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Messages - A Blood Red Fox

Spriting / Re: SKREEEE!!! A Cliff Racer Sprite.
May 29, 2016, 10:53:10 am
It's very helpful!  :D
Spriting / SKREEEE!!! A Cliff Racer Sprite.
May 26, 2016, 08:17:47 am
Not really gotten too far as you can see, but I started on an attempt at making a cliff racer from Morrowind. I'm thinking that the head is too small though and it'll look out of place in game.

Any feedback\suggestions are appreciated :)
Help! / changing terrain textures
August 21, 2015, 02:25:38 pm
I'm hoping to change the texture used by the desert terrain tiles. Has anyone figured out how to modify that terrain textures?
Spriting / Re: Female Ramza Ch. 1 Sprite [WIP]
March 22, 2015, 03:32:20 pm
I think it's pretty much done now except for the portrait. Not sure if the shadows look right in animation or not, though I'm certain it's much better than it was before. Any opinions on that?

Edit: Moved the spritesheet to the first post.
Spriting / Re: Female Ramza Ch. 1 Sprite [WIP]
March 20, 2015, 11:10:57 am
Fixed some major problems the sprite had. There is still some messed up frames left though that need fixing though.

Edit: Removing this older version of the sprite.
Spriting / Re: Sprite help wanted if anyones still here
February 19, 2015, 06:14:12 pm
I'm looking to see if I can figure out what the problem is. I don't really use Graphics Gale very much, so I can't help much there, but I'm looking to see what I can figure out. I have noticed one thing though...

I do notice that there is a white line on the left side of your image... which when it has happened to me is a result of accidentally moving the entire image a bit so that some of it is off of the canvas and lost, while on the opposite side you've got empty space. When that happens it can end up being glitchy and all messed up when you try to import it into Shishi.

EDIT 1: I just noticed that you also have two extra colors on the palette. I removed them and now it doesn't look all glitchy when I import it into Shishi. It messes up the picture a bit though, with the extra colors now being gone. You'll have replace those extra colors with something else.

EDIT 2: I'm not really sure why it's showing up normal looking though now... If I made a mistake with the one I just put up, then I apologize. I'm not exactly an expert... Actually I'm not sure what's going on...

Edit 3: Yeah, didn't know what I was talking about. There did look to be two extra colors, but I don't think that was the cause of the issues. I think your portrait may be using the wrong palette though. Do you notice how the white mage's portrait is all weird looking when not in Shishi? That' because it uses a different palette, a different row of your colors. When you import the image into shishi it displays how it'll actually look in game. I suspect that maybe part of what's going on. Let me know if any of this solves the problem for you.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
February 02, 2015, 07:27:33 am
Quote from: Jumza on January 31, 2015, 11:45:55 am
I believe there is a hack like this, where you can buy back broken or stolen items from the fur shop. I think it's included in the default hacks with the ASM program in the FFTPatcher suite.

You're right, there is a hack like that in there. Apparently I overlooked it somehow.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
January 31, 2015, 04:28:25 am
I was wondering about the possibility of a hack to make it so that broken items are not permanently destroyed. They'd be inaccessible during the battle, but once the battle ends they're back in your inventory. It'd make item breaking abilities less annoying while not losing their effectiveness. The logic being that the item could be repaired once the fighting has ended.
Spriting / Re: Female Ramza Ch. 1 Sprite [WIP]
January 21, 2015, 05:57:51 pm
Been really out of it lately, so progress has been reaaaallly slow. Finally got around to doing a [small] update.

Edit: Removing this older version of the sprite.
Spriting / Re: Female Ramza Ch. 1 Sprite [WIP]
December 21, 2014, 03:42:40 pm
Quote from: Shintroy on December 13, 2014, 02:42:37 pm
Chapter 4 female Ramza greaves when? Maybe breastplate too?

I'm sorry but, I don't understand your question. Do you mean when will I do the Chapter 2 Sprite? I can't really be sure, since it depends on how long it takes me to finish this one.
Spriting / Female Ramza Ch. 1 Sprite [WIP]
November 24, 2014, 05:56:41 pm
I've been working on a special sprite for a female version of Ramza. It's not done, but this is what I've got so far. Just thought I should get it out there and see what people think.

EDIT: I figured I may as well update this sprite to the most recent version.
Help! / Re: Changing Ramza's Default Name
October 02, 2014, 03:44:18 am
I haven't since I've heard that causes things to crash. The name in tactics is just a thing that says to call up the name that was entered.
Help! / Changing Ramza's Default Name
October 01, 2014, 11:31:49 pm
Both of my projects would benefit from being able to change the default name for the main character. Anyone know how?
Help! / Editing Arazlam's Portrait.
August 31, 2014, 04:33:58 pm
I was going to edit Arazlam's portrait for one of my projects. But I realize now that I have no idea how. It doesn't seem that his potrait is something that Shishi can edit.
New Project Ideas / Re: Female Ramza patch
August 31, 2014, 01:40:17 pm
No, unfortunately the sprite isn't made and I don't have a name for her either.
New Project Ideas / Female Ramza patch
August 31, 2014, 01:10:46 pm
I'm trying to work more on finishing up my small project, before doing much more on my larger one. This small project is an patch that makes Ramza female.

So far, most of the dialogue has been adjusted to properly refer to Ramza as female. I say most, because I'm sure I've missed stuff and will need to go over it again to find the last bits. I am working from the FFT Complete version of the dialogue.

The Brave Story\Chronicle text has not yet been changed at all, nor has Arazlam's speech been changed. Also, I haven't yet changed Ramza to be actually considered female by the game mechanics.

New Project Ideas / Re: Patch Ideas Proposal Thread
August 30, 2014, 03:49:02 pm
I'm busy working on other projects at the moment... but I what I think is a great idea for a patch. I'm not joking when I say that it came to me in a dream.

Take FFT beyond the Middle Ages and into the age of gunpowder.

Jobs might include Skirmisher\Sharpshooter, Musketeer\Line Infantry, Pikeman, Cavalier\Cuirassier, etc.

There would be two main classes of gun.

1. Muskets

Muskets are powerful, but have a chance of outright missing that increases with range. Muskets have a normal rate of fire.


Rifles have a much better chance of hitting, but cannot be fired in the normal way. Instead it is by way of a aim\charge-like ability. The longer the it is aimed, the more likely it will hit and the more damage it will do. This charging would simulate the much lower rate of fire of rifles prior the latter half of the 19th century. (Trying to push a musket ball down a barrel with rifling in it is very difficult.) If you attack normally with a rifle, without the aim\charge, you'll instead do a melee attack - using your rifle as a club.

All those enemy archers may instead be skirmishers\sharpshooters\light infantry sniping at you with rifles.

There would also be re-spriting involved. The soldiers would need appropriate uniforms and armor.
The Lounge / Re: Perler Bead Art
August 27, 2014, 08:14:07 am
That Umbreon is so cuuuuute! :3 You did a really good job on these.
Spriting / Re: Lord Indoril Nerevar [Finished]
August 26, 2014, 07:54:20 am
I've made the formation sprite and portrait for the latter version of the sprite.
Spam / Re: Worst RPGs you've played?
August 25, 2014, 06:11:22 am
I suspect that the only reason I like FF: Mystic Quest is the fact that it was the first RPG I ever played. I played about half-way through it before I'd even learned to read, and played it multiple times. It's not really a great RPG though.

Worst that I can remember were both Playstation games.

Beyond the Beyond: I didn't get very far at all on it. Was pretty bland.

Digimon World: My memory of it isn't that great, but I remember it being tedious and boring with combat just being sitting there and letting two monsters exchange attacks. I remember being very disappointed.