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Seushiro's Sprites... Redoing some sprites

Started by Seushiro, August 19, 2009, 12:12:50 am


Luiakyn sure let us Ping Pong the sprite with our combined thoughts it is bound to make us complete that Lucavi Golbez.

Very nice CONMAN I will finish of the slim version and if you want I'll help you on the regular version. Since it will look weird if they both slim down during attacks.


I'm also doing some concepts on what I'd think the original 6 Lucavi would have looked like :3


Let us in on those Concepts :) Let us make it happen!
:more:  :more:  :more:  :more:


April 06, 2014, 09:21:51 am #583 Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 12:56:58 pm by Seushiro
Not much spriting done since it is the weekend but did fix up the young Rudvich and Rudvich Jr. bases.

I think the Rudvich Jr. Has a lot of potential in looking good, but I need your edits to help give it a better outcome so feel free to edit the Front and Back walking Frames if you want :)

Right now I have some time so I am also working on making the Ryu sprite more like his BOF 3 appearance and building a big lucavi standing dragon base which I plan to convert to Bahamut once finalized in the attack and walking animations (Right Now it is just Charizard :P).

Edit: Before I just had the mindset that it was fine as long as it is completed and was playable... Good thing I now take a long look and try to fix the shadings and give proper lighting and depth... So with that I redid my  very first completed sprite Reno... It is not perfect but at least it is way better than before.


Rudvich body could work for a Mage of some sort, I kinda like it. Just make sure to make the inside of his collar on the portrait black.

Elric was doing once a lot of monsters the way you did with Charizard. When transfering other monster into FFT, you usually need to fill out the walking cycle, since most game uses 3, while FFt uses 5, and give it proper FFT palette, this really makes it seem more like FFT work. Other thing is the shading of course, but that's a longer topic, heh.

And nicely done on Reno, it's fun to see reworks of old pieces.

About Ryu, I dunno, I get the feeling like something is still off about it, it's the concept I tihnk. Still, it looks better when FFT-fied a little.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Ryu has a bit too much hair, imo. Especially in the portrait. The rest of his sprite really isn't that bad, though.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Is there any way you can finish that Ritz sprite you started in 2009? (:


Uhm, I may be wrong about this but I think Rudvich Belt has his hair going the wrong way on the back frames.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


I wish you still had the old Ryu you worked on, I seem to remember that one looking a lot more like the Adult Ryu from Bof3.
Either way, nice job :P
  • Modding version: PSX


April 07, 2014, 12:07:19 am #589 Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 12:30:20 am by Seushiro
@Kagebunji and Toshiko: thanks I really need more references for hair and the back facing frames. I guess I'll take a day or two into lurking the spriting section in search of precious pieces of reference and build my work bench

@ azavier: well since you brought that up I will see what I can do to complete Ritz. I think there is now a complete Aeris out there that I can use as reference.

@ Jumza: you are entirely right I did 10 combinations but got stuck. So I left it at that while I get more references to use in completing him.

@ Elric: I did find it in my thread but... see for yourself it is made almost from a BOF3 Ryu sprite and looks weird and chibi. Also I think it is because I changed references... Should I just merge em both?


To give an example, Cloud's hair in FFT is far more understated than his hair in FFVII. It's about conforming to a style rather than shoehorning a square peg into a round hole.

Most of the frames are looking really good now, though there are a couple here and there that are still a tiny bit more exaggerated than would really fit - a matter of opinion that may only be my own. Everything really is looking better and better, though, no doubt!
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Here is a further FFT-fied hair for Ryu.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I agree with your render of the upper part of the hair Kage but, the hair on the side of the ears (Faux Side Burn/ not the facial hair) now looks like bangs and he is nerdy  :roll:

I will work on the sprite from there then.

Also dumping this Reno WIP here. I fixed majority of the face to match references and have his sunglasses/ goggles be in proportion to his eyes as they should be unless you are a fun of small spectacles/frames. So can anyone do his hair? If not it is fine I can do it much later. Just gonna get loads of sleep for reports day at work later.


You kind of lost the spikeyness and in turn he looks like he has a small head of hair with your new edit of Reno (the sprite). But the goggles look pretty good. I made an edit for you, so do whatever you want with it :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Nice Twin!!!! with that I need minimal changes to the backward facing concept I have. A real life saver :)


I apologize for not doing much, lately :< I'll be trying to work on Golbez before Thursday.


April 08, 2014, 10:09:02 pm #596 Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 02:28:10 pm by Seushiro
Quote from: Luiakyn on April 08, 2014, 06:47:25 pm
I apologize for not doing much, lately :< I'll be trying to work on Golbez before Thursday.

Don't worry about it :) We know spriting takes 50% time and skill while the other 50% is pure inspiration. Unless we feel it then it is hard to push for the finish. Especially since we are still at the concept stages. Also you have really good WIPs sprites.

Edit: Got some updates for Reno Sprite Makeover:

*Fixed more frames for front walking
*Back facing walking tuxedo cut has been removed. Apparently The Turks don't have the cut at the back so bye to the penguin tail
*Portrait work in Progress I would say at 70% still need more layers of hair

For Genesis: still 0% progress argh! Shoulder pads look like crap

Also I think it is possible to have just 3 walking frames with Monsters since the Cockatrice 1st and 5th frame are wing flap repeats while only the 2nd-4th frames are walking anims and the is 3 frames. I will try Charizard over again on the weekend.


April 10, 2014, 07:40:16 am #597 Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 08:00:48 am by Kagebunji
Great work on the Reno sprite. He si really shaping up now. Much better than the first version.

As to the portrait, you might want to erase the two bangs at the top left part of the portrait, they just ain't fitting.

Genesis body is gettin good, but the shouders are weird indeed, kinda as if they were too low or something. I assume you used Dante from JoT5 sprite as a base? It has the coat you are looking for pretty much.

Edit: I looked closely on the Reno portrait. Few things worth mentioning, is that you need to get proper palette first. You are way over 16 colors, yet have only 5 skin shades, which makes it hard to work with. The trick to save up some colors when doing red head portraits, is that darkest reds and browns can be shared, since they look pretty similiar. Try looking at my Succubus portrait for example. Make sure you use existing palettes of course. Smash started doing a portrait tutorial once, where he had great skin palettes all ready. It's somewhere in the spriting section though. I also included a small edit to the face and hair, but I cannot do much without a proper palette. Still, you will get the idea of how a face should look with all the fixes.(small size only)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Noted. Also yep you are correct with the base for Genesis :) My lurking did not fail.


Took a rough try on Reno. Been so long. Got rusty.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.