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[Fangame] Megaman: Power Up!!

Started by Vanya, December 08, 2011, 12:39:01 pm


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I think he's asking if he can play as Shadow Man, but that's just a guess.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Would be my first guess to, but I want to make sure.
And, of course the answer would be no. If and when I get around to re-making Megaman 3, then he will be.
Perhaps it might be a cool idea to come up with a system for DLC that includes individual characters?
Or even possibly going further and even doing a Robot Construction mode?
Those would have to come waaay later if at all, though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Robot Construction Mode.

I've always liked the build your own character extra modes in games (namely the Dynasty Warriors series) and the idea of doing something like that with a Megaman game SOUNDS interesting at first, but when you stop and think about it...you're already taking everyone else's abilities when you kill them. I can only assume this would customize your look somewhat and maybe basic abilities like being able to mix and match the Slide, Protoman's Shield, the chargable Mega Buster or Bass' multishot maybe? I dunno. Still...could be fun. :P

Oh, and I was serious about the demo thing running way too fast. Was everyone getting this and just not mentioning it or am I doing something wrong running the program? I have no idea how to slow the demo down to a playable speed. I refuse to believe my shitty old laptop is too powerful for the game. I can barely run Diablo 2 on this thing. :/
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Your graphics drivers are probably set to disable vsync permanently (instead of letting the application decide).


Quote from: Celdia on December 20, 2011, 02:23:19 am
Robot Construction Mode.

I've always liked the build your own character extra modes in games (namely the Dynasty Warriors series) and the idea of doing something like that with a Megaman game SOUNDS interesting at first, but when you stop and think about it...you're already taking everyone else's abilities when you kill them. I can only assume this would customize your look somewhat and maybe basic abilities like being able to mix and match the Slide, Protoman's Shield, the chargable Mega Buster or Bass' multishot maybe? I dunno. Still...could be fun. :P

Oh, and I was serious about the demo thing running way too fast. Was everyone getting this and just not mentioning it or am I doing something wrong running the program? I have no idea how to slow the demo down to a playable speed. I refuse to believe my shitty old laptop is too powerful for the game. I can barely run Diablo 2 on this thing. :/

If, and that's a big 'if', I make a robot construction mode I'll have to think carefully about how to implement it so it give the player the ability to make something unique. I wouldn't want it be a a shallow feature.

I have to agree with lirmont. If your computer's age was an issue it would be running too slow, not too fast. Do other GM games run too fast?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Vanya on December 20, 2011, 10:38:32 pm
Do other GM games run too fast?

I'm not sure I have anything to compare with. I'll have to poke around with my video settings and see what I can find.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Completely weird question, but I would greatly appreciate an answer. What coding language are you using for this game?

Thanks in advance.
  • Modding version: PSX

Episode 42 is out! Click above to watch!


I'm making in gamemaker using GML exclusively. No D'n'D.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Game maker user here.

  • Do not "Set the resolution of the screen".
  • Do not "Use synchronization to avoid tearing".
  • Do not "Let <F5> save the game and <F6> load the game".
  • Do not "Treat uninitialized variables as value 0". (It's just bad GML practice)
  • Do use gravity_direction when handling vertical movement.
  • Do check horizontal movement before vertical movement.
  • If done correctly, Jump and Fall do not have to be separate states.

Can't say much more without looking at the source code.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Quote from: Tycho"There are a number of different factors impacting server connectivity on Xbox 360," the spokesperson said. "It is a particularly complex server architecture and we continue to work with Microsoft to improve connectivity."

I don't want to bolster any "violent gamer" tropes, but that statement makes me want to improve the connectivity of my front two knuckles with their esophagus.  I wonder how Brenna would respond if I told her that "fidelity" was complicated.


January 02, 2012, 09:44:11 pm #30 Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 10:34:04 pm by Vanya
Quote from: AeroGP on January 02, 2012, 08:03:32 pm
Game maker user here.

  • Do not "Set the resolution of the screen".
  • Do not "Use synchronization to avoid tearing".
  • Do not "Let <F5> save the game and <F6> load the game".
  • Do not "Treat uninitialized variables as value 0". (It's just bad GML practice)
  • Do use gravity_direction when handling vertical movement.
  • Do check horizontal movement before vertical movement.
  • If done correctly, Jump and Fall do not have to be separate states.

Can't say much more without looking at the source code.

Thanks for the input.

  • I'm not using "set screen resolution".
  • Why not use screen synchro?
  • I never use the save state system. Just hadn't disabled them yet.
  • I'm a classically trained programmer, so I always manually initialize my variables.
  • I hate the built in gravity system. It's completely inaccurate to the NES and I think this is part of the reason most engines feel "off".
  • Can you elaborate on this point? As it stands vertical and horizontal movement is treated completely separately.
  • I did jump and fall states separately to allow for more varied animations. Sorta like in The Wily Wars where Megaman has a second jump animation for when he teleports in mid-air. I also use separate left and right sprites so you can properly execute asymmetrical characters like Duo. (Disclaimer: Duo is not planned to be in the game.)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


  • Then explain why my resolution goes to 640x480 when I run the test. Or better yet, just stop changing the screen resolution and change the window resolution instead.
  • Synchronization causes slowdown on low-end machines that can't reasonably prevent tearing.
  • Attachment. That is all.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Quote from: Tycho"There are a number of different factors impacting server connectivity on Xbox 360," the spokesperson said. "It is a particularly complex server architecture and we continue to work with Microsoft to improve connectivity."

I don't want to bolster any "violent gamer" tropes, but that statement makes me want to improve the connectivity of my front two knuckles with their esophagus.  I wonder how Brenna would respond if I told her that "fidelity" was complicated.


Quote from: AeroGP on January 03, 2012, 12:55:47 am
  • Then explain why my resolution goes to 640x480 when I run the test. Or better yet, just stop changing the screen resolution and change the window resolution instead.
  • Synchronization causes slowdown on low-end machines that can't reasonably prevent tearing.
  • Attachment. That is all.

  • Ah, you have an old build. I disabled the screen resolution thing about 3 builds ago. Forgot that one was still the most recent I released. My bad.
  • Hadn't taken that into consideration since my machine is old as dirt and wasn't having any problems thus far. Thanks for pointing it out though.
  • Those gravity things don't work in that build because I had started reprogramming the jump physics which is what I wanted tested at the time. I'm not sure if I'm even going to keep the things since they weren't used in any version of MM1.

    OK. Small status update. Rebuilding everything from the ground up.

    What's done:
  • Standing blink animation redone so it doesn't use a sprite with over 20 images.
  • Facing mechanic redone from scratch to accommodate separate left & right sprites.
  • Step animation before running added.
  • Shooting animation further refined from original.
  • Redefined global variables and constants.
  • First step for configurable controls implemented.
  • Changed default keyboard layout to 'A' for fire button & 'Z' for jump button.

    What's next:
  • Reinsert my new jump mechanic.
  • Refine falling code.
  • Reprogram running code from scratch.
  • Refine jump-shooting animation.
  • Reprogram slide & climb mechanics so they don't use separate (unnecessary) objects.

    Another demo will be out as soon as I finish all of Megaman's basic moves.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hey guys. I could use a bit of an assist here.
One of the playable characters I plan to have in the game is the Copy Robot. (That's the 2nd Boss of Wily's Castle.)
Only thing is I'm not sure what the bugger should look like when he's not copying a human sized robot. Any ideas?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


A chibi version. Might require some art creation, though.
  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Of whatever he's copying.

I presume he'll take the appearance of them? And your question is what he should look like when not copying a human sized robot.

Maybe I misinterpreted somewhere.
  • Modding version: PSX


I like the super-deformed idea. You'd get to be a miniature version of your enemies. Another option would be to only alter the buster weapon, making it unwieldly-looking to show off maybe that you can only use it once or twice at a time (or that it's otherwise slower than normal attacks) and that that's all Copy Man was able to copy.


OK. Lemme explain my game play idea for Copy Robot.

As when you go fight him in Wily Castle Stage 2, he will automatically copy the boss he's fighting perfectly.
My idea for the stage game play is that he will be able to copy the powers of normal robots kinda like the way Soma in CV:AoS uses enemy souls. The manner in which the copy will happen I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll do something like Axl in X8.

What I need help with is deciding what Copy Robot should look like, graphically, when he's not copying any robot at all.

BTW, I like the idea of Chibi Copy. I might make it into a bonus power up for him.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I'd do something in the vein of "basic" or "elementary", so probably something like the copy machine shown for the original boss, or a energy/lightning being thingy, or maybe just an extremely simplified megaman sprite.
  • Modding version: PSX