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Messages - Bonesy

The Lounge / Re: hoi, small fries
September 05, 2015, 03:18:28 pm
That fixed the distortion but Chrono Cross still crashes when I go into the status menu for whatever reason :V
The Lounge / Re: hoi, small fries
September 04, 2015, 08:07:05 pm
Yeah, I fiddled around with some of the modified stuff on it a few days ago. It works okay but like the OGL works like crap FPS wise on my toastercomp and the OGL2 one has some errors and weird stuff on Chrono Cross.
The Lounge / Re: hoi, small fries
September 03, 2015, 10:58:46 am
Quote from: Toshiko on September 03, 2015, 05:22:47 am
Xebra's still an improvement. And switching from ePSXe to PCSX-R isn't even a thing since they appear identical. The menus are the same, windows are the same, layout is the same, behavior is ostensibly identical, just looks like you removed the Pepsi label and replaced it with Coca-Cola. They even use the same plugins with the same plugin menus.

Difference is, PCSX-R doesn't suck balls at FFT.

Also, hi! 8D

I've heard the PC branch of PCSX-R is the least updated one lol, also the last time I tried to get something to run on it there were issues. I mean, I could try it again but idk how well it'd work with these really nice heavily modified Pete's plugins I got along with ePSXe shark.
The Lounge / hoi, small fries
September 03, 2015, 02:55:17 am
Howdy, I'm Bonesy. I mostly slum around Romhacking.net where I'm saddled with a dumb name younger-me picked (Isao Kronos) which is where you may have seen me. I don't really do hacking but I play games all the time and am interested in trying to get back into FFT and FFTA (I play FFTA2 way more often for whatever reason).

Also, I use ePSXe. Deal /w it. You'll have to drag me kicking and screaming into using anything else except for maybe XEBRA, I like that emulator.
Considering diving into FFT again, I remember playing Kind of PSP about 2 years ago. Do you recommend KO PSP or PSX for someone who hasn't played vanilla in a long time and generally prefers FFTA/FFTA2 (lol)?
Not unless you've got a method of doing so!

I take it this'll be your primary focus after you're mostly done with 1.0 FFTAGG? I enjoyed what little I played of the old version of FFTAGG and gave you feedback on however long ago and am pretty hype for this because I generally tend to prefer FFTA2.
Going to play this on Normal because I'm a big baby, if I notice anything excruciatingly frustrating/buggy, I'll be sure to post it if it hasn't already been posted.
1.0 release on the horizon? Hot diggity dog!