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Tactics GoG

Started by st4rw4k3r, January 05, 2011, 08:18:32 pm


Chocogoblothyposous. ey? nice neology.. here's one idea. I took the face from the original goblin sprite. or you could darken the face to look more like a black mage.

  • Modding version: PSX


That looks really funny.
as though shes wearing a mask.

I think I'll do that.
But I might darken the other skin parts to make her look like a real Goblin.

Thank you again for another sprite idea. :)


I have been drawing out ideas for my sprites.
I do have a scanner, but I shall never show my drawings on this website.
And I leaved you all to ponder that.



That is one dark WM. Where you took the skin color from? Rafa, Malak? Anyway, WM's hood is REALLY bad, I know it was one of Lijj's early sprites, so it is understandable, but it have to be fixed nonetheless. It appears flat, has weird shape, and is shaded from all sides. Also, Asmo's crit he made long ago about these:
Quote from: Asmo X on October 17, 2010, 02:32:40 am
The cleric sprites have a lot of problems. The hoods in particular appear to be shaded on all sides and a little too minimally. The female Cleric should be made from scratch in my opinion. It's pretty boring.

I advise you copy/paste hood from original White Mage, Rofel, Meliadoul or anyone else with a decent hood. Don't get angry or anything.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I was actually trying to do a bad job to get some crit.
I'll try what you said Kage, thank you.


IDK it didn't look bad in the game. I thought ,at least the one from the custom sprites page, looked great; better than the original priestess for sure IMO.


she still does look like chocolate. I might make a candy fft mod after I'm done with this.


I am revamping this project.
I will be killing all I have worked on for this project.
I'm looking at it from a different angle, and might I put in, this is a mighty fine angle I'm viewing.

I will still keep goblins in it of course.

The main thing I'm doing, is instead of my original idea to just make a sprite and class mod; I shall be doing a full mod.
Story, Sprites, Events, Classes, and junk of the like.

I am writing out the story at the moment, but I need some input. I have thrown a poll up.
Please view and vote.

Link to the voting: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7007.0


I'm interested in following the production of this patch.

Just a thought, maybe in the first post you should include a little bit more information. Just some general things, definitely include the name of the patch so newcomers know what they're looking at.

Looking at Lijj's goblin white mage sprite, I feel like the head is a little far forward. Perhaps removing the hood or pulling it back a little, just because it looks like the goblin's head sticks out of the hood a little much. Just a thought.

Ignorance itself is a crime! - Miluda


Thank you Pierce for your support.

I think Lijj's Goblin is great, the only problem I see is the head head; which doesn't matter, because the helmet is the main part. The big face, mustache, I like the looks of the goblin.

For your thought, I would love to post more about whats going on with GoG, but I don't have much on GoG thats very show-able; It is all story right now, I don't want to ruin the story.


I have edited up the main post. Read it for info.

I am back working on GoG!


May 24, 2011, 09:58:53 pm #52 Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 01:35:04 am by st4rw4k3r
I have the base of the FFT patcher stuff done.
Heres my footnotes on that:

Judgment Blade (Start With) 0jp
Northswain's Strike 250jp
Divine Ruination 250jp
Counter 100jp
Bonecrusher 200jp
Attack Boost 200jp
Vehemence 200jp
Move +2 100jp
Move +3 200jp

Focus (Start With) 0jp
Tailwind (Start With) 0jp
Haste 50jp 5mp
Slow 50jp 5mp
Stop 100jp 10mp
Leg Shot 200jp
Arm Shot 200jp
First Strike 200jp
Dragon heart 200jp
Dual Wield 400jp
Vehemence 200jp
Move +2 100jp
Move +3 200jp

Fire (starts with) 0jp 5mp
Ice (starts with) 0jp 5mp
Spark (starts with) 0jp 5mp (Thunder)
Burn 200jp 10mp (Fira/Fire 2)
Freeze 200jp 10mp (Blizzara/Ice 2)
Zap 200jp 10mp (Thundara/Thunder 2)
Fahrenhiet 451 (Must be hit by to learn)
0 Kelvin (Must be hit by to learn)
1.21 Gigawatts (Must be hit by to learn)
Absorb Mp 200jp
Magick counter 200jp
Arcane Strength 200jp
Arcane Defence 100jp
Move-Mp up 50jp
Move-Jp up 100jp

Cure (Start With) 0jp 5mp
Raise 50jp
Cure Moar 100jp (Cura/cure 2) 10mp
Arise 100jp
Cure All 200jp (Curaga/cure 3) 15mp
Re-Raise 200jp 14mp
Soulbind 200jp
Cup of Life 200jp
Arcane Defence 100jp
Half Mp 100jp
Move-Mp up 50 jp
Move-Jp up 100 jp

I will be moving onto Spriting and re-naming spells and such.


Sorry for another delayed post. I was helping out Mando, and trying to keep Vie alive in RoRs RP. Anyway I say time to sprite.

I need to have 4 custom sprites made.

I might also need some priests that follow Eyi.

I know people most likely will not go off and make a few custom sprites, so I'll give some descriptions of what I want as a base, and hope of some sprite ideas.

Tely: Big Red Helm (looks like a jester hat, with 2 spikes instead of 3), Red Cloak
Isken: blue with, light blue trim; white mage costume. Some kind of hat same colour as clothing.
PainKiller: Your basic rogue. Maybe some scratches and cuts on him.
Eyi: Have no clue for this guy. To tell the truth, he comes in the game once.

Thats all I got for now, I will be adding more to this slowly.


June 18, 2011, 08:47:17 pm #54 Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 01:43:00 am by st4rw4k3r
Hello, sorry I haven't posted for sometime.
I have been off helping people.
I am translating a LARGE spriting tutorial, and helping with Mando's patch.

Since Summer is happening soon. I will be picking GoG back up again then, or helping more people...

I'm done with this! I shall help people instead.