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Messages - Zareb


A simple tournament-style mod for FFT that I made.  It features vanilla-only mechanics, monsters, and no equipment or skill limits.  The Discord link above will take you to VPA's server there, which contains downloads for the tools you need to build and test your teams.  Below is the image version of the master guide, which is also viewable at the Discord server, and can be downloaded in spreadsheet form.

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
September 27, 2015, 01:55:10 pm
Hey, Barren. Best Friends was just me messing around with Arena again, and I took it down because I wanted to work at it a bit more. Regardless, thanks for recording the match. Good game, Mudvayne.
FFT Arena / Re: A.I. Q&A
February 24, 2014, 11:52:53 am
Quote from: Barren on February 20, 2014, 08:10:00 am
Here's a question for everyone: how do I get a ninja with hidden knife and repel knife do a head break? Does it have to be high brave? I'm going to try switching up some things on my change of pace team. maybe make it a tad bit faster??

Quote from: CT5Holy on February 24, 2014, 11:42:36 am
I feel like Hidden Knife/Transparent status makes the AI a lot more aggressive -> prefers melee attacks -> less likely to use Head Break. I noticed this a looooooooooong time ago when Hidden Knife first gained Always: Transparent, my ninja went from using Arm Aim a lot to never.

The AI considers 100% accuracy to be high-priority, especially if it affects damage-dealing.  It's probably best to leave the breaking to a unit that doesn't utilize 100% accuracy.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 02, 2014, 04:13:54 pm
Quote from: Barren on January 02, 2014, 01:44:32 pm
FFT Arena 1.38d Rivalry Series - Otabo vs Dokurider

Jumping Undead Monk times a hit on a Lancer that's just finished jumping.  Awesome.  Way too awesome.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 31, 2013, 03:59:10 pm
Quote from: Barren on December 31, 2013, 01:25:30 pm
FFT Arena 1.38d - silentkaster (Kenny is dead) vs Fenire (Summon Arrows) Rematch

FFT Arena 1.38d - silentkaster (The Four Seasons) vs Zareb (Spoilers)

Barren, I lost the first two rounds, so there shouldn't have been a round three.  Anyway, The Four Seasons seems to be a very hard counter against my team: Speed-alteration (oooh, my favourite!), Steal Accessory (another favourite) and who can forget three physical rangers double-turning me?  Heh.  You have a good team there, and I suppose that I'll have to make some changes now.  GG, silentkaster.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 31, 2013, 11:19:47 am
Quote from: reinoe on December 31, 2013, 12:20:41 am
I know cursed ring is everywhere right now, but undead is the only way to get frogs to attack and do damage.  The berserked samurai frog was hitting for 0, but the undead frog was hitting for 8.

That 800% damage increase is certainly game-changing, Reinoe!  It's not as situational as one may think!
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 30, 2013, 12:42:11 am
Quote from: TrueLight on December 30, 2013, 12:21:25 am
Sorry if the teams in the videos do the match the ones in the Teams Submissions thread. I had recorded these videos earlier before the changes were made. Sorry about that.

FFT Arena 1.38D - Zareb (Spoliers) vs. Otabo (Poison Lily)

FFT Arena 1.38D - Otabo (Last Hurrah) vs. Silentkaster (The Four Seasons)

FFT Arena 1.38D - Zotis ( Black and White Witches) vs. Otabo (Colony Lockdown)

It's okay, man!  I simply appreciate you recording a match for me.  Truth be told I went a little crazy with the changes today, so it's not your fault at all.  I'll be leaving Spoilers alone again... hopefully for a couple of months or so.  :P

Hooooly crap, that round two lasted forever!  As potent as Poison is now-a-days, it simply proved to be a nuisance more than anything else.  GG, Otabo!
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 29, 2013, 07:13:32 pm
Quote from: silentkaster on December 29, 2013, 12:00:52 pm
Oh, I like your team Zareb! Do you want to put it against my revised team? That might be a good match :)

I'd love to see that!

Quote from: Barren on December 29, 2013, 12:30:41 pm
I actually have that match in mind myself.  Once I get out of work I'll get started

Okay, sounds good!  I look forward to it!
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 29, 2013, 11:20:19 am
Hey, everybody, I posted a new version of Spoilers and I was wondering if somebody could record a match between it and whatever team of your choosing?  Honestly, pick anybody, I don't care!  Thanks, and have a good one!
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Hack proposal: Synthesis Shop
December 21, 2013, 06:15:32 pm
Phenomenal work, Xifanie... I can see a lot of patch makers jumping all over this!!
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 21, 2013, 02:35:02 pm
Quote from: CT5Holy on December 13, 2013, 02:25:07 pm
FFT Arena 138d - Zareb (Spoilers) vs Dokurider (Barren Wasteland)

Also plan on recording Fenire's Sing Sang vs Rouroni Elmdor's Order of Steel Serpent.

Barren, want me to help record anything?

Sorry for the late response to this match, but I didn't know that it existed until Reinoe pointed it out to me!

Very close round one indeed... had me on the edge of my seat!  Quick is pretty damn deadly, and it seems to have the ability to destroy my team if the right conditions are met.  I like your singing Ninja combined with Mime... very cool idea.  GG to you, sir!

Thanks to CT5Holy for bringing me back from the dead!  (Heheh)
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
November 06, 2013, 04:21:55 pm
Martial Arts is proving, yet again, to be an extremely flexible support ability.  Reks simply couldn't keep-up with Angelus' ridiculous damage.

Vigilanti's Archer dispelling Berserk... I actually gasped when I saw that happen.  Poor Vigilanti.  To be fair, this was a bad match-up, though.... Witch Hunt + mimic ensured that Vigilanti's units would be wasting their turns entirely, despite his units having Half of MP and Move-MP Up.
Quote from: The Damned on July 29, 2013, 01:32:56 am
(There's a reason that Damnation takes an eternity....)

Also, a reason that I have bottom billing.

*points to current avatar text*

Sigh. I think technology may be the only hates me more than I hate me because everything, from my desktop to my laptop to freaking Google-related things, has been so slow. I'm tempted to blame AT&T, but that doesn't explain my laptop and I'm pretty sure it's not viruses or anything. I think I just have to clean things.

Anyway...the last three matches of Losers' 1 are finally up. Even with the above annoyance of the past two days--not counting yesterday since I was mostly gone then--and everything, the delay was mostly due to my incompetence. And then obsessing (quite literally) over every second of everything. I swear it took like...at least 12 hours cause as lazy as I am, I am still a perfectionist after all this time.

Without further ado:

1. FFT ARENA AI Tournament S2 Losers 1 Match 9 - Ahong (All Kind Range Combat) vs. Vigilanti ("Vigilanti's Bizarre Venture")

2. FFT ARENA AI Tournament S2 Losers 1 Match 10 - skiploom188 ("U-Turn Me On") vs. Torgo ("Manos: The Lands of Fate")

3. FFT ARENA AI Tournament S2 Losers 1 Match 11 - Fanatic ("Noh Changing Lanes") vs. DomieV ("Have You No Chivalry?")

Yes, I was serious about giving people's teams "punny names" if they didn't tell what they wanted it called, even if those names aren't in the title (since there's only so much room).

Regardless, the second round of Losers will be much quicker, at least on my part. I'm not sure what FFMaster and Dokurider's schedules look like.

I'm just going to have to spend the next couple of days cleaning my computers, apparently. Fun times....

I've always enjoyed reading your analytical posts, The Damned, and I feel no different about watching these tournament videos you've recorded.  You've always been very detailed and thorough with your breakdowns and it's nice to see that you give your tournament videos the same treatment; you point-out everything that's happening during a match and throw-in your two cents along the way.  It's great.

The main advantage of doing text commentary over vocal commentary is due to the sheer amount of text you can post on the screen; and, if it proves to be too much to read for some for the duration said text is up on the screen, the viewer can simply pause and catch-up.  However, I can understand that there will be those that feel disconnected due to the lack of speech, but I prefer the way you approach videos even if you do things the way you do 'em due to technical limitations.

Keep-up the good work and I look forward to watching more of your videos!
Quote from: CT5Holy on July 25, 2013, 05:05:22 pm
I lied! Enjoy the matches:

FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 Match 30 - Gaignun vs reinoe

FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 Match 31 - Barren vs Zareb

Well, that was predictable.  I didn't think that I would even win the second round, but cool.  Lol.  Lich piercing my defenses; Armor Break softening me up so I can't get decent healing from Regen and Nurse; every single unit being immune to Death Sentence; Katar Thief.  Well, what WERE my chances, really?  LOL.  Oh well.  I suppose I can just be thankful that I won ONE round.  GG, Barren, and I wish you the best!

Thanks again for recording my match; sucks that it took so long for me to lose even though we were aware of the outcome already (RE: my previous post on my previous match), lol.  Keep up the good work.

We'll see what happens in the losers' bracket; I know that there isn't another team that's completely immune to Death Sentence like Barren's, so I think my chances will be MUCH better.  Lol.  Perhaps I'll make it through the loser's bracket and emerge victorious?!  LOL, probably not.  We'll see!!!!!!
Quote from: iamBQB on July 22, 2013, 03:33:15 pm

I knew this match up was going to be bad, and I knew it was going to be embarrassingly one sided, and yet it managed to be even worse than I thought it would turn out. That Kiyomori quashed even the faintest of hopes that my team might do something. Oh well, these things happen. GG Zareb.

Well, I'm simply a hard counter to physical-based teams.  I lack a solid way to revive and I'm vulnerable to some status and single-target nukes.  I've only been getting lucky with whom I've fought so far!  Your Lancers are very solid units and pack quite a punch; Abandon does nothing against Jump.  GG, iamBQB.

Quote from: Barren on July 22, 2013, 02:31:30 pm
well I would expect nothing less from a pretty well designed defensive team. Things should get interesting now

Your entire team protects against Death Sentence, which is my team's primary way to down units.  You can also Berserk my Paladins, which actually may be my saving grace since the only way I can harm you is hoping that Battle Axe procs more often than not and if my Monks somehow manage to keep the poison down on your team.... without dying themselves.  I honestly think that I'm going to lose to you, but I suppose that we'll simply see what happens!

Again, thanks for recording my match.  Was pleasant as always to watch and listen to.
Quote from: CT5Holy on July 12, 2013, 08:27:15 pm
FFT Arena AI Tournament S2 Round 1 Vigilanti vs Zareb

Hey, man, nice team you got... Bow Gun Squire and your Don't Move spammer scared me the most!  Don't Move spam is always a hindrance, pun intended, as it causes my Monks to spend turns removing it; then again, it has to be done for my team to work at all... unless some Death Sentence got off earlier.  I can't ever afford to lose my armour as my Paladins depend on it so much for healing.  Also, Iron Will needs to be used early on, but didn't matter TOO much against your team since they didn't have any spell offence.

Round 1's outcome didn't surprise me as my team is potent in small quarters due to Kiyomori spam.  Battle Axe procs didn't happen at all, but they weren't very relevant against your team anyway.  Small maps always benefit me unless the unit is using Draw-Out, but even then I think some Transfusions would be able to counter that fairly well.

Round 2 was INSANE... had so much fun watching it!  I always build my teams' units to be completely reliant upon one another, so as soon as that first Paladin went down I knew that I was going to lose.  Due to the map lacking major obstacles, your gunners ran around and simply put me down; breaks and Steal Accessory definitely didn't help in that regard, either!  Dragon Spirit is always a good counter to Death Sentence.  GG.

Round 3 could have went either way, really.  I believe I got lucky due to Berserked units functioning like double-edged blades and not caring that a teammate is standing in their line-of-sight as they blast said teammate away for *515* damage.  Lol.   Some lucky Death Sentences and five minutes later it was over.  Again, it being a large map, my units could have easily separated from one another early on and I would have probably lost.

It was a lot of fun to watch this, and you were a worthy opponent, Vigilanti.  GG to you and good luck in the Netherworld!  (Perhaps we'll fight again down there... heh heh heh)

As always your commentating was clean and kept-up with the match.  Video quality was good and the sound quality was tolerable.  Thanks for recording my match with Vigilanti and keep-up the good work, man!
Quote from: CT5Holy on July 11, 2013, 10:23:01 pm

Vigilanti vs Zareb will be up tomorrow.

:( :( :(
Quote from: reinoe on July 10, 2013, 01:15:16 am
Why'd you pull your parody team?  You put tons of work into it.

It makes me sad that I was too late with its creation.  :(

I put it back up in the submissions thread, though!  Will be tinkering with it later.
Quote from: CT5Holy on July 09, 2013, 11:37:07 pm
As a note for the other vid recorders, all of the units on Reks' team should have 40 Fury/70 Faith. I noticed one of the units incorrectly had 70/40, which has been fixed.

Also, I plan to start uploading the vids I've recorded for Round 1 as I will be away for the weekend. I'm thinking to start uploading a few tomorrow. Any objections/do people mind if the matches might be out of order, depending if Barren finishes recording/uploading his vids?

I personally don't mind, CT5Holy.
Quote from: reinoe on July 06, 2013, 02:40:19 am
I'd imagine that your Paladins are not using ReRaise though, granted I haven't seen your tests.  Unless you're running ReRaise in case Phoenix Blade gets broken or Cursed Ring gets stolen, I'd replace it with something else.

That's precisely why it's there; it just serves as a back-up just in-case my equipment gets broken/stolen.  So far, I haven't seen them use it... thankfully!