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Messages - MountainDew~

FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: Item Editing
July 05, 2021, 12:17:38 pm
That editor only lists out actual equipment. I can modify equipment prices with it, but I don't see actual items (potions, phoenix downs, etc)

Thanks though!
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Item Editing
June 19, 2021, 02:21:37 pm
Hey all,

I saw Kuro's post about the Item offsets, but I don't really know how to edit anything about items. Specifically, I'm just looking to change the pricing of items. Not something that's possible in the Ability editor or anything. I've watched a couple youtube videos (Script kitties) on hex editing, but I would appreciate any help anyone can give me, because right now, it's pretty much another language. Also willing to accept some tips about hex editing in general lol.

Will update if I figure out how.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Do you intend to drop this completely in favor of ffta2? Been getting into this one, just curious.

You are right that your mod for ffta2 is more polished than this one, though, so I can sympathize wanting to just migrate over to 2, building on what you have :p
No, that's incorrect. It is before a vowel sound, which if you pronounce unit as "yoo-nit", it would be a unit.
Please, I can only get so erect.
Damn, you crank these out quick.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: Final Fantasy XII Modding
June 19, 2018, 06:19:04 pm
The Rex one got me super excited when I first bought the game (again, already have it for PS4), I prefer Rex's design over Vaan's. Now they have that shirted Vaan that's out, though, and it's pretty sweet.

I noticed you worked on a couple tools in there that I have yet to use, thanks for your contributions to almost all the games I love to play!
I think Turbo Ether is just an item only available to alchemists, as when I used it, I didn't have another use available. I assume it's the same for Mega Potion?

I agree with the Cure/Cura thing. Very underwhelmed with amount healed for twice the MP, I mostly just stick to items now. Item lore on Alchemist is a 200hp single target heal for pennies and suffices for almost every fight I've gotten into so far. (not including the Zingu Pearl story quest, I had a hard time getting through that with a hasted Item Lore Seeq Ranger, which isn't supposed to be possible.)

Spoilers is my Luso with those skills I mentioned, but I haven't updated my patch just yet either. Can use high magic without the job unlocked, has the skills somehow. Not sure if that's of any use to you, DeSgeretjin.  (warning, screenshots are huge, it's just a direct screenshot from my phone.)

QuoteRoundhouse use weapon elements and damage so can potentially be a lot stronger. You do also get white monks at the start unlike fighters being a locked behind ability and quest requirements. Maybe I'll add knock-back and see how well that works, and give whirl burst more effect. Any suggestions?
Well, that's fair, I was using Wide Swing with Gladiator and a White Monk sub-skill set on a Bangaa, wasn't considering the Fighter. I think that it's fine how it is, especially since Seeq 'Zerkers need something different from the rest with Furore.

The skills under "High Magic"

Job Selection Screen
Few things I've noticed so far and currently remember thinking was off:

Ranger still get Item Lore from wiz hats, change log says they shouldn't.

Wideswing has increased aoe, roundhouse does not. I assume this was done to persuade use of roundhouse? Aurablast is a white monk skill just like roundhouse.

Luso randomly knows the water and aero spell under high magic, haven't unlocked Seer yet. do soldiers learn random stuff besides Support skills?

Red Spring only costs 8 Mana for a party wide haste that usually hits one or two people, even with low hit%. loving it, but maybe put it a little higher? Green Gear is 16 mp for only damage+poison. Silver disk is also 8mp, seems a tad low, but blind isn't a hindering status, though, so ehh.

Sheep count 20MP, Regular sleep spell is 12. They're the same aren't they?

Maybe give Keeper a few abilities on earlier weapons. Not much incentive to stay and use it as of right now (currently at sand Lord fight in galleria deep)
Just "finished" the Royal Ruins mission, killed all the enemies, waltzed up to those mean ol' statues... and proceed to hit 0's. Both my remaining units have elemental (Dark/Water, Hades Bow/Masamune specifically) weapons with no source of revivals.

Statues are immune to those elements :(

Is that intentional? I'll feel a lot better about restarting if it wasn't lol
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Jot5 Wikia is up
May 15, 2013, 06:58:50 pm
Where should I put learn-on-hit skills that I find? I found one for Ramza, but I don't know if I should put it on his job page or as a skill.
FFT: Parted Ways / Re: Sage Knowledge Entries
May 15, 2013, 05:21:13 pm
Quote from: Reks on May 09, 2013, 12:27:33 am
Heh, this is cool. I loved reading the entries for hours on end, cuz I like game lore and stuff.

1985 was my shit all through 6-8th grade, I loved that song.

Stuck in my head pretty bad for about the last week.
I just meant the first like 3 missions. It's not too big of a deal, obviously, it's finish-able. Unfortunately I haven't had time to play past the mission I was at, so I can'tsay how awesome the rest of this is :(
Incredibly excellent; 20x better than I was hoping for to be honest. Not sure how this was on release, but the patch I just downloaded today is playing beautifully, haven't had any issues at all so far
(up to the Bandit fight where you get Agrias in vanilla)
The 'Journals' and 'Letters' in the 'Brave Story' were an incredible touch, too, thanks for adding those in, I enjoyed reading them.

I do think Snake's Tear Gas should be small AoE though, but that's probably just me. I don't envision grenades of any sort being focused in one spot. (flash bangs, frags, etc.) However, for a free spell combined with his 5 Move, I really can't complain, especially since Snake is my MVP so far. I like the first bit I played, but I sort of wished I had some method of healing other than Potions/Cheer Up. Maybe Song of Healing could heal a small bit?

Really good job though, and I'm looking forward to finishing what I started tomorrow.

Spam / Re: The random funny pictures spam thread
February 19, 2013, 02:30:15 pm
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: FFTA2 Tools
February 12, 2013, 04:39:09 pm
The Lounge / Re: Elric's Proposal
February 12, 2013, 04:35:27 pm
Congratulations amigo, it's a big deal. Good luck in the coming years!
The Lounge / Path of Exile
January 24, 2013, 11:17:12 pm
Path of Exile's an ARPG that just went into open beta recently. It's geared more towards the harcore-diablo 2 fans, and the people disappointed by Diablo 3. I have not played too much of it to give an opinion on it (I usually like to play games for 2-3 hours before I consider any input I say as valid, even the color schemes, sounds, etc.)

However, it's worth looking at if you're looking to kill some time and want to try something relatively new. It's free to download and play. (For now, anyway, since Open Beta's whole purpose is such) I know a few of you were into Diablo 2, so it's maybe something you didn't hear about.
Spam / Re: wat
January 16, 2013, 05:07:31 pm

This is the video I was talking about