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CCP - Discussion Topic

Started by Celdia, June 24, 2011, 02:41:55 pm


In the formation screen, check her learned skills. Skills unlearned and unknown show up as "-----" there.

Also, Zalera can be slowed, which is a good move.


Thnaks. I can't believe I forgot about that. I hadn't used that feature since my first time playing Vanilla.

Also, he can be slowed? I was so used to boss characters being immune to most everything that I didn't even bother to check! That would've helped a bunch! Thanks.


Glad you figured a way past Zalera. There are a few different methods for getting past that fight, damage% attacks definitely being one of the more effective ones.

Reis is mostly unchanged. As far as stats go I believe she is still using her Vanilla values there.

Meliadoul should be able to learn the following skills from monsters: Explosion (Fire Elemental), Dark Wave (Darkest Knight), Slavery Song (Siren), Critical Rush (Tortoise), Flare 2 (Zalera), Zodiac. Note that she is now the only character that can learn Zodiac.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Right so I picked this up again in the last week after getting it working a while ago.

I've gone through to reaching Lionel for the first time, and here are some observations I had:

-Holy crap I can control guests! Awesomesauce!
-Oh crap story battles scale with me! This gave me a bit of trouble with Zeakden and Bariaus Hill, the latter mostly because of Lapidaries.
-Speaking of Lapidaries, they seem way more powerful on the enemy side, simply because they have infinite items. I know there's nothing to be done about it, but still.
-Vanquisher. Ramza Belmont. Hell Yes.
-What do I pair with Demagogue? I want to use one, cause the female sprite for it is so awesome, but it has no MP. Alchemy maybe?
-For that matter, there's too much awesome stuff I want to make use of between all the classes, especially now that I have a decent choice of equipment available. Here's what I'm currently running with:

Ramza Belmont


Red Magic



Also, I love Valiance for the free heals and revives, saved my butt more than once in Chapter 1.


QuoteWhat do I pair with Demagogue? I want to use one, cause the female sprite for it is so awesome, but it has no MP.

This statement has me worried that you might not be using the 1.967 patch most recently posted. The No MP thing wasn't supposed to affect anyone but Rad in his base job but a few oversights made it affect other jobs/units in ways I didn't want it to. You might try patching a clean ISO with the latest version of the patch. That should give you the option of MP on the Demagogue. On the Torero, too, if that unit is showing No MP as well.

If you're certain you're on the latest update then I think there are bigger problems with the patch than I'm aware of currently. >_<
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


December 29, 2011, 08:59:53 am #125 Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 05:46:56 pm by Hunter4242
Quote from: Celdia on December 28, 2011, 11:10:22 pm
This statement has me worried that you might not be using the 1.967 patch most recently posted. The No MP thing wasn't supposed to affect anyone but Rad in his base job but a few oversights made it affect other jobs/units in ways I didn't want it to. You might try patching a clean ISO with the latest version of the patch. That should give you the option of MP on the Demagogue. On the Torero, too, if that unit is showing No MP as well.

If you're certain you're on the latest update then I think there are bigger problems with the patch than I'm aware of currently. >_<

Ah, I may not be. Hopefully it won't mess up my save too badly when I try to patch it, I had enough problems getting it to work right the first time. I don't know if the Torero has no MP, I wasn't really paying attention to it on her since she doesn't use it at all. But I will give it shot tonight and see what results I get thanks!

UPDATE: I was able to patch just fine and it seems fixed. She only has 19 mp as a Demagogue, but it's a far sight better than 1!

Neophyte Ronin

February 03, 2012, 11:12:00 pm #126 Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 11:49:17 pm by Neophyte Ronin
Okay, maybe it's just me, or is it reprehensible or downright horrifying if Lamias replace Coeurls?

I noticed these creatures inhabiting Mandalia Plains and possessing a nightmarish Discord Skill that poisons and polymorphs if it hits.  They can also Silence and Charm units, making even the Esuna Spell worthless unless everyone has it and uses it swiftly.  The fact that Lamias exist on the very first random battlefield requires you to sneak through (saving first at Igros) before hitting a random encounter which is outright impossible given the early game resources available to units.  Frog is not supposed to be something you encounter until there are fair and reliable countermeasures, and that includes a reliable curing agent for Silence as well, so the Red Mage with Esuna has a shot at curing the froggies.

Practically every random encounter featuring Lamias during Chapter One (the blue kind) made my eyes glaze over and compelled me to pitch the controller at the monitor.  This is the same feeling that flows over a young man's mind when he tries to beat Haunted Castle, the arcade game.  At least I ain't spitting quarters at those #%*&^ Lamias.  Either I patched it wrong or this is actually a major balance issue.  Without appropriate and accessible countermeasures, none of the early creatures should have access to disabling status effects of the same magnitude as Frog.  The answer for upping the challenge rating should not be "Giant Frog," Celdia!

Edit: Other fights are simple.  It's just those damned Lamias.  It's disconcerting to go up against those freaks in the early game.  There is early access to Immunity, but Butlers don't hit hard enough.  In any case, everything else is looking okay so far, although DD was complaining about a fight where infinite-range revive spells and lore-masters were making his eyes bleed.  Looks like more fun than automatic silent frog fights.


I am not sure I see this anywhere but, can I CCP patch War of the Lion? or is this "strictly" for psx ?


Strictly PSX I'm sorry to say. WotL chokes to death on a lot of the ASM hacks used in my patch.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Celdia on April 03, 2012, 03:49:39 pm
Strictly PSX I'm sorry to say. WotL chokes to death on a lot of the ASM hacks used in my patch.

Ahh, K thanks. Also another question, If I patch FFT with ur patch, and then convert it to Eboot, it should run fine on the psp right?


One of our users has spent countless hours trying to make CCP into a functional e-boot. To my knowledge he never got a properly working product out of that as it would always crash somewhere or the data got mixed up and things just glitched out in strange ways. The short answer is that my patch generally does not like being made mobile in any form, but you're welcome to try. Maybe you'll have success where others have failed.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Celdia on April 03, 2012, 10:26:16 pm
One of our users has spent countless hours trying to make CCP into a functional e-boot. To my knowledge he never got a properly working product out of that as it would always crash somewhere or the data got mixed up and things just glitched out in strange ways. The short answer is that my patch generally does not like being made mobile in any form, but you're welcome to try. Maybe you'll have success where others have failed.

Lol I tried and fail too.


Super excited about playing this, but I have a question -- do you recommend patching this to vanilla FFT or patching it on top of "FFT: Complete"?


NEVER patch on top of another patched ISO, you'll get an absurd amount of bugs. Always a clean, vanilla FFT ISO.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


April 22, 2012, 12:03:17 am #134 Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 12:18:40 am by SWFFT
Is there a proper FFT image size or file format needed for this patch? For some reason ppf-o-matic keeps crashing (well, after 5 minutes it's still trying to apply the patch, so I'm guessing it's not responding...) when I try to patch my .bin/.cue :/

EDIT: Got it working! Guess it just takes a REALLY long time on my computer...


Sometimes it can take a long time to patch, other then that... I'm not sure.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


I'm in Chapter 3 right now, and I was just wondering if I should just blitz the game in its current form or should I wait for a new patch.. how long might that take?


CCP 2.0's going to take a while to finish, so you may as well finish it up.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


May 28, 2012, 04:29:55 pm #138 Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 08:46:03 pm by Otabo
After milling through FFT+'s DD for a good while, I decided to try this patch.

And I love it!

It's been a total blast. Seriously, I'm loving all of the changes to the classes and items and etc. It's like playing an entirely different game. At some points, I had a hard time deciding what classes to use for some of the story battles, because they're all good in one way or another. But I, like others here, was also stuck at Golgorand for a little while (damn demagogues), but I managed to beat it eventually. My guys are kinda powerlevelled, though (they're all around 35-36), and I'm at the end of Chapter 2. Is that bad?

Got a question though, and I don't know if it's been already answered, but when do Phantom Vials show up in shops? I've been meaning to try one of my generics as a Tactician. I'm guessing they show up in Chapter 3?

tl;dr version: CCP is quickly turning into one of my favorite patches.  :)

EDIT: Answered my own question, heh.

Oh, and one more thing - is it me, or is Terminar stupidly OP for Chapter 3? Went into UBS and 4/5 of my team got dropped by two Terminars before I could even move.


Just finished Zalera. Zalera's very very hard! Stupidly fast and has a lot of fast tricks up his sleeve. Definitely the toughest battle so far. I'm not sure how I would have won without Slow. I'm enjoying the classes, the art is great, although the battles do feel a little like rocket tag. USB2 is a good example there; half of my party died before I moved and then I killed the enemies with Fireball in like two turns. The Loremaster is definitely the MVP; I love the conceit of the class. I'm using a Ghaele, a Loremaster, a Gunspinner, a Brawler (because who doesn't love Sabin?), and a Mystic Knight. The high unlock prereqs were definitely worth getting for these classes. Brawler feels like the worst and it's the easy one to unlock which is fair. Also of note are the two people with Champion/Valiance secondary; it's a nice revival secondary. My level is 26-30.