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Job & Skill Proposals/Idea Thread

Started by Vanya, November 21, 2009, 11:35:58 am


I love Ramza specific patches. It sounds good.

"Welcome to FFhacktics were all your dreams come true!"


Thank you ^^

I tested a handful of versions of this job in-game, and my tank-ramza was indeed very good at survival : no one was attacking him ever, unless he was the last one standing. Not quite what I expected  :)


Damn i just read a lot but anyways i just registered and this is my first post .
i think a realy good job would be a chocobo knight. you can ride a chocobo already in the game but the chocobo knight would take it to the next level. they could be set up FTA2 style and be able to use the chocobo's abillities and a couple of his own abillities.


Quote from: "Vanya"Now that Zodiac has some really kick-ass ASM hacks with which to fix and manipulate jobs and skillsets I came up with some new ideas for a Riskbreaker job.
It has always been my intention to change Ramza's 3rd job into Riskbreaker as a sort of tie-in to Vagrant Story. My problem with it was the lack of weapon requirement based skills and just the huge variety of abilities that Ashley had in VS.

My current idea is to give Ramza's 3rd job a unique skillset that reinterprets the Break Arts. You can consider them an earlier incarnation if you want. Using the Generic Skillset Fix Hack (GSFH) I can turn the Defend command into a normal skillset that will contain all the Break Arts. Then I can use the Ability Requirement Hack (ARH) to make each Break Art require the appropriate weapons be equipped. The abilities would use formula 42 to cause damage to the target and the caster to emulate the HP cost of real Break Arts. In addition to this I would expand Ramza's normal skillset to include several abilities based on some of Ashley's Chain- & Defense-Abilities. There's no need to recreate any of the VS spells as the existing White, Black, Time, & Yin-Yang spells serve the same role.
Break Arts:
(*All break arts are single target abilities.)
Weapon Type                -Name                -Range     -Element
Fists                   -Lotus Palm          -7         -none
Knives                     -Vile Scar           -5         -as weapon
Swords & Ninjato           -Mistral Edge        -6         -as weapon
Knight Swords & Katana     -Swallow Slash       -4         -wind
Axes                    -Thunderwave         -5         -lightning
Flails                  -Ignis Wheel         -4         -fire
Poles                   -Glacial Gale        -5         -ice
Rods & Staves              -Gravis Aether       -4         -earth
Polearms                   -Spiral Scourge      -3         -water
Bows                       -Heaven's Scorn      -5         -holy & wind
Crossbows               -Sanctus Flare       -3         -holy & water
Guns                    -Brimstone Hail      -6         -dark & fire
Books                      -Black Nebula        -3         -dark
Instruments                -Accursed Umbra      -5         -as weapon
Cloths                     -Papillion Reel      -3         -holy
Bags                    -Emetic Bomb         -3         -as weapon
As for the main skillset, I want to keep all the squire abilities and Ramza's unique abilities and add in a few new ones like Dulling impact (weapon attack +mute), Crimson Pain (weapon attack +30% damage to user), Mind Ache (damage based on target MP). Some abilities may require formula hacks but nothing too drastic.

This is nice :D Specifically since I really really want to use the existing Ashley sprite but really couldn't come up with a good Break Arts equivalent. But it seems you have it all figured out :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


whoops wrong thread... moving to the patch proposal thread.
  • Modding version: PSX
I'm back...


So I have resumed work on a slightly revised edition of my End of Days Zombie patch


And I was thinking it might be interesting to limit the two main characters to their starting jobs, and round those out as much as possible so they retain versatility, being that the only characters you're going to pick up as additional party members are going to recruited survivors from random battles I have a theory on how to work it, I thought I could perhaps change the squire and chemist base classes so that gaining access to them required a lvl 8 in both classes, I expanded on that idea to consider the possibility of designating survivor characters to a certain role, each casting class requiring low levels in the cast oriented classes leading up to it, the same would of-course apply to the melee classes So that if you find a survivor time mage, he'll likely have no levels in a melee class and ditto with a knight for example.

To get to the idea of the base classes for the starting characters, I was thinking that considering the likely case of hordes and the increased number of enemies present in even common battles (Human zombies btw are much tougher to bring down then their living counterparts) That it might be a good move to give them a ranged attack with a small area of effect, now being partial to sword-skills I was leaning towards the idea of a Stasis Sword style move, but I would really appreciate any interesting ideas, I was also thinking of something along the lines of a self only chakra, but I'm not really sure about an MP restoration technique even existing in the game (any thoughts?), and definitely something that removes a few status effects on a single target, maybe with a 2 range, but definitely not spectacular, and short of those few ideas I don't have much I can think to change from the base ramza squire. My Idea was to use either a ramza and luso style pair with the guts ability set (under a different title, as of yet undecided) or perhaps only one of them with said set and another with an entirely different approach, maybe one melee and one caster with rare skill-sets. At any rater, there will be very few other special characters and no other characters immune to the infection. So any suggestions anyone might have would be very much appreciated, and if you'd like you can PM a list of ideas should you have any.

At any rate the idea of the classes rework is that I'm having some serious trouble coming up with a way to make two characters immune at all times to the infection, but NOT applying it to all the base classes because, well, only the two of them are immune as far as anyone is aware. If anyone has a solution for this issue maybe the classes won't be so heavily overhauled, just enough to suit the zombies a little better. Be warned though, I do not plan on this being an even remotely easy patch to just walk on through.


Quote from: "Amici"quote: "stuff I wrote about Riskbreaker job"

This is nice :D Specifically since I really really want to use the existing Ashley sprite but really couldn't come up with a good Break Arts equivalent. But it seems you have it all figured out :)

Sure I can give it a try. I'll post it here when I get it done. ^_^
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Dominic NY18

Well, this thread's redundant now that there's a sub-forum for mod and job class ideas, so I'm locking this.