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September 20, 2024, 09:28:59 pm


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Topics - Ram

Final Fantasy Tactics / Time Mage SCC Bumps
October 01, 2014, 02:16:49 am
I have continued playing a Time Mage SCC (Straight Character Challenge) from a long time ago where I barely started but now I'm almost done Chapter 1. I encountered some tough fights where I barely won Dorter, had to use GS codes to balance my party and guest(s) for Sand Rat Cellar (I just adjusted the faith values for the 4 Time Mages and gave enough JP for Delita and Algus to learn Accumulate and Phoenix Down. Only Delita got accumulate, the faith values were set to 72 for the 4 mages.), and then easily won the Thieves Fort fight. This one was incredibly fun BTW, reflect I had on one of the TM's bounced a cure 2 on Delita unexpectedly to heal him back to full HP :) . The 2nd Miluda battle was not easy but I managed to box her in and whack whack whack. I was close to being screwed though, many times dumb luck came through. Now I'm stuck on the 1st Wiegraf fight because Delita keeps charging in and using stupid throw stone instead of accumulate  :mad: . Usually he is near death before I get even 1 playable turn. Even with everything going right in this fight, I still can't beat Wiegraf since I only have Delita for big damage attacks, one demi from one of the TMs, and then staff whacking. I "don't move" everything and then try and slow and/or stop Wiegraf but it wears off too quickly. The position of graffy and terrain of the field make it hard to access him. There is no way to surround graffy. I tried 3 times and there is really no hope of winning with my current setup. I have up to par equips with MP switch on 2 and Short Charge on 1. Here are options that I have come up with:

All TMs have demi, Give Delita only accumulate through GS codes, Give Delita auto-potion through GS codes, and/or Change Delita's class.

My question is, is it possible to win without auto-potion on Delita and having him not have Summon? Maybe archer would work? I have gone through YouTube videos (no TM SCC videos on there (except 1 or 2) surprisingly but just SSCC) and some tips with 1 main guide but it doesn't address this battle. If I go the demi on all TMs route, that would barely allow for any haste and don't move which would ruin the team  ;) . If I isolate Delita's accumulate skill, what modifier for # 0x2b - Base Action Abilities 1-8 and # 0x2c - Base Action Abilities 9-16 do I use? There is no lookup for that and if I was playing this with an emulator I could check myself to play around with Delita's Squire combos of what is learned and what isn't. 80058F9F ????
Help! / Potential Gameshark Codes Left to be Hacked
July 12, 2014, 09:24:25 pm
I was torn between putting this topic in the Help sub-forum or the FFT Hacking one so sorry if this is the wrong one. I compile lists of gameshark codes that I want to see eventually hacked for my favorite games and for FFT. These "ideas" are what I have collected over the years:

*Status Effects modifier on enemies and friends, *Immune modifiers on enemies, *Panel modifier for any attacks/spells/etc., Act and/or Move never grayed (separate from CT always 100 and speed), Skip opening movies and screens, Weather modifier, *Everything heals/absorbs for team, Map modifier on STORY battles, Trap modifier, Jump is added to any action modifier, Speed up game (may not be possible), Skip animations (attacks/spells/etc), When Ramza becomes crystallized, its NOT game over; When your team dies, gameplay continues with enemies only; Skip battle dialogue, *Shop Anywhere, Shop has everything, Camera modifier, Skip cut scenes, Attack under menu has 4+ main options, Move "anywhere" in battle, When truly Game Over, continue to the main map screen anyways with nothing changed; *True 100% Invite Code (can invite Zodiac monsters), Story battle modifier, No bottom info at all during battles, Parties start in different areas of map, Mimes do nothing, Mimes attack opponents even though they are out of range, Random CT for anyone, Boss or otherwise has total random attacks with magic (like Grand Cross and uses it), any action is possible from the game; Invite prompt comes up at the end of battle for all enemy units every time, Can embark on any monster whether with your team or enemy, Add command modifier on party member (for attack), Damage does not appear visually, Panel modifier for Geo class, Start anywhere on the battlefield modifier, Experience and leveling up routine not loaded at all, Kanta or sword never breaks when using Samurai skill set, Kanta or sword ALWAYS breaks when using Samurai skill set for enemies, Main job class of storyline enemies during battle are always randomized to something else (any job class), Different enemy units appear from pre-made game list in storyline battles, Attacks force unit off 1 or more panels every time, Attacks force unit off randomly anywhere on the map, Automatic camera angle shift disabled, *Innate Counter Magic or Attack on some Job Class, Units randomly become crystals out of nowhere (not dead or anything!), Mimes will mimic other mimes on the same party (like attack), CT break knight skill, Charge! Attack added skill (Where when in critical, everyone in that state attacks like a mime would), A counter that affects all enemy units (magic?), Music Modifier, Storyline Point Modifier, (45)

*Already Hacked

I'm aware some of these have already been hacked via ISO image editing but not memory address editing. I'm more into the memory hacking side of things and have a great interest in all facets but this is something that I'm not deeply into, but want to get my feet wet more. I could probably hack new codes without major learning of new concepts. I believe these ideas are possible to hack with the exception of one or two but many look like they would be exceedingly complex with great understanding of the game's programming required.

Out of all of these the one I'd like to see most and hack if not known yet, is the red bolded Invite 100% on any enemy unit. The so called 100% invite code that currently exists only applies to units that have any % to begin with, but for story-driven enemies like Zodiac monsters and foes, they have Immune Invite. I'd like a code that disables Immune for everything and this applies to more than this game too (FF9). Of course I can hack a Zodiac monster into my party but what I really want to see is how the game responds to this action like inviting Velius to your party...would the game freeze up or would the battle end or get control of the unit? That's the real entertainment. Based on what I've read, I'm positive the memory addresses are known for enemy Immunities so it would be easy to derive a code from it so if someone knows it or can point me to it so I can figure it out myself, that would be great!

Just a quick few other questions that I thought about are has enemy units ever used equip change in battle whether vanilla FFT or modded and for those who know a ton about FFT's programming and memory, how much room is there before the PS1 Hardware is maxed out by it? That implies how much is going on "under the hood" so to speak before a slowdown arises for the PS1 Hardware because the AI to me is very impressive but graphically not resource heavy based on guessing.

Comments, questions, answers, thoughts are welcome. I'll introduce myself in a few days in the proper subforum but hello from another FFT lover!