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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


May 02, 2015, 05:08:19 pm #4080 Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 05:19:55 pm by Rouroni Elmdor
Sup guys. Too much to comment on, so I'll start with my own. I'm down for any type of tournament but I suggest keeping it standard or unlimited jp,1 item/ability.

That was closer than I expected. If my team were more complete and less derpy (nameless singer won't revive stuff, go figure :p) I might have actually won that. GG man, that is one gnarly team

I'm confused... and a little cheesed. What I'm looking at isn't my team..I mean it is, but its half between the old version and the new and doesn't do either quite right. I DO like one thief having item and the other disruption focused, so I'll keep that, but seriously barren, please update my team properly, I just updated them. GG damned, I swear I took quickening off, but you get what you get I suppose.

nuuuuuu! Great team, shintroy. Before the crash, I made the chemist an archer, basically the same with a damage/range increase. Doubt it would make a difference, but seeing as he always went down, who knows. GG, we may have only had a game or two but I consider you a rival and always look forward (with a touch of fear) to facing you.

Oh, I posted right over that. Riposte strike!

Quote from: TrueLight on May 02, 2015, 05:00:59 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C - Marathon Edition II
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


One-sided all the way. It was status city: Stops, charms, don't acts, petrify, basically everything but the kitchen sink landed on Anima Zero's team. Once they had complete control, it was just a matter of laying them down, whether by death sentence or 0 HP. (Or petrify, in the case of round 2). No chance to do anything to the sweethearts, really. GG.


Hoooooooooly crap I got super lucky R2 (two missed Raise 2's) and R3 (how the hell did I win that, seriously I got super lucky at a lot of critical moments. + AI stupidity)
dayum. gg.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


May 02, 2015, 11:31:15 pm #4083 Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 03:10:05 am by Mudvayne
umm g fucking g man. I think if I fix the faith on my bard and give him 50-55 my team will probably be as good as I can make it. unless anyone has any other suggestions for me?

Thanks for the match!

Posted a new team just now as well. I would love to see it in action!

I also edited and made what is likely to be the last edit on my first team. I'd like to see a few more matches out of that team but other than that I'd like to start working on and improving my new team 'Caster Chix' :D


May 03, 2015, 03:31:57 pm #4084 Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 05:01:12 pm by Mudvayne
Sorry for the double post but I figured it might be ok since I am posting some videos I recorded earlier!
Got my self set up with hypercam and recorded a match earlier. Now that I have the hang of it I do not mind at all recording matches occasionally as long as you guys don't mind my commentating. Go easy on me, it was my first time ever recording a match and commentating anything at all! Here it is:

FFT Arena 1.39 C: Mudvayne (Caster Chix) Vs Otabo (Reckless Rainbow)

FFT Arena 1.39 C: Mudvayne (Caster Chix) Vs silentkaster (The Pharmacists)

This video is just both of my teams fighting, feel free to skip it but figured I'd record and upload it while I was at it
FFT Arena 1.39 C: Mudvayne (Caster Chix) vs Mudvayne (I Suck)


Classic case of being screwed over by RNG on multiple factors there. Lost to petrify and silence; former not too surprising, but latter was just me basically betting on the other team not having silence. Lost that bet here. Still not gonna put silence protection on them, either, though I may have to substitute Item somewhere, somehow. 2x Healing Staff starting to become one of my favorite setups, too - might make another team with them. Nice to see Bahamut being used, too. GG.

Just a suggesstion, you might want to tweak your recording settings; sometimes, it was going so fast it was hard to tell what was happening at certain points. But practice makes perfect, I suppose.


That actually has nothing to do with my recording settings. I use psx 1.3 and press backspace which is the hotkey to increase the frame rate or fps or whatever its called, basically just speeding things up. I now know not to do that though if it causes issues seeing what's going on. Thanks for the feedback.


After seeing some healing staff ninjas roaming around, I want to make a joke team :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Mudvayne on May 03, 2015, 08:15:15 pm
That actually has nothing to do with my recording settings. I use psx 1.3 and press backspace which is the hotkey to increase the frame rate or fps or whatever its called, basically just speeding things up. I now know not to do that though if it causes issues seeing what's going on. Thanks for the feedback.

O ok. I said that because back when I was trying to figure out the right recording settings (for my desktop), it would do that and I wasn't using frame skip, so I just thought that what it was. Some of us like seeing the action so I wouldn't bother frameskipping unless there's like a major loop or stalemate type thing going on during the match.


They didn't take hits well enough. I thought they might be a bit better on the defensive but will have to rework the team. Probably a lot of updates coming soon. Just moved to Florida so been extremely busy and no time to record or make updates except a few here and there.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


May 04, 2015, 03:04:23 pm #4090 Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 03:49:37 pm by Shintroy
Western Ninja vs Eastern Ninja
ShadowDragon has some Jonin on his team so he has the advantage from the start.

Round 1 - Outranged badly in this round.  Don going down first and Raph not getting to act made this unwinnable.

Round 2 - Sent SDragon into defensive mode quickly. Itachi wasting turns, Really lucky Kagesougi. Too much momentum to stop. Still no hits from Raph.

Round 3 - Raph got a hit then it was over.

Great match-up. What the hell happened to the scholar Round 2 with bio 3?

Mobility vs 70%+ Stop
Odd match up. Stop usually has the advantage, but Otabo's team is preddy fast and can heal up on large maps. Odin won't hurt the mediators either so there's that. I'll be on Otabo since there's more of a chance of getting medium/large maps.

Round 1 - Went in expecting Otabo to be at a disadvantage, but it wasn't the case since he also has stop. Picked apart.
Round 2 - The opposite happened again. This time because the Monk got DSed he was able to tank since the other units ignored him. Never seen a comeback happen due to speed combined with death sentence.

GG. It was one of those lesser evil match ups.

Water vs Dark
Always bet on Mime no matter what. I think silentkaster has the advantage overall even with mimic scholar.

Round 1 - Wierd round for silentkaster. Took way too long for his units to start reviving. Maybe it was due to the scholar.

Round 2 - Chokepoint, and more lack of healing/revival.

GG for Malroth. Wasn't a whole lot of water absorb going on.

Thanks for the matches Truelight. Lots of looooooooooooong matches in this marathon.
Some day my people will be free.


I may be recording a match or two today when I get home from work if I have time before my girlfriend gets home. Any requests for matchups that you guys are interested in seeing?


Would not mind seeing Meet the Staff and/or Tribute to The Damned in a match (not against each other though please). But in no way want to take priority over someone else if they want a match and you don't have sufficient time.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Buff PA vs a non fire absorb team would be great. Can't get enough mime.
Some day my people will be free.


Just posted a new gimmick team that will probably lose to almost any serious team. Anyone want to show it off for lolz?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Gimmick tournament where everyone that enters bans an item and ability?

I'm pretty sure Quickening, Haste 2, Slow 2, Quake, Tornado, would be banned.

I'd ban Hidden Knife and Quake easy.
Some day my people will be free.


FFT Arena 1.39C: Mudvayne (Frog Warriors) vs Barren (Mostly Maxed Out)

Have a few more matches recorded just no time to edit or upload them. Expect them to be up in the next few days.


I'd Definately ban Either Masamune or Bizenbolt (the skills) and Chakra band (the item)


To be honest, the banning isn't the best idea.

Well, some things could be done without, but if EVERYONE did there'd not be much content left to actually use.

It'd basically just be teams of Squires with fists alone at that point.

If it's for a small, side tournament that'd actually be fine, but one of the main ones is best kept with either an overall theme or simple rules.

I'm in favor of the One-copy One-job rule.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Well I guess 14 speed ninjas on small maps can be best served as redirect on spells enemies don't absorb. Houkouton did less damage than I anticipated. Maybe it was just bad/worst compat plus 40 brave and unyielding that did it. Still GG. As for your frog warriors I can do a match sometime later on very quick.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?