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List of missing PSP features?

Started by bugnomore, October 05, 2023, 02:26:14 pm


Is there any comprehensive list of all the PSP stuff that was not added to this patch.

You can find here a list of all PSP changes:

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


October 05, 2023, 09:37:21 pm #1 Last Edit: April 28, 2024, 04:01:27 pm by Nyzer
Not this comprehensive, but I'll take a stab at it. The core The Lion War patch itself has fewer of these, but off the top of my head, here's what you'll get in its sister patch, The Lion War of the Lions.

The ones in blue are the changes included in TLWotL. The ones in red are the ones that aren't. The green lines are for changes that aren't exactly the same. Purple is just for anything I wasn't sure about.

Virtually all dialogues, locations, characters/monsters, items, abilities and jobs are retranslated (e.g. Priest is now called White Mage; Cidolfas Orlandu is now called Cidolfus Orlandeau); English versions now have text in Early Modern English.
Some status icons are changed in the English versions to reflect their new names.

The English versions have a larger font, more like the one seen in the Japanese releases. Menus and text boxes are unchanged.
A 16:9 aspect ratio is used.
This allows the party roster screen to display more characters per row.
Audio quality is reduced somewhat.
Versions outside of Japan now use X to confirm and Circle to cancel, rather than the opposite.
The Lion War and Job Demonstration attract mode videos no longer play when waiting at the title screen.
Fully animated movies with voices and subtitles now replace some specific key story cut-scenes (the Japanese version does not contain voice acting); this includes the intro and ending sequences (which were CG movies in the original game).
When choosing Ramza's birthdate, the corresponding zodiac sign is now displayed.

A new calendar now displays dates in the zodiac format (e.g. Aries 12) rather than using the Gregorian Calendar (January to December).
Additional story battles, side-quests, and events are added.

Two new jobs are added: Onion Knight and Dark Knight. Unlike in WotL, the Dark Knight is unlocked by reaching Level 8 in Black Mage and Knight.
The unlock requirements for some jobs are upped:
To unlock Arithmetician a character needs White Mage, Black Mage, Mystic, and Time Mage to be on Level 5 instead of Level 4 like before.
To unlock Bard the male character needs to have Summoner and Orator at Level 5 rather than at Level 4 like before.
To unlock Dancer, the female character needs to have Geomancer and Dragoon at Level 5 rather than at Level 4 like before.
To unlock Dragoon, the character now needs to be a Level 4 Thief, up from the Level 3 it was before.
To unlock Geomancer, the character now needs to be a Level 4 Monk, up from the Level 3 it was before.
To unlock Mime, the character now needs to attain Level 5 on Geomancer, Dragoon, Orator, and Summoner, up from the Level 4 it was before. The Level 8 requirement for Squire and Chemist remained unchanged.
To unlock Monk, the character now needs to be Level 3 Knight, up from the Level 2 it was before.
To unlock Mystic, the character now needs to be Level 3 White Mage, up from the Level 2 it was before.
To unlock Ninja, the character now needs to be Level 4 Archer and Level 5 Thief, up from Levels 3 and 4 respectively. The Level 2 Geomancer requirement remained unchanged.
To unlock Orator, the character now needs to be Level 3 Mystic, up from Level 2 Oracle from before.
To unlock Samurai, the character needs to be Level 4 Knight and Level 5 Monk, up from Levels 4 and 5 respectively. The requirement for Level 2 Dragoon remains unchanged.
To unlock Thief, the character now needs to be Level 3 Archer, up from Level 2 Archer from before.
To unlock Time Mage, the character now needs to be a Level 3 Black Mage, up from Level 2 Wizard from before.
Many abilities now take more JP to master.
Two new characters are added:
Luso from Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (replaced with Ashley Riot from Vagrant Story) and Balthier from Final Fantasy XII.
Cloud can be recruited earlier in Chapter IV after completing Fort Besselat, rather than after defeating Adrammelech.
Delita is briefly playable in two battles.
Roster size is increased from 16 to
24 20, at the cost of Guest slots.
The special lines when using abilities during battle (such as White Magic and Swordplay) are removed from the English versions.
The attack name of a summon spell or Iaido ability is now displayed in the English versions, rather than the name of the summon or katana. (Not sure about this one.)
Generic character lines are now unique in the English versions.
Changes to JP costs, ability charge times, character and enemy stats, and Safeguard in the localized versions are adjusted to match the original Japanese version.
Unyielding Blade skills from Meliadoul, Folmarv and Orlandeau have been upgraded to damage enemies even if they're not using the specific piece of equipment (although they will still fail if said enemy has the Safeguard ability); this means monsters can also be damaged by these skills.
Rapha and Marach's seer abilities result in 1~10 random strikes instead of 1~6, and are more accurate
(though not in the same way as in the PSP version). Reis's Holy Breath ability also has 1~10 strikes instead of 1~6.
All of Rapha's abilities are now learnable as soon as she joins the party in Chapter III, instead of most being unavailable until Chapter IV.
Wiegraf's stats when fought in Chapter III are reduced.

The Fort Besselat sluice battle in Chapter IV now ends when all enemies are defeated, instead of after throwing a pair of switches. (Unsure about this one.)
The sound novels are only available in the Japanese version. The three Sound Novels that were translated are available.
A Multiplayer system with two game modes is added via Ad-Hoc.
New items are available, mostly obtained through Multiplayer.

All game-breaking glitches are fixed, including the JP scroll glitch, Weapon duplication bug, Poach bug, Ghost Chocobo riding glitch, Quickening glitch, and Jump glitches.
The Oil status now properly doubles damage received from fire attacks rather than having no effect.

Every time a spell is cast or a certain action is performed, the game slows down.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


thank you Nyzer for the effort but with all due respect I wanted a list of missing feature because it's going to be a big brainstorm to compare the list you posted above with the wiki list.

the reason why I asked in the first place is because I don't know if I should play PSP or PSX version. PSP has a a very decent hack called "War of the Lions Tweak" that adds a bunch of QOL features and fixes a bunch of PSP problems, however the sounds still suck and the Old English script gives me a headache :'(

So obviously the plus of the PSX hack would be better sounds, better script, but I'd like to know how much of PSP bonuses I'm going to miss.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


The ones in blue are the changes included in TLWotL. The ones in red are the ones that aren't. The green lines are for changes that aren't exactly the same. Purple is just for anything I wasn't sure about.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on October 06, 2023, 09:19:10 pmThe ones in blue are the changes included in TLWotL. The ones in red are the ones that aren't. The green lines are for changes that aren't exactly the same. Purple is just for anything I wasn't sure about.

Thanks I get it now. I guess the main problem is the missing job and only 20 char slots instead of 24 (moreover at the expanse of guest slots?)

This is going to be a tough choice because the PSP Tweak hack really adds a bunch of QOL such as being able to control guest characters, smart encounter system, level scaling options...

I guess I'm going to go for the PSX Lion War hack regardless since the old english thing is truly a deal breaker for me.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on October 05, 2023, 09:37:21 pmNot this comprehensive, but I'll take a stab at it. The core The Lion War patch itself has fewer of these, but off the top of my head, here's what you'll get in its sister patch, The Lion War of the Lions:

Virtually all dialogues, locations, characters/monsters, items, abilities and jobs are retranslated (e.g. Priest is now called White Mage; Cidolfas Orlandu is now called Cidolfus Orlandeau); English versions now have text in Early Modern English.
Some status icons are changed in the English versions to reflect their new names.

The English versions have a larger font, more like the one seen in the Japanese releases. Menus and text boxes are unchanged.
A 16:9 aspect ratio is used.
This allows the party roster screen to display more characters per row.
Audio quality is reduced somewhat.
Versions outside of Japan now use X to confirm and Circle to cancel, rather than the opposite.
The Lion War and Job Demonstration attract mode videos no longer play when waiting at the title screen.
Fully animated movies with voices and subtitles now replace some specific key story cut-scenes (the Japanese version does not contain voice acting); this includes the intro and ending sequences (which were CG movies in the original game).
When choosing Ramza's birthdate, the corresponding zodiac sign is now displayed.

A new calendar now displays dates in the zodiac format (e.g. Aries 12) rather than using the Gregorian Calendar (January to December).
Additional story battles, side-quests, and events are added.

Two new jobs are added: Onion Knight and Dark Knight. Unlike in WotL, the Dark Knight is unlocked by reaching Level 8 in Black Mage and Knight.
The unlock requirements for some jobs are upped:
To unlock Arithmetician a character needs White Mage, Black Mage, Mystic, and Time Mage to be on Level 5 instead of Level 4 like before.
To unlock Bard the male character needs to have Summoner and Orator at Level 5 rather than at Level 4 like before.
To unlock Dancer, the female character needs to have Geomancer and Dragoon at Level 5 rather than at Level 4 like before.
To unlock Dragoon, the character now needs to be a Level 4 Thief, up from the Level 3 it was before.
To unlock Geomancer, the character now needs to be a Level 4 Monk, up from the Level 3 it was before.
To unlock Mime, the character now needs to attain Level 5 on Geomancer, Dragoon, Orator, and Summoner, up from the Level 4 it was before. The Level 8 requirement for Squire and Chemist remained unchanged.
To unlock Monk, the character now needs to be Level 3 Knight, up from the Level 2 it was before.
To unlock Mystic, the character now needs to be Level 3 White Mage, up from the Level 2 it was before.
To unlock Ninja, the character now needs to be Level 4 Archer and Level 5 Thief, up from Levels 3 and 4 respectively. The Level 2 Geomancer requirement remained unchanged.
To unlock Orator, the character now needs to be Level 3 Mystic, up from Level 2 Oracle from before.
To unlock Samurai, the character needs to be Level 4 Knight and Level 5 Monk, up from Levels 4 and 5 respectively. The requirement for Level 2 Dragoon remains unchanged.
To unlock Thief, the character now needs to be Level 3 Archer, up from Level 2 Archer from before.
To unlock Time Mage, the character now needs to be a Level 3 Black Mage, up from Level 2 Wizard from before.
Many abilities now take more JP to master.
Two new characters are added:
Luso from Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (replaced with Ashley Riot from Vagrant Story) and Balthier from Final Fantasy XII.
Cloud can be recruited earlier in Chapter IV after completing Fort Besselat, rather than after defeating Adrammelech.
Delita is briefly playable in two battles.
Roster size is increased from 16 to
24 20, at the cost of Guest slots.
The special lines when using abilities during battle (such as White Magic and Swordplay) are removed from the English versions.
The attack name of a summon spell or Iaido ability is now displayed in the English versions, rather than the name of the summon or katana. (Not sure about this one.)
Generic character lines are now unique in the English versions.
Changes to JP costs, ability charge times, character and enemy stats, and Safeguard in the localized versions are adjusted to match the original Japanese version.
Unyielding Blade skills from Meliadoul, Folmarv and Orlandeau have been upgraded to damage enemies even if they're not using the specific piece of equipment (although they will still fail if said enemy has the Safeguard ability); this means monsters can also be damaged by these skills.
Rapha and Marach's seer abilities result in 1~10 random strikes instead of 1~6, and are more accurate
(though not in the same way as in the PSP version). Reis's Holy Breath ability also has 1~10 strikes instead of 1~6.
All of Rapha's abilities are now learnable as soon as she joins the party in Chapter III, instead of most being unavailable until Chapter IV.
Wiegraf's stats when fought in Chapter III are reduced.

The Fort Besselat sluice battle in Chapter IV now ends when all enemies are defeated, instead of after throwing a pair of switches. (Unsure about this one.)
The sound novels are only available in the Japanese version. The three Sound Novels that were translated are available.
A Multiplayer system with two game modes is added via Ad-Hoc.
New items are available, mostly obtained through Multiplayer.

All game-breaking glitches are fixed, including the JP scroll glitch, Weapon duplication bug, Poach bug, Ghost Chocobo riding glitch, Quickening glitch, and Jump glitches.
The Oil status now properly doubles damage received from fire attacks rather than having no effect.

Every time a spell is cast or a certain action is performed, the game slows down.

Thank you for this
  • Modding version: PSX