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Messages - Celdia

FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
July 07, 2024, 05:27:03 am
Not sure if a bug or just an amusing side effect, but the Ninja's Pass ability let's me mount enemy chocobos. I saw that it does remove the mounted chocobo from the AT list when you hop on. Once all other enemies are defeated the AT list contains no enemy units. The Perfect Training Environment. :D

Also, tried to see what would happen to an ejected rider who was surrounded and it just pushes the corpse off diagonally to an unoccupied spot. Not a bug, just amusing to see.

FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
December 23, 2023, 10:57:04 am
This looks like it will be an absolute blast! I've got it on-deck for my next run. :D
Quote from: lhsgenx42 on December 07, 2023, 07:56:48 amIs there a bug for the Berserker job? I can't gain any JP from it.
Somewhere in the readme there's a note that Berserker isn't working presently, but it's known about and being worked on.
So something like a year and a half later now I'm closing the poll since I realized I'm still getting submissions to it and I'm pretty solid into the Jobs planning for CCP3 now. I thought it might be fun to post some of the results from it.

Top Generic Jobs
1: CCP2 Mageknight
2: CCP2 Dragoon
3: CCP2 Red Mage / CCP2 Sorcerer (Tied for 3rd)

Favorite Generic Job: CCP2 Mageknight

Top Unique Jobs
1: CCP2 Holy Knight Agrias
2: CCP2 Blue Mage Rad
3: CCP2 Hero Ramza

Favorite Unique Job: CCP2 Blue Mage Rad

Worst Generic Jobs
1: CCP2 Mime
2: CCP2 Bandit
3: CCP1 Warrior

Worst Unique Jobs
1: CCP2 Blue Mage Rad
2: CCP2 Chaos Shaman Rafa
3: CCP1 Engineer Mustadio

Honorable Mentions:
CCP2 Blue Mage Rad - Equal votes for favorite and least-favorite Unique and still absolutely DOMINATED as favorite Unique.
Minimal Healer - The only thing to get a vote in all of Minimal. Thank you to the one person that played that concept build.
CCP2 Warrior - The only generic job nobody voted for in ANY category while every other job in CCP2 got some feedback.
This Post - For having the most instances of "CCP" in it out of any other probably anywhere, but I'm guessing on that one.  :mrgreen:

Thank you to everyone that participated! Your feedback has been duly noted and will be preserved for the development of CCP3. A few of these were already getting some attention in the new design docs under some slightly different names, so I think folks will be happy with a lot of what's returning. If your favorites didn't top any list, don't worry! You might just see some of what you liked shuffled into another job or even as a unique unit. As much as I like to recycle ideas, my new ones are just as good as the old stuff and this time around I'm bringing more people on board to help with development. I don't know how long this journey will be, or what it might look like before it's over, but I hope to see you all at the end when I've got another project ready to go!

Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
September 14, 2023, 04:22:05 am
Quote from: budgieflame99 on August 29, 2023, 07:50:47 pmgood evening want to play this mod but it frezzes at that start well at orborne

Don't use the emulator you're using. It only works on a very limited number of old emulators.

pSXfin 1.13(?) I think is the one that will run it most compatibly.
Old ePSXe builds can work but are a pain to set up.
Quote from: Murse_Jon on July 31, 2023, 05:04:26 pmJust started playing this mod and really loving it so far. All the work that went into the item/equip changes are great! It is so cool having innates on some items but none are overpowered, so far anyway (only just passed Rat Cellar). Looking forward to poaching changes, if there are any! The one ASM hack that I will be missing very much, very soon, is the one to have more units (benching/unbenching) because the monsters seem like they might be fun to play with too so the extra room would be nice. It doesn't look like the monsters lay eggs either, is that intentional? Anyway, really really like it, very much appreciate all the hard work.

Yeah, no monster breeding is intentional, but the hit% on Demagogue's train Beast skill is pretty high, so it's more about finding and recruiting them than breeding them. Bench hack is a nice QoL option but these older mods just predate some of those better innovations. :D Glad you're enjoying it, and the OP innate item gear comes later.
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
August 28, 2023, 08:59:22 am
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
June 06, 2023, 06:48:27 pm
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
May 08, 2023, 06:55:27 am
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
December 04, 2022, 05:29:06 am
Quote from: Girleilton on November 17, 2022, 10:10:36 pmHi Celdia, how are you?
I'm passionate about FFT and I'm trying to experience it with its MOD. I was interested in knowing what would be the skills to be learned from the Blue Mage. Could you let me know, please? <3

You just missed it by a hair. Check over in this thread instead: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=11576.msg218927#msg218927
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
September 29, 2022, 11:00:30 pm
Quote from: Super Saiyan Eevee on September 05, 2022, 12:09:36 pmthis is awesome! How were you able to make the Skillsets a support ability??? I am looking to try to do the same thing but with replacing Catch with Items. is that possible?
I'm sorry for the noob questions. Would this be considered an ASM hack? I would love to be able to get this good. Do you by chance have the ASM's for Dualcasting and "skillset" Support abilities?

Working with Item specifically is a goddamned mess, but many of the other skillsets work just fine in their own way. I'm on the Discord server if you want to talk about the whole How-To of it sometime.
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
August 21, 2022, 07:43:57 am
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
June 29, 2022, 08:10:55 am
Whimsical and Full of Surprises

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 4.2

Been playing this one in my free time over the last couple weeks or so. I'm near to the end but haven't cleared the endgame sequence yet.

First things first, there is a lot of creativity in this mod. I've seen more than a few ideas I've had myself be fleshed out and made functional in CONMAN's mod which is always a great thing to see. The extended selection of side quest battles to be unlocked via rumors is wonderful fun as are the characters you run into during these extra adventures. The whole story has been completely revamped from start to finish while still treading familiar ground with faces in new roles that answer a lot of possible "What If..." scenarios about the characters of FFT in a very engaging way. I find CONMAN's new main cast to be entertaining and occasionally endearing.

There's a good bit of familiar alongside a wonderful helping of new and interesting. A handful of things tend to still need a little bit of finish work - missing text, some visual glitches, the usual sort of stuff in a mod that is pushing the boundaries - but hardly enough to take away from the enjoyment of this mod. Definitely a lot of fun. Looking forward to what's in the endgame still but I'm too busy playing all the new side quest events! :D

Quote from: bee on April 29, 2022, 02:12:00 pmThis looks amazing! I was looking at replacing calculator with a Blue Mage (I know, so does everyone) but now I'm reconsidering. I do wish there was a version available without the QoL changes / skill reassignments, so that I could decide whether to apply them on a case-by-case basis, but I'm so excited to try this out.

*EDIT* I don't suppose it'd be too difficult to just add any intended monster skills to the Red Mage's otherwise-empty ability list section, but I suspect that would conflict the with white mage skillset, or at very least exacerbate the menu overload bug...

Thank you! :D

Since the RDM pulls the literal WHM and BLM Skillsets and not it's own assigned skillset is battle, you would have to add the Monster skills to WHM and BLM for the RDM to be able to cast them in battle.
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
June 06, 2022, 09:49:49 am
Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
June 06, 2022, 08:15:24 am