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Don't be hasty to start your own mod; all our FFT modding projects are greatly understaffed! Find out how you can help in the Recruitment section or our Discord!


Started by formerdeathcorps, July 03, 2011, 05:06:11 am


July 03, 2011, 05:06:11 am Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 10:25:00 am by formerdeathcorps
This RP stands for FFT Choose Your Own Adventure.

1) We will run through the story and game of FFT over the forum.  However, at key junctures, instead of following FFT's script, we will subject the actions of Ramza (and his squad, if during battle) to public vote.  Actions may be submitted by anyone on FFH.  The most popular action will then be followed.  I am not allowed to vote except to break ties.
2) That being said, we must still stay somewhat true to the original plot.  IN short, you cannot change the game to produce anachronisms (Ramza pulls out a machine gun and kills everyone), contrary-to-fact occurrences that would ruin the basis for FFT's plot/personality of major characters (Algus not being a jerk, The Lion War not occuring, Ovelia not getting kidnapped, Wiegraf not joining the Lucavi, Delita not becoming King of Ivalice at the end of the Lion War, Ramza not vanishing from history or not fighting Ultima...), or involve of special characters not included in FFT's combat system (like Aerith) or indulge in non-canon fan memes (like Agrias being raped by a marlboro).
3) I will try my best, for logistics and simplicity reasons, to not involve tabletop style tactics during battle.  For complicated scenarios, I may occasionally post screenshots from vanilla FFT itself (with edited ENTDs and memcards) so people can see the progression of the battle.  This means your choices during combat should be more along the lines of general strategy (think of it more like FFXII where you have some control over the AI that controls the guests to attack enemies).
4) For obvious logistics and balance reasons, I will try my best to avoid the JP system altogether.  Instead, as the story progresses, I will inform you of which characters can use which jobs.  Good RPing on the part of everyone will ensure characters "learn skills" in their jobs faster.  Poor RPing or inept battle decisions will result in minimal skills learned, or even death.  All dead humans will yield "treasure boxes", essentially you are allowed to loot their dead bodies for one randomly chosen equip.  Monsters will yield nothing, though this may change with the advent of secret hunt in Chapter 2.
5) This will be played as vanilla, except the damage/CT/evasion system wouldn't be rigidly adhered to.  Essentially this means that good RPing will result in a thief or mediator being more effective than in vanilla, or a black mage being able to cast Fire4 even against enemy ninjas, while bad decisions will result in total ineptitude, even from ninjas and knights with abandon.  However, since this is vanilla, squires do not have a resurrection spell, calculators aren't Zalera worshipers, thieves can't use katanas, mimes don't have extraordinary move...
6) For storyline, balance, and length reasons, we assume Ramza and company take the fastest possible route towards the next assignment.  In short, you should not expect repeated grindfests in Mandalia Plains (at least past Chapter 1, anyways).  Similarly, this means when units enter a town, they must decide what they want to buy while there because they usually will not have a second chance to reenter that town.  However, to make sure adequate EXP is actually gained, if during the course of advancing towards a destination, the party must cross a wilderness area ("green" dot in FFT), RPers should always expect a random battle.  Obviously, there is no save feature, so please think through your actions.
7) The first battle will be the first battle of Chapter 1, rather than the tutorial introduction battle because if the plot is changed sufficiently in Chapter 1, that battle may not occur.  Ovelia will still be kidnapped, though.
8) Have fun.

First decision:

What is the main character's name?
A) Ramza
B) Pac-Manza
C) Soledad
D-Z) Your choice here

What are the names of your 6 starting generics?
A) Randomly chosen names from FFT's name bank; 3 male/3 female
B) Blinky (Male); Pinky (Female); Inky (Female); Clyde (Male); Sue (Female); Tim (Male)
C-Z) Your choice here.  Please submit a name for 3 males and 3 females
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Main character's name:


Generic names:

Blinky (Male)
Pinky (Female)
Inky (Female)
Clyde (Male)
Sue (Female)
Tim (Male)

Q: If our choices end up with Agrias as an enemy and with a Malboro on our own team, can we tentacle rape her due to the strategic relevance there would be in completely immobilizing and humiliating likely one of the strongest enemies on the team and in turn demoralizing the entire enemy team?


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on July 03, 2011, 05:16:41 pm
Q: If our choices end up with Agrias as an enemy and with a Malboro on our own team, can we tentacle rape her due to the strategic relevance there would be in completely immobilizing and humiliating likely one of the strongest enemies on the team and in turn demoralizing the entire enemy team?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


July 03, 2011, 05:34:03 pm #3 Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 05:51:38 pm by st4rw4k3r
What is the main character's name?

What are the names of your 6 starting generics?
Channel (Female)
Claire (Female)
Chloe (Female)
Cici (Female)
Carmine (Female)
Caroline (Female)

Quote from:  Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on Today at 02:16:41 PMQ: If our choices end up with Agrias as an enemy and with a Malboro on our own team, can we tentacle rape her due to the strategic relevance there would be in completely immobilizing and humiliating likely one of the strongest enemies on the team and in turn demoralizing the entire enemy team?


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on July 03, 2011, 05:16:41 pm
Main character's name:


Generic names:

Blinky (Male)
Pinky (Female)
Inky (Female)
Clyde (Male)
Sue (Female)
Tim (Male)

I vote this^
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


July 03, 2011, 06:42:15 pm #5 Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 06:42:39 pm by Xifanie
I think I love Raven's way of thinking.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on July 03, 2011, 05:16:41 pm
Main character's name:


Generic names:

Blinky (Male)
Pinky (Female)
Inky (Female)
Clyde (Male)
Sue (Female)
Tim (Male)

I, for one, approve of our new Pac overlords.

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on July 03, 2011, 05:16:41 pm
Q: If our choices end up with Agrias as an enemy and with a Malboro on our own team, can we tentacle rape her due to the strategic relevance there would be in completely immobilizing and humiliating likely one of the strongest enemies on the team and in turn demoralizing the entire enemy team?

Oh god I hope so.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


To answer that question, the answer would be yes, since that's within the context of combat.

Voting ends on Tuesday (11:59 PM MST).
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.

Joseph Strife

I'll with Ramza for the caracter's name and Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde, Sue and Tim for the generic names.

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on July 03, 2011, 05:16:41 pm
Q: If our choices end up with Agrias as an enemy and with a Malboro on our own team, can we tentacle rape her due to the strategic relevance there would be in completely immobilizing and humiliating likely one of the strongest enemies on the team and in turn demoralizing the entire enemy team?

It would indeed be very fun. :P
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on July 03, 2011, 05:16:41 pm
Main character's name:


Generic names:

Blinky (Male)
Pinky (Female)
Inky (Female)
Clyde (Male)
Sue (Female)
Tim (Male)

Q: If our choices end up with Agrias as an enemy and with a Malboro on our own team, can we tentacle rape her due to the strategic relevance there would be in completely immobilizing and humiliating likely one of the strongest enemies on the team and in turn demoralizing the entire enemy team?

Yes, and GOD YES.


This sounds fun. Lawl I vote RoR's thing.


July 06, 2011, 06:47:05 am #11 Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 10:34:04 am by formerdeathcorps
8 cadets were lounging in the mess hall of the Gariland Military Academy.  Anxious looks plastered their faces as they discussed the daily rumors.

Clyde: I heard another wagon bound for Igros was attacked.
Inky: Must have been the Death Corps.
Pac-Manza: Something's starting...Know anything, Delita?
Delita: No...but I can guess.
Pac-Manza: What do you mean?
Delita (with raised shoulders): Prince Larg is coming to town.
Pac-Manza: Prince Larg?  Why?
Delita: Not only Prince Larg, but Marquis Elmdor of Limberry, too.

Blinky and Pinky now lean towards Delita, eager to hear the words of their red-haired comrade.
Pac-Manza: That's news!  It's not an official visit, is it?
Delita: There are danger zones everywhere in Ivalice.  The Hokuten are in full operation but they're short on manpower.
Pac-Manza (nods): So, they need us cadets.

A booming voice from outside the door: Cadets!  Fall in!
(enter Marcel, a knight in worn leather armor, a cape emblazoned with a faded white lion, and a rough grin): You have a mission!  As you all know, barbarians are now everywhere in Gallionne.  Groups like the Death Corps are traitors.  They want to destroy the royal family, and with it, the very order of Ivalice itself!  (Clenches his fist) By the orders of our liege, Larg's Knights stationed in Igros and many others were called to exterminate these vermin.  Your duty is to guard Igros Castle.
(enter Fleur, a female knight with a light cut on her arm and panic on her face): Marcel...they're....they're here.  (exit Fleur)
Marcel (points to the yellow-tinted window on his right): Cadets!  Ready your swords!  A gang of thugs are trying to sneak into town.  Meet me outside and prepare immediately!

Scrambling to leave the mess hall, the cadets retreated off to their bunks to gather their gear.  As they gathered on the cobblestone steps outside the barracks, Marcel rounded the corner from the nearest street, clearly winded.
Marcel: They're...in the Square...by the canals...robbing merchants.  Go on...I'll join you.

A) Follow orders.
B) Leave 2 cadets in reserve to make sure Marcel's all right.
C-Z) Your idea here.

Which path do you intend to take to the Square?
A) Along the path Marcel just went from.
B) Along the path in the opposite direction Marcel just arrived from.
C) A mix between A) and B) [if so...state who is going where]
D-Z) Your idea here.

NOTE: Although we are following vanilla's large-plot sequence, do not believe for a minute your opponents will be as slipshod as in FFT.  Expect enemy units to call out for reinforcements, ambush you midbattle, or do other more intelligent things the AI in FFT can't perform.  I probably will keep the numbers close to the same to the size of your squad, so expect slightly more units than in vanilla (since we don't have sprite limits in this RP).

Pac-Manza (Squire Male)
Delita (Squire Male)
Pinky (Squire Female)
Blinky (Chemist Male)
Inky (Squire Female)
Clyde (Squire Male)
Tim (Squire Male)
Sue (Chemist Female)
Marcel (Knight Male...Status = Winded)
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


My votes:

A) Follow orders, leave Marcel to tend his own wounds, our duty is to destroy these vagabounds raiding our fair Magic City of Gariland before they knock our commerce all down.

Take path C), Ramza leading Blinky, Inky, and Pinky down the path Marcel just came from while Delita leads Clyde, Tim, and Sue down the opposite path, to attempt to pincer the thieves in the square from both sides and cut off their escape route.

Joseph Strife

I'll go with what Raven said.
C) Ramza + Clyde + Blinky + Inky and the other group Delita + Pinky + Tim + Sue.
Will Marcel arrive in the middle of battle?
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


I'll go with
C) Take a moment to prepare equipment and psych ourselves up, leaving the commander to catch his breath, and
C) RoR's stuff


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on July 06, 2011, 07:07:07 am
My votes:

A) Follow orders, leave Marcel to tend his own wounds, our duty is to destroy these vagabounds raiding our fair Magic City of Gariland before they knock our commerce all down.

Take path C), Ramza leading Blinky, Inky, and Pinky down the path Marcel just came from while Delita leads Clyde, Tim, and Sue down the opposite path, to attempt to pincer the thieves in the square from both sides and cut off their escape route.


Q) Attempt to kill Marcel, we can't have him reporting what happens next
Q) Leave town, our lives are too important to be wasted dealing with this riff raff, we're heading for the front lines!
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Quote from: VampragonLord on July 07, 2011, 05:17:08 pm
Q) Attempt to kill Marcel, we can't have him reporting what happens next
Q) Leave town, our lives are too important to be wasted dealing with this riff raff, we're heading for the front lines!

I considered this but I was thinking FDC would put his GM-foot down on me.  If he's not going to veto this, I totally would want to see where this goes instead.


CC, both of those actions are allowed.  You all have until Friday 11:59 PM MST to vote/change your votes.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


I'm sticking to the original!