace he wears that was his mother legacy.

- History: A commoner by birth, his mother served as a maid in the palace of Vormir for 20 years and his father worked as a blacksmith. His mother was a good friend of the Queen, that is kind and gentle, so is the king too, they are like his second family. As for his father work, Awduin learned to handle almost every type of melee and ranged weapon that his father crafted for the palace. One night bandits raid the palace when the troops were out to war, they were so many, so Awduin help the few guards left behind to defend the palace. His father died while trying to protect his mother, and his mother was kidnapped taken by the bandits, as he saw this he was knocked out by one of the bandits that ran with what they looted. Now Awduin is raised in the palace by the Queen and King themselves and has a good realation with their daughter Celina. He seeks to go on a quest to find the whereabouts of his mother as she may still be alive. While the opportunity does not appear, he trains with the guards in the castle.

- Combat Style: Awduin know both melee and ranged combat styles, but he specializes himself in melee combat wielding either a long sword and a shield or two long swords. He is very tactical, so he plans all his moves before entering in a battle, try to come up with the better strategy possible, and only then he engages his opponents, but he make all this plans in just seconds due to his hard training.

- Religion: Daedalean
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Kalas on November 04, 2011, 11:55:50 pm
Quote from: SilentB on November 04, 2011, 12:44:59 am
I object! This is clearly racist against nicks that are in the first half of the alphabet, due to late-alphabet privilege. fdc being on there is just a token pre-N letter hand out.

On a serious note, I can't wait to start the game :D

I'm a victim of pre-N racism and I will not be silent anymore!
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: MysticKnightFF5 on November 05, 2011, 01:14:10 am
Needs more Kalas.
By the way, epic game.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 05, 2011, 07:23:54 am
To those of you who I've posted character sheets for: If there is something in there you don't like/don't want/don't agree with, contact me and we'll see what can be changed (within reason.)
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 05, 2011, 02:15:50 pm
Looks good to me!  Thanks for all the conversion work.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 05, 2011, 10:46:17 pm
Quote from: Celdia on November 05, 2011, 07:23:54 am
To those of you who I've posted character sheets for: If there is something in there you don't like/don't want/don't agree with, contact me and we'll see what can be changed (within reason.)

I need more cowbell.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 06, 2011, 10:46:23 am
Then buy all means, buy a cowbell.

*notes a -100 penalty to Hogarth's Stealth Skill*
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 06, 2011, 11:40:42 am
Quote from: Celdia on November 06, 2011, 10:46:23 am
Then buy all means, buy a cowbell.

*notes a -100 penalty to Hogarth's Stealth Skill*

Get the Shop done so she can do so!
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 06, 2011, 03:19:20 pm
Yvonne's character sheet is up.

Also, for everyone else, take a look at your sheets. Notable things that have been added under equipment is your wealth listed in gold coins (except for Yvonne who can't carry that much metal), your carrying capacity (listed in pounds and by tier) and under that is the languages you know.

What makes money and carry capacity important is the Shop is now open for business! Check the 2nd post for that and for important information about being overweight.

Weapon and Armor lists are forthcoming.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 06, 2011, 07:17:30 pm
Pouch, belt - 1gp - 1/2 lb
   7 Rations - 35sp - 7 lb

Pouch, belt - 1gp 1/2 lb
   Flint and Steel - 1 gp
   4 Candles - 4cp
   Whetstone - 2cp - 1 lb
   Soap - 5sp - 1 lb
Pouch, belt - 1gp 1/2 lb
   2 Red 1 yard long by 2 inch wide silk ribbon - 2sp - 1 lb
   4 Bells - 4gp

Pouch - 1gp 1/2 lb
   all my cash

Waterskin - 1gp - 4 lb


Total Weight: 16 lb
Cost: 14gp 2sp 6cp

Left over cash: 34pp 1gp 7sp 4cp

(Before the game starts I want to tie the bells to the ribbons, two bells per ribbon. Then tie the bells to Elia's hair.)
Bells and Ribbon:
When Equipped:
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 06, 2011, 08:29:31 pm
The "Ribbons for Rhyhorn" charity even is now open.
For each yard of ribbon donated, I shall match.*
1 yard costs but a mere silver coin and comes in a wide variety of colors.**

Each yard weighs about .05 pounds, so don't worry too much about overloading our dear Rhyhorn.

I shall track the donations here in this post.

*up to 100 yards
**the ribbon I provide will be red
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 07, 2011, 12:41:27 am
For the time being I'll just put this note here: If you're looking for something that isn't on the list here, PM me about it or find me on IRC and we'll see what can be found. This includes but is not limited to: healing items, magic scrolls, enchanted armors or weapons.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 07, 2011, 01:15:44 am
1 Backpack 2gp 2lbs
1 Bedroll 1sp 5lbs
1 Crowbar 2gp 5lbs
1 Grappling hook 1gp 4lbs
1 Hammer 5sp 2lbs
3 Mug/Tankards, clay 6cp 3lbs
3 Oil pints 3sp 3lbs
1 pot, iron 5sp 10lbs
3 pouch, belt 3gp 1.5lbs
1 Rope, hempen (50ft) 1 gp 10lbs
1 Sledge 1gp 10lbs
1 Waterskin 1gp 4lbs
5 rations, trail 25sp 5lbs

This should be all I need.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 07, 2011, 01:53:10 am


Insert 1 set of Caltrops into each Sack, tying the sack closed loosely so that I can pull the sack off my back then tug it open with my mouth to deploy the caltrops.

The Cart is modified so that I can easily slip out of the harness and do battle.  Each side of the Cart has a wooden sign with "Rhyhorn Defense and Transport. 5 Silver/Day."  written on it sloppily with red paint. The back of the Cart has its own wooden sign with "CAN CARRY ALL THE THINGS" written on it with equally sloppy red paint.  (Yes, fellow players, this means I'm willing to help transport YOUR goods for the low starting price of 5 silver pieces per day!  Extreme loads or loads through extremely treacherous terrain may incur extra fees, but most loads and terrains only 5 silver pieces a day!  With 500lbs or so of spare space remaining in my Cart, there's plenty of room for several people to stow their supplies with Rhyhorn Defense and Transport!  Fill up a Backpack, Chest, or other preferred method of holding yoru items and stow them with Rhyhorn Defense and Transport TODAY!)

The 2 Everburning Torches are positioned at the top of the Exotic Pack Saddle so they stick out and illuminate the area around myself, but can still be removed if needed.  (Basically, they're 360 headlights, sortof.)

The weapons in my Cart are partially obscured and/or covered by the rocks and firewood for safety when passing through towns, but should be easily enough grabbed if someone is actively going through the Cart to find them.

Allocation of Items:


Tied to Neck by String:
1 Waterskin (full of water) - 4lb.
1 Dark Stone Slab (aka, a Chalkboard) and erasing rag - 1lb.

Tied Around Waist:

1 Healing Belt - 2lb.

On Back:
1 Exotic Pack Saddle - 20lb. (Counts as "Clothes", so 0lb.)

Exotic Pack Saddle Contents:
1 Bedroll - 5lb.
2 Caltrop Sacks - 5lb.
5 Chalk - 0lb.
1 Flint and Steel - 0lb.
1 Grappling Hook - 4lb.
1 Rations - 1lb.
1 Rope, Silk - 5lb.
2 Acid - 2lb.
2 Everburning Torches - 2lb.
2 Smokestick - 1lb.
2 Sun Rod - 2lb.
1 Greatsword - 8lb. (
3 Oil of Light Repair - .3lb.

Total Carry Weight: 41.3lb.

Total Weight: 41.3lb.

[Pull, Weight/5]

1 Cart - 200lb.

Cart Contents:
1 Chest - 25lb.
5 Firewood - 100lb.
1 Lock (Amazing) - 1lb.
# Unsorted Rocks - 15lb.
4 Dark Stone Slab (aka, a Chalkboard) erasing rag - 4lb.
1 Crossbow, Heavy - 8lb.
2 Crossbow, Light - 8lb.
6 Bolts, Crossbow (10) - 6lb.
2 Javelin - 2lb.
2 Glaive - 20lb.
1 Greatsword - 8lb.
2 Halberd - 24lb.
2 Scythe - 20lb. (

Chest [sealed with Lock (Amazing)] Contents:
[Unsorted Goods and Supplies]

Total Pull Weight: 518.7lb. (103.74lb.)

Total Cost: 2551 gp.

Remaining Funds: 140 gp. 80 sp. (4.6lb.) [Carry on Exotic Pack Saddle]

Total Weight: 148.64lb.

Remaining Carry Capacity: 113.36lb.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 07, 2011, 02:35:24 am
Xun Huan Inventory
   rations (14 days)
   winter blanket
   candle x5
   fishhook x5
   Flint & Steel
   common lamp
   oil (5 pints)
   soap (2 lbs)
Pot, iron
pouch, belt (x3)
   Ink (3 oz)
   small steel mirror (x3)
   Candle x5
   paper (20 sheets)
   scroll case x2
   cash   31 gold, 7 silver
Bastard Sword
masterwork armor
total weight 90 lbs
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 07, 2011, 03:54:17 am
Already had:
Bracers of Armor (+1 Defense) (.5 lb.)
Cloak of Resistance (+1 E/RS/MD) (.5 lb.)
Spell Component Pouch
Backpack  (1 lb.)
Everlasting Ration Kit (.5 lb.)

Mirror (I feel pretty) (.5 lb.)
Vial (to keep soap in) (.01 lb.)
1/5 lb. of Soap (a lady has to keep clean) (.2 lb.)
Cold weather outfit (1.75 lb.)
Blanket, winter (.75 lb)
Case, Scroll (.125 lb.)
Scroll of Shield x4
Scroll of Alarm x2
Scroll of Endure Elements x2
Scroll of Orb of Fire, lesser x4
Jewelry consisting of gold choker, brass earrings with red quartz, pyrite druzy bracelets, and a flame signet ring

Total weight: 6.175 lb. (including coins)
Cash left: 5p, 3g, 9s
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Lydyn on November 07, 2011, 08:10:09 am
-Name: Virkum
-Gender/Sex: Male
-Race: Alynthi Elf
-Age (Human Equivalent): Equivalent of age 22 in human years
-Birth Place: Unknown

Virkum lives to fight, he lives for the battle, but no one but the gods above know why. It has been two years since he's awoken in a peaceful field with nothing but the clothes on his back and the ancient longsword beside him. It has been two years filled with bloodshed, coin for his services, and endless wanderings. Where he learned his skills, his abilities over his own body, and where he acquired such a potentially powerful blade is lost in the fog of forgotten memories. He is quiet and keeps to himself, but it's hard to take a step in any town or city without being recognized, let alone noticed. He's built a decent reputation for himself, but he only knows one things and it's the only thing that keeps him going - he must fight. For what? He hopes he'll find that answer someday.

-Combat Style: Tends to wear clothing with very little leather in select areas (still counting as clothing). While Virkum almost exclusively wields Starfang into battle, he is more than capable to battle without any weapons at all. He seems more agile than should be normally impossible and has almost inhuman reactions paired with the ability to stand toe-to-toe with a knight in full armor while wearing little more than clothing. He is known to throw Starfang in battle as a substitute long ranged weapon.
-Religious Affiliation (if any): Unknown
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: formerdeathcorps on November 07, 2011, 09:53:09 pm
Items bought:

Backpack (2 GP, 2 lb)
8x Ink (8 x 8 GP)
Inkpen (1 SP)
Iron Pot (5 SP, 10 lb)
14x Rations (14 x 5 SP, 14 x 1 lb)
10x Parchment (10 x 2 SP)
10x Tindertwig (10 x 1 GP)
Entertainer's Outfit (Not Worn, but used for shows; 3 GP, 4 lb)
Soap (4 SP, .8 lb)
Waterskin (1 GP, 4 lb)
Pouch with Belt (1 GP, 0.5 lb, stores ink vials and soap)

Money Used:
92 Gold

Money Left:
695 - 92 = 603 Gold

Gear Weight:
35.3 in gear

Coin Weight:
603 / 50 = 12.06 lb

Total Weight:
47.36 lb
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 08, 2011, 10:29:22 am
And with everyone geared up, it's off to... adventure!

Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 09, 2011, 12:55:27 am
Alright then. Time to get this show on the road finally. Apologies for the delay up to this point. I have no excuses, I've just been lazy.

     Your stay at the Bovine Bell has been a mostly uneventful one, which is unsurprising considering it is the biggest inn in a rather small town. The town itself is unremarkable enough not to even end up on most maps of the region, despite its location near the Highland/Verun border on the Verunian Trade Road. The most interesting thing that has happened to you during your stay here was being approached by one rather distinguished-looking gnome who introduced himself as Berus Lejun, a trader in fine goods.

     That chance meeting is what has led you to being in the inn's common room this late evening, sitting around a large table with what may be one of the most unlikely, motley group you've ever encountered. Standing on a chair at the head of the table is Berus himself, smiling proudly at the assembled party before him. Short, dark of hair and eye and dusky of skin, Berus is a fairly generic specimen of gnome. He speaks with a manner you've noted as common among his kind - cheerful with a sense of trying to hold back exuberance about everything, "I do thank you all for meeting with me here tonight. I do try to make sure the folks I hire on get a chance to meet formally before they have to work together, though I apologize for the short notice required currently. As I'm sure I mentioned previously, I'm rather behind on my delivery schedule as it is and as we're past harvest now, its only a matter of time before the weather changes again and makes my deliveries all but impossible." He pauses only momentarily to catch his breath and flash what he must believe is a winning smile to everyone at the table. "Also, with the hostilities that seem to be flaring up between Highland and Verun, I don't rightly trust my wagons to cross the border safely with only myself and my teamsters on hand. But that's where you all come in, aye?" He pauses again to bring his gaze directly onto the slim fellow sitting directly to his right, "All but you, songster. I need you intact when we arrive to the city so you can sing the praises of my workmanship." Berus lets his gaze again pass over the group and concludes his monologue, "Well then. I'll leave you to getting acquainted. I've already paid up on your rooms and we leave at first light." Hopping down from the chair, the energetic gnome excuses himself unceremoniously and retreats up the stairs, presumably to his own room for the night.


From here on out its in your hands. Try to stick to the format as mentioned in the OP. Since this is just a quick opening and introductory Scene, I'll be closing posting on it in about 24 hours (Thursday, Nov 10th, 1am EST) so that we can get everything moving. Battle Panes and future Scenes should have longer posting times allotted.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 09, 2011, 01:28:41 am
Upon the departure of the gnome, Hogarth slams down her now-empty tankard of ale and wipes froth from her mouth using the back of her mighty hand. "By the frosty eyes of Bullokh!" She bellows, making nearby candlelight flicker, and lurching forward a little. "3 tankards of ale, and I didn't even have to nail someone's hand to a wall!" Leaping up from her seat, she shakes her animal hides, and roars with laughter. "I'm going to take a Highlander in my left hand, a Verunian in my right, and SMASH their heads together!" Sitting down heavily upon her chair, she digs into some more meat provided by the generous host.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 01:29:44 am
   The tiny, golden haired pixie woman has yet to take a seat at the table. (1, 2, 3) Instead, she flutters around the general area, occasionally alighting upon random surfaces only to take flight again mere seconds later. A shimmering trail follows her every move as though her gossamer wings were shedding crystalline fragments, though no physical evidence remains.

   At a glance, she appears not to have heard a word the gnome said as her attentions seem scattered at best. However, "Good night, sleep tight, don' let the pyrebugs bite!" she calls in a sing-song voice after her apparent client leaves. (4) She now lands on the back of the chair Berus just vacated. "Hello!" she calls, holding up a hand in greeting to the assembled caravan guards. "Yvonne Scintillae Incendam's the name an' fire's the game. Pleased ta mee'cha!" Her eyebrows knit as she cocks her head to the side like a bird. "Say, who let the critter in here?" Upon hearing the barbarian's bellows, she corrects herself. "Uhm, *critters,* it would seem."

1: Flies around the table and lands on the edge to pause for a moment.
2. Flies under the table, out the other side and up behind a male Human of Corinthonian decent.
3. Flies around the table again.
4. Flies over to the chair Berus vacated and perches on its back.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 09, 2011, 01:33:29 am
Rhyhorn puts a piece of chalk into his mouth, writing on the dark slab of stone around his neck.  He finishes and stashes his chalk before spinning the stone over for the others to see.  On it are five crudely written words in Common - "Hello.  Not Critter.  Am Rhyhorn."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 01:38:23 am
   "Rhyhorn, huh? Cute name, I like it." She giggles playfully. "Reminds me of something..." She thinks for a moment before giving up on retrieving whatever memory was escaping her. "Huh, maybe not..."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 09, 2011, 01:54:22 am
With deft movements, Hogarth scoops the fey into her tankard, clamps her hand over the hole, and quickly slams it, mouth down, on the table. "Don't like the bug bother you, friend Rhyhorn. I, Hogarth, scourge of Carpathia, conqueror of the frozen north, destroyer of small, helpless things understand your pain! She is small and weak, but with big brain! She TAUNTS those made of sterner stuff, like you! You and I, we are the same." She drops her hand heavily on the stone creature's head and cracks her knuckles on it.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 02:16:29 am
   "Kyaa!" Yvonne yelps plaintively as she finds herself surrounded by a tankard recently soaked in booze. The sound of the metal striking the hard wooden surface of the table makes her ears ring and she shakes her head to clear it. (1) She curses loudly in dwarven before starting to laugh. Without further hesitation, she slams herself upwards against the bottom of the mug, shoving it violently out of the barbarian's unprepared grasp. "Yer lucky I used all my magic today already." She sneers. "Else you'd all 'a been peppered with shrapnel." She holds her hands out in a shrug. "Then again, I didn' wanna pay for a new table either." Her expression immediately returns to the happy one from before. "Tha's good ale, by the way... I wonder if they've got a pixie sized mug I c'n use..." she glances over towards the bar "or perhaps they'll fill mine... hrm..."

1: Flies strait up and shoves the tankard out of the way so as to hover about two feet above the tabletop.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 09, 2011, 02:24:38 am
Rhyhorn can't help but let out a deep laugh under his breath, rubbing his chalkboard clean with his cloth rag before attempting to sloppily sip from a cup of ale that was set down for him on the floor.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 09, 2011, 02:26:15 am
"MAGIC?!" Hogarth roars, whipping out two of throwing axes and howling at the roof. "No one said anything about working with a cowardly, tricksy, impossible WIZARD she snarls, readying herself against a whole slew of imagined spells and light shows.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 02:59:36 am
   Yvonne's face sours. "I. Am. Not. A. Wizard." She says flatly and firmly. "Wizards are old fogies who hole themselves up in towers for years on end trying, often vainly, to perfect their craft. *I* am a sorcerer. *I* don't need to study. *I* am magic incarnate. Magic flows through my veins as blood and I wield it as easily as I breathe. I am Lirai." She closes her eyes and breathes deep before opening them again. "Geez, fer someone who's complainin' 'bout me supposably 'taunting' you an' the critter, yer certainly getting' in a few a yer own." The fey girl's lips curl up once again. "Tell ya what, why don' I buy ya both 'nother round?" (1) She extends a tiny hand towards the Alynthian woman before her. "Le's let bygones be bygones."

1: Prepares to dodge should her attempt to placate the barbarian fails.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 09, 2011, 03:07:39 am
"A sorcerer, you say... and bring me ale! Then I welcome you, friend bug! Let us drink away our anger!" Hogarth greedily laps up the ale, and leans in close to Yvonne so she is nearly touching her with her own eye, as big as the fey's head. "But if you ever turn out to be a wizard in disguise, by the hoary beard of Yggral, I will flow that magic out of your veins."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 03:41:50 am
   Yvonne blinks and holds back a gag. "The heck is that smell?" she thinks to herself, hoping her face continues to belie her disgust. "When's the last time she bathed?" She smiles as warmly as possible. "I'll, uhm... go get tha' ale then..." she forces the words up through her contracted throat and out her clenched jaw. (1) "Hey! Wench!" the sprite calls, flying out of the barbarian's aura. "Ale fer my two friends here!" Hovering in place, she spins back towards the table, the movement causing a small storm of short-lived sparks to spray the immediate vicinity. "I di'n' catch yer name."

1: Flies a few feet past Hogarth.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 09, 2011, 04:02:14 am
Rhyhorn watches with vague interest as the pixie and barbarian argue, before turning back to his own ale, comically toppling the cup over as he tries to finish it off and letting out a small huff at the bit of ale that spills out.  Not having arms or opposable thumbs kind of sucks, sometimes.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: formerdeathcorps on November 09, 2011, 05:27:33 am
Seap blinked and yawned.  As his eyes gradually adjusted to the low torchlight, he glanced at the grease-stained mug underneath his nose.  It was empty.  Despite having drained the mug of its contents hours ago, the taste of ale still coated his tongue.  Worse, the hangover left the top of his skull throbbing in pain, which spread in pulses to his eyes.
The day had been too long for him; just finding this hamlet had taken hours.  Closing his eyes again just avoid the pain, Seap produced his fife and began to play a soldier's medley.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 09, 2011, 05:39:30 am
Hearing the music begin to play from the table, Rhyhorn begins playing with his empty cup, sliding it back and forth between his feet very vaguely to the same beat as Seap's fife-playing.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 09, 2011, 12:12:41 pm
Xun Huan has been quietly taking in the... antics of his friends, with a vaguely amused smile.  He leans forward and bows faintly in his chair, his ale all but untouched.  "Xun Huan.  Pleased to make acquaintance."  He settles back again, hands folded on the table.  "We are move... food?  Little man very... not clear on cargo.  Hope food.  Food left too long after harvest go bad, terrible waste.  Many go hungry."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 06:30:49 pm
   Yvonne turns towards the Corinthonian man. "Wha'choo talkin' 'bout, Willis?"
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 09, 2011, 09:02:49 pm
"I do not know this... Willis person.  Sorry for dissapoint, little fire spirit."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 09, 2011, 09:08:42 pm
Elia sits holding her ale in her hands, idly looking at the ale debating. She listens to the others around her talk and engage in conversations. She loses the conversation when the music starts, and gets lost in her thoughts.

Ale... Not once has she partook a drop of this elixer. Said to be the creation of gods at times, and a curse of the mind to others. I'm not technically a priest anymore, one sip shouldn't hurt. But, the others around her have drank it, look how they are, or is that how they always are? Elia frowns.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 09:17:30 pm
   Yvonne doesn't hear Xun Huan's reply as she has already moved on to the next target of interest. Someone is frowning... She floats down and hovers over the human woman's left shoulder. "Lick it... Lick it... Li~~ck i~~t..." She whispers, then after a pause, she giggles. "Or jus' drink it, bu' don' waste it 'cause tha'd be alcohol abuse. An' it's too tasty."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 09, 2011, 09:27:28 pm
Elia hears whispering to lick the ale. She brings the mug to her face, but before she can lap some up, a giggle is heard. Elia puts the mug down. "You almost got me to drink some...." Elia pauses for a moment before speaking again. "Pardon me. My name is Elia Cyronae, wandering Priest of Odin. Who might you be child?"
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 10:04:49 pm
   "I am not a kid!" Yvonne says, sticking out her tongue. "An' di'n' you hear my intradukshun 'fore Ms. Chug-a-lug over there grabbed me? I'm Yvonne Scintillae Incendam." She puts her hands on her hips and puffs her chest out proudly. "I am fire incarnate! An' I'm serious 'bout not wastin' yer ale." She holds up her own tiny mug. "If ya don' want it, I'm sure one a' these other fine folks'll drink it for ya."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 09, 2011, 10:37:25 pm
Elia looks over at the fairy. "Yvonne... I like you kid." Elia smiles. "But pardon me calling you 'child', It's generalization I use, I call everyone that." Elia glances down at her ale. "I do not see to this ale at the moment. Would you like to take it off my hands?"
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 10:59:30 pm
   "Can do!" Yvonne grabs one of Hogarth's discarded tankards and pours half of Elia's ale into it, careful not to spill a drop. She drains her own stein before dunking it in into the tankard to fill it and set it aside on the table. (1) Wrapping her arms around the tankard's wide handle, she manages to awkwardly lift it up and flies over to a dark-skinned, elderly man at the end of the bar. "Hey, old man!" she says as though familiar with him. "Compliment a' the lovely priestess o'er there." She explains setting down the tankard and jerking a thumb in the direction of said holy woman. The drunkard mumbles something unintelligible and nods. (2) The sprite giggles and returns to the table. "Samson sends 'is thanks." She says with a grin and picks up her mug again.

1: Flies over to bar.
2: Flies back to table.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 09, 2011, 11:23:22 pm
Elia glances at the guy and back at the half filled ale in front of her. "Well at least half is going to use." Elia looks at  the fairy. "So what can you do? I did happen to catch a bit of conversation about wizards and magic."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 09, 2011, 11:39:37 pm
   "Half?!" the tiny woman exclaims before giving an exasperated sigh. "Fine..." (1) She grabs Eila's mug and flies over to dump the rest into Samson's already drained tankard. "That guy drinks more'n anyone I know..." (2) she murmurs half to herself as she makes her way back to the table. "Sorry 'bout that, but it's jus' too good ta waste, ya know. But to answer yer question, I c'n cast all sorts a' spells but I'm best with fire. An' I c'n fly." She accents her sentence by looping backwards. "But tha' should'a' been obvious, right?" She laughs lightly.

1: Flies over to bar, again.
2: Flies back to table, again.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 09, 2011, 11:53:21 pm
"Would never have guessed." Elia pauses for a moment, and looks at Valknut amulet around her neck. "I myself, cast magic. But I am not magically innate as you are. I get my powers from lord Odin." She then pulls her spear off her back and rests it on her lap. "I use this, to do my lords wishes, nothing more, nothing less." She looks back up at the fairy. "I'll do anything he says, even if it requires my life in doing such."
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 10, 2011, 12:03:04 am
   "An' Odinn is tellin' ya ta help this Lejun guy?" Yvonne raises an eyebrow.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 10, 2011, 12:26:36 am
a magical force called plot
"Well, to put it short, I need to get my name known to everyone, and I'll start anyway I can. For reasons that will take too long to explain." Elia smiles at the fairy. "What brings you here?"
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 10, 2011, 12:39:05 am
   Yvonne smiles strangely. "Do you wanna know how I came to be in Sephyr, in this tiny town in the middle of nowhere? Well, I'll tell ya. Back in the Plane of Fire, my parents were murdered by water Lirai, because, as everyone knows, the Lirai of each element hate the others. There is a constant battle between the four factions of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. I came to Sephyr to seek answers and find the whereabouts of those responsible for my parent's deaths. Mr. Lejun said he has information, but I must pay for it by guarding this caravan thing he's got going' here." She clenches her fists. "I will find those water Lirai, and when I do, I will burn their very souls." She smiles again. "But 'till then I'm gonna have fun hangin' out with all a' you guys! Bottoms up!" She says, holding out her mug. "Oh, sorry, nevermind..." She falls silent and starts emptying her cup.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 10, 2011, 12:59:55 am

Scene Closed

Update coming soon.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 10, 2011, 01:03:39 am
"interesting... I did not know about that." Elia looks out to window. "Oh my! Its late!" Elia looks at the fairy, "Best be seeing you off, time be now to get rest, if one were to wake at such an hour as we have been given." Elia grabs her spear off her lap and stands up. She puts the spear on her back and turns to send her goodbyes to the fairy. Bowing to the fairy she says: "It has been nice meeting a fairy folk for the first time. I wish you a good rest Madam Incendam." With that Elia walks up the stairs of the inn to her room.
Title: Re: Let the games begin - D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed)
Post by: Celdia on November 10, 2011, 03:47:04 am
           Before setting out from the Bovine Bell the next morning, Lejun quickly introduces the party to his assistant and sole teamster remaining with him for this leg of the journey, the taciturn Gref. Gref is another fairly nondescript gnome though unlike his employer he shows none of the exuberance or joie de vivre you've come to expect from gnomish folk.
          Lejun's caravan consists only of a pair of large, covered wagons pulled by a single ox each. While you can see into the wagons through the canvas flaps when they blow open, you still have no better idea of his cargo as everything inside is sealed up in boxes big enough to be coffins with only the words "Lejun C. Berus - Fine Goods" printed on the outside of each one. Lejun settles himself on the bench of the forward wagon, gesturing for Rhyhorn to take the lead ahead of him with his smaller cart of goods, and Gref does the same bringing the second wagon out onto the trade road behind them both. Over the course of the first day you find yourselves keeping a fairly leisurely walking pace as set by slow-moving oxen. With clement weather for the season and a level road under your feet, the hours creep by slow and uneventful.
         Your employer does call a halt long enough for a modest lunch he provides from a chest under the bench of his wagon; A small cask of cider and spicy meat pies that he must have gotten from the inn the night before from the look of them. Over the course of the meal he gives a warning about the section of road ahead. "Those of you that haven't traveled this way before should know there's no waypoint of any kind between here and the border. What's worse is the Highland Guard tends to not run their patrols this far out and the Verunian Border Patrol keeps their watch strictly on their side of the border. All of that adds up to this being a prime location for bandits and highwaymen. Keep your eyes peeled and ears sharp."
          Several hours further down the road, as the sun is nearing the horizon far to the West, it seems as if Lejun had been predicting the future. Something about the trees up ahead of you seems wrong and on closer inspection you see a small band of orcs ( and a single hobgoblin ( trying to hide among the plant-life bordering the road to either side. However, it appears as if they are waiting for you pass them before they act and they seem to be unaware that you have noticed them.

Battle Pane Start

Perception Checks Successful!

Bonus! - Due to the overall level of Perception present in the party, you are all fully aware of the enemies hiding in the brush ahead and you get 2 Bonus Actions to use before they can take any Actions at all. Use them wisely!

Objective: Repel or destroy the gang of bandits.
Bonus Objective: Keep the wagons, oxen and gnomes from taking any significant damage.
Weather: Dusk, clear.
Terrain: Grassland, some trees.


Terrain Notes: Only the center trunk of the tree tiles impede movement. You can move freely through/under the branches. The small shrubs scattered about function the same, stopping movement so plan your movement to go around them. The rocks you see on the map are small enough to walk/run over without slowing you down any.

NPC Notes: Orcs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are actually up IN the branches of the trees. All other enemies are on the ground. Lejun and Gref will not fight unless threatened at Melee range by an enemy and then only to defend themselves long enough for one of you to help them. It is not recommended to let that happen.

Reminder! Your Movement score isn't a limit to how far you can move but rather a measure of how fast you cover ground. There is no limit to how far you can move between your actions but if you try to move too far and then act, your actions are likely to come at the very end of the Turn.

Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours (Sunday, Nov. 13th, 4am EST). As stated in the OP, if you don't have your actions in by then you'll forfeit your Actions for this Turn.

Allies Condition

HP: 14/14
Defense: 13
Movement: 4 (Burdened; Natural 6)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Defense: 7
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 43/43
Defense: 18
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 5

HP: 42/42
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 21/21
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 13/13

HP: 11/11
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 10, 2011, 04:13:03 am
   "Watch Out!" Yvonne says just loud enough for Rhyhorn and Eila to hear.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 10, 2011, 04:16:13 am
Bonus Action 1: Turn right and use Stomp in the direction of the tree, hitting the tree's trunk and Hobgoblin in the hopes of sending the Hobgoblin prone and sending the Orc from the tree.

Free Action: Slip out of my Cart harness and dig my foot into the ground.

Bonus Action 2 + Action 1: Charge! at the tree to my left, containing Orc 1 and Orc 3, aiming to smash into the base and send both Orcs toppling out.

Action 2 + Action 3: Turn back to the right, again Charging!, this time toward the Hobgoblin I attempted to topple with my Stomp earlier.  I let out a powerful Roar as I descend upon him, striking him with the full force of my Horn Attack.  (Focus Lost.)

Action 4-A: If the Hobgoblin remains alive, hit it with another Horn Attack.

Action 4-B: If the Hobgoblin is defeated, pull back to defend the Cart and the front of our formation.  (If Cart, Oxen, Wagon, or an ally in the vicinity of the front of our formation is under attack while on this Acton, move to attempt to intercept the enemy's attack instead.)
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 10, 2011, 06:48:32 am
   "Look!" Yvonne calls, loud enough for the rest of the caravan to hear. "There's more orcs behind those four trees!" She points at the outermost orcs. "Right then," (B1, B2) Snapping her wings, the pixie flies strait up. "I'm lookin' to the sky to save me!" She pauses for a fraction of a second to survey the battlefield below. "Lookin' for a sign of life." (1) As she positions her hands as though holding an invisible sphere at its north and south poles, ashes fall from her upper hand and a tiny, molten pebble appears at its center as though she had summoned a fragment of Sephyr's own core. The heat it produces warps the air around it and the fire Lirai can't help but grin. With a loud crack, the rock bursts forth towards an orc, dragging a trail of sparks behind it. "Lookin' for something to help me burn out bright!" (2) Without even waiting to see the results of her first spell, the fey woman swaps the position of her hands and repeats the small ritual, this time with a new target. She laughs, "Fly high!" (3,4) as she increases her altitude.

B1, B2: Fly strait up 12 squares
1: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt at Orc 1
2: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt at Orc 3
3, 4: Fly strait up 12 squares
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 10, 2011, 12:55:44 pm
Xun gives the oxen behind him a firm pat on the head to stop it and then darts off, sandalled feet barely leaving an imprint on the grass as he rushes towards a lone orc (bonus).  His sword comes free with a rasping hiss while his footwork suddenly shifts, his attacks coming fast and aggressive (1-2).  A quick flurry of cuts, a feint, and then a downward slash to the orcs leg followed by a spinning backhand cut at its face, and Xun holds hsi blade out to the side, as if inviting the enemy to strike him.

bonus actions) move towards the orc, to B9
1-2) draw sword and enter Punishing Stance
3) Word of Binding
4) Regular attack.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 10, 2011, 04:52:24 pm
Elia takes note of Yvonne's warning.

1-5) If at any point an orc is taking an action on me, or the cart. Go to them and punch(non-lethal).
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: formerdeathcorps on November 10, 2011, 06:04:02 pm
"I didn't sign up for this!"

Seap scampered away (1), clutching his fife in his hand.  "Why are orcs even here?  They're a terrible audience with no taste and horrible manners!"  His eyes now staring into the distance, Seap began to sing in his mezzo-soprano voice (2-4).

"March of the men
Strike of the blade
Watch as the beasts
Flee back to their glades
Tell me ye men
O why do you fight...

1) Retreat to K2
2-4) Sing Inspire Courage.  If anyone tries to attack, Seap will climb into the wagon.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 10, 2011, 08:18:50 pm
"BLOOD AND THUNDER, COMRADES" howls Hogarth, running towards Orc 5 (Bonus Action 1) and unsheathing her axe (Bonus Action 2). Upon arrival, she leaps and cleaves the orc (Action 1). She hacks at the orc again for good measure (Action 2). She hurls a throwing axe at Orc 3 (Action 3) and another at Orc 1 (Action 4).
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: Celdia on November 11, 2011, 03:17:54 am

Turn 1 Resolution

          "Look!" Yvonne calls, loud enough for the rest of the caravan to hear. "There's more orcs behind those four trees!" From the middle of the caravan Seap cries out, "I didn't sign up for this!" as Rhyhorn turns to the right and strikes the ground with a thunderous force, rattling the tree there causing a rotten orc-fruit to fall to the ground with a satisfying thump, though the Hobgoblin steadied behind the trunk seems unaffected. Xun barely pauses as he darts away from the caravan to a distant orc, drawing his hand-and-a-half sword free from the scabbard, the evening sun making the blade glow like fire in his hands. In the opposite direction, Hogarth's long stride is devouring ground as she brings her huge axe up and around to bear down on another orc, her battle cry heralding death, "BLOOD AND THUNDER, COMRADES!"
          Elia takes a defensive stance, awaiting anyone foolish enough to come into her reach as Rhyhorn makes a full-about and charges the orc-filled tree. "Right then," Yvonne mutters and shoots skyward, "I'm lookin' to the sky to save me!" Seap on the other hand is retreating to the rear of the wagons, fife in hand, "Why are orcs even here?  They're a terrible audience with no taste and horrible manners!" Finding himself a safe space backed up against a wagon he begins to sing a war chant, "March of the men, strike of the blade..." Xun closes the gap between himself and his target just as Hogarth brings her heavy axe blade down and clean through an orc, bifurcating the animalistic creature from crown to crotch, rewarding her with a spray of grey-black blood across her body.
          As that orc topples into a pair of inanimate pieces, Rhyhorn connects solidly with the tree, forcing both orcs to fall from its branches, knocking one out cold on impact with the ground. From high above, Yvonne conjures up a ball of fire and stone, aiming it at the still-moving orc that fell from the tree, saying, "Lookin' for something to help me burn out bright!" as she hurls the conjuration down and clean through the orc's back. With a laugh she begins to cast another spell to follow the first. Nearby the fallen orcs, the Hobgoblin shouts something harshly in Orcish and points at Rhyhorn as he does so, then lunges forward towards the stony beast, sword held high. A pair of orcs still up in the trees lob javelins down at Rhyhorn, one missing completely but the other grazing his hide, taking a small chunk of stone with it.
          Across the field, Xun takes a dangerous stance with his blade held high above, leaving his sides open to attack. The orc he is engaged with tries to take the opening, but his heavy blade only glances off the young man's armor with no ill effect. Meanwhile, Seap's song continues to drive his allies on through the battle, "Watch as the beasts flee back to their glades..." Spurred on by the Talent infused in his song, Hogarth brings her axe around in another arc, mutilating the orc corpse beyond any hope of even magical aid.
          Turning suddenly once again, Rhyhorn roars defiantly and charges the Hobgoblin but is interrupted by the same who brings his sword down and he sidesteps the beast's deadly horn, only chipping the granite hide. By now the first fallen orc has regained his footing and begins to close the distance between himself and Rhyhorn only to completely overlook Elia, getting cold-cocked with a fist to the face for his efforts. Beside her another tiny ball of flame strikes the unconscious orc beneath the tree, killing it outright. Above her the pixie continues to laugh and shouts, "Fly high!" as she ascends even higher above the battlefield.
          As the still tree-bound orcs climb to the ground, Xun makes a few hesitant motions with his sword before he strikes his foe with bone-splitting force, hacking the orc's legs out from under it and following with another cut across the beastman's throat, ending its life with no more than a quiet gurgle of blood. A brief moment of stillness covers the battlefield as the bard's song continues, "Tell me ye men, O why do you fight..." But that stillness is not meant to last as Rhyhorn and the Hobgoblin continue to battle. A sword swing goes wide and Rhyhorn quickly drives his horn up into the goblinoid's side with enough force to puncture both armor and flesh. However, the last pair of orcs have advanced and now the stone beast finds himself facing off with them, three on one...

Objective: Repel or destroy the gang of bandits.
Bonus Objective: Keep the wagons, oxen and gnomes from taking any significant damage.
Weather: Dusk, clear.
Terrain: Grassland, some trees.


X = Unconscious
X = Dead
Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours (Monday, Nov. 14th, 4am EST). As stated in the OP, if you don't have your actions in by then you'll forfeit your Actions for this Turn.

Allies Condition

HP: 14/14
Defense: 13
Movement: 4 (Burdened; Natural 6)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Defense: 7
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 39/43
Defense: 18
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 5

HP: 42/42
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 21/21
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 13/13

HP: 11/11

Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 11, 2011, 03:36:52 am
Hogarth, getting into the full swing of battle and infused with the power of the blood of an enemy,no longer speaks and just screams incoherently. She rushes in on Orc 2 (Action 1), swings her axe in a wide circle (action 2), and uses the momentum to hurl it at Orc 6 (Action 3). She flings her throwing axe at the Hobgoblin, hoping to catch him off guard while it is dealing with Ryhorn (Action 4).
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 11, 2011, 04:06:16 am
Rhyhorn shrugs off the Orcs' and Hobgoblin's feeble weapon attacks, his sturdy natural armor holding fast against their assaults.

Action 1) Rhyhorn quickly shifts backwards to K13, trying to create some space between the three enemies threatening him.

Action 2) Quickly after stopping moving, Rhyhorn Stomps the ground again, unleashing a diagonal shockwave toward the Hobgoblin and Orc 6 with an angry snarl.

Action 3-A) If Hobgoblin has moved into my melee range, Horn Attack him to death.

Action 3-B) If Hobgoblin is not in melee range but an Orc has moved into it, Horn Attack the Orc to death instead.

Action 3-C) If Hobgoblin is prone from Stomp or otherwise alive and no units are in melee range, rush up to that Lord of the Rings reject and doesn't afraid.  If the Hobgoblin is somehow already dead, rush the nearest Orc instead, they're all rejects too.

Action 4-A) If Hobgoblin is alive and in melee range, Horn Attack him.

Action 4-B) If Hobgoblin is dead, KO'd, or otherwise not in melee range but an Orc still is, Horn Attack that instead.

Action 4-C) If no enemies remain in melee range, use 1 charge of my Healing Belt to restore some HP.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 11, 2011, 04:12:54 am
   "Do it if you dare" Yvonne chants, "Leaping from the sky" (1, 2) she lets gravity help her decent. "Hurling through the air" She stops short just above the rocky rino, while white-hot sparks dance among the fingers of her right hand. (3) The arcane energy leaps from her pointed index finger to strike the her intended target as green ooze forms in the palm of her left hand. "Exhilarating high!" (4) Switching hands and choosing her target, she lets the viscous puss slip through her fingers and drip down upon her foe. Grinning wickedly, she holds her right first digit in front of her lips to blow away the acrid smoke rising from it. Turning up her left hand she casually brushes off the residue, causing a spray of harmless goo that dissipates before falling more than a few inches. "You guys done down there?" she asks as if suddenly bored now that the battle appears to be nearing its conclusion.

1, 2: Fly down to hover 3 squares above J,14
3: Cast Electric Jolt*
4: Cast Acid Splash*

*Target priority: Hobgoblin, Orc 6, Orc 2, Orc 4 If prior target dead, choose next. If all dead, do not cast.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 12, 2011, 12:09:56 am
Quote from: st4rw4k3r on November 10, 2011, 04:52:24 pm
Elia takes note of Yvonne's warning.

1-5) If at any point an orc is taking an action on me, or the cart. Go to them and punch(non-lethal).

not much of an eventful fight for me :D
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 13, 2011, 11:23:00 pm
Xun bends down and cleans his blade on the fallen orc, finishing by wiping the blade clean with a small piece of cloth.  He turns to watch his companions deal with the few remaining enemies as he moves back towards the wagons.  They are surprisingly skilled.

(( Looks like the rest of the team has this all locked down, so Xun is taking it easy. ))
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: Celdia on November 14, 2011, 04:06:07 am

Turn 2 Closed

Update forthcoming.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Rotten Fruit Trees
Post by: Celdia on November 14, 2011, 05:39:15 am

Turn 2 Resolution

         Roaring like an untamed beast, Hogarth leaps the corpses of orcs between her and one of the pair circling Rhyhorn as she closes the distance to her target. Hearing his ally approach, Rhyhorn quickly steps back and raises himself up to strike the ground again, sending another thunderous shockwave at his foes, felling both the hobgoblin and one of the orcs. High above, the pixie chants a little poem in sing-song to herself, "Do it if you dare, Leaping from the sky, Hurling through the air..." while plummeting towards the earth at a slight forward angle, magical sparks of electricity creating a comet-like trail in the sky behind her. Below her, the fallen combatants slowly regain their feet while the unaffected orc steps forward, swinging his heavy blade around to strike at Rhyhorn.
         However, unfortunately for the orc, Hogarth runs like a cheetah and strikes like behemoth. Her axe comes around high in a murky sweep of blood-coated steel, decapitating the pig-nosed orc in a single clean sweep, the head spinning high up into the hair and getting caught in the branches of the nearby tree. The orc's sword clatters uselessly against Rhyhorn's stony hide, having lost any kind of guidance to strike meaningfully as its owner lost his head. The remaining orc, hesitant to advance with the seemingly insane barbarian charging across the battlefield at them seems to have made a fatal mistake in doing so as the elven-made greataxe is loosed from Hogarth's hands and carries forward and clean into his side, toppling him over and spilling his guts out onto the trade road.
         Seeing the last of his underlings subdued so easily, the Hobgoblin curses in Orcish and turns tail and runs. Rhyhorn begins to give chase, horn lowered to skewer the cowardly highwayman, but the Hobgoblin begins to quickly open the gap between them as he bolts, giving no thought to his own defense now. A burst of light from above and behind Rhyhorn heralds the end Yvonne's decent as she cries out, "Exhilarating high!" and a tiny bolt of lightning leaps from her extended hand to strike the fleeing goblinoid in the back, singeing his armor and evoking a howl of pain and sending him tumbling to the ground. Without missing a beat, Hogarth draws one of her throwing axes and hurls it at the fallen beastman but in trying not to hit her ally, the axe passes just high over the Hobgoblin's body.
         With his quarry temporarily fallen, Rhyhorn lines up his horn and drives it deep into the Hobgoblin's body, lifting it clear off the ground with the force of the blow and rending the torso asunder, causing the body to look as if a storm giant had taken a bite out the side. When it hits the ground, the bloody mess moves no longer. Behind him, Yvonne applies an unhealthy dose of caustic acid to the last unconscious orc in a show , ending its suffering before she quips, "You guys done down there?" with boredom coloring her tone.


Battle Pane Complete!

418 GP
3,412 SP
3,876 CP

A silver chalice with tiny zircon gems embedded in the stem.
A pair of heavy black leather gloves of exquisite quality, with metal studs set over the knuckles.
Jade gemstone
Amber gemstone

Objective Bonus! - 600 GP

(The remaining gear used by the orcs is either damaged beyond use or of such poor quality you'd likely not even be able to sell it for more than scrap.)

~Stat Bonuses~

Elia: No bonus.
Hogarth: Melee Skill +1!
Rhyhorn: Stomp Power +1!
Seap: No bonus.
Xun: Melee Skill +1!
Yvonne: Electric Jolt Power +1!

(Don't lynch me if you didn't get any bonuses. Things like defense and performance skill advance slower than combat skills.)

Lejun hops down from his wagon to inspect both of them and to calm the oxen while those of the party minded to do so look over the corpses for anything of value. The gnome nods appreciatively and grins, "I can see you lot will be worth every coin I promised you. A job well done and I thank you. Now, let's not hang around here too long. Last thing we want to do is answer a bunch of questions should anyone else show up. Grab your things and let's be on our way. There's still daylight left."

Consider the travel time to a camping site a short Scene. Feel free to roleplay while walking on the trade road. I'll probably leave this open for the next 24 hours or so for posting, then I'll fast-forward to the next major Scene/Pane as the dice or your actions dictate. (This might also be a good time to heal up for those of you that took any damage.)
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 14, 2011, 07:56:26 am
Rhyhorn grabs Hogarth's thrown Throwing Axe in his mouth, bringing it back to her and dropping it at her feet before slipsping back into his harnesses. He begins leading the wagons down the trail again, using a charge of his Healing Belt to heal the small chips in his hide from the previous battle.  (2 Charges Left)  Rhyhorn closes his eyes as he walks, taking a minute to regain his Focus as well since the path currently seems safe and easy enough to navigate.

Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 14, 2011, 08:09:52 am
(Noted: Healing Belt 1 charge used - HP restored to full. Focus regained.)

(Ruling Idea: When not in combat, you can choose to have healing rolled like normal or just take the average outcome for whatever healing ability you activated. Sadly for Xun, because of the nature of his abilities I have to say he has to be IN battle to make use of his healing. Otherwise its endlessly broken no matter how I rule it. I'll take a vote on this Ruling Idea: Yea or Nay?)
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 14, 2011, 08:20:23 am
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 14, 2011, 01:20:16 pm
   Yvonne starts to descend to help the 'larger-folk' look for things of value among their fallen foes, when a shadow passes from something overhead. She looks up quickly. "Kyaaa!" she squeaks. "Bird!" She points at a hawk circling lazily above. "Kill it! Kill it! It must die! Make it die! It's evil!" She continues to shriek as she makes a beeline towards Rhyhorn's cart. In her panic, she misjudges the angle and impacts the bottom of the 'ALL THE THINGS' sign, ricocheting back a full foot as she tumbles the rest of the way to the ground. "Ah!" she cries in surprise. However, the pixie recovers quickly and scrambles to her hands and feet. "Loose your arrows and fire your bolts! Make it into a pin cushion!" She scurries along the ground to get under the cart whereupon she quickly assumes a duck and cover position. Her hands cover her downturned head and her wings provide feeble protection to her back as she attempts to make herself appear smaller than she already is.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: formerdeathcorps on November 14, 2011, 04:05:12 pm
Walking over to the sign, Seap retrieved the curled up pixie.  "There's nothing to be afraid of."  Cupping the pixie in his hands, Seap returned to the merchandise cart and gently placed her inside.  "You'll be safe in here."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 14, 2011, 05:28:13 pm
Xun raises an eyebrow at the panicking fire spirit.  "Surely one such as yourself has little to fear from an ordinary bird.  Are you not a living piece of flame?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 14, 2011, 06:16:03 pm
   "Bird?" Yvonne asks, her head popping up. "Did I say bird? Oh..." she laughs as she gets to her feet. "I thought I said 'dragon.' Yeah, I thought it was a dragon." The fire Lirai dusts herself off before taking to the air and exiting the wagon. "Of course, one such as I is not afraid of a stupid bird." She flies back toward the front of the caravan, keeping close to the wagon side and other objects along the way. "Why, I used to hunt arrowhawks back when I visited the Plane of Air." She makes her way over to Elia and alights upon the healer's shoulder. "Let me tell you, Four-wing Fricassee is absolutely delicious."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 14, 2011, 07:48:40 pm
Elia picks up two stones and throws them near the hawk to drive it away. The hawk annoyed by the stones flies away from the area, to hunt somewhere else. Elia then heads back to where she was walking.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 14, 2011, 10:22:54 pm

Hogarth strides forward and reclaims her greataxe from Rhyhorn. "Ah, a truer friend I've never had! And thanks to you, Rhyhorn, for your might and power in today's battle!" She guffaws as she kicks the orc guts over the bubbling, acidic remains of the hobgoblin, using the guts as a stepping stone to retrieve her throwing axe. "The fools didn't even have a chance to run away in fear! Did you SEE that head? BOOOOOSH" She grabs a few stones from the ground and offers them to Ryhorn. "Tell me, firebug, about this flamed bird! I've never had a meal on fire before." Her eyes shine like a shark's. No attempt is made to wipe any of the orc blood away from anything but the axe, and even then, only the blade. The hilt remains stained.

Hefting the coin bag onto Ryhorn's cart, she takes out 10 SP and puts it in Ryhorn's money chest. "I figure the orcs can cover the bother of having you haul away all their blasted coins!" She walks over to Seap, and rests a heavy hand on his shoulder. "You may be small and cowardly, but your song is enough to make me like ya!" She laughs mightily, and slaps Seap on the back a bit too hard for the lad to take. Nodding to Xu and Elia, the only way a fellow warrior can properly recognize others of her talent, Hogarth stomps toward Lejun, and flashes a wide, toothy grin, speckled with orc blood. "We should be safe, for now. I look forward to any other detours!"

Placing the axe back in its holster on her back, and slipping the recovered throwing axe on its well-worn spot on her belt, she takes her place at the caravan, utterly content with the thrill of battle.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 14, 2011, 11:27:31 pm
   Yvonne laughs. "Flamebird? Ya' mean a phoenix, right? I don' think ya wanna eat on'a them. Might give ya a bad case of heartburn, ya know? Bu' as for the arrowhawks, lemme tell you, the chefs of Mistralia in the Plane of Air make the best use a' the four-winged vermin. From their amazing fricassee stews to the mushroom demi-glace they use on some a' their signature dishes, they truly add the only elegance the critters will ever get. Because, le's be honest, the only good bird is a dead bird. An' the only great bird is a cooked one, well seasoned... maybe a nice glass of Starfall's finest vintage..." The sprite drifts off as thoughts of food fill her mind. "Ya' know, the main reason I came to this plane was ta sample the wine from the vineyard on Starbane Isle. The finest wine in Sephyr they say."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 15, 2011, 01:26:52 am
Hogarth, upon realizing she wasn't going to eat a bird that was on fire, spaces out through the rest of the fey's speech. Her glazed stare penetrates dimensions and realities until hearing about fine wine, when Hogarth snaps back to this reality.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 15, 2011, 02:15:00 am

Scene 2 Start

          The rest of the evening continues on uneventfully, leading to Lejun calling a halt and pulling the wagons off the trade road at nearly full-dark. "I want to be moving again at first light. I'll leave it to you all to decide who goes on what watch through the night." Seemingly weary with the day's travel, the gnome climbs into a small space behind the wagon bench where he curls up in a bedroll to sleep, as does his assistant in the other wagon without a word.
          Morning dawns without incident and the small caravan gets moving again without much sound beyond that of the ever-verbose Yvonne and the creaking of wagon wheels. The temperature is still mild enough for everything to be coated in a thin layer of dew and not yet be frosted over, but even that doesn't last long under the force of the sun.
          The second day of the trip is blessedly quiet, the only other living things the party sees being a few wild deer some distance from the road and another trade caravan coming back North, but the teamsters seemed disinclined to say anything more than a cheerful greeting as Lejun pulled the wagons aside to let them pass. Stopping earlier in the day to break for camp, Lejun calls everyone around to give them a short warning. "Stopping here for the night should put us at the border to Verun come about mid-morning. I'd keep on for a bit longer but I don't want to reach the checkpoint there too early in the day." He directs his gaze to Elia, saying, "And you lass might want to slip that holy symbol of yours away somewhere before we get there. I'm afraid your god isn't looked well upon by the officials of that kingdom. If you don't want to bring more trouble down on yourself than necessary, I'd hide your faith for the time being." Nodding to himself, he continues, "Alright. You all get a good night's rest. I don't trust the Border Patrol as far as I can throw an orc, and with us coming down out of Highland with the way things are I trust them even less."
          Your gnomish employer does see fit to open a case of food from one of his wagons that has some preserved meats and a couple loaves a bread which he hands over for you to share amongst yourselves, perhaps as an apology for the extended travel and short camp of the night before, but he seems otherwise disinclined to discuss matters further, waving off any questions with a vague answer of "You'll see why on the morrow."

          As promised, the morning of the third day did in fact bring the party to the border checkpoint. The lightly forested area near the trade road gives way to clear-cut land on both sides and far ahead, even from nearly a mile away, the high walls of a fort can been made out on the horizon. The trade road widens here, easily wide enough now for a quintet of full-sized wagons to pass each other unrestricted, and it leads straight ahead into a set of huge gates through the fort. Most of that space on the wider section of the trade road is occupied by all matter of cart, carriage and wagon trying to continue their journey South. As you get nearer, up behind the crenelated battlements, you can make out Guards in the colors of Highland carrying what look to be powerful longbows. Below them by the gates are several functionaries with the look of clerks - boards and parchment in hand with small tables beside the hewn stone walls to hold ink vials and quills. They are questioning people in each caravan coming South through the checkpoint and taking down notes as they do so. Occasionally, they pull someone's wagon or cart aside and escort the driver through a small door into the fort for a few minutes, but it seems they always return unharmed to continue their journey forward through to the Verunian side of the border.
           As the queue slowly advances, Lejun produces some paperwork out of a scroll case beneath his wagon's bench and holds them ready for the clerks. He indicates to Rhyhorn to stay to the leftmost side of the road as they near the gates, then begins waving his papers at the elderly clerk there while calling out, "Seid! Seid! You old goat, come get these so I can move on. I've got a schedule to keep!"
          Seid, a human with graying hair, wrinkled skin and a seemingly calm demeanor calls back with little emotion, "You and everyone else here, Master Berus. You and everyone else." The old man signs the paper on his board and hands it up to the driver of the wagon beside him and waves him along. "Last trip of the season, I assume. You have all your forms in order I'll wager." He walks up and takes the paperwork from the gnome, looking over each sheet quickly, nodding and murmuring to himself as he does so.
          "Don't I always?" Lejun says with a grin. "So, what's the word around here on things? I'm surprised to see so many people headed into Verun right now. Usually there isn't this much traffic here this time of year. I don't suppose you've got any information for an old friend such a me, would you?" You can see a small pouch slip from the gnome's hand into the human's pocket, jingling softly. If the clerk noticed, he gave no sign of such.
          Seid speaks in a low voice, "Almost every person that has passed these gates in the last two weeks has claimed their destination is Kellem. If I have to say more than that, then its a wonder you've stayed in business these many years, Master Berus." With a flourish of his quill and a snap of the papers, Seid hands the short stack of forms back to the gnome. Raising his voice, he continues, "It appears everything is in order, as usual. I wish you well on your journey and safe passage on your return." A practiced smile comes to the old man's face as he makes the same waving motion to Lejun as he did to the wagons before, which you belatedly realize is likely also a signal to the guards above.

          Once inside the gates, you can easily see that the fort is really more of a stone-walled tunnel, some thirty feet high on either side and a good five-hundred feet deep. The traffic is still nearly at a standstill between the walls, for at the head of the queue are Verunian Patrolmen inspecting paperwork and even searching wagons, some few teamsters being forced to unload their wares and open crates and chests for further inspection. You note that there are another set of small doors at this end of the fort, but those few wagon masters you see get taken into those small doors don't return, their wagons instead being driven ahead and around the outer walls of the fort by one of the Patrolmen.

I feel there is plenty of potential in this Scene for something to happen. But then I'm also known for setting my torch too close to a fuse to be healthy. ^_^ Since this will likely require some interaction from me as well for the NPCs I'll try to keep updated as I can with responses. Let's try for a longer Scene this time and some more in-depth interaction. Feel free to post questions to me in OOC/(()) tags as necessary if you want to make observations about the surrounding area or anything else for that matter. Remember, you can attempt anything, just like in battle. Success or failure is all dependent on your character's abilities.

Posting for this Scene will close in about 48 hours. (Thursday, Nov. 17th, 2am EST)
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 15, 2011, 02:28:15 am
Hogarth contemplates how far she can throw an orc.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 15, 2011, 02:29:45 am
   Yvonne sighs. "Stupid tunnels..." she grumbles, not caring who hears her complaint. "If I wanted ta go through tunnels, I'd'a gone ta the Plane of Earth..." She fidgets around, flitting back and forth around the caravan. She glances loathingly at the ceiling. "Stupid tunnels..."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 15, 2011, 02:56:24 am
The ceiling of the tunnel is arched down the entire length of it, unornamented and very utilitarian in appearance. High up in the walls on either side are balcony-like walkways manned by both Highland Guards at the North end and Verunian Patrolmen at the South, most armored and armed with longbows. There are a few unarmored soldiers up there that you would assume are possibly cowardly wizards or some other form of magic-user. Clerestory windows set into the walls behind those walkways shed no little light down into the tunnel, where some magical torches are affixed to the walls at regular intervals, further illuminating the stone passageway. The air is hot and stuffy, stinking mostly of horse, donkey, the leather of their harnesses and their droppings on the ground.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 15, 2011, 04:15:14 am
   "Esra's taint, this place reeks..." the fire sprite continues to bemoan the situation. "How much longer we gotta stay in 'ere? I swear to Bel that the Maggot Pit smells better'n this stupid tunnel... "
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 15, 2011, 02:52:40 pm
Rhyhorn slowly leads the caravan of carts through this Ye Olde Boston Tunnel checkpoint, keeping a close eye out for members of the crowd with... stickier fingers than one should reasonably have.  He then peers around the high walls of the checkpoint, taking note of the security on the catwalks high above.  Rhyhorn's gone through several checkpoints in his time, but something about this checkpoint seemed... off to him.

(OOC: I'd like to perform a Knowledge Check, trying to remember if I've been through this specific checkpoint before and if there's anything in particular I remember about it, based on my history as a transporter.  If I've not been through this particular Checkpoint, I'd like to alternatively Knowledge Check based on the kinds of Checkpoints I have been through for particulars about how this one differs from them, again focusing on any suspicious differences if possible.)
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 15, 2011, 04:01:06 pm
(Knowledge Check answered via PM)

Even desperate cutpurses aren't stupid enough to try anything between these walls with no quick escape and under the watchful eye of both Guards and Border Patrolmen.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 15, 2011, 04:12:39 pm
   When a particularly large caravan approaches the Verun checkpoint, the line behind it grinds to a halt. Boredom reaches a peak as Yvonne realizes her group will not be moving for a good while, so she flies up toward the walkways above. Paying no heed to the guards' tabards that display their kingdom, she instead selects one of the 'prettier,' unarmed guards and approaches with a smile. "Hello, fellow mage-type-person!" She greets warmly. "I'm Yvonne Scintillae Incendam. You look 'bout as bored as I am. I hope yer a bit more used ta this smell than I am though..." she laughs lightly. "So, what kinda magicks do ya do? Me, I like fire. But, I've seem all kin'a caster-types in my days. Mentalists, elementalists, illusionists, disillusionists... uhm, I mean... Well, in any case, what sorta magicks you use?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 15, 2011, 04:17:58 pm
The mage approached by Yvonne, wearing Verunian colors, immediately begins to make arcane gestures with one hand while pointing downwards to the stalled traffic below, a deep scowl shaping his features. "Get back with your caravan, pixie. You don't approach a Patrolman like this unless you want to forfeit your freedom or your life. If I see so much as a spark out of you I promise you I'll personally put you in an anti-magic cage until you go mad from magical deprivation."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 15, 2011, 04:20:38 pm
Rhyhorn, stuck in the South-bound line, pulls up his chalk and chalkboard, beginning to write on it, recalling the warning that Lejun gave earlier and combining it with knowledge of his own.  After a moment, he places the chalkboard into his mouth, turning to Elia and nudging her with the chalkboard to get her to turn down and read it.  Rhyhorn gives her an extremely serious look as he holds the chalkboard for her to read, and sloppily written on it are the words "Trust Rhyhorn.  Give him Symbol."  He notices Yvonne fly up toward the catwalks, and his eyes flicker a panic for a moment before regaining their seriousness and waiting on Elia.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 15, 2011, 05:20:13 pm
   (1) Yvonne's eyes are drawn to the guard's hands. "Alright, alright I get it, I'll go." she says disheartenedly. "Ya don' gotta be rude about it though." She huffs disapprovingly.

1: Spellcraft check on guard.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 15, 2011, 05:22:56 pm
(Spellcraft answered via PM)

You can't help but notice that your group now has the mage's undivided attention while waiting in the queue.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 15, 2011, 05:42:39 pm
   "Wa'n't gonna cast anithin' aniway..." the fire sprite grumbles, flying back to the group. "No love 'mong the mages 'ere in Sephyr, eh?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 15, 2011, 06:50:26 pm
Xun sighs softly.  "No bother guards.  That job very important, niceness not...", he founders for a moment, "... not needed.  Best to just wait, line will move in time."  He folds his legs beneath him, suiting deed to words as he perches on a cart.  "No cause trouble, get through faster."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 15, 2011, 07:30:27 pm
Elia turns to see who is nudging her, only to face Rhyhorn, with a chalk board in his mouth. Elia pauses for a moment pondering if she should give Rhyhorn her holy symbol. She then notices panic in Rhyhorns eyes, she turns to see Yvonne flying to the catwalks. Elia turns back to Rhyhorn, and takes her holy symbol off, and passes it to Rhyhorn. She whispers to him, "Trust... If you need anything tell me."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 15, 2011, 07:50:32 pm
Rhyhorn nods, thankful Elia listened as he drops his chalkboard and accepts the holy symbol with his mouth discreetly.  He turns back to facing toward the front, lying it on the floor gently and moving a step forward to obscure it from view with his body.  Rhyhorn then opens his mouth widely, carefully swallowing the holy symbol whole without damaging it before wiping his chalkboard clean and continuing to stand in line as if nothing had transpired.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 15, 2011, 08:18:57 pm
   "I wa'n't *tryin'* ta bother 'im. 'E jus' looked bored, ya know." Yvonne explains, holding her hands up innocently. "No' my fault 'e wants ta be Mr. Crabby-pants. Meby the smell really is getting' to 'im. Meby guardin' this place is used as some sorta punishment fer the guys who've misbehaved. I mean lookit 'im, 'e's all scowly 'n' grumpy lookin' now. I bet 'e di'n' get enough hugs as a kid. Ya know what Sephyr needs? More hugs. I hereby precribe eight hugs a day for each denizen of this plane. I guarentee it'll make this place a lot happier."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 15, 2011, 08:20:21 pm
[Spot and Listen check]
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 15, 2011, 09:16:18 pm
Utterly bored, and not wanting to fight stupid cowards who use magic from the balcony, Hogarth idly peels off bits of dried orc blood caked on her skin. She decides to listen and look in the crowd for any bit of information/persons being shady, hoping to maybe get some wagers going in the caravan to see who gets taken into The Room next.

[spot and listen check for unsavory, nervous looking characters]
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 15, 2011, 10:16:30 pm
   "Hug, hug, bored, hug..." Yvonne starts singing to herself. "Bored, bored, hug, bored..."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 15, 2011, 10:23:04 pm
"Bored... BORED! That's IT!" shouts Hogarth, looking as if she's had a wonderful idea. She grabs her grappling hook and tries using a sharp end to bore through the wall. "This ought to.. WHITTLE away the time!" She pulls out a tankard and puts a little bit of standing oil in it, gathering the dust in the oily tankard.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 15, 2011, 10:39:19 pm
"There was a sprite who was so bored
She couldn't sing or strike a cord
She really wants a hug
And not called Firebug
Trebek, five hundred for the swords"

   The Lirai raises an eyebrow. "Hrm... tha' doesn' sound qui' right... it shoulda been 's words' I think..." she thinks for a moment "but tha'd be too many syllables..."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 16, 2011, 12:00:37 am
(Spot and Listen answered via PMs)

          As the queue slowly rolls forward, you eventually find yourselves faced with another clerk - a female half-Telluri elf from the look of her dusky skin and pale hair - who is accompanied by a pair of burly Patrolmen whose features are nearly indistinguishable beneath the heavy armor they each wear. The woman looks disdainfully at Rhyhorn before approaching Lejun. Her voice is sharp and high-pitched, "Names, trades and destinations, all of you." She holds an actual inkpen ready to scratch down information, her very stance projecting total annoyance.
          "Lejun Berus, purveyor of fine goods and crafter of timepieces for the social elite. My destination, madam, is Tevinar to make a final delivery of these water-clocks before the Winter cold makes it impossible to do so, at which point I will find myself a nice inn to weather the season at. As for my companions, they've been hired as protection for the final leg of my journey and I can't speak for their intentions after we part in Tevinar." The gnome rattles this all off with ease, as if it were a speech he had practiced many times before. The half-elf simply nods and her pen scribbles shorthand notes across the form on her board. She looks to each of the humanoids in turn, awaiting a response to her initial inquiry.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 16, 2011, 12:12:13 am
"I am Yvonne Incendam
Lirai is my race, no sham
Here to guard the clocks
And a bunch of rocks
Very pleased to meet you ma'am!"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 16, 2011, 12:13:45 am
Elia looks at the half-elf "It is quite rude in ones view if you were to ask about another with out an introduction first." Elia sighs. "Elia Cyronae, Traveling Pr-" She pauses for a moment. "Erm. Traveling Prostitute... I am with them." Elia looks down at her feet.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 16, 2011, 12:15:03 am
Hogarth thumps just above her breasts, causing a deep resonating bump. "I am Hogarth! I hire myself out for protection, and to hunt for a fee. I intend to protect my gnome friend here until Tevinar, then find the nearest tavern and inn for meal and rest. After that, I shall journey for parts unknown even to me!" She chortles at this last bit, because, for all the guard knows, it's true, plus it actually is. "Please forgive my prostitute companion's back talk, brave guard, for she is of low birth!"

Hogarth then puts one foot up on Rhyhorn, leans forward, and jerks her thumb at the rocky beast. "And this is my pet rock! I have named him Rhyhorn. I was drinking rye when I had found him, and he has a horn. He hauls around stuff I was given by my tribe. He is quite harmless, and most certainly mute!"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: formerdeathcorps on November 16, 2011, 12:26:08 am
"I am Seap, player and bard of the late Baron Emal."  Seap withdrew his silver fife.  "If you value the arts, then you will know my place.  I seek only a decent employer."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 16, 2011, 01:18:26 am
          The clerk continues to make notations while listening to Yvonne and Elia, frowning deeply at the response of the latter. "You, lirai. Your kind is expected to register with someone at a Temple of Astinus if you're going to be in the kingdom for more than a month. Lord Vormir doesn't look well upon fey mucking about in his kingdom with no record of their coming and going. If you haven't by then, we will know of it." The menacing look she gives Yvonne implies more about the repercussions than words ever would. As Hogarth speaks, the half-elf noticeably winces, but continues to scribble down her notes, giving Rhyhorn another measuring gaze as the barbarian makes mention of him.
          She faces the bard as he speaks and her eyes go wide momentarily. "Excuse me a moment." Leaving her guards behind, she quickly steps over to the closer of the two smaller doors, knocking lightly before it is opened - only slightly - from within. She exchanges some whispered words with somebody inside before the door opens fully. Ducking as he steps out of the door is a giant of a man, a Goliath (, wearing a long cape bearing the dark colors of Verun as well as a cold-iron breastplate and a matching helmet adorned with bull-like horns. Insignia hanging from his shoulders indicate he is a man of some importance here and he follows the clerk to where the party waits. His gaze comes to rest on Seap as he speaks, his voice a deep bass as if the words were being summoned up from beneath the surface of the earth before passing from his lips. "I'm Patrol Captain Lagrand. You there, minstrel. I'd like to ask you some questions about this late Baron Emal. Come with me." With his final words he gestures to the room he exited from as one of the Patrolmen standing by puts a hand to the hilt of his weapon to indicate refusal would be less than wise.
          Lejun looks as if he is about to say something in protest, but seeing the patroller ready to draw steel causes him to hesitate momentarily. "I do hope this won't take too long, Captain..." he says entreatingly, "I am sure you are a busy man and I would hate to think that any of my companions would be keeping you from more pressing matters." Unfortunately for the gnome, the Captain catches him with a withering gaze that causes Lejun to turn visibly pale.
          "When I'm done with him, you may go. Or you may go on without him. The choice is yours, trader. You may pull your wagons around while you think on it." The goliath jerks his chin towards the Southern gates, "Evelyn, show them to the waiting area over there. Bard, you come with me." The hulk of a man stalks towards the small door, obviously expecting his demands to be heeded. The half-elf woman simply nods to the Captain before she begins directing Rhyhorn and Lejun through the large outer gates of the fort, her notes and presumably Xun having been completely forgotten at this point.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 16, 2011, 01:53:45 am
"So, register, it sounds, I must
To keep within this kingdom's trust
Curious of cost
And of the time lost
But for now, Tevinar or bust!"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 16, 2011, 02:03:18 am
Taking this as an opportunity to push Rhyhorn and his cart into the zone of safety, fearing for whatever thoughts barbarians identify with "reason" that self-aware stone rhinos are illegal, Hogarth waits outside the check point for Lejun's word, and to see the fate of the bard whose song made her so keenly mash up the remains of that one orc.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 16, 2011, 02:10:05 am
Elia turns to Yvonne. "Madam Incendam, I must inquire on how you create such Rhyme so fast and adequately?" Elia, with slight movement with her head jesters to the wooden door that Seap was taken into. She begins moving closer to it to try to make out any sounds from the other side.
[listen check]
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 16, 2011, 02:24:26 am
"When I'm bored, my mind will wander
Off into the great blue yonder
To think of lines
Rhythms and rhymes
A feat of which I can't be fonder"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: formerdeathcorps on November 16, 2011, 02:56:23 am
Seap gasped.  " have news?  I thought no one knew of my master's...untimely demise."  As Seap entered the interrogation room, his eyes darted from corner to corner.  The room looked more like a closet, with only one torch illuminating the corner furthest from the door.   Cobwebs hung from all the corners as SEap was led into a moldy chair.  Across from him, in an equally worn chair, sat the giant of a guard.  His very grimace was enough to terrify, but the thought of him knowing a secret sent shivers down Seap's spine.
"Sir, why am I here alone?  Was there a conspiracy against my former master?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 16, 2011, 03:21:45 am
          "That is something I would like you to help us figure out...Seap, was it? You claim to be from a barony we have no knowledge of here and that poses a bit of a problem. Most notably because we know of all the baronies in Highland, in detail, from the linage of the ruling Baron and Baroness down to the operating forces of their individual armies." The Guard Captain reaches into a chest behind his chair and pulls out a rather weighty tome, setting it on the table between them and opening it to a page listing the names and locations of various landholders all across Highland. "But among these there is no Baron Emal. So now minstrel, since you claim to have played for this man, you are going to tell me everything you know about him and his estate. I want to know where it is, I want to know what other royals attend his Court, I want to know what their fighting force is like, I want to know what is produced on his lands and how much of it is exported. I want you to tell me every last thing there is to know about this Emal."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 16, 2011, 06:47:12 am
Xun watches the comings and goings with some concern.  When ordered to identify himself, he gives a polite nod of his head.  "Xun Huan.  Cook, traveler, priest of Way.  Honored to make acquaintance."  He watches Seap be led away.  "Hope no trouble.  Seap kind boy, play music very good."  He offers a friendly smile to the clerk and guards, hoping for a peaceful resolution even as he readies himself for conflict.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 16, 2011, 06:51:18 am
"Be there a way to check on Seap?
Since from wait zone can't hear a peep
Why'd they just take him?
Was it just a whim?
How long do they want us to keep?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: formerdeathcorps on November 16, 2011, 03:55:31 pm
"You ask more than this humble player knows.  My master had a summer villa in the port of Depstan and a manse in the wine country of Highland.  His fortune came from fruit of the vine, from which we players received the most generous patronage.  During the summer festivals, our performances would attract everyone, high and low, native and foreigner.  Even the Prince of Highland himself attended one year, and before the war, so did many nobles of Verun.  In winter, we performed for the Baron, his knights, and the young Master.  Sometimes a dignitary from the Crown would discuss matters of state with my master, but their names escape me."
Seap sighed, as he tried to decide his next set of words.  There was no point in telling the truth, but there was no way to lie.  "That...that was my life, until last year.  The Baron...he...last year, he simply vanished."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 16, 2011, 04:12:18 pm
          "What do you mean he vanished? You already implied he was dead. Which is it, boy?" Lagrand demands angrily. "I'm beginning to think you play me for the fool and you're simply seeking a position above your station in life. A nobleman doesn't simply vanish without a trace. No, I think perhaps we've never heard of this Baron Emal because there never was such a man and you're simply trumping up your own image in hopes of being hired into a House and not playing for pennies on a street corner where you belong." The huge man scowls darkly at Seap, "Come now, out with the truth, minstrel. Or I swear by Toroth's wrath I'll beat the truth out of you myself."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 16, 2011, 04:14:37 pm
          One of the Patrolmen sees Elia trying to inch her way closer to the door of the interrogation room and shouts at her to stay with her caravan, ruining any attempt to get close enough to listen by the door.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 16, 2011, 08:07:49 pm
Elia looks at the guard, and just decides to lean against the wall, to wait for seap.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 16, 2011, 09:30:42 pm
   Yvonne has spent the last several minutes making a game out of drawing random symbols in the air with the sparkling fragments of magic flung off her wings as she flits around. "Why are they keepin' Leaky so long?" she wonders aloud, forming the word for cat in Corithonian. "Are they so enthralled by 'is music that they're getting' a private performance?" she makes several sharp angles to produce apple in Draconic. "How much longer we gotta wait?" she arcs gracefully through the curves of water in Alynthi.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 16, 2011, 09:42:55 pm
"Well Madam, he said 'When I'm done with him, you may go. Or you may go on without him,'." She pushes against the wall to stand up completely. "I doubt we will get Seap back. I think the man will get what he wants out of him, or not. After that, Seap maybe killed, or used for more info. So from what I see that man means, we may wait here, or leave sooner." She pauses for a moment, watching Yvonne make crazy symbols. "You are quite amazing at flying Madam Incendam."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 16, 2011, 09:59:57 pm
   "Killed?!" the flame fairy exclaims in surprise, cutting short a Celestial word for which there is no Common translation. "Why'd they wanna kill Leaky? 'E wou'dn' 'urt a fly!" She pauses for a moment before tracing out one of the many words for fire in Ignan. "And of course I'm a good flier." She says pridefuly as she draws another Ignan fire word. "I'm a Lirai."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 16, 2011, 10:10:18 pm
"Its not a matter of what harm the bard would do, it his use, and how much he knows." Elia looks around the area. "This place seems.... As though it is hiding something... Or maybe its just me." She turns to face the fairy. "Liral? I don't believe I have heard much at all about them. Where do they live?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 16, 2011, 11:02:30 pm
   "Huh..." Yvonne utters, scribbling out her favorite dwarven curse. "Leaky di'n' strike me as the knowledgeable type..." and following it with an orc one. "Well, in any case, I hope 'es alright." She slips through giant in Giant. "As fer us Lirai, we hail from a far off plane known to some as the Lofty Dominion. Regardless of our elemental affiliation, we are all born of various flora in the Irikok jungle. Early in life I was tasked by my progenitor, the Ancient Uked Shrub to 'elp a young woman named Splice in 'er mission ta kidnap the prince Adlez." She accents her story by tracing key words she says, usually in Common. "It was a grand adventure, lemme tell ya." She smiles as she recalls the events. "We hunted bonenid spiders an' explored the Air Temple and the Earth Cavern. I'd 'elp 'er by providing key infermation tha' was given ta me by the Ancient Uke Shrub, and a' night she'd serenade me wi' lovely melodies from 'er magical lyre. We made a great team. But after we kidnapped the prince, she started spendin' all 'er time with 'im. So I go' bored. After a while I left withou' warnin' and wandered som'a the other planes fer a few centuries. Now I'm 'ere. Does tha' answer yer question?" She finishes by scribing the word question in Sylvan.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 16, 2011, 11:39:31 pm
"Above what I asked, but not a problem. Although, I am quite amazed! You were wondering around other planes, for centuries, yet you don't look a day over twenty!" Elia looks at the ground and picks up a small rock off the floor. "I have heard many stories of alternate planes, but..." She looks up at Ryqo. "I grew up on stories. All I have to image the planes I hear of, are words." She tosses it in the air and catches it. "oh! How it would be amazing to see them with my own eyes!" Elia looks around to see if guards are nearby.
[spot check to see if a guard is watching me]
Elia whispers to Yvonne. "I want to get in that room, but it appears as though there are many guards. And that guy that yelled at me is in front of the door... I don't think we can get in. Without of course, a distraction. Or a fight."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 16, 2011, 11:56:51 pm
   "Twenty?" Yvonne laughs, forming the number in Common. "You humans and yer short little lifespans..." she writes short in Halfling. "I suppose you don' know that we Lirai are nigh immortal. Sure, I suppose we c'n be killed and such, bu' really the Ancient Uked Shrub woul'n'a even thou' 'bout given me a big quest like that at twenty." She rewrites the number several times in . She lowers her voice so only Elia can hear. "I don' thin' this is the best place to be fightin'..." she says as she continues her run through various forms of twenty.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 17, 2011, 12:04:12 am
Whispers to Yvonne. "I agree with you there."
[Spot check for a hole thats big enough for a fairy to fit in]
Elia says aloud. "How hard, would you gather it to be for a human, such as myself, to learn a language from the planes?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 12:32:23 am
   Yvonne cannot contain her amusement and chortles wholeheartedly. "You, a human? Learn the languages of the planes?" She laughs so hard her wings miss a beat and she falls about a foot before catching herself. "It took me decades ta learn all the languages I know! And why..." she cackles "why do you even wanna know?" She tries to calm down a little. "Alright fine, fine, I c'n try ta teach ya a little Sylvan, but honestly, I'm not expectin' much..."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 17, 2011, 12:37:31 am
Elia face brightens up at Yvonne's offer. "Thank you! This will surly be interesting." She glances over at the cart. "I think, we should move onward. To an Inn while we wait?" Elia walks over to the man standing in front of the wooden door. "Hello good sir. I am quite parched, do you happen to know of a good Inn?" She says with a big fake smile.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 17, 2011, 12:48:25 am
          The guard has his hand to the hilt of his sword before Elia is even within a pike's length of him, a testament to the rigid training of the Verunian military. "Return to your caravan, harlot, or forfeit your life." He draws the blade with frightening speed, the blade flashing in the early-morning sun. "I know how sluts like you only understand being on their backsides with a man betwixt their legs but I'll try to put this in words even your feeble mind can understand. You've already been warned once before. Unless you want this blade through your guts and your pretty little head on a pike, I suggest you stop trying my patience. I'll not warn you a third time." The man raises the blade a bit, as if ready to strike in an instant.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 17, 2011, 12:51:59 am
Elia turns around and walks toward Yvonne. "Well then! Looks like the Inn is not an option today!"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 12:53:04 am
   The fire sprite laughs and falls to the ground, rolling and giggling up a fit.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 17, 2011, 12:59:56 am
"I wouldn't be on the ground for two reasons Madam. Dirty, and you might get stepped on." Elia walks over and picks Yvonne up off the ground, and holds her in open palms, so she can easily get up. "Shame too, I was hoping to get my first drink too..." Elia looks at Yvonne. "Got any ideas? I'm open to anything."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Celdia on November 17, 2011, 01:05:01 am
As we're are nearing the cut-off time for the Scene and Seap has gotten himself into a bit of trouble, I leave it to party vote for how we continue. The options are currently Wait, which means I add another 24 hours to the time limit on this Scene to attempt to let Seap get out of this situation and rejoin the group before they continue South; or Leave, which is as simple as it sounds - the game continues and the party leaves Seap behind, which likely means the rest of his Scene may continue 'off-camera' in PMs. I'll take majority rule on this one. 4 votes either way will decide how things progress.

Other suggestions will also be taken under consideration.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 17, 2011, 01:06:52 am
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 17, 2011, 01:10:43 am
(Going to vote for leave here, there's nothing we can do here and if he gets off in any reasonable amount of time, our shitty caravan moves slow enough for him to catch up with a bit of sprinting.  I have no vested interest in fucking with people we can do nothing against, or standing around twiddling our thumbs like idiots.)
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 17, 2011, 02:14:45 am
((Leave. I can't see Hogarth getting to chop any more things into tiny cubes anytime during this scene.))
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - A Long and Dusty Road
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 02:39:55 am
((Leave. The time limit is up for the scene. I know Yvonne is impatient, but I am not. I can amuse myself posting about her boredom or posting about her battles. It truly matters not to me. However, the time limit has still been reached. It is time to move on.))
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 17, 2011, 02:57:27 am
Alright, that's majority.

          "Blast it all, I can't be waiting around here all day." Lejun curses irritably. "Much as I hate to leave a man behind, the world will not wait. I was late enough getting on the road as it is and I don't have more time to waste here." The gnome calls out to the rest of the party, "We're moving out. The bard will just have to catch up to us. Come on."
          As he pulls the first wagon away from the clearing beside the fort, he notices a young man in the uniform of a military aide tending to a line of warhorses with barding and saddles fit for soldiers. "You there! Ostler! If your Captain deems to let my man free, you be sure to tell him that Master Berus'll be wintering over in Tevinar if he wants to collect his pay." The merchant flips a gold coin to the young man who deftly catches it in one hand and nods his agreement.
          "Easily done, ser merchant. Fair tradin' to ye." he responds, pocketing the coin quickly before returning to his duty. Lejun just cracks the reins to urge the oxen forward onto the trade road and into the slow moving traffic headed South.

Scene Closed

Next update will hopefully be up before I head to bed in the morning.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 17, 2011, 04:29:17 am

Scene 3 Start

         After only a few more hours of travel, your party arrives at the border-city of Tevinar. Certainly not the largest of cities, it is still a fairly bustling community mostly contained within stone walls that stand a fair bit shorter than those of the fort on the border. You find yourselves cresting a small hill as you approach the city, giving you a good view of the expanse of it and making it clear to you that the Verunian Trade Road bisects the city fully, continuing South straight on through. A modestly large river cuts across the city perpendicular to the trade road, easily explaining why Tevinar is located here.
         Lejun guides his wagon along the wide city streets, following the majority of the other traffic down some stone-paved lanes to what appears to be an entire section of the city devoted to places serving food and drink or offering lodging. Pulling up in front of a large, four-story inn with a freshly painted sign hanging over the door that reads "The Silver Coin" with a picture of the same beneath the words. "Gref, go find the stableboy and get the wagons settled." the merchant says, opening the heavy chest beneath the driver's bench. He collects a few small leather pouches before re-locking the chest and hopping down from the wagon. He approaches you with a wide smile on hi face.
         "For having not worked together before, you lot managed well enough. As promised, here's your pay." He quickly distributes the pouches of coins to each of you while Gref is busy leading the oxen and wagons into a stable behind the inn. "If you find yourself still around here after the Spring melt, you've got guaranteed work with me as guards should you want it. Its an offer I find myself making each year but rarely does anyone take me up on it. You adventurous types never do hang around." He sighs resignedly but his smile persists. "It has been a pleasure and I hope you each can find somewhere to stay warm for the Winter. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to be checking in with my contact here and setting up meetings with my buyers. Safe paths to you all." With a little wave, the gnome departs for the interior of the Silver Coin.

Job Complete! Payment: 200 GP Each!

Welcome to Tevinar! A bit different from the last Scene, this is a City Scene. What does that mean? Well, you now have options to do and move about freely. There are various things to see and do in a city and you're welcome to investigate any of them. Here is a short list (in no particular order) of major points of interest in the city:

- Mercenaries' Guild: Pretty much the go-to place for hireswords looking for work. There are various forms of work to be found here, for a fee.
- Temple District: Many of the major religions of Sephyr have representation here in one form or another. Go here to get your piousness on.
- Marketplace: All sanctioned public trade takes place here. Not the place for the private sale of goods. Many kinds of shops can be found, just ask.
- Slums: Only ne'er-do-wells, the brave or the foolish go here. If you're looking for something illegal, it can probably be found here - as could a knife in the gut.
- Mages' Guild: The center for all things magical, locally speaking. If you require a spellcasting performed or a specific magical trinket made, this is where to go.
- River Port: Small trading vessels do come up the Tevinar River from the coast with various trade goods while others with export go out from here.
- Traders' Guild: With the exception of maybe Rhyhorn, this place is nothing more than a moneychanger for most of you. Yes there is a fee, no I won't tell you how much because it changes depending on how much of what you're getting changed. Just remember that ashop owner likely isn't going to accept 200,000 copper pieces for something.

You can also go looking for other things that may be of more pressing importance to your characters so don't be afraid to ask for things or places not on the list. You never know what will be available in a city unless you ask. Because of the nature of a City Scene, you can and likely will split up to do your own things. When I respond to individuals or groups with things going on, your name(s) will be at the top of the post so keep an eye out for those. Another thing about a City Scene is there is the chance for a combined set of Scene and Battle Panes happening simultaneously should anyone run into trouble.

Due to the unique and somewhat awkward nature of the City Scene, this one will be open for posting for one week (Thursday, Nov. 24th, 4am.) or until the party is assembled and ready to move on collectively to somewhere else. If you all decide you want the Scene to end before the planned end, let me know. As I think I said at the outset of this mad gaming experiment, I run a player-driven game. You tell me what you want to do and I'll let you know what the options are. I have no grand over-arcing plot for you all to follow, no railroad tracks to ride - you write your own story by interacting with the world you're in. So by all means, go and interact! ^_^
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 05:54:00 am
   "Bye-bye Mr. Lejun!" Yvonne calls, waving childishly. "May the fire's warmth always be with you!" She then turns to look down the street and her eyes go wide. "Such a pretty city!" she practically squeals. "I wonder if they 'ave a flower shop..." She swings the leather pouch happily, only to have its momentum pull her off course. "Eh-heh..." She lets out an embarrassed laugh. "Maybe a money changer first..."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 17, 2011, 02:14:35 pm
Rhyhorn nods to Lejun as he accepts his payment, stowing it away on his Pack Saddle.  Remembering the earnings from the Orc ambush earlier still sitting in his cart, Rhyhorn sets out for the Trader's Guild to trade in the hundred and fifty some-odd pounds of Silver and Copper for Gold to make splitting them between himself and the others easier in addition to checking in to see if he could find any more decent work.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 02:24:48 pm
   Yvonne blinks as a thought occurs to her. "Hey! Rhyhorn!" she calls after the departing sentient rock creature. "Listen! I thin' we all ou'tt'a check in 'ere fer t'night so we c'n wait fer Leaky an' give 'im 'is share. Plus we still gotta figure out what ta do 'bout those pretty gems and ot'er stuff, ya know. Or mebe we c'n leave Leaky's share with Mr. Lejun, 'e seems trustworthy 'nough, don'cha think?" She smiles winningly.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 17, 2011, 02:49:51 pm
Rhyhorn stops, taking a minute to write on his chalkboard in reply to the pixie.  "Still need trade in coin first.  Too heavy to share now."  He holds it in his mouth long enough for the pixie to read while beginning his walk to the Trader's Guild again, letting it drop to its usual resting place after being sure Yvonne read it.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 03:37:44 pm
   "Oh believe you me, I know we gotta do some money changin.'" the flame fairy says, holding up the leather coin purse from Lejun that is easily a quarter her own size. "I don' know why 'e coul'n'a paid us in platinum..." She grumbles "Tell ya what, why don' I check us in, then I'll catch up wi' ya at the money chanin' guys. I'ma gon' share a room with Elia so's I c'n start teachin' 'er Sylvan. Then I'ma gon' ta see if I c'n find me a flower vender. Work fer you?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 17, 2011, 03:43:40 pm
Rhyhorn nods in agreement, taking a second to wipe his chalkboard clean before continuing off toward the Trader's Guild to cash in ALL THE COPPER and ALL THE SILVER into some much easier to carry ALL THE GOLD and/or ALL THE PLATINUM while the pixie goes off to check us in.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 17, 2011, 05:47:37 pm
Hogarth has always hated temple districts in major hubs. In her decades of travel, she has never found one that has recognized her barbarian gods. Not the revered God of Blood Domogn, the respected Goddess of Pillage Esaliya, not even the much-jeered at "god" of the harvest Sven. She avoids the area out of pure spite. "I will catch up with you later, friends! Friend firebug, make sure to stop by the place to do the thing. I have important business I have to see to." She actually has no such business. She heads to the Marketplace, looking for a fruit vendor for apples, so that she may throw the apple cores at the Mages' Guild.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 06:22:52 pm
   "Ro~~ight..." the supposed 'firebug' says with a raised eyebrow as the barbarian departs as well. She makes a mental to have Elia's room on the other side of Hogarth's with the others in between.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 17, 2011, 07:09:39 pm
Elia walks over to Yvonne after her talk with Hogarth. "Madam Incendam, is there a plan in set yet for all of us? Such as to get money, or goodbyes?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 07:46:51 pm
   "G'bye?" Yvonne stares, confused, at Elia. "Who said anithin' 'bout g'bye? We still gotta divi up the loot!" She laughs before turning towards the tavern. Her mental note is promptly forgotten as soon as she flies through the doors. "Ooooo... Fancy..." she marvels at the decor in the lobby. "I'll bet they got baths here..." she says softly to herself meandering towards the innkeep's desk. She sniffs her arm and wrinkles her nose. "At least I hope they do..." She looks up and finds a smiling young women behind the counter. "Hello!" she greets warmly but doesn't wait for a reply before immediately announcing, "I'd like five rooms for the night!"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 17, 2011, 08:33:49 pm
Elia looks around, to see what the town looks like. Nothing to interesting... Elia then remembers she hadn't prayed to Odinn all day! She quickly rushes into the Inn behind Yvonne. "I'll pay for my room Yvonne." Elia says to her.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 17, 2011, 09:57:25 pm
   "Suit yerself." The sparkling pixie giggles. "The rooms are... uhm..." She turns to the innkeep. "I di'n' catch how much they were..."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 12:04:33 am
          The woman working reception at the inn informs Yvonne that five rooms will cost a total of 20 gold pieces for the night and that since you are new customers at the Silver Coin you will regrettably be required to pay for the rooms ahead of time. She does note that with the rooms come both dinner tonight and breakfast in the morning as prepared by their cook who was awarded a small honor by the city council for the quality of dishes he prepares.

          Elsewhere, Rhyhorn slowly navigates his way across town to the Northeast quarter where the marketplace is. After a while of following simply labeled signs, he finds himself in front of a tall and narrow brick building that seems to almost support the buildings on either side of it, both of which are much shabbier by comparison. From the signage over the door, there can be no doubt that this is the local branch of the Traders' Guild.

I hope nobody minds me kind of glossing over generic-NPC interactions for this bit.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 12:28:25 am
Rhyhorn parks his cart in front of the Trader's Guild, unharnessing himself and slipping a small key from his saddle.  He moves over to the chest on his cart, popping the lock open and turning it to the side gently with his mouth before opening it.  On top a large pile of ALL THE THINGS lies an adamantine medallion on a string that Rhyhorn pulls into his mouth and rests on the cart, before switching back to his key and re-locking his chest.  Stowing the key, he spends a minute fiddling around before slipping the medallion around his neck and writing on his chalkboard.  Rhyhorn then walks up to the wide double-doors of the Trader's Guild, knocking on it firmly but gently with his face, trying to be loud enough to be noticed without actually damaging the doors by accident.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 12:33:21 am
          After only a short moment, one of the doors opens slowly to reveal an armored guardsman with a short sword on his hip inside the building. He notes the guild token around Rhyhorn's neck and peers quizzically at the beast and his chalkboard.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 12:42:37 am
Rhyhorn pulls his chalkboard into his mouth, holding it up for the guard to see.  "Can watch Rhyhorn's Cart please?" is written on the chalkboard, as cleanly and neatly as Rhyhorn could get it written.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 12:43:16 am
   "Twenty?" Yvonne blinks. "Why does tha' number sound familiar?" she thinks a moment before giving up. She sets the leather pouch down on the counter, opens it and starts pulling out coins. "Uhm, le's see... tha's... sixteen... tha' leaves four fer you ta pay Elia." The Lirai looks up at the young human woman. "No, two," she corrects herself, "since I'm stayin' wit'choo t'night." She pulls out two more coins and adds them to the stacks to cover everyone else's rooms. "Say, Elia, ya wanna help me make sure everyone knows we're gettin' dinner t'night?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 12:55:06 am
          The guard reads the chalkboard, inspects Rhyhorn's guild token again and simply responds "Yes, sir." in an even voice before taking up a station next to the cart of ALL THE THINGS without further inquiry, leaving the door ajar for the stone beast.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 01:01:44 am
Rhyhorn nods thankfully, walking with the guard back to the cart so that he could pull out the giant sack of ALL THE COINS with a SIDE OF GEMSTONES that the party obtained from the Orc battle, dragging it into the Trader's Guild and looking for a place where he can exchange currency and other such things.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 18, 2011, 01:17:34 am
Elia pulls out 2gp. "Inform the others about dinner? Can do." She places them on the counter next Yvonne's stack. "Anything else needed before I head off?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 01:18:09 am
          The lobby immediately inside the guildhall is fairly small and consists of more brick walls, a stone floor covered with various eye-catching carpets, a couple of small, barred windows and a pair of heavy, metallic doors on the far wall. One of the doors is labeled with 'Guild Members Only' and the other is unmarked, though opened briefly as another guard exits it to presumably replace the one now outside. Three other guards also stand vigilant in this small room, presumably both for the safety of the guildhouse and its patrons. A few people are standing in line for one of the windows which has a sign for currency exchange over it. The other window, currently unoccupied, has a sign beside it listing fees for various trading permits available.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 01:20:03 am
          The innkeeper smiles cheerfully as she scoops up the coins and drops them into a lockbox before producing five keys each with a numbered tag attached to it and setting them on the counter. She politely waits for the priestess and the pixie to finish their conversation before directing them to the stairs at the far side of the room which will lead them to their rooms up on the third floor.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 01:24:47 am
Rhyhorn looks around, taking note of the various things in the Guild Hall and drags his sack of ALL THE LOOT into the line for Currency Exchange, fidgeting around some as he waits for his turn at the window.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 01:43:07 am
   "Jus' our key." The fire sprite says with a grin. "I'll take Rhyhorn's to 'im." With that, she grabs what's left of her pay and heads for the door. "Uhm... which way did 'e go again..." She glances up and down the street. "Hello!" she calls to a boy in a green tunic passing by. "'Ave you seen a rocky rhino 'round 'ere? Didja see which way 'e went? I gotta give 'im 'is key for 'is room t'night."
   The boy nods and points in the direction Rhyhorn went.
   "Thanks!" Yvonne says happily and hurries on her way. Upon reaching an intersection, she stops. "Hello!" she calls to an elderly woman selling apples. "'Ave you seen a rocky rhino 'round 'ere? Didja see which way 'e went? I gotta give 'im 'is key for 'is room t'night."
   The woman smiles gently and tells the little sprite the direction Rhyhorn went.
   "Thanks!" the fey girl says cheerfully and continues on her way. However, upon reaching the next intersection, she once again looks around for someone to give directions. "Hello!" she calls to an elven woman of considerable beauty. "'Ave you seen a rocky rhino 'round 'ere? Didja see which way 'e went? I gotta give 'im 'is key for 'is room t'night."
   The elf seems a bit put off by the interruption of whatever she was doing, but nonetheless points out the direction she saw Rhyhorn travel.
   "Thanks!" the Lirai says and heads towards the next intersection...

Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 01:48:03 am
Gather Info Check: Forced Success, it seems. *facepalms*
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 18, 2011, 01:54:53 am
Elia uses her amazing powers of thinking back a few minutes ago to remember that Hogarth said she was heading to the marketplace. She turns to the Inn Keeper. "Might I inquire where the market place is?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Kalas on November 18, 2011, 02:14:27 am
"Oh how you toy with me sir! I appreciate the compliment, but I really am in a bit of a pickle right now," said a young woman, both arms awkwardly holding clunky, somewhat heavy items, "I'd love to join you for dinner, sir, but I'm in need of a place to stay at the moment..I need a good foundation, you know?" The good sir seemed to respond to her, but her eyes wandered to a very merry rhinoceros standing out in the bustling hall.

"I am so sorry sir, but I'm afraid I must leave you for the time being. I've found partner," she left, but not before leaving her pitch for the now enticed good sir, "I almost forgot! My name is Nathalie, sir. If you're ever in need of help, I offer my services--any time!" The man fumbled on his own words and stood awkwardly with his legs crossed though Nathalie was already away from him and edging closer to the pony-sized rhino.

"Rhyhorn! You're looking rough as ever!" Nathalie said, attempting to make a gesture to pat his back, but quickly slipped her back.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 02:20:04 am
Rhyhorn reacts happily, glad to see a familiar face after that horrid ordeal at the checkpoint and lets out a small, happy roar before dipping his head down to his chalkboard.  He quickly erases the message there and writes "ELLO NATHALIE" in quick, big letters, holding it up to her, his happy eyes quickly wandering to the huge pile of god knows what she's carrying all over her as he tilts his head a bit.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 02:22:36 am

The innkeeper quickly rattles off directions to the marketplace for Elia, repeating them again to make sure she's got the route correct.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 18, 2011, 02:26:45 am
Meanwhile, Hogarth is furious. There is not one easy way to tell where the Marketplace is! Everytime she asks someone, they point to these wooden things with paint on them. Or they just hold their hand over their mouth and nose, turn away, and cough a lot. She punches one of the signs, splintering it and leaving it half hanging off the other half. Feeling better and more confident, she walks around aimlessly, hoping that Goddarth, the God of Luck, will allow her to find the Marketplace before more humiliation.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 03:05:47 am
   "Hello!" Yvonne greets an elderly woman selling apples. "'Ave you seen... wait... di'n' I come this way before?" she glances back the way she came. "Uhm..."

((Request "Official" Gather Info Check to find the Rhyhorn and the money changers.))
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 18, 2011, 03:09:41 am
((Double that order. Definitely need a Gather Info check to find this damned Marketplace))
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 03:27:09 am
          Rhyhorn eventually reaches the front of the queue, handing over the coins and gems for changing and sale. The moneychanger notes his guild token and asks him to wait while the gemstones are appraised. After maybe half an hour passes, another guildmember comes out from the unmarked door with a heavy pouch jingling with coins and hands it to him with a small receipt of exchange.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Kalas on November 18, 2011, 03:35:22 am
"Hello Rhyhorn! You look like a busy fellow--all that stuff you're carting around! Are you here with anyone?" Nathalie asked, flashing a smile before setting down her backpack and blanket on the ground. With a little luck, she'd just need to hoist it on his back and walk almost completely unencumbered. "And the gold you've acquired! Busy boy!"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 03:38:52 am
Rhyhorn wipes his board clean, writing another message on it as the guild members run around and change all his gold and goodies around.  "With many people!  Staying in fancy Inn!" he writes, holding it for her to see again before turning to her bag.  He erases his board knowingly, and writes "Today's on Rhyhorn." as he hoists the bag onto his back and collects his now much-lighter sack of coins and loot and places it onto his back as well, turning to leave the guild hall.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 18, 2011, 03:40:29 am
After being directed to the Marketplace, Hogarth does indeed come across a fruit stand. She notices that there's a small bin for the rotten or mealy fruits. "Hail and honor, shopkeep! I require apples. I need them for reasons." She just stares right at the shopkeep, not moving or saying anything else.

The shopkeep eyes her wearily, and silently hands her 6 apples. "20 copper, please." Hogarth produces a few coins and puts them on the table, snatches the apples, and giggles madly to herself, darting her eyes back and forth to herself while holding the apples close, making sure no one is noticing her (despite this making her stick out like a sore thumb). She helps herself to some of mealy apples in the trash, putting them in her sack, to which the shopkeep seems passively annoyed, as if he were counting down the minutes to when he could go home.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 03:43:59 am
   "Rhyhorn!" Yvonne cries, tackle hugging the sentient stone. "I finally found you!" she laughs elatedly. "You woul'n' believe those folk ou' there on the streets! They 'ad me goin' in circles for I don' know 'ow long! But then there was this nice man, oh what was 'is name... Horus, I think it was, yeah, Horus. Well, 'e gave me proper directions 'ere insteada jus' pointin' like all the other people did. He was so nice an' kind an' friendly, an' 'e asked 'bout you an' me an' the others an' said tha' if we need healin' we c'n always stop by 'is 'ome town... uhm... what was it called again?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Kalas on November 18, 2011, 03:45:49 am
"You always know how to please me big fella!" She replied, gleefully walking to his side, "So where are your friends? Are they in need of some trinkets? I've got..none to sell, but that hasn't stopped me before! Nathalie walked with him for a bit before a floating, red orb collided with the rhinoceros.

"Is this your traveling friend?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 03:49:25 am
   The fire sprite looks up at the human woman beside Rhyhorn. "Who is she?" she asks the rhino.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 03:51:33 am
Rhyhorn nods affirmatively to Nathalie's question, the pixie tackle-hugging his horn and making him look like Rudolf the Red-Nosed Rhino.  He walks with Nathalie out of the Trader's Guild and sets himself back up into his harnesses, erasing his chalkboard and trying to write some more while Yvonne's neverending Micro-Machine's-Man explanation of her ordeal chews off his nonexistent ears.  "Rhyhorn go Mage Guild.  Two come with?" he writes, trying to hold it so both can see.  He hears Yvonne's question right after he finishes writing his, but erase and write, erase and write, even a rhino can only do that so many times, so he leaves Nathalie to answer the pixie's question for herself.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 03:54:50 am
   "Awww... you already gon' an' made another group, Rhyhorn?" the fire Lirai pouts, not letting go of his horn.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Kalas on November 18, 2011, 03:55:15 am
Nathalie stares at the peculiar creature and closely examines it as if to find a face of some sort, "I usually am not this forward, but I generally like to see faces when I talk to others," Nathalie pressed her face closer to the light and found it was a well-proportioned woman and began to speak, in whisper, "I am Nathalie. I'm an old friend of Rhyhorn's..we used to peddle..trinkets. Would you like to buy any?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 18, 2011, 03:57:54 am
Having finished her apples while walking around, and had someone lead her to the Mages's guild because she is, in her words, "Too distracted eating apples and definitely nothing else" to find it on her own, or even with directions, she finds a nice bale of hay to sit on. Without regard to who is watching, or who it might offend, she starts tearing off bits of the apple cores and hucks them at the door of the guild. Passerbys glare at her, but say nothing because you really don't say anything to an over 6ft tall barbarian wearing a WOLF and has a bloodstained axe.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 04:01:29 am
   "Kyaa! So close!" Yvonne pushes off the rocky horn and hovers a good half foot away. She recovers her composure quickly and puffs out her chest. "I'm Yvonne Scintillae Incendam, fire Lirai and sorcerer extraordinaire." She smiles warmly. "And I'm 'ere ta give Rhyhorn 'is key fer 'is room. And ta drop some a' this coinage weight down a bit." She holds up her leather pouch. "Horus said this'd be the right place ta do that."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 04:07:40 am
Rhyhorn places the sack he just received back from the Trader's Guild on the ground, popping it open and pulling out 32 Platinum Pieces, placing them on the ground near Yvonne and taking the key she offered him in trade, slipping it into the pouch to make sure it doesn't get lost and placing the pouch onto his back.  He erases his chalkboard and writes "Going to Mage's Guild, get gloves and cup checked.  Come?", before holding the chalkboard in his mouth and moving the question between each Yvonne and Nathalie, asking both of them.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Kalas on November 18, 2011, 04:18:09 am
"Of course I could! You are carrying my stuff after all!"" Nathalie replied. Feeling it was appropriate to do so now, she patted the rhino's head, scratched it, but the rough exterior felt nothing like how he apparently thought it was good to feeling and rubbed the area she scratched before removing her hand from Rhyhorn completely.

"Which way is it, exactly?" She asked, hoping to become more friendly with a sorcerer extraordinaire.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 04:19:30 am
   Yvonne stares at the stack of coins, then at the leather pouch in her grasp, the back at the stack. "Well, a' least they're platinum..." she says after a moment, more to herself than to anyone else. She looks up to see Rhyhorn holding his chalkboard towards her. "Uhm, I was actually gonna go find a flower-vender-type-person. I'll join ya, but if we find a cart or shop or person or thing that sells flowers, I wanna buy one, or two. Oh, and a needle with thread too! Do you know where I coul' find one a' them?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 04:31:57 am
Rhyhorn erases his chalkboard again, this time writing "We go shopping trip then.  Mage Guild and Market."  Under his breath, one could swear the words "Typical women..." could be heard, but that's crazy, he's a pony-sized stone rhinoceros.  He begins pulling for a minute, then stops, erasing his chalkboard again, writing "Give Rhyhorn 200 Gold." and motioning toward Yvonne as he pulls another 20 Platinum out of his pouch.  Once the transaction is complete, Rhyhorn begins leading the girls, following the signs to the Mage's Guild, which seems closer to them than then Market Place.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 04:37:24 am
   "200? Why?" Yvonne blinks. "I only have 185 gold pieces 'cause I gave the innkeep some a' Lejun's payment."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 04:39:48 am
Rhyhorn blinks, not having realized this, then pulls 2 of the Platinum Pieces back into his pouch, hoping he won't need to write out what to do now instead since his writin' jaw was gettin' kinda tired.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 04:59:50 am
   "Oh... 'I see,' said the blind carpenter as 'e picked up 'is hammer and saw." Yvonne laughs as she transfers some gold from the leather pouch into her backpack and shoves the stack of platinum in behind it. She then holds the leather pouch in front of Rhyhorn. "Keep the pouch, fer yer troubles, good sir."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 05:13:05 am
Rhyhorn gratefully accepts the pouch with a nod, adding it and the sack of coins onto his pack saddle as he takes a moment to wipe his chalkboard clean and continues to lead the ladies down to the Mage's Guild.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 18, 2011, 03:57:35 pm
Elia, now standing in the market place begins her search for Hogarth. After a few minutes of walking around, she notices and apple stand. Walking up to it she asks the vendor: "Hello sir. Might a large, smelly, axe wielding person come by here in search for fruit?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 04:15:58 pm
          After a few false starts, Elia eventually finds the vendor that sold to Hogarth and points her in the general direction that the barbarian stalked off to.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 04:44:08 pm
          Time passes and you find yourselves all near and around the Mage's Guild, as if fate had somehow guided you back together. The guildhall in question stands separate from the buildings around it, a high stone wall surrounding the magically-erected building, a wide metal gate held open during the daytime to allow patrons to come and go as they please. Some small bits of apple adorn one of the walls, a tiny pile of cores below it, across from where Hogarth is idling on the side of the street. Massive pillars that appear to be made entirely from a solid piece of marble support the roof over the front terrace. The rest of the building, also crafted in marble of various shades and patterns, is fairly large compared to most of the other structures you've passed in the city thus far.
          The foot traffic in and out of the gate is rather impressive but not unexpected considering the size of the guildhall. Many people of all race and description seem to have various business here with the guild. Mostly leaving are people carrying various scrolls, bottles, potions and tinctures for who knows what. Its obvious that the services of the guild are open to the general public, though it seems as if you need to know what you're looking for to get any assistance.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 18, 2011, 04:49:44 pm
Elia spots Hogarth and dashes over to greet her. "Hello friend. I have been sent by Yvonne to notify everyone that we have an Inn to stay at for the night, and dinner." Elia smiles waiting to see how Hogarth replies.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 04:54:16 pm
Rhyhorn looks around, noticing the apple-adorned Mage's Guild wall before turning to see Hogarth and Elia, letting out half-amused sigh.  He slowly saunters over to see what his other companions are up to, introduce his old-new friend, and to see if he could get Hogarth to watch his cart while he's inside the Guild Hall on his rhino-errands since his memory makes him pretty sure Hogarth would want nothing from within the Guild Hall's walls.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 18, 2011, 05:03:26 pm
Seeing that Rhyhorn is next to Hogarth and her, Elia turns to greet him. "Hello Rhyhorn. Did Yvon-" She cuts off her sentence as she notices Yvonne and someone else are with him. "Ah good you found Rhyhorn." She turns to the unfamiliar person "Hello my name is Elia, traveling priest of Odinn. Speaking of which..." She looks down at Rhyhorn. "Unless now is not a good time, might I inquire the obtainment of my holy symbol?"
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 05:19:15 pm
Rhyhorn nods, moving to ensure no passer-by would easily see what he's about to do as he slowly pukes the Holy Symbol up and gently onto the ground, as dry and undamaged as when he first received it... possibly even a bit shinier and newer looking.  He then turns his head and hacks a bit, a tiny bit of what appeared to be rock-dust also coming up and out.  He then reaches into his pouch of ALL THE MONEY, slowly pulling out 38 platinum for each Hogarth and Elia, their respective shares of the loot from the Orc battle previous.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 18, 2011, 05:27:18 pm
"Thank you for hiding my symbol. I can't believe people would even hate Odin so..." Elia grabs her Symbol off the ground and ties it around her neck. Then she picks up the Platinum Pieces and places them in her money sack. "Thank you Rhyhorn." Elia turns to face Yvonne. "So that leaves Xun to be notified. assuming you haven't already meet up with him."
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 05:54:29 pm
   Yvonne shrugs, "I ain' seen the guy since I left the tavern." She starts darting around excitedly. "Now, it's time fer a shopping spree!" She cheers, holding her hands up before preparing to speed off towards the guildhouse to buy scrolls.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - And Then There Were Five
Post by: Celdia on November 18, 2011, 05:57:05 pm
           As Yvonne is about to fly into the guildhall there is a blood-curdling cry from up above, along with a bright light and the smashing of glass. Bursting out of a window in the guildhall up above the entrance comes what appears to be a waterfall of flames pouring down into the courtyard, sending people shouting and running for cover. In mere moments, the flames have swirled together and coalesced into a huge, humanoid figure - the upper half resembling a head, torso and arms, the lower half being just a solid column of flames.
           The heat rising off of the fire elemental ( feels intense even at this distance. The rush of people trying to get into the guildhall to escape the creature is also effectively cutting off the most likely source of help by making it impossible for anyone to get out. A quick assessment of the area reveals that of all the people present, the only ones not running for their lives is your party. If something isn't done to stop this rogue elemental, or at the very least delay it, the courtyard will be filling with corpses.

Battle Pane Start

Objective: Delay or destroy the fire elemental.
Bonus Objectives:
- Defeat the fire elemental before anyone from the Mage's Guild can arrive to assist.
- Prevent the fire elemental from harming any of the innocent bystanders.
Weather: Early afternoon, clear and sunny.
Terrain: Cobblestone.


Knowledge Check: Moderate Success - You can tell by the elemental's size that it has Natural Reach. This means it can attack anything at Melee Range or at Reach Range (1 or 2 squares). If you try to approach it recklessly, it can get a free attack on you as you pass through it's attack range from Reach to Melee. Staying at Reach distance will not give it a free attack against you. You can spend 1 Action to approach cautiously, or you can Charge it (2 Actions, -2 Defense, +8 Melee Skill for the turn - also requires at least 2 empty squares between you and it and you must move in a straight line) to get into range before it can strike you. You are also aware that this creature has some natural resistance to non-magical damage.

DM Fiat: Since NinjaWeazel has been a little sick lately and unable to post frequently, I'm declaring he was quietly following Elia since I promised him I'd keep Xun on autopilot for him. Hey hey the gang's all here.

Terrain Notes: Those walls on the map are a good 15 feet high. You can't see through them, nor attack through them. If you can get on top of them though, you can stand up there since they're a good 5 feet wide. I won't say I'm recommending this, since the elemental will also be able to reach up that high to attack, but the option of high ground is there assuming you can make use of it.

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Sunday, Nov. 20th, 8pm EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

Allies Condition

HP: 43/43
Defense: 18
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 5

HP: 42/42
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 21/21
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 08:38:08 pm
((Request Knowledge Check on the creature's fire resistence and spells known.))
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 18, 2011, 08:38:28 pm
Rhyhorn steps back a moment as the fire elemental enters, looking around at the fleeing people, only one course of action entering his mind as he slips out of his harnesses.  He digs his foot into the ground, Expanding in size before Charging at the beast with all his might, letting off a powerful Roar as he closes the distance.   After his powerful charge allows him to make melee contact with the elemental, he moves quickly to grapple and pin the searing flame elemental underneath him, trying to buy enough time for all the people around to flee and hoping his allies will back him out before his rocky hide gives out.

Free Action) Slip from my Cart's harness.

Action 1) Use Expansion.

Action 2 and Action 3) Charge and attack the Fire Elemental, boosting my attack with a powerful Roar (Focus is lost.)

Action 4) Grapple and Pin the rampaging Fire Elemental with my enlargened, 1-ton stone rhinoceros body, likely taking large amounts of searing fiery pain from so much direct contact with it.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 18, 2011, 08:40:52 pm
Confronted with a magical elemental, which is basically a naturally occurring wizard, and seeing Rhyhorn has distracted it, Hogarth's temper boils over and activates her Rage (Action1). "BY THE HOARY FROST OF N'LGGN!" she howls, dashing straight toward the elemental, leaping, and drawing her axe in seemingly one smooth, deft movement (Action2). She brings her axe down on the living flame (Action3), and upon landing, swing her axe around for another slice at the foul creature (Action4).

1)Activate Rage
4)Attack again
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: Kalas on November 18, 2011, 08:50:26 pm
Taken aback by the sudden burst of danger, and the almost immediate response of her rhino friend and the enraged woman near to her, Nathalie rushes to the guild hall gate (14, H) (Action 1). "Careful everyone! Don't panic! It'd really suck for me if you died!" She shouted, as she readied her crossbow (Action 2) and let bolts fly toward the fiery abomination. Brimming with adrenaline, Nathalie quickly reloaded her crossbow and shot at the elemental two more times (Actions 3, 4).
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 18, 2011, 09:02:03 pm
(still sick, will edit this to make it properly weeaboo fightan awesome later)

1) enter Punishing Stance
2) move to I12
3) smack the fire elemental with Divine Rune of Thunder
4) smack it again with Word of Binding
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 18, 2011, 10:26:32 pm
   "Dwaa~~w... It's so cute!" Yvonne coos as she sees the fiery behemoth. "Wait, why is ev'rione runnin'? It just wants ta play!" Her eyes widen as the stone rhino's size increases. "Mega-Rhyhorn!" (1, 2, 3) she cheers and laughs before flying strait up to clear the wall, then over to go even higher and end up above the living flame. From this vantage point, she can easily watch the barbarian charge as well. "Go Hogarth!" she shouts before noticing a new arrival. "Xun! Where ya' been? Elia's got yer key fer yer room! Make sure ta get it when we're done playin' 'ere!" Finally, the fire sprite turns her attention to the fire elemental. "Alright, big guy, ya wanna play with fire?" she says, moving her hands into position to hold her imaginary globe. "Le's play!" Ash drifts down from her palm to gather in the center, creating a molten pebble. "But I gotta warn ya, yer gonna get burned!" (4) The fire Lirai does what she loves best and sends a mini-meteorite screaming towards her foe and anxiously anticipates the crater it could make.

1, 2, 3: Fly up and over wall to end up 10 squares above I11.
4: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 18, 2011, 10:44:33 pm
    "Oh my!" Elia says in awe at the sight of the fire elemental. "I can't believe! An elemental!" She then notices that it is burning shit down. "Oh"
   Rhyhorn begins to expand, Elia runs to him. 1) and before he can take off, places a hand on him. "May faith protect you!" 2) She then places her hand on her chest and casts another spell. 3) "Play... I can't help but to kinda agree with Yvonne here, sarcastic her comment or not." She says as she moves closer in. 4)

1) Run to J16
2) Cast Shield of Faith on Rhyhorn
3) Cast Resistance on Herself
4) Run to J14
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: Celdia on November 19, 2011, 09:37:32 am

Turn 1 Resolution

          "Oh my! I can't believe! An elemental!" Elia exclaims as she examines the towering pillar of humanoid flames. Being somewhat less in awe, Yvonne chimes in cheerfully, "Dwaa~~w... It's so cute! Wait, why is ev'rione runnin'? It just wants ta play!" The elemental roars, a sound like a burning building collapsing on itself, the beast lunging at people fleeing as if it was taking some perverse pleasure from their fear. While it seems content for the moment to just terrorize the bystanders, the party is not so idle. Hogarth gets a wild look in her eyes and cries out "BY THE HOARY FROST OF N'LGGN!" as an extraordinary power fills her, the berserker's madness taking hold as she rushes the fiery monster. Beside her, Rhyhorn steadies himself as his innate power manifests, causing him to grow to the size of a small wagon, displacing his cart and making the cobblestones beneath his feet crack under his weight. Seeing this causes the pixie to senselessly blurt out, "Mega-Rhyhorn!" before she begins a rapid ascent over the courtyard.
          "Careful everyone! Don't panic! It'd really suck for me if you died!" Nathalie calls out as she dashes to the side, grabbing her crossbow and finding a good location to snipe the elemental from.  Nearby, Elia has closed the distance between herself and Rhyhorn, her hands aglow with divine power. Speaking a short prayer of "May faith protect you!" she touches her ally's stony hide gently and for a brief moment a shimmering barrier of light flickers into existence around him before the magic settles into place and is ready to turn aside the dangerous flames. Dashing past around them both, Xun silently closes on the burning behemoth, his oversized sword held high. Yvonne cheers on Hogarth as the barbarian woman draws her axe in mid-charge and lunges at the elemental, bringing the heavy greataxe down into the center-mass of it, tearing away a chunk of what looks like burning pitch which quickly burns out on the ground. The beast howls with a sound like a wildfire consuming a forest, its former sadistic glee now replaced with burning anger. It brings the full fury of its attention to focus on the elf, slamming her with one of its huge arms, setting her alight in the process. High above, Yvonne's words get lost in the cacophony of the battle as the newly-enlarged Rhyhorn tears across the courtyard, sounding much like a whole stampede of beasts with the cobblestones crunching into sand under his magnified weight. With a mighty roar,he drives his powerful horn directly into the beast, tearing another piece of primal fire out of his target and getting burned for his efforts.
          Having found herself a place beside the courtyard gate to snipe from, Nathalie lets fly with her crossbow, before quickly reloading and firing again. The small bolts glitter with magical power and while they strike true, they leave only tiny holes in the beast's body which quickly close around the enchanted projectiles. The lirai having reached an acceptable altitude taunts the beast, "Alright, big guy, ya wanna play with fire? Le's play! But I gotta warn ya, yer gonna get burned!" while gathering arcane energy between her hands. She looses the firebolt down, striking the beast directly in the head, but to her dismay it seems to just absorb the small fireball into its own body. Upon hearing the pixie's taunts, Elia quips "Play... I can't help but to kinda agree with Yvonne here, sarcastic her comment or not." as she lays a small protective spell upon herself and moves up to a position where she can better aid her allies.
          As Xun finally works his way around the fire elemental, the burning hulk takes a swing at the swordsman for carelessly approaching. The massive arm connects with a resounding thud, staggering Xun and making his blade unsteady. Even as he summons up his martial power to infuse his blade with power, the swing goes wide and the power is wasted. However, while the beast is distracted with Xun's attack, Rhyhorn takes the opportunity to put his weight to good use, rearing up and crashing down onto the elemental, attempting to pin the beast to the ground. The delicate sound of thunder fills the courtyard as stone and flame meet and it appears as if Rhyhorn is attempting to catch the elemental in a tie-up. With the beast temporarily bound with Rhyhorn, both Xun and Hogarth have an easier time making their weapons connect, each one striking solidly into the beast's flaming hide. Runes flare with power as Xun's blade connects, creating a field of binding power to constrict around the behemoth. With a roar of outrage the beast strikes wildly at Rhyhorn with both arms, each blow driving straight through the protective ward around him and taking a sizable chunk out of his stone body, igniting him as well.

Objective: Delay or destroy the fire elemental.
Bonus Objectives:
- Defeat the fire elemental before anyone from the Mage's Guild can arrive to assist.
- Prevent the fire elemental from harming any of the innocent bystanders.
Weather: Early afternoon, clear and sunny.
Terrain: Cobblestone.


Warning!: Two of your allies are on fire! (Indicated by the red glow around their tokens) If they are not extinguished before the end of the Turn they will take additional Fire damage equivalent to a Power 14 attack.
Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Monday, Nov. 21st, 10am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

Allies Condition

HP: 11/43  (Burning)
Defense: 18
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 5

HP: 27/48 (Burning)
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 1/21
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 19, 2011, 10:21:00 am
   "Well I'll be an Azer's uncle..." Yvonne utters as she realizes her attack was ineffective. "I guess ya can't really fight fire with fire..." She pauses for a moment. "Very well then." She points her right index finger accusingly at the elemental. "You, who hurt my friends; Must Parish!" she intones gravely as brilliant white arcane energy coalesces to roughly resemble an arrow bigger than her that floats parallel to her forearm. (1) "I cast a spell!" she announces, releasing the luminescent bolt. Despite it not being her favorite evocation, the flame fey knows full well its effectiveness and thus immediately swaps arms and prepares it again. (2) "I'm casting Magic Missile!" she cries joyously, unleashing the second mystic projectile. The shear pleasure of utilizing the magicks within her makes it hard for her to contain her excitement.  (3, 4) "I am Yvonne, Sorcerer of Fire!"

1, 2, 3, 4: Cast Magic Missile*

*If target is dead, stop casting.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 19, 2011, 11:24:47 am
Xun hisses furiously through clenched teeth, pretty sure the elemental just cracked most of his ribs in a single shot.  Realizing his paper and ink would simply burn in the heat of the elemental, he runs his fingertip across his bloodied lips and reaches out to draw a series of mystic runes on the rhyhorn's stony hide. (1)  "Forgive, rhyhorn.  Unsanitary but neccesary."  He then takes a moment to focus on himself, drawing up a wellspring of personal energy (2,3) before inscribing the same runes on his chest. (4)

1) Rune of Mending on the rhyhorn, punishing stance gives +4 power to everybody in Close range.
2, 3) Vital recovery.  Heal 6 HP and restore used maneuvers.
4) Rune of Mending on myself
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 19, 2011, 11:43:15 am
Rhyhorn roars in agony and anger as the Fire Elemental's attacks sink in, beginning to assault the beast in a frenzied rage, his primary goal to keep it pinned so Hogarth and the others can continue to commence RIP AND TEAR duties.

Action 1) Use Healing Belt (3 Charges) to recover some HP.

Action 2-4) Attempt to Fully Pin the Fire Elemental.  If Rhyhorn can act and the Fire Elemental is Pinned, use Horn Attack.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: Kalas on November 19, 2011, 06:20:42 pm
Slightly miffed that her arrows did nothing more than tickle the magical beast, Nathalie sprinted to the elemental's side (9,E; 1) and quickly shot three arrows at its lower back (2, 3*). Fearing she would be slightly hurt, and also out of sheer panic, Nathalie escaped from the heart of the battle (8,D; 4).

"You get 'em, guys! Girls! People!" She yelled, offering verbal assistance.

*If target is dead, stop attacking.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 19, 2011, 06:30:08 pm
Elia seeing that Hogarth and Rhyhorn are on fire, she runs over to them places her hand on Rhyhorn, "Heal!" 1). She then creates a pool of water above Rhyhorn, "2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen? Screw that. Faith plus time. Water!" 2) & 3) Lastly she places a hand on Hogarth and yells. "Heal!"

1) Step to J13 and Cast Cure Light Wounds on Rhyhorn
2) Cast Create Water on Rhyhorn
3) Cast Create Water on Hogarth
4) Cast Cure Light Wounds on Hogarth
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 19, 2011, 08:11:45 pm

Turns 1-4: Hack away at the beast.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Post by: Celdia on November 20, 2011, 02:56:46 am

Turn 2 Resolution

              "Well I'll be an Azer's uncle...I guess ya can't really fight fire with fire..." Yvonne muses aloud as the battle below rages on. "Very well then. You, who hurt my friends; Must Parish!" With some small arcane gestures, she summons up an arrow of arcane energy and announces redundantly, "I cast a spell!" as it hurtles unerringly at the fire elemental, blasting a small piece of flame from its amorphous body. Enraged by the assault and the stone rhinocerous attempting to pin it to the ground, it roars and flails wildly, shoving Rhyhorn off at the same time the stone beast's belt shimmers faintly causing his stone hide to magically mend itself. Beside him, Xun draws runes of healing on Rhyhorn's hide, "Forgive, Rhyhorn. Unsanitary but neccesary." says the foreigner as the runes flare to life and even more of the creature's earthen form regenerates as the markings fade.
          Dashing through the gates behind Xun, Nathalie shouts half-confusedly, "You get 'em, guys! Girls! People!" to encourage her new allies as she stops to take aim at the flame behemoth, driving a bolt into the side of its head and being rewarded with a roar of pain. To the opposite side of the elemental, Hogarth appears to be channeling the powers of some God of Wrath as she shouts almost nonsensically, "RIP AND TEAAAAAAAAAAAAARR!!!" as she hacks away at the elemental with her axe, dismembering the beasts left arm which - possibly to her dismay - begins to slowly reform with fire welling up from its torso. The fiery beast's wail of pain completely drowns out Elia as she steps forward and focuses her healing powers on Rhyhorn, their effect somehow muted by his strange anatomy. Now in a better state of repair, Rhyhorn brings his full expanded bulk down upon the injured elemental, but is shrugged off by the beast who takes a swing at the rockbeast, but fails to penetrate the mystic wards previously put in place by Elia. Another shimmering bolt of magic rains down from the pixie, taking a smaller wedge out of the elemental, but pales in comparison to the elven barbarian's rage-fueled strikes. With another animalistic, unintelligible bellow her axe swings around high and comes across hard to the creature's back, cleaving the elemental about halfway down its body and causing the magic binding it to this plane to finally dissipate.
          With the beast banished, Elia easily puts out the fires on her allies with some conjured water and infuses Hogarth with some healing as well while Xun applies his healing runes to himself before the battle high wears off totally. Moments later, Rhyhorn reverts to his normal size as his Expansion power fades along with the magic shielding. As the rage empties from Hogarth, the few wounds she sustained make their effects felt as well as the fatigue common to berserking.

Battle Pane Complete!

Objective Bonus (Fast Win): [Surprise Token] - You can choose to get 2 Free Actions at the start of any one future battle. Use of this token must be a majority vote by the players.
Objective Bonus (Save Innocents): For keeping destruction of the grounds to a minimum and stopping the elemental from killing anyone, the Mage's Guild offers you each 750gp worth of lesser magic items (potions, wands, scrolls, tools) or that much value towards an armor enchantment (normally 1000gp, so you can get +1 to your Defense for 250gp).

~Stat Bonuses~

Rhyhorn: +2 Fire Resistance!
Yvonne: No Bonus.
Xun: +2 HP!
Elia: +1 Magic Skill!
Nathalie: +1 Ranged Skill!
Hogarth: +2 HP!

Allies Condition

HP: 33/43
Defense: 18
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 5

HP: 28/42
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 15/21
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

          As the dust settles and the fleeing crowds thin, an elderly woman in fine scarlet robes of silk exits the guild, smiling appreciatively. Her hair, tied up in a tight bun, reminds you of polished steel and her eyes are a dark color near enough to black that you can't tell otherwise. "Well done and my thanks, warriors. My apologies that we could not more swiftly grant you aid in your battle. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sari Novell, head of the local branch of the Mage's Guild." She pauses to bow her head respectively to you all before continuing. "Please, come inside. I would like to reward your efforts on behalf of not only the guild but the people of Tevinar as well. Such heroic efforts should not go uncompensated." She beckons for you to follow her inside the guildhall.

We now return you to our previously scheduled City Scene. Posting will end at the predetermined time (Thursday, Nov. 24th, 4am.) unless more madness ensues.
Title: Re: D&D RPG (Currently Unnamed) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 20, 2011, 03:02:19 am
Hogarth stands firm for a moment, staring right into the guild member's eyes, and getting off a good 8 second scream at her. That might not sound like much, but try it, it's harder than it sounds. Weary, she reluctantly follows her friends and the mage into the guild hall, grabbing a small bit of apple from the wall and rubbing it into one of her wounds, its sweet ichor reminding her of her victory over magic. "Friend Rhyhorn.. The orcs will pay you another few silver pieces for allowing me to sleep in all the things" she mumbles, trailing off, head drooped.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 20, 2011, 03:30:06 am
   "Hope tha' doesn' come back ta bite me..." Yvonne mutters mostly to herself as she watches the last of the banished elemental's flames flicker out. Her ears ring with the echo of the beast's roar, so she is unsure how loud her own voice is, however. "He di'n' look too happy 'bout goin' back..." Despite this, her mind hones in on a particular word spoken by the newly arrived Sari Novell. "Reward?!" the sprite perks up. "I git a free shopping spree?!" The battle instantly shoved to the back of her mind, the fey squeals with delight and speeds on ahead of the others.
   "Every little thing I do is magic." Yvonne sings contently as she makes her way over the crowded halls of the mage guildhouse. "Everything I do just turns me on." The very air seems charged with arcane energies, and it is... glorious. "Even though my life before was tragic." She spies a rack stuffed to the brim with scrolls and descends to take a look. "Now I know my love for me goes o~~~n." She finishes her little ditty before turning to the person she assumes is the the vendor. "Hey! Ya got any Lirai-sized scrolls 'ere?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 20, 2011, 06:31:26 am
[Knowledge check on Black Eyes, mostly check my lore knowledge...]
Elia looks at the Elderly Women greeting them. She quickly takes note of her eyes, and becomes curious, and suspicious. The lady bows, and Elia does the same.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 20, 2011, 07:50:10 am
Rhyhorn heaves, his body still searing hot from the battle with the Fire Elemental.  He looks around for a bit, before turning to the nearby Xun and nudging him to gain his attention long enough to produce a fairly warm stack of 38 platinum pieces for him.  Rhyhorn then walks back to the cart, hooking in and dragging it up past the Mage Guild's outer walls and parking it somewhere safe-looking and obscured before following the others inside.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 20, 2011, 12:35:04 pm
"It honor to be of help."  He bows deeply to Sari Novell and then receives his money from Rhyhorn. "Ah yes, thank you.  Was coming to find this."  He examines his sword for any damage before slipping it quickly back into its sheathe, tucking his hands into the sleeves of his robes and following the mage into the building.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 20, 2011, 01:08:18 pm
Nathalie pants wildly after the ensuing battle and bends over, putting her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "What? I would've much preferred gold instead." She replied, a bit dissatisfied with the elderly woman's gift before walking over to her stony rhinoceros friend.

"So, Rhyhorn, is this all normal for you and your traveling mates?" Nathalie asked, thinking of what exactly she could do with her free, store credit.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 20, 2011, 01:39:41 pm
Rhyhorn nods affirmatively in reply to Nathalie's question, slowly at first.  He'd only been with his traveling companions a few days... but the trend was fairly obvious.  He wasn't spending much time thinking about his reward though, as he was coping with the fact his body was still smoldering at a temperature high enough that he could probably be used as a sentient frying pan.  Hopefully being in a nice and cool Guild Hall would remedy the problem quickly.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 20, 2011, 02:21:37 pm
Magic Item listing is up in the second post of this thread. I spoilered it and the original shop post so they're not just taking up space. Here's a link for you lazy people. Click! (
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 20, 2011, 03:12:37 pm
Rhyhorn mulls over his options in the Guild's Shops, and though he has a few ideas running around in his rocky nogging, he looks around, trying to find a suitable counter to employ the help of a casterfolk with Detect Magic for the time being.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 20, 2011, 03:48:03 pm
"You think there's any room for me here? The opportunity of treasure, and money, it's promising!" She pitched to Rhyhorn, examining the wares of the magic guild's shop. She came across a wondrous item named the "Third Eye of Improvisation," and even though her store credit didn't cover the entire price, decided she'd shell out the extra 250 gold pieces for the item.

"This is why I'm broke," She mused, having the eye put fashionably on her forehead before sadly looking at her empty purse, "So what do you think? I'll come with?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 20, 2011, 03:55:49 pm
          With little effort, Rhyhorn does find an apprentice tasked with simple spellcasting for a fee. He charges only 5 gold pieces to Detect Magic on the loot collected from the orcs, but requests another 110 gold pieces to have anything magical in the lot Identify'd.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 20, 2011, 04:08:44 pm
Rhyhorn nods, giving the apprentice his requested 110 Gold, curious to see what kind of magic items those mangy Orcs had gotten their mitts on.  While the apprentice is Identifying, Rhyhorn turns to Nathalie and quickly scribbles onto his chalkboard:  "Should be room if want." he writes, nodding affirmatively.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 20, 2011, 04:45:53 pm
"Yes, I want!" Nathalie replies, hoping that this room would be much better than the rest and run methods of travel she'd been making use of, "So are you guys staying somewhere?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 20, 2011, 05:03:40 pm
Rhyhorn nods, receiving the now-Identified goods from the apprentice and stashing them back onto his saddle before erasing his chalkboard and writing: "Yes.  Nice hotel.", holding it for Nathalie to read for a minute.  He then clears the board and seeks aide in enchanting his rocky hide in hopes of avoiding a repeat of the battle with the Fire Elemental.

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 20, 2011, 05:09:43 pm
"Is your stoneskin still hot? I'm afraid to touch it but I sort of dabble in my practices, I could perhaps try and help you if you'd like?" She says, thinking of how to actually cure the rhinoceros, "How /do/ you heal yourself, exactly?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 20, 2011, 05:21:55 pm
Rhyhorn nods, glad for any help he could get on the repairing front.  In reply to her question, he merely motions to the Healing Belt around his waist as best as a rhino could do so.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 20, 2011, 07:00:54 pm
Elia walks into the Mages Guild and begins to browse for items she wants.

1x Pearl of Speech (Sylvan Pearl) 300gp
1x Bracers of Armour 1000gp

Sub Total = 1300 gp
Discount = 750 gp
Total = 550 gp = 40pp 150gp

Elia takes out 40pp and 50 gp, and gives it to the vendor. She grabs her items, and puts the bracers on, then places the Pearl on her tongue.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 20, 2011, 10:41:26 pm
   "But of course, milady Lirai." The kindly old man replies, pointing out his supply of special sized scrolls. "I do cater to fey of 'shorter stature' from time to time, but my selection is quite limited, I'm afraid. One needs small hands to scribe such fine characters, and there are a few others such as yourself around here I could persuade to assist me. So, if you are willing to wait a day per scroll, I can have them make just about any scroll you want."
   The fey of 'shorter stature' in question laughs and repeats the phrase before extending a hand. "Yvonne Scintillae Incendam, sorcerer extraordinaire." She introduces herself.
   The elderly man accepts her hand gently between his thumb and forefinger. "Cozwin Thropper, retired wizard and now 'vendor extraordinaire.'" He mimics her prideful tone, earning another laugh from her. "Pleased to make thy acquaintance."
   "Likewise." Yvonne replies, grinning broadly.
   "So, any particular spell you had in mind for the scroll?"
   "Uh-huh." the fire sprite says with a nod. "On'a my friends out there got 'urt pretty badly when we fough' tha' rogue fire elemental guy, an' it looks like normnal ol' healin' spells don' work good on 'im, ya know."
   "I see, so you're the Lirai from that group."
   "Yup yup! That I am!" A singsong reply.
   "Word has it the Lady Novell has granted each of you seven hundred and fifty gold in credit here."
   The flame fey's eyes widen. "Tha's a lotta scrolls..."
   Cozwin chuckles. "Indeed." He agrees. "Thirty, to be exact. But for that price, you may as well invest in a wand that has fifty charges, thus, effectively giving you twenty free uses."
   "Or, you may get one with only ten charges for one hundred and fifty gold, giving you four free charges. However, bear in mind, they both weigh the same."
   "I shall assume the friend you mentioned is the stone rhino who so bravely pinned the elemental."
   "Uh-huh, but how'd you know?"
   "Word travels fast around the guildhouse."
   "I see." She pauses before knocking the side of her head. "Oh yeah... magic..."
   "Yes, well, if normal heal spells do not work efficiently, perhaps the spell that the warforged use would be more appropriate."
   "Ya' got any repair wands?"
   "But of course."
   "Lirai sized?"
   "I am afraid not, all my wands are the same size."
   "Just think of them as quarterstaves."
   "Hrm..." Yvonne considers the idea for a moment. "Alright, fine, lemme see wha'cha got..."
   "With pleasure." Cozwin says, retrieving his stock of various wands so the Lirai may make her selection. "I shall inform the other vendors that you have received your reward."
   "Awww..." the pyre pixie pouts playfully. "Do ya gotta?"
   The two laugh at the joke.
   "On another note," the retired wizard starts, "rumor has it your first attack against the elemental was with fire."
   "I fight everithin' with fire." The sorcerer huffs. "Or at least I *did*..."
   "But, surely, you, a fire mage, should know those things are immune to fire."
   "Oh, they are?" She blinks. "Well, tha' explains a lot..."
   "You've never seen one before?" the old man seems surprised.
   "A'course I have *seen* one, I jus' never 'ad ta *fight* one before. I was usually friends wi' 'em, back home." She explains, her eyes turning upward and left as she recounts the events. "My best friend growin' up was a fire elemental by the name a' Monte-Blanc, though I got along wi' 'is older sister, Imo, as well. Their mother, Halifax, would invite me over to their place for meals and sleepovers all the time. Those were good times... Looking back, the whole Harbour family was amazing."
   "A family?"
   "Of fire elementals?"
   "Yeah, why?"
   "Nothing, I'm just... surprised is all." Cozwin seems incredulous but doesn't press the issue.
   A thought occurs to Yvonne and she thumps a closed fits into an open palm. "I shou' find the guy who summoned tha' beast an' see if I c'n 'ave 'im teach me how to summon Monty so 'e c'n meet my other friends. I think they'd like 'im. 'E's a lot friendlier than the one we just banished."
   The elderly vendor looks like he is about to say something before thinking the better of it.
   "Welp, thank ye' fer the stuff!" the fire Lirai says cheerfully after a moment of silence.
   "Of course, thank you for your business, milady Incendam."
   The flame fey clutches her purchase tight, reveling in the in minute auras they give off. She turns and sees a rocky rhino across the way. "Hey! Rhyhorn!" She calls, flying over. "Looky, looky!" she holds a small stick in front of his face.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 20, 2011, 10:57:31 pm
Elia, with her new equip, looks around for her friends. She spots Yvonne and Rhyhorn talking, so she casually walks over to them. "Hello. I'm all done with my shopping. How about you two?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 20, 2011, 11:00:31 pm
"That is certainly a useful belt!" Nathalie says, "So, in exchange for..." Nathalie was interrupted soon after she began her sentence by the rambunctious fairy and a new face, female, running toward them.

"You're quite popular with the ladies, Rhyhorn," She said, absolutely astounded.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 20, 2011, 11:29:35 pm
Rhyhorn nods about his Belt's usefulness, before Yvonne flies right up to his face, waving the stick at him.  He stares at it quizzically, furrowing his non-existent rhino brow to try and figure out what she bought.  Not being a wand-user, he hadn't even given them a cursory glance-over, more pre-occupied with getting the loot Identified and finding out about setting up an appointment to get his armor enchanted in the 'morrow, since he knew that to be a long process.  He tilts his head, looking at the wand in Yvonne's hand curiously as Elia walks over, her greeting not breaking his wonderment at all as he waited for Yvonne to explain the usefulness of the stick to him with a child-like curious expression.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 12:47:47 am
   "It's a wand!" Yvonne proclaims proudly. "A magic wand! It does magic things!" She spins it in one hand like an oversized baton.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 12:50:14 am
Rhyhorn continues to tilt his head quizzically, now tilting it to the opposite side.  Even he wasn't oblivious to the fact it was a wand, but he had no clue why the pixie was so enthralled and happy to show him specifically.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 12:50:53 am
Elia looks at the cheerful Fairy. "My you see happy Madam, what magic might that wand have enchanted on it?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 01:02:45 am
   As the wand is ill-suited to be twirled in such a fashion, she quickly loses control of it and the heavy end clips her in the jaw. "Outh!" she utters, before scrambling to keep the thing from tumbling to the floor. "Bith ma tongth..." she whines, hugging the wand close. Her movements, however, loosened the four other similar sticks she had jammed between her backpack and her back. "Mohhh..." she continues to complain, shifting to straighten them so she doesn't lose them as well. After a moment, she looks up at Elia. "Wha' wath the quethion?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 01:04:50 am
Trying to stop from laughing at the poor Lirai, Elia restates her question. "Oh Madam, I was just wondering what types of magic wands you got."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 01:05:45 am
Nathalie taps her foot quietly, and with rhythm, to the cheerful banter between the pixie and the new girl, which is her way to vehemently express frustration of being ignored. Drudging up all the lady-like behavior in her, she interrupted their conversation. "Well! I'd just hate to break up this magical reunion, but it is to my knowledge you all have rooms at an inn somewhere?" What she mistook for feigned politeness was mostly just a sharp tongue, however.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 01:13:58 am
"It appears this conversation will have to be finished later, perhaps in our room?" Says Elia to Yvonne. She then turns to face the lady that interpreted her conversation. "Yes? We have inn rooms, but I do not believe that you have a room with us or a place to sleep if you are with us. Seeing as you came with Rhyhorn and Yvonne I assume you know one of the two." Elia crosses her arms. "If you are with us, I would assume that you go sleep with them, unless that is you want to buy your own room."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 01:21:56 am
   Yvonne moves her sore jaw like a cow chewing cud and making several other strange faces in the process.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 01:23:36 am
"Rhyhorn. We're old friends; business partners, even," She replied, her lips pursed and narrowed and her responses curt, "Just as long as everyone's kept up to speed. And acknowledged."

Nathalie dropped one hand by her side, and another firmly on her hip, staring the other girl down, ""I'm Nathalie. And you are?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 01:25:08 am
Not getting a response from Rhyhorn, Hogarth wanders around, and notices a leather, heavy belt. "SHOPKEEP!" she bellows, causing the vendor and potion jars to rattle and tremble. "I demand to know what this belt does." Nervously, the vendor stutters out the magic properties of the Belt of One Mighty Blow. It's not the one she pointed at, but the vendor decides, from the look of her, it'd be the one she'd want anyways. "Give to Hogarth." she says through gritted teeth, narrowing her eyes and plunking down 75 platinum to cover the difference after store credit is applied. Grabbing the belt and fitting it on, she climbs in Rhyhorn's cart, flips a single gold coin at the chest, and falls asleep, exhausted from battle, muttering "I am one of all the things..."

Her snoring is loud and obnoxious.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 01:26:10 am
Rhyhorn, having had enough experience with women in his short lifetime, begins to slink away from this situation between Elia, Nathalie, and Yvonne, and goes find a mage with whom he can set up an appointment to get his armor enchanted tomorrow, as there's likely not enough daylight to get it done today.

(Yes, I actually want a Stealth Check to get away before this bitchfight begins.  Rhyhorn no want involve.)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 01:39:23 am
Elia shows her teeth in a sort of smile. "You amuse me Kid." She puts her arms down, and holds her hands together. "Elia Cryonae, Travelling Priest of Odin." Elia lets go of her hands to bow. She reaches into her pouch and pulls out 4gp, and hands them to Nathalie. "Her take this to the Inn, tell lady at the counter that you are with Elia and Yvonne's group.  Get yourself a room." Elia asks a walking by mage for a paper and pencil. He looks at her puzzled, by hands her some. Elia thanks him and begins drawing a quick, detail-less map to the inn that they are staying at. She passes it the Nathalie. "Here you go."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 01:51:04 am
Nathalie takes the gold from Elia, and pockets it slowly. "Well, Patsy, the feeling is mutual," Nathalie brushed off her arm, and kicked the toe of her boot on the ground before continuing to respond, "And, I think I might just save the loose change, take this clearly-drawn-with-the-skill-of-the-most-talented-artists-of-the-nearest-orphange and bunk with an already paying occupant of the inn--Rhyhorn, how does that sound?"

Nathalie smiled wide, though her eyes were akin to hawks', transfixed toward Elia.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 01:52:45 am
   "Hey! Rhyhorn! Where ya goin'?" Yvonne calls after the departing rhino.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 01:54:04 am
Meanwhile, Rhyhorn steps on the feet of several people and nearly knocks over a poor mage by accident trying very, very poorly to sneak away from the entire situation, leaving a very obvious and easy to follow trail in his wake.  Eventually, he reaches a mage able to enchant his armor, more than eager to agree to do so after some chalkboard-exchange just to get the rhino to stop breaking everything.  It doesn't help, though, as Rhyhorn continues to "sneak" around the outer wall of the Mage's Guild to try and get to the front door in utter desperation.  He hears Yvonne's call and blows it off, flinching for a second, but continuing his poor attempt to sneak away.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 01:56:59 am
   "Mohhh..." the fire sprite flies after Rhyhorn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 01:58:40 am
Elia raises her left eyebrow. "Alright. Suit yourself." Elia turns around and rolls her eyes. "You're either going with Hogarth, or Rhyhorn." She begins walking away. "I'll see you later, maybe then we can correctly introduce our selves then." Elia turns the corner and walks out the door of the Mage Guild heading for the Inn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 01:59:38 am
Rhyhorn just keeps trying to sneak away, trying his best to not deal too much collateral damage in the process.  His eyes are obviously filled with fear.  Far, far more fear than something as dangerous as the previous Fire Elemental could have ever hoped to evoke, despite the fact Rhyhorn was nearly killed by it.  Even a stone rhino like Rhyhorn knows that hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 02:00:58 am
"Of course!" She called, gingerly making her way toward where Yvonne and Rhyhorn were headed, "Wait up! We're still shopping, you goofs."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 02:04:58 am
Rhyhorn pauses in his tracks upon hearing Nathalie's voice.  He waits a moment, then quickly scribbles on his chalkboard.  "Rhyhorn done, need come back tomorrow."  He finishes writing, showing it to Nathalie before continuing out the door.  It was the truth - enchanting his armor would take 8 hours and the Mage's Guild wouldn't be open that long today.  He then quickly erases it and writes "We go marketplace for today."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 02:06:39 am
   "Marketplace?" Yvonne repeats. "Flower shop! Yay! Le's go!" she cheers. "Le's go! Le's go! Le's go!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 02:07:49 am
"Sounds good enough to me! So what's on the agenda?" She asks, walking casually beside him, "I don't have much gold to spend after my last splurge." Yvonne's excitement for the florist seemed an exciting dear as any, though, and Nathalie nodded in agreement to the idea of buying some lilies and daisies.

"Flowers would be nice."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 02:09:00 am
Rhyhorn sighs in relief, getting a bit of life back into his step as he leads the way out of the marketplace, only to find the slumbering Hogarth in his cart.  He picks up the gold coin, stuffing it into his money purse before hooking himself into his cart harnesses and setting off with whoever else is following him in tow.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 02:10:15 am
Snorting awake for a second, Hogarth throws an apple core she still has at the sound of the nearest, loudest noise and goes back to sleep, her snore just as loud as before.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 02:11:57 am
Rhyhorn grumbles in annoyance, feeling the apple core smash against his hide, trying his best to resist waking up the Barbarian and getting her to clean the apple stain off for him.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 02:15:19 am
"What in the...?" Nathalie asked, voicing her confusion out loud before looking around at the various civilians walking about, "What just happened?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 02:22:38 am
Rhyhorn just keeps walking, not saying a word and hoping they reach the marketplace soon.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 02:26:31 am
   "Shopping spree: Round two!" Yvonne cheers holding both hands up in celebration. "Flower shop, flower shop, oh flower, flower shop!" she starts singing merrily. "Flower shop, flower shop,  oh flower, flower shop." She glances around the marketplace. "Flower shop!" she points to a cart overflowing with plants of various types before making a popping sound with her cheek. "Badum dum dum." She starts repeating her song as she flits around the cart, checking out the selection. However, it doesn't take long before she finds what she wants; a single, large, white lily and a tiny bouquet of forget-me-nots secured with some white lace. "Hey! Gimme these!" she tells the vendor, handing over a silver piece.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 02:30:51 am
Hogarth sleepily reaches over and grabs one of the plants, chomping on it before realizing it's not edible and spitting it out. "Your food is awful" she mutters and drifts back to sleep.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 02:33:25 am
Frightened by the sudden appearance of the barbaric woman, Nathalie let out a blood-curdling shriek before catching her breath and calming her demeanor. "What IS that!?" The flowers in her hand, a few petunias, were crushed and wilted in her hands.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 02:36:51 am
Hogarth throws her last apple core at the shrieking woman, roaring "In the name of Mollock, WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!!! Hogarth is trying to sleep!" She eyes the woman wearily, recognition edging its way into the stone-thick barbarian skull, before she shakes away the feeling.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 02:38:07 am
   "Found this little flowers shop, tell you why, flowers are sweeter than apple pie. And Rhyhorn does his shaky rockin' dance, man, I haven't got a chance!" Yvonne remains ignorant of the happenings nearby, lost, as she is, in her own little world.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 02:40:00 am
The apple core hit Nathalie on the forehead, though frozen with fear (and still in shock), she didn't quite feel the initial sting, or pain from it at all. "Y-yes. Right." She replied, before circling round to Rhyhorn's front and coaching herself back into thinking clearly, "So, uh, in any case, time for me to buy a chest here if I'm going to be traveling with you all, right?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 02:42:12 am
   "Needle and thread time!"  Yvonne cries, turning away from the flower cart. "Hello, Hogarth!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 02:42:24 am
"THEY ARE BITTER! They taste nothing like apples baked into a pie." Hogarth shouts at Yvonne, remaining lying down and clutching her forehead. "Sorry for loud making. Rage make brain hurt bad. Makes me sleepy, but happy I cut off that demon's arm" she chuckles to herself.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 02:43:33 am
Rhyhorn nods affirmatively to Nathalie, mortified at his companions and hoping none of his regular customers are in the crowd and seeing this spectacle of awful between Nathalie and Hogarth.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 02:45:37 am
   "Bitter? Why ya' eatin' the flowers? Silly Hogarth!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 02:46:27 am
"I had no idea the burly woman helping us fight the elemental was some sort of miniature ogre.." She whispered to Rhyhorn, before looking around for the shop that sells chests and the like, "This is perhaps the literal definition of "motley crew."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 02:47:43 am
"because I barely knew her, friend yvonne" mutters Hogarth, half dreaming-half awake nonsense being uttered.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 02:51:30 am
   "Girls, girls, girls, long legs and burgundy lips..." Yvonne sings, seeking out a place to buy a needle and thread. "Girls, girls, girls, dancin' down on Sunset Strip..." She finds a small cart with random junk and purchases what she needs. "Girls, girls, girls, red lips, fingertips..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 02:54:46 am
Walking swiftly away from the cart, which most likely is garnering much attention from all the townsfolk now, Nathalie saunters over to buy a chest, and in the meantime, a nice stack of crossbow bolts to last her until she's able to buy more things. (one chest and fifty bolts, 7gp)

She returns back to the cart, slowly dragging the bolt stuffed chest toward Rhyhorn, using all her might to pull it to "safety." "I should really invest in some sort of muscle-mass building techniques.." She said to herself, panting heavily.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 03:00:26 am
Rhyhorn slips out of his harnesses, helping Nathalie to safely pile her chest into his cart, then looks around to see how Yvonne was doing with her shopping... Rhyhorn himself has completely forgotten what the hell he even wanted to get at the marketplace by this point.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 03:38:17 am
   "She hates time, make it stop. When'd this motley crew center Rhyhorn rock?" Yvonne starts to head back to the others. "And when did Ozzy become an actor? Please make this stop, stop, STOP!" she halts in front of them. "All done!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 03:48:43 am
Rhyhorn blinks, hearing his name but having no clue why.  His memory is then jogged, as he quickly scampers off to a tool-laden stand and purchases a set of Masterwork Artisan's Tools (55 GP), stowing them onto his Exotic Pack Saddle before returning to his harnesses. With everyone seemingly finished shopping, Rhyhorn begins pulling the cart back to the Inn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 04:20:24 am
Elia enters the Inn and heads straight for the baths.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 05:10:40 am
   Holding her flowers, Yvonne practically dances through the air as she flies along side Rhyhorn and Nathalie. "Gonna go and take a bath!" She strides along as though upon an invisible walkway. "And get all nice and clean!" She spins around. "I'll wash away the grime and dirt!" She holds her arms out grandly. "And get a soapy sheen!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 12:17:57 pm
Rhyhorn stares at his pixie-friend dance through the sky in wonderment as his group slowly makes its way to the Inn, even Rhyhorn looking to get a bath of some kind to get the apple off his hide.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 03:39:01 pm
"Thanks Rhy!" said Nathalie, rubbing her aching muscles in order to recuperate some before walking again, "A bath actually sound fantastic too. Nice, warm, relaxing, soothing water. I feel wet now!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 03:51:05 pm
A room to the left to store your clothes, a room to the right to wash up, and in the middle, a large open hot pool of water. And no one there. Elia dashes off to the room on the left to place all her clothing, and equipment there, but takes her soap out of her sack. She walks out and heads to the wash area. In the room is a bucket, and a small stream of water the pours out into a drain. She places the bucket under the stream and waits for the bucket to fill up half way. She picks the bucket up and pours the warm water all over her. Placing the bucket back under the stream, she then lathers herself with the soap, then picks the bucket up to pour over her again. She picks up her soap and leaves to the hot pool. She sets her soap to the side of the pool, and slides in the pool. The hot water takes all off her mind, making to world around her seem not there.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 06:14:08 pm
Rhyhorn pulls his cart into the Inn, parking it in the stables near Lejun's wagons before tossing some rocks and Hogarth onto his Exotic Pack Saddle.  He then heads off with the others, off to find the baths and get these apple stains off his hide.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 21, 2011, 06:29:20 pm
Nathalie moseys over to the bathhouse, and slowly undresses herself, leaving her fine clothing stored in the dressing room while she slips into a nice bathrobe, takes a bucket over to the washroom and borrows the inn's complimentary brand and tucks everything into one steaming pot while lathering herself up with soap. Walking over to the hot pools, Nathalie hums a jazzy tune before timidly cascading into the water, the hot water relaxing her weary body.

"Ah..." She sighs, closing her eyes and tilting her head back, leaning up against the side of the bath.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 06:37:26 pm
Rhyhorn, being a far less cultured quadruped, slips Hogarth down for a moment and shakes his saddle of SOME OF THE THINGS onto the ground in the changing area, before hoisting the unconscious barbarian onto his back again.  Not particularly able to wield a bucket, Rhyhorn skips that segment of the process, setting a still-clothed Hogarth down gently next to the bath for the women to take care of.  He sets a stone rhino hoof-paw thing into the water, feeling it for temperature before excitedly scampering in, heading for the center and beginning to dogpaddle around after a long day of trading goods, shopping, checkpoints, and hauling ALL THE THINGS plus Hogarth.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 06:59:43 pm
   Yvonne pays no heed to the curious looks she gets from passersby and continues her song all the way to Silver Coin Tavern. "I tolerate the water when," she doesn't let up as she enters the lobby "It's in a bath and warm!" She follows the signage towards the bathing facilities. "Not as rain nor snow nor ice," excitement enters her voice as she spies the door "But when it's in steam form!" She glances about for a place to prepare and finds a cubbyhole to land in. The one below her is filled with clothes she recognizes as Elia's. She retrieves the needle and thread from her tiny backpack, quickly lamenting that she couldn't find a smaller one, as this one is almost as big as her forearm. Shrugging away the thought, she quickly shoves the thread through the eye and ties it off. Next, she deftly separates the lily's petals from its stalk and discards the rest. Setting one petal aside, she then lays the rest out flat and partially overlapping. The needle easily punctures through the petals and drags a trail of thread between them. After making several passes around the bunch, the fire sprite believes that is enough and ties it all in a loop. Holding the remaining petal up, she attaches the tip to its end with an adjustable cinch. Finally satisfied with her work, she moves her stuff down a cubby and behind Elia's items. She removes her jewelry and shoves it all in her pack from which she then retrieves a silver coin and exiting the storage place. "Hey!" she calls to one of the attendants. "Any chance ya' coul' wash this fer me?" she tugs on the gossamer fabric of her skirt to indicate what she means. The attendant nods. "Yay!" the fey girl cheers and promptly disrobes before dropping the garments and tip into the attendant's hands. "Thank ye!" she says happily before telling the human her room number. "Bath time!" she cries flying out of the changing room and into the bathing area. "Hello, Elia!" she calls to the human healer, speeding past, not waiting for reply. "Hello, Nathalie!" she calls to the human rogue, speeding past, not waiting for reply. "Look out below!" she calls to Rhyhorn before curling into a ball and plunging into the warm water.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 07:23:52 pm
Elia opens her I eyes to the sound of Yvonne greeting her. "Hello Yvonne. Where ever you might be."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 07:37:24 pm
Rhyhorn turns his head upon hearing Yvonne, before hearing the splash nearby.  He dives under the water, looking for the pixie for a moment before realizing he should stick to paddling above the water to prevent himself from sinking into the bath entirely.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 09:00:55 pm
   "Dhoom again and run away with me on a wild Rhyhorn ride!" Yvonne belts out, breaking the surface of the water. "Dhoom again and see your wildest dreams slowly come alive!" She begins dancing, her feet only touching the water lightly. "Dhoom again we gotta break the rules and party all the time!" She slowly works her way towards the bath's edge. "Dhoom again we gotta steal the show you know that ain't no crime!" Her progress is hindered by her elaborate and wholly unnecessary movements. "So steal what you can" She kicks a small splash of water out before her. "The magic you began" She pauses for a moment and throws her right hand out and sending a stream of sparkles from her wings to accentuate the movement as she sings "Let's shout!" She repeats the motion with her left to continue with "Break out!" then continues the last few feet "Come on once again let's here it!" she reaches up an breaks off a piece of scented soap from an ornate tray. "Dhoom machale!" she starts repeating the phrase several times as she lathers herself up. "Dhooooom!" she finishes and plunges once again below the surface.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 09:15:20 pm
Rhyhorn stares at the pixie in wonderment as she dances around, dogpaddling to keep himself above the water's surface.  For better or worse, when she dives under, he dips under as well and begins standing on the bottom of the tub, his one rocky fin that goes across the center of his back being the only thing sticking out of the water.  He begins walking around under the water, his eyesight obscured by it as he wanders about, his protruding back-fin-thing making him seem much like a stone shark in the bath.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 09:17:48 pm
"Someone is enjoying this." Elia opens her eyes to see whats going on. "Not just one, but two someones." She submerges into the water to view Yvonne and Rhyhorn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 09:18:07 pm
Snorting awake, and hearing the pixie sing in the next room, Hogarth removes her belts and wolf pelt, drops her axe, and enters the water, just lurking in it on the edge, almost utterly submerged, and sits unmoving.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 09:37:08 pm
Rhyhorn continues romping around under the tub water, enjoying pretending to be a shark for no reason in particular.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 09:57:59 pm
   Yvonne jumps out of the water "Eeeeek!" she shrieks, pointing at the stone 'fin' sticking out of the water. "Rock shark!" she flies, squealing over to Elia, behind her head and tries vainly to hide in her hair.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 10:02:32 pm
Hearing Yvonne's shriek, Rhyhorn begins very slowly but playfully sauntering toward Elia and Yvonne from beneath the water.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 10:05:36 pm
"VICTORY ON THE HIGH SEAS" roars Hogarth, charging at the shark, fists balled to deal gobs of pain.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 10:09:39 pm
Rhyhorn hears the cry from Hogarth and turns underwater, charging the Barbarian playfully from beneath the water.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 10:10:02 pm
Elia greets Yvonne in Sylvan tongue. (Magic freaking pearl \o/). "It appears we have a pest problem here. Hold you breath Madam." Elia gives Yvonne a moment to breath before she dives into the water, and away from the Rhyhorn, and its surprise attacker. She pops out of the water on the other side of the pool, just in time watch Rhyhorn and Hogarth.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 10:11:23 pm
   "Kill it! Kill it!" Yvonne trills, clambering up Elia's head to perch atop it. "It's evil!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 10:21:38 pm
A mighty clash of titans ensues! Like Godzilla and Rodan before them, the stoned rhino and the angered barbarian attack one another, knocking each other back and causing HUGE WAVES OF STEAMING WATER to crash against the sides of the pool! The rhino holds the berserker's head underwater, she picks him up and slams him against the water! Both tear huge chunks out of each other, eyes glowing red from pure hatred and battle!

Or Hogarth slipped on a bar of soap someone dropped.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 10:27:10 pm
Rhyhorn holds in a giggle from beneath the water as Hogarth slips and falls, moving over to her and doing his best to help her back up... before realizing he should probably breathe, thrusting his head out of the water for a deep breath and trying in vain to get himself dogpaddling above the water's surface again.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 10:33:43 pm
   By this point, Yvonne can no longer keep a strait face and topples off of Elia in time to fall into a wave created by the combatants. Her tiny body is washed over the bath's lip where she scrambles to her hands and knees, coughing. "Ughn... I think I swallowed som'a the water Hogarth was in..." she laments.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 10:36:21 pm
Elia casts Create Water above Hogarth and Rhyhorn's heads, pouring cold water on them. The two different temperatures of water create a cloud of steam around the two "With all this, we might get kicked out of the Inn." She exclaims.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 10:41:10 pm
Rhyhorn stumbles under the hail of water Elia created above himself and Hogarth in his desperate attempt for air, slipping and falling onto his side, stopping his flailing and lying beneath the water.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 10:43:59 pm
   "Rhyhorn!" Yvonne cries, flying over to the spot where the rhino lies motionless. "What di'ya do ta 'im?" she accuses both Hogarth and Elia.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 10:47:05 pm
Rhyhorn lies motionless beneath the water, not a single breath bubble reaching the surface.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 10:49:34 pm
"Hogarth help me pick Rhyhorn out of the water!" Elia dives into the water and attempts to pick Rhyhorn out of the water.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 21, 2011, 10:59:11 pm
Hogarth grabs the rhino and hurls him out of the water, and onto the ground, nearby where he had laid her. "Now we are even for rescuing me from the stone shark, friend Rhyhorn."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 11:01:07 pm
Rhyhorn bounces onto the floor outside the bath with a thud, still unmoving.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 11:02:05 pm
   "You killed Rhyhorn! You bastards!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 11:10:30 pm
Elia hops out of the water and heads straight to Rhyhorn. "Alrighty. WE need to boil the water out of him, Yvonne start a fire under him, the rock will heat up and boil the water." She jokes. "Okay lets see, I need to get water out of a rock...." Elia's eyes get big and she turns to Hogarth. "Hogarth friend! Might you pick up Rhyhorn and shake him upside down? Else he might die."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 11:12:21 pm
Rhyhorn's eyes shoot open upon hearing what Elia describes, roaring and running far away from her, his cunning plow for a terrible prank swept out from under him as he begins coughing up tiny bits of water he actually did swallow.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 11:15:18 pm
   "Rhyhorn! Yer alive! Praise Karla! Praise Hiran! Praise... some... other diety!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 21, 2011, 11:21:46 pm
Elia stands up smiling boldly. "I seem to have the remedy for everything." She walks to the room where she placed her clothing and equipment to dry herself off, and get dress. Fully clothed, and geared up, she heads out of the room to the lady at the counter. "Has a man named Seap come by at all?" She asks. Then Inn keeper replies with a no. Elia frowns, "As I thought. Well I think my crew and I would enjoy a nice meal soon." The Inn keeper nods and walks to a table and begins setting it up for the group with mugs and utensils.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 11:23:35 pm
Rhyhorn continues coughing up some water, glaring at Elia as she walks past before moving back to Yvonne and the others, questioning in his mind whether the so-called priestess of Odinn was actually trying to kill him.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 21, 2011, 11:27:15 pm
   "Well, I *was* clean..." Yvonne mutters, looking around for a body of warm water Hogarth has not entered yet.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 21, 2011, 11:35:48 pm
Rhyhorn sighs before shaking the water off himself like a dog and heading off to the changing room to get his saddles back in order, having had enough fun in the tub for one night.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 12:39:33 am
   Noticing that Elia left, Yvonne hurriedly rewashes herself before making a hasty return to the cubbyhole in which she had left her stuff. She shakes off the loose droplets and allows her high body heat to evaporate the rest. She hums her flower shop tune to herself as she pulls the ring of petals around her waist and cinches the other one around her upper torso. She unties the bouquet and uses the lace to hold her hair up in a ponytail through which she pushes the stalks of the tiny blue flowers. She then re-adorns herself with her favored jewelry. Lastly, she admires herself in her mirror for a while, making minute adjustments to make sure her appearance is perfect. Assuring herself everything is in order, she makes her way to the reception desk. "Hello!" She calls to the woman behind the counter. "'As a young, minstrel-type-guy stopped by fer our message to 'im?" A strange expression crosses the innkeep's face for a moment before she gives a negative reply. "Huh... Meby they're feedin' 'im back a' the border fort..." the flame fey mutters before seeking the dinner hall.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 12:45:52 am
All the while, Nathalie had reserved herself to relax in the calm, soothing waters, blocking out the ensuing pool-time play. When she'd had her fill, Nathalie just casually got up from the pool, walked slowly to her tower, and rubbed herself dry of suds, water or renegade Hogarth filth. She tied the towel up just above her breasts, and thankfully it fell just to her lower thighs before attempting to change in the washroom.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 12:47:42 am
Elia spots Yvonne talking to the lady at the desk, and calls her over. "Madam Incendam. Come over here its dinner time!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 12:52:07 am
Rhyhorn eventually straps his saddle back to himself properly, following the ladies out of the bath.  He takes a detour for his room to drop off the 15 pounds of rocks strapped to his back before the smell of food makes its way to his stone nose and he nearly gallops his way back down, hunting for the source with nearly child-like glee: good food could remedy any problem after all!
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 12:57:44 am
Nathalie drains the water of her hair, standing over a bucket and squeezing until it was at least relatively dry before putting her clothes back on and leaving the changing room. She follows the band to the kitchen, and feeling quite hungry, was left with no choice but to engage in the majesty of good, homecooked meals.

"I wonder what's on the menu tonight.." Nathalie mused, walking toward where Elia was.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 22, 2011, 12:58:40 am
Emerging from the water, Hogarth shakes herself dry, like a wolf, and in fact much like the wolf whose pelt she now wears. Dry enough, she puts her belts and pelt back on, straps her axe on her back, and stomps off towards ale. And also food.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 01:03:25 am
Rhyhorn continues scampering around, ignoring everything around him, food being the one dominating thought in his mind.  He'd just realized he'd not eaten all goddamn day and he'd be eating something far more delicious than rocks!  Soon, he barely notices Elia and Nathalie, attempting to slow down but not having enough time to do so.  He ends up nearly skidding right past them, butting his hide against a nearby table and almost knocking it over.  He rears up onto his hind legs and places his front ones onto the table for a moment, as if to say "Dibs!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 01:07:27 am
Dodging the charging rhinoceros, Nathalie takes a seat on the right side of the table, somewhere near the middle, but not quite the middle because she enjoys being off-center and sits down, waiting for the rest of the band to sit together.

"I've yet to see such marvelously cooked food in my life!" She exclaimed, eying all the food with a ravenous lust, "What is this food here?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 22, 2011, 01:11:40 am
"Too dead to eat." snorts Hogarth, ashamed to be seen in a banquet hall where all the food has been cooked so thoroughly. Not one rare or bloody hunk of meat to be found. She snatches some bread and a bottle of ale, and goes to find fairer game.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 01:12:25 am
Rhyhorn shifts around, finding one of the table ends and gets back up onto his hind legs, resting his upper gently onto the table to feel more like one of the upright-standing hoominz and other hoomin-like companions.  Sadly, this is when he realizes he lacks hands with which to fill his plate with delicious noms, and has himself a sads.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 01:19:50 am
Nathalie put a bunch of food onto her plate, nothing too fattening though, anything that looked less like it was slaughtered or cooked by a goblin and more like it was prepared for royalty, and eyed in lovingly.

"Shall we eat!?" She asked, speeding up the process to chow down on her food.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 01:24:50 am
Rhyhorn merely stared at all the delicious food, his rhino-brain mulling over how to best move some of the delicious food from the main table to his plate.  Sadly, few ideas that wouldn't involve the destruction of the entire table came to mind.  Nathalie's hurriedness for eating only made his anguished dilemma even worse.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 22, 2011, 01:26:26 am
Hogarth is stomping her way out, when she notices a goblin prepared slaughtered pig. Grabbing the entire platter, she proceeds to eat her bread and drink her ale, while tearing out hunks of the pig and then tearing smaller bits out with her sharp teeth. "Grunt." she says.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 22, 2011, 01:32:27 am
Noticing the living rock's dilemma, she shovels food onto a plate and sets it on the ground for Rhyhorn. "Eat well, brave Rhyhorn, for the bravest fools need their strength!" Grabbing a fresh bottle of ale, she gulps the whole thing down with minimal effort. She is inspired to her own song, much like the sprite.

"I'm very well aquainted with the seven deadly sins
I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in
I'm proud to be a glutton, and I don't have time for sloth
I'm greedy, and I'm angry, and I don't care who I cross

I'm Mrs. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt
I like to have a good time, and I don't care who gets hurt
I'm Mrs. Bad Example, take a look at me
I'll live to be a hundred, and go down in infamy!"

She roars with laughter, before dizzily slumping heavily onto a chair.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 01:35:45 am
   Sitting cross legged on the table and utilizing a low, table-like construct about the size of a normal place setting, Yvonne cleans her tiny plate of roasted poultry quickly yet elegantly. Eyeing a quartered cherry tomato, she hovers over to add it to her plate before settling back down to carve away at it with her small knife.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 01:36:22 am
Rhyhorn's eyes go alight at Hogarth's kindness, savagely nomming at his delicious, delicious food.  As he eats, the phrase "bravest fools" echos in his brain and his eating slows, as if to say "Wait a minute..."  He looks to Hogarth... but then the smell of delicious deliciousness reaches him again and he goes back to his food, blissfully ignorant.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 01:36:52 am
Elia puts her head on the table, covers her head with her arms, whispering to herself. "If anyone asks, the brute is a drunk that randomly stumbled by..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 01:42:12 am
Even though Nathalie was too preoccupied with savoring the food she'd put on her plate, the barbarian woman will always startle her, and unfortunately, Nathalie had a bit of a coughing fit, and almost choked on some chicken before composing herself and breathing easily again.

"Where do you come from!?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 01:43:41 am
Rhyhorn finishes the noms Hogarth had placed before him post-haste, and begins reaching out with his face, slowly dragging a cooked bird toward him and ripping a leg off, dropping it into his plate and going for it.  Halfway through eating, he turns over to his cup of ale, holding it into his mouth and turning upward, downing the entire thing in one sip as not to spill it like the last time he was lucky enough to get a nice drink to go with his nice food.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 01:46:41 am
   Yvonne fills her bowl with pottage and tears off a sizable piece of bread to dip in the soupy mix.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 22, 2011, 01:51:33 am
"I come from the frozen wastelands of the north!" she shouts, standing up and putting on a heroic, but drunken, pose. "From a tribe that separated from Alynthia, we forsook the cowardly arts of wizardry and forged ourselves in battle for blessings from our horrible, insatiable gods!" She flashes an even drunker grin, and tears off another piece of the pig with her teeth, as if to emphasize her point.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 01:54:08 am
   Yvonne happily adds an entire strip of bacon to her plate despite it not fitting. She cannot remember the last time she had enjoyed the salty goodness of perfectly cooked and seasoned bacon.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 01:55:11 am
"What interesting heritage," She says, shocked at her complete lack of etiquette, "Perhaps one day you'll have to tell me about your homeland?" Nathalie didn't quite know how to approach talking to this women, so niceness was decidedly the most effective choice in accomplishing that task.

"This..whatever this is, is quite delicious!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 01:56:40 am
   Once you start eating bacon, it is hard to stop. Yvonne simply cannot stop at one strip and decides to stack two more atop her mini-table.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 01:59:17 am
Rhyhorn, meanwhile, polishes off the rest of his chicken leg, before reaching his face out for more.  Reaching... reaching... reaching... eventually reaching too far, the table under him creaking and snapping.  The legs remain standing, allowing the rest of the table to hold up fine, but the bit of wood under Rhyhorn splinter and give away like paper.  The resulting mayhem flips the chicken he was reaching for along with his ale cup high into the air, the bird eventually landing directly onto his face and the cup doing a lucky ringer onto his horn.  He grumbles for a moment, before tipping his face so the bird could slip off and tearing into it now that it was within nomming distance.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 22, 2011, 02:00:15 am
"You shall know THIS VERY DAY!" she bellows, raising her fists into the air. "We conquered a spot of tundra outside a forest, bountiful with its gifts of food and hardship. Half the village would go into the forest, killing and maiming all in our path for the other half's dinner, and the next day it was their turn to share in the glory. Those who stayed behind for the day made offerings to Crom, terrible god of Wrath, and Graalfag, honored God of Blood. We thrived in the ice of the land, carving our VERY HOMES OUT OF THE ICE AND ROCK!"

This looks like it might take awhile.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 02:01:40 am
"Oh that is interesting.." Nathalie replied, though she seemed a little unsettled.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 02:03:53 am
   Retrieving her mug from the kit in her pack, Yvonne dunks it in the 'normal' sized tankard she requested from one of the servers earlier. She drains it quickly and refills it again. Pursing her lips, she surveys what remains of the selection after the 'larger folk' have eaten a good majority. In a serving dish nearby she sees slices of cooked apples in a thick sauce and sprinkled with cinnamon. Stabbing her fork into a slice, she drags it to her plate so she can eat it.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 02:10:50 am
Elia gets up from the table and walks over to the Inn lady. "I am so sorry about my crew." Elia pulls two pp from her pouch and hands it to the lady. "This isn't a bribe, it's in case you lose any customers or things break tonight..." She glances over to the table and back over to the lady. "Might I have my food brought to my room?" The Innkeep Lady nods her head, and asks what Elia would like. "A stew would be nice." The Innkeeper Lady nods and tells her it will be delivered to her room in a little bit. The Lady then walks off to the kitchen. Elia takes one last look at her group, and ascends the stairs to the her room on the 3rd floor.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 02:12:50 am
Rhyhorn polishes off the remainder of the bird, leaving bones scattered on the ground as he lets out a large BUUUUUUUUUUUURP.  He then groggily begins walking under the remainder of the table, given his 3-foot stature, taking a shortcut between the legs of the seated womenfolk to get out from the table and slowly makes his way to his room for some rest, the ale mug still settled on his horn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 22, 2011, 02:14:25 am
Hogarth staggers over to Nathalie, throws a heavy, scarred arm around her neck, and breathes her boozy breath at Nathalie, not meaning to or realizing she's doing it. "It got to a point where the forest held no challenge for me, and I decided to seek new lands to fight and kill. From the outskirts of Alynthia, I have marched and hired my services to many a folk. I have hunted, and felt the joy of the earth under my feet. I must've killed everything's that walked or crawled sometime or another on my journey. The THRILL OF LIFE" she howls joyously, raising her arms and stomping over for more meat.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 02:15:38 am
   Finishing her second slice of the delicious apples, Yvonne decides to find more vegetables. She thought she had seen a stack of steamed asparagus, oh, there it is. She drifts lazily over to retrieve a couple stalks.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 02:20:08 am
Nathalie quivered in disgust and fear as she shrugged her shoulders, and froze her body, hopefully to move the Hogarth's hand off her shoulder. Though she was immediately stunned by the potency of the boozy breath that she was left with no choice other than to sit there and take that verbal onslaught like a woman.

"" Her mind started to fog and her words began to string together effortlessly, as if she were drunk.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 02:22:22 am
Rhyhorn continues his slog back to his room... but stops at the bar, putting his front legs again on the counter to stand semi-upright and un-wringering the cup from his horn.  The barkeep looks for a moment from the rhino to the cup, completely confused out of his damn mind before eventually picking up the cup and sniffing it to see if he could tell what the... stone rhino... had been drinking.  The barkeep realizes it was a fairly cheap ale and pours the beast another cup, sliding it back to him.   "There you go... sir..." the barkeep says, giving the rhino a nod as he picks the cup up again and downs it, leaving it on the counter.  

Rhyhorn nods to the barkeep in tired appreciation, hopping back down from the counter before he ended up breaking ALL THE THINGS and finding the stairs, making his way slowly up.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 22, 2011, 02:24:19 am
Hogarth laughs at Nathalie's stuttering observation, but not in a mocking way. "Triumphant it is, friend Nathalie! I feel tired yet from our glorious battle with magic today. Gonna go sleep." she announces, rather abruptly and in completely jerking the conversation in an opposite direction. She marches upstairs, and knocks on several doors before being helped to her own room, herself unable to read the room numbers.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 02:26:58 am
   Did any of the servers bring out dessert? Yvonne scans the table. Ah, yes, a fine selection of hand-crafted chocolates sits in the center of the rest of the food. The flame fey selects one with a red marking on top, hoping it has a cherry inside, but would happily settle for something else. She carves into it and is pleased to see a red, viscous liquid leak onto her plate. Indeed, floating in the fluid is a cherry.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 02:28:35 am
Rhyhorn feels the Barbarian literally step over him as she rushes her way groggily up the stairs, too tired to give many fucks and keeping to his own slow pace.  His room... for better or worse... was also on the third floor, so this would be quite a walk for the little tired rhino that could.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 02:29:35 am
Nathalie sits in her chair, a little dopey-eyed and staring at the various things around her. She feels like she thanked Hogarth for her speech, she isn't sure, but she sort of swayed back and forth lazily before her eyes drooped and she put her head down on the table, her hand spinning in a sporadic fashion as if to say she's going to sleep.

"It'llbeabout liiiiiike fiveminutes," she slurred, her hand falling gently on a piece of chocolate cake.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 02:30:14 am
The Innkeeper lady, holding stew, walks up stairs to Elia's room, and knocks on her door. Elia opens the door and greets the Innkeeper with a smile. She takes the stew, thanks the lady, then closes the door. Elia walks to the middle of the room, sat down, and begins to eat.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 02:36:20 am
   Yvonne hovers above her tankard of ale and looks down to see it is still half full, but that means she now has to physically enter the tankard to refill her own mug. Nonetheless, it is worth it for this brew.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 02:47:25 am
Rhyhorn eventually makes it all the way up to his room, and begins opening the door with his mouth... before realizing something important.  He needs Nathalie's help to fix his rocky ass, and he needs to show her where his room is anyway since she'd be staying with him... damnit.  The rhino sighs and turns around, and begins an equally slow walk back down the stairs.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 02:55:54 am
   Not quite enough... Yvonne drifts back to the plate of chocolates and pulls a green colored one over to her place, hoping this one is mint. From the smell of it, it certainly should be, but, like life, one never knows what one may get from a chocolate... At least, that's what mother always said...
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 03:02:37 am
Finished with her stew, Elia takes her bowl down stairs to the Innkeeper lady. As shes heading down the stairs she sees Rhyhorn going down, and he looks very tired. "You should go to bed Rhyhorn." Elia says to him.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 03:07:21 am
Nathalie tosses on the table, her hair now slightly inching into some strawberry shortcake and her hand spreading chocolate cake everywhere. When she awoke, she was still slightly dazed, and got carefully up from the table and walked slowly to the lobby, where she saw Rhyhorn coming down the stairs.

"What time is it...", she asked, rubbing her eyes with the cake-covered hand, "Is it morning? ..What's on my hand?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 03:13:41 am
Rhyhorn grumbles and nods to Elia, too tired and lazy to write anything on his chalkboard.  He walks up behind Nathalie and just flips her onto his back, too tired to deal with this shit, collecting her as if she were a part of ALL THE THINGS and bringing her back up the stairs, as slow as his previous two trips were.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 03:15:46 am
"Whoo! Oh you're so rough sir knight!" she mumbles, caring not for the discomfort of the stony beast's hide, "You'll really marry me if I do that...?" Though, her hands did spread a cornucopia of dried desserts over Rhyhorn's backside.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 03:18:02 am
Elia walks to the Innkeeper Lady and hands her her bowl. "Thank you." Elia says to the Lady, before walking off towards Yvonne. "How are you Madam?" Elia greets her.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 03:21:46 am
   "Delightfully full, thanks fer askin..." Yvonne replies to Elia's question and pats her exposed midriff between the lily petals. "But I order'd this delectable ale, an' I don' intend ta leave 'ere 'til it's gone." She leans head first into the tankard again to refill her mug.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 03:27:03 am
Rhyhorn continues scaling the stairs back to his room, too tired to acknowledge the drunken rambles of the fair lady upon his back nor realize the cake scattered over him.  He eventually reaches his room, and begins fiddling at the door with his mouth until it opens, entering and tossing Nathalie up onto the bed.  He then moves back to shut and lock the door before curling up on the floor to rest.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 03:30:08 am
Elia laughs. Well in that case you must drink that ale up! Elia orders some chocolate. "I'll keep you company until you finish it up." Says Elia as Chocolate is handed to her. She snaps a piece of and eats it. "I forgot to tell you, but you probably figured out when I greeted you earlier. At the Mage's Guild I bought a Sylvan Pearl of Speech. I can speak and understand Sylvan as long as the pearl is melted in my mouth." She snaps another piece of chocolate off and eats it.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 03:30:52 am
"THIS IS A BAR NOT A BROTHEL!" She shouts, spooning the pillow.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 03:43:53 am
Rhyhorn sighs deeply, covering his ears with his front rocky hooves to try and drown out Nathalie's drunken shrieks.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 04:03:43 am
   "<Congratulations.>" Yvonne says in Sylvan, draining half her mug. "<Guess I don' 'ave ta teach ya.>" Her pronunciation is as casual in the fey tongue as it is in Common.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 04:08:41 am
"<Thank you. I quite like the language, probably because it's new.>" Elia pops more chocolate in her mouth. Her eyes lock on the ale. "<How does it taste?>"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 04:18:00 am
   "<Bah, Sylvan's a soft language.>" Yvonne grumbles. "<Decent fer some spells, but not fer curses, ya know? Oh, an' the ale is most excellent, one might ev'n say... delectable...>" She stares at the bottom of her mug. "Speakin' of..." She glances down into the tankard and sees mostly suds. "Almos' ou..." a yawn interrupts the word. "t... The food's makin' me tired..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 04:20:46 am
Elia nods. "You look tired Madam. Bedtime?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 04:50:37 am
   "Yeah, I suppose..." Yvonne agrees half-heartedly. "Say, ya di'n' 'appen ta notice if they brought my clothes to the room yet, di'ja? I mean I'd love ta wear this ferever, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna wilt in a day or two. Sad really..." She shrugs and waves her mug around in an attempt to dry it before replacing it in her pack. "A'ight, I'm done." She places a silver coin on her tiny table. "Le's go."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 05:07:26 am
Thinking back on what was in the room. "Actually, I do think I saw an assortment of tiny colourful pieces of something on the bed, that might be it." Elia waits as Yvonne cleans off her mug. When Yvonne says its time to go, Elia stands up. "Lets." She walks up the stairs with her, and into the bedroom. "Okay." Elia started. "There is one bed. How shall we go about this? I personally can sleep without a bed."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 05:21:06 am
   Yvonne blinks, dumbstruck, at Elia. "Yer serious?" She finally asks, incredulously, after a moment. "You, a human-sized-human, woul' give up this whole, human-sized-bed to a widdle, pixie-sized-Lirai li' me?" She can't help but laugh. "There're plen'y a'o'er places one such as I c'n sleep." She drifts listlessly over to the mantle above the fireplace. "I'm fine 'ere. You c'n 'ave the bed, silly human." She chuckles again as she removes her favorite blanket from her pack and sets both upon the dark oak shelf. She pulls out her ponytail and sets the flowers beside it all. Finally, she lies down on the blanket, wraps it around herself, curls into a ball and uses the pack as pillow. "G'night, Elia..." she murmurs softly, already feeling sleep approaching fast.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 05:31:29 am
She says nothing as Yvonne laughs at her. When Yvonne says goodnight, Elia walks over to the candle and blows it out. "Goodnight." She walks to the center of the room and sits down, with her legs crossed and her hands put together as if to pray, and she does. "Lord Odin, I your faithful follower wishes to your bending. Tell me what I must do." She whispers ever so quietly, before closing her eyes. After one hour, she stands up, undresses, and goes to bed.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 22, 2011, 09:31:46 am
Looks like you all had some fun while I was gone. Good RP. You've made your DM proud. I'll post something for the next morning once I wake up a bit more.

Just a quick note: I've removed the coin counts from your character sheets and put them in the post above with the Shop listings. Its easier for me to modify from there, so if you're looking for how much you've got to spend, that's where it went.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 04:41:21 pm
Rhyhorn awakens far earlier than the others, the sun barely rising in the sky.  After a night of fun, Rhyhorn quietly - or at least, as quietly as a pony-sized stone rhino can - exits his room and sets off from the Inn, leaving his cart behind safely in the stables near Lejun's.  It was going to be another busy day of errands, and he had an appointment at the Mage's Guild to keep as well.  As Rhyhorn walks through town, he expends a charge of his Healing Belt to repair some of the damage from the Fire Elemental battle the previous day.  [Take the average roll for this heal, please.]
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 22, 2011, 05:30:04 pm
 This condition report accounts for healing when sleeping. All characters have also recovered their spells/powers for the day.

HP: 37/43
Defense: 18
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 5

HP: 31/42
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 18/21
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 07:21:16 pm
   "It's time to get up! It's time to get up! It's time to get up in the morning!"  Yvonne chants happily, as she stuffs her blanket and normal clothes into her pack. "It's time to get up! It's time to get up! It's time to get up today!" Her flowers survived the night quite well so she once again ties up a ponytail with the lace and adorns it with the forget-me-nots. She continues to hum the military tune she heard at some point along her travels as she dons her pack and shoves the wands, keeping the magic missile one out to play with. This time, she is more mindful of its balance, or lack there of, and uses both hands so as to avoid a repeat of yesterday.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 07:32:45 pm
Elia awakes to the sound of a song. She sits up in bed and looks around the room. "Morning Madam. What might you be singing?" Elia greets and questions.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 07:52:08 pm
Rhyhorn, meanwhile, heads to the Trader's Guild once more, off to cash in the non-magical portion of the loot from the Orc battle for more gold or platinum to split among his adventuring buddies.  He knocks upon the door with his face once more, this time not needing the guards to watch his cart as he heads inside and lines up in the queue.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 08:05:36 pm
   Yvonne grins. "Oh, jus' a little ditty I learned back when I's enlisted with M.A.S.S. - the magic artillery and support squadron - in the Hartman military." She explains. "While there ain' any 'official' lyrics, the recruits woul' jus' make up differen' versions."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 08:49:23 pm
"Interesting, I never heard of this M.A.S.S." Elia gets out of bed, gets dressed, and puts her gear on.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 09:01:20 pm
   "Hawah?" Yvonne balks, "You ain' 'ever 'eard a' M.A.S.S.? Don' the militaries a' Sephyr 'ave M.A.S.S. divisions in their ranks?" the fire Lirai puts her hand to her chin. "This plane sure is in'erestin' ... I'm glad I came."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 09:08:32 pm
"To tell you the truth, I don't know much about the Military... I have always been focused on my priest duty."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 09:24:24 pm
   "Nothin' wrong with that." The fire Lirai tells the human. "Not everyone c'n be an offensive magical power'ouse li' me. An' there's always need fer good healin' skills, ya know. Those who reca'nize the hurt in others and 'eal 'em right up jus' li' new. Ev'ry adventurin' group needs a goo' 'ealer, ya know."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 09:31:17 pm
"I do suppose you are correct." Elia looks out the window. "Are we going to try to stay together for another job, or split up? I hope not the latter, its been a boring year since that indecent...."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 09:44:50 pm
   "I'unno'" Yvonne replies with a shrug. "Di'n' really think about it much, ya know. Some'un said yesterday somethin' 'bout a mercenary guild 'round these parts, so I was thinkin' 'bout meby getting' a contract there or somethin'. I's been fun 'angin' out with this lively bunch so i'd be a shame ta part ways so soon, but I guess wha'ever'll be will be, ya know. Fer now, I'ma gonna check wi' the innkeep ta see if Leaky snuck in some time durin' the night."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 09:50:37 pm
"Mercenary guild? I don't think I could give my blade or skill for hire." Elia says with doubt. "Check on Seap? Alright. I'm going to get breakfast, would you like me to order you anything while you are finding out about Seap?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 09:55:24 pm
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 09:57:43 pm
"Alright! I'll see to it that you get some pancakes." Elia leaves the room, and heads down stairs to order their food.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 09:58:02 pm
Meanwhile, Rhyhorn eventually reaches the front of the line in the Trader's Guild, pawning the non-magical part of the Orc loot for its value in munnies before heading off for the Mage's Guild.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 10:26:15 pm
   "Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!" the flame fey chants as she makes her way down to the reception desk. "Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!" She stops in front of the desk. "Hello!" she greets the man there. "Has Leak... I mean, a man by the name a' Seap checked in yet?" The innkeep checks the registry and shakes his head. "Huh..." Yvonne furrows her brow. "Meby 'e di'n' really want 'is pay, gotta better deal already." Her expression brightens. "Yeah, tha's gotta be it." With that, her concerns fade and her general happiness returns. "Pancakes!!!" she cries happily, flying toward the dining hall.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 10:30:00 pm
"How many pancakes?" "I don't know, let me see." Elia turns around to see Yvonne in the dining area already. "Madam, how many pancakes do you wish to have?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 11:01:28 pm
   "Gimme a whole stacka' 'em!" the flame sprite declares, holding her hands wide. "And sausage! And an egg! And BACON!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 11:03:34 pm
Elia turns back to the waiter. "There you have it." "Your order shall be done in 30 minutes max."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 11:13:54 pm
   "Bacon! Gotta get that bacon! Smoky bacon! Crispy bacon! Tasty bacon! Where is it? Where is the bacon? Yummy, crunchy, bacon! Bacon! Bacon!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 11:18:36 pm
Finally arriving at the Mage's Guild, Rhyhorn hunts down a mage via chalkboard-speak to help him with his Armor Enchantment... a long, 8 hour process.  Yay.  The rhino hunkered down and did the best he could to control his shiny-ball syndrome as the mages began their work.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 11:23:00 pm
Here you go, enjoy your food. Says the Waitress, as she hands the plates of food to the two. Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, Sausage, Waffles, and fruit lay on the table in front of them now. Elia grabs the waffles, smears butter on them and pours syrup on them, before begining the nom-age.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 11:27:23 pm
Nathalie rolls out of bed, teases her hair around but it looks more like a stylistic, wild look (which of course lead her to give up), and stumbles downstairs, clutching whatever would keep her upright while she got to level ground. She wandered around for a bit before seeing Elia and Yvonne ordering food. Rubbing her head, she makes her way to the front desk and mumbles out what hopefully was heard as a "greasy breakfast," and went to sit down in the dining area to see the sprite and the priestess.

"Oh hello there.." She said, her voice dry and scratchy.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 11:34:21 pm
"You sound like you need water. But you look like you need coffee." Elia says to Nathalie. Then continues to nom the waffles.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 11:37:54 pm
"Coffee..ce n'est pas mon truc," She babbles, walking over to sit down with them, her hands rubbing her forehead intently as she looks longingly at the pitcher of water on the table, "I only need water."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 11:39:56 pm
   "Hello, Nathalie!" Yvonne greets the human rogue after swallowing and before shoving another forkful of delicious pancake into her mouth. "Try the pancakes! They're good enough ta make Jakar cry!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 11:43:10 pm
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 11:49:22 pm
   "By Karla's balance, ya know, I'd'a' thou' a priest woul' know the local pantheon." Yvonne says before biting into a juicy slice of bacon. "I ain' even from this plane an' I know 'bout Jakar, the deity of famine."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 22, 2011, 11:49:34 pm
"Pancakes are too dry. I much prefer greasy eggs and bacon," She explains, smelling her food and it being set at her front, "And now, I eat." Nathalie digs in, and her headache seemed to go away and be replaced with an unsettling log in her stomach.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 22, 2011, 11:51:51 pm
   "It's bacon!" Yvonne proclaims proudly. "I love bacon!" She looks up at the server who had brought the bacon earlier. "I love you!" she says happily. "I love bacon! I love you! I love bacon!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 11:52:28 pm
"Oh! Jakar! Sorry this waffles seem to be too strong to think around. Must eat them." says Elia, before filling her face with waffle.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 22, 2011, 11:53:11 pm
          The front door to the inn opens, filling the room with early morning sunlight and outlining a tall, thin figure in the doorframe with an aura that nearly seems to sparkle. As he enters and the door closes behind him - for it is most certainly a him, standing at over six feet in height with a very wiry build - you momentarily think he is human until you notice why he appeared to sparkle; its because he in fact was. The newcomer is a maenad, roughly humanoid in appearance but differing by having naturally occurring flecks of psicrystal - a kind of amplifying material for psionic powers - growing in their bodies and noticeably visible in the skin.
         He scans the room for a bit, as if looking for someone or something specific, giving you time to look him over while his eyes adjust to the dimmer light of the common room. He has long, dark brown hair tied back in a series of tight braids and his eyes are nearly the same hue. His slightly tanned skin would make him almost completely non-descript if it didn't glitter in bright light.
         After a long moment, his eyes alight on your table and he begins to approach with a brisk pace that seems to exude efficiency and self-control. He stops about three paces away from the table, waiting for a pause in the chatter between you all before he clears his throat and bows his head just a tiny bit. "Excuse me, ladies. My name is Xavier Charsson. I apologize for interrupting your breakfast, but there is a matter upon on which I should like to speak with you about and with due haste. May I have a seat?" His gaze rests on each of you for a brief moment as he speaks, his voice nearly monotone but not unpleasant.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 22, 2011, 11:56:21 pm
"Oh? Someone with manners, please take a seat. We shall gladly hear you out Sir Xavier."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 12:00:14 am
   "Hello, Mr. Xavier!" Yvonne says, not pausing her meal. "Try the pancakes! And the bacon!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 12:04:51 am
"Yeah." Nathalie agreed, as she still devoured her breakfast.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 23, 2011, 12:25:40 am
          He nods and the hint of a smile comes to his face. "Thank you. I will have to decline the offer of food though as I've already broken my fast this morning." Xavier pulls out a chair and seats himself with a certain dignity and grace that seems at odds with his rough-looking traveling clothes. He once again meets each of you with a measured look before he continues speaking. "Forgive me for dismissing with the pleasantries, but I'm looking to secure assistance quickly and if it turns out that you cannot help me then I must be on my way. I represent a master artificer in magical wares who has had some few of the magical apparatuses required for his research stolen by a pair of lowly thieves. I have been tracking them across the kingdoms now for a few months, recovering the various apparatuses they have sold to fund their travels, but it seems they have gone to ground somewhere nearby." He opens a satchel hanging at his side and produces a pair of sketches, both of remarkably lifelike quality, each depicting a Goblin  - one male, one female - but neither looking particularly familiar to you.
         After letting you look over the sketches for a minute, Xavier continues, "My dilemma is a simple one. I believe they have reached their destination nearby to this city. Unfortunately I have no knowledge of what to expect there or even if they have other allies at their home. I'm looking to hire some brave souls to infiltrate their headquarters and recover the last few objects of value to my master. I was present yesterday at the Mages' Guild when that fire elemental began to wreak havoc and I was quite impressed with the skill your group displayed in banishing the beast. My hope is that the compensation offered for this venture will be adequate to secure your services and those of your allies to aid me in my goals. If not, I do have other prospective contacts to meet with, but I don't feel nearly as confident in their teamwork as I do after the display I witnesses yesterday."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 12:29:11 am
   "Sounds like fun. I'm in!" Yvonne says without hesitation.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 12:29:50 am
"I'd like to see some coin first before I start risking my life playing fetch-a-goblin," Nathalie quipped, eating her meal and taking a hearty sip of water, "Tracking these little mooks would be no problem, though, sir." Nathalie smiled and twirled her fork on the plate, waiting for the man to respond in kind with a favorable offer.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 12:30:17 am
Elia smiles. "Well then crew, it appears as though we don't have to part ways so soon after all. I will for sure take you up on your offer. Although three members of are team are not here to answer you."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 23, 2011, 12:34:46 am
"HAIL AND HONOR" Hogarth yells, forgetting her inside-voice, as she approaches, looking much like she just rolled out of bed which in fact she did. "Goblins, eh? Sounds like fun after dealing with those damned mages." It appears Hogarth missed half the conversation (or heard what she wanted to hear(killing goblins)) and doesn't notice that the man seated is SPARKLING. Slamming her fist upon the table, she puts on a huge toothy grin. "When do we eat? WHEN DO WE FIGHT."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 12:37:16 am
   "Hello, Hogarth!" Yvonne calls to the barbarian woman. "Try the pancakes! And the bacon!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 12:38:47 am
"Roughly ten minutes ago," She said, sipping her water.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 12:39:17 am
"Pardon my, friend, she has no manners what so ever."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 23, 2011, 12:42:11 am
          Xavier nods as you all speak, then looks at Nathalie, his gaze piercing and cold. "I can understand your skepticism and I, of course, would be willing to offer some payment up front as a deposit to secure your agreement if necessary." His eyes dart to Elia and he continues, "If need be I will wait for your allies to return and ask them each as well but I was hoping that perhaps you could endeavor to persuade them on my behalf. I have other interested to attend to in addition to this and my time is short."
         As Hogarth approaches and joins the others at the table, the maenad seems completely unaffected by her voice or demeanor, commenting simply, "That solves the issue of finding one of your allies at very least." Once again, that brief, almost undetectable smile curls Xavier's mouth just the tiniest bit.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 23, 2011, 12:43:10 am
Ignoring Elia, Hogarth greets Nathalie and Yvonne. "Glory to you, friend Nathalie and Yvonne." She grabs a few pieces of bacon and a pinch of eggs off Nathalie's plate. She narrows her eyes at the glittering guy, before shrugging and going to put in a proper order of sausage, sausage, bacon, eggs, sausage, bacon and sausage and a pot of coffee.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 12:44:54 am
"Matters to attend to? In that case I'll gladly persuade them to join us."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 12:47:10 am
"Yes, we'll find our other companions," Nathalie agrees, her eyes transfixed on Xavier, "Wouldn't want to have all of us tripped up by a couple of petty goblins stealing the best of goods."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 23, 2011, 12:49:21 am
"Why are we still talking about this. What more do you need? There are GOBLINS and we MUST KILL THEM. Seems simple to me." Hogarth ignores the silverware provided with the plate and grabs indiscriminate handfuls of food, shoving it in her mouth and speaking between and during bites. The coffee is taken black.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 12:56:29 am
   "Ooooo... I knew I fergot something'" Yvonne says eyeing Hogarth's coffee. She hefts a mug over and pours the steaming liquid in, her arms barely making it around the handle of the pot. "It looks good 'nough ta bathe in..." she comments, dunking her own mug in and draining it quickly.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 23, 2011, 01:09:04 am
          "Your enthusiasm is quite refreshing, though I will note that I'm not asking you to kill anyone. Admittedly though, I won't lose any sleep over it should matters come to that end." Once again, Xavier reaches into his satchel and produces more sketches for you to look over, this time of various objects on strange design. "Here are some schematics of the few apparatuses I have yet to reclaim. I will leave these copies with you as well as those pictures of the thieves. You'll forgive me if I can be only so generous with an advance payment, but my master - and by the extension of his will, myself as well - are interested in paying only for results and not for attempts. I would be willing to give you a hundred gold pieces as a gesture of good faith for accepting my request. Should you recover any or all of the apparatuses, I am willing to pay you one thousand gold coins to each of you, per object recovered. As I said, these are considered to be of great value to my master and their recovery, intact preferably, is of the utmost importance."
          Looking over the sheets, you can count that there are only four of the magical creations to find. The notes detail them as follows: a staff made of blue-tinted ceramic, about 4 and a half feet long with a clear, sharp-edged crystal set into one end of it; a glass globe that glows blue-green and appears to contain a swirling mist. Its about the size of a small melon; a silver astrolabe with irregular crystals set into its surface, about the size of a dinner plate; and finally, a wooden statuette of a soldier with posable joints and a small steel spear held in one hand. It is roughly 12 inches tall.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 23, 2011, 01:16:11 am
Continuing her trend of ignoring that which she doesn't want to see or hear, Hogarth eagerly accepts the job. "Aye, stranger, you have a deal. We will get these things and deal with the dishonorable thieves!" She rattles her pelt and axe-belt in confirmation.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 01:16:51 am
"Anything extra we should know about these thieves?" Nathalie asked, examining the sketches of the goblins, "I'd rather not go in blind."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 23, 2011, 01:26:34 am
          Xavier frowns slightly, the tone of his voice dropping a bit as he speaks. "I suppose that depends on how much you know about goblins. They can be a nasty, foul lot, making their homes in caves and warrens unfit for civilized creatures. They are cruel, ruthless and gather in great numbers because they mate and reproduce in such a way that would embarrass a rabbit." With a slight shake of the head, his previous calm overcomes him and he continues. "I've located what I believe to be where they have gone into hiding. It is a cave in the marshes West and South from here, maybe two days travel on foot." As he says this, Xavier reaches into the satchel once more and pulls out a map that is far too large to possibly fit inside the container. He unrolls a portion of it and you can see notations pointing out the location of the marsh cave in relation to Tevinar. "While I wish I could part with this map to aid you, I'm afraid I cannot. You are welcome to study it and make your own copies as necessary though. Also, I do have this which I can loan you to aid in your quest." Once more he reaches into the very-probably magic satchel and produces a fine bone wand, looking to Yvonne as he places it on the table. "I believe your talents will be sufficient in making use of this tool. I will require it back after you've completed the task at hand, though. I will instruct you on its use before I take my leave."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 01:29:46 am
Elia asks the Innkeeper lady for Paper and charcoal. Elia begins drawing a copy of the map.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 01:30:25 am
"Somebody draw this! I have the artistic genius of a mentally deranged ogre," She ordered, trying to memorize the map as it were anyways, "Well, at least there will be plenty of goblins to see and 'befriend' along the way." Nathalie cracked the knuckles in her hands and stood up from the table, pleating out her clothes as if to fix them.

"If anyone knows where Rhy is, I'll be glad to pick him up," She explained, "I need a more suitable outfit than this as well.."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 01:31:05 am
   "Pretty..." Yvonne says, mesmerized by the wand before her. "Wha'sit do?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 01:32:00 am
"I think he left to do errands." replies Elia, trying to focus on what she is drawing.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 01:35:24 am
"Oh that reminds me!" She shouted, returning to the table to find many empty plates, "Where..did I eat ALL of that?" Nathalie stood with a gaping mouth for a few moments before walking away and shaking her head in disbelief. She walked out to the lobby of the inn, wondering where Rhyhorn was. She remembered something about the mage guild, so decided that was as good a place as any to start.

"See you all tonight!" She called, and was never seen of againand walked gingerly out of the door to the mage guild. When she was looking around, nothing seemed to jog her memory until she came across a man talking about his armor being enchanted. With that, Nathalie rushed over to wherever that happens.

It took her a few minutes.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 23, 2011, 01:43:20 am
"Just let me know when Rhyhorn says he'll do it. I'll be at the marketplace, for I have business to attend to." This time, it totally is not to buy apples to throw at things. Hogarth is paranoid that the fruit merchant is on to her. No, this time she seeks weapons and items.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 23, 2011, 01:47:54 am
          Xavier takes a few moments to instruct Yvonne on how to make use of the Wand of Locate Object, finally warning that its power would not last forever and that she should use it sparingly. He also hands over a small pouch of coins, presumably containing the previously mentioned 100gp. "You all have my thanks for accepting this job. I shall check back here each day for word of your return and in hopes of a positive result. I wish you luck and speed in your endeavors."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 01:49:51 am
Elia hands Xavier the original copy of the map that she copied. "And if we were all to have our answers before then, where could we meet you, if at all?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 01:53:08 am
   Yvonne accepts the pouch and drops an inch from where she was hovering. "Vendrid's wrath, why don' people use platinum more often?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 01:54:31 am
"If its too much for you, I'll carry it."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 23, 2011, 02:00:34 am
          "Sadly, my work will be taking me frequently out of the city and back again and I don't know when I will be available, nor where I will be staying on any given night. Just be certain that I will do my best to check back here. Now, if you'll excuse me," he stands up and re-rolls the map scroll, sliding it back into his satchel, "I really must be off."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 23, 2011, 02:02:29 am
Hogarth, meanwhile, finds she has all she needs. Nothing matches the greatness of her greatnessaxe. She plods along, noticing the fruit vendor giving her the Evil Eye, and she hurries past and finds a different cart to buy vegetables from. She hands the vendor 1 gold for an armful of tomatoes, which she carefully puts in her sack. Rather than repeat her offense against the mage's guild, she decides to head towards the chapel district to throw them at places which refuse to honor her confusing amount of gods.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 02:07:51 am
   "I like that Mr. Xavier guy." Yvonne says, stowing her magic missile wand and playing with her new bone wand instead.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 02:13:16 am
"I do too. Its refreshing to see one who hasn't forgotten what manners are."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 02:40:21 am
   "Le's go get Rhyhorn an' Xun and get goin'!" Yvonne bounces in the air excitedly. "Those treasures mus' be magical if they're worth tha' much, I gotta see 'em!" Without waiting for reply or consent, she drops a silver coin on the table before flying off to find Rhyhorn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 02:44:29 am
Elia laughs. "Indeed. But Nathalie went to go find Rhyhorn, so that leaves Xun." She stops to ponder for a second. "You know, I do not believe I saw him come to the Inn after the Mage Guild..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 23, 2011, 03:58:12 am
Rhyhorn, meanwhile, grumbles and runs his front hooves along the floor, bored out of his stone rhino skull.  He eventually pulls out the one item that the mages had Identified for him - the studded leather gauntlets - and eyes them.  Slowly, he slips a front hoof into the gauntlet's opening and it quickly changes shape, becoming fitted for stone-rhino-hooves and latching comfortably onto his front hoof!  He quickly repeats this with the other gauntlet and begins staring at the magical items with wonderment.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 01:09:18 pm
   Yvonne hums a random tune to herself as she darts around, fully intending to catch up to Nathalie and following her to Rhyhorn. But then, "Samson!" she cries joyously. "What'er you doin' 'ere?"
   The old, human man with stares up at the hyper pixie with unfocused eyes, but says nothing.
   "Are you stalkin' me?" Yvonne continues. "'Cause tha'd be hilarious."
   Samson grunts.
   "Well, lead the way then!"
   The drunkard nods and continues on his staggering path towards a local bar while the little sorceress begins telling him about her adventures. When the pair make it to the bar, the human takes a stool while the the fire Lirai sits nearby on the edge of the bar.   
   Yvonne tosses a gold on the counter. "Coffee fer me, beer fer 'im. she tells the barmaid. "An' keep 'em commin'" She turns back to Samson. "So, as I was sayin'..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 02:16:56 pm
"Rhyhorn! Thera ya are!" She shouted, seeing him clank around the mage guild, "What are you doing?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 23, 2011, 02:23:59 pm
Arriving in the temple district, Hogarth looks around for the fanciest temple she could find. She figures since she can't read which temple it is anyways, find the fanciest one and tomato THAT one. She finds a place to lean and sit, and begins her idle barrage.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 23, 2011, 02:45:25 pm
Rhyhorn perks up, glad for some comp'ny, and pulls out his chalkboard.  "Getting enchanted.  Take long time still."  Rhyhorn replies, before turning back to what he was doing previously - taking one of the magic leather gauntlets on and off his front hoof, though the wonderment of its constant shape-changing is dying down for the bored-as-derp rhino.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 23, 2011, 03:14:21 pm
"Oh. Well that's boring," She says, "Some sparkling fellow gave us a job and we're to retrieve from stolen objects from some goblins. Bunch 'o magical items. The guy creeps me out, though."

Nathalie pats Rhy on the head and then goes to leave the store, "In the meantime, I'll go around town. I'll have to occupy my time somehow."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 23, 2011, 03:19:21 pm
Rhyhorn sighs and attempts to wave goodbye to his friend with his gauntlet-gloved hoof, only to get yelled at by the mage to stop moving so goddamn much.  Rhyhorn sulks, sitting back on his stomach and hoping this guy would hurry it up already, mulling over the tidbits Nathalie gave him of their new job offer.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 06:07:03 pm
   "An' so I tol' 'im, it was 'is choice." Yvonne says as the several drunks around her await the conclusion.
   After several moments, one of the less sober ones asks, "Sho washy deshide?"
   The fire Lirai holds her arms up in a W. "Ain' it obvious? I'm 'ere, ain' I?"
   After another pause, one could almost hear the collective click in their booze-hazed minds. The riotous laughter that follows attracts a few other drunks.
   "How we doin'?" Yvonne asks the barmaid that comes to clear empty mugs. "Takin' int' account yer tip acourse."
   "Well..." The young woman starts.
   The tiny sprite interupts her by setting two more gold on the bar. "A round fer my new friends."
   This act causes a cheer to rise from the gathered men and women.
   "Tell ushnosher un..." A glassy eyed gnome slurs.
   Yvonne grins. "Well, this one time, at band camp..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 23, 2011, 07:07:08 pm
Just a reminder for everyone - the Scene is going to end in about 9 hours or so. Try to have all your shopping done by then as we'll be moving onto the next segment of the game.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 23, 2011, 07:16:26 pm
Rhyhorn, after many, many hours of absolutely appauling boredom, heads back to the Inn, his armor now finely enchanted by the Mages at the Mage's Guild, thankful he left as early as he did so that he could head back before nightfall.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 23, 2011, 10:36:03 pm
Having used up all the tomatoes, Hogarth remains utterly unsatisfied. She's just plain bored. Frustrated, she storms away. She doesn't even have the heart to punch anything. She waits in a tavern near the inn, drinking ale and sneering at mages.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 23, 2011, 10:49:50 pm
Rhyhorn pokes into the Inn, looking for his companions.  He decides to relax in the dining area, seeing everyone is still out, and lays on the floor in a corner of the Inn's main room, sipping down some ale and expending the second charge of his Healing Belt to repair his now-enchanted hide some more.  (Use the average roll for this heal please.)  Once the ale is drained, Rhyhorn begins bouncing the cup back and forth between his now-gauntleted front hooves.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 23, 2011, 10:56:26 pm
Elia has been sitting in the Inn drawing, writing, and drinking tea.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 23, 2011, 11:55:15 pm
   "... and whistled for a baboon." Yvonne completes yet another long-winded tale of epic adventures long since passed. Her audience by now is practically the entire bar and they clamor for more at the end of each tale. She revels in the limelight like the patrons enjoy their ale and whiskey. She graciously accepts offers of food and beer while happily reciprocating, not caring how much she spends. "Now, lemme tell ya 'bout the time my cousin an' I were in Nimiu..."

   A while later...
   "Is that the time?!" Yvonne physically recoils in surprise when she notices the hands on the water clock behind the bar. "Is that really how long I've been here?" she thinks to herself. "Sorry guys, I gottan early mornin' ahead a' me and I ain' even bathed today..."
   "One more!" a voice calls from the croud.
   Yvonne sighs "Alright, fine, ya' talked me inta it..." and tells the story of the forbidden love between a balor and a celestial charger, even providing details about the offspring.
   After settling her bill and excusing herself as politely as possible, she sets off back towards the Silver Coin. Not far from the door, she comes across Hogarth, also returning for the evening. "Hello, Hogarth!" she greets the barbarian elf warmly before cocking her head to the side like a bird. "Ya know, those burn marks jus' ain' goin' away, are they? Does 'ealin' magic not 'eal 'em good 'nuff?" She glances off to her side. "Oh, hello, Elia!" the fire pixie greets the human healer.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 24, 2011, 01:10:55 am
"HAIL AND HONOR, friend Yvonne! The burn marks stay, as I cannot use magic myself, and I am deemed healthy enough, it seems." The berserker's face darkens at this statement, fists clenched slightly. "But enough of that! Let us go back to the inn and talk about how to best kill the goblins. I'm partial to chopping them apart, myself."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 24, 2011, 01:24:20 am
   "I'ma fan a' flambé, myself."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 24, 2011, 01:33:56 am
Not wanting to shout across the Inn, Elia waves at Yvonne. She stands up and walks to the baths.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 24, 2011, 01:54:50 am
"But first, go on without me, friend Yvonne. These burns hurt more than any cut, and I need potion to heal, else I won't be at my best to do my job." The barbarian stomps off, so pissed she forgets to scream and yell and make up gods, angry she has to march back across town to purchase a Cure Light Wounds potion.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 24, 2011, 01:56:54 am
Rhyhorn lets out a roar to stop Hogarth from leaving, letting out a heavy sigh and rhino-galloping toward her, disappointed that the priestess left to bathe instead of tending to the Barbarian.  He moves over to Hogarth and expends his last use of his Healing Belt to cure her wounds.  (Take the average roll for this healing, please.)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 24, 2011, 02:00:52 am
Hogarth is surprised at first, something rare to see in a barbarian berserker, and stoops down to give the stone rhino a tight hug, and a slap on the back. "Friend Rhyhorn, you are a true warrior! Allow the orcs to pay you double for two days to carry my pack." Hogarth flips a full gold coin onto Rhyhorn's back, proving once and for all she knows nothing of mathematics.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 24, 2011, 02:10:21 am
   Yvonne watches from the doorway and crosses her arms. "Hmph..." she huffs "Why d' warriors always gotta ignore their wounds? Wha's wrong with jus' admit'n' yer hurt? Yer jus' gonna get yerself killed with tha' mentality."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 24, 2011, 02:13:12 am
Rhyhorn says nothing of the Barbarian's poor mathematics, her payment more than adequate enough, just happy to see her rage quelled.  He then takes his way up the stairs, skipping the bath today to get a nice long nap before the work begins once more on the following day.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 24, 2011, 02:18:33 am
   "G'night Rhyhorn! Sleep tight! Don' let the pyrebugs bite!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 24, 2011, 02:25:30 am
"Friend Yvonne, this is why you will often find warriors traveling with healers. The comradery, the trust, two people working together to TOPPLE ALL THOSE BEFORE THEM! It's not a warrior's way to admit weakness, just as it is not a wizard's way to stay and fight with their hands, with HONOR AND GLORY" she bellows, throwing her head back and balling up fists.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 24, 2011, 02:39:42 am
   Yvonne sighs and uncrosses her arms. "Jus' don' go dyin' on us, alright?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 24, 2011, 02:57:42 am
"Fear not, small one. I am a mere 134 years old! I have too many things to kill and do before I am sent to my eternal glory."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 24, 2011, 03:28:24 am

Scene Closed

Since I've got it ready, we'll be jumping right into the next part now.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 24, 2011, 03:28:53 am
          After another night at the Silver Coin, you ready yourselves for the travel into the Verunian Marshlands. Your first day of overland travel is slowed a bit by uneven terrain and more than a few soggy points in the landscape, but you manage to press on without incident. However, the morning of the second day dawns grey, windy and cold as a storm blows in from the very direction you are headed in, slowing your progress significantly. You press on past dusk - as the sun is setting earlier each night and your party isn't quite tired enough to stop - looking for a place to set up camp. As you break free of a heavily wooded section of the marshes, thinking you've come upon a suitable clearing to make camp, you hear something come whistling through the air in your direction. Suddenly, embedded not more than a couple feet in front of you is a crude javelin stuck in the soft earth.
         You pull up short beside some thick bushes beset with vines but realize too late that you've happened upon the goblins (' camp! From just to the North of you comes angry, high-pitched shouting in Goblin. There in the shadows you can see a small group of goblins brandishing ugly-looking morningstars and pointing in your direction. It seems the battle is on!

Battle Pane Start

Objective: Reach the cave mouth and get inside! (marked by the X on the map.)
Bonus Objective: "It is a secret to everybody!" (Will be revealed at the end of the battle.)
Weather: After dusk, dark and cloudy.
Terrain: Varied.


Terrain Notes: You can't see over those big hedges, nor are they passable unless you want to spend an entire Turn hacking your way through one. The rock piles are passable, if slowly (or you can try to leap over them) but they will grant the goblins Cover (Defense Bonus) if you try to attack them from the opposite side of them. To pass safely over the logs crossing the river you must dedicate a whole Action to that movement or else face an Athletics check to not fall into the water. The   fall isn't far but the water is cold and it will penalize you for the remainder of the battle.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light around Rhyhorn. (To my knowledge, no one else is carrying a light source. Feel free to correct me on this if you are.) Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the greyed out circle. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. Trying to attack at range into the darkness (that joke is going to come up again this battle, isn't it?) will inflict penalties to your attacks.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Saturday, Nov. 26th, 4am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/43
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 44/44
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 17
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 24, 2011, 03:42:23 am
Seeing two goblins out in the darkness, Hogarth speeds silently between the large hedge and the rockpile, whipping out her greatnessaxe (Action 1) and bearing it around on Goblin 2 (Action 2). Seeing Goblin 1, she throws two of her throwing axes at it to prevent it from rushing her. (Actions 3 and 4)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 24, 2011, 04:01:37 am
(OOC NOTE TO EVERYONE:  Our light source is the pair of Everburning Torches I have strapped to Rhyhorn's body, if anyone forgot, so our light source is going to move as I move around the map.  Be prepared to compensate for this as you plan your turns, or pull out some form of light source of your own if needed.)

Rhyhorn rears up, pulling a Greatsword from his back (1) and into his mouth, carefully but hurriedly moving to the Goblin directly in front of him (I17), using a Roar and bringing down his Horn Attack on the Goblin. (3, Focus lost.)  Then, if the Goblin lives, Rhyhorn takes a swing at it with his mouth-held Greatsword.  If another Goblin approaches Rhyhorn for melee combat and the first Goblin is dead, Rhyhorn attacks that Goblin with his Greatsword instead.  If no Goblins are in Rhyhorn's melee range, Rhyhorn takes the time to Regain his Focus.  (4)

Action 1) Draw my Greatsword.
Action 2) Move to I17.
Action 3) Use a Roar-boosted Horn Attack on Goblin 5.
Action 4-A) Use a melee attack on Goblin 5 with my Greatsword.
Action 4-B) Use a melee attack on a different offending Goblin with my Greatsword.
Action 4-C) Concentrate to Regain my Focus.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 24, 2011, 03:11:31 pm
   "Watch out!" Yvonne calls and points out the locations of several goblins attempting to hide just outside the brightest light of Rhyhorn's torches. She knows the humans cannot see as well as her or the elf, but is not sure about the rhino. (1) "Sentry mode: Activated." She raises her arm and four will-o'-wisp-like lights blink into existence near one of the goblins. (2, 3) "Hello, friend..." she coos as she ascends. (4) Upon reaching her desired altitude, she quickly prepares her favorite opening spell, holding it at ready in one hand as she makes a sweeping motion with her hand. The lights below obey her command and move.

1: Cast Dancing Lights over Goblin 5.
2, 3: Fly strait up 12 panels.
4a: Scan current, visible, live targets. If any has an obvious means of ranged combat, skip to step 4c.
4b: Move Dancing Lights in an 'arcing' path to I15, J14, J13, L11, N11, N8, J8, I9.  If any new goblins are discovered, hold lights and skip to step 4c.
4c: say "Target acquired." and cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt, favoring a target with prepared ranged attack. If target is still alive, hold lights and end turn. If target is dead, continue path.
4d: Scan current, visible, live targets. If any has an obvious means of ranged combat, return to step 4c. If all current, visible targets are dead, and Kelgor's Fire Bolt has not been cast, say "Target lost."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Celdia on November 24, 2011, 03:49:35 pm
QuoteBefore casting Kelgore's Fire Bolt, say: "Target aquired." If Kelgore's Fire Bolt is not cast, say "Target lost." at end of turn.

You are fucking insane.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 24, 2011, 04:41:07 pm
Quote from: Celdia on November 24, 2011, 03:49:35 pm
You are fucking insane.

((I'm strangely comfortable with it...))

Quote from: CeldiaClick (

((I edited my post, so hopefully it makes a *bit* more sense, even if it is still less-than-sane...))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: Kalas on November 25, 2011, 01:57:04 am
"I may know their language, but goblins are vile creatures..." She murmured, hopping onto the edge of Rhyhorn's cart and sitting on the edge, with both access to her chest and the ability to be mobile and shoot incoming goblins. She sits on the edge, her legs hanging off the back and her arms gripped tightly to the crossbow, ready for any imminent danger.

Action 1) Hop on to the cart.
Action 2) Hold action, and fire on any incoming goblins that may come into range.
Action 3) Same as Action 2.
Action 4) Same as Action 2. If enemy dies, "reload" crossbow ammo by dipping into the chest.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Something Magical In The Air
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 25, 2011, 02:25:55 am
((Tired sorry for the bad turn))

Elia casts resistance on herself, 1) and follows Rhyhorn, but stops following a little ways off. 2)

1) Cast Resistance on Elia
2) Move to K17
3a) If goblin there, punch
3b) If any nearby friends need heal get to them and try to heal
3c) If none of those, move up 2 (K15)
4a) If goblin there, punch
4b) If any nearby friends need heal get to them and try to heal
4c) If none of those then hold position
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on November 26, 2011, 05:31:04 am

Turn 1 Closed

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on November 26, 2011, 05:31:23 am

Turn 1 Resolution

         "Watch out!" Yvonne calls in alert, directing everyone's attention to the goblins in the shadows at the edge of the torchlight. "Sentry mode: Activated." she intones gravely, gesturing with practiced motions and causing a small group of magical lights to manifest beyond the stone rhino and over the head of one of the goblins. One her spell is firmly established, she ascends quickly to get a better view of the surrounding area.
         Rhyhorn, seeing his target clearly illuminated, reaches back and draws a greatsword from its sheath with his mouth while Nathalie vaults into the back of the cart with ALL THE THINGS, readying her crossbow as they trundle on ahead towards the goblin. "I may know their language, but goblins are vile creatures..." she says with appropriate disdain. Further in the distance, more of the foul goblinoids appear from beyond the thick hedges, javelins in hand. A pair of them cast the projectiles high, one going wide and getting stick in the ground, but the other grazing Nathalie and drawing blood. She raises her crossbow to return fire but the shot fall short, burying the heavy bolt into the ground. She quickly reloads as Rhyhorn slowly closes the distance between them. Further behind, Elia pauses long enough to place a protective ward upon herself and slowly follows behind the cart, ready to aid her allies.
         As the stone rhino reaches his destination, the goblin crouched behind the small rock pile lunges forward with his crude morningstar, but the weapon bounces off the stone beast's hide ineffectually. In response, Rhyhorn emits an terrifying roar without ever loosing the blade from his jaw, swinging it around in an awkward arc that completely catches the goblin off-guard, severing its torso in half from waist to shoulder while completely destroying its armor in the process. Behind him, steady in the now still cart, Nathalie fires another bolt at a distant goblin trying to hide behind another rock pile, but the bolt smashes on the rock. Frustrated, she reloads the weapon with swift fingers and takes aim once more. This time her shot rings true and catches the goblin dead in the throat, causing it to pitch backwards violently, leaving it on the ground as still as a stone. A gentle glow of light from beside her and an easing of pain alerts her that Elia is channeling some gentle healing power into the wound left by the goblin's javelin. After the healing power has finished knitting the wound closed, Elia moves North between the thick plant-life, seeking more enemies. However, to her misfortune, she happens upon one. A goblin, hiding beneath the foliage of the hedge slashes wildly at her legs and strikes soundly, wounding the priestess deeply.
         Meanwhile, Hogarth has charged North and into the shadows while Rhyhorn and company moved away to the West. Drawing her heavy axe, she dashes forward and attempts to rend limbs from body on the closest goblin she could see. In the midst of her charge, from beyond her target, comes a well-placed javelin throw that strikes and tears her flesh. Closing with the small, beastly creature, she brings her axe down with tremendous force only to find her target has dodged nimbly aside and is swinging his own spiked weapon at her, but failing to penetrate the hides she wears. Now finding herself in nearly full-dark, she hears more goblins approaching from all sides. Raising her axe again, she swings and fells the goblin before her as three more close in to take its place, swarming around her. The small goblinoids quickly begin to pound on her with their morningstars, each swing drawing more blood from her as the jagged spikes pierce her muscled flesh. The darkness around her does little to aid her own offense and she swings at the small crowd of goblins but strikes only air. From the West, the magical lights conjured by Yvonne slowly sweep into the area, revealing her opponents more clearly, but far too late as the damage has already been done. From above, Yvonne can be heard musing to herself, "Hello, friend..." as her gaze alights on a still-distant goblin from where the barbarian is caught in a savage melee. "Target acquired." says the pixie as with a sweep of her hand, a blazing bolt of flame soars towards the earth and incinerates a goblin who stood beside a bush with a javelin in its hand, poised to throw. Both the goblin and the javelin fall lifelessly to the ground. However, just beyond that one, standing on a high rise of dirt, yet another goblin is lofting a javelin towards Hogarth, but the projectile gets caught uselessly in the shrubbery between it and its target.
         Xun, on the other hand, finds himself contemplating the value of pacifism, and is left in the darkness. He is likely to be eaten by a grue.

Objective: Reach the cave mouth and get inside! (marked by the X on the map.)
Bonus Objective: "It is a secret to everybody!" (Will be revealed at the end of the battle.)
Weather: After dusk, dark and cloudy.
Terrain: Varied.


Terrain Notes: You can't see over those big hedges, nor are they passable unless you want to spend an entire Turn hacking your way through one. The rock piles are passable, if slowly (or you can try to leap over them) but they will grant the goblins Cover (Defense Bonus) if you try to attack them from the opposite side of them. To pass safely over the logs crossing the river you must dedicate a whole Action to that movement or else face an Athletics check to not fall into the water. The   fall isn't far but the water is cold and it will penalize you for the remainder of the battle.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light around Rhyhorn. (To my knowledge, no one else is carrying a light source. Feel free to correct me on this if you are.) Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the greyed out circle. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. Trying to attack at range into the darkness (that joke is going to come up again this battle, isn't it?) will inflict penalties to your attacks.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Monday, Nov. 28th, 6am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/43
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 14/20
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 22/44
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 17
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended this Turn~
Rhyhorn: Roar (Lost Focus, Failed to regain focus)
Elia: Resistance, Cure Minor Wounds
Yvonne: Dancing Lights, Kelgore's Fire Bolt
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 26, 2011, 06:01:29 am
Unable to back up due to his cart, Rhyhorn instead continues upon his Greatsword warpath, bringing it down on the Goblin directly in front of him until it's no longer a threat before turning his attention to the other assailing Goblin and doing the same.  Once both Goblins are defeated, Rhyhorn moves forward and begins rounding the corner toward the log slowly, his cart going ba-bump as it drives over one of the defeated Goblins.  Assuming no other Goblins attempt to attack the rhino, he waits directly in front of the log, not wanting to attempt to cross it while his cart is hitched to him with clearly visible Goblin(s) on the other side.

Action 1) Goblin 10.
Action 2-A) If Goblin 10 yet lives, Goblin 10.
Action 2-B) Goblin 8.
Action 3-A) If either Goblin lives, , prioritizing Goblin 10.
Action 3-B) If any other Goblins run up, .
Action 3-C) Move to D12.
Action 4-A) If any Goblins are in melee range, .
Action 4-B) If Movement to D12 has not begun, Move to D12.
Action 4-C) Regain Focus.

Note: = Greatsword attack.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 26, 2011, 03:21:32 pm
Elia shrieks in pain from the wound, but forces her mind to put the pain aside, so she may focus at the matter at hand. She turns to the goblin to greet him with a fist to the face. 1) The she pulls her left fist up, cutting it square in the jaw. 2)

1) Punch Lethal Damage to Goblin 17
2) Punch Lethal Damage to Goblin 17
3a) If Goblin 17 is still alive, awake, or able to attack. Keep Punching it.
3b) If Goblin 17 is dead, knocked out, or unable to attack. Move to Q14, going back the way she came.
4a) If 3a) was followed, and Goblin 17 is dead, knocked out, or unable to attack. Follow step 3b).
4b) If 3a) was followed, and the Goblin 17 is alive, awake, or able to attack. Punch it more!
4c) If at Q14: Cast Cure Light Wounds on Hogarth
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 26, 2011, 04:56:41 pm
Xun moves swiftly through the darkness, taking on how his allies have handled the initial stage of the skirmish.  Sword in hand, he steps up beside Hogarth (1,2) and unleashes a flurry of cuts at one of the goblins (3) before turning and drawing a swift series of lines on Hogarth's armor with an ink-stained finger. (4)

1,2) Move to r13, enter protective stance.
3) attack goblin 12 with Word of Binding, Defense bonus to Hogarth if it hits
4) Rune of Mending on Hogarth
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on November 26, 2011, 05:28:15 pm
Nathalie cheers at the sight of felling a goblin right in the throat, and hisses "Suciedad! Voy a matar a todos los cerdos que resoplar!" in their own language. Riding on the adrenaline rush, and on Rhyhorn's cart, Nathalie sets her sights across the river and readies her crossbow, itching for the chance to empty four bolts right in the necks of goblins.

Action 1) Hold action; shoot goblins in range.
Action 2) Same as above.
Action 3) Same as above.
Action 4) Same as above.

((Note: the Spanish up there means "Filth! I'll kill all of you snorting hogs!"))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 26, 2011, 07:20:46 pm
Blood dripping from her wounds, Hogarth clenches her teeth and hisses between them. Suddenly, the area grows light again, and she senses the soft footsteps of Xun behind her. He writes on her with ink, which she takes as her cue to bring her axe full force upon Goblin 4 (action 1.) She steps forward, stepping over and around the goblin carcass, and swings her axe in a wide arc to catch Goblin 2(action 2 and 3.) She spots the fricasseed carcass of Goblin 3, and heads over there (Action 4.) She decides to hold off and let any other goblins come to her (action 4.)

Action 1: Attack Goblin 4.
Action 2: Step forward to attack Goblin 2.
Action 3: Attack Goblin 2.
Action 4: Head to the dead fried carcass of Goblin 3.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 26, 2011, 11:48:34 pm
   "Canvassing" Yvonne says, moving her lights forward, mindful to keep Hogarth at least somewhat lit. (1, 2) She starts flying forward to get into a better position and bombard a goblin she had spotted earlier. "Wait, where's Xun?" she thinks, glancing back, but not seeing the swordsman. "Is he hiding?" She looks back at the goblin sitting atop a small knoll, wanting desperately to blast it. She curses quietly in Goblin just as Xun comes into view. Knowing now that all her allies are accounted for, her mood swings like a pendulum back to happy. "I see you." she says sweetly to the goblins below. (3, 4) Upon reaching her intended position, she begins raining fiery death down upon opponents. "Gotcha!" she cries obnoxiously as her spells impact.

Free: Move light closer to 'X' while keeping Hogarth at least in dim light. Continue to move if they move, but stop at G5.
1, 2: Fly to L11
3, 4: Hold action: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt on Goblin that attempts to use a ranged attack on an ally.
X: If any Goblin uses a ranged attack on her and she survives, say "Hey! It's me! Don't shoot!" If attack brings her between -10 and 0, say "I don't hate you."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on November 27, 2011, 11:25:12 am

Turn 2 Resolution

         "Suciedad! Voy a matar a todos los cerdos que resoplar!" Nathalie shouts at the goblins in their own tongue while - greatsword grasped firmly in his mouth - Rhyhorn attempts to fend off the goblins engaged with him. Their morningstars ring out against the stone of his body, chipping away at it as he brings the heavy blade around and ravages one of the goblins with it. Nathalie levels her crossbow at the other goblin nearby but the cart gets jostled by Rhyhorn's vigorous assault, disrupting her shot and causing her to miss her mark. The remaining goblin in view leaps up and swings awkwardly, getting his weapon caught in the irregular spines on Rhyhorn just as the rockbeast shifts to swing his mouth-blade. While neither strike is a damaging blow, Rhyhorn's movement wrenches the morningstar from the goblin's hands. The momentary surprise caused by this gives Nathalie the perfect opening and she lodges a magical bolt straight through the forehead of the little beast, blasting the back of its skull wide open as it passes through it like a spoiled melon. Without having another target immediately nearby, Rhyhorn once again trundles off, jarring the cart as its wheels rise up and over the goblin corpses with a sickening squelch. As he rounds the corner of the hedge, another goblin leaps out of the bush and directly in front of Rhyhorn. Nathalie, with her crossbow readied and eyes keenly surveying the area, swiftly puts a bolt through the goblin's chest, dropping it into the dirt in mid-lunge. Rhyhorn appears completely unfazed by this turn of events and continues forward, stomping the beast's head as he does so.
         Nearby to all this, Elia continues her one-on-one battle with the goblin using the bushes for cover. She strikes at him through the foliage but can't connect cleanly, getting hit by the goblin's weapon again for her trouble. They exchange another series of blows, neither one landing, but to Elia's misfortune another goblin has emerged from the shrubbery just to the North and advanced on her, putting her at a painful disadvantage. Each goblin manages to gouge the priestess with their foul weapons and with a shout of frustration, Elia swings wildly at the goblin still in the hedge beside her, evoking a sickening crack of crushing bone, dropping it with a single strike. However, the situation continues to turn for the worst as Rhyhorn and the valuable lights strapped to him begin to move away, leaving the young woman in the dark. In a desperate attempt to fend off the remaining attack, she strikes at the shadows and lands a powerful fist to the goblin's rib cage but she is unable to avoid the blow from its morningstar even as she incapacitates the vile creature. It comes across her head hard, knocking her unconscious and leaving her bleeding to death between the bushes.
         Meanwhile, at the other end of the battlefield, Xun has finally decided that Action is the better part of Valor and rushes to Hogarth's aid, bringing his blade up in a defensive posture meant to protect those around him. From above, Xun can hear Yvonne intoning in a deadpan, "Canvassing..." and ahead of him, he can see as as the lirai's dancing lights move across the field to better illuminate Hogarth's melee, that the barbarian is struggling to manage with her wounds. The goblins slowly spread out to surround the elf again, dodging her heavy axe and even catching her with a grazing blow. Their evasion doesn't last long as the area comes into full light and she catches one of them with the full force of her greataxe, more ripping it half than cutting it. A shriek of pain from the sky heralds the contact of a javelin with Yvonne's small body and she shouts down at the goblin on the rise that threw it, "Hey! It's me! Don't shoot!" before returning fire with a firebolt that incinerates the goblin's chest with a resounding impact. While that happens, another goblin breaks out of its hiding place in the bushes and begin to close on Hogarth and Xun. One of the goblins circling Hogarth swings madly at Xun and connects just before the runes on the monk's sword flare up and he thrusts the long blade through the goblin's guts, putting it down swiftly with the single strike. The binding runes seem to peel away and elongate into a thin line of energy around Hogarth, just in time to deflect the attack of another goblin as she brings the axe down on the toes of one of the goblinoids, causing it to hop around madly. She winds up and brings her greataxe around again at head level and decapitates the injured goblin mid-hop. Deftly, Xun draws a healing rune on Hogarth's skin with one hand, mending her wounds a great deal, while parrying the attacks of the remaining goblin with the blade in his other hand. This display of martial prowess goes unnoticed by Yvonne though as her eyes alight upon the group of goblins hiding across the river from Rhyhorn and Nathalie. "I see you." she says sweetly to the goblins below as she unleashes another blast of fiery death, killing one of three before he can bring his javelin up to throw. "Gotcha!" she cries out triumphantly as the other two loose their pointed projectiles purposefully, plotting to puncture the pair of approaching party members, but both throws fall just short an get stuck in the river's bank.

Objective: Reach the cave mouth and get inside! (marked by the X on the map.)
Bonus Objective: "It is a secret to everybody!" (Will be revealed at the end of the battle.)
Weather: After dusk, dark and cloudy.
Terrain: Varied.


Terrain Notes: You can't see over those big hedges, nor are they passable unless you want to spend an entire Turn hacking your way through one. The rock piles are passable, if slowly (or you can try to leap over them) but they will grant the goblins Cover (Defense Bonus) if you try to attack them from the opposite side of them. To pass safely over the logs crossing the river you must dedicate a whole Action to that movement or else face an Athletics check to not fall into the water. The   fall isn't far but the water is cold and it will penalize you for the remainder of the battle.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light around Rhyhorn. (To my knowledge, no one else is carrying a light source. Feel free to correct me on this if you are.) Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the greyed out circle. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. Trying to attack at range into the darkness (that joke is going to come up again this battle, isn't it?) will inflict penalties to your attacks.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Tuesday, Nov. 29th, 12pm EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

One of your allies is dying! Only Hogarth and Yvonne can see she has fallen in battle. If alerted to her condition, Xun can use 1 Action to attempt to Spot the downed priestess if the light hasn't been moved to show her position.

HP: 37/43
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -5/20  (Dying)
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 29/44
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 19/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 4/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 17
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended this Turn~
Yvonne: Kelgore's Fire Bolt x2
Xun: Word of Binding, Word of Mending
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 27, 2011, 03:10:22 pm
Rhyhorn slowly and carefully begins pulling his cart across the logs spanning the river before hanging a left to get around the pile of rocks, relying on Nathalie's crossbow skills to keep the Goblins off his back.  Once Rhyhorn rounds the rocks, he moves for the nearest Goblin threat, slashing at it with his Greatsword, before setting up his Cart safely between the rocks and heading off to find his allies.

Action 1) Cross the river to D9.
Action 2) Move around the rocks, D9 -> A9 then A9 -> A7, completing the move by moving toward the nearest living enemy Goblin.  If no enemy Goblins exist, move so that Rhyhorn can safely park Nathalie and his Cart behind the cover on D7.

Action 3-A) If adjacent to an enemy Goblin,
Action 3-B) If enemy Goblins exist on this side of the river but are not adjacent to me, move to them.
Action 3-C) If all enemy Goblins on this side of the river are defeated, move so the Cart rests on D7.
Action 3-D) If already moved to D7, slip one of the two Everburning Torches from my Pack Saddle into the Cart so Nathalie will have a light source while I'm gone.

Action 4-A) If adjacent to an enemy Goblin,
Action 4-B) If no adjacent enemy Goblins, move so Cart rests on D7.
Action 4-C) If already on D7, slip one of the two Everburning Torches from my Pack Saddle into the Cart.
Action 4-D) If an Everburning Torch has already been moved from my Pack Saddle to the Cart, slip from the Cart's harnesses and move to F5 to prepare crossing the river again.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on November 27, 2011, 05:40:02 pm
"Suerte!" she whispers, "I mean, wish me luck!" Nathalie readies her crossbow and crouches firm in the cart, trying to utilize her senses to wipe these goblins out.

Action 1) Hold action; shoot enemies that appear in range.
Action 2, 3, 4) Same as above.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 27, 2011, 09:55:47 pm
   As Yvonne looks back to make sure her lights are still on Hogarth, she sees Elia on the ground. "?!" she squeaks unintelligibly and quickly moves her spell over to illuminate the fallen healer. (1) Fearful of another assault, she increases her altitude, but the effort of fighting gravity causes pain to flare up in her side. Hovering was practically effortless and casting brought so much joy to her, she had barely noticed the gouge in her side. But now, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, o~w!" she whines, matching the beat of her tiny wings. "How did they see me?!" she thinks frantically, clutching her abdomen. She can't see the blood, but she can feel it dripping down her side, and soaking her clothes. Literally half an inch over and she have been in two pieces on the ground. "I know they can see in the dark, but... How much higher do I need to go?" Suddenly, she clamps her hand to her mouth as a thought occurs to her. The goblins hadn't 'seen' her, they had 'heard' her! "Hiran's wrath!" She had been significantly-less-than-silent the entire battle, how could they 'not' know where she was? She had to change her position! Surely they had seen her fly strait up, so they could just throw their accursed spears higher. She had to change position! Still painfully aware of her own injuries, she flies towards a location above Elia, whose wounds she knows are worse than her own. Several dozen colorful curses in as many languages tug at her tongue and threaten to escape her lips, but she bites them back. (2) For the first time in decades, Yvonne Scintillae Incendam falls silent. Deathly silent. (3, 4) Gently, she removes more ash from her pouch and prepares to use it on any goblin foolish enough to approach the human woman below. Her thoughts race as she nervously scans the darkness beyond the reach of her dancing lights, wondering how many more filthy beasts are hiding out there. Darkness... Birds! Her heart skips a beat as she realizes that this entire time she could not even see her own surroundings up here. She had been so preoccupied with the earthbound battle, she had paid no heed to the dangers of the night sky. Up here there may be owls, but down there are most certainly other javelins. She swallows hard, tasting salt and metal that should not be there, as she tries desperately to resist the urge to lower her elevation.

Free: Move lights so Elia, Xun and Hogarth are all in the bright light circle.
1: Fly up 1 panel, then over to K15.
2: Attempt to hide.
3: Hold Action: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt should an opponent enter range.
4: Hold Action: Move up 2 panels and over to I15 if action 3 was executed.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 27, 2011, 11:12:03 pm
For a moment, uncharacteristically, the barbarian's face clouds with effort to think. She can plainly see the priestess of Odin lying on the ground, bleeding profusely. Hogarth knows the sign of a dying human. She thinks on a course of action. If she goes to her, she has no way to heal her, but she can pick her up and carry her. She then concentrates, realizing if any more hidden goblins attack, she will be defenseless and that Hogarth herself would share the same fate. Add to that the fact that she might move out of range of someone who CAN heal, and the decision becomes easier. Noticing the goblin advancing on Xun, she shouts "Xun! Elia! West!" before moving between the goblin and Xun and bringing her axe around to smash or slice Goblin 15. (Actions 1 and 2) She heads north, then west to advance past the bodies of ruined goblins, (Action 3), and crosses the bridge to the river, (Action 4) keeping her eye out for more goblins and striking if able.

Action 1: Move to R13.
Action 2: Attack Goblin 15.
Action 3: Move North, then West to I5.
Action 4: Cross bridge.
If able: Interrupt any movement action to fend off or attack oncoming goblins.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 28, 2011, 01:46:40 pm
His tradepeak may not be the best, but the wandering philosopher definitely understands that.  He moves swiftly to the downed priest and rolls up his sleeves(1), taking a moment to focus himself(2) before his brush flicks out to craft an elegant piece of calligraphy on Elia's armor.  The writing blazes with a warm golden light (3) and Xun moves to take up a defensive stance between the priestess and the orcs to the north.  "You be careful.  Writing good, you still hurt very bad."
1) Move to J14
2) Regain maneuvers, self-heal 6
3) Rune of mending on Elia
4) Hold action to deflect attacks away from Elia.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on November 29, 2011, 03:23:59 am

Turn 3 Resolution

          The battlefield gets progressively quieter as the goblin opposition dwindles by the moment. Yvonne shifts her light spell so that it shines on Elia's fallen form just as Hogarth barks out, "Xun! Elia! West!" No longer hampered by the swarm of goblins, the barbarian shifts her footing and lunges at the lone goblin standing before her, carving a wide gouge in its belly that spills warm entrails on the cold ground. With her last enemy slain, she darts North into the shadows again before eventually re-emerging in the light to the West, near the river's edge. Meanwhile, Xun quickly dashes to Elia's side, taking a moment to refocus his mind and draw the runes of healing upon her body as her blood slowly spills out. The runes glow with golden light and the mystic forces conjured therein begin to mend her battered flesh. After a long moment the priestess slowly revives to see the monk speaking to her, "You be careful. Writing good, you still hurt very bad."
          Beyond the hedges to their West, Rhyhorn carefully pilots his cart across the water-slick log. He pauses only momentarily as a javelin is lobbed from beyond the low stone wall ahead of him, bouncing harmlessly off his back and splashing into the water below as another projectile misses both beast and log entirely. Nathalie, whispering something inaudibly, takes aim and fires a bolt at the offensive goblins, dropping one soundlessly as she quickly reloads. Once wholly across the makeshift bridge, she gets an even cleaner shot - taking advantage of her skill at short ranges - and drives another bolt through the second goblinoid. The little beast drops his javelin mid-throw and wheezes painfully as it weakly attempts to dig the metal shaft from its chest before finally collapsing.
          Upon reaching his destination, Rhyhorn steps out of his cart harness and quickly divests himself of one of his magical torches, leaving Nathalie light to see by. He then makes his way past the cave entrance and around the stony barricade, intent to cross the other log bridge seeking more enemies. However, it seems the goblins were not without further defensive measures as the very ground beneath the rockbeast gives way to a deep pit filled with wooden spikes! While the fall itself injures Rhyhorn by some small amount, the spikes stand no chance against his tough hide, shattering beneath him.
          From above, there is no sign of Yvonne other than the persistence of her dancing lights.

Objective: Reach the cave mouth and get inside! (marked by the X on the map.)
Bonus Objective: "It is a secret to everybody!" (Will be revealed at the end of the battle.) Complete the Pane without triggering any of the trap tiles. (Failed)
Weather: After dusk, dark and cloudy.
Terrain: Varied.


Terrain Notes: You can't see over those big hedges, nor are they passable unless you want to spend an entire Turn hacking your way through one. The rock piles are passable, if slowly (or you can try to leap over them) but they will grant the goblins Cover (Defense Bonus) if you try to attack them from the opposite side of them. To pass safely over the logs crossing the river you must dedicate a whole Action to that movement or else face an Athletics check to not fall into the water. The fall isn't far but the water is cold and it will penalize you for the remainder of the battle.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circles of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the greyed out circle. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. Trying to attack at range into the darkness will inflict penalties to your attacks.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Thursday, Dec. 1st, 3am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 32/43
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 3/20
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 29/44
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 4/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 17
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended this Turn~
Xun: Word of Mending
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 29, 2011, 04:07:23 am
Rhyhorn plods along, falling into the pit with a thunk.  Annoyed, he lets out a small roar and runs at the wall, running up it and out of the pit, seeing Hogarth and deciding to move back to his Cart instead, feeling the others should be following soon if the Barbarian was already this far ahead.  He taps her as she nears him, using a charge of his Healing Belt to mend Hogarth's wounds.  Rhyhorn then downs an Oil of Light Repair from his belt and turns to his cart, nudging Nathalie aside some to unlock and access his chest of ALL THE THINGS to begin pulling out supplies while waiting for the rest of the team to meet up.

Action 1) Run up the walls and out of the pit like a boss, moving back to D8.
Action 2) If Hogarth moves close enough at any point, use a charge of my Healing Belt on her.  (2 Remaining)
Action 3) Down one Oil of Light Repair, placing the empty vial on my Saddle.
Action 4) Unlock my chest of ALL THE THINGS and begin getting stuff prepared for going into the cave.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on November 29, 2011, 04:50:03 am
   "I am not a wizard. I am not a coward. I am a sorcerer. I am magic. There are no owls, only javelins." (1, 2, 3) Yvonne thinks to herself, as she watches Hogarth stride fearlessly across the battlefield below. "I am not a wizard. I am not a coward. I am a sorcerer. I am magic. There are no owls, only Zuul." She glances back every now and again to ensure Elia and Xun are properly lit. "I can take Zuul. I'll blast him with my fire!" She flies over the crick. "Just don't cross the streams. Fire. Fire! Fire!" Thoughts of her beloved element calm her a bit, but not much. "Sparks! Kindle! Fire! Embers! Fire! Pyre! Flare! Blaze! Fire!" (4) She clutches tightly a fist full of ash, ready to blast any goblin she can. Once the swordsman and healer are safely within the light around the cart of ALL THE THINGS, Yvonne quickly shifts her spell over to seek areas yet unseen.

Free: Move Dancing Lights so as to keep Xun and Elia well lit until they are within either Nathalie's or Rhyhorn's light.
1, 2, 3: Move to D7
4: Hold Action: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt should a Goblin enter range.
Free: Move Dancing Lights so as to illuminate S1 with at least dim light.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on November 29, 2011, 09:35:14 pm
Elia stands up in pain, and dizzy from blood loss. She looks at Xun and thanks him in the best way she can in her stat. "Thank you.... Friend..." Setting her gaze at her feet, she then mumbles under her breath. "Odin.. Might be angered... At my failure..." She pulls her right hand up and places it on her chest. "Heal!" 1) and heads to the bridge. 2)

1) Cast Cure Light Wounds on Elia
2) Move up north to I5
3) Move across log

If at any point we get attacked, let Xun attack them, and heal him if he needs it.
If Yvonne is in range, heal her. (Priority of top one)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 29, 2011, 11:45:20 pm
Hogarth eyes the log bridge wearily. She knows she can easily bound across and continue on just as normal as walking. However, this night has also been Cursed. She should've taken those goblins down with the fury of Riphlin, the God of Anger. If her gods were real, Hogarth muses, they would be most displeased. She nearly panicked and raged when she saw her rocky relationship with Rhyhorn bottom out, but she could hear him run up the wall.

"What a terrible time for a cursed night" she mutters, and carefully moves across the log. (Action 1) She sidesteps the pit, (Action 2) and regroups with the party. (Action 3) she still has her axe drawn, ready for anything that comes their way.

Action 1: Ford river Cross log.
Action 2: Sidestep pit.
Action 3: Regroup with others.
Action 4: Hold action for attacking goblins that approach.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on November 30, 2011, 12:36:59 am
Xun keeps his ears open as he moves to rejoin the others, keeping Elia close in case they are attacked again.

1-4) Move with Elia towards the cave, stopping to defend us both if neccesary.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on November 30, 2011, 01:48:26 am
Nathalie perches herself on top on top of the cart, steadfast and crossbow in hand, ready to drive a bolt through any incoming goblins' skulls.

1-4) Hold action; fire when enemy goblin comes in range.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on November 30, 2011, 10:06:07 pm

Turn 4 Closed

Update later tonight and then we'll be breaking for about a week while I get the next sequence assembled.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on November 30, 2011, 11:48:34 pm
(((NOTE: This entire post is OCC.)))

: A week break? What'll we do till then? *sobs*
: Why, you could.. spackle the den. Alphabetize your shorts. You could play with your pet broncostimpy!
: :O *runs off*
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 01, 2011, 12:52:16 am

Turn 4 Resolution

         Without further interruption or assault, the rest of the party on the ground manages to regroup at the mouth of the cave while Yvonne's lights continue to scan the battlefield. You can see a short distance into the cave's entrance with your torch's light, but the path beyond narrows quickly as it descends into the earth below. A sense of foreboding comes over you all as you contemplate what horrors lie within.


Battle Pane Complete!

300 Gold Pieces
A glass lens, rimmed with gold and with a fine gold chain attached to an ear clip.

Stat Bonuses
Rhyhorn: +2 HP!
Nathalie: +1 Ranged Skill!
Yvonne: +1 HP!
Elia: +1 HP!
Hogarth: +3 HP!
Xun: +1 to Healing Effect of Word of Mending!

HP: 41/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 14/21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 41/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 5/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended this Turn~
Elia: Cure Light Wounds

Forgive the brevity of this post. I really just wanted to get it all down and made official. The Pane really could have ended on the last Turn but there was still the possibility of more enemies on the map somewhere. Now that you're all assembled (sans Yvonne, but no one can really stop her from joining you) I'll call it complete. Also, I know no one was taking time to loot bodies in the narrative, but I'll be treating encounters with a sort of auto-loot function at the end of battles unless you start stripping mobs of their actual possessions in-battle.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 01, 2011, 01:01:15 am
Rhyhorn goes through his chest, pulling out 3 more Everburning Torches and another Oil of Light Repair before closing and re-locking the chest.  He sets the Oil onto his Pack Saddle before passing out an Everburning Torch to each Xun, Elia, and Hogarth.  If the team was going down there, Rhyhorn knew no one having light besides himself just wasn't going to do.  As he passes out Torches, Rhyhorn also expends a second charge on his Healing Belt to further recover Elia.

<If it were even open to vote, I am so for going down that cave and killing all these fucking Goblins.>
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 01:04:02 am
Elia walks to Rhyhorn and accepts the torch he hands her. "Thank you sir Rhyhorn." She pulls her bells and ribbons out of her bag, and ties the bells up to the ribbons. When they are made to look like so:
She then ties them to her hair like so:
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 01:06:40 am
"Thank you, friend Rhyhorn, for the torch. I say let's press on into the cave. If we camp, we open ourselves for a GOBLIN AMBUSH. If we hunger, we will sustain ourselves with bats that fly towards us. Don't eat the wings, they're poisonous." The mighty warrior narrows her eyes and says the last bit between gritted teeth. She picks bits of goblin off of her and flings it at the rocks, taking small delight as it makes a satisfying "splat" as it is dashed upon the rocks. "I have not heard friend Yvonne in quite some time. If she is harmed, I shall strangle A HUNDRED GOBLINS WITH MY BARE HANDS!" she screams to the heavens, swinging her axe over her tall frame.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 01:16:49 am
   Yvonne moves her lights again, scanning the area frantically, seeking out more hidden assailants.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 01, 2011, 01:19:41 am
          In the distance, the hooting of an owl can be heard.

HP: 41/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 21/21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 41/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 01:22:04 am
((Listen check for location of owl))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 01:24:28 am
   "Gozer!" Yvonne squeaks, rapidly descending towards the rest of the party. "We came, we saw, we kicked their tiny li'l' goblin butts!" she announces triumphantly, upon entering the light.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 01:31:14 am
"Hello Madam." Elia notices Yvonne's wounds. "Oh you are hurt!" Elia walks over to Yvonne, and places a finger out to touch the fairy. "Heal!" Elia chants, and Yvonne's wounds mend. "There that should do!" Elia says cheerfully with a smile.

[Cure Minor Wounds]
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 01:32:21 am
   "I'm fine, I'm fine." Yvonne says, glancing over at Hogarth. She wipes the red drool from her chin with the back of her hand while vainly attempting to clean the other on her top.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 01:48:06 am
Seeing a blood-soaked Yvonne, Hogarth's face darkens and she grips her axe tightly. "There will be no wiping the blood off my steel today. Let the ones in the cave have their last sight be that of the blood of their brethren reaching out to claim them." Hogarth mutters a thousand dark omens under her breath. If she could, she'd write GOBLIMS in her oath book. "Friend Yvonne, we will encounter many corpses-to-be in the cave, which is doubtful to have tall ceilings. Should you need to, hide behind me. I do not wish to see you killed, despite your magical nature."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 01:52:52 am
   "Cave?" Yvonne glances at the hole in the rocks. "Xavier di'n' say nothin' 'bout a cave..." She purses her lips. "My like fer 'im 'as gone down..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 02:10:19 am
"Who?" Hogarth asks upon hearing of this 'Xavier' person. "Anyways, the goblins' treasure is down that cave, and we are going to claim it for glory and honor of our victory against the horde of sneaky monsters."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 02:34:34 am
   The fire pixie sneers. "We're not really gonna go in there, are we?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 02:38:46 am
"If we want to finish the job, I thing we are."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 02:42:17 am
Hogarth puffs herself up, trying to look important but instead just makes a :I face. "And why not? It's a cave, after all, and we were told there were magical artifacts in here. If nothing else, we can kill some more of these goblins in the name of the god of vengeance, Hggrl. We have the perfect team of the mighty Rhyhorn, yourself, a woman with a crossbow, a traveling prostitute, friend Xun, and HOGARTH OF THE FROZEN NORTH"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 02:45:57 am
"Ahem! Prostitute? I did not spend 18 plus years of my life in a church to receive a title as that." Elia snaps back with hostility.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 03:04:36 am
Hogarth looks genuinely confused. "But did I not hear you tell the guard your profession upon arrival into the kingdom?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 04:06:27 am
   Yvonne crosses her arms as she stands on the edge of the cart of ALL THE THINGS. "What proof do we got tha' the things we're lookin' for are 'ere?" She huffs indignantly before pointing off into the darkness away from the cave. "Fer all we know there's a whole 'orde a' goblins still ou' there jus' waitin' ta trap us as soon as we go in!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 01, 2011, 02:30:55 pm
"Now everyone listens to me! We've accepted the job, let's just get it done guys," Nathalie says, butting into the conversation, "Also, Elia, you say "I'm not a prostitute," but the idea of strapping bells to your ears while we move around in a dark cave littered with goblins with night-vision will result in the untimely and rough gang-bang of your person."

Nathalie steps back into the cart hoping to find a whistle of some sort, but when she fails, turns to Elia afterward, "And without any whistle how will we know the the goblins are sticking their cave-dwelling lances into your spear-holder?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 03:26:45 pm
   Yvonne raises an eyebrow as she turns to look at Nathalie. "Untimely gang-bang of your person?" she mouths silently, wondering if there is such a thing as a timely gang-bang, before turning to Elia. "Nath's gotta point though." She says aloud. "Them goblins got pretty good 'earin'. They di'n' so much as see me up there as 'eard me, ya know? Tha's 'ow I go' this." She points to the remnants of the gash in her side. A thought occurs to her and she glances at the cart of ALL THE THINGS, then at Rhyhorn, then at Hogarth. "Bu' tha' may not matter... I'm pretty sure they'll know we're c'min'..." She looks back up at Elia, "Bu' if ya jus' wanna tie yer hair up an' get it outta the way, you c'n use somma my thread, ya know."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 07:11:25 pm
Elia pauses her anger for a moment to think on what Yvonne and  Natalie said. "Sorry, I do not know what I was thinking there..." Elia replies, while un-tieing the bells from her hair, and placing them in her sack. "Thank you for the offer Madam, but my hair is a tad too short to worry about being in my way."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 07:29:18 pm
   "So, how d' we even know this is the righ' cave?" Yvonne continues her questions.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 09:57:15 pm
"We go into cave, cave goes on into goblin nest. Treasure's in the the nest. Our treasure. Simple!" proclaims Hogarth, proud of her ill-founded and thin logic.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 10:08:06 pm
   "But 'ow d' we know this is the righ' cave?" the fire Lirai repeats her question. "I dun' wanna waste my time if it ain', ya know?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 10:13:13 pm
Elia pulls out her map she copied. "I have the map, and it says that theres a cave around here we need to go to."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 10:14:32 pm
   "Lemme see tha' map."  The small fey holds out her hand.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 10:15:52 pm
Elia passes the map to the fairy. "Here you go, please correct me if I am wrong about the area."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 10:17:09 pm
   "This?! This is wha' we've been followin'?!" Yvonne stares at the parchment. "Wyrd help me, why di'n' I take a better look a' the one Xavier 'ad?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 10:18:56 pm
"Its actually pretty accurate, his map wasn't too great..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 01, 2011, 10:19:40 pm
"This is the right cave..." Nat says, walking towards the entrance, "Because we got ambushed by a horde of goblins equipped with sharp implements for to violate our netherparts with."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 10:24:48 pm
   "Oh sure, like there ain' thousands a' entrances to the big 'underdark' place tha's supposed ta be all under mosta the continent." Yvonne places her hands on her hips, adamant in her argument. "And I'll jus' bet this is the only one wi' goblins livin' near the mouth."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 10:26:49 pm
Hogarth decides to interject. "We just murdered a horde of goblins in glorious battle. More come from the cave, seeking vengeance. If we don't march in with honor and slaughter them all, they will hold a blood feud against us for generations. I do not want to have another clan of goblins following me half across the land."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 01, 2011, 10:28:25 pm
"Will, I don't doubt that there are more caves, but- Elia gets cut off by Hogarth. "Well I guess thats a way to look at it."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 10:49:13 pm
   "Blood feud? Really?" The flame fey asks incredulously. "Goblins ain' intelligen' 'nough ta 'ave a blood feud! An' Xavier di'n' say nothin' 'bout a cave, so why we assumin' the treasure's down there?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 10:58:14 pm
"I seem to remember some sparkly guy saying something about goblins and treasures in a cave..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 01, 2011, 11:02:07 pm
Nathalie plops down onto the ground, peering into the cave, with her crossbow in hand ready just in case an evil mongrel pops out of the cave's mouth. She scratches her foot softly, and looks on, waiting patiently for when the inevitable decision to enter the cave is made. Unfortunately, Nathalie doesn't quite have that sort of patience. She stands up, and walks over to them, clutching her crossbow tightly.

"We have given our word and received an advance payment. Let's just kill some goblins, sing happy songs about magical orbs and books, grab our reward, and get out!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 11:13:39 pm
   "Yes, we go' paid a few paltry gold up fron'." Yvonne agrees. "We were paid ta find treasure, not ta kill goblins. I ain' 'ere to kill fer the sake a' killin'."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 11:34:08 pm
Hogarth thinks for a moment, a bad habit she's gotten into lately. Must be the rhino.. "Friend Nathalie, you lead the party. Speak goblim. If no reason, we TAKE."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 01, 2011, 11:40:45 pm
"Ha ha ha ha...I think I'd die," Nathalie replied, "Maybe if Rhyhorn protected me?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 01, 2011, 11:50:59 pm
Rhyhorn looks up upon hearing Nathalie speak his name and nods, having been listening quietly the entire time.  He moves into the harnesses for his Cart of ALL THE THINGS again so that he's ready for going into the cave.  Previously, he had been quietly digging into the ground with his front hooves and drawing a pattern into it, and now that he's moved away from it, it is clearly the beginnings of a very complex mathematical problem no one has any hope of understanding. 

...Either that, or Rhyhorn was very coincidentally just drawing mathematical-looking symbols onto the ground out of boredom because he remembered them from past travels and they looked cool since he had nothing to bounce between his hooves.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 01, 2011, 11:52:51 pm
   "So, wha'? Yer jus' gonna ask if the goblins we're lookin' for are 'ere and if they'd kindly jus' 'and over the treasure they stole?" Yvonne can't help but laugh.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 01, 2011, 11:57:04 pm
Irate, Hogarth drops her axe's head upon the ground, leaning a little on the hilt. "What would you have us do? We come here to be hurt by goblins, then leave? You may, but I will press on." Hogarth turns her back on the small fey, feeling a bit hurt that someone she considers friend would just quit at a sign of danger.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 02, 2011, 12:11:40 am
"I don't think they will hear us out, seeing as we have crossed their territory, and killed them. Theres no doubt that they will try to kill us."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 02, 2011, 07:46:50 pm
Xun clears his throat softly.  "If I am understanding, we come here for job, yes?  Job needs us go in cave.  To leave without finish job, is great shame.  Make us seem... Make us not get many more job in future, nobody hire because we not finish job.  Also, goblin very dangerous.  Could hurt many innocent people if we not go into cave and put stop to.  Is right thing to do."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 02, 2011, 10:58:48 pm
   The flame fairy purses her lips. "I di'n' say we don' do the job we been hired ta do." She says hotly. "I jus' wanna know we're in the righ' place. An' we weren't 'ired ta rid the world a' goblins jus' 'cause they could 'urt people. I di'n' 'ear nothing 'bout goblins raidin' the area while we're back in town, did you?" Her hands never leave her hips an she continues to argue.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 04, 2011, 12:37:03 am
Hogarth heaves her axe hilt on to her shoulders, and wordlessly storms off into the cave, torch in the other hand. "Never argue with non-barbarians, she thinks to herself. "You'll always be right, and go rage blind proving it. Don't want that to happen to THIS group."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 04, 2011, 04:01:26 pm
Rhyhorn sighs, seeing the Barbarian charge off, and begins hauling cart and rhino into the cave, not wanting Friend Hogarth to fight alone since he could tell how well that'd go from the wounds he mended for her earlier.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 05, 2011, 01:57:44 am
"Off to the cave everybody! Let's go," She commanded, motioning her hand lazily to the cave, "It's going to be all right."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 05, 2011, 05:50:20 am

Adventure Pane Start

Welcome to the Adventure Pane! This is going to be an odd one with some weird rules so bear with me. This will function much like an extended Battle Pane, but it also counts as a Scene. I will be doing very little in the way of narratives with each post unless it is a combat Turn. Here are a few important details for the Adventure Pane.
- I expect a lot of turns to be "We move to XY and see what's there" so as long as there are no hostile units present, turns will be 24 hours apiece to keep things flowing. Combat Turns will still be at least 48 hours.
- To put a limit on Xun's healing, Actions count as being in battle for activating your abilities whenever there is a hostile unit on the board or until the end of the Turn following all hostile units leaving the board. This should give you the option to use at least one or two heals before it stops being a Combat Turn. Please don't try to abuse this. I've already thought of ways to do so. I ask that you don't.
- Nathalie's trapfinding will be an automatic check done whenever she gets within ten feet of a trap. If she detects one, the default action unless you all decide something different will be for her to say something and for everyone to stop where they are so as not to set it off. I'm not here to screw you all with traps but they are going to be cropping up from time to time. Be prepared. Also note there is always a chance that a trap can go unnoticed until its too late. If there wasn't, it wouldn't be a very good trap. If you fail to spot one, just keep in mind that the dice can still screw you on this. (For the record, this was in effect last Pane. You just never got close enough.)

If you can think of anything else I should be taking note of or keeping track of for the Adventure Pane, I'm all ears. I want this to flow smoothly but not at the expense of what few game mechanics we've developed going right out the window.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more veritcal space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 24 hours, (Tuesday, Dec. 6th, 6am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 41/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 21/21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 41/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 05, 2011, 06:15:01 am
(Noting for the sake of the DM and anyone who missed it or forgot - I gave every single one of you lot [besides Yvonne, y u so tiny zippobell?] one of my Everburning Torches, since it means we won't have a repeat of the last battle where I moved away and everyone else got ruined till Yvonne got set up.  Just remember to find some place on your belt or your clothes or something to stick it in so your hands won't be taken up during a fight.  And remember - you lot lose 'em, you buy 'em.  Those fucks are expensive.  Let's try not to step on each other in these tight quarters.  I do recommend the squishies at the very least staying behind me because I'm the T-800 Rhino to your Goblin Menace.)

Free Action) Motion for Nathalie to get the fuck back in the cart so I don't go falling down any giant ass holes.

Action 1) Slowly walk along the cave path and around the corner, continuing to follow it with eyes peeled for a fork in the cave, a room, or anything else (loot, corpse, enemy, otherwise), stopping when I find such an item.  If enemies are spotted, stop movement either when adjacent to an enemy or when continuing to move forward would allow for an enemy to flank me and get behind the cart.  Alternatively, stop should Nathalie detect a trap.

Action 2:4-A) Readied Action to Greatsword the fuck out of a hostile that comes within my melee range.  

Action 2:4-B) If my movement Action is stopped by Nathalie detecting a Trap, find a means to continue around the trap and continue following the criteria of Action 1, if possible.  If not possible, wait in place, returning to Action 2:4-A as appropriate, in hopes that an ally will allow me to bridge the trap somehow.

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 05, 2011, 04:28:43 pm
   Yvonne huffed again as Hogarth stormed off. "Kyaaa!" she squeaked, thrown off balance when Rhyhorn started pulling the cart of ALL THE THINGS again. She regained her balance as Nathalie spoke. "Alright?" she snapped, glaring up at Nathalie. "'An jus' 'ow do ya figure that?!" Upon receiving no immediate response, the tiny fey sorceress sighed as her shoulders slumped. "Fine..." She pulled Xavier's wand out to activate it. After a moment, she cursed quietly in Draconic and scowled loathingly at the cave entrance. "They really are down there..." she grumbled. "Bu' tha' still doe'n' take care a' the problem with more goblins c'm'in in behind us an' trappin' us..." She resigned herself to her fate as the others pressed on into the cave. Upon reaching the entrance, however, she floated up and away from the cart, pulling a scroll from its case as she rose. She quietly read aloud the arcane scrawlings on the parchment. As each word was read, it flared up before fading, leaving a blank sheet as the spell resolved. The fire pixie rolled the scroll up and shoved it back in its case before glancing back to see how far the others had progressed, which to anyone of 'normal size' would believe to be not that far, but... For a moment she considered staying outside, but as soon as the thought crossed her mind, her dancing lights spell flickered and faded. "!" she uttered a quite cry of alarm. A second later, the owl in the distance hooted again. "!!!" she let out before turning. "Hey! Wait up!" she called, careful not to be so loud as to announce her presence to those who were most certainly hiding within.

   Yvonne's eyes dart back and forth across the woefully low ceiling as she seeks sizable stalactites that various critters could hide behind. (1) Having returned the loaned wand to its place, she reaches back and feels by texture for the one with the charges of Magic Missile. (2) She utters a simple, arcane phrase, causing light to spring forth from its tip. (3, 4) She looks up and realizes that she is once again falling behind Rhyhorn's persistently plodding pace, so she hurries to catch up again.

1: Draw Magic Missile wand
2: Cast Light on Magic Missile wand
3, 4: Move to keep pace with square just behind and above cart of ALL THE THINGS. Stop if Rhyhorn stops.

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 05, 2011, 10:44:18 pm
Hogarth takes the torch and places it in the strap her back for her axe, making the torch rise above her head like some kind of female, barbarian Yoshimitsu. She utilizes her natural predisposition to head north and after that, west. She doesn't like this cave. It's dark and suspicious, like the practicers of the dark magicks. Hogarth can smell a trap laden cave from a mile away. The berserker thanks the Goddess of Luck, Nibroth, that she's been able to easily escape from many of the hazards she has tripped in her time adventuring, and the God of Allergies, N's'n'x for allowing her to smell the trap laden cave a mile away.

"I say we stick together, friends. We have murdered a fire elemental together, and so too shall we murder this cave!" Hogarth says a bit too loudly. Upon hearing her echoes, she reminds herself to keep her voice down. She keeps pace with Rhyhorn and ALL THE THINGS. Hogarth maybe stupid, but she's no fool. Being surrounded by a horde of goblins alone will be more than she can handle. She holds her axe in both hands, eager to rend asunder some goblins.

Action 1:Move North. If an intersection is found, head Northwest or west.
Action 2-4:Hold action for attacking enemies. If no enemies encountered, keep traveling in a North-Westerly direction.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 06, 2011, 01:14:28 am
Elia places a hand on Hogarth. "May faith protect." 1). She then places her hand on herself. "Resist!" 2). After her protections are cast, Elia follows carefully behind Hogarth, ready to heal her if anything goes wrong. 3-4)

1) Cast Shield of Faith on Hogarth
2) Cast Resistance on Elia
3-4) Follow Hogarth, heal when needed.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 06, 2011, 04:50:32 am

Turn 1 Resolution

I will be placing non-posting players under 'AI Control' for the Adventure Pane if posts aren't managed in the time constraints if only because I've designed this place with all six of you being active in mind. I don't want the others doomed because someone couldn't post in time for whatever reason. Players under AI Control will fight more defensively than not.

         As the party cautiously makes their way into the cave, they turn the corner and find themselves face to face with a small group of goblins apparently tasked with guarding the entrance. They are grouped beyond what appears to be a pool of cloudy water - its depth uncertain - and one of them appears to be using a large stone as cover. Amongst them are many small stacks of crude javelins on the stone floor, at hand for throwing.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more veritcal space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Thursday, Dec. 8th, 6am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 41/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 21/21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6
Effect: Resistance (+1 on next E/RS/MR)

HP: 41/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100
Effect: Shield of Faith (+2 Defense)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended This Turn~
Yvonne: Light
Elia: Resistance, Shield of Faith
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 06, 2011, 05:38:30 am
Rhyhorn sees the readied Goblins as he rounds the corner, growling under his breath.  He slips from his harnesses before running at and up the cave walls to avoid the water and charge one of the Goblins. He runs it down with his Greatsword, holding his ground and readying himself if any Goblins attempt to come in close.

Action 1) Move to P13, so that ALL THE THINGS and Nathalie rest on a nice sniping position at my previous square of Q13.
Action 2 and Action 3) Charge along the walls (P12-O12-N13-M12) at Goblin 20 and give him a good ol' fashioned Greatswording.  
Action 4) If a Goblin enters my threat range, with Greatsword.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 06, 2011, 07:25:05 am
   (1) Yvonne follows Rhyhorn's cart of ALL THE THINGS, her gaze flitting back and forth between it and the ceiling as she wishes for the winding corridor to offer more space between top and bottom. Suddenly, the stone rhino pauses to detach himself from his cart and she looks ahead to see why. Her eyes immediately hone in on the javelins and she instinctually flies up. After a few short inches, she slams hard into the stone that she had momentarily forgotten was there. The pain is nothing compared to when she was struck by one of those accursed spears earlier, so she merely curses bitterly in Ignan and ignores it. She focuses instead on skittering across the damnable rock to take refuge in a corner she believes will offer at least partial cover while still allowing her to strike at those who dare approach. (2, 3, 4) Her free hand ignites as the fires within her burn like the plane of her birth.

1: Move to Q13, then to O12
2, 3, 4: Hold action. Cast Elemental Strike on a Goblin that attempts to attack with a javelin, or closes, stops in melee range and appears to be focused on her.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 06, 2011, 01:36:01 pm
Laughing at the sight of a rhino made of stone RUNNING ALONG A WALL, Hogarth decides to go around the pool of water to engage Goblins 19 and 18. She brings her axe around, attacking the goblins until they are nothing but goo at her feet.

Action 1: Go to N14 and along the south path to engage goblins.
Action 2-4: Engage goblins.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 06, 2011, 07:11:59 pm
Xun shrugs out of his backpack, leaving it and his cookpot beside the cart before advancing forward.  Seeing his allies engaging the goblins in the only convenient areas to stand in, he hangs back in a defensive posture to see what unfolds.

1) move to O13
2-4) deflect any incoming attacks.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 06, 2011, 10:13:03 pm
Nathalie is upset with the terrible terrain of the cave, but nonetheless tries to make it work.

1) Jump to the top of Rhyhorn's cart.
2-4) Hold action; shoot at approaching goblins if in range and no allies are within the crossfire.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 06, 2011, 10:38:33 pm
Elia's eyes widen at the sight of the Rhyhorn scaling and moving across the wall as if it were the ground she walks on. Whispering under her breath "Quite unexpected for the mass on that one..." Deciding Rhyhorn was fine with Natalie and Yvonne helping him, she follows behind Hogarth 1).

1) Move to O14
2-3) If Hogarth, or any nearby party members need HP, move to them and heal them.
If Damage taken =/> 5 Use Cure Minor Wounds
If Damage taken  < 5 Use Cure Light Wounds
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 07, 2011, 02:00:40 am

Turn 2 Resolution

         The goblins loose a volley of javelins at the party as they begin to close in and make their way around the aquatic obstruction. A pair strike Rhyhorn, one of them chipping a small piece of his hide away while the other falls ineffectually into the water. Another finds its mark striking Elia lightly but not impeding her terribly. Xun takes up a defensive position at the water's edge as Nathalie steadies herself atop the cart of ALL THE THINGS, after Rhyhorn has disengaged himself from the push-harness. Yvonne takes up a covered position near the cave wall and waits for an opening to strike with her magical fire.
         In a display of extraordinary skill that gives logic and physics the finger, Rhyhorn begins to run up and along the walls of the cave, heavy sword hanging from his mouth as he bears down on the group of goblins beyond the water. In a moment of panicked terror, they throw move javelins at him but none even come close to hitting their mark. One of the beasts does have enough sense to draw out his morningstar to greet the rockbeast, but it proves completely useless as Rhyhorn drops off the wall and brings the greatsword down and through the goblin's crude weapon, arm and torso, killing it instantly. The others nearby step back seeing this and hesitantly draw their own weapons, foregoing the javelins for the time being.
         To the other side of the tiny pond, Hogarth closes with a goblin as it tries to bring its own spiky weapon up in defense of itself. From far behind it a javelin arcs above and strikes Hogarth soundly, but the barbarian is unphased and continues forward with her axe. She finds her footing on the narrow and water-slick stones and puts her weight behind her axe, attacking the foremost goblin and taking his head off in one swing. The decapitated corpse makes a pitiful splash as it falls into the water. Elia follows close behind Hogarth, trying to stay close enough to heal her wounds, but the elf - emboldened with her kill looks forward to another victim. As she is about to close the distance though, a glowing bead of light strikes the second goblin on the ledge, exploding with a small fireburst on contact and incinerating the face and upper body of the javelin-toting combatant. Yvonne, only barely visible in her hiding place looks ready to fling another ball of flame but without a target in sight she holds back, staying oddly silent.
         Elia reaches out and mends the wounds on Hogarth's body with a gentle touch and the barbarian presses onward with the healer hot on her heels. Nathalie on the other hand is finding difficulty hitting her mark, each bolt she fires shattering uselessly on the large stone a distant goblin is using for cover. She would fire on others but decides not to as it might be too risky to chance hitting an ally. That same stone causes Hogarth some small difficulty in advancing, halting her at the edge of the water on the far side. It is obvious that climbing over the rock would leave her open to attack from the goblins beyond it.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more veritcal space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Friday, Dec. 9th, 2am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 40/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 19/21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6
Effect: Resistance (+1 on next E/RS/MR)

HP: 41/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100
Effect: Shield of Faith (+2 Defense)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended This Turn~
Yvonne: Elemental Strike
Elia: Cure Minor Wounds
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 07, 2011, 03:17:24 am
Rhyhorn continues his rush forward, charging at the next Goblin without delay as their feeble weapons rain down on him.  He then steps over the body of his felled victim, quickly advancing on the second Goblin in line and cutting it down as well, paving a path for the mighty cart of ALL THE THINGS to later roll triumphantly across.

Action 1-2) Charge and Greatsword Goblin 22.
Action 3-A) Move up to Goblin 21.
Action 4-A) Greatsword Goblin 21.
(If possible, based on if Goblin 21 has moved, combine Actions 3 and 4 into a separate Charge.)
(If Goblin 21 is dead already, Charge any other visible Goblin, even if it involves taking one of the forks.)
Action 3-B) Move out to G12 and hold position.
Action 4-B) Greatsword anything that enters my melee range.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 07, 2011, 04:22:49 am
   Yvonne peeks around the corner and squints, confirming that she is indeed seeing a fork up ahead. Another profanity exits her lips, this time in Undercommon. (1) She waits for Rhyhorn and Hogarth to take care of the meddlesome Goblins before floating out from her hiding spot to move farther into the evil cavern. (2) Upon reaching her new position, she presses her back to the cold stone wall before deciding whether or not to re-summon her beloved will-o'-wisps to send out and cover the party's back. (3, 4) Her hand blazes again as she prepares for the worst.

1: Hold Action until Goblins 21, 22 and 23 are dead then move. If Rhyhorn goes north, move to J12. If Rhyhorn goes south, move to I13. If Rhyhorn does not proceed down either path, move to K14 and skip 2 and first half of 3, 4.
2: Hold Action: Cast Dancing Lights and move them down the opposite corridor away from Rhyhorn. Keep bright illumination circle touching the torchlight of whoever remains near the fork.
3, 4: Hold Action: If a javelin equipped Goblin is revealed by the Dancing Lights spell, cast Magic Missile using wand. If any Goblin comes into melee range and appears to be focused on her, cast Elemental Strike.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 07, 2011, 07:31:31 pm
Hogarth creeps around the stone, being careful to not fall into the murky depths of the cave. Upon arrival around the rock, She has seen that the beloved pokemon stone beast has already been attacking goblins left and right. Hogarth joins the fray, swinging her axe 'round to strike what remains of their small forces.

Actions 1-2: Creep around stone. (Figure this'd be a double action)
Actions 3-4: Charge at a living goblin. Living Dead Goblin.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 08, 2011, 12:49:10 am
Elia following directly behind Hogarth, pondering why goblins are seen as such evil creatures. They attack when you invade their territory, but don't all creatures and human alike do such? But there are times when they do attack others off their lands, these goblin might be bad, but then again, aren't humans and other creatures alike in this very way too. So in the same way we see goblins as bad, they must see us likewise. There are some truly vial evil creatures in the world: undead, harpy, Lich, Medusa, and sometimes Human them selves can become tainted. The goblin, as evil as it is seen, is nothing but a simple territorial creature, nothing evil about it. so do they deserve to die in this manner. But if we don't do such actions, won't we also suffer the fate they have now? She curses her mind for going on such a tangent. "I'll have to consult Odin about this..." Elia says to herself. She glances over to the pool of water, and it comes to her to inspect it, after all it could be deep enough to lead to an underground cave, or something hidden in there.

1-4) Follow behind Hogarth. If Hogarth, or any nearby party members need HP, move to them and heal them.
Priority: Most Damaged/nearest to death friendly units, Hogarth, other nearby members.
If Damage taken =/> 5 Use Cure Minor Wounds
If Damage taken  < 5 Use Cure Light Wounds

If at any point Elia isn't healing, spot check the water and stuff.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 08, 2011, 01:38:09 am
Actually, for the record, goblins are Evil by nature. Its born in them to be so. Good and Evil aren't philosophical ideas in Sephyr - they are measurable things like height, weight and distance.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 08, 2011, 08:39:53 am
(( I am approximately 5 evils and 1 minor irritation tall ))

Xun follows the others, leaping across the pond and staying close behind Rhyhorn.

1-4) stick one square behind the pokeymans, helping to deflect incoming attacks.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 08, 2011, 05:54:21 pm
Nathalie puts her crossbow beside her on top of the cart, sits with her legs dangling over the edge facing toward the ensuing battle and manicures her nails, filing and prettying them up for the future.

"I really need to take care of my that..dirt" She muses, completely transfixed on her nails and ignoring the battle ahead.

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 08, 2011, 07:03:04 pm
(( Way to break my philosophical thinking Celdia ))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 08, 2011, 08:20:40 pm
((What's evil? That which we call a goblin
By any other alignment would be just as vile.))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 09, 2011, 02:58:30 am

Turn 3 Resolution

          As Rhyhorn charges into the group of goblins, Xun lunges forward and leaps over the pool of water, using the wall to the North as a parkour surface and lands easily on the opposite edge of the water, balancing himself easily. He moves up behind the rockbeast, weapon in hand and ready to deflect attacks, but not before one of the goblins tosses another ineffective javelin at Rhyhorn. The ugly goblinoid shouts, "Detener la ejecución de este a través de Traducir!" in Goblin and its allies break off to the North and South while it draws its morningstar, all out of javelins. However, unable to get away, the goblin giving the commands ends up on the receiving ends of Rhyhorn's attack and falls dead. Having lost another target to charge at, Rhyhorn and Xun make their way past the fresh corpse and take up a defensive position in the intersection.
          Moving carefully around the stone, Hogarth and Elia circle to the West just as the goblins break away. The barbarian gives chase with the priestess hot on her heels moving further into the winding cave. As she turns the corner, she spies one of the cowardly beasts who has another javelin readied and lobs it wildly at the elf as she begins to charge the goblin with her greataxe. Ducking under the projectile, she leaps up and brings her deadly axe down and through the goblin's body, cleaving down through its shoulder, shattering its skeleton and bursting its heart all in one swift motion. Elia steps over the mis-thrown javelin, trying to keep pace with Hogarth. From the darkness to their North comes some swiftly barked words in Goblin that proceed more javelins by mere moments. A pair of them strike true, wounding Hogarth and Elia each once. The priestess does take the new wound as an opening to heal her barbarian ally before another volley can be thrown. As her healing hands begin to glow, a harsh voice from the darkness ahead bellows something in goblin that resounds through the cave. There is no way anything alive in here didn't hear that...

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Sunday, Dec. 11th, 3am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 40/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 17/21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 47/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended This Turn~
Elia: Cure Light Wounds

~Powers Expired This Turn~
Resistance, Shield of Faith.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 09, 2011, 03:15:39 am
Upon hearing the bellow, Hogarth drops all pretenses of stealth. "FIGHT WITH HONOR, COWARDS" she howls, and heads north along the east part of the path, going between the wall and stone. Upon arriving, she goes right for the hobgoblin, striking mightily with her greatnessaxe, Sasha. She whips a throwing axe at both of the remaining creatures, eyes ablaze and steam hissing through her mouth.

Action 1: Move to K4.
Action 2: Attack Hobgoblin.
Action 3: Throwing axe at Goblin 24.
Action 4: Throwing axe at Goblin 25.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 09, 2011, 03:25:32 am
Rhyhorn sees Hogarth heading north, and turns his attention the opposite way, still needing to clear out many more Goblins before it will be safe to get ALL THE THINGS across that water.  He charges forth at the first Goblin he sees at the end of his torchlight, cutting into it with his Greatsword before continuing his assault on the next in line.

Action 1:2) CHAAAAARGE! Goblin 23, taking the walls as a detour if needed, ending on H16.
Action 3) Greatsword! an adjacent Goblin!  (Priority is 23, 29, Other)
Action 4) Greatsword! an adjacent Goblin!  (Priority is 23, 29, Other)
Action 4-B) If no Goblins are left living, proceed slowly and carefully down the corridor until a Goblin or anything else of interest is spotted.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 09, 2011, 05:51:22 pm
Elia opens her mouth to speak, but words she speak are covered by Hogarths Cry. She quickly follows behind Hogarth as she runs forward.

1-4) Follow behind Hogarth. If Hogarth, or any nearby party members need HP, move to them and heal them.
Priority: Most Damaged/nearest to death friendly units, Hogarth, other nearby members.
If Damage taken =/> 5 Use Cure Minor Wounds
If Damage taken  < 5 Use Cure Light Wounds
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 09, 2011, 09:02:03 pm
Panicked, Nathalie hops down from the cart and sprints toward the rock by the lake (with her torch in hand), hoping to gain some more cover while readying her crossbow to ensure any incoming goblins are swiftly dealt with. "Peligroso! I mean, danger! They're onto us!" She shouts, shiftily looking around for goblins, "I am ninety-percent sure there are bigger goblins here and they mean business! Fall back!"

1) Move to K,13
2-4) Hold action; shoot enemies that come into range if shot is safe.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 10, 2011, 12:30:02 am
   Yvonne is by no means fluent in Goblin, but she picks up a few choice curses in the shout, and she can tell by the tone that the shouter is most certainly angry. "Bouncing Aladeo riding side-saddle on a two humped camel trekking across Starbane!" she thinks to herself a moment before Hogarth's reply. "I'm not a coward! I'm tactful!" the thought crosses her mind before she realizes it was likely directed at whatever monstrosity was around the corner, rather than her. For reasons beyond the fire sprite's comprehension, the barbarian despised wizards, yet seemed to have few issues with her being a flame-born sorceress. Hogarth had also yet to comment on Yvonne's preferred ranged methods of combat. Nonetheless, it was not a subject she wished to delve too deeply into, for fear that the elven woman may suddenly decide her to be a cowardly wizard and turn on her. She had no desire to learn how far her friend could actually throw an axe.
   (1) She grips her lit wand in her teeth as she fumbles in her backpack for her scroll case. Finding the desired roll, she yanks it out and is about to read it when Nathalie calls out. The fire Lirai snorts softly but rudely. "'Ohh hoo ha haive ehyhohy!' 'he hez." she manages to murmur around the thin baton. "'heh's ho!' 'he hez. 'Ih's hoing hoo he alhigh'.' 'he hez. Meh!" (2) She pulls the wand out of her mouth and grumbles a favored Ignan profanity before quietly speaking the spell and shoving the blank sheet back into its case. She cannot see the shield that formed before her, but she can feel its magical presence and is comforted by the protection it offers, albeit temporary. It helps stave off the growing desire to abandon this crew of suicidal fools and simply escape this hell hole.
   Looking up, Yvonne sees Rhyhorn's light move farther down the southern corridor, opposite the one Hogarth chose earlier. "They're splitting up?!" (3) A short string of vulgar words seeps through clenched teeth as she moves to another outcropping of stone. Peeking around the corner, she can see Hogarth engaging several foes, while Elia remains faithfully near to mend any injuries incurred. "They're fine, Hogarth can take 'em." She determines quickly and chooses to pursue Rhyhorn. After all, the wands she bought earlier are more effective on living rock than flesh.
   Keeping close to the ceiling and an eye on the north, she approaches the southern passage with caution, her spells ready to be cast at anything.

1: Retrieve Scroll of Shield from backpack.
2: Cast Shield on self.
3: Move to J12 then to I13 and pause to peek around corner. If a javelin equipped Goblin is beyond melee range of Rhyhorn, complete move to H13. If not, remain in I13.
4: If in H13, cast Magic Missile via wand on javelin equipped Goblin beyond melee range of Rhyhorn. If still in I13, Hold Action; if javelin equipped Goblin approaches from North, cast Magic Missile via wand on it. If Magic Missile has not been cast and Goblin enters melee range, cast Elemental Strike.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 11, 2011, 08:23:32 am

Turn 4 Closed

Update will be up within the next 24 hours, hopefully. Been a busy weekend and its not over yet for me.

Mini-update: I've got the text written up and the combat details all worked out. I just need to find some time to get the map image edited. I think I'll have something up by midnight EST at the latest.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 12, 2011, 12:29:09 am

Turn 4 Resolution

       With speed that is always startling to see from the rockbeast, Rhyhorn charges deeper into the cave after a fleeing goblin with Xun following quickly behind him. Diving straight into a group of goblins at the turn of the cave, Rhyhorn slashes his target with the greatsword in his mouth, wounding the goblinoid warrior only moments before Xun closes the distance between them and finishes the creature off with a well-placed strike. From around the corner another goblin stands ready with its morningstar and brings it down soundly onto Rhyhorn's back, gouging deeply into his hide. Turning in place to strike this new threat, the quadruped slices first at the goblin to the South who deftly evades the strike by diving to the side and straight into Xun's lethal sword, getting skewered for its reckless speed. Unfortunately for Rhyhorn, the strange quarters of the cave's curved walls and his opponent's quickness make it impossible to land another blow.
          Further behind in the cave, Nathalie makes out what the goblinoids are shouting about and calls out, "Peligroso! I mean, danger! They're onto us! I am ninety-percent sure there are bigger goblins here and they mean business! Fall back!" as she moves closer to the battle to take up a defensive sniping position against a large stone. Nearby, Yvonne makes use of a spell scroll that creates a shimmering barrier around her tiny body for a quick second before the arcane defense solidifies into a shield of pure force. Now protected, she ventures into the cave's intersection, wand at the ready to blast any offensive goblins.
          Meanwhile to the North, a pair of goblins hurl their crude javelins at Hogarth, both striking with deadly accuracy and slowing her advance. Elia, ever prepared, reaches forward with her healing hands to repair the barbarian's wounds before they can impede the elf further. Fully restored, the elf woman continues her warpath to the group of foul goblinoids, but only to meet her doom as the floor gives way! Elia halts herself only mere inches from falling a good twenty feet straight down into the pit trap that has taken Hogarth by surprise. This seems to be a signal for the goblins as they shout more babble in Goblin and even more of the hideous creatures flood out from beyond the curve in the cave ahead, along with another axe-wielding hobgoblin. Several of them easily make their way around the pit using a solid ledge on the Western edge while another pair begin to shove a heavy rock down into the hole and onto Hogarth, maiming her further. The barbarian however won't be deterred. With a bellow of fury, she throws the large stone off and grabs a smaller axe from her things, hurling it upwards and catching a stone-rolling goblin directly in the chest with it. Elia, torn with aiding her friend and retreating to safety quickly finds herself fending off the group of goblins. She lands a quick punch on one of them as it tries to slip around behind her, but the blow only seems to bruise the beast as they surround her position. Another javelin from across the pit strikes her lightly, as a morningstar from one of the closer ones also lands heavily on her side. The hobgoblin that shouted orders before now stands before her, his battleaxe  - of greater quality than the weapons carried by the lesser goblins - seems to mark his status in the clan. With a hateful roar he swings at Elia and the heavy axe blade cuts deeply into her flesh. With the force of will brought on by her years of training as a Priestess of Odinn, she manages to channel the very last of her healing abilities to repair her wounds and stave off death, but this show of holy power only seems to infuriate the hobgoblin further as he strikes with the axe again, drawing more blood from Elia's body. As a small punctuation to the fierce melee at the edge of the pit, from across the length of the cave comes a small bolt of force from Yvonne's wand, striking a goblin on the far side of the trap before it can raise another javelin against Elia. The magical bolt strikes unerringly and stuns the goblin, knocking it unconscious.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 1am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 36/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 10/21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Shield (+4 Defense, Immune to Magic Missile)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended This Turn~
Elia: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 12, 2011, 12:45:10 am
Torn between charging forward to help her endangered allies or return to the cart, she decides to do her best in applying her skills in some manner. Nathalie leaps over the rock into the intersection, PUTS THE TORCH SQUARELY ON HER MAGICAL (FACETIOUS) BELT AND SHOOTS three purebred, Nathalie-blessed bolts into the hearts of the surrounding goblins, theoretically.

1) Move to I, 12
2) See capital letters.
3-4) Shoot two arrows in the direction when the area is illuminated enough
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 12, 2011, 12:55:29 am
Rhyhorn quickly slashes at the Goblin that seems unwilling to just die already, turning and seeing the Goblin swarm around Elia and Hogarth as he finishes his enemy off.  He quickly turns, abandoning his current path to head back up to his friends and charging into the Goblin fray.

Action 1) Kill Goblin 28 with Greatsword
Action 2-A) Above, if not accomplished.
Action 2-B:3) Charge into the fray surrounding Elia and Hogarth, attacking the nearest Goblin in Charge-range.
Action 3-B:4) Above, if not done previously.
Action 4) Swing at any adjacent Goblin, priority on the one Charged at if not dead.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 12, 2011, 01:10:15 am
Dropped in a hole with only a rock for company, Hogarth is furious. Such humiliation she has never received! Everyone else had the sense of dying with some sense of honor.. Even the elemental, which is an impossible wizard, fought more courageously as these... ingrates. She makes a mental note in her oath book, her mind-oath book being the same size as a square of toilet paper. Some of Elia's blood comes splashing down the hole and hits Hogarth in the face. She reaches her limit, achieving MAXIMUM RAGE POTENTIAL and goes into a Berserker Rage. She shoots up the hole as fast as she can, sweeping her axe at Hobgoblin 2's legs in case he tries to attack as she climbs up. She faces the cowering Hobgoblin, his command as stripped from him as his feet are from his legs. "BERSERKER BARRAGE" she pushes out through gritted teeth in a low, gutteral voice. She brings her axe down and turns to face the other creatures.

Action 1: Activate Rage.
Action 2: Climb out of hole onto K6.
Action 3: Sweep axe at Hobgoblin 2 as I ascend the hole.
Action 4: Attack Hobgoblin 2 further.

If about to be attacked as ascending hole, throw a throwing axe at the goblin about to be attack and drop Action 4.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 12, 2011, 05:52:19 pm
   "Hogarth! Elia!" Yvonne wants to shout, but even with the shield, she still fears overtly giving her position away... as if her casting of Magic Missile hadn't already done that, but... (1, 2, 3, 4) The fire Lirai grabs a fist full of ash and readies her wand. She does not perform her usual, over-exaggerated display for casting, preferring instead to utilize the barest minimum verbal and somatic actions necessary as she begins her assault.

1: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt on Hobgoblin 1.
2: Hold Action through turn: If any hostile target enters melee range, Cast Elemental Strike on it.
3: If Hobgoblin 1 is conscious, Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt on it. If Hobgoblin 1 is dead or unconscious, Cast Magic Missile via wand on a targetable, javelin wielding Goblin. If no javelins are readied on a targetable Goblin, Cast Magic Missile via wand on conscious Goblin that 'appears' to be in best condition.
4: If there are conscious Goblins that are targetable from current position, Cast Magic Missile via wand on Goblin that 'appears' to be in best condition. If no conscious Goblins are targetable, Hold Action until one is targetable and cast Magic Missile via wand on it.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 12, 2011, 10:10:57 pm
Xun does not wait for the rhyhorn, immediately turning and sprinting to the north.  His blade flicks out at the two goblins in a series of blinding cuts before slipping forward and carving a glowing symbol into the air just in front of Hobgoblin 1 to unleash a blast of force.

1) Move to J9
2) Word of Binding on Goblin 24
3) Attack Goblin 25
4) sidestep to I8 and Rune of Divine Thunder on Hobgoblin 1
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: st4rw4k3r on December 12, 2011, 10:34:55 pm
Fist meeting the hobgoblins face. Okay, I take it back, these things are evil-kind.... She turns to meet the Goblin next to her, and introduces herself to it with continual striking of fists. "Hogarth, are you okay?" She calls to the Barbarian Warrior.

1) Punch Hobgoblin 1
2-3) Use Flurry on Goblin 24
4) Use to attack any remaining hob/goblin or if there are none left, move to the nearest friend.

Yes all attacks made to the hob/goblin are lethal.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 13, 2011, 01:46:38 am

Turn 5 Resolution

         With a silence that only paranoia and desperation can evoke, Yvonne conjures a flaming bolt of energy and hurls it at the hobgoblin threatening Elia, but the beast was alerted by the pixie's Magic Missile previously and is only grazed by the spell, its shoulder getting only mildly scorched. The priestess, no longer holding to her normally pacifistic ways, strikes to kill her assailant and connects soundly with the hobgoblin's chest. From the side come a pair of morningstars from the smaller goblins, one striking the priestess cleanly while the other misses. Elia is hard-pressed to keep her balance at the edge of the pit but manages to keep her footing. However, her attack wasn't nearly forceful enough to drop the hardy hobgoblin. Drawing up its axe in a high swing, the beastman brings the deadly blade heavily down and cleaves into the priestess, knocking any sign of consciousness from her body. No longer able to stand, her robed body crumples and tips into the deep pit, hitting the bottom with a sickening thud and resting there, lifeless. In an act of defiance for what she has seen, Yvonne summons yet another large shard of elemental fire and releases it at the murderous hobgoblin, this one catching it directly in the back while it stands gloating over the pit. The magical firebolt tears through the beastman's body leaving a gaping, charred hole of intestines behind as it passes through.
         Hogarth, covered in the blood of her ally, releases all control and becomes an avatar of fury, rapidly scaling the wall of the pit unhindered by the bulk of her greataxe with her new found strength. Seeing the hobgoblin waiting at the top for her, she pauses in her ascent to throw one of her smaller axes at the beast, somehow holding her greataxe in her mouth while she does so. The throwing axe catches the hobgoblin in the chest, staggering it. A shining bolt of light from the pixie's wand connects with the hobgoblin's face whilst it is unbalanced, crushing in the already hideous features there. It drops to the ground, bleeding to death from the combined efforts of Yvonne and Hogarth but the barbarian's rage is unsated. She launches herself upward out of the pit shouting "BERSERKER BARRAGE!" and slashing down at the dying beastman, hacking the body into smaller chunks, sending blood and entrails flying everywhere.
         From the distant end of the stone corridor, Xun rushes to the aid of his allies, passing Nathalie as she stows her magical torch and takes aim at the goblins ahead. The monk closes the distance with the goblins moments too late to save Elia, his blade striking one of the ugly goblinoids dead and activating the defensive properties of his Word of Binding on the barbarian. The last goblin still alive screams defiantly at Xun and connects with his morningstar just before taking a crossbow bolt to the chest. Wavering on its feet, the monk neatly spits the barely conscious goblin on his sword before dislodging it and letting the corpse lie on the cold stone of the cave.
         Meanwhile, Rhyhorn finds himself unable to land a blow on the goblin engaged with him, but the goblin is having equal difficulty in damaging the rockbeast. They exchange attacks, one dodging while the other wails ineffectually on its target. Eventually the goblin slips up and over-extends itself with a wild swing intended to break through Rhyhorn's thick hide but it only serves in leaving itself wide open to the greatsword's lethal blade. With a quick twist of the neck and a forward shift of weight, Rhyhorn drives the blade deep into the goblin's belly and tears it out of the tiny creature's body, stopping it cold. Rhyhorn turns to see Xun has retreated to the other melee and the rockbeast follows suit only to find the battle is ended.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Thursday, Dec. 15th, 2am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 36/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -10/21 (Dead)  
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 46/53
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100
Effects: Raging, Word of Binding (+3 Defense)

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Shield (+4 Defense, Immune to Magic Missile)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended This Turn~
Hogarth: Rage
Xun: Word of Binding
Yvonne: Kelgore's Fire Bolt, Kelgore's Fire Bolt
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 13, 2011, 01:54:27 am
Rhyhorn's eyes widen at the grisly sight, stowing his Greatsword and using his wall-scaling powers to run down into the pit.  He scoops Elia's form onto his back and quickly rushes back up the side he came from, panicked.  He runs her back to ALL THE THINGS, his stone head reeling as he rests her inside and tries to figure out what to do, knowing only that the meager power of his Healing Belt would do no good.

Action 1) Sheathe Greatsword.
Action 2) Run into Pit and scoop up Elia.
Action 3-4) Run back to ALL THE THINGS and rest her inside.

(I honestly don't think there's anything we can do to help Elia, myself.  We're too low level, and we don't have the resources.  A huge sidequest at this point just doesn't seem feasible.  I'm sorry.  I just feel like we'd end up with more people dead instead if we tried it, and that won't help anyone.)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 13, 2011, 02:56:17 am
   "I should have cast faster..." Yvonne says quietly, feeling her heart race as she watches the goings on below. "I should have moved faster..." She stares at her trembling hands, but is unable to focus on them, despite the flames still wrapped around one. "I should have cast faster..." She repeats, the shaking spreading quickly through the rest of her body. "I should have moved faster..." The light at the wand's tip shifts and shakes along with its wielder, its rays reflecting wildly off the crystallized aether shed from the pixie's wings.

1: Hold Action through turn: If hostile target enters melee range, Cast Elemental Strike, scream girlishly and stop muttering.
2, 3, 4: Hover in place. If Elemental Strike is cast, flee to Q13 over the cart of ALL THE THINGS and Hold Action: if javelin wielding Goblin enters range, cast Magic Missile via wand.

((I would love to vote for an epic side quest, if not for the fact that I highly doubt our survivability without a healer. Yvonne cannot utilize healing wands and her natural arcane magic will not allow her to learn them. As far as *my* knowledge of D&D, the world of Sephyr and how Celdia governs it is concerned, I know we would have to seek a Cleric of high enough level to cast level 5 spells, and have a - singular, not collection of - diamond worth 5,000 gold, all with a time limit of 9 days. I honestly believe this is beyond us at our levels. Resurrection requires a Cleric with level 7 spells, a 10,000 gold diamond and a time limit of 130 days. True Resurrection requires level 9 spells, a 25,000 gold diamond but has a much more forgiving time frame of 170 years. If we would take up any of these quests, I would see us doing so with a replacement healer, and only so as to allow Elia to go on with her life, not to rejoin the party. The numbers just do not work for us to scramble against time to find a rare gem and high level healer at this point in our careers, all while without a healer of our own. Honestly, were Yvonne to fall in the next pane, I would have no issue with the group continuing on, as it simply is not feasible to resurrect her at this time.))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 13, 2011, 06:45:30 am
Seeing her ally's lifeless body on the stone rhino only serves to throw logs on the fire of Hogarth's rage. Real logs, not that bullshit fake stuff you buy at the marketplace these days. She grabs her throwing axe from a chunk of Hobgoblin 2, then her other from Goblin 27. She sees a still breathing, but unconscious goblin next to that one, and grunts while she lifts her axe and kills the beastly aberration.

Action 1: Retrieve throwing axe from Hobgoblin 2.
Action 2: Walk to Goblin 27.
Action 3: Retrieve throwing axe from Goblin 27.
Action 4: Chop apart Goblin 26.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 14, 2011, 12:50:29 am
 Can I get an official vote about what you five intend to do about Elia? I may be able to salvage this into something that isn't a total disaster depending on which way you want to go. Feel free to edit your posts for this turn with your votes. I just need to know if you intend to let her pass or to take on a huge sidequest to get her revived. I'll note that you'll do so sans healer because I'm not going to bring in a 6th player just to kick them out of the game should Elia be ressurected. The next turn may be delayed based on the votes, though I'll try to avoid that if I can.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 14, 2011, 12:58:43 am
Xun follows Rhyhorn, stepping into the cart and bowing his head as he arranges Elia's limbs in gentle repose.  He chants and rolls beads in his hands, mending her damaged body as best he can with his arts.  "Must go back to town.  Find her temple.  They can help."  He looks up at the stone beast, a very uncharacteristic cold look in his eyes.  "But first, all things in this cave die."  And with that he slips off the cart and heads back into the caves.

1) Help the pokeymanz take Elia back to the cart.
2) Compose her body, bless it to ward off undeath.
3) Move to K3
4) Enter Punishing Stance

((I totally vote for the sidequest, although I am honestly not sure if I can keep the sum total of asses in one piece.))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 14, 2011, 01:16:35 am
"I told you all to fall back dammit!" Nathalie yelled, fleeing back toward her nesting rock in hopes the rest of the party would regroup. At her rock, she placed her torch on the top and her crossbow next to it, unfortunately eying her nearly empty quiver of bolts and debating returning to the cart.

"Serves me for just waiting at the cart..."

1) Move to K, 13
2-4) Hold action; shoot crossbow at incoming goblins.

(My vote can go either way really, for the sidequest. If it's leading toward the sidequest just count my vote that way and vice versa).
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 14, 2011, 01:41:13 am
((I'm with Rhyhorn on this one. I'm sorry, St4r, but he's right. We have no real mages, no one with a high enough level for resurrection, barely enough gold between all of us, and whatever quest it will entail will be too much for just Xun to heal and defend against. And in two fights in a row, you were put below 0hp. As much as I'd like to keep you with us, I can't see it end in any way but disaster.))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 14, 2011, 02:43:02 am

Turn 6 Resolution

No enemies currently on the map for two Turns. Switching back to 24-hour-post exploration mode. You've been moved about on the map, no real narrative for this post beyond what you put in your own posts already.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 24 hours, (Thursday, Dec. 15th, 3am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 36/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -10/21 (Dead)  
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 46/53
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100
Effects: Raging

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Shield (+4 Defense, Immune to Magic Missile)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expired This Turn~
Hogarth: Word of Binding - Protection
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 14, 2011, 02:49:31 am
Hogarth stomps north and rounds the corner to the east, her eyes gleaming red and curses on her breath. She uses a free hand to take blood from her face and put it on her axe. Beyond rational talk, beyond looking for shinies, she looks instead for traps with her cunning instinct and to scream at enemies with her cunning linguistic skills.

Actions 1-4: Keep traveling north and east unless a trap or an enemy are happened upon. Interrupt travel to dispatch either, then continue on. Expend turns as necessary.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 14, 2011, 02:53:17 am
   "I should have cast faster..." Yvonne says quietly, her heart still racing as she has now lost track of the goings on below. "I should have moved faster..." She stares blankly past her trembling hands off into nowhere. "I should have cast faster..." She repeats, the shakes continue to rack her entire body and she begins to slowly lose altitude. "I should have moved faster..." The light at the wand's tip quivers and quakes along with its wielder, causing strange shadows to dance along the cave walls.

1: Hold Action through turn: If hostile target enters melee range, Cast Elemental Strike, scream girlishly and stop muttering.
2, 3, 4: Hover in square but drop a few feet. If Elemental Strike is cast, flee to Q13 over the cart of ALL THE THINGS and Hold Action: if javelin wielding Goblin enters range, cast Magic Missile via wand.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 14, 2011, 09:01:04 am
Rhyhorn turns after a moment of shifting things around in the cart to better accommodate Elia, seeing his companions already having run far ahead.  He lets out a rage-filled roar likely to be heard through the entire cave before drawing his Greatsword once more and running ahead, anger and vengeance the only thing on his rocky rhino brain.

Action 1:4-A) Follow Hogarth and Xun deeper into the cave, thought process colored with rhino rage and revenge.
Action 1:4-B) If any Goblins appear, show them the Rage of 100 Greatsword-Wielding Rhinos and do not stop until dead.  Then, resume A.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 14, 2011, 11:33:41 am
Xun paces beside Hogarth, the usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a cold and terrifying focus.

(( keeping pace with the barbarian, also looking out for traps, and murdering the shit out of things that arent smart enough to run the hell away.  also presumably we wind up going back to the southwest since the NE seems to end at a dead-end, unless there is a sekrit door. ))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 14, 2011, 11:26:09 pm
Perched at her rock, Nathalie sits vigilant, waiting for anything to creep out of the darkness. Summoning up some amount of bravery, Nathalie takes out her torch and moves away from the rock, her crossbow readied and moves to the south pathway, but only a little bit.

1) Move to I,13
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 15, 2011, 08:23:22 am

Turn 7 Resolution

          As the killing rage leeches away from Hogarth, her normally observant talents come to the fore. On closer inspection, behind what appeared to be a large pile of rocks lies a passage - likely the one the goblins used to get into this corridor in the first place. The barbarian pressed on further and around a sharp bend with both Xun and Rhyhorn close behind, finding the passage leads only deeper into the cave complex.
          Behind at the crossroads, Nathalie and Yvonne can see the light cast by the torches their allies carry vanish as they pass around the bend.

Don't mind the semi-realistic lighting I attempted on this Turn. I wanted to see how much of a pain in the ass it would be and how it would look in the end. Also as a note, since there is no real limit to how many images I post in one Turn, you don't all have to stay together to continue onward, but I thought I'd have you stop here both to give me another day to work up the rest of the map as well as my idea for the next player rotating into the game...and also to give you time to regroup if you wanted to before continuing onward.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 24 hours, (Friday, Dec. 16th, 9am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 36/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -10/21 (Dead)  
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Shield (+4 Defense, Immune to Magic Missile)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expired This Turn~
Hogarth: Rage
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 15, 2011, 12:41:36 pm
Hogarth looks around and notices that Yvonne and Nathalie are not with them. She turns to Ryhorn and Xun. "You stay. I fetch squishies." She goes back the way she came, past the path of littered goblin corpses, and finds Yvonne and Nathalie. Yvonne is shaking and muttering to herself. Hogarth uses her shining burning pointing finger and pats Yvonne's head gently. "It's over now, little one. Come, we've found something." She motions for Nathalie to follow her back to Rhyhorn and Xun.

Action 1: Go back to Yvonne and Nathalie.
Action 2: Pat Yvonne on head.
Action 3: Lead them back to Rhyhorn and Xun.
Action 4: Move aside rock.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 15, 2011, 03:09:12 pm
   "I should have..." Yvonne cuts off as she feels a pat on her head. A familiar scent wafts past her nostrils and she suddenly takes note of her position. "Oh... I... uhm..." she starts, realizing the others are no longer near, only Nathalie and Hogarth remain. "Damnit, damnit, damnit..." she thinks quietly. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath and holds it for a moment before releasing it. When she opens her eyes, they have changed. One who is observant would notice her normally light blue irises have gone red. Orange and gold flecks appear and disappear at random, giving the illusion that they are truly ablaze. "I'm fine." The fire Lirai growls, clenching her teeth with enough force to risk cracking a tooth. "We shall avenge her death." She hisses. "We shall not rest until every last one of these foul beasts lies charred or quartered on the floor of their own accursed lair." All traces of her prior fear have vanished, either buried deep or forgotten, though either way, the current result is the same. "Let's go."

1: Hover in place, slowly losing altitude.
2: Hover in place.
3, 4: Follow Hogarth to rejoin the others.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 15, 2011, 05:16:20 pm
"Yeah, I'm coming," Nathalie replied, walking toward the elvish brute, "So what's the plan now?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 16, 2011, 08:41:29 am
Busy day today. Extending post time for another day.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 17, 2011, 01:23:55 pm

Turn 8 Resolution

          Regrouping, the party makes their way down the passage revealed by Hogarth. It leads further North and downward into the earth. Coming to another bend in the stone corridor reveals an intersection. One branch continues Westward while the other turns further North. No sign of the enemy lies in either direction, though the Northern corridor does continue beyond your collective vision. The path to the West turns only a short distance past the intersection.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 24 hours, (Sunday, Dec. 18th, 2pm EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 36/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -10/21 (Dead)  
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Shield (+4 Defense, Immune to Magic Missile)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 18, 2011, 01:24:00 am
   As Yvonne catches up with Rhyhorn and Xun, she notices a gash in the stone rhino's hide, one that she believes was not there before. Not knowing the specifics of her friend's physiology beyond what Cozwin had told her, she flies down for a closer inspection. "We need ya in top shape, ya know." she says, deciding that the wound may possibly be worth a charge. (1, 2, 3) Clutching the glowing Magic Missile wand again in her teeth, she fetches one of the other new ones. She taps it lightly against the canyon in Rhyhorn's side and is pleased to watch a gentle glow issue forth and flow into and fill the gap. The magic quickly solidifies into new stone, and while not perfect, "Tha' shou' do fer now..." The fire Lirai says, admiring her handiwork.

1: Draw Wand of Repair Light Damage.
2: Cast Repair Light Damage on Rhyhorn
3: Return Wand of Repair Light Damage to its place.
4: Hold Action: If any javelin wielding target enters visual range, Cast Magic Missile via wand on it.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 18, 2011, 11:18:46 am
Xun heads over and looks around the bend to the west, blade held in his hands.

1) move to H15
2-4) held actions to attack any enemies that come close
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 18, 2011, 02:33:18 pm
Don't have time to update right now. Will likely get around to it tonight when I'm at work. Turn remains open until then.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 18, 2011, 11:14:47 pm
Nathalie follows the crowd, keeping her ears open for any noise. She clutches her crossbow tightly, preparing for a goblin onslaught.

"This place has gotten considerably more menacing since we entered.."

1) Follow Xun
2-4) Hold action; shoot enemies that come in range.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 19, 2011, 12:42:29 am

Turn 9 Resolution

         Creeping ahead slowly, the party advances into the intersection. Rhyhorn pauses near the Northern passage so that Yvonne can repair him with her wand, the magic infused into the thin dowel reconstructing his stony hide with ease. Just ahead, Xun and Hogarth peer around the corner but find only another long corridor leading North, this one narrowing into a choke point just at the edge of the elf's vision. Yvonne can see just a touch further down the first passage however and it appears to bend away to the East some. The stone rhino sniffs the air cautiously where he stands and gestures with his head towards the East-most passage with a jerk of his horned head.
         The cave is silent other than the sounds of the party's movements and there is still no visible sign of other goblin forces.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Wednesday, Dec. 21th, 1am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -10/21 (Dead)  
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expired This Turn~
Yvonne: Shield
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 19, 2011, 01:38:05 am
   As the magical barrier fades, a though crosses Yvonne's mind. "Did anyone see if tha' southern passage was a dead end?" she thinks vocally, but quietly. "I don' thin' we did..." She blinks and her eyes immediately return to normal. (1, 2) Uttering a rare Celestial vulgarity, she retrieves Xavier's wand and points it at the intersection.

1: Draw Xavier's wand.
2: Expend a charge of Xavier's wand.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 19, 2011, 01:42:11 am
"The cart is probably so is Elia's body," Nathalie says, "Let's go back and fetch our supplies first."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 19, 2011, 02:08:37 am
   Yvonne glances off to the northeast, down at Rhyhorn, then finally over at Nathalie. "Yes, tha' sounds like a splendid idea..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 19, 2011, 10:46:45 pm
Hogarth considers this notion for a flittering moment. "Friend Ryhorn, take them back to cart. Shouldn't be any beasts there. Friend Xun and I will go up west path and try not to draw attention." She says these words with precision, or as precise as a barbarian can make them, and as quietly as she can while still allowing the others to hear.

Actions: Creep along path to explore it, trying not to disturb or alert goblins. Peer around corners, hold one hand over light to dim it if necessary, and rely on Xun's silent demeanor as an example.  If goblins attack, interrupt all other actions to ATTACK.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 20, 2011, 01:17:31 am
   "West?" Yvonne asks. "I thou' we were gonna go east...?" She glances down at the stone rhino who had seemed to smell something from that direction. "I don' thin' we shou' split up again..." (3) As she speaks, she retrieves a scroll from the case in her pack.

3: Retrieve Scroll of Alarm
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 20, 2011, 01:26:15 am
Extending post time on this Turn for another 24 hours. Will probably continue with longer times through the holidays since I know a lot of schedules get bounced around and not everyone will be available to post in a timely manner and honestly, this is a part of the Adventure Pane I'd rather have solid player input for rather than falling back on auto-pilot.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 20, 2011, 03:55:45 pm
Xun nods, speaking quietly.  "Hogarth good fighter, we be OK together.  You all go, protect Rhyhorn."  His fingers absently trace over the blade of his sword, feeling the faint runes scored in the metal.  "Need him OK to pull cart, take back Elia."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 20, 2011, 10:56:51 pm
"East? We're standing in front of the west path. Don't plan on fighting goblins, just want to check surroundings until you return. Since goblins came out of this hole, it's better to watch it carefully while you get everything back here. No surprise attacks and traps like last time."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 20, 2011, 11:12:34 pm
"Preparedness," Nathalie mutters before leading the hulking rhinoceros through the cave, "Come on, let's check on our valuables."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 20, 2011, 11:23:19 pm
Thinking back to the previous times they've split up, it dawns upon Hogarth that obviously it's a horrid idea. Seeing that Yvonne, Rhyhorn, and Nathalie are all intent on going back to the entrance, Hogarth fumes and decides to head back with them. "Follow, Xun. We're going back. We'll probably have to throw the damned cart across the water. Only way it's getting across at any rate.."


Actions 1-3: Guard the others as we return to the cart.
Action 4:
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 21, 2011, 12:58:11 am

Turn 10 Resolution

         After a quick discussion, the party makes their way past the piles of goblin corpses and back to the cart without running afoul of more enemy reinforcements. Once there, Rhyhorn looks back and forth between the cart and the pool of water with disdain on his face or as much as can be shown by a rockbeast.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Friday, Dec. 23rd, 1am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -10/21 (Dead)  
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 21, 2011, 01:16:28 am
Hogarth wearily eyes the narrow path that was crossed to get here. "It's impossible to move the cart past this lake or the death hole. Come, leave the corpse and let's go back and get what we came for. Then we go drink ale and give Mr. Sparkle a goblin's hand as proof of contract." Hogarth chops off Hobgoblin 2's hand as she passes by and into the next section of the cave.

Action 1: Head to Hobgoblin 2.
Action 2: Chop hand off and hide it in her wolf hide.
Action 3: Head into next section.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 22, 2011, 01:51:52 am
   As Yvonne drifts over the cart with ALL THE THINGS, her gaze falls upon the broken body of the party's healer, Elia. A peculiar cocktail of emotion courses through her veins.
   She remembers her remarks about clearing the cave of every hateful goblinoid, but the boundless salvation of the sky is so close...
   So... Close...
   The flame pixie draws a raged breath as she tries to reignite the spark that had been lit so recently. Clenching her eye shut, she finds her efforts in vain as a shiver runs up her spine instead. Her irises remain unchanged when she reopens her eyes and she becomes acutely aware of something for the first time since entering this place.
   It is cold.
   Certainly that has to be the explanation for why her forearms are trembling... right?
   Hogarth begins to move away from the group.
   "I still think we should stay together." Yvonne states flatly. "I believe the artifacts we seek lie beyond the eastern passage. At the very least, we should collect them first, should we not? That is the main reason we are here, correct?"

1, 2, 3, 4: Follow no less than 2 squares behind Rhyhorn, Holding Actions to Cast Magic Missile via wand on a Javelin wielding Goblin that may enter range, or to Cast Elemental Strike on Goblin that should enter melee range.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 22, 2011, 10:31:10 pm
"Yes, friend Yvonne, that's why I'm going back to the hidden passage we came back from. Go down east due to narrow path on west. That's why I'm moving now now now" speaks Hogarth. Her voice starts to lean toward frustrated impatience towards the end of the sentence, and the barbarian marches to the passage entrance without another word.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 23, 2011, 02:45:09 am

Turn 11 Resolution

Since post time was up, I'm just regrouping you all here for the next turn.

You are in an intersection.
Obvious Exits: West, North, Southeast.

Command? _

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Sunday, Dec. 25th, 3am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -10/21 (Dead)  
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 23, 2011, 02:52:24 am
   "This scroll shall allow me to create an alarm that will notify me should anything larger than a rat tries to pass it." Yvonne explains, holding out a tiny roll of parchment. "I intend to use it here to inform us of a potential rear attack, but this is my last one, so I shall inquire as to your opinions before I proceed."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 23, 2011, 02:59:45 am
"A regular rat or a dire rat?" Hogarth mutters, not expecting an answer. "Do it. Don't want cart to get snatched by goblins. That is.. shameful."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 23, 2011, 01:14:48 pm
Rhyhorn takes an angry stomp and heads due north, Greatsword held in mouth and his rage stewing further from the constant and seemingly pointless treks back-and-forth his allies were forcing him to take.  Leave caution to those who have the resources to be cautious, Rhyhorn is on a personal mission and the time for action had arrived.

Actions 1:4) Rhyhorn heads North and through the path directly ahead at Charging Speed, taking to the walls as needed to not interrupt his Charge unless he needs to round a corner, at which point they should be taken with a rage-filled Rhino-Power-Slide before continuing down the path.  If a Goblin is encountered at any time during this turn, Rhyhorn changes heading and Charges right into it, smashing down on it with the might of his Greatsword.  If a Hobgoblin or other high-profile looking enemy is encountered, change heading to Charge at it, unleash a powerful Roar through my Greatsword-laden mouth and smash it's fucking face in with true Rhyhorn might.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 23, 2011, 06:23:03 pm
"I guess we're heading north then," Nathalie says, following the hulking rhinoceros down cave corridor. She prepares a bolt just in case, hoping desperately the goblins will not strike again.

"I really am just worried that possible products will be stolen and that would not be good for future enterprises," she explains to Rhyhorn, hoping he would catch the gist of her vague explanation.

1) Follow two spots behind Rhyhorn.
2-4) Hold action; fire on incoming targets.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 23, 2011, 09:55:58 pm
"THUNDER AND FURY" howls Hogarth, seeing how her stoned companion has dropped any pretense of stealth. Secretly, Hogarth is relieved. She keeps pace with the beast, hacking at anything in range.

Action 1 and 2: Charge ahead and attack anything hostile.
Action 3 and 4: Charge from that spot to another enemy.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 23, 2011, 11:53:36 pm
   (1, 2) The tiny fey drones the words off her scroll in a hushed monotone before returning it to its place in her pack. By the time the spell has taken form, Rhyhorn and Hogarth are well on their way down the corridor. (3, 4) She makes no effort to complain about or chastise them for what she believes to be reckless behavior, instead choosing to follow at a more modest pace behind Nathalie. Weak flames appear around her wrist as though the pyrite there had suddenly become the wick of a lamp starving for oil. Her shoulders slump and her lit wand almost slips from her listless grip as she drifts silently along.

1: Cast Alarm (mental) on K15.
Free: If Alarm at the cave's entrance is triggered, say "Someone, or something, has entered the cave." If Alarm at K15 of Battle Pane 2 is triggered, say "There are enemies behind us."
2: Return blank scroll to backpack.
3, 4: Move to at least K7 unless Nathalie stops before reaching K/L/M6, then remain two square behind. If no enemies spotted by this time, continue to follow no less than two squares behind Nathalie. If javelin wielding enemy enters range, Cast Magic Missile via wand. If any enemy enters melee range, cast Elemental Strike.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 24, 2011, 01:19:18 am
Xun follows the others, sword at the ready.

1-4) following along, ready to stab the crap out of anything that comes within melee range.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 24, 2011, 05:11:06 am

Turn 12 Resolution

I'm too tired to grammar check this.

          Pausing to cast a spell from her scroll, Yvonne is momentarily left behind as the rest of the party charges deeper into the winding cave tunnels. The passage ahead makes a sharp double-back to the South before opening again to the North, preventing an effective charge from anyone, but not their hasty movement. That speed proves to be a mild detriment however as they round the second bend and straight into a pair of hobgoblins, alerted by the light from the everburning torches. Longswords ready, they both lunge at Rhyhorn as he comes into view, one striking into the rockbeast's hide ineffectually with a longsword. Taken off-guard for only a moment, Rhyhorn emits a deafening roar, striking wildly with his greatsword and only managing to take a chunk out of the cave wall in his fury as the hobgoblin in front of him nimbly leaps back. Closing the distance from just behind, Hogarth swings her axe over Rhyhorn's ground-hugging body but her attack also falls just short of connecting. Xun circles around his allies to close with the other hobgoblin while Nathalie takes up a position wih her back to the corner and aims at the pair of enemies. Just as Xun is safely past her line of sight she looses a bolt but the hobgoblin she aims for brings his small shield up to deflect the magic-empowered projectile at the very last moment, embedding the shaft deeply into the wood.
          Again, the pair of goblinoids prepare to strike but only manage to get in each others' way as they cross their targets and attack paths. This confusion gives the party members each a prime opportunity to strike which they all make great use of. Hogarth's axe cleaves into the shoulder of one hobgoblin, forcing him to drop his shield. Rhyhorn quickly twists his head and spits the beastman on his blade. Beside it, Xun draws back with a graceful slide of feet across stone before lunging forward with a flourish like a fencer and running the other hobgoblin through the throat with his straight-blade. The hobgoblin is dead before Nathalie can even line up a second shot.
          As the lifeless bodies of the hobgoblins each drop to the cave floor with a quiet thump, Yvonne arrives to see the battle already ended. Beyond the site of the short skirmish lies a heavy metal gate, made from what looks like iron - possibly stolen from some manor house of days past - heavily covered with rust and spiked into the walls with multiple pitons. The gate is chained shut and set with a heavy padlock, beyond all of which are a pair of bodies - one moving, the other seemingly a corpse - and a large pile of coins with other indeterminable objects mixed in. A quick visual inspection of the guards reveals that they have no keys on them.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. There are penalties for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Monday, Dec. 26th, 5am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -10/21 (Dead)  
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 24, 2011, 06:30:51 am
Rhyhorn eyes the gate and sheathes his Greatsword, wary of Goblin traps but his anger quelling as he sees a strange very much not-Goblin behind the bars.  He lets out a small roar and motions toward the gate with his head, hoping someone would understand his request to try and get the gate open through a means that didn't involve a one-ton rhino on a stampede.

Action 1) Regain Focus
Action 2:4) Regain Focus if needed, else keep watch for any approaching enemies and Charge/Horn Attack if they appear.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 24, 2011, 07:37:36 am
Seeing no other alternative, Hogarth pulls out her last resort: Raw violence. Yelling incoherently, she moves to the lock and launch several brutal attacks at the chain and padlock, screaming with each swing.

Action 1: Move to gate
Action 2-4: Attack padlock
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Randomname on December 24, 2011, 08:21:24 am
The large insect-like Ek hears an odd commotion.  Sounds of Deep-Friends and sounds of not Deep-Friends.  He walks toward the gate slowly, with curiosity (1).

"Hello?" he says in every language he can think of.  "What is there?  Others?  No hurt, please!  Ek of Ak is harmless!" he adds, an uncharacteristic fear dug into him from untold hours sitting in this cell.

Action: 1 | Move to gate
Action: 2-4 | Huddle down like miserable rat
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 24, 2011, 11:18:56 am
Xun looks at the gate and frowns, waiting to see if Hogarth's efforts with the lock yield any results.  When he hears the strange thing speak, he raises an eyebrow in surprise.  "We not here to hurt you.  We here for goblins and treasure."

1-4) Hang out, watch for ambushes from the rear, and see if I can spot a trigger for the gate.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 24, 2011, 11:56:46 am
"Is that a bug?" She asks, more focused on the treasure than the peculiar organism until she heard the insect utter a few words and "hello's" in languages she at least understood.

"Hello?" She replied in the same language she'd understood from the life-sized mantis; however, her mind was still transfixed on the large amounts of shiny, expensive looking objects near to them.

1) Approach "Ek"
2-4) Be on guard.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 24, 2011, 05:54:16 pm
   (1) Yvonne rounds the turn with the same enthusiasm as a hungover sloth. "Bug." she observes dryly, wondering if freeing it would be the best course of action. "Big bug..." She has never seen an insect of this size before, and the thought of what kind of damage those mandibles and claws could do crosses her idle mind. (2) Eyeing wearily, the dead goblin, she notes a lack of physical damage. It would appear that the pathetic creature died of thirst and dehydration. Of course, it very well could have been natural, given the situation, but the small sorceress knows there are other, less-than-natural methods of removing water from something. Who is this strange individual who claims to be harmless?

Free: If outer Alarm is triggered, say "Something or someone has entered the cave." If inner Alarm is triggered, say "There are enemies behind us."
1: Move to Q8
2: Spot check on Goblin in cell.
3, 4: Hold Action: If javelin wielding goblinoid  enters range, cast Magic Missile via wand. If any hostile enters melee range, cast Elemental strike. If the insectoid makes a hostile action against self or ally, cast Elemental Strike. If insectoid casts a spell, make a spellcraft check.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 24, 2011, 07:57:29 pm
Noticing the insect for the first time (smash first, look later), Hogarth hisses "Be you a wizard, bug!" In all fairness to Hogarth, a talking, giant insect in a jail cell is valid concern for wizardry.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Randomname on December 24, 2011, 08:35:15 pm
"N'zla is no wi... wii-zard!  This one is Priest of Ak, Holy One of Deep Places," the insect-like Ek explains. "Perhaps you being in need of healing?  Perhaps water?  N'zla do anything for new ones if nice!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 24, 2011, 09:18:03 pm
Hogarth eases her anger, lowering her axe and relaxing. "This good. Wizards are cowards. Not wizard, we can travel, Friend Ek. Ek is short, good name."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 24, 2011, 09:55:01 pm

Turn 13 Resolution

          With a furious shout, Hogarth steps forward with her axe and shears the chain in half with her axe in a single blow, the sound of metal straining and snapping echoing sharply off the stone cave walls. Then just for good measure, the barbarian proceeds to mangle the gate itself until nothing but twisted metal vaguely resembling a gate is all that is left.
          Nathalie approaches the prison cell while the boys fall back to protect the rear of the party and she notices just how much treasure has been accumulated by the goblins. Scattered among the coins - of which there must tens of thousands of in varying value - are some valuable bits of jewelry as well as various potions, scrolls and finely crafted weapons and armor. In addition to all that it appears as if at least a couple of the objects the party came seeking are half-buried in the small mountain of coinage.
          With a quiet gasp of recognition, Yvonne states simply, "There are enemies behind us."

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. N'zla has Darkvision and can see 12 squares in any direction through the darkness. There are penalties to non-Darkvision characters for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours, (Tuesday, Dec. 27th, 10pm EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

~Power Notes~
Rhyhorn: Regained Focus.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 24, 2011, 10:28:12 pm
Xun flicks his torch back the way they came.  "Tired of fighting things that hide in the dark.  Now you shoot them easier."

1) toss torch back down the hallway.
2-4) Aid Another on closest allies to boost their defenses.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Randomname on December 24, 2011, 10:33:16 pm
"Feliir-Ak, tiel vaas T'raat-ra," N'zla whispers, reaching out to the intimidating elf and touching her wounds (1).  "Name is not Ek.  People are named Ek.  Personal name of this one is N'zla," he says with a bow. "You help N'zla?  What is name of you all?  What doing in bad place full of mean Deep-Friends-That-Not-So-Friends?"

Action: 1 | Cast [Cure Minor Wounds] @ Hogarth
Action: 2-4 | Move to stay a safe distance behind new allies, away from hostiles

[ Feliir-Ak, tiel vaas T'raat-ra = Holy-Ak, defy these war-injuries ]

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 24, 2011, 11:13:24 pm
"Friend N'zla, you follow. We leave way we came in!" Hogarth drops her torch, moves ahead, and hides behind the wall, waiting for enemies to flow in. As they pour forward, she brings her axe down and attacks the ones that take the fallen goblins' place.

Action 1: Drop torch, move to K9,  behind wall.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 25, 2011, 01:52:09 am
Rhyhorn hears the warning from Yvonne as Hogarth and Xun rush to trap the oncoming horde.  Seeing no room to fight adequately in the confined space, he leaves the fighting to his friends and heads back to the treasure room in order to help Nathalie secure it and load the goods.  In the pile of goods and money, Rhyhorn sees a blue-green melon-sized glass orb containing a swirling mist inside.  His eyes widen in shock and he lunges for it, scooping the orb in his mouth with a firmness that makes it very clear he is not letting it go.

Action 1) Move back into the treasure room.
Action 2) Scoop up the glass-orb described above, holding it in a rhino-vice-grip in his mouth.
Action 3:4-A) Park his fat Rhino ass in the treasure room and wait for Nathalie to hurry her ass up and load all the damn shit onto him, keeping his eyes firmly on the door.
Action 3:4-B) If hostiles have reached the door, abandon waiting duties and Charge the first to appear with a Roar-Boosted Horn Attack.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 25, 2011, 11:43:52 pm
   "A healer..." Yvonne mutters as Rhyhorn and Hogarth pass under her, both going in opposite directions. "Huh..." This knowledge does not completely ameliorate her concerns, but for now there are other, more pressing issues at hand. (1) "I thought we had agreed to stay together." She voices her thoughts as she wanders a ways towards those who triggered her Alarm spell. (2, 3, 4) "Perhaps I was wrong..." She sighs and prepares for the fight ahead.

1: Move to N6.
2, 3, 4: Hold Action: If javelin wielding hostile enters range, cast Magic Missile via wand. If any hostile enters melee range, cast Elemental Strike. If the insectoid casts a spell in visual range, use a Spellcraft check.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on December 27, 2011, 11:06:05 pm
"An odd place to find a companion, in any case, I'll round up the treasure! Just be careful! ALL of you!" Nathalie exclaims, sifting through the treasure for anything remotely resembling the pictures Xavier showed her.

"Helping probably isn't out of the question," she mutters, dropping her task and running up to join the crew, "Mueren los bichos!"

1) Move to N7
2-4) Hold action; HARPOON CANNON FIRE
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 27, 2011, 11:38:28 pm

Turn Closed

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 28, 2011, 01:50:34 am

Turn 14 Resolution

         Before Hogarth can rush out of the prison cell to her allies' aid, N'zla reaches out briefly and touches the elf with healing power, showing his good intent. Yvonne and Nathalie follow the barbarian around the corner to see Xun lob his torch into the far corner of the hallway, lighting the way. The monk makes ready, standing to defend his allies as they move up beside him and Hogarth charges past. As she reaches the turn in the corridor she is brought up short as she comes face-to-muzzle with a wolf-like beast ( at least as big as Rhyhorn, if not bigger, with a goblin riding atop the beast's back, javelins at the ready.
         Without hesitation, both sides launch into their attacks. Yvonne discharges her wand at the goblin as it tosses a javelin wildly at the pixie. The magic bolt of force strikes true, but the mundane projectile is deflected by Xun's blade, saving Yvonne from a potentially damaging blow. Heedless of the ranged battle occuring around her, Hogarth begins her deadly dance with the worg. The foul beast snaps at the elf's legs, acting independently of its rider which suggests some intelligence from it. The elf only barely evades the snapping jaws while bringing her greataxe around in a short arc, the blade digging deeply into the wolfbeast's matted fur and drawing a great deal of blood. Upon the beast's back, wounded but not yet dead, the goblin reaches for another javelin but is stopped short by a crossbow bolt by Nathalie, knocking the dying goblinoid from its perch and onto the stone floor of the cave.
         Seeing its rider fall, the worg howls loudly before making another strike at Hogarth, this time grabbing hold with razor-sharp teeth. Pulling back swiftly, the beast attempts to pull the elf's feet out from under her but is unable to topple Hogarth. Responding as only she can, Hogarth again lays into the worg with her axe but only lands a glancing blow as she steadies her footing. From behind her, Nathalie lets fly another bolt whistling softly as it passes by and striking the wolfbeast in the side as it turns futilely to avoid the shot. With a snarl of rage the beast again lunges for Hogarth but snaps down only on air. Ready for the attack this time, Hogarth spins in place, causing the worg to overextend itself. Then with the certainty of an executioner at the block, she brings the deadly greataxe down upon the worg's neck, severing its head from the rest of its body.
         Meanwhile, (back at the ranch) Rhyhorn secures the faintly glowing orb from among the pile of looted goods before he - lacking other means of lifting them - begins to devour the pile of coins, starting with the gold pieces and working his way down in value.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. N'zla has Darkvision and can see 12 squares in any direction through the darkness. There are penalties to non-Darkvision characters for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours, (Saturday, Dec. 31st, 2am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 31/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

~Powers Expended This Turn~
N'zla: Cure Minor Wounds
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on December 28, 2011, 02:08:16 am
Hogarth grits her teeth from the pain of her bleeding leg. She looks down with satisfaction at the decapitated worg. Seeing how the beasts, startlingly, can survive a single blow from her, she decides now to use the Belt of One Mighty Blow. Hogarth beings laughing deep and slow, building up speed and gusto as she feels the strength run through her. "Yes, a good night for blood, indeed" she grinds out between a maniacal grin.

Action 1: Activate Belt of One Mighty Blow
Actions 2-4: Stand ground and attack all foes, going for the biggest, baddest one with the first attack.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on December 28, 2011, 03:37:35 am
Rhyhorn, knowing these closed quarters are not to his advantage, continues eating the money, going from Gold/Platinum on down to Silver then Copper, until he can eat no more, while keeping a watchful eye on the cage door.

Action 1:4) Continue eating the money and guarding the precious Orb until either Rhyhorn's stomach fills or he comes very close to running out of his carry capacity.  (Within ~20lbs or so.)  If an enemy appears at the door, stop eating all the money and use a Roar-Boosted Charging Horn Attack on the fucker.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Randomname on December 28, 2011, 03:39:09 am
Hearing the fighting in the tunnels ahead, N'zla moves swiftly to the aid of his new allies.  Running up to the barbarian elf, he reaches out to her injuries once more.  "Feliir-Ak, tiel-ruk vaas T'raat-ra!" he says.  A stronger prayer for greater wounds.  "T'raat-asil ei tiel-sak vaas shu!" he says in his native tongue, empowering all around him.  He then backs off in case of more enemies, keeping wary of his allies' conditions.

Action: 1 | Move to Hogarth
Action: 2 | Cast [Cure Light Wounds]
Action: 3 | Cast [Bless]
Action: 4 | Move to P-7

Alternate Action: If an ally falls in battle, drop all actions to go to them and heal with most powerful spell.

Ek'r notes-
"Feliir-Ak, tiel-ruk vaas T'raat-ra." =  "Holy Ak, sternly defy these War-Injuries."
"T'raat-asil ei tiel-sak vaas shu." =  "War-Power [we] invoke against these enemies."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 29, 2011, 02:26:35 am
   "Thank you, Xun." The words ooze from the flame pixie's lips like molasses in Hammer as she hovers in place. Far be it for her to outpace the barbarian, though it does strike her as odd that the elven woman is not advancing excitedly. She does not give voice to the thought, however, and it fades silently into her fogged mind.

Free: If Alarm at entrance sounds, say "Someone or something has entered the cave."
Free: If Alarm at intersection sounds, say, "More are coming."
1, 2, 3, 4: If javelin wielding enemy enters range, Cast Magic Missile via wand. If any hostile target enters melee range, Cast Elemental Strike.
Free: If Alarm at intersection has not sounded, say "I believe that is all of them for now. Shall we assist Rhyhorn?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on December 30, 2011, 02:45:14 pm
Xun nods at the pixie.  "You be careful, yes?  I go, help Hogarth."  And he slips away, quickly pacing down to stand beside the fierce elf woman.

1-4) Holding actions for Aid Another and deflecting any projectiles that might try to get past him to any of his friends.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 31, 2011, 04:57:53 am

Turn Closed

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on December 31, 2011, 06:32:21 am

Turn 15 Resolution

          N'zla advances away from the cell and towards his new-found allies, bestowing the blessing of battle upon them and taking a quick moment to further mend Hogarth's wounds. Further down the corridor to the South it appears that no further reinforcements are arriving but before the party can even think to relax, Yvonne chimes in with "More are coming." Hogarth peers into the weak light reaching back to the intersection and spies another worg and goblin rider approaching. The worg seems to stop just outside of the brightest light cast by Xun's discarded torch before the goblin mutters something quietly. Turning suddenly, the worg retreats and dashes back to the Western path from where it came. For the time being, no other enemies make themselves known.
Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. N'zla has Darkvision and can see 12 squares in any direction through the darkness. There are penalties to non-Darkvision characters for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours, (Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, 6am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 43/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

~Powers Expended This Turn~
N'zla: Bless, Cure Light Wounds
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on December 31, 2011, 08:54:08 am
   "And it is not attacking... Nor does it seem to be retreating... Odd." Yvonne thinks about the placement of her spell. "Perhaps it never left the trigger area..." she considers aloud. "Wonderful." she sighs. "It is probably going to go get reinforcements and set up an ambush." The tiny fey begins to drift away from the front lines. "I am going to take a look at some of those scrolls. Perhaps there is a teleport spell among them I can use to get us out of this mess, though I highly doubt it."

Free: If Alarm at entrance sounds, say "Someone or something has entered the cave." If Alarm at intersection sounds, say, "Here come those reinforcements."
1, 2, 3, 4: Move to treasure and inspect scrolls.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 01, 2012, 03:21:28 am
Suddenly, two plots!

1) Hogarth sees the worg retreat, and helps Rhyhorn load up the rest of ALL THE TREASURE. She then RUNS FOR THE HILLLLLLLS, RUNS FOR HER LIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE to the exit, hacking and slashing all she comes across.

2) The fey finds a teleport scroll, and just does that.

Actions Scenario 1:

1) Move to treasure
2) Load up treasure onto Rhyhorn
3) Move to next section of cave
4) Move to exit.

If any enemies are encountered, hold any move action and replace with CHOP.

Actions Scenario 2:

1) Move to treasure
2) Help load treasure onto Rhyhorn
3) Teleport to entrance
4) Grab ALL THE THINGS and get the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck out.

Interrupt any action with HACK if any enemies encountered.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on January 01, 2012, 08:34:26 am
Quote from: Qwerinty on January 01, 2012, 03:21:28 am
If any enemies are encountered, hold any move action and replace with CHOP.


Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 01, 2012, 09:47:19 am
Rhyhorn continues eating the coins, glad that he's finally getting a bit of help with the non-coin treasure, still keeping his wary eye on the door.

Action 1:4) Continue eating ALL THE COINS in order of denomination until within ~20lbs of carrying capacity or stomach is full.  If an enemy appears at the door, drop eating ALL THE COINS and nail the fuck with a Roar-Boosted Charging Horn Attack/

(Quick aside - a check to get a rough estimate of how many "valuable" (Platinum/Gold/Silver) coins are left, please.)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Randomname on January 02, 2012, 11:13:58 pm
N'zla remains vigilant to the possibility of his new friends being hurt further, but backs away more.  But not too far as to allow Elf-Friend Hogarth to lose the effect of his Blessing.

Action: 1-4 | Linger around the same area

Alternate Action |  If an ally falls, cancel all other actions and heal them with strongest heal

DM Note: The effect of Bless is only dependent on your distance from allies when you are casting it. The effect persists regardless of how far you move away after the casting.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on January 03, 2012, 04:55:56 am

Turn 16 Resolution

       Xun, Nathalie and N'zla continue to hold firm while Yvonne and Hogarth fall back to where Rhyhorn is. The elf begins helping to load objects onto the rockbeast, confirming that all four of the objects the party came for are indeed among the treasure here. The lirai on the other hand begins inspecting one of the spell scrolls found in the pile, studying the arcane runes for hints of what spells are contained within. Meanwhile, Rhyhorn continues to consume as much of the monetary wealth as he can before more goblins can interrupt him. As a look of recognition spreads over Yvonne's face as she works out some of the spells in the scroll she suddenly looks up and annouces, "Here come those reinforcements." She tilts her head as if listening to something for a moment before continuing with "There are at least nine of them." As if to punctuate her statement, the shuffling of many feet on stone as well of the soft clinking of metal from armor and weapons begins to echo through the cave as the remnants of the goblin horde approach.
Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. N'zla has Darkvision and can see 12 squares in any direction through the darkness. There are penalties to non-Darkvision characters for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Thursday, Jan. 5th, 5am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 45/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 03, 2012, 08:40:43 pm
Hearing the pixie's words, Hogarth immediately stops what she's doing and allows her rage to overflow once again. Laughing, just laughing, she charges directly to the enemy forces, and hacks and slashes until she can no longer do so.

Action 1: Activate Rage
Action 2-3: Charge into goblin forces.
Action 4: Hack and slash
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 03, 2012, 10:55:49 pm
   Yvonne looks at the scroll in her hands, then over at the other one lying nearby. She quickly concludes that she no longer has time to do anything with it, for now. "This will have to do for now." (1) She murmurs, following Hogarth back toward the others. "Cover me, Xun." (2) She says to the Corithonian human as she flies over him. "If this doesn't work, I may very well be in need of your javelin deflecting skills." Her voice holds neither fear nor courage as she moves into position, rather her tone is that of a hard-boiled detective stating the facts, because all we want are the facts, ma'am. "Hiran help me..." (3, 4)

Free: If entrance alarm is triggered, say "Someone, or something, has entered the cave." If intersection alarm is triggered, say "And still more are coming."
1, 2: Move to L6.
3: Cast Fireball roughly in the center of the hoard, but no less than 5 squares away from any ally.
4: Move to P6.
Free: If intersection alarm is triggered more than once, announce estimated total. "At least ___ of them."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 04, 2012, 11:17:00 pm
Rhyhorn hears the small pixie's warning, and pauses his gold-eating.  There were surely too many for him to abandon his friends in battle this time, despite the cramped quarters.  He shifts the misty orb from beneath him back into his mouth and quickly follows Hogarth to the frontlines.  Even if Rhyhorn couldn't fight well under these conditions, he could at least draw their blows.

Action 1) Move the glowly misty blue orb of special-ness into Rhyhorn's mouth.
Action 2:3) Follow Hogarth out into the fray, Charging directly into the horde even if it means running through the aftermath of Yvonne's attack, in order to draw their attention toward him and away from the frail human companions.
Action 4-A) If an enemy Goblin is closest, hit it with a basic Charging Horn Attack.
Action 4-B) If an enemy Hobgoblin is closest, hit it with a Roar-Boosted Charging Horn Attack.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 04, 2012, 11:23:57 pm
((There are a lot of enemies this round. And don't call me Shirley.))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on January 04, 2012, 11:24:51 pm
Finding that the current state of battle is better left to the people with intense cave-fighting abilities, Nathalie skulked back to the wondrous pile of ginger-gold and began fawning over it, collecting a few pieces in her purse and inspecting the pile of treasure.

"There's got to be some goodies for me here.." Nathalie pondered, sifting through the treasure-pile in hopes of finding a few things for herself.

1) Move to R, 3
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Randomname on January 04, 2012, 11:46:09 pm
The sound of more foul Deep-Friends makes N'zla quickly turn his head with a snaking motion.  Shifting weight between his front legs, he uses his antennae to listen closely and feel the vibrations in the cave.  More blood will come.  T'raat so-Ma, T'raat zik-Shu.  He watches his allies move forward toward the sound, readying himself to call upon Feliir-Ak.  He waits for Elf-Friend Hogarth, one injured most often so far, to increase her abilities before the fight ensues.

Action: 1 | Cast [Resistance] on Hogarth as the Elf passes by.  Follow Hogarth if necessary to cast the spell.  Stop once cast.
Action: 2-4 | If Yvonne is hit, move to her and heal her.  If Hogarth is hit at least three times and Yvonne is not, move to Hogarth and heal her.  If neither of them are hit but Xun is, move to him and heal him.  [Yvonne - Cure Minor | Hogarth - Cure Light | Xun - Cure Light]

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 05, 2012, 12:41:20 am
Xun stays close to the pixie while she works her magic, and then nods at her.  "Stay safe, I go protect Hogarth."  The slender Corithonian speeds down the corridor, blade already whirling.

1) Aid Ally on Yvonne
2) Retrieve magic torch on the way as I...
3-4) Catch up to Hogarth and Aid Another on her.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on January 05, 2012, 12:47:40 am

Turn Closed

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Celdia on January 05, 2012, 03:11:11 am

Turn 17 Resolution

         Yvonne decides that the scroll she has deciphered will pass muster for their purposes and quickly flies back along the corridor, calling to Xun for help as she does so. The monk follows and takes up a defensive position in the hallway, pausing only to reclaim his torch before the horde is fully upon them. N'zla sees his new friends pass by and prepares a defensive ward, placing it on Hogarth as the barbarian rushes past, laughing madly with bloodlust. Rhyhorn collects the glowing orb and follows the barbarian as quickly as he can while Nathalie falls back and begins to pick through the treasure, looking for anything else that might be useful. The sprite continues her count of enemies triggering the ward she left in the hallway previously, "Still more are coming. At least twelve of them." With a pause she looks down the corridor before her and she amends quickly, "Make that sixteen." While still holding the scroll, her tiny hand begins to make the arcane passes over it as she quietly reads off the runes to conjure the power stored in the scroll.
         Meanwhile, Xun is kept busy trying to defend both himself and Hogarth from the oncoming masses of goblinoids, noting that among the group is a new opponent - a bugbear ( - who stands a head above another hobgoblin among the group, wielding a massive maul in both of its hands. The beast gestures towards the party with the weapon and barks orders, causing many of the goblins assembled here to loose javelins down the hallway. Many miss their mark - one only barely deflected by Xun at the last moment, saving Yvonne from yet more pain - but a few still manage to strike the monk and the barbarian. Seeing his allies thus injured, N'zla closes the gap and begins chanting a healing mantra. Hogarth has her hands full dealing with yet another worg and its rider. The wolf-beast manages to clamp down painfully on the elf but not before she can summon all the power of her rage and magical belt to deal a devastating blow to the beast, cleaving it nearly in half along the back of its torso, sending the rider sprawling into the mob. With its hind legs collapsed beneath it, the worg again snaps out with its jaws, dragging itself forward with its front paws and catching Hogarth's foot in its mighty jaw. With a roar of defiance, Hogarth raises her axe high and severs the beast's spine at the base of its neck, causing its once-lethal jaw to go limp and fall away. From just behind her head, the barbarian can hear Yvonne mutter, "Hiran help me..." before a bead of ruby red light darts forward over the heads of the goblins and into the middle of the hallway.
         Fire. The whole cave seems to suddenly be consumed in flames, the roar of a magic-born explosion nearly deafening everyone as the light and heat fills the corridor. The goblins caught in the blast don't even survive long enough to cry out in pain as their bodies are instantly incinerated. The lone hobgoblin fared no better, leaving only the bugbear standing among them along with a pair of goblins near to Xun, shielded from the blast by a bit of the stone wall of the cave. With a roar of rage the bugbear dashes towards the party, its eyes filled with murder and focused on the fey. Yvonne flees back towards the cell as the bugbear closes in and is met by Rhyhorn at the corner of the hallway. With a powerful Roar that seems almost quiet compared to the fireball, the rockbeast lunges past Hogarth and drives his stone horn up under the bugbear's chin and it bursts out through the roof of the beastman's skull, killing him as fast as thought.
         Seeing their leader thus slain, the remaining two goblins turn to run, leaving their backs wide open to attack. Still carried by her bloodlust, Hogarth lashes out with her axe, cutting one down as Xun does the same beside her with his sword, running the last opponent through with one swift thrust. As a quiet punctuation to the climactic battle, Yvonne states informatively, "Someone, or something, has entered the cave."

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.


Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. N'zla has Darkvision and can see 12 squares in any direction through the darkness. There are penalties to non-Darkvision characters for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Saturday, Jan. 7th, 5am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 44/53
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill), Resistance (+1 to E/RS/MD), Rage

HP: 16/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

~Powers Expended This Turn~
N'zla: Resistance, Cure Light Wounds
Rhyhorn: Focus expended
Hogarth: Rage
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 05, 2012, 03:22:02 am
The small lirai cries out that there is someone who just entered the cave. Hogarth's eyes go wild, and she howls out with insane bloodlust. Magic killed these beasts, not glorious battle. "MORE BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" bellows the Mighty Hogarth as she grabs the worg's head, pours its blood over herself, and charges to the entrance of the cave to greet the new intruder.

Actions 1-2: Charge to entrance of cave
Actions 3-4: Have intruder shake hands with the axe.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: Kalas on January 05, 2012, 03:33:19 am
Nathalie fearfully tiptoes back into the hallway after hearing what has got to be the most frightening array of noises she's heard in quite some time, before realizing her companions are safe and relatively unscathed, and the little pixie stating that something has entered the cave. For all of the things Nathalie could have reacted most dramatically about, it was this which caused her to react with such enthusiasm that she wildly flailed to the party, making hurried attempts at saying "die!" and "we're!" and "going to!" After a few minutes of panic, Nathalie calmed down slightly before pointing out the ever obvious..

"...Our cart is at the entrance of the cave," She paused, brought her hand to her mouth to muffle a gasp, "We have to save ALL THE THINGS!"

Her horror continued with a tenfold increase of mania.

Action 1) Follow Hogarth to the entrance, carefully.
Action 2-4) Ready crossbow and fire at any hostile targets.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - You Are Likely To Be Eaten By A Grue
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 05, 2012, 03:40:37 am
Rhyhorn hears the worlds "Someone has entered the cave", and immediately rushes for the new friends in the cave.

Action 1:4) RUN back to the entrance.  If the person looks hostile and/or looks like they're stealing from ALL THE THINGS, Charging Horn Attack them.  Else, wait and see what they do.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 05, 2012, 04:32:12 am
   As Yvonne stares at the blank section of scroll that once held the amazing beauty that is known as a fireball. Her hands begin to tremble. A part of her laments that only one spell of the like was found in the treasure, but only a fragment, because, "Karla's balance, what a rush!" she squeals as her entire body quivers with excitement. "I have *got* to get me another onna these!" Thoughts of finding or buying another wonderful scroll of fireball trigger another thought. She gasps. "A wand!" She giggles. "Imma gonna go an' find me a fireball wand!" The tiny sorceress looks up to see some of the others in what appears to be a panic. Her own words about the alarms she had set up come back to her and something clicks. "Ya know," she begins, but cuts off as she rounds the corner. "Minao's fury..." she utters, admiring her handiwork for a moment before clearing her throat and continuing her pursuit of her friends. "Ya know," she repeats. "No' sure if i' really makes a diff'rence or no', bu' the spells don' really tell me if they're comin' or goin'." She laughs. "Guess I jus' assumed they'd be comin' in after us, but who knows, mebe they're fleein' 'cause a' my fireball." She pauses her speech for a moment, but not her flight. "Tha' really was awesome, ya know? I may jus' become a foll'er a' Hiran after all. He 'as truly smiled 'pon me this glorious day. Oh fire, 'ow do I love thee, lemme coun' the ways..." She continues to ramble about fire and its patron deity, while unconsciously preparing for a potential confrontation at the mouth of the cave.

Free: If either alarm is triggered, say "Boy, they jus' keep movin' 'round, don' they?" and inform them which spell was activated.
1, 2, 3, 4: Follow friends back to the cart of ALL THE THINGS. If javelin wielding goblinoid finds itself in range, cast Magic Missile via wand. If any hostile finds itself in melee range, cast Elemental Strike.
Free: If any spell is cast, and a conscious hostile remains in view, inform friends of situation: "There's more back 'ere guys." before taking cover, if actions remain unused.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 05, 2012, 01:29:37 pm
Xun sighs and follows the insane elf warrior, his fingers drawing a quick pattern in his forehead to close his wounds.

1) Rune of Mending on self
2) Follow the elf
3) Aid Another on Hogarth
4) Held to counterattack if we run into more enemies.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 05, 2012, 03:11:58 pm
Seeing that the one named Xun could heal his own wounds, N'zla chases after Hogarth as fast as his insectoid legs would allow.  "Elth-Ma Hogarth!  Please calm!  Maybe not enemy, maybe friend!!"

Action: 1-4 | Follow Hogarth
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Celdia on January 07, 2012, 11:17:03 am

Turn 18 Resolution

         With the prospect of killing more goblins and her bloodlust burning high, Hogarth takes off like a shot towards the cave entrance with wild abandon, Rhyhorn as quick on her heels as his legs will carry him. The barbarian rounds the corners with seeming ease, the weight of her axe in her hands not even giving her pause as she quick-steps through the remains of fallen foes. Just behind, the rockbeast detours along the walls in the corners, moving at a break-neck run and sliding in a wide arc around the corners kicking up rocks and dust as he does so. Xun takes a quick moment to recover from his battle wounds before following the dynamic duo, blade at the ready to defend or destroy as the situation may call for. Flying a bit behind, Yvonne tries to make her case heard about how the magic doesn't give her very detailed information but her words seem to fall on deaf - or perhaps simply too-distant - ears. N'zla follows along with only a single comment for caution while Nathalie takes up the rear, crossbow at the ready as she creeps along behind the others.
         Backtracking along the confines of the stone corridors brings the party back to the cart of ALL THE THINGS which appears to have been disturbed slightly, but the perpatrators seem to have vanished. Some of the objects on the cart have been left in a bit of a disarray as if someone or something had been rummaging about quickly for anything of value, Elia's body having been discarded onto the ground beside it. However a quick inventory reveals that nothing appears to be missing from the cart. The only sign left of anything's passage by here are a single set of small, wet footprints heading past the cart towards the exit of the cave.

Adventure Pane Complete!


To Be Determined - Since I put the treasure for this in the dungeon, if you decide to up and leave now, it will all remain where it is. If you want to spend time hauling it back to the cart, you can do so safely now, but do let me know what you all intend to do.  Looks like Hogarth is staying until everything is collected. Refer to the list below for everything looted after the fight. Individual spoils (like the scroll Yvonne claimed or the coins Rhyhorn ate will be noted in PMs to those players.)

7842 Silver Pieces
19,367 Copper Pieces
a silver crown with opal runes set into the metal
a small crystal
a sturdy looking coil of rope
a potion
a potion
a potion
a potion
a wand
Masterwork Chain Shirt
Masterwork Buckler
Masterwork Battleaxe x3

~Stat Bonuses~

Xun Bonus: +3 to ally's Defense when using Aid Another instead of +2!
Yvonne: +2 HP!
Hogarth: Rage Duration Increased!
Rhyhorn: +3 HP!
Nathalie: +1 Stealth!
N'zla: +1 HP!

Objective Complete! - Collected all 4 of the artifacts!

~Level Up!~

+5 HP
+1 Perception
+1 Knowledge
+1 Reflex Speed
+1 Magic Defense
+4 Melee Skill
+4 Ranged Skill
Icon of Victory: You and your adjacent allies gain +4 to Combat Skill until the next Turn. You can choose to expend the first Action of your next Turn to repeat the effect. Requires 1 Action to use.
Insightful Strike: Permanent +6 Power bonus to Word of Binding

+3 HP
+1 Magic Skill
Dormant Power: A power yet inaccessible at this time.
+1 Endurance
+1 Reflex Speed
+1 1st Level Spell (TBD)

+8 HP
+4 Melee Skill
+1 Endurance
+1 Level 2 Power (TBD) 1/day
+1 Stamina

+12 HP
+4 Melee Skill
+4 Ranged Skill
-30 Magic Skill
+1 Rage/day
+1 Endurance

+4 HP
+4 Melee Skill
+4 Ranged Skill
+1 Reflex Speed
Uncanny Dodge: You are always ready to fight and never take penalties to Defense for being surprised.
+1 Perception
+1 Knowledge
+1 Social

If you have a To Be Determined (TBD) note on your level up details please get in touch with me because that means I need input from you about what you want on this level up! For those wondering, N'zla is already at the level the rest of you just reached.

No posting limit on this section for now. Free form RP for setting up and breaking camp. When you've come to a consensus on the party's next direction, let me know!

I will get around to updating the Allies Condition and character sheets hopefully sooner rather than later. I'll make a post when I do.

HP: 54/56
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 9
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 20
Ranged Skill: 12
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 50/59
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 7
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: -130

HP: 28/28
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 7
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 13/14
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 7
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 8

HP: 22/22
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 22
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 24/24
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

~Powers Expended This Turn~
Xun: Word of Mending
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 07, 2012, 11:39:07 am

Scene 4 Start
This post hijacked by your DM!

Coming to a stop at the entrance, seeing the wet footprints end and no sign of the perpetrator beyond the cave, Hogarth lets fly a string of curses in elvish, her prey having evaded her. Grumpy and grumbling, she lifts Elia's body and drops it on the cart. "Hogarth guard cart while rest of loot is loaded. The goblins will cover this fee, friend Rhyhorn."

She appears to really notice the Ek for the first time. She looks puzzled for a moment, until her eyes drift to the rhino of rock. "Thank you, friend bug, for healing me. I am the Mighty Hogarth of the frozen wastelands of the north!" She thumps her axe-clutching fist against her chest, and rattles her wolf hides. She feels the urge to go on about her many exploits, but again her eyes drift to the rhino. Dropping a heavy hand on the living rock's head, she takes the edge out of her voice. "This is friend Rhyhorn. I speak for the Rhyhorn, for the Rhyhorn has no tongue." She looks down at the rhino again. "Or maybe he does. He does not talk, but waves around a rune he keeps on his neck. He's made of roguestone."

Hogarth the Weary sits heavily upon the edge of the cart. Putting her axe head down on the ground, she leans against the handle for support and comfort. "We make camp outside, on hill. Goblins all dead now. I will keep first watch."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 07, 2012, 06:07:41 pm
   "I'm gonna go check out tha' other scroll." Yvonne says, and begins to head back towards the treasure, hoping against hope that there is another blessed fireball spell on the other parchment.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 07, 2012, 06:25:11 pm
Nathalie inspected the cart, investigating the rummaged cart and looking somberly over the dead priestess' body. She wonders how any creature could mercilessly toss aside the limp body and proceed to defile a cart and its possessions, only to steal nothing. She looks at the footprints, hoping to get something out of them.

"None of this seems right.." She says to herself, tapping an index finger to her chin as she circles the perimeter of the cart, hoping to have her eureka moment. Pausing her investigation, she turned to the mantis-like creature now traveling with them, taking note to stash all of her belongings in her chest in the cart before moving away.

"Hello! N'zla..was it? I'm Nathalie, it's nice to meet you," She communicated, "Your native language, what is it? I find it fascinating."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 07, 2012, 07:57:29 pm
   The fire lirai flits happily down the cave's corridors, oblivious of any of her friends following her. Her excitement concerning the magical mysteries has overridden all other prior fears and concerns. "Well ain' that odd..." She mutters, noticing the scroll's absence. She looks over at the desiccated body of the goblin. "No, tha' un's defini'ly dead." Her forearm ignites as she prepares for a possible ambush, but quickly extinguishes it. Her alarm had not sounded. This could only mean one thing. "One a' the others musta taken it." She makes a mental note to inquire about it as she makes her way back to the group.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 07, 2012, 08:26:41 pm
N'zla merely stares and nods at the introductions given by Hogarth, while glancing over to the dead humanoid by the strange painted cart.  He then turns to Nathalie.  "First I must thank you all greatly for saving me from that dark place.  Was running out of mushrooms to eat.  But to answer question, I speak the language of Ak's children.  Speak Ek'r, words of the Ek.  Is actually very similar to the popular Tongues.  Grammar simpler, more confusing to not-Eks.  Maybe seen written Ek'r before and not even know?"  N'zla pauses and returns gaze to the fallen female humanoid.  "This one not a Deep-Dweller.  This one is human, yes?  Was with you?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 07, 2012, 09:42:35 pm
Without glancing beside her, Hogarth answers the Ek. "Yes, was with us. She was friend, then became deep-friend. She fell down a hole and died after a goblin ambush." Hogarth gestures down the cave. "We passed the hole on the way here. Hogarth leave it to friends to honor her body. We keep her gold, though."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 07, 2012, 10:35:47 pm
   Yvonne waits as ALL THE NEW THINGS are added to ALL THE THINGS, all the while thinking. Finally,"Rhyhorn, Nathalie, you were the only two in contact with the treasure after me, besides Hogarth, but I am ruling her out. There was a scroll among the assorted items, I wish to see it, please."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 07, 2012, 11:40:26 pm
N'zla goes and touches the corpse of the woman before returning to Hogarth and Nathalie.  "Too cold to bring back the warmth.  Perhaps not much, but I am a priest.  If you like, N'zla could maybe give final rites and funeral?  Flying friend has fire, could cremate.  Of course, would not like to impose if that one's religion would prefer other.  The Way of Ak is not Way of All, this one understands.  In native Ro'K, our dead are burned til only their shell remains.  That shell is passed down to the survivors, and the ashes spread on the fertile grounds to make the food strong."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 07, 2012, 11:53:12 pm
The stone Rhino turns to Nathalie with a knowing eye upon Yvonne's return and declaration of a missing scroll.  From the rhino's unnaturally sharp recollection, a scroll was indeed missing when he aided the others in returning the items to the cart, as well as a dagger and some jewelry.  Rhyhorn sets the glowing gem he's been guarding with his life down under his face and pulls out his chalkboard and chalk for the first time in a while, writing "Rhyhorn know you have. Will just take value out of treasure later."  He then proceeds to his cart of ALL THE THINGS, his piece said over the missing items, and begins vomitting out the gold and silver he'd eaten into the cart - again looking shiny and clean as new.  He then begins sorting out the things in the cart, getting them back to the nice order his Rhino-OCD demands while Yvonne handles her scroll business with the lady thief-whore-person.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 07, 2012, 11:57:39 pm
Ignoring the talk of coward magic scrolls, Hogarth continues blathering. "She was a follower of Odin. We could take any valuables off her and dump her down the hole she died in. This is the way of Honored Clan Leader from Hogarth's home. We need to camp, we could always feed her to the fire, and save rations by doing so." Hogarth's eyes shift side to side, seeing if her not-at-all-selfish suggestion is good with the rest of the group.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 08, 2012, 12:50:07 am
Rhyhorn, a rhino of good integrity, collects his orb back into his mouth and moves toward where Elia's body rests upon hearing the Barbarian's suggestion, setting his orb down again and guarding the body as he continues to sort out his ALL THE THINGS.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 08, 2012, 12:52:27 am
"No feed to fire.  Better to entomb in wood.  Make burn stronger, and is more honored to the hollow body.  N'zla feel bad if that was friend of you."  The Ek shifted uncomfortably, glancing at the dead woman a few times and awaiting the opinion of the others.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 08, 2012, 12:56:17 am
Hogarth grits her eyes, narrows her teeth, and says "So it will be. Burn her. Stench bad in morning anyway. Keep spear, may be useful." Hogarth then grabs her pack and some tenting/camping supplies to set up camp on the hill.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 08, 2012, 12:59:35 am
   The tiny fey reads the stone rhino's chalkboard before turning her gaze upon the human woman. "I care not about any mundane items, only ones of magical essence." She explains matter-of-factly. "We should have them identified and decide upon their usefulness to our group. However, I may be able to identify the spells on the scroll now, thus I wish to see it. If there is a fireball spell in it, or any fire spell for that matter, I wish to claim it. I am the only arcane caster here, so I do not see this as an unreasonable request. If, however, the scroll contains spells of a divine origin, you may keep it. Wipe your crevasse with it or burn it for all I care. But first, I must insist that I see it." She holds out a hand, palm turned upwards.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 08, 2012, 01:23:23 am
Nathalie sighs and skulks back to the cart, reaching wistfully into her chest and pulling out a piece of arcane parchment and twirling in her hands as she walks back to the peeved pixie.

"Fine. I was just going to practice with it anyhow," She muttered through gritted teeth and annoyed timbre, "Identify it. It probably isn't anything special anyhow."

Nathalie then glances at the lifeless body in the cart. Hearing the awful suggestion to eat her did not and would not sit well with her stomach, but she was sure to want to give a proper burial.

"Let's just send her off..wholly," Nathalie asked, "But we keep the stuff."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 08, 2012, 01:56:46 am
Having built the tents and the fire, Hogarth sits on a log and munches on some rations. "I take first watch. Friends sleep, decide on second watch. We set off after we've had our rest." She idly stabs Elia's spear in the ground, testing its weight and sharpness.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 08, 2012, 01:58:42 am
   "Thank ye." Yvonne says, grinning as she accepts the rolled parchment. She floats around idly as the others set up camp. Over the next few moments, however, her smile slowly fades, her brow furrows and she eventually scratches her head. "Feh." She snorts, rolling the scroll back up and tossing it haphazardly back at . "Whatever..." she grunts. "AAAAAUUUUUUUOOWWWHHnomnomnom..." a yawn escapes the mage's throat. "Hungry..." she murmurs after. She reaches back and retrieves a tiny mess kit from her pack. Finding a sufficiently flat stone, she settles, cross-legged upon it. She shimmies off her pack, letting her collection of wands scatter before shoving them into a rough semblance of a pile. Just as she raises the first bit of summoned food to her lips, a single snowflake floats down, past her cheek and up her nose. "HAKUSHON!" She manages to get her forearm up in time, but the flame that spews forth from her mouth rushes past her attempted barrier, leaving scorch marks on the rock and the edge of her bowl. Her skirt, amazingly, fares fine. "Whoa..." the flame lirai exclaims, eyes wide. "Hiran mus' be talkin' 'bout me..." She wonders aloud before sniffling a bit, then shivering. "Stupid win'ery weather..." she grumbles and goes back to eating.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 08, 2012, 03:17:54 am
Rhyhorn, finally satisfied with how his cart is arranged, turns to Elia's form still on the ground.  He scoops her into his cart, then picks up his Orb of Glowy Things and walks out of the cave, pulling the cart behind him.  At the mouth of the cave, still a small distance from camp, Rhyhorn pulls the cart to the side and unlatches, beginning to dig a hole, just like a Rock/Ground-Type Pokemon should.  One paw, two paw, three paw, four paw rock.  Five paw, six paw, seven paw, eight paw rock.  Nine paw, ten paw, eleven paw, twelve paw rock.  Rock 'round, the paw tonight...
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 08, 2012, 04:23:41 am
   Another flake almost alights upon the flame pixie's cheek, but melts just before touching her skin. Nonetheless, another shiver runs up her spine, causing an Aquan curse to be released from her mouth. She quickly shoves the last handful of bland imitation granola down her throat before grabbing her bag and hopping down off the rock. Moving behind it, relative to the others, she retrieves a set of thicker clothes. The outfit is nowhere near as pretty as her preferred ensemble, but function has a bad habit of trumping form from time to time. "Better." She sighs contently, securing the closures and straitening the sleeves. A smaller, squeakier yawn sneaks out as she shoves her gossamer guise carelessly into her pack. Pulling her blanket out, she begins to look for a decent place to bed down for the night.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 08, 2012, 12:17:14 pm
Xun spends a few moments building up the campfire for better heat before reaching into his backpack and producing a metal tripod.  This goes over the fire, then his metal cookpot gets suspended from it.  Humming faintly under his breath in the odd harmonies of his homeland, he then pulls out tightly sealed and wrapped ingredients, cutting them up as needed and adding them to the pot.  Before long, the smell of a thick, savory stew is rising from the pot.  He moves the tripod away from the fire so it wont scorch and takes a bowl for himself, sitting cross-legged on a flat stone.  "Hard work in cave.  All eat stew.  Very good for restoring energy."

He also pulls a small calligraphy set from his pack, using the ink to touch up the markings on his blade.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 08, 2012, 08:35:13 pm
Nathalie catches the returned scroll and enters somberly into the back of the cart, halfheartedly stashing the pilfered scroll into her chest and grabbing out of it a better pair of clothes to suit the weather. She sits in the back of he cart, curious as to the rest of the spoils and plans next time to master the art of sly fingers. A little uncomfortable, and away from the fire, she sets her head back carefully on the chest and starts to sleep, uncomfortably.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 09, 2012, 01:20:51 am
Hogarth graciously accepts a bowl of stew from Xun, denying use of utensils and gulping it down out of the bowl. "Many thanks, friend Xun. Need energy for night watch. You sleep, maybe get up for 2nd watch in 4 hours or convince Ek." With that, Hogarth stoically stands guard at the edge of camp, keeping an eye on Rhyhorn, Nathalie, and ALL THE THINGS from there. She feels in her bones that tonight's watch may be the most important. With the disturbing of the cart's things, she has no doubt the perpetrator will try to ransack the camp. And when they do, she'll be ready. Oh yes, she laughs and runs a finger smoothly against the edge of her axe.... she'll be ready.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 09, 2012, 01:21:19 am
((Page 38 Snypa))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 09, 2012, 01:22:29 am
As everyone seems to nestle in for bed, Rhyhorn single-mindedly continues on his project, ignoring the nighttime and slumber setting in.  'I'mma a Rhino and I'mma diggin' a hole, diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole...'
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 09, 2012, 01:41:41 am
Looking over at the rhino digging a massive hole, Hogarth shouts at the sinking rock. "FRIEND RHYHORN! We're burning her body, no need to bury it! Get some sleep, daylight won't wait!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 09, 2012, 02:44:10 am
Rhyhorn turns the the barbarian on the hill, thinking for a moment.  He debates whether to listen to the her before nestling into his partway-dug hole and closing his eyes, keeping his ears alert for foes.  His diggy diggy hole may have ceased, but Rhyhorn won't allow any harm to fall before deceased-friend-Elia or his cart of ALL THE THINGS.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 09, 2012, 04:03:16 am
Nathalie stirred slightly from the barbarian's yell, and after getting up to massage her sore parts, took a bedroll and blanket from the chest and laid it on the ground by the cart and fell asleep soundly inside of it. She dreamed of little sugarplums plated with gold and a nutcracker prince that she could break in half and reveal the deed to a house full of wonderful, expensive items. She buried herself inside the linens and dreamed more of this lovely, magical place.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 09, 2012, 02:06:45 pm
N'zla approaches Hogarth and the camp.  "Stew have meat parts yes?  Of fatty animal broth?  Cannot have.  Poison to Ek, can only eat plant.  But this one already had some mushrooms in cave.  Still hungry.  Maybe look for edible bush?  Either way, Ek have good eyes for the dark, for dark is our home.  Better at watching, new friends.  Helping is least I can do to repay life debt.  Slept plenty in cave!  Was very boring," chatters on the insectoid man.  He'd been alone too long with the goblins who were no good for talking.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 09, 2012, 03:24:18 pm
   Yvonne's eyelids feel heavier than the mountain of coins they somehow managed to stack on the cart of ALL THE THINGS. Sleep is coming, fast, but Xun's graciously offered stew smells too delectable to resist. Her own food was certainly enough to sustain her, but she doesn't care. She had cast a lot today, so anything extra would help. Additionally, she could feel in her core that something had changed, she knew that her repertoire had expanded. For now, she was too tired to search her soul for the newly acquired spell. There was something else there as well, deeper, harder to sense, but it had made its presence known just recently. But it all could wait as she had the entire trip back to Tevinar to figure things out. "Domo arigatou gozaimasu." The tiny fey says, mimicking something she had heard long ago, and hoping she was still pronouncing it correctly. She bows as she accepts a bowl of stew that should be enough to satisfy a human.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 10, 2012, 12:42:12 am
"If not tired, friend N'zla, take 2nd watch. You see far in dark, and need not sleep right now."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 10, 2012, 10:01:42 pm
   The stew is indeed delicious, but by the time Yvonne finishes the bowl, she barely has the strength to hold it. She drifts lethargically over to the stone where her wands still lie in a jumble and grabs the one with light still shining from its tip. After meandering down towards the water, she dunks the bowl a few times to wash it and upon returning to camp, she returns it to its owner. She then gathers her belonging and dumps them on the ground close enough to the fire that its heat would likely be unbearable to those unaccustomed to it, but far enough that said items would not be in danger of igniting. Wrapping her blanket tightly around her, she settles down facing the fire and sighs contently. Almost as an afterthought, she murmurs a simple command that dismisses the light spell from the wand under her head. Finally, warm, full, comfortable, and believing she is safe, she falls quickly into a deep sleep.

   Eight hours, almost to the second, the diminutive fire caster's eyes snap open. "Gh~ha-kph!" she sputters. "Evil!" she cries out, tossing her blanket aside and taking to the air. "Disgusting spawn of Undine and Talroth!" She points accusingly at the light dusting of snow that gathered on the ground overnight.
   As if to accent the point, a few tiny sparks leap from her fingertip and ignite a short-lived flame less than half that one would expect from a candle. "Wha' was that?" the sorceress asks aloud, holding her hand, index still outstretched, before her eyes. "I di'n' do tha'..."
   As suddenly as the topic was brought up, the snow drifts away from her attention as though it had never been there. Something more interesting has taken the foreground. Was this somehow related to what happened last night? Was the thing that lay sleeping within her shifting again? Perhaps...
   She points again.
   Nothing. Odd.
   She snaps her fingers.
   She snaps again.
   "Work damn you!" she growls, pointing and snapping at...
   No spark. No flame. No hint of what was there. It is gone, for now.
   "Hrmph..." Yvonne grunts, then sighs. Perhaps she should focus her energies elsewhere, as there were other magicks to be discovered today. Which reminded her, "The scrolls!" A quick pendulum swing of emotion and she enthusiastically flies down the small hillside towards where Rhyhorn and made their own little mini-camp in a hole near the cave's mouth. She wasn't quite sure why they had done so, but it didn't really matter to her anyway.
   "Good mornin'! Good mornin'!" the flame fey sings, greeting the sleeping pair. "We've talked the whole night through, good mornin', good mornin' to you!" Alighting upon the edge of the cart of ALL THE THINGS, she taps out a sequence, though the thick soles of her boots do little more than thump dully against the wood. "Good morin'! Good mornin'!" she seems not to care. "It's great to stay up late, good mornin', good mornin' to you." Her dance takes her around the rim. "When the band began to play the sun was shinin' bright. Now the milkman's on his way, it's too late to say goodnight." Her back facing her audience, she has no idea of they have awakened. "So, good mornin' good mornin'!" she turns back, though is heedless of any annoyance she may be causing. "Sunbeams will soon smile through, good mornin', good mornin', to you!" She points at Rhyhorn. "And you," she points at , "and you," back at Rhyhorn, "and you!" and once again at .
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 10, 2012, 10:30:18 pm
Rhyhorn's eyes slowly open, seeing the dancing fire pixie of ALL THE SUGAR on his cart pointing at him.  He slowly gets to his stubby feet, covered in a thin layer of snow that's left the rhino looking more than a bit white... at least, it did, until he shook his body out like a dog, sending the snow off him in all directions.  He nods to the pixie, not quite awake enough to be bothered with his chalkboard, and climbs out of the hole, his glowy-gem-of-awesome in his mouth.  Rhyhorn looks over ALL THE THINGS, and lets out a displeased grunt through the object in his mouth at the snow that's built up as a glaze on top of them.  He then does a quick inventory check, making sure everything was still accounted for.  It doesn't seem like he's heard anything, but he wants to be sure no sneaky still-living Goblin or has taken so much as a single coin from his horde of ALL THE THINGS.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 10, 2012, 11:42:05 pm
   "Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously,"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 10, 2012, 11:42:39 pm
Hogarth lumbers awake, having her 4 hours of rest after guard duty. "We leave for Tevinar after breakfast" she growls, proving that barbarians are not morning people. "By the frozen eyes of Nador, somebody better have coffee!" Hogarth mentally chastises herself for not bringing coffee with her, as this morning will be full of travel and also burning flesh.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 10, 2012, 11:47:17 pm
   "but Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses, as Moses supposes his toeses to be!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 11, 2012, 12:16:58 am
Rhyhorn sighs.  At least the cart is all well-in-order.  He debates reaching into the cart, but instead decides to turn and head into the cave.  There's got to be plenty of delicious rocks inside the mouth of the cave, so why waste the ones inside ALL THE THINGS?
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 11, 2012, 12:36:34 am
With the coming of morning, N'zla is just beginning to feel tired. With his friends awake, he feels free to finally partake of food.  After examining the frost-laden terrain, he determines that the flora is safe to eat.  He bends down, grazing on the grasses and chewing leaves off of bushes around the camp.  Happily oblivious to all other things going on. NOM NOM NOM.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 11, 2012, 12:44:13 am
Rhyhorn emerges from the mouth of the cave with an expression of discontent.  The rocks in there suck!  He looks around, wanting to make use of the local terrain's delicacies, when a thought hits him.  The river!  Rhyhorn breaks out into a gallop along the frosted terrain, making his way towards the river and jumping right in, scouring the river bed for the morning's meal of delicious noms.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 11, 2012, 01:00:19 am
   "Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously!" Yvonne chants, awaiting, less than patiently, for to awaken. "A mose is a mose!" she eyes the sleeping . "A rose is a rose!" she eyes the chest in which she knows the scroll is located. "A toes is a toes!" she waits. "Hoopti doodie doodle!" she begins dancing again, albeit a bit slower than earlier. "Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously," she repeats the manta, gaining speed and melody, "for Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses, as Moses supposes his toeses to be!" She breaks into a dance the likes of which one can lose oneself in the sheer joy of moving one's body to the rhythm. Crystalized aether showers the immediate area like a second snow as her wings resonate with the invisible beat. The rhythm, of course, being the pulse and flow of all that which is arcane in existence. She may not be as attuned as some, but she is certainly more than most. She knows this, and she now revels in it.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 11, 2012, 01:39:57 am
Hogarth scowls at the wondrous spectacle being displayed down by the cave. She turns to N'zla "Friend N'zla, please tell me you have coffee. Hogarth cannot take this much longer."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 11, 2012, 03:29:19 am
Rhyhorn, on the river's bed, finds some motherfucking delicious looking limestone.  He sets himself against the wall of the river bed, setting down his precious orb between his feet tightly and angled in such a way that even if swept away, it'd merely get caught between himself the wall of the river's bed.  He then leans in and begins eating the great stone delicacy, completely ignoring two very big issues - breathing and getting out of the river.

This wasn't ending well.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 11, 2012, 03:41:08 am
"Coffee?  N'zla not know this word.  What is coffee?" the bugman asks, raising his head briefly from nibbling a bush.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 11, 2012, 01:25:36 pm
Xun finishes his morning katas, wiping the frosty condensation from his blade and returning the bastard sword to its sheath with an oddly ritualized folding motion.  "There is coffee, Hogarth.  It is steeping now.  He gestures at a large metal pot sitting on a heated stone before hooking a much smaller kettle from the embers and settling into a seated lotus position and beginning to pour himself a cup of tea.  "Also plenty of stew from last night, for breakfast."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 11, 2012, 02:04:58 pm
   Yvonne stares down at the two women below her, one in the cart of ALL THE THINGS, one beside it. Both still slumber, one eternally, one hopefully for not much longer. She steps lightly off the side of the cart and descends upon the one still breathing. Taking a horizontal hovering position, she places herself nary an inch above a human-sized ear. "You are sleepy..." she coos softly. "Ve~ry sleepy... You are in a deep sleep... A peaceful sleep... A wonderfully restful sleep... And while you are in this deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep, you will listen to the sound of my voice... My calm, gentle, friendly voice... You feel relaxed by my voice... It makes you feel safe... Yes, you are in a deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep in which you feel relaxed and safe... And when you awaken from this deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep, you will be well rested, relaxed and feel safe... And you will be compelled to do as my voice will instruct you... My calm, gentle, friendly voice will compel you to allow Yvonne to see your scroll... You will feel calm and relaxed, for the scroll shall be safe in the fire lirai's gentle hands... In fact, you will feel heroic as you will be doing a good deed... Indeed, this act is for the good of all denizens of Sephyr and you will be treated as a hero wherever you go... This act is pleasing to Hiran and he will reward you with his favor... Karla and other powerful deities will smile upon you and good things will come to you... Yes, this is a good thing, and you will feel good doing it... You will feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful when you fulfill this compulsion... You will be happy... And Yvonne will be happy... And Rhyhorn will be happy... And Yvonne will be happy... But most importantly, you will be happy... And relaxed... And peaceful... And calm... This act is a good thing... And in the future you will always allow Yvonne access to any scroll you come across, whenever she asks... Doing all this will make you feel happy, relaxed and feel safe, because it is a good thing..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 11, 2012, 02:25:15 pm
Rhyhorn, still off doing his own thing under the river, continues to eat that delicious limestone.  Much fighting of Goblins leads to much hunger of stomach, after all, especially since he didn't grab any noms before sleep.  Rhyhorn paws a bit at the dirt on the river's bed, careful not to lose his important glowy stone of glowiness, and uncovers even more limestone!  Today's gone be a feast of rock!  And so the Rhino chews on, still oblivious to his situation.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 11, 2012, 06:16:44 pm
   "You will crave pancakes every time you pull the trigger of your crossbow... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep... You will fear many much moosens as you will believe that one bit your sister... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep... You will worship Yvonne as your goddess of fire and a Hiran's second in command of the plane of fire... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep... You will think vampires are cute and wish they didn't have such a poor public image, and you will want to improve this image by writing a series of novels about the forbidden love between a vampire and a human... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep... You will slowly grow to despise pants and over the next few years will eventually reach the point where you wish to wage war upon them... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep... You will caw like a crow whenever a purple-haired man gives you a grapefruit... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep... You will kiss a girl and like it, the taste of her cherry chapstick... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep... If someone sneezes, you will immediately seek out the nearest table, climb atop and begin dancing like a monkey tasting its very first banana... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep... You will salivate every time you hear a hand bell... Deep, peaceful, wonderfully restful sleep..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 11, 2012, 06:52:40 pm
Nathalie whipped her head up, no longer being able to stand the patter-patter of Yvonne's relentless singing and theatrics. She rubbed her forehead roughly and sat in a daze and swayed all around, finishing waking up so that she'll be able to stand the rest of the day. Nathalie ran one hand through her hair, teased it a little, and tossed it aside in a way that she'd always done every morning. Usually, she'd finish her morning routine with a calm, relaxing bath but as since it were not the case here, she rubbed her arms and legs as if to wipe off the "morning dirty" and stretch her body out. At this point ignoring the fiery pixie, she decided she would take the rest of the time to wake up with a short, brisk jog.

"Anyone else to come along on a morning run?" She asked, "It really helps to wake a person up!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 11, 2012, 07:24:12 pm
   Yvonne floats around to face . "All glory to the hypnofey!" she proclaims, staring her strait in the eye.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 11, 2012, 11:36:39 pm
Hogarth laughs heartily and pats Xun on the back, maybe too hard. "Friend Xun, you have saved Crispix Day. You will be honored in my clan. Friend N'zla, come, we burn the squishy now."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 11, 2012, 11:45:32 pm
   Yvonne holds out her hands, palms up. "Scrolly, please!" she says with a toothy grin. "I wanna try again ta iden'ify the spell on it."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 11, 2012, 11:48:45 pm
Rhyhorn, meanwhile, finishes his delicious feast, taking the orb back into his mouth and looking around the river's bed.  The poor underworked hamsters in his head begin to run on their wheels as realization slowly dawns on him - there's nowhere to breathe and nowhere to easily climb out.  Furthermore... something appears to be coming down the river?!  Rhyhorn's mind slowly turns and thinks of what it could be.  That's it!  It must be a shark!  Granted, this idea is entirely fucking retarded, but Rhyhorn.  

Rhyhorn moves to the center of the river bed and digs his feet in, ready to take on his approaching adversary, again ignoring the important yet simple bodily function of breathing.  Today would not be this Rhino's day...
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 12, 2012, 12:08:49 am
Hogarth grunts a greeting to Yvonne and Nathalie and grabs Elia's body, dumping it unceremoniously on a pile of wood she found under a dead tree, protected from the snowfall. "N'zla, do that thing you were saying you do. Hogarth need to think as she watches."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 12, 2012, 12:17:47 am
"Well if you insist," She replied, seeing as nobody wanted to go out for a morning jog, and retrieved the scroll from her chest and gave it to the pixie, "Good luck with your identification there.."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 12, 2012, 12:21:48 am
"Friend Hogarth could cut wood for this one, please?  Must be fresh, with tree-blood still within, so sweet smelling saps rise with the soul.  Could do for me?  Arms of priests are weak to hold axe," says the bugman, looking back down to his meal of leaves and grass.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 12, 2012, 12:25:02 am
Rhyhorn, meanwhile, braces himself... but it was not a shark!  Of course not!  But a mere school of small fishies, washing over his stone rhino body.  He sighs, nearly dropping his shiny thing but catching it at the last moment before turning to the side of the river bed.  He backs himself up against the river bed before breaking out into an underwater gallop.  Up, up, up those riverbed walls... and the freedom of the air above the water once more!  Rhyhorn gets himself fully onto dry land and shakes himself off like a wet dog before slowly moseying over to the others, still dripping but now one stomach fuller.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 12, 2012, 12:27:47 am
"I shall come back smeared in the tree blood, piles of tree corpses in my mighty arms." Hogarth takes up her axe, walks a short distance into the woods, and finds a nice, fat tree. "YOU DIE SO OTHERS MAY DIE MORE" Hogarth bellows, and keeps whacking at the tree. From decades of hunting, she knows enough how to cut the tree in a way that it doesn't crush her or her friends.

Having felled the mighty larch, she grunts with frenzy and effort to further chop it into logs. Splurts of sap fling out of every gash in the tree, sticking Hogarth's hands to the axe, the axe itself glistening with tree blood. Finally, the deed is done, and she has an armful of hacked up pieces of larch, which she takes back to camp and dumps next to Elia, leaves and twigs sticking to her skin and hair from the sap.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 12, 2012, 12:37:20 am
N'zla approaches the dead woman and murdered tree.  "Usually not so messy.  But it works.  Can all smell the sap?  Such strongness in this tree, good for the soul." The ek begins arranging the long-dead tree bits into a base bed, placing the freshly killed wood on top of that.  He uses all four arms to lift the priestess gently onto the pile.

Over the following minutes, he arranges wood around her body, forming a sort of casket.  No part of the woman's body is visible any longer.  "Now all needs is the dry wood on bottom to be sparked.  Then prayer.  All friends pray for the health of the soul, may the life of the earth protect it."

N'zla looks to the pixie sorceress.  "Done with scroll?  Perhaps I could read for you, if it is difficult?  While do that, you can make fire for friend."

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 12, 2012, 12:40:24 am
Rhyhorn reaches the others in time to see N'zla "closing the casket" on dear Friend Elia.  He stands, lowering his head a bit in respect despite his continued dripping as the services begin.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 12, 2012, 12:44:37 am
   "Yay!" the fire lirai cheers, grabbing the proffered paper and immediately spreading it out on a long, thin clear space in the middle of the cart of ALL THE THINGS. Was that space there before? It does not matter, it is magic time! "Hrm..." she runs her hands over the first part of the scroll. A sneer separates her lips as she studies the second set of scrawlings, and a low growl of frustration emanates from her throat as she attempts to make heads or tails of the third. Today is not looking good for her magical endeavors. "Stupid thing..." she grumbles, rolling it back up and handing it back to its owner. "I gotta think more 'bout 'em... mebe t'morrow..." She turns to head back to camp when, "Krieger's chaotic creations, what is that?" she balks, skittering backwards, away from the goblin-sized mantis she almost ran headlong into.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 12, 2012, 12:51:10 am
"Little flying friend, perhaps this one could try read for you?  Do not like to see new friends upset."  With the attention span of the bug he looks like, N'zla seemingly forgot all about the funeral, for the moment.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 12, 2012, 12:51:50 am
"Just--" She started, "--keep it.." After the pixie hurriedly ran away to elsewhere, Nathalie yet again put the scroll back in the chest and sat down in the back of the cart, unaware of exactly what to do now. She could help burn the body, but she didn't want to look at the dead body again. Sitting in the cart, she started to worry if her fate would be to end up dead like Elia, and while thinking, the apparent alone-ness right now wouldn't quite help.

"Time to burn a body."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 12, 2012, 01:13:33 am
   "Friend?!" Yvonne repeats, aghast at the concept of befriending a giant predatory insect big enough to capture and devour any of her kind. She points at the mantis-like being, "Stay a..." she cuts off as once again, tiny sparks leap several inches out from her finger. "Oh come on!" she cries, grabbing her wrist and glaring accusingly at her hand as she holds it in front of her face. Despite her mystical annoyances, hazy memories of the prior night's events coalesce slowly in her mind. Suddenly, her arms drop to her sides, and for a long, awkward moment of silence, the fire fey stares, mouth agape, at the obviously friendly insectoid before her. Finally, she closes her mouth and smiles. "Yvonne Scintillae Incendam, sorcerer extraordinaire. If memory serves, you said you are N'zla." She reaches out a hand. "Pleased to make your acquaintance. What was that about making fire?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 12, 2012, 01:18:30 am
"Yes.  Bring spark to the dead wood bed on which deceased friend sleeps eternal.  Then pray for friend."  N'zla faces the funeral pyre, sitting down in a meditative stance.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 12, 2012, 03:27:37 am
   "Ya mean Elia's under there?" Yvonne stares at the unlit pyre. "An' yer givin' me the honor a' lightin' it?" Gold flecks appear to swirl in the flame pixie's eyes for a moment before she closes them and bows in midair. "I most humbly accept." She moves to a position from which she can easily cast what she needs. "O, great Hiran, Everburning Lord of Pyres," she intones, holding her ash-coated hands out, "grant this one the power to destroy the corporeal vessel of our friend Elia. Her life was cruelly cut short, but her soul shall live on. And wherever her soul shall find itself now, likely in the presence of her beloved deity, it be not in need of its former host. However, there is always the chance that those practitioners of the darker arts may find such an unspoiled body to be an irresistible addition to their fiendish plans. Therefore, I shall take it upon mineself to ensure this vessel is properly returned to its baser state. To this end, I shall utilize the unparalleled might of Fire, for its cleansing power doth make everything equal in the end." Between her hands, a brilliant lava shard is summoned into being. It is noticeably larger than those used in the past. "And all that shall remain is dust." Crimson energy pulsates between her hands and the fragment. Finally, the fire lirai utters the Ignan word for 'to ash' and releases the spell.
   Kelgore's Fire Bolt screams strait down towards the prepared pyre below its caster. The very air around the liquid stone is torn asunder and ignited, leaving a blazing path between caster and spell. The sappy tinder provide a pathetic barrier at best and the incandescent pebble punctures through it as easily as the air before it, though its heat is most certainly enough to set the branches ablaze. Upon striking its intended target, the empty husk of a former human, the spell explodes, creating a literal furnace within the surrounding crude structure. Elia's body is incinerated instantly. The wood fares little better as the intense heat of the emotionally fueled arcane magic converts it all to cinders in a matter of seconds.
   Smoldering charcoal continues to sear the ground as Yvonne descends. She turns to her gathered friends and holds out her hands again. As she closes her eyes and brings her hands together before her chest, she speaks the Ignan word for 'it is done' which sounds quite similar to the fire word she spoke a moment ago. After a long pause, she takes a deep breath through her nose and holds it. She opens her eyes as she releases the air through her mouth, her shoulders slumping as though a great weight has been lifted from them. She blinks. She takes another breath through her nose, this time seeming to sample the air, or something in it. A grin cracks the stoic face. "I love the smell of aether in the morning, smells like..." She sniffs again with smaller and more rapid breaths, "stew?" She glances over to where Xun still has his supplies set up and licks her lips. "Imma gonna get me another bowl a' tha' delicious stuff." She explains, making her way towards the food.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 12, 2012, 05:30:44 am
N'zla remains quiet a moment.  "Normally, the burning done slow, carefully, and tenderly...  To give time for prayer and the sap to mature in subtle fire... But I suppose this work too."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 12, 2012, 03:38:23 pm
Shocked, Nathalie stood absolutely still, her hand slightly covering her mouth as she muttered the words "absolutely crazy" under her breath and returned to being in awe of magic. She was hungry, but after the sight and stench of burning people and wood she decided for the best that she would rather like to keep her food in her stomach when she ate it, so returned back to the cart and lie under it, in the fetal position, trying to hold back the foreboding vomit.

"It smells like cancer.." She moaned, "Oh god the smell!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 12, 2012, 04:31:06 pm
   "'Burning done slow'?" Yvonne stares quizzically at N'zla, honestly confused by the phrase. She looks back at the pyre, "If it's time ya want, them embers'll be there fer another day or two a' least. There's plen'y a' heat left there." She shovels more stew into her mouth.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 12, 2012, 05:30:53 pm
Rhyhorn closes his eyes for a moment.  He would've preferred to bury Friend Elia through the night and prevent such a spectacle, but this shall have to do to honor her memory.  He then makes his way back to ALL THE THINGS, intending to hitch up before noticing curled up under his cart.  He stares at her curiously for a moment before rapping on the cart gently with his horn, trying to figure out what the hell she's doing under ALL THE THINGS.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 12, 2012, 08:34:31 pm
After staring into the still burning embers for a few minutes, Hogarth stands up, stretches, and makes a loud announcement. "Friends, I say we keep the treasure and to Hades with Mr. Sparkle. We lost a friend and withstood tremendous odds. They are rightly ours!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 12, 2012, 10:44:24 pm
   "Ahunno..." Yvonne says after considering Hogarth's proposition. "'Is master 'as enough money ta give us a grand each per item we recover. Tha' ain' nothin' ta laugh at, ya know? An' if'n 'es givin' us tha' much, then they're obviously worth far more den tha'. An' if 'e c'n afford such luxuries, then 'e c'n certainly 'ire more mercs ta come after us, ya know." The tiny fey pauses her gorging for a moment as the thinks. "Although... The mercs 'e sends would 'ave their own gear an' supplies, so we cou' jus' loot 'em and live offa the profits from that, I suppose. Eventually, we may even become wan'ed and boun'y 'un'ers wou' start commin after us then. They always 'ave the best stuff, so we cou' make a killin' sellin' that stuff, ya know? Just an idea."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 12, 2012, 11:18:49 pm
Rhyhorn hears the fey's words and lets out a discontented hmphing sound through the glowy orb of happiny, chancey, and blissey held in his mouth.  He moves from and to the front of the cart and hitches himself in, pulling it away to reveal the fetal and getting ready to make the trek back to town.  Rhyhorn hadn't met this employer, so his good sense of derping around would have none of this talk of betrayal until meeting the man in person.

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 12, 2012, 11:42:55 pm
"Hmph, fine. But if he turns out to be a wizard, I kill him."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 13, 2012, 01:00:39 am
   Yvonne shrugs. "Fine by me." Then a thought crosses her mind. "*After* he pays us, of course." she adds.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 13, 2012, 06:40:00 pm
The bugman somehow looks sad through his stiff face.  "Should avoid unnecessary killing... all killing bad.  All ones that live are friends of someone, yes?  No want to take away others' friends as you have lost this priestess, huh?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 13, 2012, 08:15:17 pm
Rhyhorn pulls off, his glowy orb tight in his mouth, and heads for the town.  His mood was unnaturally fowl - the normally aloof, friendly, and derpy rhino wasn't so much as checking to see if his companions followed.  This foul talk, this loss of friend Elia, it all sits heavily upon Rhyhorn's tiny pebble-sized brain.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 13, 2012, 08:50:25 pm
The priest in the crimson robe runs a hand over his shaved head.  "Not see why we would kill this man.  You have contract, yes?  We follow contract, give him items he requested, everything else is ours.  Not complicated."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 13, 2012, 08:56:30 pm
"Hmph. He sparkles, is what I'm saying. Not trustworthy." Hogarth mutters under her breadth. She looks towards town only to see the rhino already heading there. "Come, friends. We leave." Hogarth picks up the pace behind the rhino.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 13, 2012, 10:35:56 pm
Staggering while trying to get up off the ground, and patting Rhyhorn on the back before coming slightly to, Nathalie manages to hold remain resilient until she can get her point across, however overheated and disgusted she may be.

"I..agree..with H-Hogarth," She stammers, "This man to a cave and didn't..tell us his pur..pose for do--doing so..." Shortly following her two cents, Nathalie proceeded to expel the other ninety-eight cents from her mouth onto the ground around her. After feeling most refreshed by the regurgitation of cancerous air, she stood there, embarrassed, and hoped nobody would exactly judge her for having a weak stomach.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 12:02:39 am
   The fire lirai raises an eyebrow at the healing insect man, "How does one define 'unnecessary' when i' comes ta killin'?" She turns to the sword-bearing priest, "I mean yeah, sure, we got a contract an' all, and I'm all for completin' it. But Hogarth believes simply bein' a wizard is reason 'nough ta kill, an' 'o am I ta stop 'er?" She makes a mental note to ensure Cozwin is never introduced properly to Hogarth when she visits him again back at the mage guild.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 14, 2012, 01:00:26 am
"HA! 'Simply being a wizard'! Wizards are cowards. They wait till we sleep, and massacre without honor! Without glory! Hogarth vowed to avenge her tribe's murder, especially Honored Tribe Leader Bizmak. He turned inside out. Last words were 'A wizard did it.' In 30 years of hunt, Hogarth kill 5 wizards WITH BARE HANDS!!" She bellows at the heavens, quaking her raised arms and fists at the sky, demanding hatred and strength to carry out her grim but comical task.

"Friend Nathalie knows my words. We sent on errand by Mr. Sparkle and come back wounded. Is... right." Hogarth lets her hands drop heavily, and plods onward, allowing the rhino to lead the way.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 01:04:09 am
Rhyhorn simply plods along, leading the entourage.  "Mr. Sparkle"?  Rhyhorn thinks to himself as to who such a sparkly person could be, keeping the orb held tight in his mouth, knowing it to be one of the treasures the man sought...
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 14, 2012, 01:23:07 am
"I will be give that man a piece of my mind!" She says with much effort, still quietly wheezing from the stench of dead person. Nathalie covers her nose and mouth, before forgetting that she has no water to breathe safely out of, and instead decides to just truck on, perhaps puking along the road while following Rhyhorn.

"He will not! ...Not! be free from my wr..aath!" Nathalie threw up again.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 01:31:20 am
   "'Ey, , you gonna be a'ight? You shou' eat somma Xun's stew, if there's any left, i's good, ya know."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 01:34:43 am
Rhyhorn, calming some and hearing the puking , stops and slips out of his harnesses for a moment.  He walks over to and slips off his wetskin, placing his shiny orb tight between his feet as he picks the wetskin up by the rope and offers it to the sick lass, along with the pack of Rations also around his neck.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 14, 2012, 01:38:37 am
"I would be delighted..will it take the sme..SMELL out of the air?" She asked, clutching her stomach with both hands. Seeing Rhyhorn offer her the glorious magic liquid known as water, Nathalie quickly grabbed it from him, upsetting the stomach more and granting a sort of "thank you" in some sickly way of communicating before taking a miraculous swig of that messiah liquid.

"I feel like I finally know how it feels when fires are put out.." She muses, feeling much more relaxed if still a bit queasy.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 01:41:08 am
   "Put out fires?" Yvonne's lips twist in a sneer. "Heresy!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 14, 2012, 01:46:02 am
"Thank you Rhyhorn, I feel much better now.. She says, giving him back the wetskin, "I suppose I could take a few rations too.. Accepting the gifts, Nathalie felt a little bit better now and walked with less of a zombie trot and more of a normal strut.

"Oh, I know how you feel about fire," She replied, "But seared flesh made that."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 14, 2012, 01:46:52 am
Hogarth, incensed by the talk of wizardry, continues on with her rant. "Killing wizard not easy. Must be fast, cunning. Rush in, break hands, rip off lips. Defenseless without able to make symbols or talk. Then you grab honor. Send wizard screaming down to their hateful eternity."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 01:48:45 am
Rhyhorn nods, glad to see his friend doing better.  He passes the rations on his neck, replaces his wetskin, and picks up his shiny orb before slipping back into his harnesses and leading the group back to town once more.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 14, 2012, 01:52:50 am
"You come here as a job yes?  From what N'zla overhear.  How can you blame this Mr. Sparkles for a choice you made?  It sad that your friend died, but you only continue the circle of hate and sorrow if you take that man's life."  N'zla's speech was especially unstable, a sign of his growing weariness.  He also did not understand the sickened response of the one woman.  After all, the fresh tree sap should have covered up the smell of burning flesh.  The incense of nature is all he could smell.  
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 14, 2012, 02:19:09 am
Nathalie, after overhearing Hogarth explain the ways to kill a wizard, felt compelled to touch her lips to make sure they were still there. While Hogarth's method would no doubt prove useful, she found violence to only be a last resort option.

"Look, let's just talk to the guy.." Nathalie explained, taking a bite of Rhyhorn's emergency food, "Perhaps we can weasel our way into an agreement where we get paid more and information about what we just pulled out of the goblin cave?" Nathalie continued to eat the delicious food before her stomach gave a slight kick of uneasiness. The illness felt a little odd, as while the smell of burnt objects usually displeased her stomach, perhaps it was her delayed reaction to the death of a comrade.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 02:20:34 am
   "Oo said anythin' 'bout blamin' Mr. Sparkles?" Yvonne finds herself at a loss about what her companions are thinking. "I mean, yeah, sure 'e di'n' say nothin' 'bout the cave, but we knew we'd pro'ly 'ave ta fight a few goblins." She uses hand gestures to punctuate her speech. "And yeah, it's sad Elia di'n' make it, but I made them goblins pay dearly fer their mistakes, an' I returned 'er body to its baser state. She'll be at peace now. An' now we've met you. You seem like a decent 'ealer. Mebe we c'n convince Mr. Sparkles ta give ya Elia's share."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 14, 2012, 02:21:21 am
Hogarth decided to chew on N'zla's words for a bit. Had Xavier told them about the goblins? Yes. Had he mentioned there was a HORDE of goblins and that was their nest? Yes. Did they KNOW it was dangerous? Yes. Hogarth could feel righteous fury slipping away.

But then again, he DOES sparkle. And he was suspicious. His words, they sounded perfect. Wait! That's it he bedeviled us to get us to do the job." Hogarth pauses, then realizes she's actually been saying most of her thoughts out loud. She shakes her head and clears the mind of the thoughts. She turns to the Ek, seeking to ease her paranoid fears of being judged by an insect. "Hogarth not think well. Thinking hard, and confusing. I leave to you, Friend N'zla, and the rest."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 14, 2012, 02:27:56 am
"I know a thing or two about schmoozing, and that Xavier is a bonafide expert," Nathalie adds, "I wouldn't trust him one bit. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if our share was somehow "reduced" by way of "unforeseen difficulties!" He's a villain of the worst kind--a smooth criminal!" Nathalie's slight anger over being out-schmoozed was beginning to show, and she is still bitter about the sparkling humanoid's job. Goblins are never to be trifled with.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 02:46:49 am
   Yvonne floats down so she is even with Rhyhorn's massive mouth. "Wha's the deal with the orb?" She stares at it for a moment. "I's pretty..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 02:56:24 am
Rhyhorn looks down at the fey, still walking and keeping the glowly awesome blue orb held tight in his mouth.  He merely nods, keeping his grip on the orb tight, not replying in text because the orb is occupying the part of his body he requires to be free to write.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 03:01:06 am
   "Me see?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 03:19:55 am
Rhyhorn shakes his head left-to-right, refusing to loosen the grip on his shiny awesome ball.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 03:27:58 am
   "Awww..." the flame fey pouts. "Why not?" She darts under the stone rhino's chin to come up on the other side. "I wanna see it!" She tilts sideways in an attempt to get a better view. "It's all shiney and stuff. It's gotta be magical!" She zips up and his brow and returns to her original position. "I wanna see it!" she repeats.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 03:34:26 am
The Rhino pulls his head to the side, moving the orb possessively away from her.  He liked the dear friendly fey quite a bit, but Rhyhorn refused to let anyone near this particular thing, hence it not being part of ALL THE THINGS.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 03:43:59 am
   "Open wide!" Yvonne coos, making her way in front of Rhyhorn, facing him and floating backwards so as not to directly impede his stubborn progress forward. "Jus' a little peak is all I want. I won' even take it outta yer mouth. I jus' wanna see it... Mebe touch it... stroke it... feel it... caress it gently... oh so gently... yes..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 04:00:30 am
Rhyhorn holds fast, still walking, still refusing to loosen the grip on his prized orb, no matter how much the small and fluttering pocket lighter begs.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 04:48:45 am
   "Mohhh..." the tiny sorceress scrunches her face up in frustration. Still flying backwards, she thinks for a moment. "Alright, fine. You c'n move it 'round, right?" She doesn't wait for the sentient rock to answer. "'Ow 'bout you jus' move it as I ask so I c'n see it? That way ya don' gotta loosen yer death grip too much."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 14, 2012, 12:30:09 pm
Xun raises an eyebrow quietly at the ranting Hogarth and shakes his head, saddened by her ignorance.  Perhaps one day he might be able to teach her something of the truth about magic, but now was not the time.  He quietly prayed that she was not the typical example of her people, lest all of his peoples stories about the grace and wisdom of the pointy-eared folk seem... mistranslated.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 04:34:39 pm
Rhyhorn sighs and loosens his grip on his shiny orb slightly, spinning it slowly with his tongue so that the fey can look at it... ready to clamp his mouth down again at any moment should anyone try to move for it.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 14, 2012, 10:52:35 pm
   "Oooo... Ahhh..." Yvonne murmurs, watching the orb turn and admiring it. "I could watch this all day..." she decides, settling into a leisurely drift beside the plodding Rhyhorn. "So pretty..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 14, 2012, 11:33:23 pm
Rhyhorn continues placating the pixie, keeping his wits about himself to protect his precious round rock of glisteningness and hoping town isn't too far away...
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 15, 2012, 01:50:14 am
"Friend Rhyhorn" Hogarth says sternly. "If we are to not kill, that orb is not yours. Is Mr. Sparkle's. Remember."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 15, 2012, 01:56:52 am
Rhyhorn makes no obvious sign of acknowledging the Barbarian besides a small "hmph"-ing sound that escapes his mouth through the shiny stone of amazement and continues his walk forward, his guard still heavily on the stone.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 15, 2012, 02:22:00 am
"I bet that orb'd catch a fancier price than what Twinkles is paying us!" Nathalie scoffed, reinstating her anger against the smooth-tongued man, "He outwitted nearly all of you..and so easily!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 15, 2012, 02:48:29 am
   "Outwitted?" Yvonne blinks out of her complacency. "'ow?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 15, 2012, 02:57:49 am
"You all nearly jumped ass first into the den of mentally corroded cave dwellers without so much as payment or information and you only received such things because you had me," She explained, "I was the only skeptical person!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 15, 2012, 03:04:42 am
   "Bah!" Yvonne scoffs. "We did good. We got the things we needed ta get. Now all we gotta do is give 'em back ta Mr. Sparkle and get paid. Then we go on shopping spree! Good times. End a' story."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 15, 2012, 10:18:43 am
"Mr. Sparkle can-look-but-not-touch my beautiful ass!" Nathalie grumbled, walking with great determination towards the town.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 15, 2012, 02:54:38 pm
   Yvonne laughs heartily. "You worry too much, ya know?" she gets in between guffaws. "Of course we *could* sell the treasures ourselves, bu' then 'e'd jus' send more guys after us. 'owever, if we give 'em back to 'im, we get a reputation fer doin' what we were 'ired ta do. Then we c'n get 'ired again easier. Fun times fer all. An' I get to cast more!" She moves her hands and arms around, poorly mimicking some complex conjuration. After a moment, a small flame leaps out from her index finger, only to flicker and die half a second later. The small sorceress barely notices.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 16, 2012, 12:42:49 am
"That is excellent thought, fire spirit.  It only does us good to cultivate reputation of honor."  XUn does not point out that he has said this already, previously.  He is just surprised that one of the others managed to reach the same conclusion so quickly.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 16, 2012, 12:52:58 am
   "Honor shmoner. I just wanna cast more." The fire sprite dismisses with a wave and another tiny flame. "But I don' wanna just waste my precious magicks on frivolous castings. I gotta have a target, ya know? An' the best way I know ta get more targets is ta get 'ired to get 'em. I's a win/win situation."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 16, 2012, 01:38:08 am
"Honor is useless when one's money has been swindled," She explains "This guy is only using us to scavenge for his wares, he's not going to give us any benefits."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 16, 2012, 01:45:31 am
Hogarth can feel a headache coming on. The constant bickering of people has set her already diminutive patience at an end. "Wait until we get to town. Appraise first. See Mr. Sparkle after. Then ale and food and then more ale."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 16, 2012, 01:49:38 am
   "He hired us ta get stuff." Yvonne turns her attention back to . "We got it. He's paying us. Wha's the problem?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Celdia on January 16, 2012, 02:56:51 am

Scene Shift

I'll probably go back and denote all those posts as the start of a new Scene. Let's fast-forward this back to the city, shall we?

          After two days of uninterrupted travel back the way they came, the party returns again to the city of Tevinar. Arriving just before sundown, you manage to gain entry to the city-proper before the gates are closed for the evening. The streets are lit with oil lamps hanging high on poles that are moderately spaced down the main streets, casting dim light and flickering shadows in all directions. Even this late into the day though the streets are still a bustle of activity. There are people heading home for an evening meal, to a tavern for drinks and entertainment or towards the temples for an evening mass. Most reputable shops are closed by this hour but guildhalls and temples are still very likely open for several hours still. Of course, inns and taverns accept custom much later into the night.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 16, 2012, 03:32:35 am
   "I wanna take a bath..." Yvonne says, tired from the day's journey and 'discussions' with her friends. "We shou' totally go back to tha' Silver Coin place. They're baths are awesome!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Randomname on January 16, 2012, 04:37:19 am
"I have never been to this place before.  So many people!" N'zla looks around, feeling out of place.  "Been wondering, new friends...  How can N'zla repay you all for this life debt?  Shall I serve and follow?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 16, 2012, 06:30:36 am
   "You c'n repay me by takin' a bath." Yvonne says, floating down by N'zla, to sniff him. "'Cause you stink." She begins to laugh. "We all do, actually. I's been far too long since we 'ad a decent bath! Now, off to the Silver Coin! It's bath time!" She starts to fly in what she believes to be the direction of the inn, but after a few feet, she turns back to the rest of the party. "We di'n' come in this entrance last time... Any a' you guys remember 'ow ta get there?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 16, 2012, 01:48:54 pm
Rhyhorn nods, and begins leading the way, wanting to stow away his cart in the safety of the Inn for the night and rest after hauling it for ALL THE DAYS.  As a trader, he needs to be able to remember things like the layouts of cities, and had been around enough on the previous stay to know his way about.  Soon, soon there would be rest for the rhino... and then the next day, he could hopefully confront the man who wanted the important shiny in Rhyhorn's mouth and begin sorting out the various treasures they had acquired from the cave.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Celdia on January 16, 2012, 03:23:55 pm
          Being led by the ever-reliant Rhyhorn, the party easily finds their way back to The Silver Coin unmolested and in-tact. The door to the common room is closed against the evening cold but a cheerful fire can be seen through the front windows along with many customers enjoying an evening meal. The muted sound of music carries through the air, its origin from a halfling bard playing a fiddle inside. From the look of things, some few tables have been cleared aside to create an impromptu dancing area in front of the entertainer where several couples dance energetically to the cheerful ditty.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 16, 2012, 03:30:33 pm
Rhyhorn, having lead his friends to the Inn and not being the best with doors, heads off to the side to park ALL THE THINGS in the safety of The Silver Coin's stables.  The entrance through the stables was far easier for the Rhino to make use of anyway, he found out from the last time he was here.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 16, 2012, 10:26:30 pm
"Serve? Debt? Foolish nonsense." Hogarth turns to the Ek and stares intensely at him. "The more the merrier. You help us, we help you, we all drink and fight." With that, the amazonian elf orders a tankard and a pig.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire!
Post by: Kalas on January 16, 2012, 11:09:18 pm
"Oh look! Dancing! I'd love to take part but.." She said, looking at her body and clothes, "I definitely need to bathe".
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 16, 2012, 11:35:05 pm
Rhyhorn meanders into the bustling hall, seeing his friends getting set up to relax and order food and merriment.  He slips over to the check-in counter before heading over to them, ordering four rooms as-per the usual quota.  He and Nathalie would again share, and Yvonne would share with... somebody, as usual.  Rhyhorn got the feeling it'd also be him with Friend Elia no longer with them.  Sleepover!
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 16, 2012, 11:43:43 pm
   "Rubber Ducky you're the one!" Yvonne sings her own tune, as if oblivious to halfling's performance. "You make bath time lots of fun!" She flutters over towards the reception desk. "Rubber Ducky I'm awfully fond of you! Bobo bodeo." She notices Rhyhorn has already come from the other way and is leaving the desk with keys. "Rubber Ducky, joy of joy!" The flame fairy drops a familiar bag full of coins, as well as four gold pieces before the stone rhino. "When I squeeze you, you make noise!" She turns quickly and heads towards the bathing area. "Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, its true!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 16, 2012, 11:45:17 pm
"Please, give my room to N'zla.  i will not be staying here tonight.  I have much to attend to."  Xun bows to his friends.  "I will see you all in the morning, yes.  We go talk to man who hired us then."  The young priest gathers up his red robes and heads for the door, pack and cookpot firmly in hand.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 17, 2012, 12:18:17 am
Nathalie had gathered her things to together, asking a quiet "where did he go" to the general public for knowledge of Xun's prospective whereabouts before keeping herself comfortably bathed in hot water in the bath room. In the tub, she hummed a slow, somber tune as she closed her eyes and relaxed in the soothing water.

"Ah..." She sighed, tilting her head back, "So..peaceful."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 17, 2012, 12:50:47 am
Rhyhorn accepts the cash from the fey, and reduces the number of rooms he had reservations set aside for his merry group by one since Xun would not be staying the night.   He smells the delicious pig that Hogarth had ordered being cooked up, but even Rhyhorn wants to just get in some vaguely warm water and relax for a change, so he takes up route for the baths instead.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 17, 2012, 01:03:41 am
   "Every day when I make my way to the tubby" Yvonne finds a cubby hole and quickly shirks her stuff within it. "I find a little fella who's cute and yella and chubby!" Settling down inside, she begins to sew another garment out of the flowers she had picked not far from the city gate. "Rubba dub dubby!" She has no idea what the flowers are, but they're red, and they'll suit her needs. "Rubber Ducky your so fine" Her craftsmanship is poor, but she doesn't expect the thing to last forever anyway. "And I'm lucky that you're mine" It's not like she's looking to sell the thing anyway. "Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you!" She continues humming happily as she hastily shoves the needle through the various petals. Moments later, she is satisfied with her work and leaves the cubby in search of an attendant to launder her two garments, mindful to leave a worthwhile tip. Finally free of everything, she scurries over to the main bath, tucks her knees up to her chest and plummets down into the warm water.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 17, 2012, 02:09:34 pm
Rhyhorn, far more tired than the last time he was at the baths, slowly makes his way to a corner of the changing areas and shirks his way out of his saddles, setting them down sloppily but out-of-the-way, resting his chalkboard and other around-the-neck goods on top of them.  Then, bare as the rhino had been born and holding nothing but his big blue ball, the rhino makes his way into the water and sits, closing his eyes and relaxing after a four days' journey and goblin-mauling.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 18, 2012, 12:40:28 am
Hogarth, not in the mood for revelry, finishes her pig and gets her fill of wine, and marches to her room, sans bath.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 18, 2012, 02:14:01 am
   Yvonne revels in the warmth of the bath long enough to make an average human faint from heat exhaustion. She sings merrily away, ignorant of the strange looks she receives from the other guests. As much as she would love to remain there for the duration of the night, other basic desires must be fulfilled at some point. The grumblings of her stomach signal the end of her bath, so she dries off and heads back to her cubby to retrieve her stuff. Hastily, she dons her newly fashioned flower gown, tosses her pack over her shoulder and shoves her wands between it and her back. Still humming happily, she makes her way back to the dining hall to feast upon whatever delights the Silver Coin has to offer this night. "Hello, Lejun!" she waves to her former employer before selecting a seat.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 18, 2012, 05:05:08 pm
Rhyhorn spends some time in the water, relaxing his weary stone bones for quite a while.  After some time, he climbs out, setting his saddles back in place and heading back to the dining hall.  Finding Yvonne, he places the room keys for everyone other than himself down near her and sets his shiny between his legs a bit to write.  "Rhyhorn tired, go sleep early.  Give others keys please." 
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 18, 2012, 06:09:07 pm
   "Fan foo!" the flame fey says through the food in her mouth.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 19, 2012, 12:04:09 am
Rhyhorn nods, erasing his chalkboard and picking up his glowy awesome orb once more before heading off to bed.  Tomorrow looks to be a big day of sorting, trading, dealing with someone who'd want the glowy orb, and other things, so Rhyhorn will need his rest to do so well.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 19, 2012, 03:01:29 pm
Gonna try to get this on track and bring Xavier back into it. 24 hours left to post for end of this day and start of the next morning. Posting ends at 3pm on Friday, January 20th.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 20, 2012, 03:02:28 pm
   Yvonne begins to feast, but the halfling's music stirs her. She ends up shoving things down instead of savoring every bite, as the sounds penetrate her to the core. Finally, she can resist no more, and makes haste to the bard's side. She makes her request and begins to sing along while dancing and twirling through the air around him. It is by no means a memorable performance, but this time, it is not for the audience, but for her own enjoyment.
   No less than an hour later, the halfling announces the end of his show, and the now exhausted fey makes her way to the bank of rooms Rhyhorn has reserved. Paying little heed to whose room it was beyond knowing it was one her friends, she makes for the mantle and settles down for the night.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 20, 2012, 07:06:06 pm
Apologies, gang. Shit came up. My posts are going to be delayed.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 12:06:06 am
          The following morning, following the scent of breakfast foods from the common room below, you find Xavier sitting alone at a small corner table. He is dressed much more finely than the last time you saw him, more like a nobleman than an adventurer. He sips tea from a fine porcelain cup, appearing relaxed despite obviously awaiting your return.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 12:09:02 am
Rhyhorn, an ever-early riser, heads down the stairs and out to the common room, his glowy awesome globe of globeliness tight in his mouth.  Not really knowing what the man looks like beyond "sparkley prick", Rhyhorn keeps an eye on the man but finds a table of his own somewhere more rhino-friendly, setting his globe down long enough to write out a request for some light, sugary coffee to the fine waitress serving the common room this morning.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 12:10:16 am
   "Hey! Mr. Sparkly!" Yvonne calls, hands on her hips, as she floats into the common room. "I gotta bone ta pick with ya'! You di'n' say nothin' 'bout there bein' a cave!" She sits down on the table near him.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 12:18:43 am
          The maenad gently sets his cup down and smiles apologetically up at the sprite from where he sits. "Then I beg your forgiveness for the oversight, dear lady. Please, join me won't you?" He gestures to the table itself, dismissing Yvonne's incorrect recollection smoothly. "I can hope your expedient return heralds favorable news. Pray, tell me of your dealing with the goblins for I am much interested to hear how you fared."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 12:29:12 am
Hogarth stomps down the stairs, goes directly to the bar, and slams down her fist. "Coffee. Black. Bacon. Eggs. Huge. NOW. The goblins pay." She tosses the proper coinage on the counter, and turns around, leaning on the counter. She glares around the room, surveying the area. Her eyes light upon Xavier, sitting and chatting with Yvonne. "Our healer is deeeaaaaaaaaad" Hogarth moans in a mocking tone and plops herself heavily on a seat at the table, totally uninvited and likely not welcome.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 12:35:26 am
          Xavier returns the infectious grin. "That does sound like quite the entertaining plan. Have you thought perhaps about purchasing a wand for the spellcasting though? They are most useful as I hope you found the one I lent you to be. Also, since you seem eager for payment I would assume you did in fact retrieve some of the items I sent you to find. Might I inquire to their whereabouts?" The man looks on expectantly and is suddenly interrupted by Hogarth's barbaric arrival, her bluntness seeming to rattle his outward calm some. "What? Dead? I hope this is some form of jest at my expense, though if it is I will say it is in bad taste."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 12:40:53 am
"No joke. She was chopped up and shoved down a hole." Hogarth grunts in acknowledgement as her order is brought to the table, and she digs in, once again speaking between and during bites. "We get to forest, goblins there, we kill. Huge mess. We go to cave, we fight horde of goblins, we kill all. Us: 50, Them: 1. Treasure beyond gate, I tore it to bits and we got stuff." She points across the room at Rhyhorn. "Friend Rhyhorn seems rather attached to ball."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 12:44:44 am
   "Oh yeah, tha' was bad." Yvonne acknowledges Hogarth's statement. "Bu' i's alrigh', 'cause I made sure no necros will ever be able ta use 'er body fer their evil deeds. An' we made a new buggy friend."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 12:54:09 am
          The man looks a little stricken to find out his request has lead to the death of another. "You all have my condolences. After seeing your battle with the elemental I felt that some goblins would pose little to no obstacle at all for you. Had I known otherwise..." He trails off, seemingly at a loss for words on the topic. After a quiet moment he looks to where Hogarth gestured and stares at Rhyhorn for a long moment with an odd expression on his face, seemingly lost in thought.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 12:56:13 am
Rhyhorn hears his name mentioned and leers over for a moment at the table with Xavier and his friends, deciding to keep to himself unless spoken to as he sips awkwardly at his coffee and keeps his glowy orb at his side.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 12:59:43 am
"Don't let my roguestone friend fool you. He is smart. What these things be? Lots here, grabbed all. Cart was ransacked while in cave. Must be important for others to desire them and know whereabouts."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 01:05:17 am
          Hogarth's question goes unanswered as Xavier gets a closer look at the rockbeast, his voice low with wonder. "Well I'll be..." He clears his throat and begins speaking to Rhyhorn in another tongue with a slow and deliberate measure to his tone, obviously unaccustomed to the language. "An máistir inis dom faoi tú. Ní féidir liom a rá shíl mé gur mhaith liom a reáchtáil i ndáiríre isteach tú. Tá sé ar domhan beag, go deimhin."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 01:14:35 am
Rhyhorn's eyes widen for a moment at Xavier, but are quickly narrowed in distrust as the rhino shifts from his sitting position onto all fours, staring directly into the sparkling man's eyes. "Cén máistir bhfuil tú ag obair le haghaidh go bhfuil a fhios mar gheall orm?" the rocky-rhino replies to Xavier in a deep, gruff tone, clearly a master of the language in comparison to Xavier's deliberate and unaccustomed tone.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 01:16:53 am
   "Rhyhorn can talk?!" Yvonne's eyes widen as she stares at the stone rhino.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 01:17:56 am
Hogarth leaps to her feet, sending the chair flying behind her. "BY HIRAM'S BLOOD, YOU FUCKING TALKED!!!!!!!" Hogarth staggers back a moment. "I never could read signs, and thought we couldn't commune." For the first time in the group's travels together, Hogarth looks genuinely rattled.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 23, 2012, 01:28:16 am
Nathalie, returning from her slumber, walked down the stairs, teasing her hair a little before sluggishly sitting down at a table to eat. She can hear a familiar, grating voice and before vomiting out of sheer repulsion, calms herself and continues to eat, ignoring the current conversation at hand.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 01:33:15 am
          Still struggling somewhat with the language, Xavier continues on haltingly. "An fear a thug tú an Spark den saol. Thug sé dom seo. Féach." He draws back the sleeve of his shirt and begins to unlace a leather bracer around his wrist. Once free, a swirling tattoo can be seen there. He touches the very edge of the pattern with his fingers and closes his eyes briefly in concentration, causing the tattoo to glow. The light begins to coalesce on the tabletop into a small projection of a man, obviously an illusion. He appears to be short and round - pear-shaped almost - with pallid skin, over-large eyes and somewhat deformed hands. His clothes are the kind you would expect to see on an alchemist when working in his laboratory. The illusory man speaks in the same tongue with perfect clarity and a dominating tone. "Rhyhorn. Anois stop a éisteacht ar an teanga nach bhfuil tú ag labhairt. Beidh Uimh níos mó de na teachtaireachtaí seo fíor ag dul eatarthu. Pian i mo ..."
         After repeating the same message a few times, the illusion fades away as does the tattoo on Xavier's arm. He replaces his bracer and continues to try and speak in the foreign tongue. "An bhfuil tú máistreacht ar an teanga coitianta? Pianta seo go mór liom."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 01:35:41 am
"HAIL Friend Nathalie! We were talking about treasure and money." Hogarth grabs her chair and calms herself with some food. She tries to focus on Nathalie and the brewing situation between Xavier and Rhyhorn. Continuing her tradition of teasing Nathalie, she steals a pinch of bacon off Nathalie's plate.

Suddenly, Hogarth nearly chokes on her food as she witnesses the glowing tattoo and the illusion. "YOU'RE A WIZARD, I KNEW IT!" Hogarth keeps one hand on the hilt of her axe, waiting for him to cast an incantation so she has an excuse to destroy him.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 01:47:06 am
"All speech pains me greatly." Rhyhorn replies in his deep, stern tone as he keeps focused eye-contact on Xavier. "There is a reason I choose not to speak." Rhyhorn then slips back into the celtic-sounding language. "Tá mé ceaptha chun a chreidiúint gur mhaith leat mé a muinín agat leis seo?" he says, motioning to the orb as he speaks.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 01:59:23 am
   "Was that yer master, Mr. Sparkly?" the tiny sorceress flies up to hover not too far away from their client's formerly bare arm. She was fairly certain she had heard the language before, but knew only a select few words. However, neither the rhino nor the man-of-unknown-origins had spoken any of them. "He looks kinda funny. I guess I was thinkin' 'e was some kinda nobler er sometin'"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 02:04:05 am
          Pleased to find that Rhyhorn can understand Common, Xavier continues in that. "It would appear so. I could wish that he gave me a more verbose message but psionic tattoos have a size reflective of the power held within them. I felt something small and easily concealed would suit me best since I had no guarantee of finding you. However, if trusting me remains an issue, then perhaps we could come to a comprimise. I'm sure Master Mewdha would think well of seeing you again and once I've verified the condition of the apparatuses you could take them back to our master yourself." Xavier smiles pleasantly, leaning back in his chair and lifting his teacup once more to drink.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 23, 2012, 02:08:03 am
"Blech. "Treasure and money" to this shark is nothing more than a way to charm unsuspecting adventurers into doing his bidding," Nathalie complained, now a little more awake and drinking some of her coffee, looking over at Xavier and Rhyhorn speaking. She watches Xavier like a hawk, sipping coffee only in pauses in conversation and occasionally reaching back and grabbing something off the plate, completely unaware that Hogarth is stealing her food.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 02:10:55 am
Anger rises from being ignored, and by a wizard at that. Utterly overwhelmed by rage, she doesn't hear a word of Common they are saying, not even Rhyhorn. She takes a throwing axe and sinks it deep in the table in front of Xavier. "Be you a wizard, face me in glorious combat or be ripped apart." She grits her teeth and keeps a hand on her greatnessaxe handle.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 02:13:45 am
          Xavier sets his cup down again and turns his attention to Yvonne. "Yes, Master Mewdha is a powerful psion and I am his apprentice. Since his body is no longer as spry as it was in the past, he chooses to stay in his home to the South while I am sent to and fro across the kingdoms to act as his hands and mouth when necessary." He turns to Nathalie, frowning. "A fair turn of irony to hear you speaking of someone as being deceptive or of ill-intent, Miss Marchand. One might look at oneself more closely before accusing others of the things oneself does. In the time you've been gone I have made myself acquainted with some few of the local constabulary and the things they have to say of you and your petty crimes are none too flattering. Pretty though you may be, it would seem your reputation for having light fingers proceeds you even into Verun."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 02:14:21 am
   "Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah... woah... woah..." Yvonne says, floating in front of Hogarth's face. "Lois, this isn't my Batman glass." She clears her throat. "I mean, this guy ain' a wizard."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 02:16:10 am
Rhyhorn pulls the remaining three apparatuses out of his Exotic Pack Saddle and sets them down for Xavier to look at, keeping the orb defensively by his side.  He catches a waitress as she passes by, writing a request for a second coffee to help soothe his throat, silently accepting Xavier's offer to transport the items himself.  Seeing Hogarth's outburst, Rhyhorn turns to his Barbarian friend and speaks in his deep, but now noticeably hoarse tone once more before returning to his characteristic silence.  "Do not worry, Friend Hogarth.  He is not a Wizard."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 02:16:48 am
          Xavier stares in shock first at the axe and then up at the barbarian. "Goodness, woman. You were addressing me as a wizard? I am nothing of the sort. I am a psion both by birth and by trade and I find no comfort in the arcane arts, wizardly or otherwise. My powers well up from my mind alone and need nothing of scrolls or books nor of mystical contraptions or bits of flora and fauna. Excuse me for ignoring you but I thought you surely must have been speaking of someone else previously."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 23, 2012, 02:22:08 am
"I might have sticky fingers but at least I work for my goods," She hissed, outraged that her petty thefts are being broadcasted around the town after she'd worked so hard to keep them between her and the locals.

"I'd at least make better use of my money than throwing it away as if it's expendable," She grumbled, taking another sip of her coffee.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 02:23:33 am
"...I trust you, Friend Rhyhorn. I am sorry, Friend Xavier, for my anger." She pries her axe out of the table and takes her hand off her axe. Hogarth saunters do a corner, and leans there, looking down, seeming somewhat embarrassed.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 02:26:08 am
   "So does that mean we're off ta see the wiz... I mean psion?" Yvonne asks Rhyhorn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 02:29:27 am
As Yvonne asks her question, Rhyhorn merely turns and nods positively before going into a fit of painful-sounding hacking coughs as his second coffee arrives, small pebbles dislodging themselves from his throat and being spat out onto the floor as he coughs.  Before the waitress leaves, he immediately and clumsily downs the second coffee before asking for a third.  There truly was a reason he did not speak.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 02:31:53 am
   "Yay!" the small fey cheers, shoving a fist into the air. "But first, PANCAKES!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 23, 2012, 02:32:26 am
          Xavier ignores Nathalie's weak jibe and nods acceptingly to Hogarth. He takes moment and arranges the apparatuses on the table very deliberately before reaching into his satchel and removing a length of jagged crystal - about a foot in length and maybe an inch thick - focusing on the stone and passing it over the objects laid out before him in silence. After several minutes of this he nods to himself and replaces the crystalline tool back into his satchel. "They appear to be genuine and undamaged at that. Well then. News of this should please my master greatly." He grabs a few more things from his pack - an inkpen and some parchment with writing already on it - and begins to hastily scrawl on the parchment. " a writ of good credit. You should be able to exchange it at any Gnomish bank between here and Sensland without issue for your payment." He blows gently on the ink to dry it some before folding the parchment up again and handing it over to Rhyhorn. "Now, as for the return of these apparatuses to my master. I'm certain Rhyhorn knows the way back but I admit I'm curious if the rest of you have traveled that far South before."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 23, 2012, 02:39:16 am
Nathalie forms her face to make fun of Xavier, her eyes sharp as daggers as she continues her now silent and veiled hatred of this man. She turns back to her plate to find the contents of it gone, and while in disbelief, but hungry, orders another plate to take the time to eat and care for, enjoying the sweet glory of bacon.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 02:42:16 am
Rhyhorn nods to Xavier, accepting the writ of good credit and placing it with his small collection of things.  It would certainly be a busy day today, it seemed.  Rhyhorn returns the objects to his Pack Saddle, glowy orb included, and downs his final coffee before heading off toward the stables to knock out his to-do list for the day now that he felt comfortable leaving Xavier in the hands of his... motley crew crüe.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 01:55:41 pm
   Yvonne is pleasantly distracted by her beloved pancakes and does not notice Rhyhorn's departure, despite her intentions of following him back to Mage Guildhouse. She feasts upon bacon and eggs and sausage and an orange and everything else the server brings the minuscule magical being. Finally, she drops a coin on the table and made her way out to the street. "Where did that rhino go?" she mumbles rhetorically to herself.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 02:51:37 pm
Rhyhorn, having reorganized ALL THE THINGS, begins to head out on his long day of errands.  Among his carry-along goods are the Potions, Wand, Buckler, Chain Mail, Battle Axes, Crown, Crystal, and Rope received from the skirmish in the gobins' cave, along with ALL THE MONEY from that encounter and Xavier's writ of credit.  First would be a small trip to the Mage's Guild to get all this shit checked out.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 05:27:44 pm
   "I wonder if he's at the stable..." Yvonne thinks to herself, wandering in that direction. Sure enough, "Rhyhorm!" the excitable fairy exclaims, finding her friend already departing. "Le's go figure ou' what those magic things are! Yes! Yes! Le's go! Le's go!" She can barely contain herself. "Sorry 'bou' las' time, I, ah... kinda got sidetracked..."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 06:31:09 pm
Rhyhorn nods, motioning to the stack of things on his back that were already loaded and ready to go, before fumbling around for his writing setup. "Doing that now.  Then Trader's Guild to trade useless things in."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 08:53:52 pm
   Yvonne spends the entire trip to the guildhouse theorizing what she believes, or more likely hopes, the yet-to-be-identified items are and why she believes said theories. Most involve a small story about some adventure she had been on prior to meeting up with the current group. Some sound like she is making things up on the spot. While still other ideas earn the a variety of strange looks from passersby who would not be faulted for questioning the winged woman's sanity.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 09:13:22 pm
Hogarth excuses herself from the table stomps out the inn and goes for another busy day of wandering the streets. She heads to the temple district, but sans any vegetables to throw.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 09:13:57 pm
Rhyhorn slowly nods, entertaining the fey's wild theories as they enter the Mage's Guild.  He finds a mage able to Detect his goods, laying them down along with the 5 gold required to check them out.   (Luckily, I got Celdia to give me the Checks on these last night!)  The mage tells Rhyhorn that the Crystal, the Rope, the Wand, and the Potions are all magical, and Rhyhorn slides them man 300 more gp, motioning for the Crystal, Rope, and Wand to be further Identified.  After getting them Identified, Rhyhorn returns everything to his Pack Saddle one at a time as best a rhino can, waiting on whatever the fey's business may be before leaving.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 09:31:56 pm
   "What about the scroll?" Yvonne asks, glancing back at 's chest in the cart of ALL THE THINGS. "It must 'ave some powerful spells on i' if even I cou'n' figure 'em out."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 23, 2012, 09:52:46 pm
Hogarth's bored. Her wandering has resulted in nothing interesting. No fights to get into, no gossip to investigate, no rotten fruit to throw at buildings. She wanders to the Mage's Guild, where some small part of her puny barbarian brain remembers that she should get her axe enchanted. It makes things die faster.

She strolls into the Mage's Guild, obvious contempt scowled on her face. She grabs her axe, and drops it heavily on the counter. "Make it better." she growls out, trying to mimic Rhyhorn's gravely, Tom Waits-esque voice to make herself seem more menacing. She drops her coin purse and takes the proper amount out.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 09:59:27 pm
   "An' the wand?" Yvonne does not wait for Rhyhorn to chalk his response. "What of the wand? What delectable spell does it cast? Oh, I 'ope i's a fireball wand! Please let it be a fireball wand!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: NinjaWeazel on January 23, 2012, 10:22:27 pm
Xun returns to the inn the following morning, only to discover his allies have seemingly all left for the moment.  Pausing a moment to request a kettle of hot water from the serving girl, he takes a seat at a table with a good view of the room and waits.  For now there is tea, and the journey will resume as time demands and his compatriots return.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 10:29:53 pm
Rhyhorn shakes his head at the fey's bouncing questions and hyper-ness as he writes. "No fireballs.  Is a Wand of Bless."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 23, 2012, 11:06:09 pm
   "Bless?" The flighty fairy wrinkles her nose like she had smelled something strange. "Ain' that a divine spell? Hrmph... Give it to the buggy." She crosses her arms, dissatisfied with the results.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 23, 2012, 11:09:04 pm
Rhyhorn finishes stowing his goods and erases his chalkboard after the pixie's dissatisfied reaction.  "Going to Trader's Guild now, must exchange many goods." he writes, before stowing his chalk and heading on out the door.  Rhyhorn still had many things to do, and time was pressing if he wanted them all done today.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 24, 2012, 12:13:38 am
   "Exchange 'em fer plat'num?" Yvonne's eyes light up. "Cozwin did 'ave some other in'erestin' things the last time I was there..." She thinks aloud. "I shou' really give 'im a visit. But first, I go wi' you ta get the money!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 24, 2012, 12:45:22 am
Rhyhorn nods.  Platinum, indeed.  ALL THE PLATINUM.  He sets off with his fey companion down the street, heading for the Trader's Guild that would make all their platinum-inspired dreams come true.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 24, 2012, 12:59:20 am
   Yvonne cuts off whatever she was telling Rhyhorn and sniffs the air. Suddenly, she jerks her head to the right, then to the left, all the while her eyes dart back and forth as though seeking an elusive shadow. As she drifts down the street, her entire body follows suit, making her look like a puppet with tangled strings. Finally, her seeking eyes settle upon her quarry and she makes a beeline for it. The fire lirai tackles a clump of drying herbs hanging upside down from a hook. Her weight pulls them free and she falls, less-than-gracefully onto the ledge of the cart. Gripping the plant stalks tightly against herself using her elbows and knees, she uses her hands to rub the leaves and flowers against her face. A gentle sound of contentment emanates from her throat.
   To anyone who knows anything about plants, the herbs in question may appear strange. As the leaves rustle against one another, the vibrant yellows and oranges make them appear to be burning. The scarlet flowers appear to be prickly but do not seem to be bothering the fey currently cuddling them. There is no green to be seen and they seem to smolder with an otherworldly aura.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 24, 2012, 02:00:40 am
Having finished her meal, Nathalie hung around by the cart, fiddling with her stuff without any goal or reason, just passing time until something big came up again. She heard Yvonne talk about the scroll in her chest, and so took it out in preparation for the little pixie asking for it.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 24, 2012, 02:16:54 am
Rhyhorn stares at the pixie as she fiddles with her strange, fey catnip plant thing for a moment.  After watching her behavior for a moment, he approaches her and nudges her gently with his horn, trying to snap her attention back to the world around her, worried that this might be some weird drug or something taking hold of her.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 24, 2012, 02:41:25 pm
   The cart's vendor seems as confused as Rhyhorn. "Uhm..." She starts, unsure what to say.
   Wihout speaking, or opening her eyes, but still purring, Yvonne holds out a platinum coin.
   The vendor accepts the money and retrieves her change, all the while wondering how she can clear her counter for future customers.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 24, 2012, 02:47:46 pm
After Yvonne has received her change, Rhyhorn takes the issue of the mesmerized pixie on the counter into his own hands... er... paws... er... hooves, grabbing the back of the fey's shirt with his mouth, picking her up off the counter and carrying her away with her freshly-bought feynip after a confused and slightly embarrassed nod to the equally confused vendor.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 24, 2012, 10:22:18 pm
   Yvonne barely seems to notice the fact that she is being carried by Rhyhorn. She continues to clutch the herbs and bombinate complacently.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 24, 2012, 11:00:22 pm
Rhyhorn makes his way to the Trader's Guild, setting Yvonne gently into an empty pocket on his Exotic Pack Saddle and adjusting his wares before heading in.  After some time in line, Rhyhorn begins pulling out the things that remain and need selling - the silver crown and the Masterwork Chain Shirt - and begin piling all the to-be-converted money onto the counter, along with Xavier's writ of credit.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 25, 2012, 12:55:45 am
   The pocket-sized pixie slowly comes to her senses. "Rhhhhide sha Rhhhyhhhorn..." she slurs, remembering where she had been placed. The sound of her own voice makes her giggle. Clumsily, she pushes her head out of the rhino's pouch. "Eeeyyy..." she grins stupidly at her friend, her pupils dilated to the point that almost no blue can be seen. "'Ow mush we maesh?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 25, 2012, 01:02:56 am
Rhyhorn finishes organizing the money from his transactions, slipping each person's share into separate pockets as Yvonne pops out, questioning him in her totally-not-drug-induced stupor.  Luckily, the rhino had planned ahead enough to put her into one of the larger pouches, and responds to her question by slowly piling the 440 PP that is Yvonne's share of the cash haul into the empty space in the pocket, right next to the fey.  Satisfied with how everything was positioned, Rhyhorn turns and begins making tracks back to the Mage's Guild - now that the rhino had money, he had things to buy himself.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 25, 2012, 01:29:06 am
   "Ehhyy..." Yvonne protests. "Kerfuul wish thosh cons er yoush shkwish my..." She falls back into the pouch.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 25, 2012, 01:47:42 am
Sitting and glaring at the Mage's Guild building, Hogarth contemplates her hatred of wizards. They have her axe in there, and the only reason she turned it over is because she plans to kill many, many more wizards than the ones enchanting it.

A familiar squeak of wheels and stomping of four rocky feet signals the arrival of ALL THE THINGS. Hogarth's face lights up, as if her face was the rising of dawn, only except if someone had smeared the sun in blood and mud and stuck a dagger through its eye. "Hail, Friend Rhyhorn! Back from the trader?" Hogarth looks at a loopy, out of her mind, drooling fey hanging out of one of Rhyhorn's pockets. Taken aback for a second, Hogarth then bears all her attention on the situation. "Who poisoned Yvonne?! How we cure? WHO WE KILL!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 25, 2012, 01:55:12 am
Rhyhorn shakes his head at Hogarth's outrage.  He begins to scribble for a moment, but remembers the Barbarian cannot read.  There would be no avoiding speaking with his gravely, Tom Waits-esque voice if he wanted to avoid the poor, misguided Barbarian killing what could end up being half the town.  "She's not poisoned, Friend Hogarth, just high on some kind of flower."  The rhino informs Hogarth, before entering a small series of hacking coughs. "Sorry, many things to do still..." Rhyhorn says, turning to climb the stairs of the one Guild Hogarth hates so.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 25, 2012, 02:05:51 am
"Wait! Friend Rhyhorn! Have water! I trade for flower! No have to speak!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 25, 2012, 02:12:02 am
Rhyhorn shakes his head, pausing for a moment and taking a sip from the Wetskin at his neck to satiate the Barbarian.  He decides not to speak again, though, and makes his way on and into the Mage's Guild.  He feels rude over not replying to the Barbarian's concern beyond his motion to drink, but he has many things that needed enchanting and he needs to get them all going while the sun is still high in the sky.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 25, 2012, 12:31:40 pm
   "Ahhm ffine ahhm finne, Hhotharg." Yvonne tries to assure her friend. She feels the cart move and starts waving. "Bubbulsh!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 25, 2012, 01:08:31 pm
Rhyhorn, now inside, finds himself a mage that can help him sort out his shopping list.  A wand, some oil, some bracers, and after some thinking, he also grabs a Mithral Shirt for the Barbarian outside, knowing her anti-mage vendetta would get in the way of her buying it for herself.  He then makes his way back outside, looking for Friend Hogarth, so that he can give the Barbarian her share of the loot.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 25, 2012, 10:19:13 pm
   "Eehhh, Rrhyyhorn... Ah dunwansha ge oushide..." Yvonne pulls herself out of the pocket. "Whheresh thash poush...?" she searches around for one of the various pouches she had given the rhino over the last few days. "Thishou worr..." She begins shoving her coins into the sack. When the bag is well past its intended capacity, she crams the rest into her backpack. "Ahh goshoopinn now..." She tells Rhyhorn she puts the herbs behind her back with her wands. The weight of the metal slows her progress but she manages.
   "Ms. Incendam!" A familiar, old, bearded man calls as he sees her floating through the crowd.
   "Coshwinnn..." The flame fey relies with a smile.
   The elderly wizard's gaze fell upon the flowers above her head. "I see you found Ms. Palsine's supply of thistletorch."
   "Strange stuff, that herb. Makes a delicious tea that many a noble enjoys, but for you fire lirai... well..." He gestures to her and chuckles.
   She nods slowly. "I'sh good shuffff..."
   "I also see you are still carrying around those wands haphazardly."
   "Have you ever considered a bag if holding or a handy haversack?"
   "Ahcersh Ah hhhave." Yvonne replies as though mildly offended. "Bushey donn reshish..."
   "What if there was one that was custom made for one of your size?"
   "No sushhinn..." she shakes her head.
   "On the contrary, m'lady." He produces a small leather pack that does not outwardly appear all that different from the one already worn by the pint-sized pixie. "After seeing you the last time, I commissioned this for you upon your return. I'll admit it may have been a bit presump..."
   "Sold" the fiery sprite interrupts.
   "Excellent." Cozwin says with a broad grin. "You shall not be disappointed, I guarantee."
   "Heeee..." she replies, happily transferring her belongings to the new bag. Everything fits splendidly. Her wands and her herbs, previously too big for her mundane pack now slide easily into the extra-dimensional space of her haversack. "So light..." she marvels upon completion. "I love it!" she starts laughing as she spins in air, no longer concerned with how she moves.
   "Good I'm glad to hear that." He says, happy to have another satisfied customer. "So, anything else you need?"
   "Hrmmmm...." she looks at the varied selection sprawled across his tables. "Got any fireball wands?"
   "Indeed I do."
   "How much?" Her face falls upon hearing the price. "Nevermind..." she says, disheartened.
   "If I could offer a suggestion, based on what I can see of your funds..." He selects two items and presents them to her; a necklace and a ring. Both are quite pretty, but neither are overtly glamorous.
   Yvonne has a general idea of what they are, but asks anyway. Cozwin explains their enchantments and how they would aid in her defense.
   "I'll take the ring." she decides after a moment. "It's prettier."
"Excellent choice, M'lady."
   "Yvonne." she corrects. "M'lady and Ms. sound too... formal."
   "Very well, Yvonne it is."
   The two continue to talk about various things of magical nature as Yvonne continues making other selections.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 25, 2012, 10:59:36 pm
Rhyhorn says nothing as the pixie slips away with her money, looking for Friend Hogarth instead.  Running up to her, he quickly sets down the Mithral Shirt and a large pile of platinum coins, knowing the mathematically-inept Barbarian would not notice the missing coins, and hoping the shirt keeps her safe after how many injuries she had taken in her mad charge against the Goblins previous.  He doesn't wait for a reply from Hogarth as he hurries back into the Mage's Guild, finding some mages to help him with a pile of enchanting - multiple enchantments regarding his stone hide, along with an enchantment on the Buckler they had found previously.  The rhino nestles in for a nap as the trio of mages got to work, since he can't leave during the process as they're enchanting... well... him.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 26, 2012, 12:55:39 am
Nathalie took off from the cart, following the merry rhinoceros and the euphoric pixie down through the city. She tagged awkwardly behind them, only finally walking the same pace with them until Rhyhorn enters a building made for enchanting.

"Oh, well this is inopportune," She says, walking out, "I'll just find someone else. It was an awkward encounter.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 26, 2012, 12:56:31 am
   "Say," Yvonne says after a good long chat about the benefits of magic. "'Ow many scrolls a' Alarm ya got?"
   "None lirai sized at the moment." Cozwin admits.
   "You sold me this 'aversack jus' a liddle while ago, ya know. I don'eed ta be limi'ed ta the liddle scrolls no more. I c'n use the normnal sized ones now."
   "That is very true. How many do you need?"
   The possibly-paranoid pixie thinks for a moment. "Ten? Mebe twenty?"
   "I have that many." The retired caster says, stroking his beard. "But it's still early in the day, I could have a wand made by tomorrow."
   "Oooo... I like tha' idea..."
   "I'll get right on it then."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 26, 2012, 01:18:01 am
Nathalie dawdles around the enchanting-station for a bit, before walking back in, very softly asking Rhyhorn where her share of the gold is. She pesters him quietly, but after seeing no response, begins a louder annoyance.

"Rhy-hooooorn~ Where is my money?" She asks in a sing-song voice, "Rhy-hoooooorn~"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 26, 2012, 01:41:47 am
Rhyhorn slowly wakes from his napchantment, noticing and her sing-songing about her share of the loot.  He takes a moment to let himself wake up before reaching onto his Pack Saddle, fiddling through a few pockets before pulling out 's share of the Platinum and setting it down on the floor next to him, along with the wand that they had found in the Goblin's horde.  Rhyhorn takes a moment to scribble on his chalkboard.  "Wand of Bless.  10 Uses.  Maybe useful for you."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 26, 2012, 02:11:28 am
Nathalie happily grabs her glorious bag of magic-gold and gifted magic wand and runs off to take care of her errands, attempting frugality with her money as she gives herself an ultimatum to buy only what is necessary. First she stocks up on a fair amount of crossbow bolts, probably in the range of fifty-six more to completely fill her hungry chest. She then buys a very handy mithral shirt, which is perfect for her small frame. Nathalie decides to pick up a masterworked buckler while she's at it. Following that, she tempers her new shirt and buckler, giving her the best defense possible, even if she doesn't get to keep a lump sum of money after a hard day of work.

"This was far too therapeutic.." Nathalie says to herself, sighing, "Well, maybe I can work out how to use this wand now.." Nathalie trailed off somewhere, carrying her new goods and examining the wand closely.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 26, 2012, 03:20:53 pm
   After Yvonne says goodbye to Cozwin, she begins to wonder about what else she could fit in her new haversack. Never in her life has she had such a carrying capacity. It was indeed time for more shopping. Humming merrily to herself, she makes her way back to the trade district.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 27, 2012, 07:27:07 pm
Rhyhorn, his friends set off to their own shopping sprees, nestles back in for his nap.  Many hours still until his enchanting for the day would be finished...
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 28, 2012, 01:33:49 am
Hogarth, completely fucking bored out of her mind, pokes at the mythril shirt at first. she takes off her hides and slips it on, putting the now-decorative wolf hides back on. She sits there and hums a little, not wanting to go to a bar for ale and wenches without her axe.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on January 28, 2012, 08:45:25 pm
After many hours pass, Rhyhorn finally awakens, thanking the Mage's Guild for their first day of work via his chalkboard before leaving.  After a long, boring day of nothing after a long, exciting morning of hauling things about and selling and buying things, Rhyhorn heads back to the Silver Coin to rest for the night.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 29, 2012, 02:11:19 am
   "Hrm..." Yvonne looks around the marketplace. "What else can I fit in there?" After a moment, her eyes settle upon something she has never owned for as long as her memory serves. Without hesitation, she buys it. Giggling to herself, she sets her bag down on the counter and begins to work her purchase into her haversack. "By Norrick's coin, it works!" she exclaims, folding the bag's flap over and returning it to her back. Giddy with glee, she continues her shopping spree.

I am terrified that I both know what that purchase was and by the reaction to it. -__-
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on January 29, 2012, 10:18:26 am
If everyone is finished making their purchases, I'll hit the fast-forward button and we can move up to somewhere where I can begin to pretend this game has a plot again. :P

Just drop a quick OOC post or PM me.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on January 30, 2012, 12:04:36 am
((Hogarth has her shiny new enchanted axe, she's happy to move on))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Kalas on January 30, 2012, 12:31:13 am
While practicing her the delicate form of wand-ery, Nathalie also picked up a fashionable, yet useful, Healing Belt to further supplement her parlaying into actual battle instead of sheepishly hiding away in the back. She puts it on in the way any fashionista would and finally stops spending money in order to conserve it.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on January 30, 2012, 01:44:17 am
   "Something else..." Yvonne's excitement is most certainly not short lived, but she has a nagging feeling that she could still do better. She spends at least an hour or two searching the shops for this 'something else.' When she finally finds it, she ends up buying it even before testing to makes sure it will indeed work.
   Carefully, she tests the edges of the main compartment; they appear to be pliable enough. Thus, with enough ceremony to embarrass the shopkeep and attract the attention of several customers, the tiny fey shoves her new purchase in her haversack.
   "Krieger's horn!" she cheers. "I love this bag!"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: EmmaNigma on February 01, 2012, 12:05:29 am
A scared, obviously novice mage is shoved out of the Mage's Guild with Hogarth's axe in tow, the doors slamming behind him. Trembling, he approaches the barbarian and proffers the greatnessaxe. "H-h-here's your enchanted axe.. mmmmma-amOHGODDON'THURTME." He puts it in her hand and flees back to the doors, pounding and screaming to be let back in.

Hogarth wordlessly stands up, holding the axe and checking its balance. She saunters over and brings it down upon a pile of chopped wood next to the panicking mage. The wood nearly explodes from the force and power of the axe. Walking away laughing as hard as she can, she sheathes the axe and goes back to the inn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on February 01, 2012, 02:58:55 am
 Finally got the character sheets updated. Have a look over here ( and tell me if I missed any of your gear or you think anything looks out of place and we'll try to get it sorted out.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 01, 2012, 02:44:02 pm
(Is now a good time to fastforward a bit to our leaving town, or is there anything else for us to do in Tevinar?  Asking mostly because we've been kind of stagnant since we got here and I'm not seeing anything else to be done here.)
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on February 02, 2012, 12:06:42 am
   There was still some daylight left, so Yvonne made her way back to the Mage Guild. There was something she needed to check. She had been unable to test her newly acquired magicks on the peaceful trip back to town. Surely, the guildhouse of the magical community of Tevinar would have what she sought.
   "A place to practice your new spells?" Cozwin asked. "But of course." He gave her directions and told her who to ask for.
   As she made her way to her destination, she searched her soul for the awakened powers. She was also under the impression that some of her existing spells had become stronger. She had been casting a lot in the last week or so, so these changes did not come as a surprise. Well, the fact that she had changed was no surprise, what the changes actually were remained to be seen.
   First and foremost, was Kelgore's Fire Bolt. The other caster types always insisted it was 'his' bolt she used, but she believed the spell was her own. She was not a wizard or any other mage that had to study the works of others to wield an external force. No, her power came from within as was very much her own. It defined her as much as she defined it. Yvonne's Fire Bolt did indeed bear a strong resemblance to Kelgore's in both form and function, but she had never heard of him until others mentioned him upon seeing her spell.
   These thoughts crossed her mind as she was lead deep into the bowels of the guildhouse. She passed various rooms of all shapes and sizes, all set up for the practice of the arcane arts. There were devices to be locked and unlocked, others to be repaired or destroyed. Areas for illusions and disguises, and still others for summoning or enchanting. However, the area the attendant was leading was one set up more like one archers would use for practice: a firing range.
   Without hesitation, Yvonne summons a small globule of liquid-hot magma and lets it fly at the first target she saw. She whistles in awe as the wooden stand in obliterated utterly.
   Next up is her less-loved, but still useful Magic Missile. She cannot deny her surprise when two arcane arrows appear beside her forearm instead of just one. As an experiment, she designates two boards down range. Sure enough, the two projectiles make unerring paths to strike their marks.
   "Not bad." The small sorceress admits. "Not bad at all."
   Now it was time for one of the new spells. She has to dig a bit deeper than normal as she has before as she has never used it before. The sensation is quite similar to her Electric Jolt spell so she designates similar verbal and somatic components. Unlike the jolt, however, that arced off her finger to strike a nearby opponent, this new spell balls up in her palm before launching forward, leaving a trail of ozone odor. It is also noticeably more powerful.
   "Not fire," the flame fey comments, "but I suppose it may prove useful sometime."
   She continues testing her spells for quite some time, nearly depleting herself in the process. The intrinsic part of her very being, her fire Elemental Blast, was more impressive than before, but the rest of her spells did not seem to have changed at all.
   For the better part of an hour, she pries at the stubborn thing asleep in her soul. Her efforts, unfortunately, are in vain as whatever it was did not so much as budge. She was beginning to doubt its existence. Perhaps she had just imagined it in her excitement about everything else.
   The practice session is not a complete loss, however. She had gained valuable understanding of her magic, and by extension, herself. To improve her mood, she exhausts herself of Fire Bolts, destroying more stands of painted wood and parchment.
   Finally satisfied with how things had turned out, Yvonne pays her dues and heads back towards the Silver Coin. It was time for another glorious soak in their baths and a wonderful feast in their dining hall. She hums happily to herself as she flies.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on February 03, 2012, 02:57:09 am
Apologies for my tardiness here. I'll admit I'm not entirely sure how to set up the next section of the game and I've been a little writer's blocked. I shall try to do some fast-forwarding here...

A Few Days Later...

          Having collected all of your purchases of magical doodads and enchantments, you find yourselves once again in the common room of the Silver Coin at a table with Xavier. He has verified the authenticity of all of the apparatuses you were hired to locate and is once again hiring you to now deliver them to Master Mewdha, far to the South in Western Kellem. The maenad speaks as he finishes writing out a scroll, "I expect you will be able to find your way there without problem since Rhyhorn knows the location. As for payment on the delivery itself, you'll have to work that out with the master yourselves. I haven't any further credit to extend while still having funds to fulfill the rest of my duties on this trip. Here." Pleased with his writing, he rolls the scroll up and seals it with some soft wax from a nearby candle and hands the rolled parchment to Rhyhorn. "Please see that the master gets that. Its just a summary of my activities since I left him some months ago. Knowing that its traveling in trusted han...mouth, I feel I can send more detailed information than through other channels and I'm happy to take advantage of the situation for that. I'm sure Master Mewdha will be pleased to see both you and my missive." Smiling, he stands up from the table and collects his few things, setting them all back into his satchel, making ready to leave. "I wish you a safe journey. No doubt you still have some preparations to make before venturing out. Is there anything else you need to ask of me before I take my leave?" The last question is obviously addressed to you as a group, though he does look mildly anxious to be on his way.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 03, 2012, 03:15:44 am
Rhyhorn stashes Xavier's parchment onto his Exotic Pack Saddle, so that it would not get lost or ruined amongst ALL THE THINGS.  Later, it would need to go into his Locked Chest, clearly.  Rhyhorn nods a negative to Xavier's question then looks to the others, expecting one of them to give Xavier a... less than typical answer.  About treasure.  Or Wizards.  Or Wizards with treasure.  Or sparkly pricks.  Who the hell knows anymore?
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Ryqoshay on February 03, 2012, 03:57:55 am
   Yvonne raises her hand but does not wait to be acknowledged. "There won' be any more caves, righ'?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Ale and Whores: Every PC's true motivation.
Post by: Celdia on February 03, 2012, 04:13:37 am
          Xavier chuckles, "No, I can't imagine there would be unless you chose to go into another of your own accord. My master is quite fond of living above ground and there's no reason for your route to take you underground at all."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 03, 2012, 03:47:32 pm
Rhyhorn nods reassuringly to the pixie as well -there would be no caves along the route Rhyhorn intended to travel, grabbing up his chalk to write.  "No caves.  Just sky and trees and mountains and grass."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: EmmaNigma on February 03, 2012, 11:41:25 pm
"But we can go into caves if we want to, right?" The barbarian stares straight at Xavier, eyes as wide as she can get them, never blinking or breaking eye contact.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: Celdia on February 03, 2012, 11:47:52 pm
          The psion replies to Hogarth while wearing an expression of bewilderment, wondering if perhaps the elf woman has had too much coffee already this morning, "Ah, there is certainly nothing compelling you to stay out of them except perhaps the sprite's discomfort with the idea. I honestly can't think of what would even prompt such a question after pointing out that any reason to do so would be a choice of your own...unless you somehow think that I could be influencing your decisions from miles away."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: EmmaNigma on February 03, 2012, 11:54:25 pm
Hogarth's paranoia kicks in, and she narrows her eyes, puts the wolf head further over the top of her head so it's hiding her eyes a bit, hunches over, and prowls to the other end of the bar.

Did Hogarth just :tinfoil: ? o_o
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 04, 2012, 12:03:16 am
Rhyhorn goes prone on the floor and covers his face with his front hooves, sighing.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: NinjaWeazel on February 04, 2012, 11:02:47 am
Xun takes this all in with a sort of detached calm.  And when nobody asks the one rather obvious question, he is left to do so.  "What sort of dangers along the way?  We travel much to new place, go through many area.  Any warnings you can give?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: Celdia on February 04, 2012, 02:19:49 pm
          "If you stay to the major trade roads while you're in Verun the worst danger you would face I think is highwaymen of a sort you all can easily manage. Were I you though I would steer clear of any military forces until you crossed the border. Even a party of your size and skill may have some problems holding off one of Lord Vormir's "conscription" teams. They know better than to impede traders on business - scare away the trade and you scare away their coin and goods together - but they're not above taking any other able-bodied people into service by force." Xavier pauses to give the question further thought before continuing. "There are always natural hazards, of course, but nothing comes to mind that should be any serious obstacle for you all."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: Ryqoshay on February 04, 2012, 03:07:16 pm
   Yvonne listens to her friends' questions and Xavier's answers with feigned interest, while waiting for an opening to ask, what she feels, to be even more important than her last one. "Will it be warmer where we're going?" She asks almost as soon as their client is done answering Xun. "As in 'no snow' warmer?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: Celdia on February 06, 2012, 11:28:16 pm
          "The further South you go the warmer it gets, at least to a point. I wouldn't expect a great deal of difference from here to there since you'll be traveling as it gets colder." He pauses, grinning a bit. "I won't promise that there won't be snow - I don't read the storms like some druids do - but I would hazard a guess that there will be a fair share less of it in the South than there is up here. Its certainly uncommon for Southern Kellem to see much snow."
          Satisfied that no one else has further questions, Xavier wishes you well, politely excuses himself and makes a brisk departure from the Silver Coin. Only a few minutes after his departure, you are approached by a man with a familiar face and modest stature. Cheerful as ever, Berus Lejun waltzes up to the table with a sealed envelope in hand. "Begging your forgiveness, friends, but having been beset with a fair amount of leisure here lately I haven't been able but to overhear your dealings with the maenad gentlemen over the past few days. I wonder if I might impose upon you once more for a small task of minor importance, hm?" He holds the envelope aloft and continues, "Its a trifling matter, really. I haven't heard from a friend of mine who usually winters over with me here and thought perhaps something may have gone amiss over the last trading season. This is just a letter to his wife inquiring to his health, nothing urgent really. If he had difficulties then I suspect there is little help rushing a letter would do, but my mind would be much at ease knowing that the letter traveled safely rather than with haste." He pulls a small pouch from his belt that jingles softly with coins. "Of course I'd pay you to carry it. A mere trifle, just fifty crowns, but I do realize that Eastport is likely out of your way by more than a few days travel." Those of you that can read do see the address on the envelope written out to "Tremanch Goodwife, Seafarer's Lane, Eastport". Lejun sets the pouch down and the glitter of gold coins within catches the morning sunlight through a nearby window. "Well then, what say you, hm?" the gnome asks expectantly, a smile still prominent on his face.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 06, 2012, 11:43:52 pm
Rhyhorn nods, never a beast to pass up a delivery, especially from someone who appeared to be becoming a regular customer.  He slips the envelope carefully into his things on his saddle and tucks the cash away into one of his many cash-holding pockets before grabbing up his chalk.  "Can rely on Rhyhorn Defense and Delivery for safe letter arrival.  Anything else that need transport?"  While the rhino had an obligation to deliver his goods to Master Mewdha, he still had a trade and a reputation to uphold, after all.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: EmmaNigma on February 07, 2012, 12:09:08 am
"We will deliver the paper with honor and courage, Friend Lejun. I swear on my forefathers, AND I CALL UPON MY ANCESTOR'S SPIRITS TO ARISE AND SMITE MY FOES!" Hogarth thumps her chest and gets progressively louder, until topping at a deep, resonating bellow.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: Celdia on February 07, 2012, 12:18:42 am
          Lejun laughs genially at the barbarian's exuberant response, "Thank you all. And no, I've nothing else that needs delivery. I'll leave you to your preparations. Safe paths to you."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: Ryqoshay on February 07, 2012, 12:22:07 am
   "Never though' I'd end up as a delivery girl..." Yvonne thinks aloud. "Well, I'm ready ta go."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 07, 2012, 02:27:26 am
Rhyhorn nods to Lejun, erasing his chalkboard and heading over to the Cart of ALL THE THINGS to manage his wares one more time so that the team may have safe travel and their goods may remain safe and protected whatever wayfaring derps may attempt to take from ALL THE THINGS.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: Celdia on February 08, 2012, 02:59:44 am

Scene 5 Start

So here's an updated version of the current area map.

I added a few of the larger cities on the trade road you're looking to be traveling down as landmarks for quick-travel options. So I'm looking for a party vote on where to fast-forward the game to next. You don't have to stop in any of the cities, of course. I'll be rolling on my random encounter charts for the road and then the wilderness if you decide to just book it straight to the tower. You can also copy the map and upload your own version if you want to head to somewhere not listed/marked on there.

Travel time between each of the cities in Verun is about 7 days on the trade road. There are smaller villages and waystations along the way as well if you choose not to camp on the roadside. Give me an idea of what you all prefer to do and I'll run with majority vote.

Voting ends in about 72 hours (Saturday, Feb. 11th, 3am EST). I haven't typed that in a while.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 08, 2012, 03:08:26 am
Unless someone has somewhere to go, let's book it to Eastport so I can get this letter delivered for our dear friend Lejun.  I'll leave whether we camp out in the wilderness, in towns, etc. to everyone else as this detail makes no difference to Rhyhorn.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: NinjaWeazel on February 10, 2012, 11:20:45 pm
Doesnt make much difference to Xun, really.  Stopping in villages will let him tend his priestly duties of the sick and injured, but he's not going to force people to stop if they dont want.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: EmmaNigma on February 11, 2012, 02:35:22 am
((With haste to Isengard Eastport, which has an eternal rivalry with Annapolis.))
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Take me home, country roads.
Post by: Celdia on February 12, 2012, 02:00:05 pm
Will try to get something up here tonight while I'm at work. Sorry for the delay.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Celdia on February 13, 2012, 04:00:21 am
          The beginning of your journey South has been uneventful thus far. Its been two weeks since you departed Tevinar and tonight you find sunset catching up to you between villages, forcing you to make camp by the roadside. Some time passes and with little effort, you get a cheerful campfire burning brightly and a pot of something cooking over the flames. While getting ready to settle in for the night, there is a sudden howling wind that blows up around you and makes the flames of the fire flag with their force, sending various articles from your camp tumbling away.
          Coalescing in the darkness beyond your firelight is a shining blue-white orb of light following behind the odd shape of a man. The light swings around to his front and reveals him to be wearing a very odd costume. Heavily-overweight and straining the fabric, the man is clothed in nothing but a green jumpsuit, white facepaint and the cap of an army official which barely maintains its perch upon his curly locks of a shocking sky blue. He pauses some distance from the campsite, gesturing with one outstretched hand and loudly clearing his throat as the wind dies down. He opens his mouth to speak and the voice that comes out is totally at odds with the body before you. High, whining and nasally, he cries out seemingly at the top of his lungs, "INNNNNNNNNNN-TRODUCING the Masked Master of Mayhem, the Archduke of Anarchy, the Sultan of Strength, the Warden of Wizardry, the Pontiff of Perfection, his Majesty...

          As he speaks, a large patch of the ground between him and the camp rises up to nearly five feet in height and a good twenty feet on the sides. With the very last words, the campfire bursts up in a harmless flare of light, obscuring vision for a brief moment. When it dies back down, at the corners of the platform are more glowing orbs of light and standing in the center of it is a muscular man with bright white hair, a white eye-mask and a red jumpsuit, posing theatrically. The first man continues on with his shrill speech while the newcomer flexes in various ways. "Hailing from Parts Unknown, El Luchedor de Coca seeks out those of great strength to challenge them to unarmed combat. Tonight, his Majesty graces you with his presence! My name is The Doctor and I'll be commentating our match tonight. Let the event begin!"
          Señor Coca strolls to the close edge of the platform and points at Hogarth, shouting in Goblin of all things, "Usted! Bárbaro! ¡Ven! Ven y lucha conmigo! Deja tu hacha y traer el único poder de tu espíritu de lucha!" a wide grin splitting his face as he beckons you closer with one his outstretched hand.

Battle Pane Start

Objective: Defeat El Luchedor de Coca!
Bonus Objectives:
- Defeat Señor Coca in unarmed combat.
- Defeat Señor Coca alone.
Weather: Just past sunset, clear skies, moonlight.
Terrain: Plain earth.

Lighting Notes: Shaded areas are shadowy illumination under the moonlight. Only characters with Low-Light Vision can see clearly in those areas. As always, Darkvision allows monochrome vision in any light levels.


Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 4am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 60/60
Defense: 20
Movement: 4
Endurance: 9
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 20
Ranged Skill: 12
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 59/59
Defense: 17
Movement: 8
Endurance: 7
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: -130

HP: 28/28
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 7
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 14/14
Defense: 20
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 7
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 8

HP: 22/22
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 22
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 24/24
Defense: 25
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Ryqoshay on February 13, 2012, 04:18:20 am
   "I woke up today, with a klth-clown'th hand i-in my panth..." Yvonne grumbles. "That'th-that'th what I did today..." She flits over to Hogarth to whisper in the barbarian's ear. "Put the boots to him... medium style..."
Title: Re: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 13, 2012, 11:30:12 am
Rhyhorn stares at the crazed red-clad man blankly for a moment, then turns down and stokes the fire.  This seems like something that the Barbarian will enjoy, so Rhyhorn just leaves her to it and keeps a watchful eye out in case something bad happens to her.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: EmmaNigma on February 13, 2012, 01:27:30 pm
Hogarth is enraged. Not just for being called out, but being called out for UNARMED combat. No axe, no blood spurting! She seethes as he speaks goblin, her frustration with the cave still fresh in her mind. And then the finishing touch. A wizard. A cowardly, insolent, weak, dishonorable WIZARD dares to challenge her to a battle of glory and honor. Beyond words, beyond reason, beyond restraint, she howls, makes a stunning leap onto the platform, and immediately takes swings at the jerk in red. She then attempts to grab the lummox and throw him, head first, out of the ring, hoping his stupid neck breaks on impact.

Action 1: Activate Rage
Action 2: Move to Senor Coca
Action 3: Punch him in his stupid face
Action 4: Use THROW ALL THE THINGS on Senor Coca, looking for a death landing
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Ryqoshay on February 13, 2012, 02:36:20 pm
   "And what an impressive leap by the challenger, Hogarth!" Yvonne shouts in as deep a voice as she can muster. "One can hardly fault the woman for her anger at the apparent wizard, de Coca... Well maybe we can, folks, because nobody knows the reasons behind her tenacious grudge against the wizardly types. Perhaps this clash will shed new light on the subject, then again, perhaps not! Oh-oh, it looks like she's going for a throw! What will de Coca do?"
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on February 13, 2012, 03:50:29 pm
Xun sees Hogarth challenged to a duel of unarmed combat, and takes his hand away from his sword hilt.  He folds himself to the ground, legs crossed, and begins preparing a pout of hot water as Rhyhorn stokes the fire.  Somebody is going to need hot compresses and stitches when this is all said and done... and there is always time for tea.
Title: Re: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Celdia on February 13, 2012, 03:51:56 pm
          Sensing the gift of gab in a kindred spirit, The Doctor makes his way around the ring and nearer to Yvonne, his piping voice conveying a strange sense of energy about the proceedings, "Well my spritely friend, Señor Coca is no stranger to dealing with raging barbarians from the Northlands. Many a fine warrior has come from those parts and I suspect your friend is no exception. We will have to see what the future holds here in this arena tonight. If I know Señor Coca, and I do, its going to be a spectacular show!" The Doctor reaches into a small pouch at his hip you overlooked before, pulling out a small pile of fine powder and inhaling of it deeply.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Randomname on February 13, 2012, 06:16:17 pm
N'zla walks over and taps the head of the stone rhino before speaking. "This is none business of us, yes?"  Confused as to what exactly was going on, the bugman watches, head tilted.
Title: Re: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 13, 2012, 11:57:40 pm
Rhyhorn nods and pulls out his chalkboard.  "Yes. Let Hogarth handle strange people. We make dinner."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Ryqoshay on February 14, 2012, 09:13:57 pm
   "Say... why aren'cha wearin' a bowtie?" Yvonne asks the Doctor as he nears. "Bowties are cool."
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Kalas on February 15, 2012, 02:19:11 am
"Did he just goblin? She asked, completely perplexed by the entire ordeal, "What the hell is going on?
Title: Re: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Celdia on February 16, 2012, 04:59:15 am
          The Doctor looks up at the sprite thoughtfully. "That's not be a bad idea! I like your style!" He holds up the handful of powder to her, no small amount still in his palm. "K-k-k-k-can you handle it?"

Turn 2 Resolution

          Seeing his baiting take hold, Señor Coca dances back to the center of the ring and awaits the raging barbarian with a wide grin on his face. As Hogarth approaches she swings wildly with a maniacal fervor, but de Coca sees the greatly telegraphed attack and swiftly steps to the side, giving the elf a heavy shove to her back and sending her careening past. "Toro! Toro!" de Coca taunts, gesturing for Hogarth to charge him again while she regains her balance and turns to face him again.
          "Wow, what an amazing dodge by Señor Coca!" The Doctor cries out with unbridled exuberance. "And he's still baiting her to come at him again! Does he know no shame?! Our challenger certainly seems eager to show what she can do and now that she's in the ring, the real match can begin!" Taking the audio cue, de Coca gestures with one hand and barks out some arcane syllables. Moments later, ropes appear around the edges of the ring, along with wooden posts in the corners supporting them.

Objective: Defeat El Luchedor de Coca!
Bonus Objectives:
- Defeat Señor Coca in unarmed combat.
- Defeat Señor Coca alone.
Weather: Just past sunset, clear skies, moonlight.
Terrain: Plain earth.

Lighting Notes: Shaded areas are shadowy illumination under the moonlight. Only characters with Low-Light Vision can see clearly in those areas. As always, Darkvision allows monochrome vision in any light levels.


Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Saturday, Feb. 18th, 5amEST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

Since everyone seems to be standing down from battle, I will count Qwerinty's posts as "everyone has posted" for this battle pane unless there are objections. Also, by player agreement, Nathalie will be on auto-pilot for the foreseeable future.

HP: 67/67
Defense: 17
Movement: 8
Endurance: 9
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 41
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: -130
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Ryqoshay on February 16, 2012, 05:15:08 am
   Yvonne is about to comment further on her friend's actions on the small rise when The Doctor offers her some strange white powder, the likes of which she has never seen. It is not fine enough to be flour, and though its crystalline form resembles sugar, she is certain it is not.
   Moments earlier, the man had inhaled some of the powder through his nose. A strange method of ingestion, sure, but whatever.
   The fire lirai floats down and mimics the method she had just witnessed. "Wha' is this stuff?" she asks as an unfamiliar flavor dominates her senses of taste and smell.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: NinjaWeazel on February 16, 2012, 01:43:36 pm
Xun does his best to tune out the combat spectacle dominating the clearing, keeping his senses peeled for anything that might be trying to move in during the distraction as he makes tea and helps with dinner.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: EmmaNigma on February 17, 2012, 12:43:49 am
Snarling like a beast at the dodge, Hogarth turns around and readies herself for and puts herself into a "prepare to grapple" stance. The barbarian might be stupid, and she might be near frenzy in her rage, but if there's one thing Hogarth knows (and, really, she only knows one thing in that pea sized brain), it's how to fight. She circles her opponent, doing a few snaps with her teeth to scare him into an opening, and SLOWLY moves in to attack.

Action 1: Circle opponent.
Actions 2-4: Attack. If Coca approaches, strike him horizontally to prevent blowing past him. Take any and all hits Coca throws at Hogarth, ignoring them so she can go in for an attack.
Title: Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!
Post by: Lockeadon on October 05, 2016, 08:55:54 am
well, that ended abruptly. halfway through a turn, what happened?