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Can't wait :_:

Started by Hyraldelita, December 04, 2015, 05:33:45 pm


My gosh i can't wait to play the second part and the first with new changes:_: Delitaaaaaa

I just wanted to make a new thread because i didnt see any activity in the forum ^^

Whoever read this, if you agree with me, just write a comment ahahha

I take the chance to explain why i love Delita char so much.

In all FF untill now, Delita in my favorite character because in my point of view, he is the one that MOST OF ALL have human reaction to what happen around him a real human reaction, plus he NEVER do anything evil in the whole game, i think many people don't really understand Delita reaction position and everything related to that char, when they say Delita become a bad guy.

Ovelia even stab him in the end of the game, Yea Delita kinda used her too, but he never mistreated her never locked her somewhere or any bad thing, if i was Delita i would have done Exactly what he did, you stab me i stab you.

Plus It's true that Ramza is the hero in the shadow since he fight the Lucavi but Politically talking stopping the war and everything has been done by Delita.
So actually Ivalice have peace thanks to him not only thanks to Ramza.
He risk his life more then one time to protect Ovelia, and that bit** stab him because she felt used -.- are you stupid of what? Didn't she used Delita to get free from the people who wanted to kill her? did Delita said something about it?

He just wanted REVENGE over all the people who was responsible for Teta's death.. if while getting revenge he become the king.. why no?

I hope i didnt posted this in the wrong section, i just wanted to liven up the forum xD

RJ Cid

I, too, have been checking in now and then to see how it's progressing. I've been busy working and studying, with little time for any leisurely activity, but I will be making time when Elric and crew re-release Jot5. I don't play any video games anymore (because being a responsible adult sucks), so this mod will be a lovely present to me :cool:

I think the entire story in FFT is absolutely one of the best in the series, and Delita's exploitation of the aristocracy that exploited his family compliments Ramza's battle against both the Lucavi and the Church. Ovelia stabbing Delita wasn't too surprising; she was a princess figure who endured some heavy traumatic life events (like Sansa Stark).

Keep up the good work everyone. You all have my support!

P.S. Some Crono action would be much appreciated :mrgreen:


Sorry for the stall. My laptop asploded, and then my phone (my source of internet) asploded, and Elric's had real life happen to him, so it's been a busy and painful month without progress on chapter 2. It'll pick back up, none of us have anywhere to go for Christmas, but we really did lose a month's worth of work thanks to me and life. Sorry all.

*Bows deeply for forgiveness*
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Quote from: Toshiko on December 05, 2015, 06:30:55 am
Sorry for the stall. My laptop asploded, and then my phone (my source of internet) asploded, and Elric's had real life happen to him, so it's been a busy and painful month without progress on chapter 2. It'll pick back up, none of us have anywhere to go for Christmas, but we really did lose a month's worth of work thanks to me and life. Sorry all.

*Bows deeply for forgiveness*

Got to do what you got to do, it's cool we can wait. Hope everything is alright.

I also check the site like everyday when I can and will jump on Jot5 when its done.

As for Delita, he's not really a bad guy but kinda loses his mind after Teta dies and gets sick of all the crap he has to put up with so he adopts the mindset of screw everyone I am going to do whats best for me. Ovelia is kind of more selfish than he is because during the game she is constantly crying about her own life of being a princess and being alone when she probably had plenty of chances in Zeltennia to run off, leave the country and start anew. It's easy for most people to call Delita evil when he is compared to Ramza who is like the most unselfish person ever. Delita is one of the most well written characters ever in any rpg that I can remember.

And if it makes anyone else feel better, my life in general has been incredibly stupid this past year too so just hang in there (as much as I hate to constantly have to tell myself that).
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


I also apologize. I have indeed had some things going on with my fathers health and due to some things I wanted to finish off for him personally, I've been slacking for the past month on Jot5. That being said, my motivation has not dwindled in the slightest, it has only shifted. I'll be back on track within the next week or so and pushing hard on Ch1 and 2 once again. Toshiko is very kind, but the truth is, any delay is actually my own fault. It is coming though.
  • Modding version: PSX


Hei guys wtf?XD

I only wanted to liven up the forum, i never asked for anyone apology, i just wanted to tell you I and most likely lot other people are waiting for the second part, thats all! I never give fault to any one here ^^

Life is not something you decide how it goes when you dont talk about you, so its normal that "Things" can happen , i dont think anyone with a brain would ever blame any of you guys slowing down for life problems..

That's why i shifted my post on Delita , to talk about something else ^^

Aniway...  im very glad someone think the same way i do about Delita, that makes me feel less lonely about taste of character story and development.


Agreed no worries guys. Shit happens there is no reason to apologize. I am very anxious to get playing new ch1 and ch2 but I can definitely say that it is worth the wait! I'm very glad you guys are sticking to it, even though I just found this awesome mod I believe its almost 3 years old now? I have seen many projects come and go and I know it takes an unbelievable amount of work and dedication to get to the point you guys are at now. Just know that it is definitely appreciated and you guys can add another huge fan to your list =p. I wish I could help out =/ I'm currently going to school for computer programming so I'm hoping to pick up some basics I can use to expand on some things that interest me. Just a thought too while some of you guys wait for the new release of jot5...If any of you guys are fans of classic phantasy star series, pscave has translated the ps2 remake of phantasy star 1 + 2. 2 is currently in beta but they are just about finished testing and as long as you play on an emulator there seems to be no errors. They also have mods for ps4 that make every fight in the game seem like hell =p. I'm a big fan of the classic phantasy stars so that was awesome to be able to play the remakes and the ps4 mod was just insane but it was very fun. They put a lot of work into them as well.


December 11, 2015, 09:09:41 pm #7 Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 10:36:23 pm by KingUrameshi
So as video games go I was looking forward to some things. One was Americana Dawn and they haven't updated in months and I'm pretty sure the creator has giving up on it after a failed kickstarter. Then there are some steam games that I'am waiting to go on sale (Darkest Dungeon, Telepath Tactics, The Curious Expediton, Shelter 2 and Catacomb Kids) and since they are not I'm starting to think they are lame (probably because I keep looking at them so much) and not as interested as when they first came out.

So I'am just writing this to say Journey of the Five is the most anticipated game for me this year and for next year and will be a must play for me when it comes out (I have been checking the site on a daily basis and am still not bored or tired of waiting). I have been a gamer since the 80's; since Atari and Journey of the Five is the must play for any FFTactics fan for the superb story line, gameplay and difficulty that the creators took the time, dedication and knowledge to make. I can't think of any game pending that comes close to the hype I have for this game and best wishes to the creators and community of FFhacktics.com for all the support and input they have given over the course of development. Keep up the great work in 2016, thank you.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


Thank you~ ♥

Is it weird to say that I'm hype for it too, even though I'm part of the production? Seriously, I really can't wait for the re-release, and Chapter 2, and I really cannot wait to see Chapter 3's release! It's honestly huge for me, in a way that's hard to describe. I'm sure it's that much more profound for Elric, of course, but I dizzyingly daydream about these events daily. No lie.

Also, know that each missed approximate deadline means new awesome things were added*. The wait has been long, but it will sooooo be worthwhile!

* Okay, so for a few weeks there, it was computer/life issues. You still got a year's worth of, "wouldn't it be cool if we...?" so hold onto your butts!
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Haha its good a good thing you guys are so excited about your project! That's why it is so good! I got no doubt its gonna be worth the wait.  :P


hei what about Delita!?!? :evil:



Hey Guys!!

Just writing to show some love. I registered an account on this site for the sole purpose of communicating & encouraging this project.

I picked up CH 1 about a year ago and it blew my mind. I also got my best friend into the game and it blew his mind too.
We have nostalgic memories of first picking up FFT when we were young, and being blown away by the depth. Made us SRPG/TRPG players for life.
It's great to see that the game is still very much alive and that highly talented programmers are modifying it into a new experience, that's truly epic.

I am in 100% full support of Jot5, I endorse it as one of the best game/mod ideas ever. The game is epic and I speak for everyone when I express my excitement.
Just wondering what kind of time line for the CH 2 release we're looking at.

No need to apologize as you guys are doing a service and life is busy and we all respect you for it.

Also, how many chapters do you think you will have in all?

Much love and keep up the great work!! I am among many that are holding onto each new post/update.

  • Modding version: PSX


December 15, 2015, 03:57:35 pm #12 Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 04:04:03 pm by Guru
From what I understand right now I believe they are concentrating on the re-release of ch 1. They did a lot of changes to the game over all (especially the mark system, monster recruitment, jp system and the ch1 last battle). So that's why ch1 re-release is first then they are gonna concentrate on ch2 release. They are pretty far done with ch2 from the look of the progress log but ik elric has some rl shit going on right now. I haven't heard any release dates as of yet but maybe we'll get an approximate timeline soon.

*edit* by the way if you guys need any help testing or anything at all just pm me. I don't have any programming experience and I'm not very good at spotting grammar mistakes but I can try and spot some while I test for glitches and game play issues.


Right on!

Thanks for the update Guru. I am quite excited for the re-release (as well as CH 2) and am obviously holding onto every update I can get.
I wonder if they will make it possible to continue your save game from RR CH1 into CH2 and into the future 3 and 4?

That would give serious reason to invest some time in the file and not have to start from scratch again.

great game much love and support, keep rollin' guys!!
  • Modding version: PSX


December 15, 2015, 08:55:55 pm #14 Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 03:48:43 pm by Guru
You'll have to wait for them to confirm everything but according to the chapter 2 progress log, we'll have to start over from scratch because of the new changes. I got a feeling it'll be worth it though  :P. Plus you don't want to get too leveled early on or the monsters get crazy hard.


Correct, Chapter 1 re-release will herald a new beginning; you cannot play chapter 2 without playing the chapter 1 re-release.

My side of Chapter 1 is done and has been done unless anything changes. I've been working on Chapter 2, but need Elric back before I can make more progress (which will actually be on Chapter 3, believe it or not). I'm not pressuring him, though, as I know what he's been going through, and I'm closer to him than my own family (barring Xifanie, of course). It's been rough, and I've been there, so I'm here more to lift him up than anything at the moment.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


I completely understand. Although I just registered to the site (for the purpose of communicating with you guys) I have frequented it being the fan of FFT I am. I have noticed Elric and have followed many of his posts. My sympathies go out to him and his family and obviously dealing with his personal issues are more important.

I really hope everything works out well for Elric.

You guys are putting together a masterpiece and you have the support of everyone.
Thanks for the updates!

I will absolutely enjoy starting the re-release over with the marks system, revised JP system and to see the tweaks you have made. This mod could very well go down as an instant classic in my book. The idea is already classic!

thanks again guys, you rock!
  • Modding version: PSX


Hey I got a quick question not worth starting a new thread over..... Does Agrias base class( Holy Knight ) have the same growth rates as the original?

Also just out of curiosity what did everyone do with agrias on the original game? I always liked the holy knight/samurai and the holy knight/geomancer combos. Not sure what I'm gonna do with her on JOT5 yet. Seeing as how she is a guest I'll have to mess around with some builds and see how well the AI does with it.

And yeah good luck with everything Elric, seems you got a lot going on right now and I hope all goes well!


Quote from: Guru on December 18, 2015, 09:04:28 pm
Hey I got a quick question not worth starting a new thread over..... Does Agrias base class( Holy Knight ) have the same growth rates as the original?

Also just out of curiosity what did everyone do with agrias on the original game? I always liked the holy knight/samurai and the holy knight/geomancer combos. Not sure what I'm gonna do with her on JOT5 yet. Seeing as how she is a guest I'll have to mess around with some builds and see how well the AI does with it.

And yeah good luck with everything Elric, seems you got a lot going on right now and I hope all goes well!

I pretty much just stuck Agrias with Item the whole time, pretty boring and just used the holy sword. I did try her out as a summoner once but she was not good with magic and her best abilities were the status change ones like golem and carbunkle or rich :D for the chance for instant death. I liked the holy sword so much that I just used it all the time.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


I always loved ninja Agrias...flail in the top hand, sword in the bottom with holy sword secondary. It was silly how good that was in the middle of chapter three when you could use a flame whip + 108 gems or morning star to do insane damage. Of course, can't argue with Holy Knight/Geomancer either.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.