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ff4(2us) hack lol patch

Started by Zozma, February 02, 2011, 09:51:27 pm


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Is that difficult for you Zozma
Let's be together !!


the only real pain is the npc placement/display and changing dialog because they use those 2 letter combos instead of a normal set of text
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Still checking on occasion of my favorite FF along with tactics.  Anxiously awaiting the full release.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


I've recently found out that there's a glitch in Yang's HP on the SNES. I don't know if you are already aware of this or not, though I'll mention it to you. When Yang reaches a certain level, he stops getting more HP. It's around level 60. This will affect Yang since he'll be playable in the last part of the game.

Also, will you be reverting all images to the Japanese version? By image, I mean the Special Runes (where you save) instead of the large S, and Rosa underneath a large metal blade instead of a large metal ball, etc.


December 18, 2011, 05:48:19 pm #125 Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 05:59:31 pm by Zozma
I may or may not. but also many of the characters stat growths have been altered to accomodate being more balanced with one another and allowing any character to be end-game quality. Yang's hp growth was corrected but, along with Cid's the growth amount was slowed down so that they do not cap at 9999 untill the lv90's. another thing done to both of those characters is allowing them to gain a little more wisdom and will, as without it they go down in one or two hits with high level magic by end game (this was what made edge suck so bad as a final party member)

one more thing im doing to all the characters is: (originally) once characters reach lvl70 each level gained after that, their stat gains are random and some of the gains are actually losses. each character has a set of 8 random sets of stats gains. Ive changed this so that every character has the same set of 8, allowing you to balance any of them more. there are also no random stat losses as there is originally.

some of the gains will aim towards power or defense, while others will aim towards magic types or speed

Yang and Cid are the most limited characters in the game due to the lack of just 2 more magic windows. Every other character has magic so after lv70
all the mage characters probably have more potential since they can get high gains in strength/defense/speed and be completely versatile if you keep a close eye on what they randomly gain. oh well
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Happen to have a link to the .ips or however yer patching?  Would appreciate it.  Also, once you release said file, is it a header or unheadered rom you need to patch?  Still quite interested. 
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Quote from: Zozma on October 11, 2011, 03:30:43 pm
the only real pain is the npc placement/display and changing dialog because they use those 2 letter combos instead of a normal set of text

I don't know anything about the NPC Placement since I didn't try it... yet, but I gave a try in changing the dialogue and its quite a pain in the ass. Couldn't even make a damn word unless gibberish counts as a word. Unless there's an index somewhere... then it would be easy to do. No wonder there are so few mods/patches of FFIV, but now I have even more admiration for those that can pull off a mod of there own with this game. Also, looking forward to you SaGa Frontier patch you are working for. I'll be posting there shortly.

I was fooling around FFII with an hex editor and some documents that I found on the internet (they were quite helpful to me). After much trial and error, I got the results that I was looking for except for one. I have a question for you Zozma, this is a little off topic and I don't want to derail your thread, but... I manage to give Kain (last actor/join after Giant) Cecil's White Magic spell set. It's a duplicate of the Paladins (I don't really care). But the only problem is that Kain can't use magic outside of battle, it works within battle with no problem, but not outside. It gives the Can't use magic "error" in the main menu. The question is, is there a way to "unlock" this? Is there a hex value(s) that prevents having said actor in having a magic menu in the main menu? There is no such mention in the documents that I have found unfortunately.


December 28, 2011, 05:21:01 pm #129 Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 05:28:39 pm by Zozma
besides having him have the White command in his list of commands, you also need to assign said magic slot for both in battle and out so that is two locations. let me see if i can find a good source for you

ahh yes of course. i got most of my info from here! look under "magic list ID's"


another important note. you're giving him cecil's white magic. if cecil also is using it and both characters learn the same spell you are going to have spells duplicated in the menu. and if hes not in ur current party but in your shadow party he will still dupe the spells when level up. so i suggest you do not share magic menus at all. (there is in fact one unused magic menu anyway that was probably intended for kain) the info on this page should also show u where u can add spells to the natural learning list per specified level up so you can simply give kain a custom set of his own naturally learned white magic and not even sacrifice pally cecil's magic menu for him.

you will also want to make it so that he naturally gains mp as well (this can be done for tellah, or any character for that matter)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


December 31, 2011, 01:37:53 pm #130 Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 02:20:24 pm by Fenrir90
Thanks for the info Zozma, this site got way more information then the one I was using. Some stuff that I learned from trial and error when fooling around with an hex editor are documented here and not on the document that I was using. Thanks for the tip on sharing the same magic list, nice to know there's a unused magic list. I was going to give Kain a specific amount of MP (Like Tellah, but higher like 250-300 or something) at first, but I decided to change that. Thanks again.

Edit: Something about your patch. While I was hex editing, I got to think. Have you ever tried switching the Imp/Goblin monster sprite with that of the Shadow Dragon? I recall that Goblin/Bomb/Mage/Cockatrice all "flash" before they use their spells when summoned by Rydia. They flash just like the regular monsters do when they are about to execute an attack (normal or special). It might be worth trying this out, maybe these four summon's picture are tied to their monster sprite. Or did you already tried this already. Just thought that I'll mention it to you.


i just donno how to change the assigned gfx value...

btw u should just make kain gain mp at levelups its kind of broken to start at lvl 10 w250 mp. i also made it so tella gains a LOT of mp but never gets meteo in his list
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Oh, about that. It was when I didn't know how to change Kain's MP. He was suppose to have 250 MP (last actor/final appearance) and at level 99 still have 250 MP. Think Tellah, no matter what level he would be, he'll still have the same MP. I've scrap that idea and successfully manage to give him MP growth, he starts at level 10 with 30 MP. At level 99, he's got around 370sh or so MP. Just what I was hoping for in the end.

For your patch... hmm, I saw a webpage dealing with monsters through hex editing. Don't know if it'll help or not. Jump to Monsters section.


Also, I just check the page you gave me. Under Monsters - Monster Image

Monster size/palette/gfx pointer data (offsets with header):
010003C1   Imp
06017C8B   Basilisk, etc...

I guess, trial and error will be needed and fool around with it. Better back up your rom or download a fresh copy of of FFII and test it on it. When I get the time, I'll fool around with it myself and see what results I can get.


January 04, 2012, 03:45:06 pm #133 Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 04:22:27 pm by Zozma
Hp and MP what ever number you specify is not always the exact number they gain either. its random but they have a chance to gain one extra point more than the spec amount. a normal mage in this game gains 8 mp per level. for me Cecil and Kain gain 6 edward gains 9 and tellah gains 10 (to make up for his extremely low hp)

oh but as i mentioned too, Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward all start on level 1 and tellah starts on level 10 instead of 20.
so cecil and kain start with 0 mp. and unlike a normal game, its not possible to make characters start on lower levels than they originally had because the data doesnt normally exist. in my game its possible for every last character to start on lvl 1 if i wanted

ok so i plan on making an unfinished patch of this soon as is and youll have to deal with ending the game with the natural final party I've selected for you DK Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Anna and the biggest issue is the fact that there are a lot of messed up npc's for example, i tried to change a specific one to "Harley" and it made a few other ones in the game look like harley too... no big deal the game is perfectly playable right now, but it may yet be tooo easy to beat because the team i arranged for you is powerful. there are few dialog changes as well and the way Anna joins just seems a bit emotionless. youll see when you get there
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


I gave Kain 30 MP at level 10, Cecil (vanilla) at level 10 has 46, Rydia (vanilla) at level 10 has 51 or was it 57, Palom/Porom (vanilla) have 50 each at level 10. At level 99 this time, Kain got 387 MP. I gave Kain 4 MP per level (just like Edge), even after level 70 (random distribution). But man, Kain's potency at using curing puts Cecil to shame. Kain heals more compare to Cecil. I think Rydia has the highest MP growth out of all the characters. She's got like 8-9 or 9-10 MP per level. Manage to create new weapons, along with new "weapon spells"... but can't seem to figure out the 2-handed stuff. Trying my luck with new and modifying commands, but I won't hold my breath lol. But I did find some good info about it, I'll try those out.

Glad to hear that you are releasing a beta patch, I've been waiting for a while along with others here. But I know it'll be well worth it even if its incomplete! So, I'm looking forward to it.


on my patch tho, the monsters have not been strengthened yet and the weapons havent been completely worked on. also i have to go back and change the contents of all the treasure chests in the game so that the new final 5 characters get proper 1 of a kind equips late into the game.

instead of making it make sense too, i think ill use those "summon" orbs as special event items to swap charcters (once) to customize your final party
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


I was thinking about how you "spread" the black magic spell(s) within all your black magic casting users and some users will have unique spell(s) to themselves, making them more unique, an idea that I like. So I got to thinking, couldn't this be done to the white magic users? The Staff cast Poisona, the Healing Staff cast Heal, and the Mythril Staff cast Basuna. Three pseudo white spells. I know that you can change the casting time, change MP, and among other stuff on a spell. But the only thing I am not sure is if you can make those white blocks appear when casting a white magic spell. If these three pseudo spells can be turned into new white magic, white magic command could become unique among the characters as well.

My idea was to give non full-fledged white mage the nerf Esuna spells, Poisona and Basuna. Only full-fledged white mage's would learn Esuna who are Tellah, Rosa, and Porom. Currently Edward and Kain learn some white magic spells, I don't know if there are more characters with the white magic command in your patch. Heal, currently a weak and pathetic curing spell, could be turned into a mid-level heal (between Cura and Curaga spell power), targeting all characters. Obviously, change to the Healing Staff would be needed, a single change to the Cure spell would suffice. It would be nice for those few players looking for a challenge in the last dungeon, if they decide to not take a full-fledged white mage. I don't know if you though of this already or not, as this is just an idea that came to me earlier today, so I'm tossing out there.

Edit: Spelling Error


January 21, 2012, 08:10:26 pm #138 Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 08:15:41 pm by Zozma
Well the thing is no spells past the normal list cast like white magic (animation) and i needed those spell slots for some custom skills elsewhere so unfortunately white mages are stuck as they are.

Edward, btw has full white magic as well as he technically replaces rosa as your healer for endgame.
His re-vamped Song's  and the disabled autohide command actually make him more useful than her anyway.

the only characters with partial white magic are Kain and Baigan but white magic just doesn't warrant needing a variety of alternate spells as the characters using them have more functions such as strong physical attacks.

Anna is pretty much the only black mage that strays a little bit from the others with her magic. in place of 3 other spells including meteo, she learns the lvl4 elemental spells and trust me, as stong as they are, she doesn't need meteo lol

Cecil will probably have a couple of unique spells but of course an incomplete list as well. his spell list is very fitting of a dark knight, his first spell learned at lvl15 is Drain which has a more potent damage output than original
I am currently doing a test run of the game even as incomplete as it is im trying to get enough done to give a patch for it soon
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


I forget, but in FF4 is drain limited by lost HP, or can it be used even if the caster is at full HP and still do reasonable damage? 
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.