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Messages - HippeusOmega

Had a question related to installing the movies. Is that only so the intro from the psp plays at the start of the psx version? Because I noticed none of the other cinematic play and was just curious on this.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
April 26, 2024, 08:08:16 pm
Have to say I'm loving the new Qol improvements since starting my new game this morning. Have JP gained as an innate ability helps so much with early grinding.

I was going to ask how to unlock Luso but ended up running into the battle for him pretty quick. That was a hard but fun fight. I laughed when Algus attacked the big chocobo and got KO by it and just went serves you right lol.

Overall having fun with mod and thank you for your hard work on it.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
April 25, 2024, 02:08:38 am
Quote from: Nyzer on April 25, 2024, 02:00:53 amThat'll do it.

And it isn't necessary to bench them to reorder them. L1 and R1 will shift their positions.

Ah okay. So use L1 and R1 to move my units manually? Is benching worth it? 🤔
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
April 25, 2024, 01:58:13 am
Quote from: Nyzer on April 25, 2024, 01:23:06 amYep. I suppose I could put [PSX] in the post title here to make it more obvious.

You Benched them, didn't you?

Yeah I think I did cause I was wanting to reorder my units.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
April 24, 2024, 10:58:43 pm
Had a question. Not sure if a bug or just its been so long since I played tactics. When I started my Lion war remix file which has had me excited to try out since I found it on YouTube through J7Jase.

Anyways, I ran into a issue at the soldiers office before the Algus map. The soldiers I got had 100 out of 200 JP for their job level. However, they had 0000 jps to spend and they had no abilities learned. Not sure if a bug.
Hi I had a question. I started trying out this mod today and first of all liking it so far. Especually the changes to makes. Even made Ramza a mage. Something I usually don't do with him.  Will have some more thoughts later on.

Anyways, I have run into a problem with jobs unlocking. For some reason despite having the requirements for Summoner and Time Mage that you listed they're still locked. I have both Mystic and Orator at lvl 2 like you posted but still not showing up. Any advice?