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FFT Arena Season 6 Discussion

Started by Barren, July 21, 2011, 07:37:27 am


Quote from: FFMaster on November 11, 2011, 07:27:57 am2) Knowing what is too strong, we will either ban those items/skills or release a SMALL patch decreasing the effectiveness of such abilities.

Luckily, I don't think we'll need to do much of this... just that one thing I mentioned to you on iRC and adjusting some damage-based Spell Ys is all I can expect, really, since the other side of the tree didn't get many huge buffs.


Well, I think it's time for that small patch to appear. Most of the changes are what Raven suggested. I'm not going to be adding abilities or remaking anything so I've removed those changes for now. For the tournament map listings, we can use the previous arrangements unless someone has a valid reason not to.

- Fixed a minor error with Weapon/Ability proc hack

- Chemist MA down to 8
- Priest MA down to 10
- Wizard MA down to 11
- Time Mage MA down to 9
- Summoner MA down to 11
- Mediator MA down to 9
- Oracle MA down to 10
- Scholar MA down to 12

- Cheer Up becomes 100% Hit
- Earth Slash JP down to 350
- Regen AoE increased to 2, Vert increased to 3
- Regenerator JP down to 200
- Meiton/Fuuton/Suiton Y down to 10, MP increased to 10

- Ninja Knife WP increased to 11
- All Axes lose 1 WP
- Ivory Rod gains Two Hands
- Whale Whisker gains Two Hands WP, down to 10

- Regen now lasts 96 ticks

I'm sure I'm missing something, so just tell me sometime soon. We are going to need to find hosts and shit now as well. I think in the end, Me/fdc/Raven settled on Double Elimination, but my memory is hazy and I don't want to scroll through logs right now. /lazy
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Well I got time to host so I'm your man FFM whenever you need me
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Steal heart now is terrible on thief without MA * 2.  (Recall how you said that all the formulas that were MA * 2 would be downgraded back to MA * 1 only if you raise the base hit by 10.)  Can the base hit be raised to 50?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


The only things I can think of that aren't listed there are covered by your disclaimer, but from the percents FDC has fed me, Steal Heart needs that Y buff he mentioned.

As for maps, doriantoki had a quick starting summation he made about distance between units to better determine size but no one followed up on that.  We should use that to try and get a better divide between Small/Medium/Large, then run each match at either Small/Large/Medium or Large/Small/Medium.  There's also some really atrocious maps that need either new starting positions or to be tossed into the crap pile.  I know the old map list had a crap pile but I don't know if it covered all the really bad ones or not.


Well the maps the should be edited or scrapped imo are 31 - dorter trade city, 49 - fort zeakden (make it a large size map where both teams start off further away), 107 NOGIAS, and 114 END. Everything else seems fine to me. Other than that just re balance the starting positions on other maps like 17 Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle
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December 05, 2011, 03:31:33 pm #26 Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 03:42:42 pm by doriantoki
Oh, is this starting before Christmas or after?  I'm getting a little swamped now as Christmas approaches  :?


Dorter and Zeakden I think can be saved. Both are tricky though due to height advantage whenever an Archer appears. Nogias and End aren't savable imo.

And yes, a few starting positions are still messed up.

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I don't mind for NOGIAS and ENd to be scrapped because it does give a team an unfair advantage considering the units are usually too far away from resurrection or the first mistake is the last one kind of scenario
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Quote from: Barren on December 05, 2011, 07:47:27 pm
I don't mind for NOGIAS and ENd to be scrapped because it does give a team an unfair advantage considering the units are usually too far away from resurrection or the first mistake is the last one kind of scenario

But that depends on the team.  Some teams are better with autonomy on each unit than other teams.  That should be a design decision for the player, though such maps shouldn't appear frequently (maybe once per bracket in Winners and Losers)?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Here are the new start locations for Map 17.

I'm just not sure where to move the units in some maps though, like Dorter(both of them).
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The way player 2's positions are looks fine to me...if I recall Wiz did the same thing with this map
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You dare cross blades with me?


Hmm if you do the league I'll make a team for it. AKA come out of retirement.

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!


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You dare cross blades with me?


December 06, 2011, 08:43:58 pm #34 Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 09:33:03 pm by FFMaster
EDIT: Finished map edit of Dorter Slums.
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*notices the lack of a building only after looking at the image three times*

What's sad is I was going to suggest doing exactly that to the map to make it more balanced for use.
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The top part of one of the buildings near red team's starting position looks weird.  The entire side-face of the topmost two squares is almost entirely the window texture instead of a wall texture, and it almost looks like the building's wearing a visor or something.  It looks far more balanced, though yes, vision gets obscured a lot.

Personally, I'd lower the raised side with the tree and one building down to ground level or mostly ground level so that it can be seen over more easily, and add some means for the green team to get onto the rooftop sprawl on the opposite side.  The rooftop sprawl is good since it gives another map where Longbows actually have a reason to be used, but it has a big design flaw still - the red team starts right next to the only means of getting on top of the rooftops without a high Jump score.  If you could sneak a similar set of steps near where the Green team starts, then both teams would be equal in that they'd both be able to access the rooftops as needed.  Alternatively, you could remove the steps from Red team's side, but that just locks the rooftops out from any unit that doesn't have Ignore Height or a high Jump score, and that doesn't sit well to me since it feels like it'd lead to teams winning/losing solely due to whether or not they have 4 Jump or not.  Much prefer just giving the Green team a similar set of steps that Red team has, since it wouldn't leave low-Jump units locked off the rooftops but high Jump units would still have superior mobility both up there and getting to/from there.


Yeah, I know the topmost 2 squares are a problem. I just got lazy and wanted to show a working map before I got the absolute details perfect. I'm glad that you think it's far more balanced at least, which was the main goal of such an annoying task. There is also a missing texture part on the bottom of one of the houses, so I have to fix that up too.

Adding extra steps for the green side isn't too much of a problem. I'll just have to raise/lower the roof a bit, which may take a bit of time. As for lowering the building on the tree side more, maybe making it a flat roof? the doorway is basically half the height of the building already. It just might look a bit different since all the other buildings have curved tops.
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Quote from: FFMaster on December 08, 2011, 01:45:10 amAdding extra steps for the green side isn't too much of a problem. I'll just have to raise/lower the roof a bit, which may take a bit of time.

You could just toss a small step in front of the building and call it a day, honestly.

Either that, or move that entire small building one square south so that it ends where that alleyway on the Green side currently is, then add a set of stairs of some kind between the two buildings (the small Green side one and larger Red side one) in the space left between them, make it look like a stack of crates or something being stored in the alleyway between the two buildings.  Just have it tall enough that it can be used to access either building and it should be good.

Quote from: FFMaster on December 08, 2011, 01:45:10 amAs for lowering the building on the tree side more, maybe making it a flat roof? the doorway is basically half the height of the building already. It just might look a bit different since all the other buildings have curved tops.

Nonono.  Don't alter that building.  I mean, lower that entire raised area.  There's the building, then the bit that juts out to the side with the tree resting on it.  The whole thing, just lower it down so that it's either level with the ground or 1h above it, that way people can see over it.  Leave everything as-is layout wise there, just have it be level with the ground.