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The good and bad about War of the Lions.

Started by Philogosten, October 06, 2013, 02:02:05 pm


The Bad

1. The renaming. They seriously tried to Americanize the names more which annoys me beyond belief when that is done. Many of the names now sound way less cool. Like "Vormav" that is badass name. That gets turned to "Folmarv" which sounds more like a name that would be given to the D&D character of a kid named Marvin. They also took "Izlude" which was another pretty awesome name and made it "Isilud". were they trying to take all the cool out of the names or something? Not to mention what they did to the Lucavi names.

2. Changing things to make the game fit together with some of other Final Fantasy games.  Now I would not mind if they did that to make it fit with one of the GOOD Final Fantasy games like anything before FFX. Seems stupid to connect it to
some of the most hated games in the series.

3. Adding in Luso. No! Someone from a game made purely for young children does not belong in a game full of backstabbing, politics, and assassinations.

4. Algus coming back as a DeathKnight. It made no sense. There was no stone by him to use
to call for one to make a deal. And if everyone can just make a deal with Lucavi without one of the
holy stones to come back to life then why are we not seeing an insane amount of super powered
undead knights? I highly doubt Algus is the only one without a stone who was willing to make a deal
with a lucavi. This was not thought out at all. It was a cheap tacked on battle in an attempt to add
more battles without them thinking of a reason why that battle is actually taking place.

5. The cell shaded cutscenes with bad voice acting.

6. Bad audio

7. Slowdowns that make it feel as though I am playing it on a bad emulator when I am playing it on psp.

8. The addition to the Beowulf plot line. It turned rather sexist and cliche. (Oh look the woman is kidnapped so the man has to go save her.) Seriously when playing that part I was just thinking "My arms are not long enough for the jerk off motion in my soul."  Seriously that whole part just seemed like a bad fanfic.

9. The holy stones now being turned into Auracite. It took a lot of the importance away from them considering
that there are more than 13 pieces of auracite and others use them for just summoning magic. Kind of killed
the mystique and the kind of ominous feel that the stones used to have back when they weren't just 13 of god knows
how many stones used for esper summoning.

The Good

1. Balthier is unlockable

2. The Dark Knight class.

3. Party roster increased so you can have all your unique characters and still have room for generic ones.

4. It is FFtactics game that is not one of those more kid oriented than Pokemon games.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


All subjective. My point of view is:

The Good
You can still play the PSX version on PSP instead.

The Bad
Everything else.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


So many bad things... :c

You can cross off seven though because we have a patch for that!

1. I agree. The names are just... Weird... :/ I kinda got lost when they had the new names!

2. The Ivalice Alliance kinda did that. Now, if they used the original FFT's names, it would be a bit better. Although keep in mind that the translation was a bit off in the original game. Not that I have a problem with it, but I could understand it better with its semi poor grammar than the remake. I just sit there and pretend that they said the same stuff as they did in the old game~

3. This would make more sense if Marche was in there too. XP But I honestly don't think Luso was a TERRIBLE addition. (I personally like his spunk!)

5. I honestly didn't think the cutscenes were that bad. OwO I liked them!

I don't really have any other comments for the rest of the stuff, but this is how I feel about the ones that I do have comments!

"Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be boring." - Sherlock Holmes


You can like Luso but he does not fit in this game. He is from a kids game where they refuse to have anything even remotely dark or slightly adult. He is a happy kid who runs around having fun adventures. That kind of character really doesn't fit into a game where one of the main characters murders his wife.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


The only thing I liked about it was the fact that you can play with or against your friends.


I agree the voice acting was terrible.  Ramza has really high-pitched wussy voice. 

But I like the cell-shading and the graphic style, which matches the original concept art.  If they ever did a full-blown remake of the game, I think it would be cool if they did not just the cutscenes, but all the battles all in that style too.

Zero Dozer

Okay, time to give my opinion on the OP.

1. I agree on 95% of the cases. First because some few names thankfully didn't receive heavy changes (Milleuda and Tietra have their excuses). However, not everything are roses, so... Note: The only name I think it REALLY was worth changing: Goffard Gaffgarion. Because Gaff Gafgarion was lame.

2. Final Fantasy Tactics was what started the Ivalice Alliance, for starters. And I don't see Final Fantasy XII as one of the most hated numbered games, it's actually a 50-50 opinion. Your title actually goes to FFXIII. Note: I don't hate FFT Advance nor FFT A2. I actually like both of these.

3. Better they added Luso over Mache. However, it's a shame that he's nothing but a Ramza clone with innate Poach in this game. He deserved a bit better.

4. Just a hint: this fight happens in Limberry. Elmdore surely remembered his rescue way back in Chapter 1. So, to me, the battle makes a bit of sense.

5. I think those cutscenes are a big differential from the PSX version. And I don't think the voice acting's bad. It's actually pretty good.

6. I must agree that the PSX version's audio is better. But the PSP one's not really bad, either.

7. There's a patch to fix this, ya know. And I'm working on a patch to fix Elmdore's problem (Not stealing Genji Gear? That's SUBTRACTED content).

8. I don't see a problem with Beowulf's sidequest. I actually liked that they had closed that gap in the original game's plot.

9. Even in Final Fantasy XII's world, Auracites are quite the rare thing. You talk about something you don't know.

What I REALLY don't like in this game? Let me see.

1- Name changes. The game didn't need these, save for Gaffgarion's case.

2- Elmdor's Genji Gear being unstealable. Feels like Square subtracted contents from the original version. I'm working on a patch to end this.

3- Luso's class. It killed what made Ramza unique, and even killed what made Ramza worthy, as he even has innate Poach ability as an advantage against Ramza's class. Gosh, he even has access to some of Ramza's skills EVEN BEFORE RAMZA GETS ACCESS TO THESE. Couldn't they have made him a Blue Mage instead? The game needed one.

4- Lack of soft reset. Why in the hell did Square subtract the franchise's most useful function, when numbered Final Fantasies released AT THE SAME TIME, FOR THE SAME CONSOLE, did have the function? It is even worth mentioning that the original game DID HAVE THE FUNCTION. That's beyond dumb.

Well, that's my opinion on the game. But I do hold love for the original and the enhanced port at the same level: pretty high.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Let's clear up some things, shall we?

Quote from: Philogosten on October 06, 2013, 02:02:05 pm
The Bad

1. The renaming. They seriously tried to Americanize the names more which annoys me beyond belief when that is done. Many of the names now sound way less cool. Like "Vormav" that is badass name. That gets turned to "Folmarv" which sounds more like a name that would be given to the D&D character of a kid named Marvin. They also took "Izlude" which was another pretty awesome name and made it "Isilud". were they trying to take all the cool out of the names or something? Not to mention what they did to the Lucavi names.

I agree many of the character name changes were superfluous but the Lucavi names are Correct, this is what they were Intended to be. Belias as a reference to Belial, rather than Velius meaning something about a cow as I recall, this is backed up by the Lucavi picture in FFT's original opening. Addramelech is an ancient god that people once sacrificed children to. Zalera to Zallera is admittedly odd. Hashmalum and Hashmal are both accurate, and Queklain to Cuchulainn, as odd as it is, is the intended form of the name as it is meant to be some (bizarre) reference to the Irish hero.

2. Changing things to make the game fit together with some of other Final Fantasy games.  Now I would not mind if they did that to make it fit with one of the GOOD Final Fantasy games like anything before FFX. Seems stupid to connect it to
some of the most hated games in the series.

I don't know what you're referring to here, FFT was the first part of the Ivalice Alliance in which FFXII also takes place in Ivalice long before FFT. It was always meant to be that way. If you're referring to the Unexplored Lands they're unchanged from FFT.

3. Adding in Luso. No! Someone from a game made purely for young children does not belong in a game full of backstabbing, politics, and assassinations.

Purely for young children? That sort of comment leads me to believe you didn't actually play that game. Luso's main enemies in FFTA2 are assassins, in fact they're the Khamja, the same name of the group that Malak and Rafa are part of.

4. Algus coming back as a DeathKnight. It made no sense. There was no stone by him to use
to call for one to make a deal. And if everyone can just make a deal with Lucavi without one of the
holy stones to come back to life then why are we not seeing an insane amount of super powered
undead knights? I highly doubt Algus is the only one without a stone who was willing to make a deal
with a lucavi. This was not thought out at all. It was a cheap tacked on battle in an attempt to add
more battles without them thinking of a reason why that battle is actually taking place.

Consider this, Algus' homeland was Limberry, Algus dies, Algus is then taken back to his homeland and buried. Zalera/Elmdor thinks he can make some
use out of him as an undead servant and thus revives him, remembering his valor when he was rescued in Zeklaus.

5. The cell shaded cutscenes with bad voice acting.

...That's Yoshida's art style, and Yoshida's art. 

Bad voice acting? The voice acting in WotL is fantastic. Ramza is portrayed as the kind, gentle timber I always imagined, Delita's tone is silky with a hint of a snake in there, Ovelia sounds regal, and Agrias sounds fitting. It's probably one of the best English dubs for any video game.

6. Bad audio

7. Slowdowns that make it feel as though I am playing it on a bad emulator when I am playing it on psp.

I can't deny those.

8. The addition to the Beowulf plot line. It turned rather sexist and cliche. (Oh look the woman is kidnapped so the man has to go save her.) Seriously
when playing that part I was just thinking "My arms are not long enough for the jerk off motion in my soul."  Seriously that whole part just seemed like a bad fanfic.

Notice that Priest Bremondt (Buremonda) is mentioned in FFT. It seems rather clear to me that they intended this sidequest in FFT but didn't make it in on time.

9. The holy stones now being turned into Auracite. It took a lot of the importance away from them considering
that there are more than 13 pieces of auracite and others use them for just summoning magic. Kind of killed
the mystique and the kind of ominous feel that the stones used to have back when they weren't just 13 of god knows
how many stones used for esper summoning.

You're referring to Revenant Wings I imagine. The name Holy Stone(hijirishi) is used in that game as well. I somewhat was never under the impression there were just the 13 Holy Stones, as anything with enough importance could be deemed such, but clearly there was only ever 13 Zodiac Stones.

"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


LD comes to comment on a thread by a guy who isn't here anymore (thank god)

LD says "nothing" about the new NG+ / Continue+ / Rewards thing for TLW

  • Modding version: PSX


I was unaware that The Lion War has been finished by this point. I know that I responded about my hopes for it a few months back.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


I came into this thread only cause I saw LD posting here, haha. Where have you been all this time man :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: LastingDawn on December 17, 2014, 12:14:03 am
Notice that Priest Bremondt (Buremonda) is mentioned in FFT. It seems rather clear to me that they intended this sidequest in FFT but didn't make it in on time.

I'm curious, when is he mentioned in game?
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


  • Modding version: PSX