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WotL Slowdown Removal Patch

Started by endrift, February 22, 2012, 02:21:59 pm


February 29, 2012, 04:10:56 pm #20 Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 04:19:55 pm by Mega_Tyrant
Test System:  PSP-2000 CFW 5.50 Prometheus-4
Patching Version: LivePatch Beta 5

Test Results
Patches Enabled: fast.live, unstretch.live
Notes: no other plugins installed
Result:  screen is un-stretched, full-speed skills, no sound de-sync, saving is functional, volume controls functional, brightness functional, Home button functional, game doesn't crash on quit attempt.

Looks like Beta 5 is the version to use if you've got 5.50 Prometheus-4.  Barring any plugin conflicts the patch should be fully functional.  Again, thanks for the hard work.


Quote from: Mega_Tyrant on February 29, 2012, 04:10:56 pm
Test System:  PSP-2000 CFW 5.50 Prometheus-4
Patching Version: LivePatch Beta 5

Test Results
Patches Enabled: fast.live, unstretch.live
Notes: no other plugins installed
Result:  screen is un-stretched, full-speed skills, no sound de-sync, saving is functional, volume controls functional, brightness functional, Home button functional, game doesn't crash on quit attempt.

Looks like Beta 5 is the version to use if you've got 5.50 Prometheus-4.  Barring any plugin conflicts the patch should be fully functional.  Again, thanks for the hard work.

I have the same CFW, and I can't figure out how to make it work.  Damnit....
  • Modding version: PSX

Episode 42 is out! Click above to watch!


Yeah, this last version 5 worked for me and it wont crash even on sleep mode now.
Thank you very much for this :D


Beta 5 is now LivePatch 0.1.2 (which is the same thing except I've packaged the source and readme back into the zip). It should be functionally equivalent, though. As this is a stable release, I've removed the old betas.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


wish I had a psp so I could help with this, alas it isnt so. Not many here have one actually....


I sold mine, because the psp sucks

P.s: Archaemic, you rock

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Mega_Tyrant on March 01, 2012, 01:07:29 pm
Alaris, I'll give you a quick breakdown of how to install it using the new 0.1.2

1) Extract the "dist" folder from "LivePatch 0.1.2.zip" file to the root of your memorystick.
2) Extract the "fftpsp" folder from the "wotl-patches.zip" file to your "dist" folder
3) Add the following to your game.txt

ms0:/dist/livepatch.prx 1

Whoops, there wasn't supposed to be a dist folder, that was a packaging error. The "fftpsp" folder should be in ms0:/livepatch/

I've reuploaded the zip with that fixed.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I figured as much, it was named dist instead of livepatch so I left it as is and changed the plugin pathing in game.txt to match.


Quote from: Mega_Tyrant on March 01, 2012, 01:07:29 pm
Alaris, I'll give you a quick breakdown of how to install it using the new 0.1.2

1) Extract the "dist" folder from "LivePatch 0.1.2.zip" file to the root of your memorystick.
2) Extract the "fftpsp" folder from the "wotl-patches.zip" file to your "dist" folder
3) Add the following to your game.txt

ms0:/dist/livepatch.prx 1

I'm new to CFW, and PSP hacking in general so sorry in advance. I hacked my PSP recently and have not tried applying any plugins. I'm using PRO-B9.

I did the steps above, and have had no luck. I just changed "dist" to "src" since thats what its called now :). I had to create my own "seplugins" folder, and inside that I made the game.txt file. The only thing in the game.txt file is:

ms0:/src/livepatch.prx 1

Am I missing anything crucial? Once again sorry in advance for the lack of experience. My friend and I want to try the multiplayer in WoTL and this patch would be a godsend.


The patches go in the ms0:/livepatch folder (e.g. fftpsp goes there, so you get ms0:/livepatch/fftpsp/fast.live) and wherever you put the PRX is what you put in GAME.TXT (e.g. if you put the prx in ms0:/livepatch/livepatch.prx, you put in seplugins/GAME.TXT the line "ms0:/livepatch/livepatch.prx 1")

Hopefully that's clear, but I guess it can get a bit confusing. While the PRX doesn't have to be in any specific location (GAME.TXT just has to know where it is), the patches HAVE to go in ms0:/livepatch and the folder inside of ms0:/livepatch HAS to be fftpsp.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Archaemic. You are a God among men!

I just tested it. It's working like a charm so far!


I did a quick video tutorial for those having trouble installing it. Link will be up in a minute.

Edit: Link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7stkSsobPM&feature=youtu.be


Quote from: Archaemic on March 01, 2012, 03:04:55 pm
The patches go in the ms0:/livepatch folder (e.g. fftpsp goes there, so you get ms0:/livepatch/fftpsp/fast.live) and wherever you put the PRX is what you put in GAME.TXT (e.g. if you put the prx in ms0:/livepatch/livepatch.prx, you put in seplugins/GAME.TXT the line "ms0:/livepatch/livepatch.prx 1")

Hopefully that's clear, but I guess it can get a bit confusing. While the PRX doesn't have to be in any specific location (GAME.TXT just has to know where it is), the patches HAVE to go in ms0:/livepatch and the folder inside of ms0:/livepatch HAS to be fftpsp.

The folder has to be renamed to livepatch then I'll add that change to my tutorial


Quote from: Mega_Tyrant on March 01, 2012, 03:56:04 pm
I did a quick video tutorial for those having trouble installing it. Link will be up in a minute.

Edit: Link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7stkSsobPM&feature=youtu.be

Follow this to the T and still having no luck.

Using 6.60 PRO-B9.

When I go to Recovery Mode --> Advanced --> It says Game Pluding ENABLED, every plugin is. Is there something I should have turned on to get my CFW to read this patch? I wonder whats wrong  :( When I go to Config there is an option saying "use version.txt in /seplugins" and says Enabled. What is this? Bleh, I'll have to read up more on CFW it seems.

Sorry for the annoying posts, I've been messing with this for awhile. I can run other applications fine, so I know my CFW is installed correctly.


March 01, 2012, 05:30:52 pm #34 Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 05:40:33 pm by Archaemic
The versions.txt file is unrelated. I'm not entirely sure what it's for.

The only thing I can think of is that there's a problem with filenames being all caps or all lower on the filesystem, and that confusing the PSP. I'll test to see if this is a problem, and if it is I'll see what I can do to fix it.

E] Filename case seems to be irrelevant. What model PSP do you have?

E2] If someone can get PSPLink/pspsh/usbhostfs working on their PSP ( http://forums.pspslimhacks.com/threads/tutorial-how-to-setup-psplink-debug-psp-apps.5200/ ) I can send a debug version of LivePatch that will print stuff to the pspsh terminal, and you can tell me what prints out. That will help me immensely with figuring out what's gone wrong.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I got it to work.

I updated to PRO-B10 and everything worked instantly. I guess B9 isn't compatible?

Anyways I just played a battle and wow is the difference big. Downloaded an end game file off GameFAQs to test it out and it's amazing. Animations go off instantly, soooooooooooo excited to start a new file.

I'll give multiplayer a shot and report any bugs that I come across. Thanks again!


oh that would make for quite an interesting test. I can't wait to hear from that one myself.


I've uploaded 0.1.3, which fixes a problem with patches not being found sometimes when multiple modules are loaded on the system. Hopefully this will fix it for Alaris!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I cannot test it because I have no more PSP, but thanks a lot for this great work!
Tethical, an online FFT clone


Downloaded the latest stuff, and after many minutes of trial and error, putting the files all together and such, the patch works! Thank you so much! Now I don't have to waste precious moments! Or... something. xD

"Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be boring." - Sherlock Holmes