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LIOS Editor (IOS Save file Editor)

Started by izlud3, February 20, 2013, 02:47:16 pm


February 20, 2013, 02:47:16 pm Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 09:17:02 am by izlud3
LIOS Editor version 1.0.0

LIOS Editor is a program I made with the source code of Lion Editor by fixing the code to enable edition of save files on an IOS device for Final Fantasy Tactics: WotL version 1.1.2 (you don't need jailbreak to hack the file!).

LIOS Editor can modify data of a FFTSAVE.BIN file from an iPhone/iPad/iPod (any version of FFT: WotL)
* Read BIN files directly (you don't have to rename your save file, also is worth saying: don't use this program for PSP files, its for IOS only!).
* Make modification to characters (Stats, Abilities, Equipment, Gender, Zodiac, Job JPs) same as Lion Editor.
* Select from multiple game files.

WARNING: Proceed with caution when making modifications, and remember to always keep a backup of your savefile!.

If you want to help improve the program or got any problem or bugs by using LIOS Editor, please post them on this topic. A good use would be to make small changes on your savefile and check if everything is fine before you continue editing/playing, so you can notice if you got any undesirable changes so you can post them here.


You will need:
a) An explorer to read and write files from iPhone/iPad/iPod to PC (example: iExplorer, iFunBox)
b) A valid IOS save file (You need a save file on the world map, after the first battle on Chapter 1).

Step 1: (Skip to step 3 if you already have iExplorer or another program)
Download necessary explorer. I use iExplorer from Macroplant is free* and you don't need jailbreak.

Step 2:
Connect your IOS device to your computer and open up iExplorer or the program of your choice. (If you downloaded iExplorer, choose "Continue in Demo mode", you don't need to buy the program to modify your save file).

Step 3:
Go to the "apps" folder and search for the folder or app "FFTWotL". Go inside the "Documents" folder, and extract the "FFTSAVE.BIN" file to your PC.

Step 4 (BACKUP):
Create a folder an put inside a copy of your FFTSAVE.BIN file, remember to keep this file in case your save file goes corrupted.

Step 5:
Open the LIOS Editor and click on "Open", navigate through your PC to find your FFTSAVE.BIN file.

Step 6:
Choose your modifications, remember to do some logic changes so you don't mess up your save file a lot. A good practice would be to make small modifications (maybe to one or three characters) and see if you get the desired results. If you find any bug or problem please post on this topic so I can lookup for the solution.

Step 7:
Click on SAVE when you are done.
Navigate to the modified FFTSAVE.BIN file and drag and drop it on the "Documents" folder in iExplorer or your IOS explorer program, which will ask if you want to replace your file in your IOS device with the one modified. Click "Ok" to overwrite, disconnect your device and go to the FFT App.

Step 8: (Enjoy!)
Choose continue, if you are on your main menu, and choose your modified game file*.
Or if you are on the map menu, choose from the menu "Data" then "Load" and choose your modified game file.
Enjoy your game!.

* You may get a popup asking if you want to resume your play, please touch "Cancel" to proceed to the Load Screen.

Don't blame us. Blame yourself or God.


Currently there are two things I've noticed, the JP total affects ANY job you click on.
So if you set the value to 3000 while the Squire is selected, if you click on anything else afterwards it too will now have a value of 3000. This means that any class you accidentally click on will now be level 8, doesn't seem to major but its something I found lol. However the JP section works fine and changes when you click on each job according to your save file.

The job skills seem to be working as well, although the Dark Knight seems to have two movement skills, but in game it only shows 1, the jump +3 I think it was.

I've only attempted to alter one character at a time. I'll try three at once next time around.

I will continue messing with it seeing what works and what breaks. To the items!

I'm also using the iPhone v1.1.2 version of the game.


To anyone out there who may have decided not to back up their file, I have a save file to upload or maybe even email to you if you want. With the editor, you might be able to progress or degress to where you left off in the game.


Note that this does indeed work for iPad 3 iOS 6.1, I used iFunBox. I'm gonna do some crazy things later, but I did successfully change Ramza's level and the file was not corrupt. Big thanks to Izlud3.


I tried messing around with the class option to change one of the recruits to be an assassin and it messed a lot of things - Agrias disappeared and the new recruit turned into a confessor and looked like Ramza - not sure what happened lol


February 24, 2013, 11:17:06 am #5 Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 01:40:47 pm by OnionSquire
This is awesome!  Bugfixes would be appreciated, but did I mention that this is awesome, yet?????

EDIT: I'm playing on iPad v 1.0.1 (iPad 2 WIFI iOS 6.1).


Thanks for your support on LIOS Editor.
Some updates:
I updated a new version, no longer in beta, since seems it works fine  :mrgreen:.
I made some bugfixing, and some few changes on the equipment selection (now you get a proper list depending on the slot your are intending to change). And if you have any ideas to improve the program, let me know on this post.

StrategicMishap: Thanks for pointing the JP error, in this version I got it fixed. And about the Dark Knight two movement skills, its because the Dark Knight gets different movement skill depending on the character's gender (you get move +3 if your character is female and jump +3 if your character is male).

So for programming ease you see them both, but only get one, this is working as intended. About the messing with jobs, sometimes you get wrong sprites on the character roster screen but gets corrected in battlefield. This happens when you mess a lot with your savefiles  :lol:.

bmroger2: Thanks for testing out on iPad, glad it works for that version too!.
OnionSquire: Glad to hear you got it working also on an older version, Thanks!

Don't blame us. Blame yourself or God.


First if all thank u so much for lios editor I did a few experiments with it myself and found a series of issues

1. Whenever I add a character to my party from lios the game freezes and shuts down immediately after I try to view my roster, if not this the character is never what I set it

2. Class changing doesn't seem to work same with job altering

3. Whenever I make a series of changes the game shuts down

I LOVE what you did and I'm not trying to put down lios editor but I think u wuld really have something once u fix the tiny glitches

Besides that changing level and stats seem to work every time which was extremely helpful for getting cloud up to date thanks again!


Cheers for this. :D Hope your still working on this to add War Funds edit.


I got this to work for Mac users as well. Here's how.

1. I got Parallels Desktop for Mac (14 day trial).
2. Downloaded Window's 7. You can buy or download in a torrent or something.
3. Started Parallels Desktop and installed windows. It'll prompt you on what to do.
4. Dowanloaded LIOS editor from this page.
5. Found my FFTSAVE from my iPad and began to edit away.

My iPad is Jailbroken so I have iFile with Dropbox intergration. I can upload files directly in to the FFT folder within the iPad and vice versa. Email me if you have any questions. Hope this helps distraut Mac users like myself. Thanks


I would like to confirm that this seems to be working perfectly fine with the latest 1.2 update of FFT:WotL.

There are a few issues I have though. First, every time I edit my save file, "optimize equipment on job change" is reset to on in the settings, and I have to turn it back off. Every other setting remains as I set them. This is super annoying to me, but not really a big deal. Second, this really needs a way to edit war funds or your item inventory, rather than just what is equipped. I'm getting tired of replacing broken katanas, and they can be really expensive.


I cant see the link of the lios editor.... :-(


Sorry for necro, but I'm not seeing any other official place to post for LIOS Editor where it will get the appropriate audience.

Is there a place to obtain the source code for LIOS Editor? I'm not seeing a location for obtaining it here or in any of the other posts about it on these forums. Lion Editor is a GPL version 3 project, and any modification or derived work must also be released under the GPL version 3 license or must be released with permission of all original authors if a different license is desired. One of the requirements of the GPL is source code must either be easily obtainable or included directly with any compiled binary.

Do you simply require a place to publish source? If so, GitHub (https://github.com), Google Code (https://code.google.com/), and SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net) are all popular project hosting sites capable of hosting both the source code and compiled binaries.

You could also file merge or pull requests for your changes against the original project, but that looks to be folly at this point due to the Lion Editor project appearing to be abandoned.

Please, if I can help in any way to get this published or offer any of my time to test, please let me know.


Hello, I love this game a lot, had it for a while, cleared it and just sorted stopped playing.  Well I've gotten the itch for it again.

This program is pretty awesome but it removed one feature that I absolutely loved.  Is there anyway you could post a version that allows to change party order?  Everything else is wonderful, but I forgot to create place holder characters and really don't want to start over just to re-order my group.

All in all this is an amazing editor  :)  thank you heaps


Is there a way to change your max Gil, add items to your bag?
The dumb only seem to get dumber...Sarcasm Is But One More Service I Offer!!


when i try to do this everything remains unchanged. idk whats the problem i did everything then dropped it back into the documents on iexplorer and nothing happend. help ?


Great little tool you have here. There are a few limitations to it, however. Changing unit names, equipment, brave/faith values, and zodiac sign are the key features here.

However, Is there any way this can edit raw stats? The editor is glitchy when creating a unit from scratch and editing the base stats concurrently changes the raw stats, often in an unintended manner. It would be easier to edit the base stats by using raw stats (the raw value that the game uses for stat calculation), something that the editor currently doesn't allow. Can this be made to edit raw stats? This doesn't allow for proper scaling if I want, for example, a unit with the stats of being leveled up 10 or 20 levels as a mime or LV8 Onion Knight.

Also, changing the level of a unit is often pointless since the editor will not scale the stats accordingly.


I must say, I find this quite useful. I was wondering though, is the save file that bmroger2 talked about available anywhere? Or can someone upload/email me an advanced save file?


This is quite an incredible tool.  Is there perhaps a way to make it so that is capable of changing a units base class and editing abilities of classes?  I'd love to be able to give Ladd, Lavian, and Alicia their own unique base classes on ios.  That and change Rapha and Marach's yucky abilities.  Big props on the work so far.  I'm having a lot of fun with this.


Hi, newbie here. I'm loving the program so far. One problem, though. It seems like you can add, for example, Elmdor to your party, and make him a Sorceror. But he doesn't actually have the Sorceror job, despite being one. If I'm missing something, or if it isn't too hard to add, being able to do that would open up a lot of possibilities.