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ATTACKOUT questions

Started by ibostyle11, December 31, 2016, 04:08:58 am


Hi everybody. This may sound like a dumb question, but better to ask and learn, than not and suffer.

I've read as many threads as I can find (raven and cheetah) ,  and watched Elric's YouTube tutorial,  but still don't understand how to edit battle conditions.

As I understand it, if I want to make a battle "defeat all enemies," I'll have to change 00 06 ID 00 00 00 to 16 00, but I can seem to find that script for editing.

I saved xml files but when I've attempted to open them they weren't in a in a format I could edit.

My goal is to change  the battles against balk, kletian, rofel,  meliadhoul, and izlud, wiegraf, etc to defeat all enemies.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well, you should be editiing the battle conditions in the spreadsheet and then producing a xml file and applying it with fftorgasm. I'm not sure if this is the best method anymore or not, but this is the way I learned to do it from the raven tutorial. There is actually a xml tab somewhere on there and you then just copy and paste and upload via fftorgasm.

*edit* I used the spreadsheet from ravens tutorial


Yeah, that's the same one I was studying, but I didn't see anything about how you run it through FFT ORGASM.
Could you kindly direct me to that explanation.


First thing, you need to copy/paste the xml tab:

Open Notepad, paste all this crap in, save it as whatever you want.xml, put the xml in the same folder as other xml's used by fftorgasm, and you should see it there.
  • Modding version: PSX


Emmy there is more than one version of that sheet. He may not have a xml tab and would instead have to copy the hex from the blue bar on the left of the sheet and manually overwrite the hex in the attack.out file. Either way works, I did it this way for years.
  • Modding version: PSX


First, I would just like to say thanks for the help so far.

I think I'm going to have to read into the asm lessons and whatnot to fully grasp all of this.

I'm got with game balancing,  but I'm quickly learning how little I know about everything else...


Well for just changing to defeat all, you shouldn't need asm. Are you trying to learn more extensive hacking, or just still having issues with the battle conditions?


January 24, 2017, 12:57:08 pm #7 Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:22:36 pm by ibostyle11
I figured I'd start with just the battle conditions initially.

Once I have a better grasp of things I'm going to add to the battles as well.
Basically adding as many units as possible, while remaining within the limitations.
But making them appear with the other troops, in sync with the events, rather than just being there.

I'm also looking to have units appear mid battle once I have more confidence in my understanding of all of this.


To elaborate, I meant things like having the knights in the Dycedarg battle being revived instead of disappearing, and the demons in ultima fight remaining, etc.


Quote from: ibostyle11 on January 24, 2017, 12:57:08 pm
I'm also looking to have units appear mid battle once I have more confidence in my understanding of all of this.

I don't think you realize the severe limitations involved...

  • You cannot add units unless everyone is back to their specific locations;

  • *UNLESS you teleport the new unit onto an invincible corpse, statue or otherwise previously unwalkable tile

  • You cannot guarantee that a unit will walk freely on the map unless it is the only unit on the map (i.e. all the others have teleported out)

  • You cannot guarantee that a unit will walk freely on the map unless the map was designed to allow a 3 jump unit to walk anywhere

Quote from: ibostyle11 on January 24, 2017, 12:57:08 pm
But making them appear with the other troops, in sync with the events, rather than just being there.

HERESY! Top quantitty vanilla rebalance mods has teh bestest standards and they has not been has evented in...
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Thanks for this info.

I actually caught a lot of those restrictions/limitations while reading the threads, and seeing the event codes along side the ENTD.

1. I figured it to be the case while watching the Sephiroth battle in Journey of the 5. Made me realize why Ramza walks back to original location in the Velius fight.

2. Noticed this in the Elmdor fight, when demons replace assassins. Using this, it should be possible to make the knights resurrect in the Adramelk fight, right?

3. Read that somewhere. What about teleporting in? Although, I'm mostly trying to capitalize on troops that were already there.

4. Likewise. Would float/fly override this limitation?

Sometimes having a new person with a new perspective can help those with the a wealth of knowledge to come up with something they previously missed.
I don't expect to become a trend setter, but I definitely like approaching things from all angles, so I'm just hoping to spark new ideas.


Resurrecting people is not as hard as you'd think, Vanilla does it all the time.
However, this only revives them with 1HP. The only way to overcome this is to replace them with a new unit like you mentioned (which is a hardcoded function btw, so even after ASM hacking it, it only allows you to do this for 2 units), or doing some tricky stuff that even I am not sure I could succeed using my Event Instruction Upgrade hack.

Everyone has to be at specific locations when teleporting someone in or making them walk, because otherwise there is a chance that you'll have a unit teleport on top of another one (it's not pretty and extremely buggy), or the unit can't reach it's destination.

By the way, units in events all have 3 jump, infinite move, and no special walking abilities. Therefore, no, fly wouldn't help.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Copy that.

Is it possible to have certain status effects activate as part of an event? A unit reviving with 1HP wouldn't be a big deal if we could make them undead or have the reraise status upon revival, or something like that. Even better if we can find a way to have a reaction ability like restore hp trigger.

So if I'm reading that right, even if you put the job as having features like ignore height/fly in the ENTD, in the event they still won't be usable?


Quote from: ibostyle11 on January 25, 2017, 04:37:40 pm
Copy that.

Is it possible to have certain status effects activate as part of an event? A unit reviving with 1HP wouldn't be a big deal if we could make them undead or have the reraise status upon revival, or something like that. Even better if we can find a way to have a reaction ability like restore hp trigger.

So if I'm reading that right, even if you put the job as having features like ignore height/fly in the ENTD, in the event they still won't be usable?

Events themselves ignore your ability, job and equipment stats/bonuses
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: ibostyle11 on January 25, 2017, 04:37:40 pm
Is it possible to have certain status effects activate as part of an event?

BOTH links in my previous post answer that question. >_>

Quote from: ibostyle11 on January 25, 2017, 04:37:40 pm
A unit reviving with 1HP wouldn't be a big deal if we could make them undead or have the reraise status upon revival, or something like that.

As far as permanent undead is concerned, you would need my other hack to accomplish that, as InflictStatus() only inflicts status as they would be in-battle, and cannot properly set a permanent status or a status immunity on its own.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: ibostyle11 on January 25, 2017, 04:37:40 pm
Is it possible to have certain status effects activate as part of an event? A unit reviving with 1HP wouldn't be a big deal if we could make them undead or have the reraise status upon revival, or something like that. Even better if we can find a way to have a reaction ability like restore hp trigger.

So if I'm reading that right, even if you put the job as having features like ignore height/fly in the ENTD, in the event they still won't be usable?

Instead of doing that, why not just make them undead from the start, and remove the lines from Adramelk's event where they disappear?  Then they can be a factor in both parts of the fight.  That seems to be what you want anyway.  Alternately, you could just remove the lines where they disappear, and give Adramelk an ability like Full life and he'll spend a few turns raising his party.  Either way can be done with no asm and easy eventing.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Xifanie on January 25, 2017, 06:25:07 pm
BOTH links in my previous post answer that question. >_>
As far as permanent undead is concerned, you would need my other hack to accomplish that, as InflictStatus() only inflicts status as they would be in-battle, and cannot properly set a permanent status or a status immunity on its own.

HAH! My bad. I was gonna click those links after work. Who would have thought they'd answer my next question!  XD

Emmy, I  actually want them to come back undead. Goes with the theme I'm  pushing, where more undead threats appear as you get closer to the end of the game.

I've modified a spell to be a global raise, which can be situated to be used on first attack.
Could also adjust character stats/equipment to make them fast enough to act first.