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FFTA2 Redesigned (Rebalanced and Difficult Hack with new Jobs and Abilities)

Started by Rfh, August 22, 2015, 09:19:24 am


Here's a level scaling patch I made from Rfh's changes.

Also in your main changes you have:
"Level Cap is now at 50"
How did you implement that?


Mmm, xdelta is giving me an error message, saying "window checksum mismatch XD3 INVALID INPUT"

Wonder what's wrong :(



Hm, can you try turning off Checksum validation in settings and seeing what happens/what the changes look like in a hex editor? Or send me a link to what you're using.
I've only tested it on mine and it works. I think I'm using a slightly different rom, so applying the patch should still work even if the checksum is off.



I'm using delta also, it's in the settings right to the right of "Apply patch".
Nevermind, I uploaded a new patch for users of a different rom.



So I've been replaying this... Umm I think elixir of life might not work as intended, at least that boss from Making Music didnt get reraise...


Don't worry, I will release a new update with bugs fixed when I have time.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: rfh


Does anyone know how to get through the later fetch missions? (I'm looking at An Earnest Delight in particular)
These missions are impossible to do without dispatches, but even my fully decked out level 50 units always fail. I'm assuming that it's because the level required for the dispatch to be successful is above 50.


Oh god what? This is hilarious. Apparently a master monk's martial arts are stronger than their equipped weapon options (for the most part). This means that if they have shieldbearer they can run around with two shields without any attack penalty. Note that I think you should leave this in. It's not game-breaking and it's unique to them despite how nonsensical it is.

Also have all of my internets for making shieldbearer an extremely solid ability, partially now that there's less competition but primarily because of how shields effect more than just evasion now.

I like some of the diversities, like the Ninja (high attack; ability to increase movement, jump, and evasion; though their Eater Dragon skill is definitely better than a normal attack in like every situation) and the Illusionist (still has the three all-target spells but gets some nice utility including a stronger version of holy that comes with a debuff, which is really cool). Classes like the bishop are also now really good if you recruit a bangaa that has all of its level as bishop. Holy does very solid damage compared to the average attack spell, but I haven't gotten the -aga spells yet, so I can't say for sure if they outclass Holy.

Templar stats need a buff. There's like no reason to level as a Templar atm, since magic/atk split doesn't work in FFTA and it works even less here since not only do templars have to go through bishop, they have both shitty attack and magic growths for bangaas. They should get 12 ATK and 8 DEF and not just the 7 HP. I mean, they ARE a second tier unlockable class. Similarly, I think Defender and Warrior should be bumped up to 11 ATK. You have a consistency with the Nu Mou classes that I think should be seen with the Bangaa race in that no matter what (non-magical) class you level as you still put most other physical attackers to shame.

Some classes, however, feel too weak or generic. You took away a lot of what made Elementalists fun by nerfing their ability to give bad status. Maybe you think players giving status was OP, but I would disagree. It was a nice addition and it added some really cool options. Immobilize going bye-bye was probably for the best though.

Summoners, too, just feel like red mages with slightly stronger magic that are frail as fuck. I also think Summoners should keep their 2-tile blast radius. It's not crazy OP, it just needed some tweaking. I think nerfing it to be an -ara spell changes too much and makes it really generic, especially since it still requires the user to wait a turn before getting it out. Single-tile-targetted holy is not a change I would have preferred either, but that is more my personal preference and since all of the holy spell are really strong and useful this is acceptable.

Also control monster is OP holy shit I see why you set it to 990 and required the MM. I thought that was going too far, but no, it's as strong if not stronger than dual-cast with monsters around.


Can anyone give me some tips for dealing with the Brightmon Tor?

I was doing fine until I got to the watch of the 2nd tower. 4 condemnations in a row followed by an otherworldly wind right at the start of the round was just too much. e.e


I was thinking that I could do Critical Quicken loops (give every member of the party Critical:Quicken, so that they won't have to eat 4-5 aoes in a row),have 2 units use charms/confuses while all other allies just spam heals, and allow the enemies to kill each other. I'm open to any other ideas.


AGENT JOB is BROKEN please fix and pls dont edit him agent class alone is enough


So, I am enjoying it so far, but some of the monsters feel a bit overtuned.

Beyond the oppressive difficulty of any quest that involves fairies, this quest "Sun-Ripened Meyham" seems literally impossible, given that you are meant to protect an npc that always gets one shot by a monster that always moves before you do (A Cockatrice, no less, not even the worst offender).

(sorry about the resolution, but I didn't want the image to be too overbearing)


Are you still working on this?

Wanted to point out Cover skill isnt working as intended... Apparently target is self so you dont cover for anybody, but you get the buffs.

That makes it quite troublesome for escort quests to say the least...


Quote from: Madeen on November 03, 2016, 08:54:56 pm
Are you still working on this?

Wanted to point out Cover skill isnt working as intended... Apparently target is self so you dont cover for anybody, but you get the buffs.

That makes it quite troublesome for escort quests to say the least...

Sorry, but I abandoned the project. I leave it free to edit for anybody.
I have plans to make a great hack of the original FFT in the future because I have much more experience editing it, but I lack the time needed now.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: rfh


Quote from: Rfh on December 31, 2016, 11:25:39 am
Sorry, but I abandoned the project. I leave it free to edit for anybody.
I have plans to make a great hack of the original FFT in the future because I have much more experience editing it, but I lack the time needed now.

I like your ideas in this hack so I look forward to your other hack.