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Enforced Generic Class Challenge

Started by formerdeathcorps, October 25, 2011, 07:14:08 am


December 23, 2011, 07:11:42 am #20 Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 08:37:34 am by formerdeathcorps
Thanks to Gabz, a tester on ID, I found another bug involving bar propositions.  This has been fixed, but it does not work on saved files made after Fort Zeakden.  Please load from a saved file made before that point.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Wow, how did I look over how great this is? I think this may be what I've needed to re-kindle my interest in FFT.
"Oh, God!! The Hokuten!!" ~Guard, Sand Rat Cellar


Fixed the Save Agrias mission to be doable.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.

The Damned

(It would seem like I'll do anything to avoid doing actual [home]work. Sigh.)

Anyway, despite that and the thread warning me that it's been more than 45 days, I decided that I should probably post in here now before I forget. This even though I should be doing other things and I'm not entirely sure how much you still even care about this patch.

Regardless, having just played around with Enforced Generic Class Challenge a bit to confirm that it was more Parted Ways that wouldn't work on this computer than emulators in general, I noticed some...oddities. These were unrelated to the save file I was using, having some equipment I apparently wasn't supposed to have at this point aside:

1. The most notable one is that despite the "selectivity" aspect, most generic units had only 2 slots of their 5 ability slots filled. In fact, I only saw one generic with all five slots filled; the only other characters, besides my own of course, that had all five filled were Izlude and then Wiegraf. So I'm not sure whether it's due to ability costs or learn rates or because the selectivity aspect only applies to equipment or something, but it certainly seemed like something that shouldn't be (in your patch); speaking of equipment, that generally seemed to be fine.

2. For some reason, the only time that AI used Jump despite having ample opportunities to do it for probably great damage was to "cure" Charm...and almost kill the ally in the process doing considering that he had gotten poked in the head after being marked for the cure as well. The Charm thing isn't the issue (or, at least, isn't the main issue) given that it's unfortunately happened since vanilla. It's more that AI generally knows to how use Jump for other things, but utterly neglected to do so except in that one instance. Probably needs more "testing" on my part, but still, it seems odd.

3. Thief's "Fast Shot" doesn't display the damage like it's supposed to, but it seems like it otherwise works. Similarly, the now-attacking Carbunkle still ends with what's basically the Reflect animation, though I suppose in that case it fits, so I actually don't mind.

4. The hit rates for magick seemed to vary a lot more widely between units than usual and seemed to be lower than usual when self-targeting. That's probably just a hit-rate "issue"/difference, though, and something that I'd forgotten about in other patches where things (comparatively) hit more easily; that said, the only thing I missed was a single Raise 2.

There were some other things, but I think that has more to do with trying to get used to the changes, especially the less intuitive ones. Dispel being with Wizard and Frog being with Oracle is easy to get, for instance, but it's still quite confusing not see JP or XP being gained regardless of actions taken or not going back to the formation screen in a series of fights.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I've always found vanilla FFT to be rather easy, especially in the later years after discovering the BMG hosted on GameFAQs, which is why I was instantly attracted to 1.3 and it's impressive difficulty scaling. Cut to one year later, and I've played too much 1.3 to start yet another playthrough, and Raven posted a thread about this mod over on ID. It piqued my interest at the time, but I quickly forgot about it. Then, not too long ago, I noticed the thread again and decided to give it a whirl.

Holy jesus, this mod is unforgiving as hell. I was expecting a challenge, and it delivered. After playing up to Fort Zeakden, unwisely spending my Gil and JP and making mistakes left and right, I realized that I had hit a brick wall. Namely, Algus's Auto Potion healing for 150. So, I restarted and built Ramza with a single purpose in mind: Nuke Algus to high hell with black magic.

I'm currently on Zaland Fort City and loving the challenge so far. (Wizard Ramza has drastically reduced the difficulty from my first playthrough, Black Magic is very strong in the early game.) The fact that this mod attempts to stay faithful to vanilla FFT is very refreshing; I haven't played vanilla in at least a decade aside from SSCC challenges and what have you, so going back to simple things like Charge and Ice 2 is very quaint. Thanks for the patch, FDC.  :mrgreen:

I've been writing up my experience with the mod over at ID, but if there's enough interest I'd put it up here too. I'm not entirely sure which sub-forum would be best for that kind of thing though. >.>


Quote from: Stann on July 21, 2013, 01:10:48 pm
I've always found vanilla FFT to be rather easy, especially in the later years after discovering the BMG hosted on GameFAQs, which is why I was instantly attracted to 1.3 and it's impressive difficulty scaling. Cut to one year later, and I've played too much 1.3 to start yet another playthrough, and Raven posted a thread about this mod over on ID. It piqued my interest at the time, but I quickly forgot about it. Then, not too long ago, I noticed the thread again and decided to give it a whirl.

Holy jesus, this mod is unforgiving as hell. I was expecting a challenge, and it delivered. After playing up to Fort Zeakden, unwisely spending my Gil and JP and making mistakes left and right, I realized that I had hit a brick wall. Namely, Algus's Auto Potion healing for 150. So, I restarted and built Ramza with a single purpose in mind: Nuke Algus to high hell with black magic.

I'm currently on Zaland Fort City and loving the challenge so far. (Wizard Ramza has drastically reduced the difficulty from my first playthrough, Black Magic is very strong in the early game.) The fact that this mod attempts to stay faithful to vanilla FFT is very refreshing; I haven't played vanilla in at least a decade aside from SSCC challenges and what have you, so going back to simple things like Charge and Ice 2 is very quaint. Thanks for the patch, FDC.  :mrgreen:

I've been writing up my experience with the mod over at ID, but if there's enough interest I'd put it up here too. I'm not entirely sure which sub-forum would be best for that kind of thing though. >.>

I've been reading about your exploits, and even though I have nothing to do with this patch, I'm glad that you're enjoying it!  It's like I'm living vicariously through the lives of others!
My dreams can come true!


Haha, right on. From the small number of replies I had gotten, it seemed as though no one was really interested.

Good to know someone's reading!


The fact you are interested, Stann, gives me more reason to fix things.

1) Removed the early Escutcheon II drop.
2) Agrias isn't fighting nude (but I swear that was fixed in the earlier update) at Barius Valley.
3) Some people claim the Queklain battle is happening twice.  I can't find the reason now, but if you also have that problem, I'll have to look into it, especially if the same thing happens for Weigraf II or Velius.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Hi Stann,
If you post a link to your LP, i would like to follow it as well. Good work taking in this monster. :-)
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


I've taken a bit of an interest in this as well, and I've noticed one particular oddity that really sticks out;

Black Magic spells (perhaps even all magic) are completely unevadable. Even with that OP, unintended, 50% Magic-EV Escutcheon, all spells against the holder show 100% accuracy. I'm not sure why this is. Physical attacks are still affected.

(I'll probably FFTastic the shield to a normal Escutcheon... eventually.)

EDIT: Also, despite the displayed cost of 5000 gil, new recruits cost a significant amount more. (5350 for a Female, at least)
Beaver is as beaver does.


Quote from: formerdeathcorps on July 22, 2013, 08:40:18 pm
The fact you are interested, Stann, gives me more reason to fix things.

1) Removed the early Escutcheon II drop.
2) Agrias isn't fighting nude (but I swear that was fixed in the earlier update) at Barius Valley.
3) Some people claim the Queklain battle is happening twice.  I can't find the reason now, but if you also have that problem, I'll have to look into it, especially if the same thing happens for Weigraf II or Velius.

Yes, I've found the reason why Agrias showed up nude. After getting 5k gold I discovered that the listed price for units in the Soldier Office is wrong. I believe you neglected to consider the price of the gear they're holding (The Broad Sword that the male units come with is especially pricey). So, I edited what I had assumed to be the correct ISO to lower the recruitment costs to 5k. But, it was an older version of the mod that I had downloaded ages ago.

I'll update to the most recent version and see if I can't tackle that Agrias fight. ;)


I know. It's almost been a year. No one gives a flying toss anymore.


Having attempted EGCC twice before--both coming to a halt at velius--and with my third attempt going rather well, the game crashing not far from the end leaves a bitter aftertaste. Just after murond temple.

Do have a look at it some time. Please. I would really like to finish it.


Good to see you're actually interested in this "counterintuitive" patch.  Currently, I'm working on a much bigger project that shares much of EGCC's core mechanics (meaning I likely won't update EGCC until I finish that patch's mechanics).  Expect an update by September 1st.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.