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The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports

Started by 3lric, September 17, 2021, 12:03:36 am


Quote from: Yaegami on December 27, 2023, 05:39:56 amI play that at ch 1 and after play be a beta at ch 2, when i win it just freeze like that.
Also skill for Monk and Thief have bug. I already have all monk and thief skill, but not master it

The second part is not a bug. You havent gotten far enough. Please do a bit of reading into what you are playing.
  • Modding version: PSX


Hello, I ran into a minor visual bug. After the battle with Zalera I decided to add Meliadoul to the party, party was full so I was prompted to select a unit to dismiss, I started scrolling through my units and when I reached my generic Dark Knight his portrait was that of Velius. When I was done and returned to the world map and the formation screen his portrait was the correct one. Thank you for all your work, love the mod.
  • Modding version: PSX


March 06, 2024, 12:17:50 am #42 Last Edit: March 06, 2024, 12:37:31 am by SuccuBelle Reason: New Development
Edit: So I saw someone else had a similar problem when using these two mods together, so I re-patched a copy with just TLW on it, and I got a similar but different error. This time, the background was present during the text crawl (it was not before), and when it froze, instead of playing the music endlessly, it just played one note endlessly.

Hello, I am playing TLW on Duckstation with the QOL Patch. I am at the battle with Cu Chulainn, and the battle plays out as normal, but after the cutscene with Delita and the text crawl, when the game goes to a black screen, it never loads the next screen, and the music continues to play ad infinitum. I'm pretty sure it's some sort of emulation issue, but I don't know what to try. It has crashed 4 times.
  • Modding version: PSX
Agrias x Ovelia 4Ever


Quote from: SuccuBelle on March 06, 2024, 12:17:50 amEdit: So I saw someone else had a similar problem when using these two mods together, so I re-patched a copy with just TLW on it, and I got a similar but different error. This time, the background was present during the text crawl (it was not before), and when it froze, instead of playing the music endlessly, it just played one note endlessly.

Hello, I am playing TLW on Duckstation with the QOL Patch. I am at the battle with Cu Chulainn, and the battle plays out as normal, but after the cutscene with Delita and the text crawl, when the game goes to a black screen, it never loads the next screen, and the music continues to play ad infinitum. I'm pretty sure it's some sort of emulation issue, but I don't know what to try. It has crashed 4 times.

If you're applying the whole QoL pack, you need to reapply the EIUH from the TLW resources after patching the QoL, as it says in the QoL thread. So base ISO -> TLW -> QoL -> EIUH hack. If you're still getting errors after that, let us know.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: RetroTypes


Is there a problem with Balthier's Barrage ability when used with Secret Hunt?
I am getting two poached messages when a poach occurs with strikes 1-3 and the game seems to "stop" if a poach occurs on strike 4.
I say "stop" and not "freeze" because the music still plays and the unit animations are still working but there is no ui and the game doesn't continue.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Jaylo on May 13, 2024, 09:59:52 amIs there a problem with Balthier's Barrage ability when used with Secret Hunt?
I am getting two poached messages when a poach occurs with strikes 1-3 and the game seems to "stop" if a poach occurs on strike 4.
I say "stop" and not "freeze" because the music still plays and the unit animations are still working but there is no ui and the game doesn't continue.

Great discovery, thank you.

So, after some investigation, it turns out that behind the scenes, the Poach/Train checks run before the Barrage formula reduces the damage of the ability, due to the way the formula is set up. This means it can think it's reaching the target damage range only to turn out that the damage was reduced OUT of that range, but it's already been set to trigger Poach/Train.

There are probably ways to fix that up for the formula specifically, but the code for the poach/train routine was very unoptimized and it was a lot faster to just add in a check to block the Barrage ability ID before even taking the time to figure out what the problem actually was.

If you have the OrgASM program from the TLW resources (or just the FFTPatcher Suite), you can add this to your FFTPatcher > XmlPatches > PSX folder and apply it to the game.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on May 14, 2024, 01:19:04 amGreat discovery, thank you.

So, after some investigation, it turns out that behind the scenes, the Poach/Train checks run before the Barrage formula reduces the damage of the ability, due to the way the formula is set up. This means it can think it's reaching the target damage range only to turn out that the damage was reduced OUT of that range, but it's already been set to trigger Poach/Train.

There are probably ways to fix that up for the formula specifically, but the code for the poach/train routine was very unoptimized and it was a lot faster to just add in a check to block the Barrage ability ID before even taking the time to figure out what the problem actually was.

If you have the OrgASM program from the TLW resources (or just the FFTPatcher Suite), you can add this to your FFTPatcher > XmlPatches > PSX folder and apply it to the game.
Thanks for the quick reply.
So the first poach message is an illegal poach done with full damage which needs another strike to give you the legal poach message.
If the illegal poach happens on the 4th strike there is no 5th to correct it so the game just stops.
This is a shame as the Barrage skill is the best for poaching with it's four strikes.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Jaylo on May 14, 2024, 07:19:45 amThanks for the quick reply.
So the first poach message is an illegal poach done with full damage which needs another strike to give you the legal poach message.
If the illegal poach happens on the 4th strike there is no 5th to correct it so the game just stops.
This is a shame as the Barrage skill is the best for poaching with it's four strikes.

Okay, this should do it.

So the way the Barrage formula works normally is by calling the routine for switching from a Break attack to a normal weapon attack and then calculating the damage reduction from there. Unfortunately, the routine for switching to a normal weapon attack runs the Poach/Train routine before returning to the Barrage formula.

I just added some more lines to the Barrage code before it runs the switch to weapon attack routine, flipping a switch in some empty data, then made the Poach/Train routine check if that switch was flipped. If so, it skips running the Poach/Train checks. After running the switch to weapon attack routine and returning to Barrage to calculate the true final damage result, I flip that switch off, then jump directly to the Poach/Train routine using the new (and correct) damage numbers.

I was hoping it would be that simple in the end, but I didn't have time to test last night. I'm glad I was right, though!

For bonus points, this is even the version of Barrage I've already upgraded so that it will show the spell effect when using a Magic Gun.

Make sure to double-check the Conflict Checker in TLW/otL's OrgASM against the existing hacks that there are no conflicts, though. As the code was expanded, if there was something else immediately after it, it will now bleed into other hacks' code and cause issues.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 16, 2024, 06:42:06 am #48 Last Edit: May 17, 2024, 06:58:40 am by Jaylo
Thank you for the fix Nyzer.

I'm actually running TLW + QoL + my own changes on a PS2 using Breaker Pro to launch the burnt disc.
My own changes include palette swaps and edits, all 3 tiers of regular monsters have 4 skills from their respective groups, all 1-4 map random encounters have a fixed 10 enemies per battle and some of the map 5 battles have increased enemy's as they seemed a bit lacking for rare battles.

As i don't like the Stone Gun and will never use it i didn't want the weapon spot to go to waste so inspired by one of my favourite PC rpg's, Wizardry 8, i renamed it the Omnigun and gave it the ability to cause one of several different random status effects 100%. I made a new entry for this under the Inflict Statuses tab in empty entry 4D.
As the normal gun formula doesn't allow status effects i used "46 Dmg_(PA*(WP+Y)/2) 100% status".
I don't really understand formulas much but even with a weapon power of 20 the Omnigun damage is kept to reasonable and is blockable with this formula but with the 100% status it's quite a balanced and exciting weapon to use with Balthier's Barrage ability.

One change i'm not entirely happy about was with Boco.
I wanted him to have a unique palette but found out that monster palettes are set in their job and not in ENTD which mean't he would need a unique monster job.
As i don't really know how to create a full unique job from scratch or if there are even any free slots, with time constraints i replaced all yellow chocobos in the ENTD with red and black ones and used the standard chocobo job as a unique one for Boco.
I gave this job the best stats taken from each of the three chocobo jobs with innate regen and protect as well because of my fixed 10 enemy encounters.
For his palette i made it white at first but while this was a nice change from the regular it was a bit plain so i changed it to a light sky blue.
I actually had the idea to call his job Mystic Chocobo and make his palette multi rainbow coloured but that's far beyond my basic palette skills lol, if anyone wants to have a go at that though ;)
  • Modding version: PSX



Not sure if i have a bug or just bad emulator settings. The world map is black. How can i fix this?
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: SaolDan on June 28, 2024, 08:49:59 amGreetings,

Not sure if i have a bug or just bad emulator settings. The world map is black. How can i fix this?

Use a non ePSXe emulator like Duckstation or pSXfin!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


July 10, 2024, 12:00:57 am #51 Last Edit: July 10, 2024, 08:31:32 pm by MonsoonKid
Have a problem where the game freezes at the end of the cutscene where Delita kills Gelwane after being outed as a traitor, full cutscene plays out but then freezes on resolution.

(Playing on duckstation if this helps at all)

*****Quick edit because I did some more looking around and found my solution, thanks very much to this thread https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=12947.0 *******
  • Modding version: PSX



I'm using The Lion War v2.031.7 on Duckstation (android), and when I go to Learn menu, the skills don't show the JP requeriment for them, they stay in gray out, not showing MP, speed and JP

Is it a bug or normal??
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: keo on July 15, 2024, 01:49:25 amHello,

I'm using The Lion War v2.031.7 on Duckstation (android), and when I go to Learn menu, the skills don't show the JP requeriment for them, they stay in gray out, not showing MP, speed and JP

Is it a bug or normal??

You only need to post in 1 thread. And no, this isn't normal. Either your settings or borked, or your image file is borked.
  • Modding version: PSX

genki ian

After patching TLW 2.031 onto my og iso, guests no longer appear in the "formation" setup screen even though guests appear like normal in later versions of TLW like TLW ReMixed when I patched that mod onto my og iso. So in that case...

Since there seems to be no downside tradeoffs of letting guests appear in the formation setup screen again like normal PSX/PSP FFT versions to learn/equip JP abilities as guests etc, then is it possible to copy the modding/hacking solution for this from TLW ReMixed as a bugfix for rolling out into any new upgraded version of TLW beyond 2.031 ? :)

I'd try fixing it myself if nobody feels that it's a positive improvement for TLW... But when I tried following your TLW 2.031 "Resources" tutorial thread on this board, at the 3. TLW EVENT STUFF Step of patching the og iso I get the error message "❌ Cannot create temporary folder" when trying to open the iso as a "M2/2352 track" in CDmage b5 :( Not to mention multiple "warning" notices in Shishi about sprites sharing an SPR with lists of 0x values... :/
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: genki ian on July 19, 2024, 11:42:30 pmAfter patching TLW 2.031 onto my og iso, guests no longer appear in the "formation" setup screen even though guests appear like normal in later versions of TLW like TLW ReMixed when I patched that mod onto my og iso. So in that case...

Since there seems to be no downside tradeoffs of letting guests appear in the formation setup screen again like normal PSX/PSP FFT versions to learn/equip JP abilities as guests etc, then is it possible to copy the modding/hacking solution for this from TLW ReMixed as a bugfix for rolling out into any new upgraded version of TLW beyond 2.031 ? :)

I'd try fixing it myself if nobody feels that it's a positive improvement for TLW... But when I tried following your TLW 2.031 "Resources" tutorial thread on this board, at the 3. TLW EVENT STUFF Step of patching the og iso I get the error message "❌ Cannot create temporary folder" when trying to open the iso as a "M2/2352 track" in CDmage b5 :( Not to mention multiple "warning" notices in Shishi about sprites sharing an SPR with lists of 0x values... :/

Remixed is a mod using TLW as a base, what it does has no barring on what TLW should or should not do. Guests are not in formation in TLW or TLWotL.

It's not broken and TLW has always stated that it would do this, for over 10 years at this point. It is built around this. As of right now, I am not taking any requests for someone else to update the mod, as I am already currently doing so to include the last sound novel. However, guests will not be returning to formation.

  • Modding version: PSX


August 01, 2024, 06:08:27 pm #56 Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 06:38:53 pm by Jordan95
I think I may have found a bug but I'm not 100% sure. I have the last battle left, I've done ALL of the side content, and I have checked every single town and I have no propositions left, but I am missing a treasure. Based off of this link I am missing "Parasite Tree".

I found online that you have a chance of failing to get the treasure, but if you come back in 16 days you can try again. Just to make sure I moved around for 16 days then checked all the towns again and I still have no propositions.

I don't believe it's possible to permanently miss a treasure, I've played this game many many times, but it seems that this has happened to me.

Is this a known bug? I can give you my save file too if that's helpful.

I'm dumb and never knew there were propositions only available on certain months.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
  • Discord username: Jordan9232


Hey team.
I know this is a long shot, but i've hit a wall.
Immediately after the boss of Act 2 fight, following the cutscene @ Zeltennia castle and the narrative of the beginning of the Lion War, I get stuck on a black screen lock.
I've tried re-loading the game multiple times, switching bios, and booting a newly re-installed and patched version of the game and continue to hit the same black screenlock.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank yall!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Have you added some ASM hacks to your game? Or did you patch it from scratch using the resources instead of the ppf?

This is a known bug that can occur if certain ASM hacks are patched out of order, due to a conflict between them. Only one of them is set to be compatible with the other.

I'm pretty sure the fix is to apply the event instruction upgrade hack last. But this has come up often enough before that you should be able to find discussions about the end of chapter black screen locks and find out for sure if that doesn't work.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


December 30, 2024, 06:41:18 am #59 Last Edit: December 30, 2024, 07:11:46 am by SgtPatton09
Thanks Nyzer.
I haven't added any hacks. And from what I can tell, the only method I used patching was the base patch using a PPF patcher.
I.e the current game is only a base ISO file + The Lion War 2.031 w/ no further additions or patching
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown