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Topics - Tyler

Help! / Teleport In / Units leaving map?
August 26, 2011, 04:30:30 am
Hey guys! So I've been messing around, kind of experimenting with my own hack and how to make my own events and such. I'd say I'm making some decent progress which is very fun, interesting and time consuming!

So for my first scene, I'm just testing the mechanics, basically. I have Ramza run around the map and do some simple animations and speak, and then he teleports out. This is where my problem comes up. After that, I have Delita come in 2 seconds afterwards (or is suppose to), through a TeleportIn. But the problem is, he just never does. I believe I have his settings right in FFTpatcher and I'm pretty sure I have the commands for it to work correct as well.

Can anybody tell me if something looks wrong with this? Again, by all means, I'm no expert at this. Just started event editing last night. Delita is unit 21.
Instead of doing what I hoped, (teleporting in, say some dialogue and then start walking away while the screen fades), he instead, does not teleport in at all, his dialogue shows up, and THEN it fades away. I'm assuming the map doesn't recognize he's on the map yet so that's why he isn't teleporting in or showing up. And my last question is, does anybody know how to make units leave sides of the map? Thanks guys.
