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Please use .png instead of .bmp when uploading unfinished sprites to the forum!

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Topics - Lijj


I like B:
And the 3rd palette choice may be better.
Spam / All dogs go to heaven
July 14, 2010, 07:05:36 pm
And human girls stay in hell:

Just something I made for kicks
Experimental phase is long gone!    Now I have a solid technique using layers.
The mission is to get the color to match ({almost}one need's a well trained Japanese hand for such things); as the WotL Illustrations match, but are slightly different than the original.
I have a much higher resolution version stashed away broken up into organized layers
This is composed of Zalbag with a cut cape, Lengthened tunic and added chest-plate; girl Squire's legs and a custom head.

More copy and paste style this round; Alma and Balmafula.
L-3Body: Female squire, custom tunic
L4L5better yet:L6
Ivalice Arena / [Sprite] Generic Samurai_W
July 01, 2010, 04:02:53 am


I made the middle panel flat I was going for slightly bowed out (but how unnecessary). I changed the side pieces segmented to look more like her brother's. This cobalt blue isn't the real palette but maybe will be for another team or something not sure on R999's plans for palettes yet.


These are the hardest arms I've attempted yet: Female Dark-Knight combined with a small piece of Male Samurai.
A lot of custom work there and elsewhere as well.

[I need a little more shadow on the front arm on our right]
Ivalice Arena / [Sprite] Generic Hermit_W WIP
June 28, 2010, 07:48:05 am

Actual BMP of portrait varies slightly as the palette here has a lightest red but lacks the white. This was one of our first collab-concept-It's Chun-Li Hair hehe.
Spam / Ladies. Computer nerds are sexy.
June 11, 2010, 07:46:07 am
And they have the world's biggest dicks:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/0 ... 12388.html
Help! / For some odd reason
May 10, 2010, 06:26:38 am
I haven't been able to access anything but the forum. I can't chat, cant download the latest CoP, can't access my own FTP nor anyone else's.
What could the reason for this be? I can't figure it out on my end.
 :?:  :?:
Help! / Major glitch in sprite
May 06, 2010, 05:37:57 am
So I tested the terraredux BMP and all the fighting animations in game turn into a mess of squares. This didn't happen before. Not the same result for the black mage at all- worked fine. I noticed that The bytes were odd(Slightly less than the others.Like, 51.4kb compared to 64kb). Is this they way I saved it maybe? or do I need the latest Shishi's.  :?:                              Anybody know exactly what caused this? Is it a patching glitch perhaps?
Well I think I figured it out, can't delete
Help! / Colors for sprites
May 02, 2010, 09:51:48 pm
Do the colors in Grapics Gale or Palette Editor need to be divisable by specific numbers to translate into the game properly? Please let me know exactly how that works someone thanks in advance.
Spam / FF Black Mage is just a ripoff
May 01, 2010, 06:51:13 am

But a good one at that.
Spriting / Lijj's Sprites
April 29, 2010, 06:45:40 am
Any Member is welcome to impact this situation; the first/ main choice is very vulnerable right now. Any member may vote 4
times, just not on the same one please. (one per palette)

You may change your mind any time until then and you can pick one for each palette number- 4 total
Palette examples:(don't forget to closely observe all choices)

Decided to start my own thread I'd like to do a male and female version so: "ladies first"

I have a decent amount done on the gown already but only two ready with the hat.

Edit: aw crap. I just realized the first one, I forgot some orange
Spam / Friends and Foes
April 28, 2010, 05:44:51 pm
Who wants to be my friend here?  :twisted: Friend me or Foe me will ya?
Do members even employ this feature often?
Help! / Site down?
April 26, 2010, 06:18:45 pm
I can't access FFHACKTICS.COM

Only this works:
Is this the case for everybody?
Spam / Food poisoning
April 26, 2010, 05:11:08 pm
uggh, this sucks! I have very bad food-poisoning. From a pizza place which is just a little odd. puking like a geyser.Boycott Sparky's Pizza.
Bugs and Suggestions / Hey everyone! (spriting)
April 23, 2010, 08:29:08 pm
Hey everyone! How about thinking about recruiting more artists! Think of who might be  into spriting, and find them on Myspace or Facebook and get them over here!  There's just not enough happening in my favorite section. Too bad I can't find my old class mate Sokhan Suth! He'd take the cake here. Maybe he's Smash...
Help! / How do I keep the palette linear?
April 03, 2010, 09:10:59 am
I want to put my sprite into Shi-Shi's but the palette's all weird every time. I used only 15 colors. The problem is the colors are all over the place on the palette. When I transfer from Photoshop to Shi-Shi's. Any advice?