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September 20, 2024, 07:56:02 pm


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FFT Arena 1.40 ASMs

Started by dw6561, June 20, 2016, 09:37:37 pm


We were having several issues with wall, so we decided to have MP Regen be the blank status and MP Poison be Dark/Evil Looking. Additionally, both are 1/8 now and are canceled on death to balance accordingly.

Also, if anyone uses that wall hack, don't. Changing the byte at 0x19ef56 to 00 apparently has a profound effect on the AI's behavior. Apparently, changing the byte DOES allow AI to target walled units, but it also messes up status recovery substantially from what I've noticed. This is obviously too broad of a fix and needs to be looked into further, but in the meantime we have a short term fix.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Ethereal spear and Mage Masher formula is now fixed.
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I apologize to anyone who used the old XML's, because I hadn't updated them in a long time. They should be good to go now, but still let me know if I forgot something.

Added a section called "Future ASM's" that shows the hacks we're developing for the next patch.
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Abandon fix is up along with making Tons Magic Evadable.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


You figured out the issue with Abandon?  What was the problem in the end?


The problem with abandon was that the hack that was used didn't take into account how FFT actually calculates the evade. The abandon calculation is done before the game calculates evasion, so it does the operations on the number 100%.

What the abandon hack does is this:
001853c4: 90620000 lbu r2,0x0000(r3)   Load base hit%
001853c8: 00022882 srl r5,r2,0x02      r5 = r2 / 4
001853cc: 00451023 subu r2,r2,r5      r2 = r2 - r2 / 4 = approx r2 * 3/4
001853d0: a0620000 sb r2,0x0000(r3)   Store new hit%

However, remember that this "base hit%" does not factor in evasion. So, this number is 100%, as it was initialized in an earlier routine and not touched until now. What this routine is doing is multiplying by 3/4 which is what we wanted to do to the final number and not this one. I think the creator of the hack thought that he was doing the operations on the final hit% itself and not this base hit% thingy. So we end up with 75% as the new base hit%.

What it does:
Assuming Genji Gauntlet (30% MEV) ONLY

The abandon calculation sets Base Hit% = 75% as explained earlier.
Base Hit% - Accessory Evade = 75% - 30% = 45%
45% * 100 = 4500%
Modified Hit% / Original Hit% = 4500% / 75% = 60%

Thus, 60% is our final evade.

(Base Hit - Evade) * 100 / Base Hit is the formula that is used.

Vanilla's Abandon:
(50 - Evade) * 100 / 50 = (50 - Evade) * 2 = 100 - 2 * Evade (essentially just giving double evasion)

Arena's Abandon:
(75 - Evade) * 100 / 75 = (75 - Evade) * 4 / 3 (Which is NOT evasion * 1.5)

What I did was I just said screw it and forced it to store 67% as the new base hit%. So we now have:

(67 - Evade) * 100 / 67 = (67 - Evade) * 100 / 2/3 = (67 - Evade) * 3 / 2 = 100 - Evade * 3 / 2

which is what we want.
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Abandon fixed again, this time it was 1 byte that was causing problems. Should have been 3c038019 instead of 3c028019.
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Hi everyone  :mrgreen:

Just want to say that formula 14 seems to make game crash when you use it  :|

I already know that golem formula is hardcoded, so i'm asking if there is a correct way to make this formula works properly  :)

  • Modding version: PSX


About that, I did fix this formula as it is in the current arena and it works perfectly fine. I'll upload the newest version of it fairly soon here. I didn't realize I didn't update it here.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


Fury Bug Uncovered!
The fury hack is made up of two parts: Storing a "fury multiplier", and actually multiplying it with the XA and dividing by 10000 to get the final damage. The first part is called in "Attacker Berserk/Frog Check" which is in many physical damage formulas. The second part is called in the XA * YA calculation. Well, there's the problem...Some of our formulas, most notibly the cover fire formula and the bullrush formula, use attacker berserk/frog but never call the XA * YA calculation, which means it never executes the second section of the fury hack! This causes problems for formulas that use the XA * YA calculation and not fury, like magic since it never calculates a new fury multiplier.

Of course, I released my crude fix for this bug, but it only really intercepts the problem before the next attack. If what I think is true, my fix doesn't actually "fix" the problem, and counter flood may not be the only thing unintentionally affected by fury (like counter tackle, which is most likely why I thought bullrush itself was affected!). If to top that off, there's also numerous load delay errors in the fury hack that we'll need to eventually iron out. This being a long-term goal for Arena's future, I thought it would be a good idea to bring this up now before we (meaning I) completely slaughter Arena's code even more.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


  • Modding version: PSX


So, if I am understanding this correctly, do Cover Fire and Bullrish assign some Fury data to a register that is used by unrelated skills, like magic, later on?


Sorry for bumping this, but is there any update on this? I'm looking for the ASM Hack used to make the new Brave PAxY Formula :) and also the PAxY one only, would save me a lots of time for my mod, thanks :)


Is there an updated version of this? or label discontinued ones with "(currently unused)"
  • Modding version: PSX