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Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
April 18, 2016, 09:20:37 am
Quote from: Argy on April 18, 2016, 09:15:20 am
Great to see you are recording again. I havent seen the video yet, but i would love some Green Mage and Vanquisher action!

Green Mages are definitely getting love this time around :P

I can easily make Ramza a Vanquisher, which is honestly thematically appropriate for him.
Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
April 18, 2016, 06:14:10 am
Part 32: Everyone has Hops

Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
April 17, 2016, 11:58:26 am
Allergies murdered me forever, but I'm gonna record later tonight and just do an hour or so long video.
And one more slightly different proposal: changing MP Restore to something a little more useful, but still on-hit.

So what about this

Cleanse: removes negative status when struck with one that doesn't shut down Reactions.

The biggest odds I'd put this at is 66%, and that's if it's even a flat rate. More likely I'd say a combination of Fury and Faith as part of the formula.

I don't see it as THAT powerful since the strong statuses are the ones that lock down reactions anyway, and it might give a team weaker to statuses a chancy possibility to recover from it.
Quote from: Andrew on April 12, 2016, 09:53:18 pmAll the things

Just to let you know, the spoilers with " in the title box don't open
Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
April 15, 2016, 02:24:52 am
Quote from: Davzz on April 15, 2016, 02:14:38 am
Current Team after propositions
Ramza: Ironically Least Valuable Personnel because I'm too lazy to grind skills for him.
Mageknight/Gunspinning (Filler secondary)
Dragoon/Gunspinning/Bag of Holding

Orbonne 1: Oops, Hydro Storm doesn't maintain friendly fire. Restart!

Bunch of enemies generated Angelic Kites which absorbs Hydro Storm. Mage Knight really wrecks though, 300+ damage with Cursed Cleave on good compat.

Got a bit dicey in the end because my only revival got nuked so I had to finish the battle fast.

Orbonne 2: Izlude helped in me assassinating him by using Dragon Form and taking enough recoil to chip off 1/3 of his health, how nice. I think my Mage Knight had Bad Comp sadly, but one of my Vanquishers had good Comp and chipped off the last of his health with a Dagger.

Orbonne 3: Vanquisher/Vanquisher/Mage Knight/Dragoon with Wiegraf starting in range = dead Wiegraf.

Grog Hill: Chemist had Running Shoes, should have stole it. Petrified 2 guys with Ramza's Bane by complete accident from standing around when AOEs are flying. Didn't take long to follow up after that.

Yardow Fort City: My Hydra Storm V outspeeded the entire enemy team, so I walked forward and dumped one of half of their team before they could react taking out Malak and another.

Tense moment - Enemy V immediately returned the favor by using Thousand Blades on Rafa, sending her into Critical immediately - managed to block off the gate and pull her back but I imagine with some variance in equipment rolls that might have just ended the battle right there.

More accidental Bane petrifies, which is really funny.

Oh, and do remember that Cursed Cleave, and Curse itself, acts as a super-powered Oil

It makes you weak to EVERY element, even if you absorbed it.

Too bad you didn't take Weigraf's Vorpal Blade, though. It's one of a kind.
Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
April 14, 2016, 12:54:05 pm
Quote from: Davzz on April 14, 2016, 12:14:03 pm
I haven't unlocked either of those two classes, can you tell me their requirements?

Vanquisher is Level 3 Champion and Brawler

Mageknight is Level 3 Champion and Red Mage

Not too difficult to get to in the least bit
Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
April 14, 2016, 11:38:20 am
Quote from: Davzz on April 14, 2016, 08:37:55 am
Did Boco get neutered or something? I was hoping for some Red/Black Chocobos but he hasn't laid any eggs.

Gates of Lionel Castle: Gaf killed Ramza the first time which made it impossible to open the gates - fixed that by making him wield the Protect Stick and using Chakra all the way.

Got a better roll on the 2nd try too - only one unit showed up with Alchemy (multiples get very annoying with Phoenix Down spam). My damage potential isn't really high so the battle got kind of tense because by the end of the battle, half of my units had Undead and were relying on Ramza's Chakra to keep them alive.

Gafgarion had a delicious crystal - I think his crystal is empty in Vanilla so this is nice for my Ramza.

Inside Lionel Castle: Well, this should be HOLY COW

In retrospect - bring Stimulants because Sleep is bad (don't know what other status Befoul inflicts) and make sure you can take a few MA-based hits from Corruption. Slow seems to be the only status effect you want to inflict so an Enchanter is nice to try to keep the pressure down. Not really sure if there's anything else I can add to that.

Chapter 2 finished!

Goland Coal City: 3 Enchanters confusing half of my team was scary, but they only did it once - guess they ran out of MP - might want to bring some form of Arrow Guard to protect yourself. Outside of that, this is the map where you have Olan so it shouldn't be too hard.

Gates of Lesalia Castle: Alma has "Magic Barrier" which deals like 200 damage in a health drain form so I don't really have much to say here... I imagine that probably isn't intended though.

As for "legit" strategies... if you have Fly, you can fly on top of the Castle and then fire arrows from above, which is great if you want to hit anyone that isn't Zalmo (because he has Arrow Guard). If you stand on certain tiles, Bane will give you Confuse so building a tanky Ramza with 6 Jump + Bane can disable a lot of the enemy team and give you some room to walk the rest of your army out from behind the gates.

Yeah was gonna say earlier that Cannoneer's Shrapnel would fall off in effectiveness around Lionel

The Alma thing is likely an oopsie on Celdia's part. Got you past Zalmo, though, who normally gave me trouble.

At this point I'd recommend investing in a Vanquisher, becuase while their higher-end skills cost a lot of MP, they are life-saving and rediculous. Just remember to pack MA too- it's what they scale on.

Otherwise having a Mageknight with an axe can also be pretty handy dandy to have around cause high damage + elemental versatility (Cursed Cleave is delicious)
FFT Arena / Re: Transparent Magic Evade "Bug"
April 14, 2016, 02:08:19 am
Quote from: dw6561 on April 13, 2016, 08:23:14 pm
Guys, I figured out what was wrong with the transparent status. Or rather what was already there in vanilla. The developers must not have taken into account that innate transparent would be a thing, and it ISN'T in vanilla. All the magic evadable skills have charge times so the status wears off before the spell is cast, and other spells that are magic based like Draw Out are unevadable anyway. They probably figured that it didn't matter since it would effectively only apply to physical attacks.

I pulled out my WoTL iOS (I know, groan all you want to, but it was easiest since I have my master file on there) and had Ramza (with Vanish Mantle) target Agrias (Aegis Shield + Abandon) with a fire spell, and it said 100% to hit. When the spell was cast, she guarded.

I then pulled out my chemist SSCC files on the PSX version and tried using Fire on an archer with an elf mantle. It also said 100%:

Also, there is this little gem I pulled from the wiki:

Transparent Calculation
001854b8: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019
001854bc: 8c422d94 lw r2,0x2d94(r2)      Load Attacker's Data Pointer
001854c0: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,0xffe8
001854c4: afbf0010 sw r31,0x0010(r29)
001854c8: 9042005a lbu r2,0x005a(r2)      Load Attacker's 3rd set of statuses
001854cc: 00000000 nop
001854d0: 30420010 andi r2,r2,0x0010
001854d4: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x001854ec      Branch if Attacker isn't Transparent
001854d8: 00000000 nop
001854dc: 3c048019 lui r4,0x8019
001854e0: 248438de addiu r4,r4,0x38de      Prep Evade Pointer
001854e4: 0c017991 jal 0x0005e644      Data Nulling (evade)
001854e8: 34050004 ori r5,r0,0x0004      r5 = 4 (all 4 evades)
001854ec: 8fbf0010 lw r31,0x0010(r29)
001854f0: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018
001854f4: 03e00008 jr r31
001854f8: 00000000 nop

So it's not a problem with any ASM that was done, it was just remnants from vanilla's coding. Now the remaining issue is: how are we going to balance FFT Arena around this? Or should we just remove innate transparent from the patch all together? Just another thing we can discuss in the 1.4 thread.

Well, if pure effectiveness is all that's needed, it wouldn't be hard to just stick Concentrate on Hidden Knife instead since it serves relatively the same purpose.
Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
April 12, 2016, 12:15:02 pm
Quote from: Davzz on April 12, 2016, 10:06:58 am
Started playing this again! Excited to see how it's been changed since the original Beta. Right now, I've beat Chapter 1. Assorted thoughts rather than battle by battle.

- Like the new Warrior skillset, much better than Charge.

- Are Demagogues supposed to affect themselves with their skills? I can see hitting allies with the negative status effect ones, but inflicting them on yourself seems weird.

- Cannoneers are REALLY really good in the early game when used in multiples, speed match and a volley of Shrapnel will basically kill all the casters and cripple the mages. Use Piercing/Hazard for assassinations instead.

I assume this will change in the future as Speed increases but maybe they should swap positions on the job tree with a slightly later class? Still, I never liked FFT's Chapter 1 so wiping out an entire team in a couple of moves makes things swift.

(Also I'm a bit confused as to which damage stat they use, MA I assume?)

- The Blind/Slow/Don't Act cannon skill has 2 range less than it states.

- Quick Fingers (Gunslinger's reaction) doesn't allow you to Throw Items like it says in its description.

That's all.

Glad to see you enjoying it!

And yeah Quick Hands lost it's Throw Item capacity. That got moved to an accessory you can get later.

Also, I decided to take a short break from recording, and will pick up again tomorrow, and just do that from time to time with a burst of videos and a week-ish of silence.
Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
April 01, 2016, 12:58:13 pm
Just a short note: You guys CAN request that I do something in one of the videos. Only two characters (Zeal and Coro) are set in stone how I want them, everyone else is free to do whatever wacky combinations that're possible.

Hell, the soonest I can learn all/most of the Blue Magics at once, you guys will get a long video of me learning them all, so yeah.

Feel free to request away.
Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
March 31, 2016, 01:18:36 pm
Part 31: Rule #1 to Strategists - "Forget How They Work"

Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
March 31, 2016, 08:54:58 am
Part 30: Cast Mute on the Story

Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
March 31, 2016, 04:55:28 am
Part 29: Again lack of funny title

Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
March 29, 2016, 02:01:47 pm
Part 28: Insert Cleverly Punny Title

FFT Arena / Re: Rendezvous or melee
March 22, 2016, 10:48:03 am

Not sure if this is the right forum to ask in.
A weapon will state if it's possible by the little text "Ambi".

Swords, some knives (certain ones are inaccessible with it), claws, and I believe staves are as well. Not 100% sure if anything else is applicable off the top of my head.
The Lounge / Re: FFH Community Picture Gallery
March 16, 2016, 09:20:37 am
Might as well.

Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
March 14, 2016, 09:41:46 pm
Part 27: Unlucky Luck

Celdia's Complete Patch / Re: CCP - Battle Logs
March 14, 2016, 10:47:00 am
Part 26: Fus Ro Dammit