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Interesting Job System Idea, Male/Female specific job sets

Started by fin7710, November 26, 2012, 09:12:09 pm


Just had this idea for a job chart that I thought would be pretty interesting. What about having 2 completely different male and female job sets?  I think this could be done fairly easily.  Basically, Squire would be the only shared class, then Bard/Dancer would have no prerequisites except the gender requirement.  With Bard/Dancer as the top branches of job tree, you could build down from there and have 2 independent job trees. 

I probably won't actually create this, but I thought I'd post it here and see if it sparked any ideas.  I think this would add an interesting element to the game.  Let me know what you think.


The problem with a simple application of this idea is how the game handles male and female units for having job levels in Dancer and Bard respectively. While I've been told this isn't exactly how it works by the code, it suits for an example: All Male Units are treated as being Dancer 8; All Female Units are treated as being Bard 8. No, I didn't type that backwards.

As an example: First you set Squire shared and set Bard and Dancer to both unlock at Squire 2. If you set Priest to unlock at Bard 2 then every female unit would get Priest as soon as they reached Squire 2 because the game treats them as having Bard 8. Inversely, if you set Knight to unlock at Dancer 2 every male unit would unlock Knight at Squire 2 because the game treats them as having Dancer 8.

This doesn't mean it's impossible, just that you have to do it backwards. Also, you pretty much need to lose the Bard and Dancer job slots for it. Since female units are always Bard 8, you need to have all female-only jobs require Bard 8 and then never let male units be able to access the Bard job. Of course, Female-only jobs would need to be a combination of Squire+Bard 8. You would need to set that Bard/Dancer to 8 on every job in the gender tree as well. [Note: Doesn't actually need to be 8, just some number that is otherwise unattainable.] I'm not sure if anyone has actually put this one into practice anywhere so I can only really offer it as a theory since I haven't tested it myself.

Also, fun side-effect of tiering up ANY job from Dancer specifically is when you go look at a unit's job list/JP totals during battle nothing past Dancer actually shows up on the list. Not exactly game-breaking, but I received more than a few complaints about not being able to check a unit's JP totals from people playing my patch.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Interesting.  I had no idea Bard/Dancer were handled this way.  So, leaving Squire as a sort of "Commoner" base class, and excluding the Bard/Dancer classes all together that leaves 17 open job spots, if my math is correct.  Assuming you want as balanced a job tree as possible, that leaves you with a 9/8 job's per gender.  That's far less than you get with a shared job tree.  I seem to remember reading something recently about increasing the number of generic job slots.  Does this actually work?  I think FFT 1.3 added the Dark Knight and Onion Knight classes to the job tree, so I'm assuming this is possible.  Do you know if there's a limit to the number of jobs that can be added?  I may actually consider creating this if I could build two full, or close to full, job trees.


I don't think 1.3 added them to the job wheel, I think it just made them unique jobs, similar to Agrias or Mustadio. You can add to the job tree with the tool called RAD, but I think there are bugs associated with it.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Eternal is right: They are added, but as Special characters

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"