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Messages - DeJ

Hello there - this mod sounds sweet and I'd like to give it a try, however, I am having trouble finding where to download it... Am I missing something here? Could someone please direct me to the patch download and instructions (IE: what version of FFT does this use?) Thanks!
Haha Conman - this is awesome!

I love the Reptilian references. I think I like this Beowulf a little better, less... noble, and he's a crude drunkard.

Seems you are on the home stretch to a completed patch, this is truly good news!

I will happily play through your patch once you post another update with the great work you've done.

Keep it up man, you have an outstanding patch on your hands!
@ Nyzer, thanks for the response man. Appreciate it.

@ Elric, thanks for sharing this sweet event. I also love the Ruby Weapon reference.

The subtleties, among many other things, is what truly makes this Mod amazing!

Keep up the good work!

Much love!
New Project Ideas / Re: Pokemon by way of FFT?
November 04, 2016, 02:36:09 pm
Hey you bet man!

That's why I'm here, to provide morale support and remain enthusiastic - you know, liven this place up a bit with a little 'Mbarrier' action and of course FFT puns. haha.

It's the least I can do for the community, keeping the FFT dream alive. Best game ever, and you guys are allowing me to play through a brand new experience on a familiar engine. Can't thank you all enough for that.
Hidden Skills

Hey Elric and co. -

I have a question regarding Ramza in the new re-release. I know he is able to learn hidden abilities upon being hit by them, Ikanagi Shock comes to mind.
I love this feature in the game, adds a different element to a battle in which you're able to learn a new skill, it also creates a missable which can drive a completionist mad!

My questions are:
1) Do you plan to have additional secret learnable skills upon being hit? I haven't played the most recent version in awhile and I can't seem to remember if there are additional lined slots in the ability list.

2) If the character is able to learn a secret skill, will it be denoted in the skill list with the aforementioned line? - which of course is a red flag for a gamer.

3) Are there plans to incorporate hidden skills for any other characters (besides Ramza of course) or generics or even monsters (if this is possible)?

I completely understand if you do not want to reveal this information - for the sake of maintaining the wonderment, magic and surprise of starting act 1, scene 1 in a familiar but  brand new (and better) FFT, which Jot5 is and will be.

Thanks all and keep up the great work!  :mrgreen:
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
November 04, 2016, 11:35:44 am
Agreed, Gilgamesh is a strong candidate. I would also lean Glenn over Crono. Crono is a lightning element and uses Katanas, Glenn in CT uses swords (albeit Water element) and in Crono Cross the Double Swords (Mastermune, which seems 'Holy' in nature.) Given the attention to detail paid by the development team, it seems they would make things consistent. Or... maybe we've got it all wrong here and it isn't even the Master Sword, even though it seems most likely. Here's one we haven't thought of... Bartz from FF5 in his Traveler job. It fits the FFT mold (job changing) and he can equip any weapon! Yeah... probably not, he's kind of bland and not a prick. Odin would be cool, Zantetsuken, 1 hit kills you in the tournament - only to be revived by the statue. Would make for an interesting battle indeed!
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
November 03, 2016, 04:30:07 pm
To keep it spoiler free:

Could my prediction on the Coliseum idea be accurate? A location on the map, re-visitable, new battles, new tournaments, prizes after each round etc.?

I understand if you cannot share this, but I was just inquring. And I think Urameshi may be correct on the wielder of Link's Sword
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
November 03, 2016, 03:01:35 pm
Wow, what a great event! It's looks amazing, dialogue between Dante and Snake is an instant classic. Very much looking forward to finding out how this snippet fits into the overall story - and also seeing more character interaction. You guys are doing amazing work, I love the tournament idea. 5 battles, with environmental conditions and different types of victory conditions. My take:

My guess is this is an event that occurs later in the game. All of the 5 (sans Ramza, and maybe Snake) have a pre-determined 'ultimate weapon' in their respective games - with Link's obviously being the Master Sword. Maybe your team has considered adding popular ultimate weapons for each character, like in any good Final Fantasy, and this is the 'side-quest' for Link's? Although the Master Sword cannot be wielded by just anyone, it can by say... Shadow Link? Gannondorf? Saw other comments suggesting Frog/Glenn or Crono? Gilgamesh? Either way, in battle 5 of 5 in this tournament, you have a showdown with the wielder of this sword. The battle is hard. The foe is formidable. Victory is dubious at best. Winning grants you the Master Sword. I could see this playing out as a sidequest, and perhaps you have a new map location that is reminiscent of the FF6 coliseum? Maybe this coliseum offers a different challenge each time you visit and of course can be re-visited? Not sure if this is even possible

Right or wrong, this looks sweet! Keep up the great work Elric and co. You guys freakin' rock!!!! Feel free to post anything else, we eat this stuff up.
New Project Ideas / Re: Pokemon by way of FFT?
November 03, 2016, 10:48:56 am
I hear ya Elric and totally understand your frustrations.

Although I don't know how to mod FFT, I have spent countless hours customizing a variety of games only to have them 'stop braceleted'.
Age of Wonders 1, most notably - I swear you can customize everything in the map maker...

I just wanted to drop a comment - showing my support for all past and current projects and I was impressed by the early steam of this project.

Jot5 DOES come first, that is a shimmering statement my man!
What an amazing game that will be.
New Project Ideas / Re: Pokemon by way of FFT?
October 24, 2016, 04:17:01 pm
I just stumbled across this and I am stunned that I haven't found it until now.

It's actually probably a negative discovery as I don't see any type of patch was made available.

I love the genuine idea, it's truly interesting. Obviously large questions remain as to how to exactly synthesize FFT and Pokemon but it's interesting to even know it's a possibility. It also seems Elric, that you and Pride did a bit of work on this one and had some steam.

I know the project is dead, which is a true shame - but I would be in full support of it receiving a nice 'Raise 2' from a Priest with the best possible zodiac compatibility. I would happily lend a hand in testing whatever needs to be tested. Is this project 100% not going to be picked up again?

Seems you were on a roll!

Jot5 of course first, and then this ;) I really have to learn how to edit stuff... so I can help out.

Works in Progress / Re: Souls of Destiny January 4 2016
October 23, 2016, 10:51:56 pm
Found Shadow in Barius Valley. Sweet Samurai vs Ninja battle. Not even going to try recruiting him. Great addition man! Loving this patch!!
Works in Progress / Re: Souls of Destiny January 4 2016
October 23, 2016, 09:26:03 pm
Sweet man!! Great addition. Found Crono too, haha.

Loving the patch in CH 2, rolling through it nicely!

You should seriously consider scaling all story battles to the level of the controller's party, to make things more difficult.

I am literally having an easy time punishing each creative battle. Having great fun, but it's easy. I am an FFT grinder though. And to see what this patch has to offer I feel grinding is warranted.

Don't know how easy it is to scale the levels, but you should add that in your next patch!
Works in Progress / Re: Souls of Destiny January 4 2016
October 22, 2016, 01:59:22 pm
Yo ConMan -

I just encountered:
Frog in Lenalia Plateau, won't let me invite him though. Is this just a mini boss meant to drive me mad or am I missing the way to actually recruit him? (Invite w/ Mediator doesn't work) Furthermore, does he only appear once or multiple times? I would love to be able to recruit him!

It was a pleasant surprise as I love CT.

Lemme know!
Works in Progress / Re: Souls of Destiny January 4 2016
October 20, 2016, 11:38:48 am
Just picked up your new patch (the BETA version) and have been playing through it.

I gotta give you props man, this game is a lot of fun! Good story so far and I like the changes you've made. The new characters are also legit and the battles are still a challenge. I am still early in chapter 1, but have decided to dedicate some time to your patch.

I played your initial release and it had some issues - but this time around, it's much better.

Keep up the good work man! I am excited to see what this has to offer.


The event, Link vs. Dark Link is immaculate!
The Synth Shop looks amazing as if it totally belongs.

Amazing work all. Amazing!
You got that right Tempest!

I was always fascinated by 'unique/non-generic characters' in FFT. They have unique sprites, usually a unique job class and that added value to the game and my playthrough (even if the character wasn't all that effective, like Mustadio, save a few battles with the undead).

The freedom to start a new story with 5 unique characters is a huge win! Not to mention... Ramza can learn unique abilities from his enemies (ikanachi strike or whatever). It has created great anticipation and excitement to A) see what other unique characters are available (along w/ the re-vamped 'generic' classes) and B) see what other unique enemy-learned skills that Ramza can acquire.

Add new equipment, story, synth shop, marks, characters, plots, sprites, a bearded Ramza etc. and you guys have hit yourself a mammoth home-run.

Keep up the great work and keep any updates you have coming!

Thanks all, much love
Let's see... where does an avid FFT fan even begin?

How about this... You guys took the FFT engine (which is timeless and the best SRPG engine IMO) and made a new game that has continuity with the one we all love, EXCEPT!!! you added a sweet and seemingly deep story with awesome unique characters! Link, Snake, Dante, Cloud and the Duke. That in itself is sweet and I'd play this game even without all the bonuses. Shit... I'd play this game as a mere FFT mod that allows you to start with the five in your party (and proceed to play through the original FFT storyline). However, you guys trumped that, went beyond it - and did something very, very ambitious that has gained you much respect, attention and support. I personally check this site 5+ times a week, just eating up all information I can get on this patch alone. I played the demo and it has been part of me ever since. This game presents the opportunity to start a BRAND NEW FFT adventure with 5 unique characters (non-generic sprites/jobs). I feel you have addressed a lot of the issues found in the original FFT (things that you know... break the game), which will add to the challenge and make this a game people will and quite frankly should play, especially anyone claiming to be a fan of the original. It's honestly a dream come true.

-I like that you have unique jobs for the 5. Gives you 5 strictly unique skillsets to start the game with (and strategize around).
-Move-Find Item has a true purpose for at least one sweep in every battle (as you can find better equipment)
-The Marks and Synth system (uhhh... hello original FFT? This is the PERFECT addition to a game like this)
-The boss battles are very challenging. It's not your typical 'fight knights in mandalia until rune blade becomes available, steal them, one-hit Velius and every other major boss'. You actually have to think and plan each move and use effects like Poison and Regen.
-Another thing to note, Link and Dante are very unique characters and their skills depend on what type of weapon they're using. This is genius and adds a lot more strategy and replayability - not to mention opens up the variety in weapons used.

These are just off the cuff thoughts, but all-in-all I know a lot more awaits with the re-release and then following chapters. I know I'll be blown away as will everybody else.

You guys kick major ass and I know I speak for the forum when I say we greatly appreciate all of your hard work!!

much love, DEJ
The Legend of the Supersoft

Story: A mysterious tailed-thief has requested an urgent and rare ingredient. A dear friend has been turned to stone by an evil force, local chemists and white mages have been rendered useless as none of their remedies will cure the stone-bound soul. The tailed-thief speaks of the famed Supersoft, a legendary remedy capable of curing even the most permanent of petrifications, he mentions it can be found deep in the Evil Forest - but great resistance should be anticipated.


Araguay or Yuguo Woods (probably Yuguo as it has more of an 'evil' feel).

Boss: Soul Cage - Re-colored, dark/evil (Halloween?) colored Woodman/Treant/Taiju Sprite
-Undead & Dark Element
-Drain (make it very powerful & Ranged - so a significant amount of health can be restored per hit)
-Petrify (high success rate, Single hit?)
-Maybe other annoying status afflicting skills/spells like: Silence/Poison/Frog/Sleep (maybe just give him Bio1 - 3?)
-High HP, MP & Physical Defense w/ a critical weakness to Fire & Holy (as all undead units are).

Ochu x2 (Lick:For Reflect on Soul Cage)(NOT undead) Have 1 start by Soul Cage.
Ghost x3 (with Sleep or Berserk Touch)

War Trophy: Supersoft? (If not, just regular soft?)
Mark Completion Reward: Lots of Gil, A Rare(er) Synth Material, and/or Anti-Petrify Gear/Holy Element Weapon?

I thought it would be cool to have a subtle (but obvious for some) FF9 reference and the Supersoft Quest for Blank came to mind. The closest thing I could think for a killer plant would to be the Treant Sprite (which I always liked, just wish they were a more useful unit besides being a Defender farm). Beyond that, it seems this one turned into a little spar with the undead. Feel free to tweak however you like as long as the Soul Cage is maintained  :mrgreen:

I am hoping to contribute some more mark ideas, great idea opening this up for outside input!!
Everything sounds great guys, keep up the great work - you have my support (for what it's worth) among the support of many others. You all are creating something great here and I encourage you to take all the time you need to complete this beast of a mod!

I checked out the Alexander summon and it's remarkable! Great, great work, it looks immaculate.

Keep up the grind, we love it and love you!

PS: any other sample clips you feel like posting would be epic!

Thanks again team, keep kick arse!
Wow! This sounds even more remarkable than I ever thought. You guys keep plugging away, you have a huge fanbase here eagerly awaiting this bad boy! You guys keep up all this deep, tedious and revolutionary work. You have all of our support!

Thanks for the update!

Elric, is there anyway you could possibly send me some sample videos? I would love to see what you're working with.

I of course understand if this is not possible.

thanks to you and your team!