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Soldier Office Upgrade

Started by Xifanie, September 29, 2014, 01:09:19 pm


September 29, 2014, 01:09:19 pm Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 03:00:24 pm by Xifanie

Soldier Office Upgrade 1.02
~works on console~

Microsoft Excel 2007 or equivalent

This hack allows you to set a price in the Soldier Office, and a unit will be generated given variables specified in the provided spreadsheet. It is highly customizable, and has been tested on console. There are 2 main sheets which will be explained in detail to give you a better idea of how to configure the spreadsheet for your ideal Soldier Office. You can find the download link at the bottom of this post.

FFTactext Edits

Quote from: New Shop Text
Code (Find: "WORLD.BIN 08" and replace all the section) Select

      <!--DisplayName: WORLD.BIN 08-->
            <!--1: Shop text-->
            <Entry />
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Welcome.{Newline}What can I do for you?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Anything else{Newline}I can do for you?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Thank you.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Is there anything you want?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Anything else?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Looks like you're short of{Newline}gil.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Sorry. You can't hold{Newline}any more of that item.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}How many do you need?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}That's {0xE4} gil.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}hmmm...</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Well, I'm afraid you have{Newline}nothing to sell...</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Which would'ya like to sell?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Have anything else to sell?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}They're all equipped. You{Newline}still gotta remove 'em.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Sell how many?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}I'll give ya {0xE4}{Newline}gil. OK?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Thank you.</Entry>
            <Entry>Male recruit{Newline}Female recruit{Newline}Tamed monster{Newline}Change name{Newline}Leave store</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Sorry, we don't have such{Newline}recruit available right now.</Entry>
            <Entry />
            <Entry />
            <Entry />
            <Entry />
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Who wants to try it on?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}It's {0xE4} gil.{Newline}OK?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}You're short of gil.{Newline}Wanna put one back?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Thank you.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Nothing more to try on?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}I'll take them off{Newline}and get your equipment.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}I'll give ya {0xE4}{Newline}gil. OK?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC72}{Color 08}Shopkeeper{Color 00}{Newline}Thank you.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Looking for a mercenary or monster?{Newline}Adjust your price with L1/L2/R1/R2.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Is there anything else?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}I'd introduce you, but you{Newline}don't have enough space.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}I'd introduce you, but you{Newline}don't have enough gil.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}How about this recruit?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Please stop by again.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Add this recruit to your{Newline}party?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Then, you wanna hire someone{Newline}else?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Alright, stop by anytime.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Alright. I believe this{Newline}recruit's name is...</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}That's {0xE4} gil.{Newline}OK?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Fine, we have a deal.</Entry>
            <Entry />
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}What do you want?{Newline}There's nothing more to sell.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Sorry, we're out of stock{Newline}right now.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Hi. Can I help you?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Anything else?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Thanks, come by again.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Which do you want?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}You don't have enough gil{Newline}to get one.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}You can't have anymore.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}How many do you want?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}It's {0xE4} gil.{Newline}Still want it?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Thanks.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Ahhh...</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Thanks to you, we've sold{Newline}completely out.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Sorry, we're closed for{Newline}today. Come back again.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Want anything else?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}I'm sure this will suit you{Newline}perfectly...</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}You can see who can equip{Newline}it with the △ button.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}No more shields on you!</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Your equipment is better{Newline}than what we have!</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}What do you wanna sell?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Wanna sell anything else?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}Can't buy what you equip{Newline}right now.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}How many do you sell?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}It's {0xE4} gil.{Newline}OK?</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC74}{Color 08}Clerk{Color 00}{Newline}What were gonna sell?{Newline}You've got nothing.</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}I see no monsters{Newline}in your party...</Entry>
            <Entry>{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Change which monster's name?</Entry>

Quote from: Help text
Code (Find: "WLDHELP.LZW", under "<!--3: Menu/Options Help-->" Replace) Select

            <Entry>Hire male soldier apprentice.</Entry>
            <Entry>Hire female soldier apprentice.</Entry>

Code (With) Select

            <Entry>Hire a mercenary.</Entry>
            <Entry>Adopt a monster.</Entry>

Quote from: Text: WORLD.BIN 08 (New Shop Text)
[indent=2]Male recruit{Newline}Female recruit{Newline}Tamed monster{Newline}Change name{Newline}Leave store[/indent]

[indent=2]{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Sorry, we don't have such{Newline}recruit available right now.[/indent]

[indent=2]{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Looking for a mercenary or monster?{Newline}Adjust your price with L1/L2/R1/R2.[/indent]

[indent=2]{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}How about this recruit?[/indent]

[indent=2]{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Add this recruit to your{Newline}party?[/indent]

[indent=2]{0xEC73}{Color 08}Master{Color 00}{Newline}Alright. I believe this{Newline}recruit's name is...[/indent]

[indent=2]just empty this one out to save space[/indent]

Quote from: Text: WLDHELP.LZW | 3. Menu/Options Help (Help Text)
[indent=2]Hire a mercenary.[/indent]

[indent=2]Adopt a monster.[/indent]

Release Information
1.02 (2015/04/02)
[indent=2]- Fixed a bug where the shop progression required was 1 point higher than specified in the spreadsheet[/indent]
[indent=2]- Fixed a bug where you could still hire generic male/females squires even though no units were available to purchase[/indent]
[indent=2]- Fixed a bug in the spreadsheet where the "Max Price" specified in the spreadsheet was ignored and set to 99,000,000[/indent]
1.01 (2014/09/30)
[indent=2]- Reversed buttons to increase the price with R1/R2 and decrease it with L1/L2[/indent]
1.00 (2014/09/29)
[indent=2]- Initial release[/indent]
Known Bugs
- You might end up with a Chemist with Throw item equipped, Ninja with Two Swords equipped and the like. There are no plans to fix this.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


September 29, 2014, 01:09:56 pm #1 Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 08:03:27 am by Xifanie
Help Information


Specified amount of gil that the player is spending to acquire a unit, be it a male/female recruit or a monster. It cannot go below the cheapest unit and cannot go above the Maximum Price. Using L1/L2/R1/R2, the player can edit this value to determine how much they are willing to spend.
L1: Current Price - 1 second digit*
R1: Current Price + 1 second digit*
L2: Divide current Price by 10
R2: Multiply current Price by 10
*The second digit represents the 2nd number from the left in a number. In 17000, that second number would be 7, which represents the thousands. When the price is increased, it would be increased by 1000. Ex: 17000, 18000, 19000, 20000, 21000, [...], 98000, 99000, 100000, 110000, 120000, [...], 980000, 990000, 1000000, 1100000, etc.

Bonus Points
They are used to calculate all the non-standard bonus parameters of a unit. Let's say you pay 100,000 gil for a unit with a Base cost of 25,000 gil and a cost of 100 gil per bonus point.
[indent=2]100,000 - 25,000 = 75,000
75,000 / 100 = 750 Bonus Points[/indent]

At their full potential, each parameter will be able to reach at most about 750 points. It can go a bit beyond that because of how the hack was designed in order to balance things out, but it wouldn't be by much. This is only possible with parameters that are partly or fully randomized so that the total amount of points used on a unit remains the same to have as little waste as possible. So even though parameters can be random, you still get what you're paying for!

How much you get for your bonus points is specified in the Configuration Sheet.

Derandomization will affect certain stats to help push them towards their natural limit. It cannot go over 100%.
Let's generate a monster, which will have stat derandomization and brave derandomization allowed.

[indent=2]5000/20000 Stat derandomization, or 25%
10000/25000 Brave derandomization, or 40%

Stat Ranges:
Brave: 40-70
HP: 35-38
MP: 8-9
SP: 5
PA: 5-6
MA: 5-6

Now here's our monster:
[indent=2]53 Brave
36 HP
8.2 MP
5 SP
5.4 PA
5.7 MA

Now, it is simply calculated by applying the maximum randomized stat, minus the current stat, multiplying that by the derandomization amount, and adding back the originally generated stat:


70 - 53 = 17 17 * 40% = 6 (6.8) 53 + 6 = 59 Brave
38 - 36 = 2 2 * 25% = 0.5 36 + 0.5 = 36.5 HP
9 - 8.2 = 0.8 0.8 * 25% = 0.2 8.2 + 0.2 = 8.4 MP
5 = 5 SP 5 = 5 SP 5 = 5 SP
6 - 5.4 = 0.6 0.6 * 0.25 = 0.15 5.4 + 0.15 = 5.55 PA
6- 5.7 = 0.3 0.3 * 0.25 = 0.075 5.7 + 0.075 = 5.775 MA

Stat Bonuses
Stat Bonuses are available for HP/MP/SP/PA/MA. They are based on the Job's Stat Bonuses on the Units sheet, as well as the Stat Bonus Multiplier on the Configuration Sheet.
This is the Formula, which applies to each individual stat:
√(X Bonus Points) * X Bonus / 15 * X Bonus Multiplier

Let's try it with 160,000 bonus points for HP Bonus, 9/15 HP Bonus, and 300 HP Bonus Multiplier:
√(125000) * 9 / 15 * 300
353 * 180

63540 is the equivalent of 3.88HP bonus per level at level 1... For a unit generated with 32HP, we're talking about 35.88/32 = 112.12% HP. For those that don't know, that means 112% at level 1 all the way through to level 99.

Randomization Adjustment
This only affects non-Passive parameters.
Essentially what this does it make sure your bonus points don't go to waste because you're being unlucky, or get a huge amount of points from being lucky. You'll never get more or less for your money.

Let's take 5 non-Passive parameters with 30000 bonus points:
Parameter A: 32/63 guaranteed, 23504 points  (15238 guaranteed, 8266 randomized)
Parameter B: 16/63 guaranteed, 8506 points (7619 guaranteed, 887 randomized)
Parameter C: 0/63 guaranteed, 28390 points (0 guaranteed, 28390 randomized)
Parameter D: 63/63 guaranteed, 30000 points (30000 guaranteed, 0 randomized)
Parameter E: 0/63 guaranteed, 4573 points (0 guaranteed, 4573 randomized)
Total randomized points: 42116/97142

This number is the total amount of random points that could possibly be generated by all parameters, divided by 2. Essentially, it is a target average of 50%.
[indent=2]Random Adjustment: 97142 / 2 = 48571[/indent]

Let's "adjust" our randomization numbers:
Parameter A randomization: 8266 * 48571 / 42116 = 9532
Parameter B randomization: 887 * 48571 / 42116 = 1022
Parameter C randomization: 28390 * 48571 / 42116 = 32741
Parameter D randomization: 0 * 48571 / 42116 = 0
Parameter E randomization: 4573 * 48571 / 42116 = 5273
Total randomization: 48568/48571

Now let's recalculate the points adding the new randomization numbers:
New Parameter A points: 15238 + 9532 = 24770
New Parameter B points: 7619 + 1022 = 8641
New Parameter C points: 0 + 32741 = 32741
New Parameter D points: 30000 + 0 = 30000
New Parameter E points: 0 + 5273 = 5273

As you can see, there is one parameter with over 30000 points. This can happen, and while more or less uncommon, shouldn't be much higher than your number of bonus points.


Units Sheet

Base Cost
Can range from 100 to 6,553,500 only in increments of 100.
Since this hack only increases the price with 2 non-zero digits (see Price), I really recommend that you keep it the same way for the base price.

Cost per Bonus point
Can range from 1 to 65535.
This will determine the amount of bonus points you will get for any gil exceeding the Base Cost. Even if you pay only the Base Cost, you still get a free bonus point, yay! See Bonus Points for more information about how it is calculated.

Determines under which category a unit can be generated, as well as which gender said unit will be assigned.
[indent=2]Male: lists under Male Recruit
Female: lists under Female Recruit
Monster: lists under Tamed Monster[/indent]

Job Unlock
Determines which job will be unlocked. It is highly recommended to not change this setting for human generics.
For example, if you have a Cleric with Time Mage as the Job Unlock, under vanilla circumstances this Cleric will gain 100JP for her Chemist and Wizard jobs which will allow her to unlock Time Mage. This process does not cost any bonus points, and the extra cost is assumed to be included into the Base Cost.

Derandomization (See Derandomization)
Stat Derandomization
Allows derandomizing HP/MP/SP/PA/MA for the given unit.

Brave Derandomization
Allows derandomizing Brave for the given unit.

Faith Derandomization
Allows derandomizing Faith for the given unit.

Allow Serpentarius
Allows given unit to be potentially generated with a Serpentarius/Ophiuchus zodiac sign.

Stat Bonuses (See Stat Bonuses)
Values from 0 to 15.
Applies to HP/MP/SP/PA/MA.
15/15 will receive 3 times as many extra stat points than 5/15. 0 means the unit can't receive a stat bonus.

Shop Availability
Determines when the unit can be potentially randomly generated. If this value is greater than or equal to the Shop Availability variable (0x006F), then the unit will be available.

Town Availability
Determines in which towns/castles the unit can be potentially randomly generated.

Configuration Sheet

*On this sheet, cells in grey are not editable and only meant to be used as reference!
To generate a new unit with little effort, select an empty cell and press "delete" on your keyboard.

Parameters (See Stat Bonuses)
True or False.
Disable this parameter completely. If it shows that you cannot disable a parameter and you want to, simply remove all its instances in the Units Sheet.

True or False.
The randomized amount of this parameter will not affect other parameters in any way. (see Randomization Adjustment)

# Points for Full Potential
Determines how many points are needed to reach 100% of the potential of the parameter. If the generated value for the parameter is half this value, only 50% of the potential of this parameter will take effect. It cannot go beyond 100%.

Guaranteed Amount
Let's say your unit is generated with 10000 bonus points. Your parameter is set to 16/63 guaranteed amount. This means that 16/63 out of 10000 will be static (2539), and 47/63 out of 10000 will be randomized. In this case you will end up with a generated value between 2539 and 10000.
0/63 means the value is completely randomized; you could potentially end up with 0 generated points even if you have 5,000,000 bonus points... or 5 million points.
63/63 means that no randomization takes place whatsoever. The generated points will be equal to your bonus points.

[indent=2]% Equivalent
You cannot edit this value. It is simply there to give you an idea of how much your guaranteed value is worth /100 instead of /63.

Brave/Faith ranges
These are of course not limited to 0% and 100%. The more Brave/Faith cap points you have, the closer you will get to the new Brave/Faith ranges.
Brave & Faith
Value from 0 to 100.
This determines the generated Brave/Faith ranges with 0% Brave/Faith cap points.

New Brave & New Faith
Value from 0 to 100.
This determines the generated Brave/Faith ranges with 100% Brave/Faith cap points.

Stat Bonus Multipliers (See Stat Bonuses)
Values from 0 to 65535.

Bonus JP
Values from 0 to 65535.
Can generate up to 65535 JP per job, which after spending JP, will be at most 9999JP. You could have a job with 23000 JP, 8000 lost through buying abilities, and then it would drop to 9999 JP upon leaving the shop.
Main Job JP
Divided by 100.
For example, if you have 10000 Main Job Bonus JP points with this value set as 50;
10000 * 50 / 100 = 5000 points will be added to this unit's Unlock Job.
There is a checkbox to use as an exception for Unique jobs though:
Special Units' Main Job Bonus JP goes to the Base Job and not the Unlock Job
[ :v/: ] : Calculated JP goes to the Base Job; Holy Knight if Holy Knight, Dragoner if Dragoner, etc.
[ ---] : Calculated JP goes to the Unlock Job, which could be the base job depending on what you set it to.

Distributable JP
Divided by 100.
For example, if you have 10000 Distributable Bonus JP points with this value set as 150;
10000 * 150 / 100 = at least 15000 points will be gradually distributed among unlocked jobs, with many cycles allowing even a Squire to unlock Mime if enough points are available.

If the unit is allowed to generate a Serpentarius zodiac sign, it will be under one of these three conditions:
0/12th OR 1/13th
Serpentarius may only appear 1/13th of the time, and ONLY if you have at least the Serpentarius Full Potential.

0/12th to 1/13th
Serpentarius will appear at most 1/13th of the time, otherwise it can still appear the more Serpentarius points you have.

0/12th to infinite
The more Serpentarius parameter points you have, the more likely you are to end up with the zodiac sign. If you have 4 times the amount of points for Serpentarius Full Potential, you will have 4/16th chance of generating a Serpentarius zodiac sign.

# JP Spending Cycles
Value from 0 to 255.
If set to 0, no ability will be purchased. Otherwise, it will go through every unlocked job X times trying to spend JP on random abilities, and attempt to learn based on their Learn % if there are enough JP available.
Bypass "Cannot learn with JP"
[ :v/: ] : Abilities that are flagged with "Cannot learn with JP" in FFTPatcher will become purchasable with JP. In vanilla, we're talking about Zodiac and Ultima, but remember that by default those abilities are set to cost 9999JP by default; you won't get a vanilla Summoner with Zodiac for cheap.

Last cycle: 1%+ = 100% learn
[ :v/: ] : Some abilities have a low learn %, and thus even with many cycles and enough JP to buy the skill, it might still be ignored... unless you check this box, which will ensure that if the skill isn't 0% learn, it will become 100% learn on the last JP Spending Cycle.

Here you can create your own formula to calculate how many bonus points are required for each level (2 to 99; Level 1 always costs 0 points), or simply enter a static number for each of them.
Compensated Amount
You cannot edit this value; it is the value that will be stored and used by the hack, recalculated to ensure that the amount of points for level 99 is the same as the amount of points for full potential for Level: 1 to 99. Basically what this means is that if your full potential is 50,000 and in your formula column level 99 requires 200,000, it will divide all values from level 2 to 99 to 1/4th of the value in the formula column.

Max Level = Max Party Level
[ :v/: ] : Let's say your party has units of levels 56, 61, 47 and 49. 61 is the highest level. The hack will take the amount of points required for level 62 and reduce it by one to give you the best chances of getting level 61, if you still have some randomization set for the Level: 1 to 99 parameter. On the other hand, if you have 63/63 guaranteed, you will simply always get level 61 units.
WARNING : This option might not behave properly if you don't have Level: 1 to 99 set to Passive!

Max Price
The player will not be able to set the price higher than this value. It should never be set under the Base Cost of any purchasable unit, or above 99,000,000.
You should also always keep all the digits except the first two as zeros. (see Price)


  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


QuoteL1: Current Price + 1 second digit*
R1: Current Price - 1 second digit*
L2: Multiply current Price by 10
R2: Divide current Price by 10
I'd suggest having the L buttons decrease and R buttons increase, since left decreases the item amount to be purchased and right increases the amount, not just in FFT, but in every Final Fantasy that lets you purchase more than one item at a time. Sorry, thought you understood that when we made the button suggestions. x.x

That aside, this is super impressive, and I so need to try this out! :D
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Fixed; please redownload whoever downloaded it in the first place.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Such a fast turn around. Very Impressive.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


September 30, 2014, 11:58:22 pm #5 Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 12:26:45 am by Eternal
Just a few images for those wondering if special units can be recruited fairly stable:

EDIT: Naturally, if a unit has no unit.bin sprite, it won't display properly in the formation screen.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


This is amazing. I have a question about using it though. When you get a unit thats leveled up, do its stats take into account in-game stat growths as if they were leveled as that Class? Or does it only take into account bonus points? Example if I edited growths of a job, would this work seamlessly with the new growths I made?


Yes it would. Growth and bonuses are completely independent, and without any bonus, a unit created by this hack would be the same as a unit found in in a random battle.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


April 01, 2015, 02:36:16 am #8 Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 03:09:28 pm by Koruten
Hey. I've applied the patch and everything, but I cannot seem to set the price in game. It remains at a flat 0 and buying a Male costs 500, buying a Female costs 400. Did I miss something?

EDIT: Thanks for updating the ASM, Xifanie. It works properly now and It's quite impressive.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown



Just a few bugfixes, but still pretty important ones.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


How do I get it to work in FFTORGASM?
I Opened it in Excel and tried to find a way to convert it into the correct format. Im not that familiar with the program.
  • Modding version: PSX
I respect anyone with the knowledge to design tools for any game I mod. From total war, Rotk, Dragon age etc. That being said. Some of the best mods I ever used/created came from people with no knowledge of tool creation but a great knowledge of the tool. Some people can use the tools you make better than you. Saying a lack of that particular skillset doesn't make you a good/great modder is like saying using a game engine you didn't code makes you a crap game designer or a mechanic that didn't design the wrench is a bad mechanic. Stay humble. Everyone has different skillsets. Everyone contributes differently.


after finishing your edits go to the .xml Tab and copy the entire column of text then paste it in notepad and save as a .xml file then  place that file in your fftpatcher folder and it should appear in FFTORGASM.
if you are using v.492 you should be able to find it right away.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


January 27, 2018, 10:34:29 am #12 Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 08:38:40 pm by Quillbeatssword
Thanks a bunch ;)
  • Modding version: PSX
I respect anyone with the knowledge to design tools for any game I mod. From total war, Rotk, Dragon age etc. That being said. Some of the best mods I ever used/created came from people with no knowledge of tool creation but a great knowledge of the tool. Some people can use the tools you make better than you. Saying a lack of that particular skillset doesn't make you a good/great modder is like saying using a game engine you didn't code makes you a crap game designer or a mechanic that didn't design the wrench is a bad mechanic. Stay humble. Everyone has different skillsets. Everyone contributes differently.


One more question. In the spreadsheet there's a spot to paste info relating to job levels. Where do I locate that data within my patch? I used custom job levels and JP levels. I need to make them work with this. Thanks.
  • Modding version: PSX
I respect anyone with the knowledge to design tools for any game I mod. From total war, Rotk, Dragon age etc. That being said. Some of the best mods I ever used/created came from people with no knowledge of tool creation but a great knowledge of the tool. Some people can use the tools you make better than you. Saying a lack of that particular skillset doesn't make you a good/great modder is like saying using a game engine you didn't code makes you a crap game designer or a mechanic that didn't design the wrench is a bad mechanic. Stay humble. Everyone has different skillsets. Everyone contributes differently.


Open you SCUS_942.21 with a hex editor, select bytes from 0x4F000 to the end of the file, copy (as a block), paste in the spreadsheet.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


  • Modding version: PSX
I respect anyone with the knowledge to design tools for any game I mod. From total war, Rotk, Dragon age etc. That being said. Some of the best mods I ever used/created came from people with no knowledge of tool creation but a great knowledge of the tool. Some people can use the tools you make better than you. Saying a lack of that particular skillset doesn't make you a good/great modder is like saying using a game engine you didn't code makes you a crap game designer or a mechanic that didn't design the wrench is a bad mechanic. Stay humble. Everyone has different skillsets. Everyone contributes differently.


April 12, 2018, 01:55:29 am #16 Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 02:45:53 am by RavenCurow
I recently found this hack and I have to say it is awesome. However, when I plug the xml into FFTorgASM it gives a warning that a branch command is in the branch delay slot. Is this something I should be concerned with or is it functioning as it should?

Edit: I went ahead and tried to use this patch and I can't seem to get it to functions at all. I copy the xml without any modifications to an xml and put that into FFTorgASM and patch a clean ISO. After booting up the game I go to the soldier office and all options are blank and monsters cannot be hired.
  • Modding version: PSX
Ramza: Delita, your hurt?
Delita: No, really? Did you think I was taking a nap down here?


April 12, 2018, 07:18:23 pm #17 Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 08:08:26 pm by supercala
When I input everything into fftactext I keep coming up with DTE for world.bin 08 failed. I followed the rules exactly.

Edit: line number 19 wasn't working for some reason, but the rest of them patched through.

Another side note, this program seems to work for character recruiting of those above like 18k. I went to recruit at start, Dorter, and it just freezes; otherwise, I'm getting level 3 recruits. Not certain if due to not being able to have the text saying that there isn't a recruit available at this time, but will assume


Quote from: RavenCurow on April 12, 2018, 01:55:29 am
I recently found this hack and I have to say it is awesome. However, when I plug the xml into FFTorgASM it gives a warning that a branch command is in the branch delay slot. Is this something I should be concerned with or is it functioning as it should?

Edit: I went ahead and tried to use this patch and I can't seem to get it to functions at all. I copy the xml without any modifications to an xml and put that into FFTorgASM and patch a clean ISO. After booting up the game I go to the soldier office and all options are blank and monsters cannot be hired.

Did you try typing in the info into FFTacText? I see all of the information, but I had your problem before because I overlooked that step


It says at the top its supposed to have it in program so I didn't do that. Even then it isn't working right. Like I can't hire monsters. That should work even if the localization isn't there.
  • Modding version: PSX
Ramza: Delita, your hurt?
Delita: No, really? Did you think I was taking a nap down here?