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Final Fantasy Tactics: Embargo

Started by The Damned, February 21, 2011, 08:06:11 pm

Who should live? (Keep in mind, if Reis lives, she WON'T be a Dragoner.)



Do me a favor and move your Embargo Miscellany section in your second post from a quote to a spoiler or something.  I'm trying to fix your word count issue but I can't get that text in its correct form by quoting the post because it's inside another quote.

I'll comment on your classes more when I'm done that since I'll try to get everything to fit in one post for you.  I've looked through most of them and have some comments but it would be easier for me to post them after fixing your tl;dr issues.

The Damned

Will do. Thanks for trying.

I think that I'd probably save a lot of space if I left out all the consideration BS and, of course, the miscellany stuff. But I kind of need all in one place because of the state of my computer at present, even with having things in Word and Notepad documents. (The problem is that it's often in too many, old documents at present.)

I think I can get to that equipment stuff by the end of this week. I've suddenly got the urge to try number-crunching crap, even if I don't want to look at FFTPatcher at all today. (Especially since I have to add in everything after Wizard when it comes to updating abilities and such. Ugh.)

I think I'll take a break for today and take the time to finally get my fiction ideas in order while waiting for my "flame" to rekindle. Thanks again.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


February 28, 2011, 09:25:06 pm #22 Last Edit: February 28, 2011, 09:27:30 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
No problem.  Your best bet is to honestly put all your highly detailed documents into a .zip and put them on Megaupload if you're worried about your computer losing them or being lost itself.  Megaupload links don't get nuked usually as long as you're at least a free member and it lets you get the actual source files back instead of needing to deal with transcription off a forum post.

I wouldn't touch FFTPatcher unless you're actively testing something.  I just use lvlsim and WinCalc to numbercrunch and keep everything backed up in 3-4 different locations, so I only ever need to deal with FFTPatcher/TacText/etc one or two times before making at least a demo release.  Saves many, many headaches when things get scrapped, I'll tell you that much.

I can look over the equipment stuff whenever you're ready to send it over.  I've got time, all things considered.  I could probably update my Redesign Post 2-3 times a day currently, but I'm trying to avoid both burnout and overloading people actually following the thread (Y'know, all 3 of them.) since I'm waiting on the Formula Hack and a few other rather large and currently incomplete things anyway.

The Damned

February 28, 2011, 09:47:08 pm #23 Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 12:37:35 pm by The Damned
Oh, it's less being worried that they'll get nuked (though I really SHOULD be backing up all my relevant crap) than it is that they're not organized. I hope that's something else I can get to by the time this week ends, but I haven't before, so....

Also, I meant FFTPatcher more in the capacity of looking for formulas and adding the moves that I said some classes had that I've yet to add. I also need to open it up for monsters anyway.

I'll keep the Equipment stuff in mind. It might take priority if monsters and Lucavi drag on like generics did.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


March 02, 2011, 07:34:25 am #24 Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 07:35:43 am by RavenOfRazgriz
This is the OP and the Miscellany.  Proof it to be sure I didn't cut anything important, though a few lists may be a couple entries smaller since they just got compressed from being so similar.  Should fit in your OP with room to spare.  I'll get on the classes later to see if I can compress them down with a hammer too.  I also fixed like, over 9000 typos as a throw-in too.


Salutations. It is I, The Damned, using my 1000th post (like that means anything) to finally making a thread for that patch I keep mentioning incessantly like an annoying bastard.

Anyway, due to philsov, RavenofRazgriz and a few others reigniting my interest in FFH, I figured that I would give it another try to do something productive with a patch that I feel is actually quite doable compared to the absurdly lofty one I wanted to do with "On the Skulls of Dragons".


Embargo is named because along with calls for "balance" and "change", one of the calling cards of this patch will be excising most foreign elements. Conceptually, it's the polar opposite of Lydyn's Shuushin patch.

I think that the concept not only allots focus on more of Ivalice's internal mechanics, which are rather hazy through the game, but also removes three of the most problematic generic classes. Monk, Ninja and Samurai all die because of this, with Oracle being an unfortunate causality, though I figure that very few people will miss more Oracle more than I.

With that said, the game will be the same for Chapter 1, though major changes are planned for Chapters 2 and 4, though the result will likely be similar. Chapter 3 is a rather...iffy area between the whole Rafa and Malak storyline, so I'm not sure about that.

Inspiration-wise, beyond the removal of most foreign elements, the patch contains many cues from and references to past Final Fantasy games. It takes the most from Final Fantasy 5 and Final Fantasy 12.


While still constantly changing things, I can list the things that I've generally planned that more or less going to happen before jumping into any rather specific details about anything.

1. All elements will generally be seen through the game more and be more important. Elemental absorption is always halved outside of Holy element.

2. A lot more abilities, mostly spells, will be learnable via Learn on Hit. Many spells beyond Blue Mage are Learn on Hit only.

3. The level 4 versions of elemental spells and level 2 version of most status spells have been replaced.

4. Monsters are buffed to hell with innates in exchange for generally lowering their stats and will now differ more than in just moveset even within families. Monster Skill is dead and monsters will show up at least slightly more in storyline battles now. They probably won't be able to breed.

5. Lucavi are similarly buffed in addition to having been buffed in a more...indirect way. They all have signature attacks and are more like their FFXII selves.

6. Templar replaces Monk, Illusionist replaces Oracle, Marksman replaces Ninja and potentially Gunner replaces Samurai. Dancer merges with Bard to make male-only Minstrel; Dancer's spot is the female-only Paladin; Calculator is now Blue Mage; Squire is overhauled into Soldier.

7. I generally want characters to do less damage, so that damage isn't so crazy and there is less need for sandbagging. At the same time, more move sets will have (expensive) revival options so that it isn't monopolized by just 4 skillsets. At present, no less than 7 classes have revival options and 1 or 2 more might get them.

8. Equipment will generally not completely obviate another weapon within the same category. Most things will more or less be of use throughout the game.

9. Swords are technically of two types (that I still need to test); Ninja Swords have been replaced by Greatbows; Katanas are replaced by non-weapons for Gunner; Bags have been replaced by misc. things; all characters can equip Perfume, Hair Adornments and Clothes; all accessories generally give some type of evasion; magic Guns aredead at present and the two other Guns might still die. Shuriken are dead since I can't change them at present; Bombs are the same. For Items, Remedy doesn't heal everything under the sun, Elixir is dead.

10. Status effects interact more and have been "buffed". Wall and Curse (Evil-Looking) now bshow up in game unless they cause massive AI problems. There are two other key status changes at present: Invite is only available through Train; Silence has been changed to Addle, which effects can affect many physical abilities as well--it may change back to just Silence, though.

11. Of other Mediator abilities, I've attempted to buff Finger Guard rather significantly. We'll see how that goes.

12. Finally, special characters are getting changed. At least three 3 new ones are planned, with there possibly being at least 3 more.

1. Death Sentence ignores "Cancel: Dead".

2. Broken/stolen items can be bought back at Fur Shop.

3. AI attacks Transparent units.

4. Defending reduces physical damage by 25%.

5. Wall reduces all HP damage to 1.

6. Float becomes weak against Wind; Oil becomes weak against Fire. (I don't want Float weak against Wind, though.)

7. JP scroll glitch fix.

8. Mighty Sword ignores equipment presence and hits monsters.

9. Buying items at Fur Shops cost 1 x normal price.

10. Poison damage from 1/8 * Max HP to 1/4 * Cur HP. (Might be slightly lessened due to likely increase in difficulty of Queklain/Cuchuulain and Balk.)

11. Change Demi and Drain formulas to use CurHP.

12. Performing gains evasion and receives 150% damage from physical attack. (Charging will no longer receive 150% damage, though it will lack evasion.)

13. Undead units ignore Phoenix Down

1. Attack UP bonus becomes 25%.

2. Magic Attack UP bonus becomes 25%.

3. Defense UP bonus becomes 25%.

4. Magic Defense UP bonus becomes 25%.

5. Crossbow formula becomes WP*WP.

6. Rod formula becomes MA*WP. (I probably won't keep this one. I don't want magical classes to have formidable weapons. What I've done with Books is questionable enough....)

7. Pole/Stick formula becomes PA*WP. (For the exact above reason, this one will likely stay.)

8. Instruments, Books and Cloths become MA*WP. (This may or may not stay. I'm not sure. Cloths may revert or just become plain PA*WP.)

1. Blank support ability over Short Charge adds 25% bonus skill.

2. Sets the title screens default option from "New Game" to "Continue".

3. Removal of permanent Brave alternation.

4. Removal of permanent Faith alternation.

5. Spell quotes always pops up. (At least for testing purposes when I start changing a lot of text.)

6. Forces any unit to automatically recover HP/MP when it steps on a crystal. (Given all the Learn on Hit stuff I'm using, I don't see any other choice. Might just get rid of Crystal period...)

7. Generic Skillset ability fix. (Not sure if I actually need this, but better safe than sorry.)

8. Change Brave into Fury.

9. Weapon Guard innate all.

10. Converts Knight Sword formula to PA*WP.

11. Axes & Flail damage becomes (Rdm{0..PA-1}+PA)*WP.

12. Weapon Strike Fix.

13. Global C-EV.

14. (#+1%) chance of Critical Hit.

15. (#+1%) chance of Knockback for Dash/Throw Stone.

16. Selling Items at 1/4 Price.

1. Formulas that use (MA+X)% become (MA*2+X)%.

2. Silent Walk becomes Flee - Adds XX move when unit is in critical. (That "XX" will probably be 02, maybe 03 since I'm pretty sure I'm going to kill Move +2.)

3. Short Charge rounds CT down instead of up. (This might not be necessary.)

4. Haste is 25% Speed bonus. (This might not be necessary.)

5. Abandon increases evasion by 50%.

6. Throw Item Range edit. (Drops down from 4 range to 3 range.)


Using spoilers for this because it'll save space.

Let us first look at the job tree:

1. Soldier (all generics start as a Soldier).

2. Soldier leads to Knight, Marksman, Mediator, Priest and Wizard.

3. Marksman (previously Archer, but given that my old Marksman class is dead now), as the main class, leads to Arbalist, who are at present is just a Magic Knight of sorts with Samurai requirements.

4. Knight, as the main class, leads to Templar, the primary anti-magic class in the game.

5. Mediator, as the main class, leads either to Thief or to Chemist.

6. Priest, as the main class, leads to Illusionist, something of an amalgam between Calculator/ARENA's Sage and the "deceased" Oracle class.

7. Wizard, as the main class, leads to Geomancer, which is decidedly less physical than before in exchange for still not using MP and all their Elemental abilities actually have elements now.

8. Arbalist, as the main class, leads to Hunter.

9. Templar, as the main class, leads to Dragoon, which is just a renamed Lancer.

10. Illusionist, as the main class, leads to Summoner, which has been become a lot like its FFV and FFX self when it comes to gaining half of its Summoner magic.

11. Geomancer, as the main class, leads to Time Mage, which, like Illusionist and Templar, is trying to pick up Oracle's lost slack when it comes to status the hell out of people.

12. Mime is much easier to open now as it is opposed to Blue Mage and thus no longer the end-all class that only gets used for stats grinding. Mime can't mimic Blue Magic.

13. At present, Paladin's and Minstrel's requirements are much the same as they were despite they're relative strength increased. (That said, they need a lot of work and testing.)

Next is a list of removed or possibly removed RSM. I'm not using ALMA, but hopefully I can "save" more than just Finger Guard. All classes roughly have four RSMs max outside of Squire, which has six, and Paladin & Minstrel, which share the same five.

1. Blade Grasp.

2. Concentrate.

3. Gained JP UP.

4. Martial Arts.

5. Move +3.

6. MP Switch.

7. Teleport.

1. Ignore Height.

2. Jump +1.

3. Jump +3.

4. Move in Water

5. Move on Lava.

6. Weapon Guard.

Let's talk about monsters, the Lucavi and their potential changes. Since Lucavi are the game's bosses, I don't want to give too much:

1. Most monsters skill sets at present haven't been fully worked out. Most of them don't have fourth abilities at present.

2. All monster families outside of Uribos have at least one elemental weakness. Outside of Uribos and Goblins, all monster families also have many elemental resistances, absorptions and immunities.

3. All monsters had their stats decreased to help balance Blue Mage, though they are mostly better than Blue Mage with the ability that Blue Mages take from them.

4. To make up for the above, most monsters have four innates and some type of status immunity as well as possible innate status.

5. Chocobos haven't changed much out of being loaded with innates. They've arguably gotten weaker between gaining an elemental weakness, losing status and possibly losing Chocobo Meteor.

6. Goblins haven't really been changed. As such, they are the weakest monster (yes, they're even weaker than Uribo with all of Uribo's pesky new innates). I hope to change this though they're still meant to be a "beginning" monster without making them the overkill Monk versions they are in 1.3.

7. Bombs are probably overpowered between new resistances both status-wise and element-wise and new abilities, including Oil. They probably won't show up early game because they'd kick your ass rather effortlessly.

8. Panthers are speedy little electrified-status bastards.

9. Ithilids (the "correct" name for Squidlarkin) are mental monsters who are quite hardy because of the deep. At present, they're the only monster family utter immune to Invite/Train, if only because I might combine them all into one special-type monster and replace them with something else.

10. Skeletons are supposed to be more human-esque, now, which...hasn't been going well in testing. They also will not crystallize or turn into chests, which means they will keep raising until the battle is over.

11. Ghosts are hard to-hit and even harder to put to rest because they also no longer crystallize or turn into chests.

12. Floating Eyes are basically the Templar of monsters when it comes to being anti-magic.

13. Cockatrices are, like Bombs, likely overpowered at present--both families cancel way too much in addition to other buffs.

14. Uribo are gullible little cowards at present. Due to a recent change to a status that they had innately, they no longer work as intended; I guess I'll go in other, possibly overpowered direction then....

15. Woodfolk are still guardians of the forest, though at present they kick ass rather they get their ass kicked.

16. Bull Demons are, like Skeletons, failed experiments at present. They have even more reason to change because of something I'm going to do in Chapter 3...

17. Morbols are still fouled-mouth tanks that you don't want to get close to, though you won't have much choice now; Blue Mage at least gets rewarded for it, though.

18. Behemoth are, comparatively, elemental tanks now. Like Panthers, that sums them up rather concisely.

19. Given my plans for Dragon type creatures and the likely death of Reis, all three generic Dragon creatures are quite varied at present.

20. Hydra might well be even more overpowered than before due to innates even with their new weaknesses and the plan to give them the worst HP outside of the Undead and Bombs and no real evasion.

1. Byblos and Apanda Demons will likely be merged into one class, though Byblos might show up as named boss.

2. Archaic Demons and Ultima Demons will likely be merged into one class, though Sinogue, the named Archaic Demon who is after Reis, might stick around as a one-of.

3. Steel Giant, like everything, is still in the process of being changed. It's become even more tanky to make up for losing most of its elemental immunities.

4. Holy Dragon will most likely still be used even though I'm planning to most likely get rid of Reis.

5. Boco will become a special Chocobo, though I've yet to decide exactly what that entails.

1. All fights against them will be rather different outside of maybe Hashmalum and Altima. Let's just say there's a balance reason they're going to generally have lower stats beyond planning to have everything do lower damage....

2. Relatedly, all Lucavi will have their genders be uniformly "Monster" and not randomly be that or male or whatever. There's a couple of reasons for this that I won't be getting into just yet.

3. They will generally be slightly more susceptible to status, though you may pay dearly for trying to status them....

4. All Fear abilities are now no longer just basic 100% guaranteed to hit if they're not prevented and they cost MP now. However, in exchange for this, they will generally destroy you even worse now if they hit; they are still instant. I should point out here they are part of my attempt to buff Finger Guard, now called Iron Will: Iron Will/Finger Guard blocks all Fear abilities.

5. Fear will no longer have its own skill sets--ugh, there are so many wasted skill sets, it's absurd--and Lucavi will generally have much more skills available to them.

6. In addition to being more like their FFXII selves and the other numerous changes, they will be using their FFXII names, sans maybe Altima.

7. Not much more else I can say that won't spoil my plans, though I suppose it wouldn't hurt much to tell you that Belias and Queklain are going to have sub-par Speed now, with Belias being the slowest of the bunch as well as possibly being able to be Slowed. It won't help you.

8. Given what I plan to do with the story, including Elbidis and another NPC, it's quite likely that you will face an additional two Lucavi in-game. One of them is definitely going to be in-story if I make the change.

With that said, All that's left is special characters changes. I'll include Deep Dungeon here just because:

1. At present, I'm considering reducing the special character space to 12 characters so that the player can keep 4 generics if they want. I'm not sure about that, though.

2. I still want special characters to be better than generics, but I don't want them to blow generics away.

3. Additionally, I'm going to try to have more magically-based this time around, just because I've always found swords rather boring and, outside of the unreliable Wonder Twins, Reis (somewhat), and arguably Byblos, every single special character is physically based. Beowulf I'd argue is more in the middle since even though his skillset is entirely MA-based sans Shock, he still needs a freaking sword to do them. At least two of the already selected replacement special characters will be magicians.

4. Ramza: I've been rather annoyed trying to think up his new set given the complete overhaul to Soldier and the lack of room for any more moves in it. I think I've decided on a viable route rather recently, though.

5. Rad: Ah, yes, the first of three "special characters" you get before Agrias and Mustadio who are just glorified generics. Rad will not only be getting his own unique class goes, but he will be a lot more pivotal to Chapter 2 and actually have his own personality. As far as his, there's three potential classes I'm looking at for him.

6. Alicia & Lavian: The other two generic special characters aren't as lucky as Rad to understate things. I've already decided on their replacements, though they aren't entirely removed from the game.

7. Boco: As aforementioned, he will be made into a special Chocobo, which means that the fight against Wiegraf I will likely be a bit more difficult. Alternatively, he might not join you in Araguay Forest and instead be replaced by Alicia's replacement there.

8. Agrias: Still around. As also aforementioned, she needs to be balanced against Paladin and vice versa, which is rather annoying given how all over the place Paladin's skillset is at present.

9. Mustadio: He is getting an entirely new skillset given that Archer now has his abilities of Aim: Leg and Aim: Arm.

10. Rafa & Malak: They will have completely different moveset now, which they currently share. They need something to differentiate them without being as overpowered as their 1.3 counterparts, though they'll be more useful than the originals.

11. Orlandu: Rather recently, I've humored perhaps killing him off, but for now he'll live since I don't want to change too much from the main game and Delita sparing Orlandu is one of the things that proves that he isn't a complete bastard.

12. Meliadoul: I haven't any plans for her beyond "must be able to hit monsters". I'm too busy trying about how to make Zalera really dangerous without verging into invincible territory.

13. Beowulf: I'm currently waffling on whether I want to get rid of Beowulf completely or not. He has three potential replacement characters already lined up, but at the same time I sort of like the idea of exploring Beowulf as a broken man because he wasn't able to save Reis this time around.

14. Reis: She too is beyond saving, though she might still show up. Please deal.

15. Worker 8: As aforementioned, he will be more tanky. I just got another couple of ideas while typing this given what I intend to do to other monsters. Not sure what I'll do with Worker 7 and how I'll differ the both of them to be honest....

16. Cloud: I've already decided on a replacement for him. I just need to find a sprite and decide on which spells are best translated from the game he came from.

17. Byblos: He/it is similarly gone, with no decided replacement at present. Even if Byblos does get a replacement, you'll get your last special character well before you ever reach END.

18. Deep Dungeon: It is more of intended to be a den of bosses from previous Final Fantasy games than strictly uber teams. It won't be as difficult as 1.3, though the things I've planned (if I still have the space) will generally kick your ass around the first couple of times and be rather difficult probably. There will still be teams, though, given that a bunch of 1 vs. 5 would be boring after all while, especially not even...heh, almost gave something away. Anyway, Elbidis is no longer the end boss of this place, but instead there now resides another who also seeks to be pinnacle of his art.... Here's a hint: It's not Omega.

19. Elbidis: Despite having no solid plans for him now, I keep mentioning that name because I intend for him to have a much more active role in the game rather than meditate at the bottom of the Deep Dungeon and then try to kill you. At the very least, he'll be extremely interested in the character slated to be Cloud's replacement and show up at around that time of the game, which is before Deep Dungeon.


Okay, we're coming to the end now. Thank you for reading this far. All that's left is a list of potential things that I want to do that I haven't done/begun implementing myself and potential problems I see.

Let's talk about the potential things I want to do first since additional problems might stem from that:

1. I want Brave and Faith extremes to detrimental. As such, I want 100 Brave and 100 Faith to be BAD things, even without permanent Faith and Brave alternation. I plan to try to do this by having those extremes trigger status, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing when Brave and Faith won't "tick down" like minimum Brave will. Also, even if I can have things get ticked down, then that might mean that separate statuses themselves might be tied those extremes and usable, which...isn't good. I guess if Wall goes belly-up idea-wise I can use that for...something.

2. Similarly, I want Brave and Faith to only be go as low as 01 and not 00. Atheist/Innocent/Apostate status completely negating most magic is stupid. At least with 01, it would mean that magic can still potentially hit and affect the "atheist".

3. Related to the above, I want to fix that damn glitch that makes it so that Untruth spells think that 100 Faith is 0 Faith.

4. When it comes to statuses causing weakness to a certain element, I'd much rather have Don't Move be furthered as a negative status than a negative aspect be attached to Float; it would further make Don't Move and Float the opposites that I've intended them to be.

5. I want to add a couple of more in-story battles and fiddle around with the script quite a bit, but I'm not sure if I've the room.

6. Additionally, want to make use of all skill sets, though with changing generic monsters like that, I might have a lot less than I planned to.

7. As aforementioned, I want to add at least one other Zodiac battle, especially given that it will take the place of at least one other boss battle thankfully--Chapter 4 is already loaded with boss battles, so....

8. Speaking of the glut in Chapter 4, I want to make Chapter 3 have more of...everything, somehow. At present, outside of Rafa & Malak and some gauntlets, it's pretty lacking on both attainable special characters and bosses.

9. I've considered wanting weaknesses to only do 1.5 damage rather than straight double damage.

10. Finally, I want to learn how to hack and use ARH and such so I can do most the stuff myself. I'm not sure about sprites, though, because I've always sucked at art. Sprites are pretty much the last priority to me as such.

Of course, nothing good can ever last:

1. Balancing this game is going to freaking atrocious between wanting to keep most equipment relevant, wanting to add more elements and have more element interaction, wanting to add more status and have more status interaction, probably allowing for Lucavi to be Demi'd and Life Drain'd, wanting lower speed, wanting lower damage, making it so that magic-users being mid-charged doesn't mean much, changing Silence to Addle and other things. It's like...balance itself is an eldritch abomination.

2. Similarly, having all classes stay relevant is easier said than done, especially when trying to balance them against special characters.

3. I might have too many immunities on things (both equipment-wise and class-wise) to the point where, even having made Ribbon one-of, I might have still obviated a lot statuses.

4. The elemental thing might have been gone overboard with regards to what has it weapon-wise and directly offensively ability-wise to point where things might be obnoxiously difficult to attack. While I want damage to be lower, I don't want battles to drag on forever or, worse, become Sisyphean.

5. Despite all the reuse of ability-space, I might still run out of changeable ability space, at least for the things I want to do with random battles and DD. That would be...annoying.

6. Finally, there's perhaps the chance that I'm still being too ambitious about this, especially since I want to do it by myself. Even having had such free time (unfortunately), I simply might not actually be capable of such still.

With all that said, I'm still trying to give myself a deadline for at least being done with the most basic changes up to Chapter 2:

1. Midway point/Possibly early release: March 10, 2011. (One-year anniversary of when I started).

2. Strict deadline of at least most basic Chapter 2 changes: March 31, 2011. (More likely date.)

Thank you for your time.

3. Knight, as the main class, leads to Templar, the primary anti-magic class in the game. (Knight has a lot more sword-related skills and what's essentially a lesser Revive with Monks' horrible, horrible death.)

4. Archer, as the main class, leads to Marksman, who are at present just renamed Ninja who use Bows and can't equip Two Swords. (Archer has an entirely new skillset.)

5. Mediator, as the main class, leads either to Thief or to Chemist.

6. Priest, as the main class, leads to Illusionist, something of an amalgam between Calculator/ARENA's Sage and the "deceased" Oracle class.

7. Wizard, as the main class, leads to Geomancer, which is decidedly less physical than before in exchange for still not using MP and all their Elemental abilities actually have elements now. Wizards have gained condensed Bio spells [of varying elements of Water, Dark and Earth] and ost Poison & Death. They also lost Frog, which has been given to Time Mage, in exchange for taking something akin to Time Mage's Meteor as a Learn on Hit ability ala FFIX. They have, at present, also gained Life Drain and a Debarrier ability.

8. Templar, as the main class, leads to Dragoon, which is just a renamed Lancer given that we can't yet use the unique Jump in any other class and that was too much to lose.

9. Marksmen, as the main class, leads to Gunner, which is the class mostly likely to die given how focused it is on exactly one weapon--Mythril Gun is the Materia Blade now for all intents and purposes--and how relatively boring it is.

10. Illusionist, as the main class, leads to Summoner, which has been become a lot like its FFV and FFX self when it comes to gaining half of its Summoner magic.

11. Geomancer, as the main class, leads to Time Mage, which, like Illusionist and Templar, is trying to pick up Oracle's lost slack when it comes to status the hell out of people.

All of these are Razele's.

2. No starting items.

9. Selling items at (Fur) Shops costs 1/4 normal price.

13. Equip Change innate all.

14. Defend innate all v1.1.

15. Monster Skill innate all.

16. Undead units receive 25% max HP damage from Phoenix Down.

19. Katana chance to break.

The Damned

March 02, 2011, 07:25:46 pm #25 Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 06:41:57 am by The Damned
Hey, I would have fixed typos...eventually. As much as I typo, it's only natural that there would unfortunately be quite a few and I was focusing more on formatting issues when I edited in things, especially with the forum not notifying me when it cuts things off.

Still though, much thanks, especially for including the miscellany stuff that I thought would have had to be excised. I'll update the first post with it.

Don't worry about the classes, though. I know exactly what to change and excise to make them shorter and I have to change quite a few things anyway, so it will largely be pointless. Feel free to point out any typos to me, though.

In the meanwhile, since I haven't touched FFTPatcher in the past two days and I haven't play-tested things in months, I figure that I'll dump all my status stuff here in an effort to go over them. As always, some of this stuff is doubtless going to change.

For now, the status names are staying the same since I'm more worried about trying to come up with ability names, though some of them are pretty much assured to change later. This will be an experiment in being concise on my part.

(09/26/2011 EDIT: Status names have now be changed to adjectival and in a few cases, as with Treasure, outright changed.)

????* (???) [Originally: [blank]]
Effect: Unit is....

Cancels: Everything with regards to this is new, so I'm not going put an asterisk by everything. [07/16/2012 EDIT: Might end up canceling Misty. Eventually.]

1. Transparent.
2. Critical.
3. Regening.
4. Hasted.

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. [Looted].
5. Stopped.*6

Order: 1
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Crystallized (Cry) [Originally: Crystal]
Effect: Unit is beyond saving and has turned into a one-time HP/MP restoration effect.

Cancels: All other status.

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/16/2012 EDIT: Undead to no longer to block Crystallized once I..."fix" some things with regards to Undead.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Undead.*5
3. Jumping.

Order: 27
CT: 0
Freeze CT: Yes.
Count as KO: Yes.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: Yes.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Dying (Dyi) [Originally: Dead]
Effect: Unit is dying but can still be resuscitated if one is quick enough before it's too late.

Cancels: No longer cancels [Blood Suck] or Floating.* Now cancels Oily. Considering having it cancel Blind and/or Addled like it does in ARENA now. (EDIT: As of 03/29/2012, it also cancels both of those now.) [07/16/2012 EDIT: While [Addled] has obviously been back to Silenced for a while, I forgot make note that this now cancels Frogged and no longer cancels Poisoned or Regening for now, testing it in tandem with ARENA. Also added a "mystery" status back.]

1. Charging.
2. Jumping.
3. Cautious.
4. Performing.
5. Blind.*5
6. Confused.
7. Silenced.*5
8. Oily.*
9. Transparent.
10. Berserk.
11. Critical.
12. Frogged.*7
13. Protected.
14. Shelled.
15. Hasted.
16. Slowed.
17. Stopped.
18. Faithful.
19. Doubtful.
20. Charmed.
21. Sleeping.
22. Immobilized.
23. Disabled.
24. Reflective.
25. Doomed.
26. ???.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*

Order: 25
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: Yes.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.**
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Undead (Und) [Originally: Undead]
Effect: Unit's body has begun to rot eternally, making most healing harmful and possibly denying one the salvation of death.

Cancels: No longer cancels Reraise.* [07/16/2012 EDIT: With Reraised dead, "ironically" Undead will be canceling its (current) replacement of Blessed outright. Undead will also, for now, cancel Imperiled. I'm also still debating whether to let Undead go back to at least canceling Blind. Poisoned & Regening stuff still needs to be worked out.]

1. Blind.*6
2. Poisoned.*
3. Regening.*
4. Doomed.*
5. Blessed.*7
6. Imperiled.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can stack on top of Dying** and Reraised now.

1. Crystallized.
2. Jumping.
3. Petrified.*
4. [Looted].*
5. Stopped.*6

Order: 16
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Charging (Chg) [Originally: Charging]
Effect: Unit is focusing almost solely on an upcoming attack, keeping their evasion but taking extra damage to do so.***

Cancels: Transparent.*

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*6

Order: 8
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes. [Changed back from "no" because it would otherwise detrimentally affect too much.]
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Jumping (Jmg) [Originally: Jump]
Effect: Unit has left the battlefield and is in the middle of a Dragoon's Jump attack.

Cancels: Nothing.

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*6

Order: 7
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: Yes.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Cautious (Cts) [Originally: Defending]
Effect: Unit has assumed a defensive stance to further evasion and to reduce damage.

Cancels: [07/17/2012 - Given its new important position in my plans and my attempts to work with other things, it will now actually cancel at least a couple of things. It might cancel even more in the future.]

1. Berserk.*7
2. ???.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Definitely won't be able stack on top of Sleeping; may go back to being able to stack on top of Charging and Performing if it doesn't cancel the CT, which I'm pretty sure it does.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*6
7. Sleeping.*7
8. Charging.*7
9. Performing.*7

Miscellany: This is no longer going to die.
Order: 6
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Performing (Prf) [Originally: Performing]
Effect: Unit is performing an elaborate, continual action, unaware of its surrounding but not anymore vulnerable to damage.***

Cancels: Transparent.*

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*6

Order: 5
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.*
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Petrified (Ptr) [Originally: Petrify]
Effect: Unit's flesh turns to stone, causing immediate but perhaps temporary death.

Cancels: No longer cancels Charging, Cautious, Performing or Reflective.*

1. Jumping.
2. Confused.*
3. Floating.
4. Transparent.*
5. Berserk.
6. Poisoned.*
7. Regening.*
8. Hasted.*
9. Slowed.*
10. Stopped.
11. Faithful.*
12. Doubtful.*
13. Charmed.*
14. Sleeping.
15. Doomed.*

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: What ultimately happens with this depends on the ASM "homework" I still owe formerdeathcorps:
Order: 24
CT: 0
Freeze CT: Yes.
Count as KO: Yes.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.**
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Invite (N/A) [Originally: Invite]
Effect: Unit is tamed into permanent servitude.

Cancels: Nothing.

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: It literally just occurred to me to maybe not make it able to stack on top of Frogged given how much damage can be done to Frogs, but I'm rather ambivalent.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*

Miscellany: I'm more and more considering killing this off, even if I can't find someway to replicate it without needing an "official" status slot for it. It just seems a waste to have a slot for something like this when Quick and Golem have unofficial statuses that don't need them, even both of those are formula-based.
Order: 15
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: Yes.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Blind (Bln) [Originally: Darkness]
Effect: Unit's sense of vision has been destroyed, causing physical attacks to have a greater chance of missing.

Cancels: Nothing.

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Probably going to be able to stack on top of Undead status again. Might become unable to stack on top of itself, though since it doesn't Cancel anything, much less Charging or Performing, and it doesn't stop Act or Move, that's not terribly important one way or the other.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Undead.*6
4. Jumping.
5. Petrified.*
6. [Looted].*
7. Regening.*
8. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: Pretty much default to 50% with the "by half" ASM.
Order: 19
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Imperiled (Imp) [Originally: Confusion]
Effect: Unit's elemental properties shift detrimentally, exposing it to greater harm:
1. Unit's Absorb properties go to Null.
2. Unit's Null properties go to Resist.
3. Unit's Resist properties go to Neutral.
4. Unit's Neutral properties go to Weak.
5. Unit's Weak properties go to ????

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Lost Confused's Canceling of Charging & Performing. Now Cancel Protected & Shelled and is likely be canceled by both of them as well some...other statuses.]

1. Protected.*7
2. Shelled.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Won't be able stack on top of itself at least. Maybe Cautious and Reflective as well. Not definite, though, especially since at least three other things besides Protected and Shelled already cancel it.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. Imperiled.*7
6. [Looted].*
7. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: Like many (negative) status, this needs to no longer be infinite. It needs to no longer have Confused's properties first, though.
Order: 19
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes. [Changed from Cnf's "No".]
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Silenced (Slc) [Originally: Silence]
Effect: Unit's voice and source of magical power is severely hampered.

Cancels: Technically everything here is new even without the edit.

1. Charging.*
2. Performing.*5
3. Misty.*5

Can't Stack On Top Of: Is now the opposite of Addled in that it not only affects Performing, but cancels it. [07/17/2012: As such, Silenced obviously needs to not be able to stack onto itself. Otherwise Paladin's Pure Skill instantly becomes overpowered, arguably broken.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Regening.*
7. Stopped.*6
8. Silenced.*7

Miscellany: Infinite duration on this is actually "fine" or, at least, an extremely low priority to "fix".
Order: 21
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.*

???? (???) [Originally: Blood Suck]
Effects: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Keep forgetting to make a note of this, even though I don't want to say much about it at present given it has to be coded entirely. I'll only say it's a negative status and was, until about mid-April 2012, going to be a secondary version of Stop. Now it and Stopped are nothing like each other, which is for the better. Its properties are basically decided now.]

Cancels: Technically all new given how long this has been redacted despite having been "decided on" since last year (2011). Right now, only Oily is actually "decided"...and, well, see below:

1. ????
2. Oily.*7
3. Hasted.*7
4. Slowed.*7
5. Sleeping.*7

Can't Stack On Top of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Perhaps make ??? unable to Stack on top of itself like I intend to do with most things. While its still coded as "Blood Suck", I suppose I'll have it not stack on most things. It won't stack on Oily if it doesn't outright cancel it and vice-versa.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted]*
6. Oily. [If it doesn't cancel it as above.]
7. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: This as Blood Suck also had Lower Target Priority checked off? No wonder the AI was so bad at dealing with Blood Suck:
1. Order: 1E
2. CT: 0 [Needs to become finite.]
3. Freeze CT: No. [Since no longer mini-Stop.]
4. Counts as KO: No. [Changed from Blood Suck's Yes.]
5. Can Reaction: No. [Unchanged from Blood Suck for now.]
6. Ignores Attacks: No.
7. Canceled by Immortal Status: No. [Eventually.]

Cursed (Crs) [Originally: Dark/Evil Looking]****
Effect: Unit has had a hex placed upon them that destroys and denies positive blessings.

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Even with Reraised technically dead, Cursed will still cancel it as "Blessed". That said, it might cancel even less since, like Reflective, Floating and even Faithful might leave; despite Faithful being the more neutral of the two it's more likely to stay.

1. Floating.*
2. Transparent.*
3. Regening.*
4. Protected.*
5. Shelled.*
6. Hasted.*
7. Faithful.*
8. Blessed.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT:

1. Crystallized.*
2. Petrified.*
3. [Looted].*

Miscellany: This might be only status I'm changing where the chief thing to fix is the animation rather than the properties:
Order: 0
CT: 0 [Likely to change, which would mean it probably wouldn't be canceled by Dying.]
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Or Treasure's Replacement.

There's still nothing to see here yet. What was to become was outsourced to Chicken. I'm leaning towards positive status effect since I desperately need more of those, especially since a few of the old ones that have survived have come decidedly "neutral".

Oily (Oil) [Originally: Oily]
Effect: Unit is covered in flammable liquid that makes Fire-based attacks far more harmful.***

Cancels: Now cancels four things as opposed to nothing for being temporarily "nerfed"/"fixed".* [07/17/2012 EDIT: Probably losing Charging & Performing whether or not it cancels or blocks that "mystery" status.]

1. Charging.*5
2. Performing.*
3. Transparent.*
4. Hasted.*5
5. ???.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: While it continues to cancel Charging & Performing, Oily will be unable to stack onto itself. Also, if it doesn't outright cancel that mystery status, then it will block it and vice-versa.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Oily.*7
5. ???.*7

Order: 17
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Floating (Flt) [Originally: Float]
Effect: Unit is levitating a few feet off the ground and, as such, is immune to Earth-based techniques.

Cancels: Immobilized.*

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can stack on top of Dying.** [07/17/2012 EDIT: This is able to stack on top of Cursed again considering its unlike to remain blocked by it.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Jumping.
3. [Looted].*

Order: F
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Blessed (Bls) [Originally: Reraised]

Effects: Unit has had a blessing placed upon them that destroys and denies many negative ailment.

Cancels: Even just canceling almost all negative status sans Crystallized, Dying & Critical would puts Blessed WAY ahead of Cursed, so it cancels "only" about half, some of which might still leave, like Frogged and Poisoned. Anyway, all technically new:

1. ???*7
2. Blind*7
3. Imperiled*7
4. Silenced*7
5. ???*7
6. Cursed [The only really "necessary" one.]
7. Oily
8. Frogged
9. Poisoned
10. Immobilized
11. Disabled

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: "Ironically", the thing taking Reraised's spot goes back to being unable to be applied to Undead status, even the ones that aren't always Undead; it's even canceled by Undead too. Will be able to stack on top of and cancel ??? & Cursed unlike Reraised, though.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Undead.
4. Jumping.
5. [Looted].*
7. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: I was going to say this needs to lose its coded abilities of Reraised, but with it now being canceled by Dying, that should take care of that problem automatically:
Order: E
CT: 0 [Likely to change, which would mean it probably wouldn't be canceled by Dying.] Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Transparent (Trn) [Originally: Transparent]
Effect: Unit has become difficult to see and thus become nigh impossible to evade on the next attack.***

Cancels: Hasted.*

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: In the increasingly unlikely event that it survives, despite the fact that I need more positive statuses, not less, it will now not be able to stack on top of another uncoded "mystery" status.]

1. ????.*
2. Crystallized.
3. Dying.
4. Charging.*
5. Jumping.
6. Performing.*
7. Cursed.
8. [Looted].*
9. Oily.
10. ???.*7

Miscellany: This status is likeliest to die next, especially given how inept the AI is at using it and reacting to it correctly even with current ASMs. Besides, I'm allowing Concentrate back, so this really isn't needed...:
Order: D
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Berserk (Brk) [Originally: Berserk]
Effect: Unit is consumed by bloodlust and doggedly pursues & attacks the nearest foe.

Cancels: Now gets rid of some negative status in an attempt to make it more "appealing". [07/17/2012 EDIT: No longer cancels Critical. Rather the opposite in fact. Now cancels Sleeping, though.]

1. ???.*
2. Charging.
3. Jumping.
4. Cautious.
5. Performing.
6. Poisoned.*
7. Sleeping.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Now no longer can occur on top of Critical to help get counter the infinite duration somewhat. Also, I've decided to be "nice" for now and make Frogged units immune to Berserk since Berserk does nothing to boost pathetic Frog damage.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*6
7. Critical.*7
8. Frogged.*7

Miscellany: For now, the infinite duration on this matters less due to change to Critical, though that's ultimately stopgap. Probably.
Order: 18
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.*6 [Was "Yes" for a while.]
Can React: Yes.*
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

???? (???) [Originally: Chicken]
Effect: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Chicken's originally planned replacement turned out to be superfluous with something that I think I should be able to do, though considering I still have to test something else, this won't necessarily become a positive status though I "need" more of those possibly. That remains true as becomes the spot for Looted's old replacement.]

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Only thing that this should "obviously" cancel is Cautious. Honestly not sure if there's anything else it "should" cancel.]

1. Cautious.

Can't Stack On Top Of: [Don't really think anything should change from Chicken's old resistances at present.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*

Miscellany: Fixing out how to make some replacing Chicken to not screw around, especially when the unit's Brave is at or above 10, should be "fun":
Order: 4
CT: 0 [Yeah, that needs to not be.]
Freeze CT:No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No. 
Canceled by Immortal Status: No. [Now "no".]

Frogged (Frg) [Originally: Frog]
Effect: Unit has become a Frog. Ribbit.

Cancels: No longer cancels Floating.* Now cancels Doubtful status. [07/17/2012 EDIT: Now to cancel Berserk and one of the "mystery" statuses.]

1. Charging.*
2. Jumping.
3. Cautious.
4. Performing.
5. Doubtful.*
6. Berserk.*7
7. ???.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Chicken.*
7. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: Still pondering what else to do with this, including finite duration. Also still need to make sure Polymorph still works while Frogged in the shift to Dimensionalist:
Order: 20
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.* [Back to being "No" due to the whole "canceled by Dying" thing.]
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Critical (Crt) [Originally: Critical]
Effect: Unit is heavily injured and more likely to retreat.

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Now actively cancels Berserk. Still can't, and won't, be able to be actively inflicted by anything other than damage, though.]

1. Berserk.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can no longer stack on top of Berserk. Cannot stack on top of the new status either. [07/17/2012 EDIT: Able to stack on top of Berserk again since it cancels it.]

1. ????.*
2. Crystallized.
3. Jumping.
4. [Looted].*

Order: 3
CT: 0
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Poisoned (Psn) [Originally: Poison]
Effect: Unit's health has been compromised and rapidly deteriorates in eighths.*7 Can be lethal, but often only such if left untreated or the unit has other severe health complications.***

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Due to being weakened back down to 1/8 of Max HP, it "needs" to cancel other things, so at present it cancels Blessed and Transparent now, though those are both "iffy".]

1. Regening.
2. Blessed.*7
3. Transparent.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can no longer stack on top of Berserk at present in effort to boost Berserk. As of 05/01/2012, Berserk is no longer immune to it, though Berserk still initially cancels it. [07/17/2012 EDIT: Not has changed at present. Just noting that it will probably be able to stack on top of Undead again after some "fixes" and it's not blocked by Blessed at present, partly because it's unlikely to be blocked by Blessed and may even cancel it.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Undead.*
4. Jumping.
5. Petrified.*
6. [Looted].*
7. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: This went back to its original, weaker roots due to lowered overall end damage in Embargo, realizing it rather obviated Demi was it was with 25% HP per turn and feeling that it needs to keep in line with Regening and Misty. It might go even lower, especially since Regening and Misty are likely to, but will get some other "perks" to make up for that:
Order: 1A
CT: 96.*7 [No, that's not 672. No longer 0* since I so enjoy stealing from ARENA.]
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Regening (Rgn) [Originally: Regen]
Effect: Unit's health is restored gradually.

Cancels: (EDIT: At present, long before 03/29/2012, it no longer cancels ????.)

1. Blind.*
2. Poisoned.

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Now blocked decidedly blocked by that same mystery status, partly because Regening itself blocks Silenced; Regening doesn't cancel Silenced as well because that's Misty's job (now).]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. Cursed.*
6. [Looted].*
7. Stopped.*6
8. Doomed.*
9. ???.*7

Miscellany: Probably the least planned to be changed of three statuses that currently deal with HP/MP directly, though it's the easiest to "change" at present in terms of things like no longer being canceled by Dying:
Order: C
CT: 96.*7 [No, that's not 672. No longer its original 36 since I so enjoy stealing from ARENA. Well, that and it shouldn't have been so wildly uneven compared to infinite Poisoned in the first place.]
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Protected (Prt) [Originally: Protect]
Effect: Unit is protected in some way that reduces the effectiveness of physically-based attacks by a third.

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: This now at least cancels Imperiled. I was considering letting it cancel Cursed, but given that Dying now cancels Cursed and Cursed already has it tough enough as it is, that would be overkill.]

1. Imperiled.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: For now will remain blocked by Cursed, I'm still not sure how it and Doubtful should interact here....]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Cursed.*
5. [Looted].*

Miscellany: As per stealing from ARENA, its CT has been lengthened:
Order: 13
CT: 48 [Now 48 instead of 32]
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Shelled (Shl) [Originally: Shell]
Effect: Unit is protected in some way that reduces the effectiveness of magickally-based attacks by a third.

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: This now at least cancels Imperiled. I was considering letting it cancel Cursed, but given that Dying now cancels Cursed and Cursed already has it tough enough as it is, that would be overkill.]

1. Imperiled.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: [07/17/2012 EDIT: For now will remain blocked by Cursed, I'm still not sure how it and Doubtful should interact here....]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Cursed.*
5. [Looted].*

Miscellany: As per stealing from ARENA, its CT has been lengthened:
Order: 12
CT: 48 [Now 48 instead of 32.]
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Hasted (Hst) [Originally: Haste]
Effect: Unit is able to move and act at a quicker pace than normal.

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Due to my current thoughts that I might be crapping on it a bit too much status interaction-wise, it now cancels Sleeping. That could easily change back, though.]

1. Transparent.*
2. Slowed.*
3. Sleeping.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can stack on top of Dying now.** Will probably get hated on even more later. [07/17/2012 EDIT: As above, given how much I've targeted Hasted, which has also been blocked by Oily for a year even though it hasn't been here, it's entirely possible that it will be the only positive status that can stack on top of Cursed. This while both being canceled by it and not canceling it. It only seems "fair" since Blessed doesn't--and won't--be canceling, much less blocking, Slowed.]

1. ????.*
2. Crystallized.
3. Jumping.
4. Cursed.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Hasted.*
7. Stopped.*
8. Oily.*7

Miscellany: At present, this is also still "only" at 25% effectiveness. I need to figure out the "actual" CT when it comes to Hasted in terms both that and the original 50%:
Order: 11
CT: 32
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Slowed (Slw) [Originally: Slow]
Effect: Unit is restricted to moving and acting at a slower pace than normal.

Cancels: Hasted.

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can stack on top of Dying now.**

1. Crystal.
2. Jump.
3. [Looted].*
4. Slowed.*
5. Stopped.*

Miscellany: Might be going back to halving Speed, even as originally ridiculous as that seem. Its CT is definitely going to be less than Hasted's regardless. Whether it's a 50% or 25% reduction, I need to figure out its "actual" CT just like with Hasted:
Order: 1B
CT: 24
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Stopped (Stp) [Originally: Stop]
Effect: Unit has become seemingly frozen and [Redacted].


1. Hasted.*
2. Slowed.*

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Jumping.
3. [Looted].*
4. Stopped.*

Order: 22
CT: 24*
Freeze CT: Yes.
Count as KO: Yes.*6
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Misty (Mst) [Originally: Wall]
Effect: Unit has begun to passively channel Ivalican mist to restore its mana and mind.*** [Note: All instances of Wall still in effect above & below are invalid and do not apply to this. Here is Wall's former description: "Spatial-temporal barrier arises and negates most damage.***"]

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Now cancels Reflective rather than being blocked by it, though that can easily change back.]

1. Silenced.*5
2. Reflective.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: As of 03/29/2012, I think I'm decided on what it can't stack on top of. [07/17/2012: As said above, no longer blocked by Reflective.*5 Might be blocked or canceled by a mystery status, though.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Jumping.
3. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: Honestly considering giving this an infinite duration, especially since I'm likely to reduce it further, it has more "in common" mirror-wise with Reflective than Regening and since I need the CT space:
Order: 2
CT: 96.*7 [Yeah, you know the drill by now, even if it's not in ARENA.]
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.*
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Faithful (Fhf) [Originally: Faith]
Effect: Unit becomes consumed by faith, putting its life solely in the hands of the supernatural.

Cancels: [07/17/2012: I figured this could cancel at least one more thing given all that Doubtful still currently cancels. It was originally considering Poisoned, but now it cancels something entirely different. I just thought of something else it could may be cancel too, though I'll have to think about that one....]

1. Doubtful.
2. ???.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. Cursed.*
6. [Looted].*
7. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: I'm considering using ARENA's CT here as well, though in this instance (and Doubtful's) I think the CT there is probably too long:
Order: B
CT: 32
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.*
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Doubtful (Dbf) (Innocent)
Effect: Unit becomes extremely skeptical of the supernatural, generally reducing its effectiveness for better or for worse.

Cancels: Now cancels a lot more than just its opposite of Faithful. [07/17/2012 EDIT: With Reraised* dead, this "needed" something else to cancel. I figured it was either between Blessed and Regening and I chose...Regening because, well, see below this.]

1. Protected.*
2. Shelled.*
3. Faithful.
4. Reflective.*
5. Regening.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: Now can't stack on top of Frogged, just because I eventually realized that becoming a frog would make it pretty difficult to deny the supernatural. Pretty difficult.... Ribbit. [07/17/2012 EDIT: Given Faithful is blocked by Cursed, despite not being negative, Doubtful be blocked by Blessed, though not canceled by it.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Frogged.*
7. Stopped.*6
8. Blessed.*7

Miscellany: I'm considering using ARENA's CT here as well, though in this instance (and Doubtful's) I think the CT there is probably too long:
Order: A
CT: 32
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Charmed (Chm) [Originally: Charm]
Effect: Unit becomes temporarily enticed to betray its allies.


1. Charging.
2. Jumping.
3. Cautious.
4. Performing.

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can stack on top of Dying now.** Is back to being able to stack on top of Berserk (for now). [07/17/2012 EDIT: I need to see how this is at stacking on top of itself already, if it even can, since it cancels both Charging and Performing.

1. Crystallized.
2. Jumping.
3. Petrified.*
4. [Looted].*
5. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: Might actually lessen the CT a bit:
Order: 14
CT: 32
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Sleeping (Sleep)
Effect: Unit has instantly succumb to a deep sleep, taking extra damage from any physical attack, which will then awaken them.

Cancels: Now cancels Confused as well since it cancels Berserk. [/more stealing from Raven] [07/17/2012 EDIT: With Imperiled now taking over for Confused*, that cancelation no longer occurs.]

1. Charging.
2. Jumping.
3. Cautious.
4. Performing.
5. Berserk.*

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*6

Order: 23
CT: 24 (As of 03/29/2012. It might change.)
Freeze CT: Yes.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Immobilized (Imb) [Originally: Don't Move]
Effect: Unit has become unable to move for one reason or another, but is still able to act.

Cancels: Floating.*

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can stack on top of Dying now.** Might get changed to no longer be able to stack on top of itself. [07/17/2012 EDIT: Definitely no longer able to stack on top of itself.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Jumping.
3. [Looted].*
4. Stopped.*6
5. Immobilized.

Order: 1C
CT: 24
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Disabled (Dsb) [Originally: Don't Act]
Effect: Unit has become unable to take any actions for one reason or another, but it is still able to move.

Cancels: As of 03/29/2012, it cancels two things, partly because of Silenced's return.

1. Charging.*5
2. Performing.*5

Can't Stack On Top Of: Might get changed to no longer be able to stack on top of itself. [07/17/2012 EDIT: Definitely no longer able to stack on top of itself, especially since it cancels both Charging and Performing.]

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*6

Order: 1D
CT: 24
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Reflective (Rfl) [Originally: Reflect]
Effect: Unit has become surrounded by a barrier that causes certain magic spells targeting the unit to bounces off at twice the distance between the caster and the targeted unit.

Cancels: Nothing at present, it will probably end up canceling at least Misty status later...which as of 03/29/2012, it has. [07/17/2012 EDIT: This may cancel Imperiled...eventually. Otherwise, it's much the same.]

1. Misty.*5

Can't Stack On Top Of: That or it won't be able to stack on top of Misty. Might also make it, more so than Protected or Shelled status, be unable to stack on top of Doubtful status as well.

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. [Looted].*
5. Stopped.*6

Miscellany: Even more than Misty this is likely go to an infinite duration:
Order: 10
CT: 64*
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Doomed (Dmd) [Originally: Death Sentence]
Effect: Unit's body has begun to shut down rapidly, bringing a swift demise.

Cancels: [07/17/2012 EDIT: Even with Reraised* dead, Doomed will still be canceling Blessed as well as blocking it.]

1. Regening.*
2. Blessed.*7

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can no longer stack on top of itself, though IIRC it already couldn't do that unofficially. Oh well. No reason not to make it official then.

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Undead.*
4. Jumping.
5. Petrified.*
6. [Looted].*
7. Stopped.*6
8. Doomed.*

Order: 9
CT: 3 [Measured in turns, not clockticks in this instance.]
Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

* All new changes.

** Things left over from my messing around with Necromancy or other such things from a year ago and that are unimportant to change at present even though they didn't take.

*** Things enabled by hack or to be enabled by hacks.

**** Seems to work fine, but still needs to have the fact that it stops walking animation fixed.

*5 New as of 03/29/2012 decisions.

*6 New as of 05/01/2012 decisions.

*7 New as of 07/17/2012 decisions.

Addled (Silence)
Effect: Unit's memories have muddled and lost, making quick reactions and many techniques impossible.
Order: 21
CT: 0

Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.*
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.*

Cancels: No longer cancels Performing like how it was going to.

1. Charging.*

Can't Stack On Top Of: No longer affect units that are Performing like it was going.

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Performing.*
5. Petrified.*
6. Looted.*
7. Regening.*
8. [Wall].*

Blood Suck
Effect: Unit has become consumed by bloodlust and vampiric tendencies. [This status is dead now, making this entire section for it invalid.]
Order: 1E
CT: 0

Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: Yes.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.


1. Charging.
2. Jumping.
3. Defending.
4. Performing.
5. Confused.*
6. Berserk.*

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. Looted.*
6. [Wall].*

Looted (Treasure)
Effect: Unit is beyond saving and has left beyond an item that can be salvaged. [There's a good chance this is going to die.]
Order: 16
CT: 0

Freeze CT: Yes.
Count as KO: Yes.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: Yes.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Cancels: All other status.

Can't Stack On Top Of: As of 05/01/2012 (really, a while ago), can't stack on top of Dying since that should theoretically make phasing it out a lot easier.

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.*6
3. Jumping.

Reraised (Reraise)
Effect: Unit has gained the ability to automatically resurrect from severe injury once after a few moments.
Order: E
CT: 0

Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: Yes.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: No.

Cancels: Doomed.*

Can't Stack On Top Of: Can stack on top of Undead now.*

1. ????.*
2. Crystallized.
3. Dying.
4. Jumping.
5. Cursed.*
6. [Looted].*
7. Stopped.*6

Effect: Unit has succumb to extremely low bravery and become a literal chicken for two turns or until its bravery raises to 10 or more.*** [This is probably getting replaced because it's a bit...too silly.]
Order: 4
CT: 0

Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.

Cancels: No longer cancels Float.* Now cancels Frogged since it's a literal polymorph.

1. Charging.
2. Jump.
3. Defending.
4. Performing.
5. Frogged.*

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrify.*
5. Treasure.*
6. Stopped.*

Confused (Confusion)
Effect: Unit is confused and begins to act randomly, equally becoming a threat or an aid to allies as much as foes.
Order: 19
CT: 0

Freeze CT: No.
Count as KO: No.
Can React: No.
Ignore Attacks: No.
Canceled by Immortal Status: Yes.


1. Charging.
2. Jumping.
3. Defending.
4. Performing.

Can't Stack On Top Of:

1. Crystallized.
2. Dying.
3. Jumping.
4. Petrified.*
5. [Looted].*
6. Stopped.*6

As aforementioned, some of this stuff will undoubtedly change. At present, statuses most likely to change are Wall (I apparently lied about it counting as a KO when testing or maybe I changed that back a while ago), Frog (may not count as a KO if that affects the AI) and one other.

Similarly, I would like to do more with certain statuses that are still problematic to the AI, like Confusion, Death Sentence and Transparent, as well as statuses that at present have infinite duration that I don't think should like Berserk, Reraise and, again, Confusion and Transparent.

09/26/2011 EDIT: All statuses renamed and upgraded with their current relations to one another. Wall replaced by Misty and new "mystery" status added that still needs to be coded [once I learn how to code].

Speaking of Wall and things in brackets, all instances of [Blood Suck] and [Wall] mean they're invalid now.

03/30/2012 EDIT: Silence[d] makes its return/debut. I also fixed up typos, updated some statuses as marked by "*5" and excised Addled & [formally] Blood Suck while leaving Looted, Chicken and technically Wall alone for now.

05/01/2012 EDIT: Quite a few changes here. Stopped now basically blocks almost all statuses and currently will count as a (temporary) KO. Berserk no counts as KO and will no longer be immune to ??? or Poisoned, but still cancel them. Undead now cancels and blocks Blind. All instances of [Wall] on still active statuses excised. Blind is no longer blocked by Sleeping. Make Looted being unable to stack on top of Dying official even though it's still experimental.

07/09/2012 EDIT: Looted (Treasure), Reraised (Reraised), Chicken and Confused (Confusion) "officially" excised, though only Reraised's replacement, Blessed, and Confused's replacement, Imperiled, have been revealed. Also confirm that Defending, now Cautious, is no longer going to die. Also finally added a space for Blood Suck's long decided replacement.

07/16/2012-07/17/2012 EDIT: All existent statuses updated, including changing all instances of "Defending" to "Cautious". Also, reformatted all the existent statuses headers and interior sections, moving the Miscellany sub-section to the end of it as well as naming it Miscellany in the first place.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

The Damned

March 11, 2011, 07:14:27 am #26 Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 11:10:53 pm by The Damned
Ugh. Finally done with excising the unnecessary stuff from the class descriptions like things below Equipment, all of the "at present" redundancy, all of the Miscellany sections and most of the Innate Status & Starting Status parts since they're not used by any generic humans classes. Also, there are a lot less typos in the class posts now, sigh.

(05/23/2011 EDIT: Moving the Miscellany part from here back to the end of the class section under the complex classes.)

Soldier: Basically, it can now equip any and all pieces of equipment in the game except for Knight's Swords/Greatswords, Greatbows and Guns. All classes can equip Hair Adornments, Clothing and all Accessories, which now includes Perfumes being unisex, at present.

Knight: At present, I believe that I have all units capable of wearing Clothing, Hair Adornments and Perfumes, but not also Hats. I'll have to remember to double check this.

Marksman (Archer): The only class that equip Greatbows innately to further mirror Knight.

Priest: They've gained the ability to use Flails both due to 1.3 and FF history and they've gained the ability to use Books due to the fact that I'm letting all magical classes use them.

Wizard: They've gained the ability use Knives (mostly as a tribute to 8-Bit Theater) and Books, which all magical classes have. I may eventually let them use Staves, but they probably won't get anything else.

Acolyte (Templar): Replacing Monk, so basically everything is new outside of Clothing and non-Perfume accessories.

Chemist: Basically, like Orator (Mediator), they've gained every inconspicuous weapon. The only one that they haven't is Cloth. Like Mediator, they may ultimately lose Crossbow.

Illusionist: Considering they are replacing Oracle, they actually haven't changed that much. They gained access to Instruments and Cloths and lost use of Poles, but that's it.

Geomancer: Geomancers lost quite a bit of weapon choice, losing Swords, Axes and Shields to better reflect they're more magical than before.

Besides that, I finished adding everything to FFTPatcher this weekend, so technically I'm done with human generics already (for now) and have been on monsters all week...despite the fact that I've nothing to show it yet outside of some concept ideas and what's already been done. I hope to fix this later on today.

I did manage to send my equipment list off to RavenofRazgriz after making sure it wasn't full of typos like it idiotically was before. I also managed to update the first post with three more ASMs regarding name changing, Blindness and Overwhelm & Unyielding; I didn't update the changelog, though, just because my present changelog is a mess anyway.

In addition to that, going over things in FFTPatcher did give me some thoughts class-wise:

1. Soldier (Squire): Might likely get Brave UP or Counter Tackle over Move-Get JP, which will likely just die.

2. Knight: If it loses Counter Tackle to Soldier, then it will get Brave UP.

3. Marksman (Archer): I'm thinking of switching it and Mediator's place on the tree since, ironically, it's slightly easier to come up with beast-related physical classes than it is other archery-based classed. It would certainly make Draw Out-esque skills a LOT easier compared to the current POS that is "Arbalist".

4. Orator (Mediator): Might lose Charm if becomes Archer's HP replacement. Not really sure. If it does, though, then Paladin will probably become innately immune to Charm. If it becomes Archer's HP replacement, then it will probably take Defense UP from Knight.

5. Wizard: I'm considering excising the Tier 3 elements just because the whole elemental thing at present is rather iffy, especially since I still can't test things. They'll probably lose Doomsday back to Dimensionalist/Time Mage and get like, I don't know, "Scathe" as their Learn on Hit ability.

6. Priest: Similarly, Priest could very well lose Cure 3 and two other abilities to be symmetric with the "lesser" Wizard.

7. Acolyte (Templar): Lost Spell Absorb to Thief, which is now called "Steal Magic" at present. I just didn't feel like updating the class lists at present since I had enough to deal with making them actually coherent. Similarly, Confusion Song is now capable of adding Addle, Confusion and/or Charm instead of just Addle.

8. Arbalist: Still sucks at present. Sadface. (This class has been long dead now.)

9. Chemist: Still heavily considering weakening Holy Water, Fairy Kiss and Remedy and completely replacing Stimulant and Turtle Shell. I've been thinking about what would happen if/when FDC and Raven's formula thing happens and the stubborn skill sets can become side menus. I might keep Item as its own skill set just because of its power.

10. Thief: Gained Spell Absorb from Templar in "Steal Magic" and Sweet Dreams became a Separate Sleep, Poison and/or Blindness Knife-based attack that I'm considering need to require a Mantle as well. That might be a bit much, though. I suppose I should also point out that Muddle is blocked by Iron Will.

11. Illusionist: I lied about it being stable...big time. I'm considering killing all six "Lore" abilities sans Flash, but I have no idea what the hell to replace them with, especially since Vanish is kinda of...iffy due to the AI and it's not like we can replicate Blink or Lock or anything like that.

12. Geomancer: No changes here. Just another class I desperately need to test. I have been thinking, though, if that sub-menu thing goes through, then it will probably take Aero from Blue Mage, though Blue Mage might lose one or both of those spells anyway.

13. Dragoon (Lancer): No changes here. Sigh....

14. Hunter: No changes here. Double sigh.... (This class has also been long dead.)

15. Summoner: I think I might indeed switch Titan and Siren, but then I need to make Siren do something else I believe that Charm is one of the statuses that prevents Learn on Hit status.

16. Dimensionalist (Time Mage): I decided to let them keep Comet (for now). They'll probably get Meteor back via Doomsday, though it will be Learn on Hit only. RavenofRazgriz reminded me that the Ignore Attack option exists (sort of), so Stasis only needs Stop, really, and thus Wall is even more likely to change.

17. Mime: Their new innates will probably be Counter, Counter Magic, Awareness and...something else. Any Ground, maybe? Maybe Monster Talk, though that would mean that three classes would have it and given that Mediator might lose its Charm Immunity....

18. Blue Mage: I still can't think of anything better than "Changeling" to name it. Besides that, no changes since it's dependent on monsters, which I haven't done yet.

19. Minstrel: Siren Song actually adds Stop, I believe. This may change still, though. I still need to decide what to do with Hide when Wall status likely dies.

20. Paladin: Shield Bash is planned to be Wind-element and only hit enemies. Besides that, it's another class where everything just needs testing. I already know what to change Bulwark to in the likely event that Wall dies.

Beyond that, I've got a good feeling about Lucavi, so I should be able to blaze through those even without doing the number-crunching I wanted to do. I just hope I can be productive today at all considering....

(09/26/2011 EDIT: Haha. How naive I was. Anyway, all typos (that I found) have been excised and all names have been updated were applicable.)
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

The Damned

March 13, 2011, 07:07:22 pm #27 Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 11:15:35 pm by The Damned
(Ugh. I hate double posting, much less triple posting, but given that it's not in the same day, I've become more lax about that [and everything else, apparently]. Sigh.)

So, I was about to finally start on monsters (properly) last night/this morning, distractions (rage-inducing, entertaining or otherwise) aside...when I realized that my plan for monsters--to use human skill sets because Monster Skill is pathetic and have monsters like the ones in philsov's ASM'd--kind of screws with my Deep Dungeon plans. Obviously, monsters are more important than some optional maps at the very end of the game, but it's still enough to give me pause for consideration, now. Maybe Monster Skill will have to (sigh) stick around.

Anyway, another point of consideration is that I'm thinking of replacing Red Chocobos with Light Blue Chocobos since Ignore Height is dying and Choco Meteor is probably dying (though Boco might get Non-Charge and Comet). Also, there's the fact that something that flies in-battle kind of beats something that's built for "mountainous terrain" since Fly is greater than Ignore Height. The Light Blue Chocobo would continue the tradition of being the river-traversing one, so it will most certainly get at least Walk on Water (or Move in Water, whichever one) to do so.

So, Light Blue Chocobo over Red Chocobo? Yay? Nay?
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

The Damned

March 23, 2011, 07:46:24 am #28 Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 11:32:10 pm by The Damned
("+1 Yay, [Light] Blue Chocobo!" I mean, I'm basically talking to myself anyway at this point, so....

As such, I'll fix any typos later on today/tomorrow.)

Ugh. It shouldn't have taken me 10-ish days to get done with just generic monsters plus Boco, especially when I technically skipped 4 families of them and just now decided that I might do away with Hydras as well. Hell, I haven't even altered stats yet.

But, they're done, first (technically second) draft-wise anyway. I suppose it would have gone more quickly if I wasn't sleeping for like 9+ hours a day again or didn't want to make every monster slightly different or had my space more allotted or whatever.

Surprisingly, I still think I can get everything done to release a decent-ish 0.1 patch that's more about mechanics up to Chapter 2 by the 31st, even if I take a break tomorrow. Let's stop rambling, though, and talk about general things before getting into monster specifics.

1. Given that I know we can do it now by still screwing with whole numbers, weakness to something will be reduced to 1.25 or 1.5, while halving will become merely resistance and be .75 instead of .5. Not sure if I'll change Oil to boost Fire damage less yet; the other status thing I want that hasn't been coded yet.

2. Similarly, provided that weaknesses can be made to override absorption, I might turn back absorptions on monsters to not be resisted/halved, but at present, all in-game absorption is halved/resisted and has been for like a year.

3. As aforementioned, monsters will end up having (much) lower stats than before due to Blue Magic (which still needs a ton of balance) and Blue Mage. They will also now be using MP due to using human skill sets. As such, Monster Skill is dead now. (Off-handedly, Ignore Height is also dead now.)

4. Speaking of Blue Magic, I only noticed on Monday how many Lightning-based attacks it has compared to other elements. I've tried to fix this a bit along with giving it some other diversity, so it's gained at least three different attacks than they had before. (Perpetual Night and Frost are completely new--well Night is "old", but I fixed it actually to be learnable now by virtue of it now doing damage--and Magic Spirit became Sap Spirit.)

5. To somewhat make up for this, I've given all monsters four Innates, innate immunities to differing status and more elemental interaction. I perhaps went...somewhat overboard on this still, at least elementally. At present, monsters only have an interaction with six of the eight elements at most and no (generic) monster cancels any elemental anymore. This is a lot more fair than the original allotments for things like Woodfolk/Treefolk having had four absorptions or things like Dragons having had three cancellations or Behemoths resisting everything but Water.

6. Speaking of Water, while going through and re-doing everything, it ended up being the weakness of a lot more monsters than I would like it too, especially since Water abilities are still kind of...lacking. (Water weapons, though, actually exist now, so....) Similarly, Earth got kind of screwed over since quite a few things resist it (basically everything with Fly) or are actually completely immune to it because of Float. Earth was always intended to be the hardest hit element, though, alongside Fire, so that might be necessary anyway. It's not like it can't change. Any ideas with regards to possible focuses of Water are welcome.

7. With regards to water and terrain, a hell of a lot less monsters have Cannot Enter Water. It still exists due to unfortunate necessity (and is part of the reason that so many damn things are weak to Water at present), but a lot more monsters can Walk on Water now, which helps do away with "wet poaching" as well as offering them more mobility (since everything will have slightly less move anyway). Anything that can be "wet poached" will probably have shitty poaching rewards anyway. (Like Yellow Chocobos.)

8. Speaking of poaching rewards, I haven't touched that yet despite having had my equipment list done since last year. I'll probably get to it before I do the patch, though, since now I'm a lot more confident about the general direction of monsters.

With regards to the general direction of monsters, let's talk about the monsters I've skipped and why. By "skip", I mean "didn't redo and will be replaced via ENTD manipulation in any battles for the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 patch I plan to release":

1. Skeletons - They're getting a complete make-over and becoming far more humanoid. They'll probably end up the monster most likely to have more than 4 abilities that's a generic. However, given that we still can't get equipment working on monsters right now and I still need to decide on those abilities, they have been skipped.

2. Ghosts - Have been skipped for a similar reason to Skeletons, though they're far less likely than Skeletons to get 4+ abilities for reasons I don't want to go into for right now.

3. Ithilids ("Pisco Demons") - Still not sure whether I just want to condense them into one Ithilid monster or not still. Regardless, they're definitely appearing in at least one story battle now, so they'll stick around.

4. Uribos - Still not sure whether to condense to one special monster or get rid of them completely. They're just so...not threatening. Not even in a "we feign innocence but will rip your throat out" way. I already have different sorts of Charm and Chocobos & Woodfolk/Treefolk are clerical monsters, so they're unnecessary. I also still need to decide what to replace them with.

5. Hydras - Technically not one of the ones I intended to skip from the beginning, so I worked on it a bit before deciding, "wow, there's no way to make these sensibly different from each other and everyone thinks they're overpowered anyway, so I'll probably just condense them into one or two monsters and replace them." I've already decided what to replace them with and, unlike Uribos, it's not as much of a priority since Hydras (or at least Tiamat) will still be definitely around, just as boss monsters.

With that said, I must thank philsov since I "borrowed" quite a few of his ideas when it came to the active abilities as well as the "3 shared abilities and 1 unique ability" schema for most monsters--at present, Malboros and Dragons are the only monsters who deviate from that scheme for reasons that will become rather apparent. Similarly, I suppose I should state here that no monster within a family will be overall weaker than another when it comes to stats--they'll all be good at something with the family, even if it will be annoying trying to "balance" 48+ monsters that way.

I should similarly point out that the order of (reaction) innates is important. The rightmost ones will have the most chance of trigger if the reactions take the same trigger. Also, all monsters are immune to Addle (Silence), but I'm going to list it repeatedly anyway.

Finally, quite a few of the monsters have human skills at present because I'm being kind of miserly about skill space (all of a sudden) until I get done with all special characters and Lucavi. I'll point out instances where they're likely to keep it, but otherwise think of any human skills (obviously not counting Blue Magic, which I'll denote with an asterisk) as placeholders.

I'll make it a separate post, though, since I don't want to risk getting cut off yet again.

As such, I'll partly explain why the hell it took me so long (beyond stupidity, sloth, sleepiness and lack of inspiration and what have you):

1. Trying to make 37 (12 families + Boco) units markedly different each while limiting yourself to four techniques is damn difficult. I arguably haven't done that for the 20 or so human classes and all of those (not counting Mime, of course) have at least 8 abilities and much more customization.

2. At the same time, I also had to limit myself to the type of attacks that monsters could have (since I've pretty much doing same of all [generic] units):

  • No Shock-based attacks.
  • No abilities that affect stats, whether it be to lower or raise them.
  • No abilities that manipulate Brave since that's the sole domain of Mediator and it would have to be pretty damn significant amount for it to be worth it on a monster.
  • No Quick-based abilities for the same reason.
  • No abilities that affect levels since degenerator stuff is utterly stupid.
  • No abilities that have the chance to add status that counts as a KO to more than one unit at a time, which included things like the vanilla Bad Breath (so stupid) with Petrify and Frog chances on top of everything else.

3. I have similar monsters to consider for what I want to do with some story battles and DD. The latter is ultimately expendable, but something I still have to consider from the beginning.

If anyone has suggestions with regards to what follows, then feel free to suggest them since really any comments would be nice. It would be somewhat encouraging to know that someone besides RavenofRazgriz and a couple of others have looked at this, though getting no response obviously won't discourage me at this point.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

The Damned

March 23, 2011, 07:53:25 am #29 Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 12:33:21 am by The Damned
(As aforementioned, I'll fix any and all typos later on today or tomorrow. I kind of need a break after typing this up for the past four hours.)

Chocobos - Faithful, friendly steeds that can still peck or shoot your face off if you rub them the wrong way.

Common Abilities: Choco Cure/Choco Esuna/Choco Ball

1. Choco Cure is still the same at present.

2. Choco Esuna is now like ARENA Monk's Stigma Magic, which makes sense given that I lobbied for that, in that it's an instant, but single-targeting version of Priest's Esuna. It currently shares the same ISC with Esuna, meaning that when Esuna changed to removing Undead, Petrified, Addled, Cursed, Berserk & Doubtful, so too did Choco Esuna.

3. Choco Ball now can cause Blind, though this might change.


1. Move: 5 [reduced from 6]

2. Jump: 5 [no change]

3. Innate: Flee (Silent Walk) [NEW], Any Ground [NEW], Counter Tackle [NEW], Distribute [NEW].

4. Half/Resist: Wind; Weak: Earth.

5. Immune: Blind [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Oily [NEW], Berserk [NEW], Poisoned [NEW].

6. Unique Ability: Choco Revive: Close-range, instant revival. It will cost a hefty amount of MP and wouldn't bring back much HP, though.


1. Move: 5 [reduced from 6]

2. Jump: 5 [no change]

3. Innate: Flee (Silent Walk) [NEW], Fly, Counter, Caution [NEW].

4. Resist/Half: Earth; Weak: Wind.

5. Immune: Blind [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Oily [NEW], Poisoned [NEW].

6. Unique Ability: Choco Guard - Self-AoE 1, ally-only All or Nothing Regening and Defending. (This is likely going to die.)


1. Move: 5 [reduced from 6]

2: Jump: 5 [no change]

3. Innate [All NEW]: Walk on Water, Flee (Silent Walk), Counter Tackle, Magic Def. UP

4. Resist/Half [All NEW]: Wind, Water; Weak: Earth.

5. Immune: Blind [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Oily [NEW], Berserk [NEW], Poisoned [NEW].

6. Unique Ability: Choco Barrier - Self-AoE 1 Random Protect or Shell. Or, at least, it used to be before it turned into Self-AoE 1 Random Transparent, Protected, Shelled or Reflective after Roderick's Barrier died when Roderick got Wall.


1. Class: 46 White Chocobo [from (Undead) Oracle**] (Might have him be a Red Chocobo just to be different.)

4. Move: 5 [increased from 3]

5. Jump: 6 [increased from 3]

6. C-EV%: 20 [increased from 5]

7. Innate [All NEW]: Non-Charge, Any Ground, Counter, Move-MP Up. [Non-Charge will probably become Short Charge.]

11. Resist/Half: Wind [NEW]

12. Immune: Invite, Blindness, Addle [NEW], Blood Suck, Oil [NEW], Berserk [NEW], Poison, Charm.

13. Choco Cure, Choco Esuna, Choco Ball, Comet (Choco Meteor), Confusion Song, Choco Recharge (Small Bomb [second]) & Raise. [Comet and Confusion Song are human skills that it will probably keep. Hell, it will probably get at least one other human magic skill. Boco now has Raise is also, of course, a human skill, and may be something that it eventually loses for...various reasons.]

14. Unique Skill: Choco Recharge - Restores MP to single-target that isn't Boco. Currently costs 15 MP to do so. Might increase or decrease depending. I'm now considering just having it cause Misty status.

Goblins - Monster pugilists who aren't as dumb as they look...though they're still somewhat dumb. Just don't say it to their faces. Goblins and Black Goblins are, at present, the only monsters who are completely neutral to all elements.

Common Abilities: Dash/Goblin Punch/Ogre Run

1. Dash is a human ability. They're keeping it since it's a step up from Tackle and saves space.

2. Goblin Punch is like Repeating Fist, but from a distance. It will probably be the only Blue Magic to remain at 0 MP when all is said and done, though it has a bit of a minor "wind-up".

3. Ogre Run is an 3v3 linear Earth Slash that does less damage but has a change to inflict Immobilized.


1. Move: 3 [no change]

2. Jump: 4 [up from 3]

3. Innate [All NEW]: Any Ground, PA Save, Counter Tackle, Caution

4. No elemental affinities. [No longer weak to Ice.]

5. Immune [ALL NEW]: Addled, Poisoned, Charmed. [Vulnerable to [Blood Suck] now.]

6. Unique Ability: Eye Gouge - The 1.3 version that causes Blind and Confused.


1. Move: 3 [no change]

2. Jump: 4 [up from 3]

3. Innate: Any Ground [NEW], Defend [NEW], Sunken State/Hide [NEW], Counter. [Will probably lose Sunken State.]

4. No elemental affinities. [Lost weakness to Ice.]

5. Immune [ALL NEW]: Addled, Poisoned, Charmed. [Vulnerable to [Blood Suck] now; consider making Black Goblin "heretical" and immune to Faithful and Cursed as well.]

6. Unique Ability: Sleep Holder - Close-range Sleeping-inducing "grab" that can be evaded. (Despite description, it is NOT persevering at present.)


1. Class: 63 Gobbledeguck [Was considering going with "Lil' Murderer", but given the electric angle now, this is an even more humorous name.]

2. Move: 3 [no change]

3. Jump: 4 [up from 3]

4. Innate [All NEW]: Any Ground, PA Save, Speed Save, Caution. [Might get any Cannot enter water and gain move 4.]

5. Resist/Half: Lightning; Weak: Water. [No longer weak to Ice.]

6. Immune [ALL NEW]: Addled, Poisoned, Charmed. [Vulnerable to Blood Suck now.]

7. Unique Ability: Thunder Knuckle - A lightning-fast, Lightning-based punch that can possibly paralyze the target, causing Disabled.

Bombs - Fire spells gone horribly, these magical weapons, even with the collective weakening of their innates, would probably still kick your ass if I allowed them to appear early game. (Might change the name of one these jokers to "Balloon".)

Common Abilities: Fiery Emission/Drench/Self-Destruct

1. Fiery Emssion has a chance to add Oil now, but at present it's more or less the same thing as Flame Attack.

2. Drench is philsov's idea: Separate Disabled or Oily that hits only enemies over a 3 range, AoE 1 distance.

3. Self-Destruct will be Critical only now. Otherwise, it's the same.


1. Move: 3 [no change]

2. Jump: 3 [no change]

3. Innate: Arrow Guard [NEW], Critical Quick [NEW], Levitation (Float), Any Weather [NEW] [Float move returned over Floating status with the loss of both Defense UP and Iron Will (Finger Guard) innately.]

4. Absorb & Resist/Halve: Fire; Half/Resist: Lightning & Dark; Weak: Water & Holy. [No longer resists Ice; is technically immune to Earth.]

5. Immune [ALL NEW]: Undead, Petrified, Addled, Chicken, Frogged, Poisoned, Regening, Immobilized.

6. Unique Ability: Spark - It is still exactly the same as vanilla at present.


1. Move: 3 [no change]

2. Jump: 3 [no change]

3. Innate: Arrow Guard [NEW], Critical Quick [NEW], Levitation (Float), Defense UP [NEW] [Float move  returned over Floating status with the loss of Iron Will (Finger Guard) innately. Since Grenade has retained its Defense UP, it will have the least HP among Bomb families.]

4. Absorb & Resist/Halve: Fire; Half/Resist: Ice & Dark; Weak: Water & Holy. [No longer resists Lightning--let's just blame that on its "anti-ice armor"; is technically immune to Earth.]

5. Immune [ALL NEW]: Undead, Petrified, Addled, Chicken, Frogged, Poisoned, Regening, Immobilized.

6. Unique Ability: Blast Furance/Hell's Furance - 2 range, tri-directional, Fire-based, anti-Faith attack that has a chance of causing Oily, Cursed and/or Doubtful at present. Probably needs a nerf.


1. Move: 3 [no change]

2. Jump: 3 [no change]

3. Innate: Arrow Guard [NEW], Critical Quick [NEW], Levitation (Float), Short Charge [NEW] [Float move  returned over Floating status with the loss of both Defense UP and Iron Will (Finger Guard) innately.]

4. Absorb & Resist/Halve: Fire; Half/Resist: Lightning & Dark; Weak: Water & Holy. [No longer resists Ice; is technically immune to Earth.]

5. Immune [ALL NEW]: Undead, Petrified, Addled, Chicken, Frogged, Poisoned, Regening, Immobilized.

6. Unique Ability: Flare - Wizard skill. Placeholder due to the only other thing I could think of probably being a horribly unfair idea. (Lol, persevering Flare.)

Panthers - Poison-clawed, prim, status-heavy cats. They are often kept as pets for...some reason, at least by Vampires.

Common Abilities: Poison Claw/Hastebreak/Cat Kick

1. Poison Claw is an always Poison ability that absorbs a bit of HP.

2. Hastebreak is the always Slow version of Poison Claw, though it's closer range. It replaces Pounce, which was going to be a reluctantly used version of philsov's Execute attack until I realized how utterly it screwed with my plans.

3. Cat Kick is a solid-damaging attack with a chance to cancel Performing, Defending and Charging.


1. Move: 4 [no change]

2. Jump: 20 [obviously increased from 4 because Ignore Height is even more worthless than I realized; will probably become 10]

3. Innate [All NEW]: Move in Water, Silent Walk, Speed Save, Counter. [Decided to give Red Panther and Coeurl Move in Water over Cannot Enter Water due to the advantages that the Vampire Cat/Shadowcat had over them. I'm also still curious about what happens with sprites that initially couldn't enter water when they do/can since I don't remember testing it...; IIRC, the spirtes are fine for the most part.]

4. Resist/Halve: Earth; Weak: Ice. [Ugh. So many things were weak to Water already, even though it's still kind of scarce as an attacking ability, so they become weak to Ice instead. Also become resistant to Earth rather than Lightning like the Couerl.]

5. Immune [All NEW]: Dying, Confused, Addled, Faithful, Doubtful, Doomed. [Vulnerable to [Blood Suck] now. Immunities mostly shaped by "9 lives" adage or whatever the saying counts as.]

6. Unique Ability: Catnip - a Direct, currently Wind-based ability that randomly causes Confused, Berserk or Charmed to a target.


1. Move: 4 [no change]

2. Jump: 20 [obviously increased from 4 because Ignore Height is even more worthless than I realized; probably be reduced to 10]

3. Innate: Move in Water [NEW], Critical Quick [NEW], Counter, Speed Save [NEW]. [Decided to give Red Panther and Coeurl Move in Water over Cannot Enter Water due to the advantages that the Vampire Cat/Shadowcat had over them. I'm also still curious about what happens with sprites that initially couldn't enter water when they do/can since I don't remember testing it...; IIRC, the spirtes are fine for the most part.]

4. Resist/Halve: Lightning; Weak: Ice. [Ugh. So many things weak to Water already, even though it's still kind of scarce as an attacking element, so they became weak to Ice instead. Couerls resist only Lightning, not Earth like Red Panthers do.]

5. Immune [All NEW]: Dying, Confused, Addled, Faithful, Doubtful, Doomed. [Vulnerable to [Blood Suck] now. Immunities mostly shaped by "9 lives" adage or whatever the saying counts as.]

6. Unique Ability: Blaster - A now Lightning-element, as it traditionally is, status attack that causes Addled, Slowed, Immobilized or Disabled randomly.


1. Initially renamed "Vampire" to "Shadowcat" because that would be confusing when I want to make a "Vampire" class and "Vampire Cat" isn't much helpful, even if that's rather apt. I changed it back to Vampire Cat, though, for a couple of reasons, including having a plan that I I could use "Shadowcat" for otherwise. Hehe....

2. Move: 4 [no change]

3. Jump: 20 [obviously increased from 4 because Ignore Height is even more worthless than I realized; not really necessary because of Teleport, but I want consistency and it prevents fall damage. It will probably be reduced to 10.]

4. Innate: Cannot enter water, Regenerator [NEW], Speed Save/Adrenaline [NEW], Teleport [NEW].

5. Absorb & Resist/Halve: Dark; Resist/Halve: Lightning, Ice; Weak: Fire, Water and Holy. [Ugh. So many things weak to Water already, but this has to keep that. I don't like it having three weaknesses, as do a couple of other monsters, but it's going to be pretty damn buff, so....]

6. Immune: Dying [NEW], Undead [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Poisoned [NEW], Doomed [NEW]. [Immunities mostly shaped by Vampire cliches in addition to "9 lives" adage or whatever the saying counts as. Technically, the Vampires in my patch might not be Undead, but instead be "mortality-impaired".]

7. Unique Ability: Blood Suck - Elmdor's, not the Vampire Cat's (which got used for Catnip), though the percentage of the Blood Suck chance for Elmdor's was changed to 25% a year ago. This is "technically" a human ability since human Vampires will have it as well (as well as Elmdor still having it).

Now that Blood Suck status is dead, it causes Undead & Berserk at 100% now. We'll see how problematic that is, but it will still be less problematic than Blood Suck as a whole, much less Blood Suck as 100%.

[Insert Illithids here.]

[Insert Skeletons here.]

[Insert Ghosts here.]

Flying Eyes - Anti-magical winged cyclops, their gaze abilities are fearsome, but mostly only one if out in the open or of a weak will. They will protect their eyes at all costs.

Common Abilities: Piercing Gaze/Charm Gaze/Reflect

1. Piercing Gaze is basically a weak 5v5 Light/Holy-based linear laser-beam attack that I'm allowing to be reflected at present. I've considered letting all the other, non-damaging Gazes be subject to be Reflect, but that seems unnecessary when they're already affected by Iron Will (Finger Guard) at present.

2. Charm Gaze is basically philsov's Hypnosis by a different name. Attempts to add Charmed or Sleeping to a Direct target. Allowed to be range 3 instead of his range 2 simply because of another attack (Illusionist's Mesmerizing Lights) with a much wider range and technically Gazes don't work on those who are affected by Sleeping status due to the formula it's using at present.

3. Reflect is the human ability. I was originally going to use philsov's Radiance, but given what I want to do with Flying Eyes, they'll probably end up getting an anti-Reflect ability if anything. So this is a placeholder.


1. Move: 5 [no change since they're so light]

2. Jump: 2 [reduced from 5 since it doesn't matter with Fly and they're so light that they should get messed up from falls]

3. Innate: Float [NEW], Counter Magic [NEW], Fly, Magic Def. UP [NEW] [Since, IIRC, like Bombs I planned for them to be "magic weapons", they're still magic-adept magic-haters. The Floating Eye is just lazy about it since I decided to run with its name. Might even nix its Fly ability eventually; probably not, though.]

4. Absorb & Resist/Half: Lightning & Holy; Weak: Ice, Wind and Water. [Wind weakness is exclusive to the Floating Eye. It will probably need buffer stats than I originally intended to give it due to having three weakness, though I suppose I could make it lose its Water weakness....]

5. Immune [All NEW]: Blind, Addled, [Blood Suck], Frog & Immobilized. [As much as I wanted to leave them vulnerable to Blind, I'd imagine they would protect their eyes at all costs.]

6. Unique Ability: Stun Gaze - 3 range, direct Gaze that randomly adds Slowed, Immobilized or Disabled to the target. Resisted by Iron Will as aforementioned.


1. Move: 5 [no change since they're so light]

2. Jump: 2 [reduced from 5 since it doesn't matter with Fly and they're so light that they should get messed up from falls]

3. Innate: Cannot enter water, Counter Magic [NEW], Fly, Magic Def. UP [NEW]. [Since, IIRC, like Bombs I planned for them to be "magic weapons", they're still magic-adept magic-haters.]

4. Absorb & Resist/Half: Lightning & Holy; Resist: Earth; Weak: Ice and Water. [Earth resistance just added (for now) since I think all creatures with Fly will have it and it's more fair than giving them immunity to Earth as I had originally, foolishly planned]

5. Immune [All NEW]: Blind, Addled, [Blood Suck], Frog & Immobilized.

6. Unique Ability: Devil's Gaze - 3 range attack with no vertical (at present) that's Direct, resisted by Iron Will and attempts to add All Blind, Cursed and Doubtful now to a single target.


1. Move: 5 [no change since they're so light]

2. Jump: 2 [reduced from 5 since it doesn't matter with Fly and they're so light that they should get messed up from falls]

3. Innate: Cannot enter water, Counter Magic [NEW], Fly, Damage Split [NEW] [Since, IIRC, like Bombs I planned for them to be "magic weapons", they're still magic-adept magic-haters. As seen with Damage Split, Doomgazes will embody the "eye for an eye" idea.]

4. Absorb & Resist/Half: Lightning & Holy; Resist: Earth; Weak: Ice and Water. [Earth resistance just added (for now) since I think all creatures with Fly will have it.]

5. Immune [All NEW]: Blind, Addled, [Blood Suck], Frog & Immobilized.

6. Unique Ability: Doom's Gaze - 3 range attack with no vertical at present that's Direct, resisted by Iron Will and an attempts to add All Poison and Death Sentence to a target.

Aevis(es?) - Rather large, predatory birds. Though the Cockatrice is the most infamous and arguably deadliest one, the Axebeak and the Steel Aevis are formidable, dangerous foes themselves.

Common Abilities: Shine Lover/Hawk Glare/Beak

1. Shine Lover is the 1.3 self-Regen and Haste version that everyone seems to love. I'm almost tempted to give it to Panthers instead....

2. Hawk Glare has long since been Aero's replacement--partly because them having a Wind-based attack when they're currently weak to Wind was damn stupid--as a distance Disabling ability. I may end up resisted by Iron Will, but currently it's "only" physically-evadable.

3. Beak is now within the domain of all Aevises instead of just Cockatrice. It still causes Petrified & Reflective, but it is now physically evadable.


1. Move: 4 [reduced from 6]

2. Jump: 4 [reduced from 6]

3. Innate: Arrow Guard [NEW], Cannot Enter Water, Fly, Speed Save [NEW] [Arrow Guard might get changed to something else eventually. I'm still unsure.]

4. Resist/Halve: Ice, Earth & Holy; Weak: Fire & Wind. [I don't think they need to absorb anything, even with them being a lot more fair elementally at present. They used to be immune to 3 different elements, which is kind of...ridiculous obviously.]

5. Immune [All NEW]: Petrified, Addled, [Blood Suck], Poisoned & Doomed. [I'm going to allow them to be hit by Floating unlike how I originally had it; Steel Aevis is the exception.]

6. Unique Ability: Brain Crush - A close-range, unavoidable dive-bombing attack with a chance to Addled. I might change that to Addled & Doomed later, though then I'd probably have to buff Necrophobe's Fate Transfer. I might also just truncate the name to "Brain", though that seems a bit too short as well as ripe for confusion with Mindflayers and other things still around.


1. Move: 3 [reduced from 6; it's heavier than the other two. It will also probably have less evade.]

2. Jump: 5 [reduced from 6; it's also strudier.]

3. Innate: Arrow Guard [NEW], Cannot Enter Water, Fly, Defense UP [NEW] [Arrow Guard might get changed to something else eventually. I'm still unsure.]

4. Resist/Halve: Ice, Earth & Holy; Weak: Fire, Lightning & Wind. [I don't think they need to absorb anything, even with them being a lot more fair elementally at present. The odd one out by being weak to Lightning. Again, not terribly crazy about it having three weaknesses.]

5. Immune: Petrified [NEW], Floating, Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Poisoned [NEW], Doomed [NEW]. [I'm going to allow them to hit by Floating unlike how I had it outside of Steel Aevis. I'm considering giving Steel Aevis back the permanent Reflect status I foolishly had given all Aevis, though only initially instead of permanent.]

6. Unique Ability: Feather Bomb - As philsov's version, it's "light" damage attack that is unevadable and meant for sniping, though mine is Fire-based at present. It has the distinction of having the longest ability range in the game among generics at present at range 6.


1. Move: 4 [reduced from 6]

2. Jump: 4 [reduced from 6]

3. Innate: Arrow Guard [NEW], Cannot Enter Water, Fly, MA Save [NEW] [Arrow Guard might get changed to something else eventually. I'm still unsure.]

4. Resist/Halve: Ice, Earth & Holy; Weak: Fire & Wind. [I don't think they need to absorb anything, even with them being a lot more fair elementally at present.]

5. Immune: Petrify [NEW], Addle [NEW], Blood Suck, Poison [NEW], Death Sentence [NEW]. [I'm going to allow them to hit by Float unlike how I had it outside of Steel Hawk.]

6. Unique Ability: Stone Breath - Cockatrice's replacement for Beak might be the deadliest new ability in the game as it is the only multi-target (only/All) Petrified ability in the game. I felt that I had to make it linear with a range of 2 just to make it "fair".

[Insert Lamias here.]

Woodfolk/Treefolk - Gentle, clerical guardians of the forest, they will punish anyone who intrudes upon the forest and aid anyone who respects it.

Common Abilities: Leaf Dance/Sap Spirit/Rootgrapple

1. Leaf Dance is much the same, except with vertical 5, Wind element and boosted power.

2. Sap Spirit is Blue Mage's Magic Spirit except that it's basically Bizen Boat now instead of a piss poor MP restoration ability. It ignores allies. (03/18/2011 EDIT: Except this is dead now, so not really.)

3. Rootgrapple is a persevering Earth-element attack that can't be evaded and has a chance of adding Slow and/or Don't Move every time it hits that AoE 2 area. It doesn't ignore allies.


1. Still needs a better name in my opinion, though I can make it work if I have to.

2. Move: 3 [No change. I think the Move of only 2 that people tend to do is rather unnecessary and limiting.]

3. Jump: 3 [No change. Much the same as the above, the Jump of only 2 the people tend to do is rather unnecessary and limiting.]

4. Innate [ALL NEW]: Regenerator, Counter Flood, Move-MP Up, Walk on Water. [Much better than cannot enter water and Counter. Woodmen are meant to be the most impetuous and aggressive of the Woodfolk.]

5. Absorb & Resist/Half: Water & Light/Holy; Resist/Half: Earth; Weak: Lightning & Dark. [Much more fair than four absorbs and additionally resisting Fire, with Taiju/Feywood being immune to Fire.]

6. Immune: Undead [NEW], Petrified [NEW], [Blood Suck], Floating, Frogged [NEW]. [Probably the last monsters I'll make immune to Frog as well as perhaps Undead.]

7. Unique Ability: Spirit of ???? (Protect Spirit) [I really need to think of a four letter noun that's somewhat synonymous with "protection". Closest I have is "Care", which kind of sucks.] - AoE 2 Protected & Regening ability.


1. Move: 3 [No change. I think the Move of only 2 that people tend to do is rather unnecessary and limiting.]

2. Jump: 3 [No change. Much the same as the above, the Jump of only 2 the people tend to do is rather unnecessary and limiting.]

3. Innate [ALL NEW]: Nature's Wrath/Counter Flood, Regenerator, Move-HP Up, Walk on Water. [Much better than cannot enter water and Counter. Treant are meant to be more passive like their FFXII selves, more "mature" than the Woodman.]

4. Absorb & Resist/Half: Water & Light/Holy; Resist/Half: Earth; Weak: Lightning & Dark. [Much more fair than four absorbs and additionally resisting Fire, with Taiju/Feywood being immune to Fire.]

5. Immune: Undead [NEW], Petrified [NEW], [Blood Suck], Floating, Frogged [NEW]. [Probably the last monsters I'll make immune to Frogged as well as perhaps Undead.]

6. Unique Ability: Spirit of Calm - AoE 2 Shelled and Regening ability.


1. Move: 3 [No change. I think the Move of only 2 that people tend to do is rather unnecessary and limiting.]

2.  Jump: 3 [No change. Much the same as the above, the Jump of only 2 the people tend to do is rather unnecessary and limiting.]

3. Innate [ALL NEW]: Counter Magic, Counter Flood, Regenerator, Walk on Water. [Much better than cannot enter water and Counter. Feywood are meant to be the most sturdy and passive of the Woodfolk. I might make them have Move 2, but eh....]

4. Absorb & Resist/Half: Water & Light/Holy; Resist/Half: Fire & Earth; Weak: Lightning & Dark. [Much more fair than four absorbs and additionally resisting Fire, with Taiju/Feywood being immune to Fire.]

5. Immune: Undead [NEW], Petrified [NEW], [Blood Suck], Floating, Frogged [NEW]. [Probably the last monsters I'll make immune to Frogged as well as perhaps Undead.]

6. Unique Ability: Spirit of Life - Basically 1.3's AoE 2 revival with the same weak revival that philsov's Rebirth has. Will cost an hefty chunk of MP regardless.

Bull Demons - Surprisingly talkative, these bullish humanoids are somewhat brash and arrogant, though they've the superior strength of multiple oxen to back it up.

Common Abilities: Wave Around/Blow Fire/Intimidate

1. Wave Around is currently a rather weak, if unable to avoided, Self-AoE 1, Lighting-element attack that ignores the user.

2. Blow Fire is going to be a weaker Fire Breath that aims for the eyes and thus attempts to Blind rather than add Oil. It needs to be more than that, though.

3. Intimidate is the Mediator ability, though of the Don't Act kind and not the minus Brave/Fury kind. Provided all goes well with my testing of it, they'll probably keep it and even get other Orator abilities.


1. They might switch names/positions with Minotaurs for...reasons I forget at the moment.

2. Move: 3 [no change]

3. Jump: 4 [increased from 3]

4. Innate: (P)A Save [NEW], Cannot Enter Water, Brave UP/Fury UP [NEW], Counter. [Again, the Class C one is the "most reckless" one.]

5. Absorb and Resist/Halve: Earth & Dark; Resist: Fire; Weak: Water & Holy.

6. Immune: Confused [NEW], Addled [NEW], Floating, Chicken [NEW], Sleeping [NEW] & Disabled [NEW]. [Now vulnerable to Blood Suck, not that this matters now. Might lose immunity to Sleeping.]

7. Unique Ability: Mimic Titan - A close-range, heavy damaging ability Earth-element Auto-AoE that's technically not unique because it's shared by Ochu (which had it first) since the previous unique ability, "Bull Rush", just caused the AI to kill itself with recoil like an idiot.


1. Move: 3 [reduced from 4]

2. Jump: 4 [increased from 3]

3. Innate: (P)A Save [NEW], Cannot Enter Water, Counter, Move-HP Up. [Move-HP Up might end up changing to something else.]

4. Absorb and Resist/Halve: Earth & Dark; Resist: Fire; Weak: Water & Holy.

5. Immune: Confused [NEW], Addled [NEW], Floating, Chicken [NEW], Sleeping [NEW] & Disabled [NEW]. [Now vulnerable to Blood Suck, not that this matters now. Might lose immunity to Sleeping.]

6. Unique Ability: Curse of Rage - A range 2, vertical 3 MA-based ability that adds Curse and Berserk to a target.


1. Much like Floating Eye, I decided to run with the weird name and make it so that the Class A Bull Demon lived up to its name. "Sacred" is pretty much a sarcastic thing it calls itself since it enjoys mocking Ivalican religion, knowing the truth about what/who Ajora really is and such. Besides, the alternate name is already being used, but I can't say anything else about at the moment.

2. Move: 3 [no change]

3. Jump: 4 [increased from 3]

4. Innate: MA Save [NEW], Cannot Enter Water, Counter, Short Charge [NEW]. [Short Charge being some of the necessary advantage for the sake of Holy (maybe).]

5. Absorb and Resist/Halve: Earth; Resist: Fire, Holy & Dark; Weak: Water. [Given that Sacred make a mockery of the Holy thing, I felt that it was better to make them resistant to Holy while sacrificing their ability to absorb Dark. I might make them immune to Dark, though. Not sure.]

6. Immune: Confused [NEW], Addled [NEW], Floating, Chicken [NEW], Doubtful [NEW], Sleeping [NEW] & Disabled [NEW]. [Now vulnerable to [Blood Suck]. Again, given the Sacred's mockery of religion, immunity to Doubtful is appropriate. Might give it immunity Faithful as well. Not sure.]

7. Unique Ability: Holy - Priest's Learn on Hit Only ability. This human skill being here is decided and not just a placeholder thanks to the conversation in ASM'd monsters thread that happened between philsov, RavenofRazgriz, Eternal and myself.

Malboros - Fair less gentler plant creatures, these carnivorous, scavenging cesspools of poison and disease can float upon scum-pads on the water. The Ochu is a close cousin of them.

Common Abilities: Constrict/Bad Breath

1. Constrict is a weak, close-range physical attack that grabs an enemy and persevering crushes their limbs, possibly inflict Don't Act, Don't Move and/or Slow with each squeeze.

2. Bad Breath is an auto-AoE 2 that hits self. Luckily, all of the Malboro family is immune to everything it causes. Animists...not so much. (To allay any possible fears, Bad Breath doesn't inflict Doomed, just like it doesn't inflict Petrified or Frogged anymore either.)


1. Called "Common Malboro" now since I don't want any monster to have a name that's the same as the family as a whole avoid confusion.

2. Move: 3 [no change]

3. Jump: 131/3 [Thanks to philsov, I now know that Malboros can actually be used as stepping stones, so this isn't an error (even if it doesn't mean anything outside of Nelveska). It basically translates to Jump 3.]

4. Innates: Counter, Alertness [NEW], Regenerator [NEW], Walk on Water. [I really have to learn how to change the names of things in FFTPatcher. It will be SO much easier to remember things then.]

5. Absorb and Resist: Wind & Water; Resist: Dark; Weak: Fire & Ice.

5. Immune [ALL NEW]: Blind, Confused, Addled, [Blood Suck], Poisoned, Charmed, Sleeping & Doomed. [They can be affected by Floating now since apparently ones from FFIX could.]

6. Shared Ability (with Great[er] Malboro): Cloying Breath - 2v2 Linear Attack that can add Slowed and/or Sleeping to anything that breaths it in.

7. Unique Ability: Goo - Like philsov, a MA-based attack with a chance to add Poisoned, Immobilized or Disabled rather than a non-damaging chance to add one of those.


1. Move: 3 [no change]

2. Jump: 131/3 [Thanks to philsov, I now know that Malboros can actually be used as stepping stones, so this isn't an error (even if it doesn't mean anything outside of Nelveska). It basically translates to Jump 3.]

3. Innates: Regenerator [NEW], Absorb Used MP [NEW], Arrow Guard [NEW], Walk on Water. [I really have to learn how to change the names of things in FFTPatcher. It will be SO much easier to remember things then.]

4. Absorb and Resist: Earth & Water; Resist: Light/Holy; Weak: Fire & Ice. [I thought to make Ochu resist Light instead of Dark since I'm making them so different from Malboros & Great Malboros and they're even more plant like anyway.]

5. Starting Status: Sleeping. [They're rather lazy....]

6. Immune [All NEW]: Blind, Confused, Addled, [Blood Suck], Poisoned, Charmed & Doomed. [They can be affected by Sleeping. Hell, they start out the battle Sleeping at present. They're kind of narcoleptic.]

7. Shared Ability #1: Water/Aqua - Something of a placeholder that's shared with Roderick at present. ...Which means that Ochu will have spell quotes.... So now it's a somniloquist too?

8. Shared Ability #2: Mimic Titan - Ochu thrashes about like a pelutant child, causing Earth-based tremors in an Auto-AoE 2 area. Not able to be dodged. Now shared with Bull Devil.

9. Unique Ability: Rest - A self-targeting move that restores 80% health at the cost of causing the unit to succumb to Sleeping. Planned to be Critical Only and cost quite a bit of MP, though that's more so that the AI doesn't end up whoring it. It might restore less HP, but I can't see it going beneath 50% considering the costs.


1. Move: 3 [no change]

2. Jump: 131/3 [Thanks to philsov, I now know that Malboros can actually be used as stepping stones, so this isn't an error (even if it doesn't mean anything outside of Nelveska). It basically translates to Jump 3.]

3. Innates: Regenerator [NEW], Short Charge [NEW],  Counter, Walk on Water. [I really have to learn how to change the names of things in FFTPatcher. It will be SO much easier to remember things then.]

4. Absorb and Resist: Wind & Water; Resist: Dark; Weak: Fire & Ice.

5. Immune [All NEW]: Blind, Confused, Addled, [Blood Suck], Poisoned, Charmed, Sleeping & Doomed. [They can be affected by Floating now since apparently ones from FFIX could.]

6. Shared Ability (with Common Malboro): Cloying Breath - 2v2 Linear Attack that can add Slowed and/or Sleeping to anything that breaths it in.

7. Unique Ability: Putrid Breath - With Bio III dead (and a placeholder besides), Greater Malboro now has an even more dangerous form of Bad Breath. It is so dangerous that it needs to be single-target, close-range AND Critical only, though that latter part my change since it tends to screw over the AI (if close-range).

Behemoths - These cursed beast of burdens are said to be omens of disasters. (They're certainly omens of pain in the ass considering it took me two days just to think up anything decent with them and I STILL can't haven't thought of a third skill ability. Basically think of them as sturdy, less critical-hitting Absols.)

Common Abilities: Mark of the Beast/Cursed Wail/Disaster Warning

1. Mark of the Beast is basically a weaker Stab-Up that has chance to make the unit become Cursed.

2. Cursed Wail kills any unit that's Cursed instantly at a range of 3. Basically Death to the Cursed.

3. Disaster Warning is an AoE ability that causes Don't Act and/or Confusion. (In Ulmaguest's slot.)


1. Move: 4 [no change]

2. Jump: 131/3 [no change]

3. Innate: MA Save [NEW], Cannot enter water, Defense UP [NEW], Counter.

4. Absorb and Resist/Halve: Wind; Resist: Fire, Ice, Lightning; Weak: Water. [They might lose resistance to Thunder/Lightning.]

5. Immune: Confused [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Cursed [NEW], Floating, Charmed [NEW], Disabled [NEW].

6. Unique Ability: Tornado - The same as Hashbrow...er I mean, Hashmalum's. This was planned from the beginning. Lucavi will be getting weaker stats as well, so this ultimately be as face-exploding as it was/is in vanilla and 1.3.


1. Move: 4 [no change]

2. Jump: 131/3 [no change]

3. Innate: MA Save [NEW], Cannot enter water, Defense UP [NEW], Counter.

4. Absorb and Resist/Halve: Earth; Resist: Fire, Ice, Lightning; Weak: Water. [They might lose resistance to Thunder/Lightning.]

5. Immune: Confused [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Cursed [NEW], Floating, Charmed [NEW], Disabled [NEW].

6. Unique Ability: Quake - The same as Hashbrow...er I mean, Hashmalum's. This was planned from the beginning. Lucavi will be getting weaker stats as well, so this ultimately be as face-exploding as it was/is in vanilla and 1.3.


1. Move: 4 [no change]

2. Jump: 131/3 [no change]

3. Innate: MA Save [NEW], Cannot enter water, Defense UP [NEW], Counter.

4. Absorb and Resist/Halve: Dark; Resist: Fire, Ice, Lightning; Weak: Water & Holy. [They might lose resistance to Thunder/Lightning.]

5. Immune: Confused [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Cursed [NEW], Floating, Charmed [NEW], Disabled [NEW].

6. Unique Ability: (Perpetual) Night* - A "fixed" Night ability, it is now a Dark-element attack that hits everything on field except for the caster and has a chance to inflict Sleep.

Dragons - Here they be. Covetous, winged reptiles with death breath, dragons will probably be around quite a bit more in vanilla and 1.3 (and maybe even other patches). They'll still probably not be as smart as a lot of other fantasy dragons tend to be, though.

Common Abilities: Dragon Roar/Tail Swing

1. Dragon Roar is a Auto-AoE 2 ability that inflicts random Slowed, Immobilized or Stopped and can't be dodged. Given what I want to maybe do with Stop, it might eventually lose that and possibly become Don't Act. That would at least free up yet another Inflict Status spot since I went through so many of them just for monsters....

2. Tail Swing is the same as vanilla. It probably needs to be buffed to 1.3 standards or somewhere in between eventually.


1. Again, I wish there was a less bland name to call them, but given what I plan for other monsters, especially these types, this isn't exactly name room. Hell, I had to change the other two Dragons just because of that lack of "space" naming-wise.

2. Move: 3 [reduced from 5]

3. Jump: 131 [no change]

4. Innates: Cannot enter water, Dragon Spirit [NEW], Fly [NEW], Move-Find Item [NEW]. [IIRC, Dragons have working Flying sprites. They just don't use them like Worker 8 for some reason. Someone feel free to correct me on this. At present, Move-Find Item is just kind of "there", but no other monster has it and it fits with covetous idea. I'll just have to make sure to have them never appear on the first battle of map that opens up if I let them keep it.]

5. Absorb and Resist: Lightning; Resist: Fire & Earth; Weak: Water. [Yeah. Something else weak to Water. Kind of annoying...]

6. Initial Status: Reraised.

7. Immune: Dying [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Floating & Poisoned [NEW].

8. Unique Ability #1: Lightning Breath - Lightning-based breath attack that will be the weakest of the three in exchange for unable to be avoided.

9. Unique Ability #2: Burst - Just insert "Lightning-element attack" into Gil Storm's old description: "The covetous dragon spitefully magnetizes a target, which then has its flesh repeatedly shredded by Gil. Perserving, random-hits, anti-faith, follows target and currently range 5 initially, though the initial range might decrease given how nasty it could end up being. It CAN be avoided though and the CT is rather necessarily lengthy."


1. Move: 3 [reduced from 5]

2. Jump: 131 [no change]

3. Innates [ALL NEW]: Dragon Spirit, Fly, Defense UP, Walk on Water. [IIRC, Dragons have working Flying sprites. They just don't use them like Worker 8 for some reason. Someone feel free to correct me on this. Frost Dragons will probably have the least amount of HP because of Defense UP.]

4. Absorb and Resist: Ice; Resist: Earth & Water; Weak: Fire & Lightning.

5. Initial Status: Reraised.

6. Immune: Dying [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Floating & Poisoned [NEW].

7. Unique Ability #1: Ice Breath - The same range 2, linear Ice-element Ice Breath as before, except with a chance to Slow now.

8. Unique Ability #2: Freeze - With Frost being given to Ghosts, this has become a range 4, AoE 1 spell that has a chance to add Stopped.


1. Move: 3 [reduced from 5]

2. Jump: 131 [no change]

3. Innates: Cannot enter water, Dragon Spirit [NEW], Fly [NEW], Move on Lava [NEW]. [IIRC, Dragons have working Flying sprites. They just don't use them like Worker 8 for some reason. Someone feel free to correct me on this.]

4. Absorb and Resist: Fire; Resist: Lightning & Earth; Weak: Ice & Water. [Yeah. Something else weak to Water. Kind of annoying.... Equally annoying is the fact that Fire Dragon has a worse version of Dragon's weakness. I don't particularly mind this given that I plan for all of them to be useful, but the asymmetry that presents is...vexing. Yet I don't want to not have the regular Dragon be weak to anything or resist to anything else, so I'm not sure how to fix it at present.]

5. Initial Status: Reraised.

6. Immune: Dying [NEW], Addled [NEW], [Blood Suck], Floating & Poisoned [NEW].

7. Shared Ability (or was with Bomb): Fire Breath* - Arguably what started the drive to have all three dragons get their two "unique" abilities since Fire Breath is at present rather weak. (With current stats, though, Bombs will still rip your face off even with the buff to starting equipment if I left them at Sweegy. You DON'T want to face two of them so early in the game, especially with units you can't even control.) The Fire Breath that Bomb has and the one that Fire Dragon has, though, will probably become separate if similar abilities like Blow Fire (which I was initially going to just have also be Fire Breath).

8. Unique Ability: Ardor - A version of Giga Flare that has actually been touched, it aims to be the Fire-element ability with the most AoE of overall. Think of it as draconic carpet-bombing.

[Insert Tonberries here.]

* Able to be learned by Blue Mages. (03/18/2011 EDIT: Defunct as of this. Outside of that Bad Breath note, I'm not giving people any clues.)

** Given the minor problems that Dome was having with Boco's skill set in 1.4, I already both used something different and changed the only battle where an Undead Oracle even appears (so wasteful) already; the male Undead Oracle that was at Poeskas Lake is now a male Undead Summoner.

With that finally, finally done, I can now move on the special monsters, including Lucavi, who should be pretty easy since their skill sets already exist for one thing and are present massive wastes of space that could use my malevolent touch. Beyond that, I suppose making a list of what I still need to get done before a theoretical patch release on the 31st:

1. Still need to do special characters, at least the ones appear up until the end of Chapter 2 where you fight Queklain. This includes both special humans and monsters, both allies and enemies.

2. Still need to do Tactext stuff, though that should be easy enough, if tedious.

3. Still need to see if I can get my emulator up and running now.

4. Still need to redo Arbalist's and Hunter's spaces, though I've ideas now.

5. Change all of the ENTDs with regards to Chapter 2 where appropriate. The initial fights in the prologue and Gariland Magic City have been changed and already have planned changes for Sweegy up to the Wiegraf fight. After that, mostly when it comes to Chapter 2 and some random battles, I'm not so sure.

6. Learn how to event edit since I'm unsure of tactext covers that. It would be really minor things with regards to Boco and maybe giving Rad actual lines for now. Maybe a bit more with regards to the other special character who isn't taking Cloud's spot.

7. Learn how to code. Not necessary before the release. It would help with formula and mechanics testing, though.

Yeah...leaving myself just a week for this. I'm so glad I'm masochistic.

(09/27/2011 EDIT: Such horrible naivete again. Regardless, Illithids, Skeletons, Ghosts, Lamias & Tonberries have been added and all monsters have been updated as best as possible. There are likely some typos given how long it took me to redo all of this. ...Hmm, as I suspected. I went over the limit again with those five. I'll just post them in a new post.)
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


As mentioned on the chat, I feel like too many of that status immunities are thrown around and given to the monsters as a decision that there isn't much other way to improve them. Granted monsters do need a lot of help, I just always feel this isn't the best way to do it. Maybe just a few here and there.

As mentioned on chat, I thought Choco Ball proc Oil was very strange until you mentioned the Black Chocobo was originally getting a fire based attack, which I still wouldn't be opposed to as that is their common role in most of the games. If you keep Choco Guard on them, then I would suggest something like Blind, Don't Move, or even Slow. Sort of a low end status just added on as a slight perk.

I would recommend Seperate or All or Nothing for Choco Barrier as a way for it to get a little more room on the Priest.

Boco being a White Chocobo has become very popular recently, I don't see much wrong with it but I don't really care for  Confusion Song.

They have a monkish vibe to them with a few status spells sprinkled on the two lower tied ones. I don't like how the Black Goblin has Defend as an innate skill considering how foolish the ai is with it... Also an interesting choice to make them vulurable to Blood Suck, making them more "human" then most other monsters.

Hm... Well Bombs are Bombs. Hard to really give them some flair. Drench seems underpowered considering Oil is only good for one hit before it disappears. I also find it very strange that they are weak to Holy, I'm assuming because they are like some possessed fire lanturns or something. Grenade seems like the best of the bunch currently, having innate Defense Up and a seemingly very powerful unique ability. Flare on Explosive further shows that they are difficult to make interesting. :/

Pounce... If you were willing to borrow from FFTA, I believe they had an ability that cancelled Haste and perhaps this could be extended here as an alternative. I think it could fit as your current Cat Kick cancels a few status as well. Teleport seems a bit strange even with the theme of the Shadowcat.

Other then that... I believe they are fine.

I was thinking you could move down Death Sentence from the Doomgaze monster and giving them something else (perhaps a spell that has a chance of death / petrify?). They seem like a powerful status class much like the Malboros. Personally I'm thinking they are actually really solid besides the filler move "reflect".

I'll look at more classes later today but I can feel I'm starting to get more and more tired. You also have  a lot more information I'll comb through as well
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Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?

The Damned

March 24, 2011, 01:48:39 pm #31 Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 01:05:50 am by The Damned
(Reposting this because of all the typos that were in there. Damn persistent headache.)

Thanks for the feedback, Pride. I'll get to my (I would vainly hope) concise reply in a bit.

So, last night, before I finally got to bed an hour and a half after that random (or maybe not so random) severe headache, I decide that, given what I want to do with Lucavi, the only Lucavi that I'm going to bother changing (more) before that planned 0.1 release is Cuchuulain. I mean, the other Lucavi already have their (very) different Innates and will (probably) keep them sans the changes I might make (later), but I doubt I'll change their stats for now. I might change their skill sets and other things, but they're not getting any unique skills like Cuchuulain/Queklain is.

As such, here's my itinerary for today:

1. Enact my plans for Fear since I apparently haven't already.

2. Decide on Cuchuulain's Innates and abilities.

3. Finish changing all the ENTDs for the Chapter 1 story battles and maybe start with Chapter 1 random battles.

4. Deal with all special characters related to Chapter 1, including the Prologue. So that means, off the top of my head, I have to decide on: Chapter 1 Ramza, Chapter 2 Ramza, Chapter 1 Delita, Chapter 1 Wiegraf, Algus*, Miluda, Gafgarion, Agrias and, arguably most importantly of the non-Ramza characters, Rad.

5. Take stock of how much free Ability space and Inflict Status space I still have left after that.

6. Start reading up on coding since it's been more than a year since I read the tutorial.

7. Try to clean up this thread a bit.

That's probably all I'll get around to today unless I get pretty inspired and/or decide on some of the more nebulous generic monster and/or human issues. (Hmmm...I should probably look through sprites again.)

*Speaking of Queklain/Cuchuulain, I must ask a question: How do people feel about the PSP names? I'm not going to make the language overly flowery whenever I get around to event changes and in-game text changes, but it seems like the name scheme changes should be consistent with characters if I'm trying to do it with abilities. Something like Algus vs. Argath is something I'm curious about.

Quote from: Pride on March 24, 2011, 05:10:57 am
I'll look at more classes later today but I can feel I'm starting to get more and more tired. You also have a lot more information I'll comb through as well

That's an overly nice way of saying I'm a long-winded bastard. Thanks.

And, yeah, take your time. I doubt most people even read most of my long-winded posts--and I don't exactly blame them--and as such I certainly wouldn't expect most to slog through the entirety of one of my overly loquacious ramblings.


1. Yeah, I admitted that I felt that monsters currently are outright immune to too much, even with having made sure that they have no elemental negations (sans Levitation [Float movement]) this time around. I'll probably end up reducing the amount of statuses that many of them are immune to while lamenting that I can't make them merely resistant.


1. Yeah, I suppose I should have mentioned publicly that Black Chocobos originally had Choco Flame, but that became Choco Revive since I figured it wasn't worth the time and that another monster besides Woodfolk/Treefolk needed revival.

2. As such, the proc for Choco Ball will most likely change. I think that Blind is probably the best choice, even if I feel like I've been giving that to too many things and most of the initial weapons outright block it. (Although, arguably, that makes Blind even better to put in early game, especially with how difficult to balance Don't Act and Slow are.)

3. I suppose Separate Protect and Shell wouldn't be bad. All or Nothing is a bit much for something you get so early in the game, even with Debarrier around.

4. I know that everyone is using White Chocobo for Boco, which part of the reason I don't want to. I want to be "special", damn it! *pouts*

5. For the record (since I'm unsure how much you're aware of beyond monsters due to aforementioned wordiness), Boco's Confusion Song is Templar's Confusion Song, which randomly causes Addle, Charm OR Confusion. I don't think there's a single technique anymore that causes just Confusion given how stupid the AI is with it. Just like how there probably won't be a single technique that causes just Death Sentence until/if we can fix those AI problems since "Death Sentence: Ignore Dead" sure as hell doesn't fix all of it. Duly noted, though.


1. Yeah, Goblins are meant to be the "Monks" of the game now, to the point that I was actually briefly considering giving them Innate Martial Arts. However, that would have both been foolish and hypocritical of me since Martial Arts is so damn stupid and that was point of getting rid of it and Monk anyway.

2. Similarly, Defend on Black Goblins probably is a bad idea. For some reason, I don't want to give them Caution, though. Probably because I don't want it interfering with their Counter. They'll probably end up with something besides Defend, though.

3. All humanoid monsters (that aren't Undead) are planned to be vulnerable to Blood Suck now. This includes Goblins, Ithilids and Bull Demons and possibly whatever replaces Uribo.


1. Yeah, Drench might underpowered. I could make it All Oil and Don't Act instead of either or, especially since Bombs will NOT be appearing early game now. (Earliest they'll appear is Chapter 2, probably after Araguay is cleared.)

2. With regards to them being weak to Holy/Light, I'll have to look through my (overly messy) notes in Word, but I believe it's because I wanted something that was weak to Light that wasn't a demon. Additionally, I believe I wanted an angle that "The Church" made anti-magic weapons that was weak to the type of magic that they used, i.e. Holy. However, between that no longer being anything but Learn on Hit for generics and the fact that Bull Demons are also weak to Water and Holy (baring Sacred), this might change. At present, I might make them neutral to Light and weak to Dark or Wind. Even though it would be consistent with what I want to do with Velius/Belias, I'm surprisingly reluctant to make them weak to Ice given that it seems pretty dumb that you're make an anti-magic weapon that's weak to one of the primary elements of your most common mage--at present, Wizard only has one Learn via JP Dark attack and no Wind attacks, the latter of which might indeed become the domain of "The Church" via Illusionist.

3. Glad to see you like Grenade. The "armor" is a reference to its visual appearance in FFIX. I am a bit weary that I've given Defense UP and/or Magic Defense Up to too many things innately, though it's part of the reason why those abilities have (reduced) effectiveness equal to Attack UP and Magic Attack UP now.

4. Eh, I'm sure that I can think of something better than Flare. Like I said, I just couldn't think of anything better while going through outside of the horribly unfair "Stalker Flare", which the AI wouldn't be able to use nearly as well as the player anyway. (Which is the one of the last thing I want when it comes to abilities, hence why almost all stat boost abilities are dead.) Besides, I was being miserly with my space as it is and I'm sort of bouncing around the idea of making Flare Learn on Hit only like in FFV (akin to Holy) since Doomsday is likely to go back to Time Mage/Dimensionalist.


1. Hastebreak is the ability you're talking about and, indeed, something I've considered that since last year. Problem is that there's no formula that comes close to doing what it could actually do, which is Slow or Stop only Hasted units--for the record, this inability is why Thief's "Borrowed Time" ability exists since it's a combination of Hastebreak and the FFX-2 ability of the same name. I can't recall if I've said in this thread, but given the still-technically limited space of monsters, I don't want to "waste" an ability spot on an ability that exists only to cancel a status, especially since the way that formulas are, many of those techniques ONLY affect units with that status. Hence why Cat Kick does actual damage now. Still, I suppose that I would maybe give them a Hastebreak that's "just" Slow attack. That would be preferable to Execute, at least with what I want to do with the ARH. Although, a Slow attack does kind of run counter to forcing Hasted units to just bleed out faster by Poison Clawing their faces off.

*briefly considering having Poison cancel Haste*

2. Vampire Cats/Shadowcats might indeed lose Teleport. For some reason, I was under the impression that Blood Suck forces units to Teleport, perhaps because the only battle it's guaranteed to ever come up is the second Elmdor one where you're pretty forced to use Teleport to minimize his stupid Blade Grasp. Not sure what else I would give them over it, though. Maybe Move-HP Up since Regenerator isn't guaranteed to activate, but that might be a bit much.

Flying Eyes:

1. I'm rather weary of giving anything generic an add Dead ability. I really don't like those abilities on generics for the most part, which is why Cursed Wail is the closest thing anyone has to them and replaced "hey, you're MAYBE instantly Dead" Sudden Cry. The only generic ability that has a chance to add Dead/Dying status at present is Odin, which is both Learn on Hit only and the only Summon that can be outright evaded and even that might change.

I look forward to yours or anyone else's comments. Now, with that lengthy diatribe done, I can begin my work for today.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


The damned, how you made this possible?
"undead monsters no longer crystallize or turn into chests"

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

The Damned

March 25, 2011, 03:22:28 pm #33 Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 01:10:10 am by The Damned
Ugh, damn annoying necessity of sleep. I've been rather oversleeping lately still, including taking stupidly long naps (which I've always hated) mid-day. Yesterday was such a day. As such, I didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked and the itinerary has shifted slightly.

What I Got Done:

1. I looked at Queklain/Cuchuulain and decided that most of the innates are actually fine for what I want to do since despite being normally redundant, he should probably have lower HP than he would normally need without them for...several reasons.

2. I changed some generic jobs around. Mediator and Archer/Marksman have fully swapped places, meaning that Mediator now officially leads to the jobs I still need to change (which will, as such, no longer be Archery-based, though they'll still be physically oriented of course even as "meh" as Mediator physically is); Archer now leads to Thief and Chemist, which arguably makes more sense given what I want to do.

3. Related to stuff happenings, Mediator has Defense UP now and Knight has Attack UP now. I've also decided on what to do with the hitherto class-less RSMs: Archer has Focus; Blue Mage has Unyielding; whatever the hell Hunter becomes has Overwhelm; Thief has Alertness.

4. I looked at the ENTD stuff for Chapter 1. I got horribly sidetracked when I remembered how stupidly prevalent Virgo is. As such, I've already changed several birthdays of both enemy and ally characters. More will probably change later since I'm just focusing on Chapters 1 and 2 for now.

Speaking of ENTD, my itinerary has changed to editing the Resources ZIP since it's rather...annoying to try to change equipment to more appropriate solutions when nothing has been renamed in FFTPatcher. I'll probably end up doing stats sooner than later too.

Quote from: Dome on March 25, 2011, 02:35:33 pm
The damned, how you made this possible?
"undead monsters no longer crystallize or turn into chests"

Just make them immune to Crystal and Treasure. They'll eventually get back up, though perhaps not immediately at the count of 0. Alternately, you could make Undead status itself immune to Crystal and Treasure and it would have the same effect, just broader.

At present, that only affects Skeletons & Ghosts and I was actually considering changing it back a bit--Skeletons would only be immune to Crystal whereas Ghosts would only be immune to Treasure--since I wasn't sure if it would end up as overly obnoxious, especially considering I want monsters to be stronger but not necessarily by being (generic) OHKO machines.

So, yay or nay to undying Undead?
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I don't necessarily think its a good idea to give the undead status immunity, because the ai would not understand that it needs to remove undead from the player to kill it properly. Otherwise undead becomes a multi-use reraise. Personally I say only critters that are innate undead should have immune crsy/treasure
I will show you the power of SARDIIIIINES!!!!

The Damned

March 28, 2011, 03:06:27 am #35 Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 01:17:15 am by The Damned
(Reposting this because I updated and fixed the first post.)

Yawn. I'm going to have to push back my intention to get a 0.1 patch out by Mar. 31st to a more "reasonable" goal of Apr. 7th between feeling piss-poor & thus sleeping away half of the day because of it and the realization that I've more left to do than I thought.

I did at least get some work done this weekend, though:

1. All Chapter 1 story battle and storyline ENTDs have at least been somewhat modified. In the case of storyline "edits", it's not event editing (yet), but merely zodiac sign changing and a few other things to keep the story consistent. They'll be fully changed once I decide on what levels Equipment should be.

2. While doing the above, I realized what an idiot I am because I don't have an accessory that blocks Sleep; only a Robe does at present. That will have to change, especially given what I want to do at one early storyline battle.

3. While I was at it, I brutally murdered all Degenerator traps.

4. I decided on Fear fixes, though one of them will need me to learn how code a status first.

5. I went over the Inflict Status list. I was able to excise about 11 things and I might have space for as much as 26 more; I realized that, for some Squaresoft-esque reason, I had three different inflict status codes just for Salve, which might still be dying. Ugh.

6. The ENTD changes to Chapter 2 have pretty much been decided on, at least up to Zirekile Falls. They just need to be implemented. In the case of Zirekile Falls, I really need to watch the sprite limit.

7. Equipment-wise, Perfumes are looking like they might completely die again despite being unisex now. They're not too different and I could really use some "beginner" accessories or at least accessories that aren't so bloated. Perfumes will probably stick around for the 0.1 patch, though.

8. I've decided that Flare will become Learn on Hit only for Wizards. This might change back, but at present, it will mean that Explosives will probably get to keep Flare for now.

9. Soldier's going to lose some RSMs: Equip Axe will probably go to Hunter; Move-Get JP will likely just die. Gained EXP UP and/or Move-Get XP might also just die, in which case they'll probably get Brave UP.

10. Panther's Pounce is dead. I just need to figure out what to replace it with.

11. I'm not going to be using that Stolen or Broken Fur Shop hack for...several reasons.

Currently trying to decide on some special character sets, starting with Chapter 1 Ramza and differing him from Squire Delita and Squire Algus. I think I've finally figured out how to do that given that key problem was that Soldier already has 15 abilities and differing them by one ability, especially when Ramza has two other forms that themselves need "unique" abilities, would be rather narrow.

I should probably update the front page, though.


Okay, so that's done:

1. Removed the few typos that Raven missed.

2. Updated the elemental stuff. (With regards to weakness and resistance.)

3. Updated the monster list. (With regards to pretty much everything, especially Uribos and Hydras.)

4. Updated the ASM list. (Add 3 ASMs: Undead Oracle mount, Slow 25% and Alertness [though I was always planning to use that]. Lost the aforementioned Stolen or Broken one.)

5. Updated the special character list. (Mostly just with some additional hints and the fact that Boco has been done.)

6. Updated the misc. stuff.

7. Killed the changelog for now since it was a mess.

And some other stuff. I also realized that I probably need to go back and talk about zodiac signs and Gil briefly. I'll do that in a minute.


Itinerary for tomorrow since I'm going to try to go bed around midnight for once (or would have had if this computer wasn't depressingly slow and hadn't delayed me for half an hour):

1. Do all special classes in Chapter 1, including Rad, Gafgarion and Agrias. Not sure that Miluda needs anything special.

2. Look over ability spaces that are left that.

3. Try to figure out Queklain/Cuchuulain's special ability.

4. Start trying to really figure out stats.

5. Make a damn accessory that blocks Sleep. (I already have one picked out.)

6. Do all the tactext entries for Items.

7. Maybe look at the tutorial for coding again finally (if I'm feeling well enough).

8. Oh and finally see if I can run the damn emulator on this computer again.

Additionally, things that are related to some of the above, like Wizard and Chemist, will probably see some changes tomorrow too, but that goes without saying.

Quote from: RandMuadDib on March 25, 2011, 07:08:45 pm
I don't necessarily think its a good idea to give the undead status immunity, because the ai would not understand that it needs to remove undead from the player to kill it properly. Otherwise undead becomes a multi-use reraise. Personally I say only critters that are innate undead should have immune crsy/treasure

I never intended to do that. I was merely telling Dome of another way to do what he asked.

So noted, though.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


The never dying undead idea is awesome, but only generic undead monsters should benefit from it
Might be a bit broken if given to every zombified unit
(Btw, I'll implement it in 1.4, hope you don't mind)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

The Damned

April 02, 2011, 07:11:25 pm #37 Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 01:22:33 am by The Damned
(Ugh. There's no way in hell that going through the entire ability list should have taken thrice as long as I anticipated.)

So...first things first while working down from my infinite rage that has arisen for various reasons, some unrelated to this project.

Firstly, a large, belated thanks to Cheetah for granting me permission to use his Red Mage sprite for Rod and his "unique" Red Mage class. I've yet to implement it (or any sprites still), but it's nice knowing that I've permission now since Rod will be more important to the story (at least where Chapter 2 is concerned).

Secondly, as you may have noticed, I seem to be misspelling "Rad" as "Rod". Well, I'm not. Henceforth, Rad will be called "Rod(erick)" in my patch. I was considering using the PSP name (like I am for a lot of characters still)...until I found out that it was fucking Ladd--excuse my expletive. Seriously, "Ladd"? What. That's not even...Rad is better than that. Given that Roderick is actually, you know, a human name and a European one at that, I figure I'll use that; I also happen to like the name Roderick a lot for some reason, so that works for me.

Thirdly, after all the delay that it's caused me, mostly because Soldier is closer to the "traditional" Red Mage at present and because of formula limitations when it comes to making "unique" healing spells, Rod's Red Magic is finished...for now. There were additional considerations and changes I had to make alongside shifts to some other classes:

1. Red Magic ignores Faith at present. When I get or make some damn formulas that work, though, they will use Faith. Just like every other magician except Mr. Master Magician who replaces Cloud.

For a skill set that was originally intended to reflect Gafgarion's cautious nature and want of surety, Red Magic spells are rather...iffy at present. Also, to call it Red Magic is a bit...weird at present since even without the other new character to consider, even with said character not going to be around for 0.1 patch. Clerical units aside, there's nothing to replicate "doublecast" White Magic...or any interesting non-used White Magic.

As such, at present, Red Magic is more a combination of Black Magic and the no-longer existent Yin-Yang Magic. It only has 8 spells--I was originally going to give it Spell Absorb and Life Drain as well. These names are tentative, though I'm more comfortable with the ones that aren't "Double [Element]":

1. Double Fire - Twice-hitting, single-target Fire element ability. Strongest.
2. Double Ice - Twice-hitting, single-target Ice element ability. Medium. Slight chance of slow.
3. Double Bolt - Twice-hitting, single-target Lightning element ability. Weakest. Unable to be dodged. Lesser chance of Slow or Don't Act.
4. Barrier - Single-target random Protect, Shell, Reflect or Transparent ability.
5. Wish - Like ARENA's Transfusion ability now.
6. Lethargy - Multi-target, separate Sleep and/or Slow ability.
7. Mute - Multi-target, separate Addle and/or Don't Act ability.
8. Venom - Multi-target, separate Oil, Blindness and/or Poison ability.

2. Due to the "power" issues of Red Magic, the Double spells have taken place of the level 2 Wizard spells for the sake of some equipment. The level 2 Wizard spells have been bumped up to the level 3 slots and the level 3 spells have been bumped up to level 4 slots.

3. Now, the more astute may be thinking "Wait, but wasn't he using the Level 4 slots as shitty Illusionist spells"? And to that I say, "Yes, I was." At present, as aforementioned, the Lore-esque abilities have died are replaced by things that are...honestly still quite likely to change.

1. Aero - There are technically two Aeros now since I don't feel like changing Wind Soul. It's an AoE 1 Wind-based damage ability that ignores allies.
2. Aero 2 - An AoE 2 Wind-based ability that doesn't ignore allies.
3. Vanish - A single-target, Transparent adding ability that can target the user.
4. Vanish 2 - A multi-target, Transparent adding ability that can't target the user.
5. Dread Image - An auto-AoE Slow ability that is the most likely to change.
6. Flash - Still the same.
7. Mesmerizing Lights - Still the same.
8. Terrorize - Still the same.

4. Going back to Wizard, it's lost Doomsday (back) to Dimensionalist. Dimensionalist has lost Chronos, which in turn became Scathe for Wizard since Flare is Learn on Hit only now. This may yet change.

Finally, I made sure there's an accessory that blocks Sleep like I should have from the beginning. You're going to need it. I also took the liberty of buffing White Staff again while at the same time saving an Inflict Status spot.

Hmmm...I feel like I'm forgetting something, but maybe it's just fatigue from being awake since yesterday.

At present, all I'm probably going to do for the rest of the night is change all the random fights for Chapter 1, change Sweegy Woods and Sand Rat Cellar again and try to finally read up on the tutorial before my brain gives out. Also at present, other special characters can take a back seat for now. I'm tired of staring at that damn ability list.

Quote from: Dome on March 29, 2011, 07:25:37 am
The never dying undead idea is awesome, but only generic undead monsters should benefit from it
Might be a bit broken if given to every zombified unit
(Btw, I'll implement it in 1.4, hope you don't mind)

As I said before, feel free; thanks for asking, though. There's a good chance I won't even use it despite having an additional way to put/keep them down for good.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

The Damned

April 04, 2011, 10:20:45 pm #38 Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 01:31:36 am by The Damned
(Sigh. I'm so off today. Even moreso than recently....)

So, finally trying to get around to finishing the first draft of ENTDs, I quickly stumbled when I realized there's no way that to tell where the hell the starting positions are. That is...problematic, to say the least.

There was the additional problem of the directionals (from the world map) being somewhat sketchy, but that's been solved.

It's been solved because I finally verified that my emulator still runs smoothly enough to be of use. (I also think I accidentally deleted my 1.3030 copy after finally beating Zalmo after not playing for a year almost solely because of him. Whoops. Oh well, "moral" victory and crap like that.)

I'll just copy and paste the observations I made in Notepad here since I need to take a break after that dismal failure. (Keep in mind, this was done without any of the ASMs, though I doubt that would have changed much [outside of perhaps Fury].)

Lol, Dead Malak's Hell Knight class only has 1 Speed and other shitty stats. I also keep forgetting that Rad's initial spritesheet is a female Ninja for some reason.

It would seem that Ice's linearity is "wonky" and goes in two directions if you try to target diagonally.

Rapiers aren't as glitchy when they attack I thought they would be. I'll still have to fix them, though.

Fire follows the caster.

Things are doing way too little damage outside of Best Compat. crap. I'd imagine that elemental weakness is the same problem.

The AI seems to be using Revive competently at least.

Throw really needs to die.

Bible needs to be buffed.

Bio 3 is a green spirit-like effect.

Demon Fire is white bubbles from below.

Bio 1 is black bubbles from above.

...Shit. Revive works even if the unit isn't next to them when it resolves.

Lol. Boco's spritesheet appears to be a male Oracle. Weird seeing Delita causally toss Ovelia on him and then ride off on him. Hunh.


It would seem that the leader Squire got made into the Archer some how. I could have sworn that I replaced the Chemist....

Ramza still has Battle Boots, damn it.

Crap. Scream has a "power at max!" thing that comes up after it goes off. More evidence that Scream needs to die.

I might have increased break abilities too much....

Gravity Rod is so much better than Oak Staff it's ridiculous.

Holy crap, Dash does quite a bit of damage....

Crap. Charge does the same thing that Revive does. I wonder how to stop that. I doubt I can without somehow replicating the inability to move that the original Charge inflicts. Hmmm...

Cure could maybe use a bit more power, but it isn't nearly as bad as Black Magic at present, especially given its AoE.

Hunh. So you can do more than three prizes without the game bitching at you. Good to know.

For some reason Ice Rod comes after the other two Rods. Hunh.


The Thief change appears to have gone smoothly.

Lol. The Bull Demon I put there for testing is for some reason behind Ramza and facing the wrong way.

It looks like Algus still has Battle Boots as well. Hmmmm....

Hmm...I just realized that Delita still showed up in the menu despite the fact that I've changed his instructions. I must have forgotten something in the Magic City Gariland fight.

Ffff...Algus has Blue Magic too. Well, at least I know Blaster works.

Hmmm...the Bull Demons are shown as only having Counter. That's...not good.

Hunh. The computer used Shell on itself without being damaged. That's...odd. Good, but odd.

Same with Protect as well. Hunh.

So the Bull Demons do have a skill set. It just a blank because of the space used. Not sure why Counter is showing, though. Maybe because what I did with the RSMs.... They can talk at humans. Let's see if they can talk to each other though....

Weird seeing a unit land from Float via Equip Change even though I know I've tested it before.

And Algus continues to whore Blaster for some reason.

Holy shit. Bull Rush did 120 damage...and then the Bull Demon was promptly killed by the recoil. Fff....I need to Revive it to test the damn thing.

So much initial Regen wearing off....

...Bolt is still doing multiple strikes? Damn it.

Good. Now Fiery Emission from Algus for decent damage (20).

Threaten has a shitty hit rate.

Bows also seem to be the only things doing decent damage. Same with Javelin. Maybe I should up all starting WP to that area....

Make that 40. It would seem that I had forgotten about the fire halving. I'll need to do tactext tonight.

Lol. I just realized the Thief's replacement is named Gaston. I don't remember that name naturally being in the game.

Fff....the Bull Demons can't use Talk Skill on each other despite both being monsters. This is problematic.... Well, at least now I know. Also, made sure that Death Sentence didn't have a prompt that popped up.

...And the enemy Bull Demon kills itself with Bull Rush again. Not looking good for that ability....

Hunh. I don't remember there ever being a prompt for Algus to join. ...What did I fuck up?

And Delita is still in the menu. Sigh....


Time to check out the whole random battle thing.

Good. As soon as I moved towards Mandalia from Igros, random battle. Now, let's see....

Possible starting postions from Igros are [11,9], [11,8], [10,7], [10,6], [11,6], [10,5] and [11,5].

Good. Igros does correspond with Mandalia Plains North, so it's like thought and IS the direction you come from and not the direction you're going. Still doesn't clear up the whole "west" thing, though.

And Red Panther has...a 84% Petrify ability that it shouldn't have. Okay....

Yay, 81% Eye Gouge....

At least Poison Nail works, though.


Somehow gave Ramza Nameless Song rather Nameless Dance and didn't give the Squire abilities cost like  I thought they had since they kind of need to. (If they're not costing JP, though, then why the hell isn't the computer Auto-Mastering them?)

...Going to have to buff Mime's HP an absurd amount.

Crap. Odin and Midgar Swarm can still be learned via JP.

Weird. I didn't make any reactions free.


Okay, good. Mandalia Plains West 1 is indeed supposed to be Mandalia Plains East 1, which means that Mandalia Plains South 1 is indeed from Thieves Fort.

Beyond that, it would seem that the starting positions from the east are [0,5], [0,6], [0,7], [0,8], [0,9], [1,5], [1,6], [1,8] and [1,9].

Crap. Steal Luck's Curse prompt won't show up when it's targeting.

Comet wasn't Mimic'ed. Crap.

Yellow Chocobo disappears when Counter Tackle activates. Crap.

And Polka Polka isn't doing anything....

Animation needs to be changed for Orge Run.

Nameless Song doesn't appear to be working either.

At least Caution on Goblins doesn't cause any glitches.

Lol at winning via Confusion.


Replacement monsters are Sweegy Woods appear to not have any problems at the opening. It would seem that the Floating Eyes aren't...Floating, though. Maybe that's why monsters had Float blocked; maybe I just forgot, though.

Wow. Look of Fright's hit rate is abysmal at present. Even with Bad compat., it shouldn't be 12%.

It would appear that monsters that couldn't move in water are fine without Cannot Enter Water.

Hunh. Algus appears to be actually useful and show me what happens with Counter Magic for the new spells. It's not horribly buggy like I thought with regards to Ice linearity. I'll have to test Fire before I kill them....

Piercing Gaze looks pretty neat with Wing Attack's animation still being the same. Hunh.

So Fire Counter Magic seems to be centered on the person who cast Fire, but without hitting the counterer.

Bull Rush thing happened again. Sigh.

Okay. So Bolt isn't as weak as I thought given that it hits 4 times and isn't evadable. However, I'm probably going to change Black Magic again, so....


Okay, so the starting positions from Sweegy Woods West 1 are different from the story battle starting positions. The Sweegy Woods West 1 are [0,2], [0,3], [0,4], [0,5], [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5] and [2,1].

Also, rather annoying to be reminded that just because two or more different things have a chance of being randomly present doesn't guarantee that either one will appear. Hmmm....

It would seem there was something about a ".cue" not being found as well. Not sure what that's about....
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


April 08, 2011, 11:34:53 am #39 Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 11:36:38 am by MysticKnightFF5
Quote from: The Damned on February 21, 2011, 08:06:11 pm

Dancer merges with Bard to make male-only Minstrel; Dancer's spot is the female-only Paladin;

I thought you said you wanted to remove the foreign issues, not amplify them to all hell.
Since when has there EVER been a female paladin?! WHEN HAS THERE EVER BEEN A FEMALE RELIGIOUS WARRIOR?
Jeanne D'Arc, that's when. Remember what happened to her? Exiled and branded as a heretic, then killed in battle.
So, tell me, how is a female only Paladin sensible?

EDIT: To be fair, perhaps switch the two and make minstrel female? Since that sounds like something men would make a woman do on the battlefield, lol.