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March 06, 2025, 09:11:46 pm


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[Old] ALL old topics created before the FULL release (Merged together!)

Started by Dome, December 05, 2010, 02:02:09 pm

Which one is the best, and why?

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QuoteThis one was removed due to being able to 999 enemy units with ??? with no way to stop it. Removed for good reason.

There is an ASM hack that capped the effects of Life Drain et al to 999 health.  So it'd be overpowered on queklain but rather reasonable output in all other places imo.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"
QuoteThis one was removed due to being able to 999 enemy units with ??? with no way to stop it. Removed for good reason.

There is an ASM hack that capped the effects of Life Drain et al to 999 health.  So it'd be overpowered on queklain but rather reasonable output in all other places imo.
Can't we just make it dark elemental and make all bosses immune to dark?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


% drain effects cannot carry elements.

edit: all bosses are already immune to dark, which is why dimish/demi/lich/axe effect don't work.  This is intentional.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"% drain effects cannot carry elements.
Ok...so...what damage it will do to ??? Zodiacs?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


% drain effects?  Damage is capped at 999 and varies based on percentage.  So... 2000 HP boss gets a 25% life drain for 500 damage, while everyone else is doing like... 100 damage to it?  5000 HP boss -> 999 life drains. lol.

With the ASM hack in place effective health is capped at 999 so the most a 25% life drain can do is 250 damage, which is a little more reasonable in terms of damage output, even on bosses, except queklain specifically.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"% drain effects?  Damage is capped at 999 and varies based on percentage.  So... 2000 HP boss gets a 25% life drain for 500 damage, while everyone else is doing like... 100 damage to it?  5000 HP boss -> 999 life drains. lol.

With the ASM hack in place effective health is capped at 999 so the most a 25% life drain can do is 250 damage, which is a little more reasonable in terms of damage output, even on bosses, except queklain specifically.
Could you explain this please?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


In chapter 2 your people shouldn't be doing 250 damage to anything that has Def Up/Magic Def up.  250 damage is  more reasonable for Velius, and outclassed on later bosses, due to PA/MA/WP/spells that just happen with game progression.

edit:  So if you don't mind Queklain being a complete curbstomp in order to bring Life Drain back into the game, go for it.  But I like Queklain a lot, soooo :3
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Well...this is bad
But if they unlocked sage (Necromancer) job by Queklain...they should have way more powerful abilities than drain...

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: "Dome"Well...this is bad
But if they unlocked sage (Necromancer) job by Queklain...they should have way more powerful abilities than drain...

No, not really >_>

An MA-stacked female wizard with MAU does 400+ damage with flare, but the kicker is that they only have the MP to cast it once without getting a recharge, which is limited to self-ether (20 mp!  woo!), angel song (not likely unlocked) or a stacked chakra-bot (AU monk with best compat or something), meaning you're now doing 200 damage an action which is less than what life drain offers.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


All you have to do is make Queklain Undead! And, uh, immune to Holy, and make Raise/Raise 2 Holy, and uh, Phoenix Down... yeah.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: "pokeytax"All you have to do is make Queklain Undead! And, uh, immune to Holy, and make Raise/Raise 2 Holy, and uh, Phoenix Down... yeah.
That might work...
Phil? it's possible to do this?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


holy PD isn't possible, and I don't think raise can take an ele either.  it's even worse.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Just throwing it out there, but why not make stat growth the same for every job?

I hate having to decide between using the job I actually want to play as, and the job that gives me the best stat growth.  Ultimately, if I choose to not stat max,  I end up with slightly gimped characters.  Also, stat growth is incredibly important when deciding how to build characters, but is not something displayed in game.  I know I can't be alone in saying that I hate hidden stats, especially when they effect the game in such a permanent way.

I also see no point in having every battle consist of enemies that are your level.  That kinda kills the point of leveling, doesn't it?  Why not just remove leveling all together in that case?  Is it just the illusion of growth that is satisfying?

I might just be missing something here, but both of those things seem to just serve to make certain aspects of the game more tedious and pointless.
I am awesome.


I´ve loved some of Mando´s ideas, but hate some too.

Quote from: "Mando"5. Create Red mage in the place of time mage give them single target all elemental spells (this means wind/earth/water too)
These spells should be lv 1 and lv 2 (level 1 having a shorter range / cast time) (level 2 being slightly stronger 1 range increase and slightly longer cast time)
since we don't want the red mage to be too weak and useless these lv1 and lv2 spells are 1.5x dmg of a normal blm elemental spell that lv (but they are single target and cost more mp)
6. Give rdm the run off skills of time such as slow1 -2, give a single target haste, and give them demi(s) - maybe quick if you want

Instead of Red Mage why not make a new color Mage ? Cuz for for most of people Red Mage is some mixture of White and Black ( yeah... ) and that wont make soo much sense on FFT, even with other elementals.

What i think of this is some... "Purple" (or another color ) mage with the elementals that Black don´t hav like QUAKE, TORNADO, DEMIs and BIO. ( ohh, and slow, quick, FROG )

Quote from: "Mando"Bard and Dancer should also be removed. Give those skills to RAFA/MALAK and scrap their original skill sets.
Put either a balanced Dark knight who only uses 2 handed swords (taking the place of LOLBAGS) and possibly a holy Knight - could make males the dark and the females the sacred
if you do that add new skills to the dark knight and change up holy knight skills remove stop from stasis sword, no lightning stab, give them Holy Blade ( sword swing + holy) high dmg  high CT holy damage (single target) same for dark knight but use Dark holy)

I think that the Dark and Holy Knight must remain special classes ( unless u talking about PSP Dark Knight ), Bard and Dancer are good suport classes IMHO, turning Rafa and Malak into Bard and Dancer would ruin the Unique Classes they hav, but like i said, it my opinion.

And about Rafa and Malak, i´ve thought on this: why don´t make they more Ying-Yang ? Like, Rafa beign all skills MA-Faith based, with the best MA and MP growth ( at price of HP and PA ) and Malak  hav all his untruth skill PA-BRAVE based, with best PA and HP growth ( at price of MP and MA ).

Quote from: "Mando"Orlandu should be the only person to use LIGHTNING STAB- makes his thunder god title count for something....

That would be great, and also make Holy Explosion only for Agrias !!!

More ideias other day
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


So I've been away for a while studying for my finals next week... and I come back to this.


1. Yes, though it still needs to be a job thats chapter appropriate. I like the idea of his job "evolving" as the game progresses, but it needs to be within reason. I dont think Ramza should have an entirely unique skillset, but rather an optimized one. Sorta like Algus having some knight skills throuwn in. Later, as the base job evolves other skills could be added, such as Gaff's skills being given (Ive always thought this should happen).

Or we could just leave his base class as it is and give it some nice innate. Say monster skill, attack up, magic attack up. That would not make the class game breaking early on, and would still be useful later in the game, and stays with Ramza's ubersquire them of being a jack of all trades. This version of Ramza will do anything well, as well as carry the squires "basic skills" of being able to restore, heal, and revive.

2-4 Agree

5. Only change the battles that havent been beaten yet. I especially like the idea of the rematches. Put a rematch with two people in elmdor's job that has a masamune and chirijiriden and is accomponied by various demons. Gives a decent challenge from teleport 2 chiri spam, but would provide a less stressful way of getting more masamunes. IMO Genji gear should still be one of a kind.

6. agree

7. I'm not sure on this one, as it would do more to encourage low level's for people that want to train them for something specific. Most of the special jobs growths are optimized for that jobs abilites. I much preffer the method of making all growths the same and only making use of multipliers.

8-10 agree

11. I like most of lucifer_zero's ideas, otherwise leave monsters be.

12-13 agree

14. DISAGREE. Bosses are supposed to be hard, and by lowering their multipliers below the players all we would be doing is encouraging leveling to even the playing field. This would eliminate strategy. Beating a boss should be about correct strategy, not haha i levelled till I was buffer than you. At higher levels the player has more skills available, and therefore better strategies, and so the bosses are stronger than normal to offset them. Bosses are fine. Leave them be!

15. Hell no. Both skillsets are just fine the way they are. The only change to archer I would make is take concentrate away from theives and give it to archers. Or if it was possible to find a way to make short charge apply to charge skillset that would be better, but I dont think thats possible.

16. disagree

17. Interesting... but I think Philsov took it a little too far. I can tell you know, looking at what he put in as innates, I would NEVER take them out of their base classes. Maybe one, max of two innates a piece.

18. I think it would be much more interesting to give poison and frog to oracle, drop death, and then give black mage three spells that make the target(s) weak to a specific element. This would be a nice strategical addition, and would encourage more elemental synergy withing teams.

19. I dislike rare poaching as well, but if everything can only give you one item then thats less things you can gain poaching. Is there a way to make it 50/50 on which item you get?

20. Agree, but only in randoms. Monster skill is really powerful, and would make a few good hard fun randoms.

21. No.

22. Yes

23-25 No.

26. Interesting. Sort of a "repair" feature, though it doesnt really work with stolen stuff rpg wise, but oh well. Cant have everything. I like it.

27. Agree

28. I think the new and improved sage bears more testing till we change it. That being said, I LOVE THE IDEA OF A NECROMANCER. Though I would change the the suggested skills. Manipulate to high % charm only on undead, and drop decay for the current sage zombie spell. Reason for manipulate being changed is that the ability to turn a unit into an undead and then invite it seems a bit too powerful. Also, give the necromance the ability to "revive" undead. INJECT Necromancer injects disabled undead with dark energies.

29. No, but see above...


I don't even think it should be 1.4 to be honest. Why not make a new name. We could get the hole community involved, and it would be a much better patch, without all the haters. That is just my opinion.


I'm really wary of changing entire skillsets other than the sage skillset. 1.3 (and subsequent updates) Is meant to be a more balanced/harder version of vanilla. The only reason that calculator was entirely changed was because of how game breaking it was. Other than that, we should not change an entire skillset.

Remember Occam's razor. The simplest solution is most often the best one. Changing an entire skill set is going to cause some serious balance issues and is going to take some serious time to figure it all out.


That's all well and good, but the thought(among some at least) is that there is no "simple solution" to fix, say, charge. There is no reason to ever use that skillset. That's not to say some of the skills can't be left in(leave some charge+s and add other skills, for example), but it needs something to spice it up and make it worth considering.


If it was... affected by Short Charge, would people consider using it? Just seeing if it's worth the effort to try.

Really, it's just easier to make a new skillset for it.

EDIT: Some people have said having Charge and normal skills in the same skillset isn't possible. I haven't tried myself though.

EDIT2: It seems to be working, if you swap Archer skillset to default.

EDIT3: Scrap that, testing some more. Archer didn't attack.

EDIT4: Putting normal skills and Charge skills doesn't work, even with the generic skillset hack. So there goes that plan. Arch was planning the same thing, so I hope he has better ASM skills than I do at the very minimum.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown