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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


October 20, 2015, 01:23:14 am #4480 Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 12:58:17 pm by Rouroni Elmdor
Wow, great video quality, andrew! Thanks for running stuff!
kinda just caught this before bed, so i'll get around to the other ones tomorrow.

I swear, DW is the bane of my existence XD her teams all rock and pretty much always manage to kick my ass. What ultimately did me in was the speed disadvantage. More often than not it became a sandbag battle, and she could just get units back to their feet faster, not to mention not a single raise 2 went uninterrupted. How does that squire do so much damage? Crazy. Speaking of damage, think zero was better off with overwhelm. looks like i'm missing about 18 points of healing/damage, though that wouldn't have saved her. Still, gotta switch that back around, sorry!

GG DW! The only person with that kind of record against me is probably truelight, and maybe shintroy. Always look forward to seeing what you put together, this one is just DEADLY.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


Thanks for the match Andrew!

I'm honestly really surprised i won. I think both of my melee units can stand to be switched up to increase damage output, i wasnt too happy with how they performed. Also i need more ways to heal status like stigma magic or esuna. GG Gaignun! Faith + zombie is a fun combo and zombie really screwed my samurai with auto potion.


October 20, 2015, 02:16:37 pm #4482 Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 02:24:30 pm by Andrew
For the foreseeable future, I will be posting at least a match per day, with each team pairing done on a whim, unless there's a request or two (or three?), of course.  Henceforth, the rounds will always go as follows, with maps randomly-selected:

Round 1 = medium-sized maps
Round 2 = large/small-sized maps
Tiebreaker = medium-sized maps

I have been using a modified version of the list of maps Gaignun deemed worthy in this thread: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=8608.0.  Thanks for the compliments, and you're all very welcome!

FFT Arena 1.39c: Yourtooslow (fpkfor - Blue)  -=VS=-  Seraphic Earth (Anima Zero - Brown)

FFT Arena 1.39c: Danger Zone (Lakitu673 - Black)  -=VS=-  Kakumeiki (White Knight Wiegraf - Red)

FFT Arena 1.39c: Bad Breath (Shintroy - Green)  -=VS=-  Top Four Classes as of 1.39c (Barren - Brown)

(The videos may not be done processing at the time I post them, so I apologize in advance for this inconvenience.  EDIT: Also, welcome to Arena, fpkfor!)
  • Modding version: PSX


nice first team fpk, but I must comment about your monk. While I do like earth slashing undead monks, dragon spirit seems out of place on this unit because cursed ring users can already come back on their own without reraise. You could have used something else like projectile guard or HP restore since you had some jp left over. Especially if you're sticking with undead monks. My suggestion if you were to keep dragon spirit on the monk give him cherche for protect or a mantle/power wrist for evasion so that way dragon spirit is better supported. Physical hits regardless if they hit or not triggers dragon spirit. If you wanted to get the most out of earth slash and asura then swap out earth clothes for power sleeve and cursed ring for 108 gems. Of course that also means swapping out martial arts for attack up. Though I do prefer martial arts if I was going for earth slash, you'll get more out of it but not so much asura due to lack of fire boosting. The team itself isn't bad at all just the monk could be reworked a bit. Overall good debut for you to take on another earth absorb team
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Thanks Andrew! Exciting to see more recorders!
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


well got to make some edits for death parade. That's for sure. GG man, that was a good match. Fast archers will always be fast
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Thanks for videos Andrew. Just letting you know in advance (or any other recorder), don't bother with my Close Quarters team for the moment because I noticed recently that I have a unit that breaks the JP cap. I'll be updating it soon enough
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


Didn't even know I had a match your vids must be unlisted or something Andrew. Either way, good stuff becoming an uploader.

Status vs Status/Balanced
Barren has the speed and range advantage but since we'll be playing on a medium and probably large map I'll have map advantage. It'll all come down to blinding the samurai and his thief's SP.

Round 1 - Pretty even start. Quickly turns into my favor once Barren's thief starts acting a fool. If the Samurai didn't go for the mediator it would've been a more even game. Then again this is probably the least amount of status I've ever seen bad breath land use in a round. Didn't realize Barren's team had no AoE. I don't think this will go to a round 3 unless the next map is small.

Round 2 - Haven't seen this map in a while. Quickly turns into a 3v4 due to the samurai getting separated. Not much to add after that. The thief gets stuck in sandbag duty again while the ninja almost solos the squire and geomancer.

GG.  Not sure about the idea of having a chiri samurai with no unit to support him. No idea what the Squire's secondary class was. I'd switch her out for a Raise 2 Oracle or draw out mediator tank. The team could definitely use haste and regen that's for sure.

Death themed team vs Balanced team.
Money's on the newcomer. Team composition's pretty top tier. Not a fan of watching death themed teams like Reks's Till Death since they tend to stall out matches.

R1 - Dominating round by fpk4. Range and RNG were not in barren's favor this round.
R2 - Charm, bad cursed ring rng, and the perfect map for death sentence will give Barren the round.
R3 - Even start. The match looked over when Barren's team separated. Even with Raise 2, there's no chance in barren coming back against stop and absorb with 8 speed 70 faith.

GG and GJ fpk4. Cursed Ring Monk is probably a top 3 combo in 139. I'd swap out Dragon Spirit for Arrow Guard though just to give ranged units a hard time. Not sure about giving him 60 Faith too. If he was to ever run into a raise 2 or oracle he'd be in for some trouble. Why not give him good or best compat with the chemist and go with 40 faith? RIP Blaze gun users. You'll definitely be able to get away with having a weakness to fire in 139. GL in your future matches mate.

So many matches and so little time. Can I have a match for my teams with a 1-1 record? I'd like to get rid of some teams soon. Buff PA and GGNORE preferred.
Some day my people will be free.


Thanks, and you're all very welcome... I'm happy to be a fellow uploader!  The videos are now flagged as "public" on my channel; sorry about that, Shintroy.

I've decided that I'm going to randomize who fights who, just like how I randomize what maps are chosen (www.random.org FTW).  Once a player is selected, I then randomly pick one of their teams, unless there's a specific team they want to see in action, of course.  If somebody has a request, I will fulfil it to the best of my ability.  There are 30 players, excluding myself, that have posted 1.39c teams, so this ought to spice things up!  Enjoy.

FFT Arena 1.39c: Buff PA (Shintroy - Red)  -=VS=-  Ride to Hell: Retribution 1% (silentkaster - White)

FFT Arena 1.39c: Fancy Shmancy Geomancy (Reks - Red)  -=VS=-  Double Edge (Krypt - Black)

FFT Arena 1.39c: Anbu Black Ops Unit (ShadowDragon15 - Black)  -=VS=-  Beta Toasters (Heroebal - Red)

(As for a few of the older teams that were posted, I decided to "clean" them up a little bit, AKA fix JP cost issues, general unit errors, et cetera.  Some of these people haven't been around in ages, so I figured that it would be okay for me to do this.)
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks for the match Andrew!

All I have to say about this...

Kidding. This is a troll team so I thought the image was appropriate :P Anyway, I think what actually killed Shintroy's team here was building TOO much PA and therefore, each unit was prioritizing killing my units instead of reviving and sandbagging back into the match, particularly in Round 3. (Not to mention Barvenia Volcano is an odd map and one of my least favorite.) Because my team was keeping together in that little area, Shintroy wasn't able to approach me with more than 1-2 units to attack at a time, which also led to my units having abundant amounts of sandbag time.

Mime Shenanigans in Round 2 were indeed hilarious. My Lancer gets up to go back down to his own spear attack from the Mime...I think it happened with the Monk's sword too. I had much more backfire than Shintroy did, but it was hilarious as this team was trolling even itself.

I'll probably be taking this team off today and replacing it with another video game title that has been universally panned as a bad game and see if I can make anything unique out of it.

I'll also make a competitive team today and probably replace one of my other teams.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


I actually like the latest version of Ride to Hell a lot, silentkaster, and it would be sad to see it go.  Your lancer is the best Iron Boots user I've ever seen in action.  I'm not too fond of Bervenia Volcano, either, but RNGesus chose it, so I figured that I'd roll with it anyway.  I also thought that, since the mimes and monks have decent Jump, the map would be okay, but I was incorrect.  If a map poses frequent issues for teams, I remove it from my list, and Bervenia Volcano is no exception.
  • Modding version: PSX


Good to see Fancy function perfectly!

Not too much to say other than sorry, Krypt. I'm sure that, had your team gotten closer, that probably would have been gg for me. Might give them Quake...

Alas, GG Krypt, and thank you Andrew!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


October 22, 2015, 11:01:40 pm #4493 Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 01:29:45 am by Shintroy
PA Mime vs SP/100% damage Mime
My least liked match up in the game. Mime vs Mime

R2 - That recovery though.
R3 - No chance at even getting in range on this map.

BG. RIP buff PA. Maybe I'll revive it in 140 if things are drastically changed.

Thanks for the match Andrew. I think smash bros has gotten me to dislike any kind of mirror match. At least not for exhibition.
Fast Earth absorb vs Dark Absorb
Looks like a loss for me. fpk's team is way too high end for this team.

R1 - RIP
R2 - Going to be done in by my scholar running out of MP calling it now. Life Drain KO? Wow. Very intense game.
R3 - Great opener by fpk followed by Stop? It's over
GG. I'd like to see your team up against some teams as good as that.

Sorry I missed the stream CT5Holy. Didn't even notice the new posts in the stream thread.
Mime Unfaith/Faith vs Mime -PA
More mime on mime violence. Who ever wins, mime loses.

R1 - Tankiest support archer in 139 so far.
R2 - Archer went down early and RW's team sticking together didn't help avoid aoe any. I only think my wizard took damage this round.
I think that archer could use a Silver Bow to benefit from the MA and 70 faith procs.

RNGesus must be trying to tell us to prepare for a possible mime team tournament Andrew.
I'm most likely not entering since I'll probably never make a team better than my last entry
Some day my people will be free.


Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


I'll have to edit some teams next time I get the chance. Definitely my throwing knife thief on top four. maybe it can lose speed ruin. Definitely need to edit my samurai on reflection. Perhaps make my oracle my time mage. I do need a combo of time/yin yang magic bouncing off stuff.

As far as suicide squad, I do feel I need to make minor edits to the squad. perhaps add more evasion and maybe replace the wizard??? I'll figure it out eventually. Any ideas would be cool though. GG everyone whom I fought on the stream
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


now that i am not busy... time for me to fix up the teams i need to!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


Would it be a good idea for everyone to sort their teams into some categories everyone can agree on? I figure this would give uploaders an easier time when matching up teams. I recommend three categories, competitive, for fun, and another neutral category for teams that don't mind facing either type of team. Teams in the for fun category will be meant to only face for fun teams, while competitive teams will face other competitive teams and neutral ones. The neutral category is mainly there for "for fun" teams that want to see how they fair against competitive teams.

Competitive Teams Your self proclaimed high end teams worthy of tournaments
The Meta
With Haste

Neutral Teams Usually teams with a for fun concept but made to be competitive/high end. High potential/Meta changing teams.
Bad Breath
Bramble Blast

For Fun Teams Troll teams. Heavily themed teams. Teams that are obviously not meant for high end play. (Bad Breath while currently labeled as "for fun" I would have to put in the neutral category since it's definitely good enough to compete and would not be fair on other for fun teams (post sorting).
The Count

Exhibition matches are all about showcasing teams aren't they? If a match is extremely one sided then only one team gets showcased. One team looking really good is fine and all, but what about when it comes to updating the teams? If the match really is too one sided then neither teams will have enough information to upgrade their teams especially in match ups where one team doesn't even get to reach the other. Mime Wiznibus, Mime Lore, 4 Scholars, 12 SP OHKO archers, or really any team with the potential to get the other into an indefinite sandbag loop.

If everyone was to do this I think it would motivate others to make more teams. I think all three categories are encouraging enough as long as everyone sorts their teams out well.  I figure even if a quarter of the players here organized their teams there would be more entertaining match ups. Those that don't want to sort up could just be considered neutral. What does everyone else think about sorting teams to make match ups easier?
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Shintroy on October 23, 2015, 05:33:13 pm
Would it be a good idea for everyone to sort their teams into some categories everyone can agree on? I figure this would give uploaders an easier time when matching up teams. I recommend three categories, competitive, for fun, and another neutral category for teams that don't mind facing either type of team. Teams in the for fun category will be meant to only face for fun teams, while competitive teams will face other competitive teams and neutral ones. The neutral category is mainly there for "for fun" teams that want to see how they fair against competitive teams.

Competitive Teams Your self proclaimed high end teams worthy of tournaments
The Meta
With Haste

Neutral Teams Usually teams with a for fun concept but made to be competitive/high end. High potential/Meta changing teams.
Bad Breath
Bramble Blast

For Fun Teams Troll teams. Heavily themed teams. Teams that are obviously not meant for high end play. (Bad Breath while currently labeled as "for fun" I would have to put in the neutral category since it's definitely good enough to compete and would not be fair on other for fun teams (post sorting).
The Count

Exhibition matches are all about showcasing teams aren't they? If a match is extremely one sided then only one team gets showcased. One team looking really good is fine and all, but what about when it comes to updating the teams? If the match really is too one sided then neither teams will have enough information to upgrade their teams especially in match ups where one team doesn't even get to reach the other. Mime Wiznibus, Mime Lore, 4 Scholars, 12 SP OHKO archers, or really any team with the potential to get the other into an indefinite sandbag loop.

If everyone was to do this I think it would motivate others to make more teams. I think all three categories are encouraging enough as long as everyone sorts their teams out well.  I figure even if a quarter of the players here organized their teams there would be more entertaining match ups. Those that don't want to sort up could just be considered neutral. What does everyone else think about sorting teams to make match ups easier?

technically i have already did something like that with my sorting though i have 4 groups

Tournament Teams: For teams that are also meant to win... but they were used in previous tournaments i still plan to improve them but they are more of a memory thing then anything else.

ranked: For matches meant to win... these are the ones i will do everything i can to make them better

Themed: For Fun teams usually with a gimick of some sort... may they be based on something or have a certain thing about them


Collab Teams: for when i team up with another person or take part in a team effort. These teams are updated based on what the player that made the units want.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22