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CCP - Discussion Topic

Started by Celdia, June 24, 2011, 02:41:55 pm


Enemies should be capped on equipment by what is available in shops. I don't know that leveling will help with their gear at all. Have you done the props between Goug and Warjilis? Maybe you can unlock Enchanter for the Ghaele. That unit already has the requisite levels in Champion obviously. Red Mage 3 isn't too hard to get and then its just a few points into Enchanter for Quiet.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

December 14, 2011, 02:03:17 am #101 Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 03:49:59 am by dis astranagant
Right now, the general theory is getting arm aim for Mustadio, Lay on Hands for Agrias and either bull rush or the berserk skill for Ramza.  Try and get both status bitches disabled at the start then get Gafgarog to run off while hoping not too many people bring rainbow mail since all of my offense is elemental.  The team red mage is just about ready for to give lore master a go.

Am I supposed to have 1 mp in Torero, no matter what I equip?  Kinda renders a fair bit of the skillset useless.

Finally pulled it off.  This time around most of the enemies wore ceramic instead of rainbow.  Had Mustadio arm aim one of the demagogues, which was the only time it procced any status effects.  Ramza and my other brawler mowed down Gafgarog in one turn each while Agrias tied down the other demagogue with a lucky stop.  One vanquisher procced reraise on a demagogue, which was slightly irritating, though that was the only thing it meaningful any of them actually did.  The 2 warriors near Ramza's team ate a fireball and the rest of the fight was mostly mop up.

dis astranagant

Could you post monster and special character data in the guide thread?  I want to know what this flaming kick business is about, among other things.


I did a write up of Mustadio in an earlier version in the Battle Logs topic, I don't know if it still holds up though, it was quite an old version.

Flame Kick is a strange PA based move which I almost never use because it generally doesn't out-damage a gun, Engineer doesn't have great stats, and you generally try not to let enemies near unless it's a compact map.


It's at the end of this message (I hope the link works)

Edit: Oops, found another one of my old post that's more detailed I think.


dis astranagant

I second your sentiment on not being able to figure out a secondary for him, though right now (on the way to riovanes) dark/light shot are among my top damaging effects.  Their range plus his speed made UBS a lot easier.  Not sure I like the way the aims work now, the status effect is just a random side effect on top of a normal attack instead of being the reason for the action.

Right now my team is Ramza in brawler with heroics, brave up, equip shield (lantern shield) and bull rush; a generic brawler with Valiance and otherwise setup as ramza other than move+1; a generic loremaster with red magic, faith up, microwave and dark step; Agrias in champion with holy sword and not much else; and Musty with item, gunkata and hotfoot (used the throw item clothes for most of chapters 2 and 3 but defense up clothes and +1 speed clothes are too good to pass up).

Difficulty has been all over the map but generally pretty easy since killing Gafgarog.  Wiegraf in UBS ended up needing the loremaster to suicide bomb him with stone strike, but that was mostly from him lucking out and stopping 2 characters before I got a turn.  Haven't really had much need for the spells out of the books because fireball is way too good (the range on it is ridiculous).  The brawlers have been been consistent area damage for pretty much the entire game, mostly spamming air slash until problems go away.  Agrias has been lagging behind as usual with her fairly pathetic damage output and abysmal movement (chicks not getting move+1 really hurts).

Will switching to the new version mess anything up?  I'd kinda like to give Torero a go and Rad's uniqueness wasn't doing much for me anyway.


New update will actually keep Rad's uniqueness since you got him as a Mercenary. He won't be MP gimped anymore though. Nothing should stop working because of the fix.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


There are only little ways to get higher brave (ambrosia, brave up), even less for faith (faith up), but I never encountered a way to lower faith. Is this intended, did I miss it somewhere, or what? I don't mind high faith, but one off my guys got high enough faith that I get a warning after the battle, and it's slightly annoying.


I don't think there is any Faith lowering effect in the game currently, no. I could add to my notes to add one if you think its needed. Wouldn't be hard.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

December 15, 2011, 11:33:37 am #108 Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 11:50:51 am by dis astranagant
Brawler skills don't see to actually be doing weapon damage.  I have Ramza (a Capricorn) with 13 pa, attack up and a Morningstar consistently doing 220 damage vs Wiegraf and Velius instead of the random numbers between 100 and 160   I would expect from the formula given. Even if something screwy was going on and modifiers were applied to both PA terms I'd still only expect to see up to 195 damage (e: this seems to actually be the case), and not consistently.  2 vigors later and I'm at 286, seems to be some version of the standard punch formula.


The formula on Brawler skills is odd. Its a modified Formula 01 (Dmg_[Weapon]) which is supposed to take your normal attack damage and apply it to the skill. You can see it functioning on other skills as well like the Gunslinger's Aim skills or a couple of the Nomad's skills and last I checked those worked fine. Normally you can't use Formula 01 for skills but its been so long since I applied that hack I'm not even sure why anymore. I'm wondering if you've run into a conflict with the new Whip formula dealing with the new Formula 01, but I honestly couldn't say. Try running the numbers you're getting against the basic Barefisted formula and see what that gives you.

At the very least it sounds like you're not getting UNDER the promised output. That's technically a good thing, right? >_>
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

December 15, 2011, 02:12:09 pm #110 Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 03:31:30 pm by dis astranagant
Looks to be exactly the bare handed formula.  I'll just chalk up the slight discrepancies I had earlier to me misapplying the million bonuses I was getting vs Wiegraf.

Ramza with a morning star, lantern shield, the latest helmet, rainbow mail/noble's outfit and a titan guard is pretty fun with blitz and attack up.  Gonna patch up and try something similar my other brawler in torero.

By the way: what's with all this gear labeled ALMA in the guide?

Do Vanquishers really have 100 pa growth?  that seems really, really bad.

Another set of oddities:  Bum Rush seems to prevent you from poaching.  Meanwhile, you can poach skeletons on the first hit even when soul shield triggers.


ALMA is an ASM hack that allows you to make equipment grant skills like Defense Up (as opposed to base FFT equipment bonus like PA/MA only)


I'm having a blast with this hack. It's very nice to see that basic class abilities (Like the Homemaker set in particular) are still useful beyond the first part of the game (I just started Chapter 3). I'm loving all the original classes. It's all really well done. There are so many things I never thought I'd find useful, but have pulled my ass out of the fire. And the Zodiac Demons finall feel like a real threat. For the first time in forever I didn't kill Queklain in 1 or 2 rounds. It was a nice challenge. It took some planning because I couldn't find any Death Sentence protection, but then I remembered the Immunity abilities. Bravo.

One quick question. Do the gems used in the Lapidary class break everytime you use them? Or am I just incredibly unlucky?


Glad you like it. ^_^ I've got some pretty big restructuring in the works right now but I don't think it will affect the feel of the game too much. Its more to make things more balanced and less annoying in some places.

Gems are like Items and break every time. The Ruby is supposed to never break but I've been having a problem getting it to work separately. It can only be found in the DD though so its not something you need to worry about for the regular section of the game.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

I think I'm hitting a bit of endgame fatigue.  I'm on the way to Bethla Garrison but it feels like I could mow through everything with just 3 characters.  My 2 blitz users and the loremaster do pretty much all the work while Mustadio and Agrias stand around doing nothing.  Air Slash and Meteor Strike (Chirijiraden but even stronger and with a LONG range? yes please!) are just so powerful.


I recently watched Laggy run my patch from start to Altima, skipping the side quest stuff. He managed Chapters 3 and 4 by abusing a single Tactician skill that shut down every single enemy formation before they could move, and then he proceeded to drop meteors on everybody. It was a little disheartening to see half of the game so easily bypassed but it did give me some good feedback about how to change what. Suffice to say Loremaster will be getting the rebalancing it so desperately needs.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

Quote from: Celdia on December 19, 2011, 12:17:49 am
I recently watched Laggy run my patch from start to Altima, skipping the side quest stuff. He managed Chapters 3 and 4 by abusing a single Tactician skill that shut down every single enemy formation before they could move, and then he proceeded to drop meteors on everybody. It was a little disheartening to see half of the game so easily bypassed but it did give me some good feedback about how to change what. Suffice to say Loremaster will be getting the rebalancing it so desperately needs.

They don't even need the mass crippling since short charge is well on the way to getting there. 

I've managed chapters 1-4 with 2 guys doing Air Slash, occasionally punctuated by dropping fireballs and now meteors on assassination targets.  For a brief moment Mustadio was a significant part of my offense before being relegated to phoenix down bitch.  Meanwhile Agrias again proves that swordskills alone do not a unit make.


Would you believe a lot of the comments I got about the changes to swordskills were pretty much 'OMG Agrias is so OP now'? Because I got a LOT of that through the development of this patch. Mind, I haven't changed her one bit. Just made Holy Swordskills function off MA instead of PA which is like a 1 point difference on her for most of the game I think. Oh, and Stasis Sword got Lightning Stab's range but she always had access to L. Stab so that's not really a change to her.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

dis astranagant

Quote from: Celdia on December 19, 2011, 12:52:42 am
Would you believe a lot of the comments I got about the changes to swordskills were pretty much 'OMG Agrias is so OP now'? Because I got a LOT of that through the development of this patch. Mind, I haven't changed her one bit. Just made Holy Swordskills function off MA instead of PA which is like a 1 point difference on her for most of the game I think. Oh, and Stasis Sword got Lightning Stab's range but she always had access to L. Stab so that's not really a change to her.

Wish that was documented somewhere, I've been building her way wrong, then.  I still doubt she'll be doing much over 100 damage with it, while Ramza and generic torero/brawler are swinging for 150-200 with Air Slash.


December 22, 2011, 04:50:17 pm #119 Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 05:54:37 pm by MogGuy
Phew, this is getting interesting. I blew through Velius, thanks to a couple of lucky Crush Punches. I've had a great old time turning Agrias into a complete machine (she was my cornerstone in getting Elmdors equipment, and now wears his hat proudly). I think she's much better in this version, once Orlandu came along in the original there was no reason to keep her around, unless you REALLY wanted a Holy Knight who could equip a Ribbon.

Right now she's a Ghaele with Holy Sword secondary, with most of the Divine Magic learned, just the Reraise skill and Ruby Light left to learn. She is tearing things apart and is my back-up healer, after Rafa. Remove Disease saved my ass against Elmdor. until I got his stuff.

Hell, I haven't even bothered with Orlandu yet (or Reis, for that matter. I remember her growth in the original being godly, is it the same here?).

The only thing I'm having a problem with is Zalera. Everything is moving before I can get a turn and is completely disabling my team. I'm working on it right now, but did you intened to make him so fast? He'll either Nightmare my people repeatedly, or Flare 2 them repeatedly and I can't even keep up enough to move.

EDIT: Beat him. Thank god for Beowulf. I forgot all about the Drain spells taking of a percent. I'm kinda excited about Meliadoul. I really wanna put her to the test, see what she can learn. How many skills can she learn? Just so I can know when to stop hunting.