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Time Warp

Started by Xifanie, August 04, 2010, 10:24:43 am


fraid not. he made a mess of things
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Damn. Its sad that you are leaving the community. You the one that got me playing this game again. Dont worry, I will always remember the fun times we had. Never forget that.


Let me remind you people that banning Voldemort was a temporary measure until the real sentence was established. Normally this would have been a temp ban.
However given the particularities of this case and after examining Bastard's suggestion, I came to the conclusion the best way to deal with this problem was to lock Voldemort's moderating powers. This way, Voldemort would not be able to abuse his powers anymore, while still being able to contribute to FFH.

Voldemort, there is no doubt you've contributed a lot to FFH, and that a lot of people appreciate your works. After you decided to destroy IA because of your rage for R999, I had to take an immediate action on the matter. Let me remind you that the point of talking to R999 was to make him take his responsibilities and forget about his retarded ideas (like the marketing topic for instance). When you took action without my consent, you attacked IA as if it were R999, and you had no right to do so. Why? Because a lot of people OTHER than R999 are working on it. How is that relevant? We (or I at least) don't want their work to go to waste. And believe me; if R999 quits IA, I'm going to banhammer the fuck out of him.
Funny that you have always been saying that you respect completely my decisions, yet you took an action of your own, as if you thought I would agree?
Should I mention that you didn't even give me enough time to read the marketing topic?
You seriously need to learn how to control your own emotions, IA was still hidden damnit, forget about that C&D.
If you are going to just run away because you can't accept a temporary ban, then you're as much of a wuss as that loli-pedo Jacob31593. You're still welcome to FFH, it's not like you're that Zalge bastard.

However, I demand that you give your apologies to:
- Me, because I spend almost 3 hours trying to recovers the topics you destroyed.
- LD, because if it weren't of a coincidence that I made a backup 1 hour before your act, he probably would've lost his tons of pages of story text forever.

Also, for everyone else talking bad of arch because he's leaving: you're fucks. Whenever I say someone is banned, drama starts. I remember how everyone was just complaining about the Jukain drama event, and here I see the exact same thing. Pretty pathetic.
You know, when I left CoN, no one would acknowledge my contributions and that just showed me how most of them (especially the admin and mods) were just fucking self-centered assholes (as a group).
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: "Zodiac"Also, for everyone else talking bad of arch because he's leaving: you're fucks. Whenever I say someone is banned, drama starts. I remember how everyone was just complaining about the Jukain drama event, and here I see the exact same thing. Pretty pathetic
Who is Jukain? I don't even know him/her

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I don't want to remember Jukain.

I really hope Arch doesn't leave though. He is a great help in a lot of projects and has good ideas.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


QuoteI really hope Arch doesn't leave though. He is a great help in a lot of projects and has good ideas.
Quite so. It'd be a shame if he left completely due to this.

EDIT: Hrm.. Quotes seem screwed up.
  • Modding version: PSX

Asmo X

He ain't coming back. He feels he has been wronged because there is a minority of people on this site who don't like him.


Quote from: "Asmo X"He ain't coming back. He feels he has been wronged because there is a minority of people on this site who don't like him.
That's a truly shitty reason...

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


August 06, 2010, 11:32:51 am #28 Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 12:27:49 pm by Archael2
Please stop trying to write it off as something that it's not... Everytime I get on FB I have a message from BP saying how you guys are trying to pass off me leaving as something that it's not.

I decided to accept the ban and take the opportunity to drop FFH from my list of hobbies. You guys know I have a full time job in NYC and any spare time I can get for waterpolo, work, or whatever the fuck else IRL I wanna do is valuable to me.

I already said in the other thread that there are many reasons for this decision, one of them being that no real projects are completed here, and that the quality of work and enthusiasm is overall very low, or non-existant. I couldn't care less about a minority of people who don't like me. I was here for 2 years (more?) with that minority present, and didn't give 3 fucks about it, so that post by Asmo above really just comes across as a random attempt at slandering now that I'm gone.

Let me repear this once again: hopefully for the last time:

I'm taking advantage of the fact that I was banned in the first place to leave for good, and not come back.

This is true regardless of how much people like me 1 year ago, now, or 2 years from now. I no longer feel this place is worth my time to work on, and to be honest, the concept of FFH as a site that doesn't REALLY produce full FFH hacks is an undeniable idea that most of the vets here have had in the back of their minds for quite some time, and with good reason, because it's true - FFH doesn't do that, and never has.

The truth is, that the environment here is simply not conductive to making any large scale mod of FFT. 1.3 was a huge exception because someone that had the balls to stand up to all the haters / negative contributors and decided to take all the workload on himself and get things done after a summer and 2 semesters of constant work in front of fftpatcher - and that was just a rebalance.

FFH has been around for almost 3 years and has not produced a single complete hack of this game. This is a fact, and speaks volumes of the environment here, and it's kinda sad that the one project that did get completed and did attract some attention to the site (1.3) is not even a full hack, but was just rebalance that 1 guy did on his spare time with the brainstorming of others. Now that guy is gone, and to be quite honest, it really feels like the right thing to do.

Then we reached a point where people got bored and systematically directed their off-beat contributions to whatever random project popped up regardless if it has the capability of getting completed or not (IA). I almost fell into that trap too, but realized that it was a huge mistake and jumped ship within a very short amount of time.

There's nothing going on here anymore, there's no direction, there's no unifying idea, and there's no true workers willing to put in more than what they feel like doing in order to get something done- EVEN IF it's not their personal idea of how that sprite / character / item / hack is supposed to be. And this is going to stay this way, unless this place experiences some major dramatic alteration and the people in charge realize who the real contributors are.

BTW: That guy on the other thread was wrong (Kaijyuu?). Community is NOT more important than contributions. Without contributions, you HAVE no community - or atleast no reason for the community to exist and stay together. Without contributions, FFH is no longer a FFT Hacking site, it's a 4chan clone. Nice attempt at trying to dismiss my contribs when you said that, though, but you were wrong.

Asmo X

Before you quit forever, can I just ask why you bothered sticking around to help Zodiac with his patch?


Of course.

Apart from the fact that he's my friend, Zodiac is able to do what he says he's gonna do with the game (cough) and is able to complete his own share of tasks. I saw that he was still working on KoI, and told him I wanted to see it done faster, because I liked his idea very much. So I offered to do all the planning for defense systems, itemization, job tree and skills, along with those Specialty Zodiac skills and other random awesome-sauce stuff we were working on. You (Asmo) saw a lot of what I was working on.

It's a strange question, that you're asking, because when I wasn't busy with 1.3 I always "bothered sticking around" to help EVERYONE with their patches / efforts, not just Zodiac.

Asmo X

So if Zodiac isn't a scrub like all the other people working patches that never go anywhere and you think that his will, isn't that kind of a valid reason to keep participating? Or are you not on speaking terms with Zodiac anymore? Or does he not want you to work on KoI?


August 06, 2010, 12:14:03 pm #32 Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 01:57:42 pm by Archael2
Before I reply to you Asmo I'm going to own Zozma real quick, because he's had this coming for awhile.

From Zozma: "fraid not. he made a mess of things"

^ This is an example of a comment from a minority that doesn't like me - and someone who doesn't appreciate out of his own dislike. He comes out of nowhere (without even knowing the full story behind me leaving since he's never here anymore) and throws in some negative jab like "Voldemort made a mess of things, I'm so glad he's leaving". Yeah Zozma, I made a mess of things. I made SO MUCH OF A MESS that I contributed probably 500% more than you ever did and helped this site grow by working my ass off to finish the most successful project on it. And I contributed in countless other ways, many times helping others with their projects.

Zozma, you're one of the reasons FFH is the way it is. The kind of contributor you are, is a waste of time for sites like this. Someone who is willing to work on nothing but his own ideas and his own personal greedy concepts - your own shitty patch that never went anywhere and wasted the potential of tons of other people who unfortunately, decided to help you. Your trash project that now sits there, incomplete, getting 2 views per week, and your own lack of participation now that you lost interest in it, you don't even come around to help others that are still here.

You are the example of the kind of member FFH DOESN'T need, yet has many of. You are no one to comment on me leaving, so kindly shut the fuck up.

@ Asmo: Yeah, you have a point. KoI would be the best reason to convince me to keep participating, especially because it has so much potential. Zodiac and me have no problems, and are on speaking terms (Though after the post before this one, he might get angry at me for being so blunt about the site.) Last I checked, Zodiac had no problems with me working on KoI. It's pretty cool to have someone map out entire job / skill / item system for you like the way I was doing it.

 But I already made the decision man, and I really need the spare time with the work life I have now in NY. Maybe if the environment around here changes dramatically, and people who put in tons of work don't feel under-appreciated (like what happened to me in your Spam "The Saddest Thread", FFH will look like a more appealing place to come back to.

But right now? No way.

You need to HANG ON to the people who really do work for you passionately, and GET RID of those who don't - especially the ones that work only when it's on their terms - when they can get help for their own projects. That's called a leech, not a worker. You (Asmo, and many other vets here) know exactly what I'm talking about.

So that's why I'm leaving. Now you can all go talk in chat and try to convince yourselves of whatever comforting idea you like. But rest assured, you will always know that what I'm saying is true.


I don't want to get involved in this TBH, but flaming people and replying to posts like that obviously isn't going to help anymore then ppl saying things like nothing of value was lost.


fuuuuuckkkk @ whole topic


i didnt read anything you said arch. i really dont care, im sorry, but i dont
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


No, I'm not angry because you're perfectly right.
Currently the only projects that have a real chance of seeing completion are Mercenaries and KoI.

Seeing as I've built FFH, spent countless hours researching, hacking, modding, coding, administration and that no one nearly invested as much efforts as I did, with very few that even helped me (and not for long either), I can only agree.
While it is true that most "standing" mods won't make it, 3 years isn't a lot considering we started off with only FFTPatcher. You were able to rush 1.3 in a summer, but that was pretty much only FFTPatcher/Tactext.
Now what I want to know is if you'll still work on KoI? restarting later or never again?

Zozma, way to go with the troll attitude.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Seems to me, as rather a happenstance passerby ogling some interesting ideas concerning a video game I feel nostalgic about, that everyone is taking this to a bit of an extreme.

-Subject 1 felt threatened by Subject 2, as if a majority of he and his colleagues' hard work was going to get stripped away
-Subject 1 made rather dramatic motions against the threat.
-Subject 3 felt this was unwarranted as, whether he had meant to or not, Subject 1 had threatened the works of others.

Subject 2 was wrong by not thinking ahead at the consequences of his actions or proposals. Subject 1 was wrong by overreacting and not taking time to reason with Subject 2 or having the foresight to collaborate with Subject 3 on a proper course of action. In the end, Subject 3 had no other option but to temporarily remove 1 from the reins, as is completely justifiable when someone lets their emotions take over their judgment.

The majority of rest of you proles, Subjects 4 through infinity, are a waste of time in the discussion. You are intentionally causing strife and hurling insults in a situation that doesn't concern any of you for the sole purpose of making your voice known despite having nothing of genuine value to contribute.

I had interest enough in the idea of the site to investigate the community, and find myself looking at a one or two cool-minded individuals, a few more rambunctious and perhaps temperamental individuals, and a "community" full of bottled up hate and misplaced aggression.

What is done is done. The decision to stay or leave is in the hands of the offendee and the judge. A community cannot be a jury if they are biased one way or the other against the offendee, so stuff it.


Quote from: "Voldemort2"Maybe if the environment around here changes dramatically, and people who put in tons of work don't feel under-appreciated (like what happened to me in your Spam "The Saddest Thread", FFH will look like a more appealing place to come back to.

But right now? No way.

You need to HANG ON to the people who really do work for you passionately, and GET RID of those who don't - especially the ones that work only when it's on their terms - when they can get help for their own projects. That's called a leech, not a worker. You (Asmo, and many other vets here) know exactly what I'm talking about.

So that's why I'm leaving. Now you can all go talk in chat and try to convince yourselves of whatever comforting idea you like. But rest assured, you will always know that what I'm saying is true.
You need a reality check.

Under appreciated? That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time. Do you not see how much recognition 1.3 has gotten? Do you not realize it's the biggest thing on this site, and arguably the reason for the majority of the userbase?

Let me inform you of a fact of reality: What matters is not the artist, but the art itself. Your recognition is the recognition that 1.3 has received. You "deserve" no more.

I've been in plenty of shitty communities that cared more about the artist than what they were producing. What did they produce? Garbage. Partially because they allowed no criticism, partially because of draconian rules against "theft", but mostly because they were doing it for the personal recognition. They made their stuff not because they wanted to make anything good, but because they wanted their name on something good.

"Hang on" to people that produce? If they wanna leave, it's their decision. Not other's responsibility to keep them here.
Kick those that don't? Grats, you lost 90% of your userbase. Idea factories are gone. No one but youtube commenters to give you any feedback.

You want a community that throws flowers at the feet of people who produce, and kicks those that don't? Fine, but you'll get shitty productions and will remove those with good ideas along with the ones without. Games are long term projects where most won't actually be finished. This is a fact that will not change, no matter where you go or what you do. Remember that this is a hobby, not a job, and sane people will treat it as such. You want people to work? Start paying them real money.

EDIT: I make these comments not to stir up drama, not to whine, not to spew my opinion, but because this community has potential. I want to see the results of what we have here. I want to play your games, hear your ideas. Don't make it like so many other communities with inflated egos and shitty productions.
  • Modding version: PSX

Asmo X

Quote from: "puppyhakase"Seems to me, as rather a happenstance passerby ogling some interesting ideas concerning a video game I feel nostalgic about, that everyone is taking this to a bit of an extreme.

-Subject 1 felt threatened by Subject 2, as if a majority of he and his colleagues' hard work was going to get stripped away
-Subject 1 made rather dramatic motions against the threat.
-Subject 3 felt this was unwarranted as, whether he had meant to or not, Subject 1 had threatened the works of others.

Subject 2 was wrong by not thinking ahead at the consequences of his actions or proposals. Subject 1 was wrong by overreacting and not taking time to reason with Subject 2 or having the foresight to collaborate with Subject 3 on a proper course of action. In the end, Subject 3 had no other option but to temporarily remove 1 from the reins, as is completely justifiable when someone lets their emotions take over their judgment.

The majority of rest of you proles, Subjects 4 through infinity, are a waste of time in the discussion. You are intentionally causing strife and hurling insults in a situation that doesn't concern any of you for the sole purpose of making your voice known despite having nothing of genuine value to contribute.

I had interest enough in the idea of the site to investigate the community, and find myself looking at a one or two cool-minded individuals, a few more rambunctious and perhaps temperamental individuals, and a "community" full of bottled up hate and misplaced aggression.

What is done is done. The decision to stay or leave is in the hands of the offendee and the judge. A community cannot be a jury if they are biased one way or the other against the offendee, so stuff it.

Hey "new guy" I'm not accusing you of being a Bastard Poetry parachute account but you sure as hell sound like one. Anyway, thanks for stopping by, now kindly leave forever.