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Messages - VincentCraven

Quote from: "PX_Timefordeath"Valkyria Chronicles

I wanted more magic, but overall it was pretty good.

The late-game strategy could have done with a bit more work.  For me, it was either

A) huh?  This doesn't work/doesn't make sense  (I swear, my units were completely out of the way of that giant tank.  They shouldn't die like that.)

B) Oh, I can make my scout resist crossfire and run all the way to the switch/boss, ending the battle in 1 or 2 turns.
Quote from: "Kagebunji"Definitly Star Ocean 2, but for PSP, voice casting and better in general. If you feel like it, play Star Ocean 1 for PSP too, great game, better from SO2 a bit IMO. And play on hardest difficulty avaible, rest is kinda too easy in both SO 1 and 2. Also, You should play Valkyrie Profile (both 1 and 2), VP:Silmeria has a great plot and gameplay, VP:Lenneth is a bit worse, since it is lacking some serious plot.

Quote from: "Kaijyuu"VP1 has a fine plot... if you get the A ending. Otherwise the "ending" is comprised of a few text boxes....

As for star ocean 2, I'd suggest downloading an "undub" for it. The localized voice acting sucks in general.

Quote from: "philsov"Well that's somewhere around 80 points.

Keep the dub vincent!

I'll probably end up getting dub cuz that sounds easier to get.  I don't have a PSP, so that's an interesting suggestion that I won't pursue.  I'll know for reference though that Kagebunji claims it's better on PSP.

On the other hand, maybe it's time I got a PSP too? Hmmm, nah probably not.

I'd played Digimon World 3, and it was mediocre.  I'll have to take a look at world one.
I'll make Star Ocean 2 my next.

Thanks guys.
Spam / Re: The room.
April 11, 2010, 02:57:15 pm
Quote from: "boomkick"
Quote from: "PX_Timefordeath"
I'd play a hacked version of SMRPG, but I've beaten it so many times it's really not worth it even for the increased difficulty.
That being said, it's probably a pretty good start for trying to learn how to make games.

@Philsov: The latest Breath of Fire, eh?  I haven't played too many rouge-like games, but it sounds pretty cool.

There are lots of games that I liked at the time just because I hadn't experienced that type of story before, but I think I mostly liked certain facets of particular games rather than the whole package.

E.g. Quest64:  Probably one of my favorite battle systems, but the storyline could literally fit in about a page or two with all conversation included.

I played Golden Sun and I liked the puzzles embedded in it as well as the overall elemental dynamic, but looking back the story was pretty forgettable.
Quote from: "VampragonLord"super mario RPG

Ahh, those were good times.  Glad to hear from other fans of the game.

Star Ocean 2 I've heard of, but I haven't played yet.

Thanks guys, this is a good start for me.

I actually hadn't played FFIV yet, but I've got it on my PC so I've been playing that today.
(Dissatisfied with recently released games, that is)

I decided to do a little RPG research.

It would be most helpful if you simply put down your favorite RPG game of all time AND the latest satisfying RPG you've played.  If you know what subset each is ('pure', action, strategy) that's cool too.

If you're feeling rather 'talkative,' details about what makes for great RPGs would also be welcome, as well as lists of other great games.

In case you are curious about my motives, I'm trying to build my computer skills in fun ways, though I wouldn't expect a great game to come of this any time soon.  University teaching is way too slow.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Bug in vanilla FFT?
December 29, 2009, 09:26:55 pm
more like a bug in his system, I say.
Spam /
July 22, 2009, 08:29:46 pm
I was going to post a serious response to this thread.

But then I noticed it was in the Spam section. 8)
The Lounge /
June 29, 2009, 09:53:25 am
Thanks SB, very informative.
Spam /
June 23, 2009, 01:50:18 pm
Well I vote B if there is a tie.

So there.
Archives /
June 22, 2009, 10:09:31 pm
Quote from: "Zodiac"You are all a bunch of trolls


 :ban:  :ban:    :shock: :shock:  :ban:
 :ban:  :ban:
Archives /
June 21, 2009, 12:57:58 pm
Quote from: "Ant"Seconded.
His posts make me smile.

Unrelated thought: I need to participate/post more. I lurk the hell out of this board.

Why do you feel you need to participate more?  Is there something in particular you'd like to be a part of?
The Lounge /
June 21, 2009, 11:27:42 am
I think my main problem is that I'm running Vista, and it doesn't seem to like it when I customize anything.  Mildly annoying.  Or maybe it's just the fact that I pick some pretty crappy programs to run on it, like McAfee antivirus for starters.

I guess I can't complain though, it came with my free laptop when I enrolled at EZ university.

For anyone that uses Linux, which distribution would you recommend?  Ubuntu?  I don't know a whole lot about computers ATM, but I picked up Computer Science as my second major, so I'll be pretty computer savvy in at least a couple of years anyway.
The Lounge / What OS do you use? And Why?
June 19, 2009, 01:04:19 pm
I heard through the grapevine that anybody who knows anything about computers knows not to use a Windows OS.

Essentially, Linux is better and free and more user-friendly for anyone who wants to do more than "the basic stuff" on their computer.

And that Mac is just as good, but more expensive.

I figured this community was full of smart cookies, so I thought I'd drop by and get another perspective.  I am having a few frustrations with Windows myself, so I am considering a switch.

Then again, this man is currently frustrated over the discontinuation of Microsoft Money, and the fact that Microsoft keeps all information behind their programs in secret, so I figured he is very biased.
The Lounge /
May 23, 2009, 12:39:44 pm
I think FFH is a pretty cool guy.
Spam /
May 23, 2009, 12:34:08 pm
I usually don't condone such acts, but in this context I have to agree with Arch.

Not enough information to infer anything about the situation, or level of douchbagginess.
Spam /
May 22, 2009, 12:58:53 pm