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Lijj's Sprites

Started by Lijj, April 29, 2010, 06:45:40 am


I like it. Its different without looking out of place like a lot of the custom sprites tend to do.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


The hair on the portrait needs some work, Lijj. The sprite's alright though. I don't quite understand why there needs to be an exposed belly and shoulders on someone on the battlefield, but whatever. I dig the palettes though.

Good job.


May 10, 2011, 06:01:01 pm #482 Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 06:02:37 pm by Lijj
What kind of work does it need?
I've been staring at it for a bit and don't see anything wrong , looking for errors or banding.. help me out mav.
I'm glad you like the palettes though (:
It was fun doing shades of red for a change.
I thought it was the best hair I've done yet ):

I'll lighten that darkest shade in the sprite a tiny tiny bit..
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Lijj on May 10, 2011, 06:01:01 pmI thought it was the best hair I've done yet ):

I think it's more that it falls into the usual trap of looking like nothing in the game when put beside something.  It's good, but it's too Lijj and not enough FFT.  The male came out well, but put the female beside him and you can tell the difference something fierce.

Also, the hairband holding her ponytail back in the portrait is way too big, kinda sticks out.

I actually like these besides the arms on the male making me kinda wary, I'm unsure if I want to use these or the old IA Samurais now for my Samurai class.  Why must you conflict me so?


Ok thanks Raven, I'll keep that in mind and see if any other ctitiques come in.. and by the end of the day I'll update.
I did just update the IA Female Samurai and I would have a hard time choosing too.. I really love the IA female Samurai sprite But like these maybe just as much; it would be very hard to decide^^
  • Modding version: PSX


She looks. Better!!! A lot better. I don't have any critiques for you sorry. Maybe the colors make the port seem less FFT style but I think it would fit into the game fine, without looking out of place.  Just thinking maybe that's why they say it looks out of place.. Maybe slightly lightening the hair altogether? I really don't know.


May 15, 2011, 09:30:56 pm #486 Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 09:39:30 pm by Lijj
ok so far the only direct crit is from Raven; which to me is only barely necessary really and when i do change it it'll be by one pixel's difference.
The hair idk.. Wolfran says darker or more red you say lighter so i say: it stays right where it is.
But thank you for the comment/ complement anyhow..
and you too Celdia.
So any thing else or more specific?
only thing I see wrong is the darn color of the portrait background. but I've been aware of that since right after I posted.
  • Modding version: PSX


Man, I was talking about the shades on the bodie not the hair XD, specially on the sandals it's too dark.
And talking about hair, when I say more red I meant something a little more saturated not bright.
Welcome to FFH were you can do things like...


Lijj, Good god... You're getting so fucking good.
  • Modding version: PSX


Well ok, I will give you few hints. To me colors are good, no need to change them. For some reason I am not fan of the pants, but that is the design, so nvm. Now there are two things that bother me, mainly the part on body I circled, it look just wrong, shading, design, execution, it is all wrong(maybe too much details? if that is the case, try to make purple lines less straight or erase one or two pixels of it), I guess you fixed it a bit after taking from Atma, but still... Other thing(and smaller) is the ponytail, it has too bright shades on there, we wouldn't be able to see that much of it, also I circled the area that has weird shape(kinda straight too):
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on May 10, 2011, 06:10:53 pmI think it's more that it falls into the usual trap of looking like nothing in the game when put beside something.  It's good, but it's too Lijj and not enough FFT.
Pretty much this. Compare your bangs on this portrait to the female Priest's, compare the ponytail on yours to the female Samurai's. There's just a difference in shading style. It's hard to describe, but I think the visual comparisons might help. This is not a bad portrait by any means, Lijj; I always look forward to your work, I just think a little fine tweaking will make this thing astonishing.

Keep up the good work.


Thanks guys now I have a better idea of what to work on and good advice.
I have a list now starting with Wolfrans suggestion..

Golly.. thanks Knox.
  • Modding version: PSX


ya lijj! your portraits are too well made, dumb them down to the FFT standard! i think they look great, the only problem is that the point they make is valid. if all the portraits you saw were made like that, it'd look fine, and people would probably say how great it looks, but the way you made the hair, itd be the same as if youd given then a very perfectly crafted nose. Everyone would wonder why the nose-thief hasn't stolen it yet. I mean, that nose thief even stole balthier's nose!
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~

Asmo X

I have basically the opposite view. Your sprites are starting to look good but your portraits aren't. You need to go back through the forums and find that thread where Smash talked about pillow shading and how to avoid it because the hair on that port is truly awful. The rest is ok though.


June 02, 2011, 12:50:39 am #494 Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 12:55:28 am by Lijj
Finally got to updating this:

  • Modding version: PSX


Sometimes no comment means it's good.
  • Modding version: PSX


I still don't like it.  I've been trying to think of the best way to describe it, but it's hard. 

The hair is sort of in "chunks," and this makes it look really unnatural.  It's hard to describe.  If you look at a port like the one mav uses, it has a natural light flow, whereas this portrait (and a lot of yours) seem to have their own individual flows between each hair section and it looks really, really weird.

This is honestly the same common symptom I yell at you for every other time I come down on you for your hair though, really.  It's your art style, it looks really different and in FFT out of place.  It's definitely much improved from its previous attempt, though.

I hate to sound like "your work sucks!", I'm not trying to be a dick, but you know me.  I'm especially picking about things looking in-place, and this one will honestly bother me until it looks in-place regardless of how good it is.  (Again, this is same as usual for a number of your other portraits as well, as you know.)


As much as I like this game and it's sprites I'm tired of wasting my time on them. I don't know how many hours I've spent making unique sprites for you ungrateful children.  I think the pillowshading line was the near last straw for me. I could explain what pillowshading really is in my defense but why should I bother.. anyone wanting to know what it is can easily look it up. I should be focusing on other things anyway, maybe something remunerative  even.
This just sat here for a week until I had to ask for a crit..  this kind of thing just slows me down. The only good spriter that's left is Kage, and all you non spriting critics that have been taking over this section have ruined it for me.. too much talk and no proof of anyone having a clue.
I'm making one last thing for Kokojo then i'm retiring for good.
  • Modding version: PSX


Lijj please don't leave. I like your work very much.

FFT portrait style are so difficult to emulate. And people here are very perfectionist.

Not all the spriters have your potential. I saw your site and you're an awesome artist. We all know that.

Please accept this critics and become even better in emulating FFT style.
Tethical, an online FFT clone


I have accepted it; I don't really fathom the hair in FFT ports, I'm mostly just getting bored.. I think I've made 22 sprites already.
I don't accept the pillowshading crit but what Raven said is actually true. Maybe when I feel a passion for it in time I'll be at it again.
I have an interest in pixel art and making sprites that will not fade.. but I don't even want to sit through FFT again. So being bored of the game itself(and most the patches) isn't helping, I do however look forward to Tethical and CoP so hopefully when those come out I'll be inspired again.  I was hoping to learn from your map generating tutorial when I get some time soon so maybe I can try that for awhile. Thanks Kivutar I value your work as well.
  • Modding version: PSX